The largest sharks in the world seem to people to be ferocious monsters, ready to attack at any suitable moment. Often this opinion is erroneous, since the inhabitants of the water depths serve as the main food for sharks. But it is also not worth considering huge predatory fish as peaceful creatures. Encounters with giant sharks gave rise to many legends regarding their size, weight and danger to humans. The ranking contains 10 species of the largest sharks on the planet. These creatures have colossal size and body weight.

10 Mako Shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)

Mako shark or blue-gray herring shark ranks last in the top ten largest sharks in the world, but far from the last in terms of agility and intellectual development. It has an average body size of 3-3.5 m (maximum length 4.45 m) and a weight of 554 kg. Rushing at the victim, it develops a speed of 74 km per hour. In the world it is found in almost all seas and oceans. Mako shark is of great interest to fans of sport fishing. The meat of these unique sharks is also highly valued. Due to fishing, their population is under serious threat. Due to their aggressive nature, excellent maneuverability and large size, mako sharks are a mortal danger to people. When chasing its prey, the shark is able to jump out of the water to a height of up to 6 m.


fox shark or an ordinary fox shark is characterized by a long wriggling tail fin, for which it received its nickname. The largest in the family and one of the largest sharks in the world. The body size with a tail reaches 7.6 m, and it weighs more than 500 kg. It is worth noting that more than half of the total length of the shark is the fin. Inhabits tropical and temperate waters throughout the planet. During the hunt, the fox shark shows cunning: with its tail, like a whip, it drives the victim, and then stuns it with it. Also, its tail helps to maintain balance when jumping for prey when it is completely above the water. This species of large sharks is very important for mankind: scientists create medicines from its liver.


Sixgill sharks- the largest species of sharks in the multigill family. It is reliably known that the length of the largest specimen was 5.4 meters, and the weight was 590 kg. These predators more than others resemble their prehistoric ancestors with six pairs of gills and comb-like teeth. They are found in the Western Atlantic, the Indian and Pacific Oceans, the Mediterranean Sea, and in other temperate and tropical seas. There is evidence of a sixgill shark weighing 700 kg and 7.2 meters long, but there are no documents confirming this. These fish are slow enough, but you can’t call them clumsy. Shark colors are very different: gray, black-gray, brown. For people, it is not dangerous and, when meeting with divers, it tries to go to depth. Sharks live alone, during the day they feed on crayfish and crabs at a depth of up to 200 m, and at night they rise closer to the surface to feast on fish.


Hammerhead shark (hammerhead fish)- one of the most amazing and unusual fish in the world. Inhabits the continental shelves and the coastal strip of tropical waters, sometimes found in open water. It is called so for the head in the form of a hammer. It rightfully belongs to the largest sharks in the world for its size: depending on the species, it can be up to 6 m in length and weighing about 600 kg. A bizarre head and graceful fins distinguish it from other relatives. The shark has a ferocious disposition, but rarely attacks people. In the process of hunting, the head of the fish plays a decisive role, because “sensors” pass along its front edge, which capture the smell and electric field of the victim, and the location of the eyes creates a 360-degree vertical view. There are sharks with the largest heads - a third of the size of the body. It feeds on shrimps, mollusks, crabs, squids, fish, but most of all the predator likes stingrays and flounder.


Tiger shark is the most common shark species in the world. Habitat - tropical and subtropical waters throughout the planet. The character is quite aggressive, and given that this species of the largest sharks in the world is often seen in shallow water, in canals and near marinas, they can pose a serious danger to humans. The average size of a giant is 5 m, but scientists believe that it can grow more than 8 m. The shark weighs an average of 400-600 kg. It is named so because of the stripes, similar to the color of tigers. Her stomach is like a garbage can, in which you can find a stingray, a snake, a seagull, as well as completely inedible objects - license plates and rubber tires. Powerful teeth and jaws grind everything from shellfish to turtles. To protect vacationers and divers from the attack of these monsters, some countries even shoot them.

The largest tiger shark, according to the Guinness Book of Records, was 5.5 meters long and weighed 1524 kg.


Pelagic megamouth shark- the only representative of the largemouth shark family. Due to the small number of individuals found, scientists are unable to fully study this species. The largemouth shark is one of three species of large filter-feeding sharks that feed on plankton and small fish. It swims in warm and temperate waters, most often found off the coast of California and Japan. The body length is 5.7 m, and the weight can reach up to 1.5 tons. The shark owes its name to its large, rounded head, short nose, and giant mouth. The teeth are small, in the form of a brush, they are designed to filter water and keep zooplankton in the mouth. The body color is dark brown and dark gray.

4 Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Among other types White shark the most ferocious. Such a monster does not disdain a person, more than half of the attacks are made by this particular shark. The average size is 4.5-5 m. There are specimens more than 6 m in length and weighing at least 1900 kg. This fish will also be the fastest of the other sharks. She attacks a person out of curiosity. It lives in all oceans except the Arctic. It belongs to an endangered species, there are only 3.5 thousand of these sharks in the world. Its food consists of small and medium fish, turtles, sea lions, seals, toothed whales.


Greenland Shark belongs to the order of catranoids, distributed in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. Also found in the waters of Iceland, Greenland, Norway, the Barents Sea in Russia and coastal areas of Mexico and Japan. This giant is one of the three largest shark species in the world. Adult animals can reach 6.4 m in length and weigh a whole ton! Ichthyologists believe that the Atlantic shark can reach large sizes. The color of the body is brown or dark brown, with small scales. The lifestyle is sedentary, melancholic in nature, she is the slowest shark on Earth (maximum speed 2.7 km / h). During the hunt, he chooses a wait-and-see position and watches for a sleeping victim. The metabolic processes in the body of this shark are very slow, so they live a long time. In 2010-13 The scientists carbon-analyzed the lens of the eyes of several polar sharks and found that the age of the longest specimen tested was in the range of 272-512 years. There is nothing surprising here, because puberty in females of this species of large sharks occurs at 150 years.


giant shark belongs to the second place in the ranking of the largest in the world. Its size reaches 10 m, and the maximum recorded weight is 4 tons. These sharks are found in all oceans of the planet in waters with moderate temperatures. Despite their size and outward menace, they are not dangerous to people. Giant sharks eat algae, plankton and small fish, they have a friendly character. Because of this, they were massively exterminated and may be on the verge of extinction. The shark can be observed from a very close distance, as it never attacks divers, but caution must be exercised. With one turn of her tail, she can break your bone, and your skin can be injured by her sharp scales.

1 Whale Shark (Rhincodon typus)

The prize-winning place is occupied by the largest shark in the world - whale. It grows to a length of more than 12 m, and can weigh more than 21 tons! In 2002, Chinese fishermen caught a shark measuring 20 meters and weighing 34 tons. It inhabits open warm oceans. It eats plankton and small to medium sized fish. The fish population is quite large and they are not threatened with extinction, but they are listed in the International Red Book because of the large capture. The fins and other parts of the shark's body are very expensive, so poachers prey on it. Every day the shark eats 200 kg of fish and zooplankton. It reproduces by ovoviviparity, and newborn cubs are about half a meter long. For a person does not pose any danger, rather, he is for her.


Megalodon (big tooth)- a prehistoric relative of giant sharks, extinct about 3 million years ago. To date, generally accepted scientific evidence suggests that these animals grew up to 16 meters in length and weighed up to 47 tons. Such body dimensions make it possible to consider megalodon not only as one of the largest predators, but also as the largest shark in the world by weight that has ever lived on the planet.

We looked at the types of sharks that are considered the largest in the world, but among these animals there are also small species. Pygmy lantern shark(Etmopterus perryi) is the smallest shark in the world. Adult individuals in length reach no more than 21.2 cm. They live in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Colombia and Venezuela, at a depth of up to 450 meters.

Interesting facts about the largest sharks in the world:

  • There are over 450 shark species in the world.
  • Contrary to popular belief about the aggressiveness of this predator, only 4 species of sharks have been seen in a large number of unprovoked attacks on humans - long-winged, tiger, blunt-nosed and white.
  • Shark fins are a favorite delicacy of the Chinese.
  • Some species of sharks have vision 10 times sharper than a human's.
  • On average, sharks live 20-30 years. The record holders for life expectancy are the spotted spiny shark and the Greenland shark, living for more than 100 years.
  • Most shark species reach speeds of up to 19 km/h in a dash. The fastest in the world can be considered white (maximum speed up to 50 km / h) and mako shark, capable of accelerating up to 74 km / h when attacked.
  • The largest shark tooth found is 18 cm long and belonged to a megalodon.

Few animals have instilled in us a natural fear of them, but sharks stand out from this list. As a predator, many species of sharks are well equipped to inflict serious injury: large, fast and powerful jaws, armed with several rows of razor-sharp teeth, these fish are very precisely honed for the perfect kill. However, out of about 400 species of sharks, only a small number of them are dangerous to humans. Perhaps three or even four species could be considered man-eating sharks.

After sifting through the records of shark attacks recorded in the International Shark Attack Registry (ISAF) and the Global Shark Attack Registry (GSAF), it is clear that humans are usually attacked by only a few species and that many of the remaining shark species must first be provoked in order to be able to attack. person.

Statistically, it is incredibly rare for any kind of shark to attack a human, but when they do, the results can be so horrendous that they cut into the psyche of the people. Reports of victims being bitten or half-eaten by sharks the size of a school bus will always resurface in many people's minds when they dip their feet into the ocean.

Now about the rating. Unlike many rankings that often rate sharks purely on statistics, we look at the potential for harm, aggression, and shark habitats to find out which sharks are the most dangerous to humans.

10 Hammerhead Shark

A photo. Hammerhead shark

The hammerhead shark is actually from the Sphyrnidae (hammerhead) shark family, which range in size from less than one meter (3 feet) to over 6 meters (20 feet). It is believed that the strange shape of the head allows the shark to have a better all-round view, as well as better hunt prey that is buried in the sand. For most observers, the various subspecies are difficult to tell apart, especially when they bite. It may seem unbelievable, but the great hammerhead shark (Sphyrna mokarran) may be the most suitable candidate for our ranking. This shark reaches a whopping 6+ meters (20 feet) and weighs up to 600 kg (1300 pounds), it is armed with teeth similar to bull sharks and there is no doubt that the giant hammerhead shark can easily inflict fatal wounds on humans. There is also information that they may be more aggressive than other types of hammerhead sharks.

Over the years, hammerhead sharks have been involved in 34 attacks, one of which ended in death. This number indicates that their potential danger is uncertain as they are an endangered species.

9 Blacktip Shark

A photo. blacktip shark

The blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) is both well-known and widespread in all tropical and subtropical shallows around the world. It gets its name from the black stripes and black tips on its fins and tail. In general, these sharks are quite small and less than 1.6 m (5 ft) in length, however larger individuals can reach up to 2.8 m (9 ft) and weigh more than 100 kg (220 lb). Their size is definitely offset by their energy, often seen jumping out of the water as they chase fish.

The blacktip shark is generally not considered very dangerous to humans due to its size. But they often attack people, giving the highest percentage of shark attacks in Florida. ISAF has information about 41 attacks by these sharks, one of which ended in human death.

8 Common Sand Shark

A photo. common sand shark

Many people are familiar with the sand shark (Carcharias taurus) as a large shark that can be seen when visiting an aquarium. Often referred to by various names, such as the gray nurse shark, the ragged tooth shark, and the blue sand tiger nurse shark, they inhabit warm waters around the world.

The common sand shark grows to about 3.2 meters (11 ft) in length and can weigh up to 160 kg (350 lb). However, this ferocious kind of teeth tends to draw people's attention. She has three rows of long, pointed teeth that protrude menacingly from the shark's mouth. Despite their menacing appearance, the teeth are designed to capture small, slippery prey such as fish and squid.

Apparently, common sand sharks do not deserve the bad reputation that people have given them. The fact that they are called "brindle" and that they often surf the waves does not really mean that they often come into contact with people. In fact, they are not brindle at all and are relatively docile. However, they have been known to attack and have been found responsible for the deaths of two people. Many of the attacks occurred while fishing on them. There have also been several incidents of people being bitten in an aquarium.

7. Blue shark

A photo. blue shark

Another member of the shark family, the blue shark (Prionace glauca) is one of the most commonly seen and widespread sharks. It can be found as far north as Norway and as far south as Chile, being a deep sea species it rarely comes into contact with humans. This streamlined shark is capable of explosive speed, which it uses to overtake its prey of squid and fish. The largest specimens recorded have reached over 3.8 m (12 ft), but there have been unconfirmed reports of 21 ft in length.

In the wild, the blue shark has several natural predators, although killer whales are also said to prey on them. Larger sharks can also prey on small blue sharks, this was demonstrated in 1969 at Sea World in San Diego where captive blue sharks were mixed with bull sharks. Suffice it to say that bull sharks thrived there...

From the point of view of danger, people are more likely to be a danger to them than vice versa. Between 10 and 20 million sharks are killed each year during fishing. On the other hand, the blue shark is considered potentially dangerous and has been responsible for a number of deadly attacks. Some of them happened in a fishing boat when the fishermen pulled it out of the water, but others happened to sailors shipwrecked on the open ocean. The blue shark is known to circle swimmers and divers for up to 15 minutes, and this may be reason to believe that it is more prone to action in such situations.

6 Narrowtooth Shark

A photo. narrow-toothed shark

The bronze whaler or copper shark (Carcharhinus brachyurus) gets its name from its coloration and the fact that these and other sharks congregate at whale kill sites on whaling days. They are common everywhere except in tropical waters, they spend their time in shallow bays, harbors and estuaries. This species is most detectable during the annual sardine run in South Africa, where sharks gorge themselves on fish in groups that display a feeding frenzy.

The lancet shark is a large shark, reaching over 3 m (10 ft) in length and weighing around 300 kg (675 lb). It is a fast powerful swimmer equipped with long serrated teeth. With their size and jaws, bronze whalers really pose a threat to people and have been involved in a number of attacks. They are generally not aggressive towards humans, but have been known to harass fishermen. There have also been a number of unprovoked attacks on swimmers and surfers along the east coast of Australia, with at least two fatal attacks.

5 Mako Shark

A photo. mako shark

Mako shark (Isurus oxyrinchus) or black-winged shark, is a member of the mackerel shark family (herring sharks). This family includes such illustrious members as the great white shark and the prehistoric megalodon. It is not a big surprise that the mako shark can be seen in this ranking.

Warm-blooded mako can grow to frightening sizes. Adults usually reach about 3 m (10 ft), but the largest mako sharks reached 4.5 m (15 ft) and weighed almost a ton. Considering the mako's size, she possesses incredible speed. This shark has been recorded to reach speeds of up to 74 km/h (46 mph) and some scientists suggest it could be much faster. At this speed, the mako shark can make incredible leaps out of the water. One problem is that they were often placed in the middle of a fishing boat and have been known to cause serious injury in the water.

Mako sharks are responsible for three reported deaths and have an aggressive reputation.

4 Longwing Shark

A photo. longwing shark

The long-winged shark (Carcharhinus longimanus) is the first of the sharks in this ranking that can truly be classified as a "man-eater". It has almost certainly killed more people than all other sharks combined. The reason why it is not at the top of the rankings is that the vast majority of these attacks were completely opportunistic and the result of air and sea disasters. Several cases of ship sinkings during World War II are known, when it is believed that these sharks were responsible for hundreds of deaths.

While these sharks are slow to move, they can be incredibly aggressive and persistent. They have been known to go into a food frenzy and tend to snatch a bite whenever possible, engage in fights and wait for the next opportunity. It is for these reasons that Jacques Cousteau called them "the most dangerous of all sharks." The longwing shark is a capable killer with powerful jaws, a bold disposition and often large size, with the largest recorded specimen reaching 4 meters (13 feet).

In addition, the long-winged shark has been involved in a number of deadly attacks on swimmers and divers in the open ocean, including several infamous attacks in the Red Sea in 2010, when one woman died from her injuries.

3. Tiger shark

A photo. Tiger shark

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) is a large and aggressive shark. The name comes from her temperament and the stripes running down her sides. She is also known as the "sea scavenger" as she usually swallows anything that comes her way. Here is a list of objects that have been removed from the stomachs of tiger sharks: bottles, tires, clothes, cats, pigs, and even a whole horse head. You submitted it! Usually its prey is fish, seals, dolphins, birds and turtles.

The tiger shark can be found in coastal tropical and subtropical waters around the world, although it usually tends to be in deep water below 6 m (20 ft). Tiger sharks are the fourth largest of all sharks. Large specimens reach over 5 m (16 ft) in length and weigh over a ton. In fact, it looks more like a big man in a heavy assembly and with incredibly thick skin (8 times thicker than cowhide). They also have a more proportionate wide mouth than other sharks. This monstrous mouth is lined with serrated teeth that are perfect for slicing through prey as opposed to grappling like many of the aforementioned sharks.

Obviously, humans are no match for sharks with similar characteristics, which is why the tiger shark has earned a "good" reputation as a cannibal. It is without a doubt the most dangerous shark in the tropics and accounts for the majority of attacks in Australia and Hawaii. The statistics speak for themselves, the death toll is second only to the great white shark, and attack deaths are also very high.

Video. Restless tiger shark

2. Blunt shark

A photo. blunt shark

The blunt shark or bull shark (Carcharhinus leucas) is considered the most dangerous shark in many waters. However, it has not gained the reputation of great white and tiger sharks. There are several reasons why this shark is considered particularly dangerous, including its physical attributes.

The bull shark is also awarded more names than most other sharks, a sign of its wide distribution. Among them: the Ganges shark, the Nicaraguan shark, the river shark, the Swan River whaler, the shoveled shark, the square shark and the Van Royen shark.

The bull shark is a large, powerful shark, measuring up to 3.5 m (11.5 ft) in length and up to 318 kg (700 lb) in weight. It gets its name from its flat muzzle and stocky build, coupled with a pugnacious personality. It is well equipped with jaws, which are also studded with several rows of triangular shaped serrated teeth ideal for slicing through prey. This is a very territorial shark and will attack other species that it feels threatened by its territory, including humans.

The bull shark is especially dangerous to humans, as the chance of crossing with this shark is higher than with any other of the dangerous sharks. Not only do bull sharks live in shallow coastal waters, they are also able to do what most other sharks can't - swim in fresh water. Sharks have adapted to fresh water, their kidneys allow them to travel thousands of miles in estuaries and they can even live in lakes. Some were not lucky enough to swim in some rivers, the bull shark killed many people in the fresh water.

According to ISAF records, it ranks third in terms of the number of attacks, but it is believed that many of the bull shark attacks are hushed up because they occur in third world countries. There were 104 attacks, of which one in three ended in death.

1 Great White Shark

A photo. Great white shark

The name alone great white shark is enough to make people run off the beach. The already infamous 1970s film Jaws further demonized this shark and cemented this shark's reputation as a cannibal. Although without a doubt, the Carcharodon Carcharias shark is one of the most perfect killing machines on planet Earth.

The largest specimens of great white sharks reach 6.5 meters (22 feet) in length. However, several reports have been published of sharks reaching 8 meters (26 feet) and weighing around 3.5 tons. They are armed with really crushing powerful jaws, with several rows of triangular teeth about 3 inches long, which are serrated on both sides. They are used to cut prey, for this the shark shakes its head from side to side. If a tooth is broken, the next tooth from the same row behind takes its place.

This shark is fast enough. When the great white shark is chasing its prey, it can run up to 56 km/h (35 mph). It's more like getting hit by a freight train and being stunned, the prey can die immediately from such a collision. Compared to common predatory animals such as sea lions and seals, there is practically no chance for a person to resist this animal.

In fact, great whites show no interest in people as food, people are small enough for them and, apparently, most of the attacks were erroneous, because the shark did not correctly identify its prey (it confused the surfer with a seal or a fur seal, which is why surfers recommend wearing special wetsuits that scare away sharks) or the shark just showed excessive curiosity. Unfortunately, an inquisitive bite from a 3-ton shark can result in the loss of an arm or leg.

These sharks are found in all of the world's oceans, withstanding water temperatures between 12 and 24 °C (54 and 75 °F). They can be found in deep water or close to the shore, usually near a seal colony. Great white sharks are most abundant off the coast of South Africa, Australia, the northeastern United States, California, Japan, and the Mediterranean. The last location surprises many people, however, there have been more than 30 recorded attacks.

Without a doubt, the great white shark is the most dangerous of all sharks and statistics confirm this, with over 400 attacks recorded worldwide, many of them fatal. Ironically, this great white shark needs protection from humans and is declining in numbers despite being listed as a protected species in many countries.

Video. Girl swims with a great white shark in the open ocean

Sharks are very ancient and widespread representatives of the marine fauna (526 species). These cartilaginous fish with a torpedo-shaped body appeared more than 400 million years ago. With a few exceptions, they are true predators and live in sea water. However, the 3 largest sharks in the world - largemouth, giant and whale - feed on plankton and other small things.

The shark lives in the seas and belongs to the predatory fish species.

Order of cartilaginous fish

The skeleton of sharks has no bones and consists of connective tissue, which is why they are called cartilaginous fish. The skin is covered with scales, consisting of small teeth, and resembles sandpaper. Caudal fins are located vertically, depending on the habitat, they can have a different shape. The jaws are equipped with conical teeth that constantly grow and are replaced if necessary.

If there is a violation of the connections between the central nervous system and the muscles, they are able to function offline.

Low metabolism and the primitive structure of the body have led to the fact that sharks cannot withstand prolonged stress, due to which they can die. They breathe with the help of gills, constantly passing water through special slots. These fish do not have a swim bladder, and the ability to swim perfectly is ensured by a very large liver.

A well-developed sense of smell helps to find prey and mating partners. One of the largest sharks in the world, the hammerhead shark, is especially good at distinguishing smells. She can smell blood at a concentration of one in a million.

The bearing of offspring in cartilaginous fish occurs in utero. In viviparous species, the cub is born fully formed and ready for independent life. Pregnancy lasts from several months to 2 years.

The longest shark in the world - whale, it reaches 20 meters, and the smallest is the dwarf prickly, which grows a little more than 25 centimeters. The average speed of movement is 8 km / h, but when accelerating it can reach 20 and even 50 km / h.

largest view

The largest shark in the world was called the whale shark due to its size. The average length of this monster is 12 meters, and the maximum is 18-20 m. It weighs about 12 tons, but there are cases of catching twenty-ton specimens.

The whale shark is the longest shark in the world

The habitat of the whale shark is the tropical latitudes of the oceans. It swims slowly (5 km / h) and does not sink to depth. It is not a real predator and is safe for humans. It feeds on plankton, small fish and shrimps, filtering food from the water passed through a special apparatus.

Usually you can find small groups of sharks, consisting of several individuals. In regions with a lot of food, fish can huddle in large flocks. In search of plankton, they make long-distance migrations.

To date, this unique species has been little studied. It is not known exactly what the largest shark in the world leads a lifestyle. The peculiarity of reproduction and the size of the population also remains a mystery. In 2016, the largest fish in existence was declared an endangered species, so most countries introduced a ban on its catch.

You can see what the largest shark in the world looks like by visiting the Japanese aquarium Churaumi, located on the island of Okinawa. It contains a 7-meter male - the largest specimen living in captivity.

Top 10 Giant Sharks

Sharks are quite diverse, many of them reach large sizes. The ranking contains the largest cartilaginous fish on planet Earth.

Top 10:

Popular misconceptions and myths

The image of a ruthless killer machine, scouring the expanses of the ocean in search of the smell of blood, is firmly entrenched behind the shark. She hunts down lone swimmers and surfers, ready to enjoy human meat with pleasure. Fiction is responsible for creating such fame, including films that have given rise to common misconceptions:

Of all sea creatures, most people consider sharks to be the most feared. Our top 10 largest sharks in the world will tell you about the largest representatives of this superorder.

Pacific polar shark

This shark is also called the North Ocean polar shark. The largest recorded length of the Pacific polar shark is 4.4 m. However, there are underwater photographs that show a huge shark of this species. Its length is estimated at about 7 m. A newborn shark of this species has a length of approximately 42 cm. This shark is found at a depth of up to 2000 m.

sixgill shark

The sixgill shark is also called the gray sixgill shark and the sixgill shark. The largest recorded length of a sixgill shark is 5.4 m. The maximum weight that has been recorded for a shark of this species is 590 kg. This species of sharks is found at depths up to 2500 m.

Tiger shark

This shark is also called the leopard shark. The tiger shark is one of the most widespread species of sharks on Earth. The length of such a shark can reach 5.5 m. The diet of the tiger shark is quite diverse: it uses crustaceans, fish, sea snakes, marine mammals, turtles, cephalopods and even birds as food. The female tiger shark usually brings offspring every 3 years. After a pregnancy lasting 13-16 months, 10-80 sharks are born.

Pelagic megamouth shark

The maximum measured length of the pelagic megamouth shark is 5.7 m. This shark feeds on plankton. The pelagic megamouth shark is found at depths up to 1500 m. This species of shark has not yet been very well studied, so little is known about its anatomy, behavior and habitats.

Giant hammerhead shark

This type of shark is also called the giant hammerhead. The longest recorded length of the giant shark is 6.1 m. Females of this species, in general, can bring offspring once every 2 years. After 11 months of pregnancy, usually 20-40 sharks are born. However, there are exceptions when either fewer (from 6 sharks) or more (up to 55 sharks) cubs are born. The length of a shark of this species is usually 50-70 cm.

White shark

This shark also has other names: great white shark, carcharodon, man-eating shark. The females of this species are larger than the males. Female white sharks are generally about 4.6-4.8 m long. Occasionally, representatives of this species of sharks are more than 5 m long. Historically, white sharks over 6 m long have been recorded.

Greenland Shark

This shark is also called the small-headed polar shark and the Atlantic polar shark. The largest recorded length of the Greenland polar shark is 6.4 m. The maximum recorded weight of a shark of this species is approximately 1 ton. Sharks of this species feed on fish and carrion.

common sea fox

This fish is also called common thresher shark, thresher shark and sea fox. This shark can reach a length of 7.6 m. Approximately half of this length is the caudal fin, more precisely, its upper lobe is elongated. The weight of an ordinary sea fox can be approximately 510 kg. Most (97%) of the diet of these sharks are bony fish, most often small and schooling.

giant shark

This shark is also called the giant shark. The following maximum dimensions were recorded: a length of 9 m for the male and a length of 9.8 m for the female. However, it is assumed that there may be sharks of this species with a body length of up to 15 m. The largest recorded weight of a giant shark is 4 tons. This shark feeds on plankton. Each of the jaws of this shark has several rows of teeth. Each can have over 100 teeth.

Whale shark

The maximum length of this shark can reach 12.65 m. However, there are suggestions that whale sharks with a body length of 18-20 m swim somewhere. Basically, this type of shark feeds on plankton. The whale shark has many teeth. Sometimes the number of teeth in a shark of this species can reach 15,000. They are located in rows on the jaws.

Different types of sharks lead different lifestyles. Most often, sharks are found in sea water, but there are also types of sharks that can also live in freshwater. Most shark species are true predatory species, but there are three special species (whale shark, basking shark and megamouth shark) that differ from them. These three species of sharks are filter feeders and feed on plankton, squid and small fish.