Despite the development of modern technologies and science, the inhabitants of the planet continue to calculate themselves to one of the many beliefs. Hope for higher strength allows you to experience difficult life situations. Religious statistics shows how many denominations there are and how many people receive themselves to them.

Theory of Origin

There is one overall theory of origin of beliefs on Earth. As soon as inequality appeared in human society, the need for some of the highest values, which pays people for their actions appeared. The owner of the superstilacy must be endowed with a sufficient, whose role is performed by a certain deity.

What it is

Starting acquaintance with beliefs, it is worth exploting the very concept of religion. The definitions of faith today are quite a lot. R eligia is a form of a look at the surrounding world, which is based on faith in supernatural.

Existing classifications

FROM how much religions in the world? Today there are more than 5 thousand official religious associations. This includes the largest world religions. Beliefs can differ much from each other. Much depends on the customs and traditions of the country. There is also the similarity of religions. All of them suggest faith in higher strength.

Today there are several classifications of religions on various criteria. For example, types of religions by the number of gods are monotheistic and polytestic. The latter are represented in the countries of the African continent having a tribal lifestyle. These nations have not yet left paganism.

By Hegel, the history of religion is the path of spirit coming to full self-consciousness. Each of them is a step in awareness leading to the absolute goal of history. The structure of the chapel classification is as follows:

  1. Natural religion (lower level) based on sensual perception. To them, he attributed all magical beliefs, religion of China and India, as well as ancient Persians, Syrians and Egyptians.
  2. Spiritual and individual religions (Intermediate Planck) - Religion of Jews (Judaism), beliefs of ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.
  3. Absolute spirituality - Christianity.

The experience of studying the problem led to the creation of other classifications - according to the degree of prevalence or number of followers. Here are allocated local (within one kind-tribe), national (affecting the culture of one people, for example, ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, China with syntoism, India with Hinduism). How do local flows differ from national religions? A greater prevalence among many, ahead of them by the number of followers. Religious centers are present worldwide.

What profated ancient civilization

Totmeism flourished in ancient Egypt, he says half an animal image of the Egyptian gods. Statistics of religions argues that during this period of time there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe afterlife and the connection between the earthly life and the posthum. Also, the idea of \u200b\u200bresurrection appeared (Oziris - the God of the Sun - dies in the evening and reborn in the morning). Belief appeared long before Jesus and Christianity.

The goddess of Isis (Mother of Oziris) became the prototype of the Virgin Mary. The religion of Egypt led to the fact that the temple at that time was the place of cult and science at that time.

Wikipedia contains information that zoroastrism is among sufficiently developed religious flows (by the name of the founder - Zarathustra). The idea of \u200b\u200bthe struggle of good and evil appears, the concept of sin, the formula "end of the world", "a terrible court".

Religion of India - Hinduism. This is a whole philosophical teaching. The essence of belief is that the whole way of life (karma) consists of human reincarnation. Rebirth is necessary in order to become God in life. Hinduism has been created in India for the needs of the state custo society. It is not much disseented today in the world.

Chinese traditional beliefs - Confucianism and Taoism. Confucianism played the role of the main state religion, and its rules subordinate to the entire jurisdiction of the government. This direction allowed to rationally organize a person's life. The path of Tao more thoroughly to mysticism, the highest goal for Daeist is the desire to go to the past rank, primitive existence.

Ancient Greece is the cult of the Gods of Olympus. Each of them patronizes a separate policy - the city-state. Magical rites, numerous myths, the nature of the gods themselves confirm the peacefulness of the Greeks. This is the main difference of religion from other trends. It is not surprising that later the people were captured by the Romans, which were little brought with them to the Greek religious cult, and on the contrary, the entire leisure aspect of Greece had learned to establish their own cultural traditions.

Ancient Palestine with the arrival of the Jewish people gave the beginning of Judaism. Hence later Christianity born. Modern interpretation of belief arose in the 13th century BC. After the fall of Babylon in Judaism, a legend of Moses appears. Jews believe that the Supreme God God is one, and all the peoples who honor him and the conditions of his treaty with nations may worship. As the statistics of religions in Israel 80% of the population of Judea.

World religious flows

Today there are three world religions. These include Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. They are the most common. Followers of major beliefs can be found in almost any country of the globe:

  1. Russia.
  2. England.
  3. Belarus.
  4. Kazakhstan.
  5. North America.

At the moment, approximately 65% \u200b\u200bof the world's population refers to these trends. Buddhism, Islam and Christianity - the religion of civilization. They appeared long before the propestation of Protestantism. In the 19th century, the state of affairs was not very different. To understand the true meaning of religion, it is worth studying everything for both against, which leads confession adherents. Statistics of world religions:

Name Number (in percent)
Christianity 33%
Hinduism 14%
Buddhism 6%
Local traditional beliefs 6%
Krishnaiti Less than 1%
Jehovah witnesses Less than 1%
Mormons Less than 1%
Atheists, unbelievers 12%


The history of Christianity is difficult to submit in a brief description. Today it is the dominant religion. Christianity originated in the 1st century of our era on the territory of the Roman Empire.

The founder of the most common religion in the world is Jesus Christ. Sacred book - Bible. It includes the Old and New Testament. Christianity promises its followers to salvation from a terrible court who should take place. Today it is one of the most common trends in Europe.

Regardless of the decay of the empire, the religion of ancient Rome has been preserved.

In 395 n. e. There was a split of Christianity on Eastern - Orthodoxy with the center in Constantinople (Byzantine Empire) and West - Catholicism, the religious center of which is the Vatican.

The process ended only in the 10th century. By 1054, Roman's religion was finally divided. And in the 16th century the result of the struggle against the feudal police was the allocation of Protestants.

Statistics of religions in the world shows that Orthodoxy is present in the following countries - Russia (72%), Albania (20%), Belarus (80%), Bulgaria (84%), Bosnia and Herzegovina (30%), Greece (98%) , Kazakhstan (44%), Kyrgyzstan (20%), South Korea (49%). The list continues to Macedonia (67%), Moldova (98.5), Romania (70%), Ukraine (97%), Yugoslavia (65%). Religion is also present in other countries. Religion of Georgia - Orthodoxy.

Catholicism follows European conquests. This direction of Christianity has always participated in politics. Catholicism was often aggressor in relation to other countries. Thanks to the spread of its influence in the Middle Ages, today 52% of the world's population are Catholics, while Orthodox 12%. Catholicism:

  • italy religion (90%);
  • religion Mexico (91%);
  • religion of Norway (85%).

The big percentage of Catholics is present in other countries. Religion of Armenia - Christianity. However, the country does not apply to Orthodoxy or Catholicism.

Another massive religious course is Protestantism. It is present in many countries in Europe and America. Protestantism:

  • religion of Germany (40%,);
  • uS religion (51%);
  • religion of Canada (28%).

The youngest religion is Islam. He originated in the 7th century n. e. Prophet religion - Mohammed. He founded Islam. Sacred book - Quran. The meaning of religion is that the Muslim must be subjected to the will of Allah, not even trying to understand it. The Koran is a set of Sharia laws that prescribe moral, social, administrative and criminal norms of human life. Islam is a powerful factor in the formation of statehood (for example, Turkey is the Ottoman Empire in the past).

Among the split on the Sunnites and Shiites occurred. Sunni recognize the power only in the elecable community of the Calife, and Shiites allow themselves to submit only to the descendants of the Prophet Mohammed - Imamam.

As statistics of religions shows, many countries are Muslims. Beliefs include in the main religious flows. Faith affects the features of the formation of the worldview. Islam:

  • religion of Azerbaijan (93%);
  • religion of Kazakhstan (70%);
  • religion of Turkey (90%).


The founder is considered Siddhartha Gautam Shakjamuny, subsequently Buddha (5-6 century BC). The main position is a person can leave the cycle of life and reach Nirvana. This is done by achieving bliss through your own experience, but without taking faith. Religious statistics show that Buddhism is distributed in many countries that are far from each other in cultural plan. This includes Vietnam (79%), Laos (60%), Mongolia (96%), Thailand (93%), Sri Lanka (70%).

Religious statistics in South Korea shows that Buddhism profess in the state 47% of believers.

National religions

There are national and traditional religious flows, also with their directions. They arose or received special distribution in certain countries, in contrast to the world. Such a sign distinguish the following types of beliefs (enlarged list of religions):

  • hinduism - Religion of India;
  • confucianism and Taoism - China;
  • sinto - Religion of Japan;
  • paganism is the Indian tribes, the peoples of the North and Oceania.

The statistics of Israel's religions allocates Judaism as the main religion of the state, which is also included in the above list.

Country classification

Beliefs - factor in the formation of statehood. They laid attitude towards a woman and to life in general. Statistics religions by country will help to understand the diversity of world faiths. Of course, with the time of beliefs changed. However, the main religions have been preserved until now.


Statistics of religions in Russia shows that the main part of the country professes Orthodoxy (41%). They consider themselves believers, but the religious flow has not been determined (25%). People who belong to atheists (13%). The number of Muslims in the Russian Federation is 4.1%.


Statistics of Religions of Kazakhstan reports that most residents of the country are confessing Islam (70%). Then goes Orthodoxy (26%). Den by the existence of the highest strength of only 3% of the country's population. Here even with religion is closely connected.


What are the statistics of religions in Ukraine? Orthodoxy prevails in the country (74%). Catholicism and Protestantism followed. Religion in Ukraine is very common. It is called less than 10% of the inhabitants.

Religious statistics

The number of religious denominations and non-religious groups in human society exceeds 27 thousand. This includes official religions, unrecognized religious flows, sects and associations, as well as followers of philosophical agnosticism. The age of religions is huge. Their history is calculated by hundreds of years. People began to believe in higher strength before Babylon and Assyria.

Each religion selection is independently. Not everyone comes to faith immediately. Some begin to rank themselves to a certain denomination after 40 years. Characteristic features and basic approaches of religion are not always clear for the child. The task of parents is to give a brief description of the selected confession and explain its postulates in a simple and appropriate form. Religion at school can help figure out what faith to choose and how to abandon the imposed worldview.

However, despite such a number of existing beliefs, religion statistics show competition within groups.

Under the concept of "world religions", there are three religious trends that are confirmed by the peoples of various continents and countries. Currently, they include three main religions: Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. Interestingly, Hinduism, Confucianism and Judaism, although they have received great popularity in many countries, do not include global theological scientists. They are counted for national religions.

Consider three world religions in more detail.

Christianity: God is the Holy Trinity

Christianity originated in the first century of our era in Palestine, among the Jews, and spread throughout the then Mediterranean. Three centuries, the state religion in the Roman Empire became a state religion, and after nine the whole Europe was Christianized. In our areas, in the territory of the then Russia, Christianity appeared in the 10th century. In 1054, the church was split into two - Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and protestantism was separated from the second during the reformation. At the moment, these are the three main branches of Christianity. To date, the total number of believers has 1 billion.

The main christianity postulates:

  • God is one, but he is a trinity, he has three "persons", three hypostasis: the Son, Father and the Holy Spirit. All together they constitute the image of one God, who created the whole universe in seven days.
  • God brought a redempuating sacrifice, being in the influence of the Son's God, Jesus Christ. This is the Godhead, he has two natures: human and divine.
  • There is a divine grace - this is the power that God sends in order to free an ordinary person from sin.
  • There is an afterlife, life after death. For everything you did in this life, you will be rewarded in that.
  • There are good and evil spirits, angels and demons.

The Holy Book of Christians - the Bible.

Islam: There is no God, except for Allah, and Muhammed prophet him

This very young world religion originated in the seventh century of our era on the Arabian Peninsula, among the Arab tribes. I founded Islam Mohammed - this is a specific historical person, a person born in 570 in Mecca. At 40, he announced that God (Allah) chose him with his prophet, and therefore began to act as a preacher. Of course, I did not like such an approach to local authorities, and therefore Mohammed had to move to Yasrib (Medina), where he continued to tell people about God.

The Holy Book of Muslims - Quran. It is a collection of sermons Mohammed, created after his death. During his life, his words were perceived as a direct speech of God, and therefore was transmitted solely orally.

Sunnai (collection of stories about Muhammeda) and Sharia (Code of Principles and Rules of Muslims) are also important. Important main rites of Muslim:

  • daily prayer five times a day (Namaz);
  • universal compliance with strict post per month (Ramadan);
  • alms;
  • hazzha (pilgrimage) on the Holy Earth in Mecca.

Buddhism: need to strive for nirvana, and life is suffering

Buddhism is the oldest of world religions, which arose in the sixth century BC, in India. She has more than 800 million followers.

It is based on the story of Tsarevich Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in joy and ignorance, until he met an old man, a man, a sick leprosy, and then a funeral procession. So he learned everything that he had been hidden from him: old age, illness and death - in a word, all that every person is waiting. At 29, he left the family, became a hermit and began to look for the meaning of life. At 35 years old became Buddha - enlightened, which created his doctrine of life.

According to Buddhism, life is suffering, and its reason is passion and desires. To get rid of suffering, you need to donate from desires and passions and try to achieve the state of Nirvana - the state of full rest. And after death, any creature is reborn, in the form of a completely different creature. What exactly - depends on your behavior in this and past lives.

These are the most common information about the three world religions, as far as the format of the article. But in each of them you can find a lot of interesting and important for yourself.

And here we have prepared even more interesting materials for you!

Depending on its distribution and role, all religions are divided into world and national.

The most common of world religions is Christianity, which is confirmed by about 2.4 billion people, mainly in Europe, America and Australia. The second place in the number of believers (1.3 billion) is Islam (Muslim), which has been declared state religion in many countries located, mainly in Asia and Africa.

The third place among world religions in the number of adherents belongs to Buddhism (500 million), common in Central, Southeast and East Asia.

Recently, a very large impact on all world development began to provide an Islamic factor. Now the Muslim world includes more than 50 countries, and Muslim communities are available in 120 countries.

The largest inhabitants are Islamic states - Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey, Egypt. In Russia, Islam confess almost 20 million people; This is the second value and mass after Christianity religion in the country.

Table 1. Basic traits of geography of religions

Religion Main areas and countries distribution
Christianity (Catholicism) Countries of Southern Europe, North and Latin America, Asia (Philippines)
Christianity / Orthodoxy) Eastern European countries (Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Ukraine)
Christianity (Protestantism) Western and Northern Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Africa (South Africa and Former Colonies of Great Britain)
Islam European countries (Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Russia), Asian countries, North Africa
Buddhism and Lamaism China, Mongolia, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Russia (Buryatia, Tyva, Kalmykia)
Hinduism India, Nepal, Sri Lanka
Confucianism China
Shintoism Japan

Interpretation of the data of the table in the regional plan indicates the following: in foreign Europe, almost exclusively Christianity is common in all its forms.

At the same time, Catholicism is most widely represented in South, partly in the Western and Eastern parts of Europe, and Protestantism - in North, Central and Western Europe.

Orthodoxy is distributed in the east and south-east of Europe.

In foreign Asia, all world and many large national religions are common. This is, first of all, Muslim, as well as Buddhism and Christianity, which was distributed only in the Philippines, in Lebanon (along with Islam) and in Cyprus. The National Religion of Israel is Judaism.

In North Africa, in a number of countries lying south of Sahara, in Somalia and, partly, Islam dominates in Ethiopia.

Protestantism prevails among the white population.

In all other countries, Africa, as a rule, and Christianity (Catholicism and Protestantism) are also presented, and traditional local beliefs.

In North and South America, Christianity prevails in two forms - Protestantism and Catholicism. For example, in the United States, most of believers make up Protestants and Catholics. Catholicism prevails in Latin America. Thanks to this, America accounts for more than half of all Catholics of the world.

In Australia, Protestants are dominant among believers, which are about two times more than Catholics.

Wahhabism and its characteristics

Socio-political consequences of the spread of Wahhabism in the world

If Wahhabism remained within Saudi Arabia, it would be thought of special problems would not arise. However, from the beginning of the 70s. Wahhabism became targeted and very actively spread outside Saudi Arabia ...

The emergence and development of Islam

Chapter 2.

Islam in the modern world

One and a half century from the beginning of the XIX to the second half of the 20th century were an important turning point in the evolution of Islam. Changes in the socio-economic structures of the countries of the East, the formation of a new class - the National Bourgeoisie ...

Geography of world religions

2.1 Distribution of religions in the modern world

The world experience of spreading religions shows that the religious composition of the population is not static and is subject to essential, and sometimes indigenous changes over time.

Geography religions

This dynamics, according to religious scientists ...

Unity and variety of religions of indigenous peoples of North America

4. Representations of North American Indians about the world

If we want to understand the essence of the religions of North American Indians, it will be natural to start with the analysis of their ideas about the world.

This concept can be interpreted in various ways ...

Suffoon cult of ancient Egypt

Chapter 1 Representation of the Egyptians about the afterlime world

The ancient Egyptians considered the afterlife continuation of the earthly life. According to ideas, the afterlife of a person exists in two forms is a soul and life force. Life power lives in the tomb ...

Catholicism in the modern world


Catholicism in the modern world

The beginning of the modern understanding of the social development of the world in Catholicism was putting an encycle of Pope Lion XIII "Rruum Novasum" ("New things", 1891), having had a subtitle "On the position of the working class, or about the so-called social question" ...

Human place in Buddhist cultural tradition

2 Buddhist view of the world and the appointment of a person in this world

An important point of Buddhism is the idea of \u200b\u200binseparable knowledge and morality from each other.

Improving knowledge is impossible without morality, i.e. without voluntary control over their passions and prejudices ...

World religions

1.3 Buddhism in the modern world

Perhaps none of the eastern religions caused such complex and contradictory feelings from Europeans as Buddhism.

And this is quite understandable - Buddhism, as it were, challenged all the basic values \u200b\u200bof the Christian European civilization ...

World religions. Buddhism

Buddhism in the modern world

india Ethics Buddhism In recent years, Buddhism has become known to the general public, and those who are interested can study various Buddhist schools and traditions. An extraneous observer can embarrass many flows and an external difference in forms ...

Religions in the modern world

2. Religious situation in the modern world

The position of religion in modern society is rather contradictory, and it is impossible to estimate its role, the possibilities and prospects of any definitely.

Definitely you can say ...

Religion has opium for the people

2.3 faith in the modern world

Religion in the modern world plays almost the same important role as the millennium ago, as according to polls conducted by the American Gallup Institute, at the beginning of the 21st century, more than 90% of people believed in the presence of God or the Higher Forces ...

Religion and religious faith


Religion These days has a great power of impact on the spiritual life of a person, primarily on morality. In our country, the influence of religion has increased significantly. On television, we often see worship, taking place in churches ...

Religion as Social Institute

1.1 Concept and essence of religion in the modern world

Before considering religion as the Social Institute of Society, it is necessary to consider what is the concept of "Social Institute".

Social institutions are organized associations of people ...

The role of "God's servants" today

3. Church traditions in the modern world

If you look at some time ago (Soviet times), Christian communities were isolated, the state's propaganda worked on it, even the children of Christians were outcasts, so church traditions were in a sense the only world ...

The role of religion in the modern world


The role of religion in the modern world

According to the American Institute of Gallpa, in 2000, 95% of Africa residents, 97% of Latin America, 91% - USA, 89% - Asia, 88% - Western Europe, 84% - Eastern Europe, were served in God and "Higher Being" , 42.9% - Russia ...

The spread of Islam in the world

Islam or Islam, the second most faithful religion in the world in Christianity.

At the beginning of the XXI century. In the world more than half a million Muslims, i.e., every fourth resident of our planet said Islam. 2/3 Muslims live in Asia, about 1/3 in Africa, the Muslim population from other regions relatively small (Table 1).

Table 1

The spread of Muslims in the regions of the world, 2005.

The Islamic Dog occurs in the tropical latitudes of the northern hemisphere in all old world.

The boundaries of this religious and cultural space are well formulated. The North crosses the southern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, then at the foot of the North Caucasus, along the border of forests and steppes in Eurasia, and then along the Alpine-Himalayan mountain belt. The southern border passes along the southern borders of the Sahara, then crosses the Indian Ocean, and in the east she slightly shifts into the southern hemisphere, almost touching Australia.

On the map on s. 26 black flowers that show the prevailing domination of Muslims painted in North Africa and South-West Asia.

Compare this card on the map of people in the world. Have you noticed similarity? 80% of this intense shady territory are inhabited by the Arabic people, who speak one Arabic language and have a common Arab self-consciousness. Very concentrated Muslims, not Arabs, is Turkey (with Turks), Iran (with Persians), Afghanistan and Pakistan (with an abundance of multilingual ethnic groups).

This is primarily the nearest neighbor of Arabs; Their destinies closely intertwined with the fate of the Arab people.

table 2

Countries with the highest percentage of Muslims, 2005

State population of the country,
millions of people. Muslim share
Bahrain 0.7 0.7 100,0
West Sahara 0,3 0,3 100,0
Kuwait 2,3 2,3 100,0
Mauritania 3,1 3,1 100,0
Maldives 0,3 0,3 100,0
Saudi Arabia 26,4 26,4 100,0
Somalia 8,6 8,6 100,0
Yemen 20,7 20,7 99,9
turkey 69,7 69,5 99,8
Algeria 32,5 32,2 99,0
Afghanistan 29,9 29,6 99,0
Oman 3.0 3.0 99,0
Morocco 32,7 32,3 98,7
Iran 68,0 66,7 98,0
Comoros 0.7 0.7 98,0
Palestinian territories 3,8 3,7 98,0
Tunisia 10,1 9,9 98,0
Iraq 26,1 25,3 97,0
Libya 5,8 5,6 97,0
Mayotte (Fr.) 0.2 0.2 97,0
Niger 11,7 11,3 97,0
Pakistan 162,4 157,5 97,0
United Arab Emirates 2,6 2.5 96,0
Gambia 1,6 1,5 95,0
Qatar 0.9 0.8 95,0

Why is the Islamic world so close to the Arab world?

The item of Islamic religious foundations: Islam was created in the Arab media, the main book of Muslims "Koran" is sacred in Arabic, only to become a true Muslim, you can read only in Arabic and read prayers in Arabic.

Despite the fact that the share of Muslims in the population is mainly in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, countries from the point of view of the number of Muslims located in South and Southeast Asia.

Most Muslims live in Indonesia - more than 200 million, in second place with almost 160 million - in Pakistan, finally, Thirdly, it already seems to be Nemusulman India, where 130 million people are recognized as the Prophet Mohammed (!). Is this paradoxical, since the cradle of Islam is Saudi Arabia in the list of countries (Table 3), and the number of Muslims takes only fifteenth place?

Table 3.

Countries with the highest number of Muslims, 2005

Country of Muslims,
millions of people. Muslim number,
millions of people.
Indonesia 213 Tanzania 13
Pakistan 158 Niger 11
India 130 mali. 11
Bangladesh 127 Senegal 10
Egypt 73 Tunisia 10
turkey 70 Somalia 9
Iran 67 Guinea 8th place
Nigeria 64 Azerbaijan 7
China 37 Thailand 7
Ethiopia 35 Kazakhstan 7
Morocco 32 Burkina Faso 7
Algeria 32 Côte d'Ivoire 6
Afghanistan 30 Tajikistan 6
Sudan 29 USA 6
Saudi Arabia 26 Philippines 6
Iraq 25 Congo (Kinshasa) 6
uzbekistan 24 France 6
Yemen 21 Libya 6
the Russian Federation 20 Jordan 5
Syria 17 Chad 5
Malaysia 14 Kenya 5

According to the Ministry of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ( and the Muslim population worldwide.

Much will become clear if you remember what natural conditions are dominated in the Middle East.

Hot dry climate, lack of water limits the entire population in these areas. South and Southeast Asia are different, where conditions are usually more convenient for accommodation and management.

Muslims in India constitute only 12%, but more than one billion part of the country, turning into a 130 millionth situation with China. Local Muslims (Udrguri, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Donggan, etc.) make up less than 3% of the "middle kingdom" of the population, but absolute figures of this figures reach 37 million - it is more than in such major Muslim countries as Algeria, Morocco But Iraq.

Questions and activities on the map, p.

first Do you remember from history, where and when the source source?

3.2 Geography of world religions

Who was the main prophet of this faith? In which city did he born and lived? Find this place on the geographic map and appreciate its geographical location.

second Using the map of the Arab caliphate of the new school atlas for the history of the Middle Ages, the brand of the map of the map (p. 24-25) and the cartographer (p. 26), the upper limit of the territorial distribution of Arab Calypso (the best use of photocopy).

In which regions of the world of Muslims live outside the historical Arab state - Khalifat?

What do you think with what circumstances?

What part, which was previously part of the Arab class, is now almost without the Muslim population?

What historical events did it?

the third On the desktop "personal data in the world" published in "Geography", number 6-12 / 2006, five Muslim countries are identified (with a population of more than half of Muslims) with the highest GDP per capita. Think, where did the wealth of these countries come from?

Have they always differed in a high level of economic development? At what point began the economic boom in these countries?

fourth On printed publications, online news agencies, television news, they have created inter-ethnic conflict centers on the opposite map, including Muslims.

Are there conflicts in the world in which both opposites are Muslims?

Give examples, mark on the map. I appreciate the relative position of the focus that you celebrate with you. Are spatial patterns on their website? Where are these conflicts more: in countries with a high or low percentage of Muslims?

fifty Find a map of the organization Islamic Conference (OIC) (for example, from "Geography",
Not. 17/2005). Compare this card with the cartographer and the cartographer specified in this number.

What countries in which more than 6 million Muslims live do not belong to the OIC and do not even have observers in it? Why do you think so?

What religions prevail in these countries?

Up to the eighteenth century. There were the main characteristics of the geography of religions, and since then it did not have serious changes. The changes are mainly associated with the number of believers in individual religious movements, which were associated with the greatest growth of the population of a certain group (the number of Christians, especially Orthodox and Protestants), grew slower.

To understand the geography of religions, it is important to know how they are classified.

Oldest religions - traditionallyderived from distant ancestors. Currently, the geography of their spread is rather wide, but the number of believers is small, with the exception of Africa.

World religions are distinguished by much more followers and wider territorial distribution. Universal religions have members in many countries and regions of the world, and ethnic They are divided mainly between people of one nationality.

About 2/5 believers in the world christians (estimates of the number of believers are relative because

The main characteristics of the geography of world religions are a structural and logical scheme.

Religion is not taken into account among the population in most countries of the world). This is an absolute majority in America, Australia and Europe. In Africa, their number is about the same as for Muslims, and in Asia there are relatively few Christians. It can be said that Christianity is the religion of the Western world (see also the article "Population of the Earth").

Half of christian believers catholics. The most "Catholic" region in the world became Latin America, where the absolute absolute number of Catholics is more than 9/10 of the population.

Half of Catholics in Europe, and is prevailing very relative - only 1/3. The largest country in the world with the number of Catholics (in millions of people, ..): Brazil - 133, Mexico - 76, USA - 67, in the Philippines - 54, Italy - 48. Among them, Spain, called "Favorite Catholicism Daughter". "

As for all Christians, the city of Jerusalem became sacred for Catholics (Jerusalem is also a sacred place for Muslims and Jews), which is actually the birthplace of Christianity.

The pure Catholic sanctuary is Rome, where the Vatican is located (the religious center of the Catholic world, where the main Catholic residence is dad). While the pilgrimage of Christianity in sacred places is not as widespread, such as, for example, between Muslims or Hindu. Nevertheless, the Southern French city of Lourdes annually receives up to 2 million Catholics from a local wonderful source.

protestants There is half Catholics in the world.

Their focus focuses in Europe, as well as in the United States and Canada. Only in Australia, Protestants constitute the absolute majority among loyal people (about 2/3). Most Protestants are concentrated (in millions of people) in the USA - 70, Great Britain - 40, Germany - 30. Many Protestants are concentrated in South Africa, Australia and Canada.

number orthodox Believers are relatively small, and their focus focuses in Eastern Europe.

Orthodox only in Europe represent an important part of the likely population (about 1/4). The largest Orthodox believers in the country are Russia, Ukraine, Romania.

The second largest religion in the world - islam.

Most Muslims in Asia, but in Africa together with Christians constitute the majority of the likely population. Much more Muslims in Europe (about 1/10 believers). Among the indigenous peoples, Islam is mainly held in Southeast Europe, on the territory of the former Ottoman Empire.

Many immigrant Muslims in France and the United Kingdom. Most believers are Muslim-Sunni, and only in Iran and in part of Iraq there are many members of the Shiite interpretation of Islam. In the Islamic political world, these religious differences sometimes lead to complex conflicts. Islamic countries are quite compactly located from North Africa to South Asia. The exception is the Big Islamic settlement in Southeast Asia. The largest Muslim believers in the country (in millions of people): Indonesia - 161, Pakistan - 126, India - 100, Bangladesh - 100, Turkey - 58.

Pilgrimage in sacred places is one of the most important elements of the Islamic faith.

Special worship had two places in Saudi Arabia in Mecca - the place of birth of the Prophet Mohammed (in the Russian transcription of Mohammed) and Medina at the end of his burial. Shiites have their holy places in Iraq. Millions of Muslims made annual pilgrimages in the holy places of Arabia, although now they are mainly on aircraft.

Third World Religion - buddhism Which is significantly less than the first two in terms of the number of believers.

Buddhists were quite compact in Asia, with the exception of their western part. Pilgrimage is not so great, but many believers visited the birthplace of the Buddha in Lumbini Little Village (the foothills of the Himalayas), where the monument was preserved with the inscription: "There was a sublime" the maximum number of Buddhists in the world (millions of people ..) Japan - 92, China - 70 , Thailand - 54 Myanmar - 39, Vietnam - 38.

Among ethnic religions, the most adherents are Hindu and Chinese religion.

Religious buildings are excellent dishes.

They create a special type of settlement. It is unlikely that everyone will confuse the mosque with the Orthodox Church. We are less aware of the emergence of Hindu, Buddhist or Shinto shrines. The picture shows the appearance of some of the most characteristic temple buildings.

It is usually customary to destroy tribal, local (national) and world religions. World religions - Buddhism, Islam and Christianity.

World religions

Buddhism - the most ancient world religion exists mainly in two main varieties - Krynyan and Mahayana, which also need to be added to Lamazma. The world has developed a religion in China, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Vietnam and many other countries. Buddhism as a world religion reached the most advanced image in Tibet in Lamaism in Russia, Lamaism is carried out by residents of Buryatia, Tuva and Kalmykia.

Currently, about 300 million members of this religious lesson.

Christianity applies to the peoples of Europe and in other parts of the world in which migrants live in this part of the world. In Europe, almost exceptional Christianity in all its forms.

The number of Christianity is approaching 2 billion people. Christianity includes three main areas: Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism, in which there are many different religions and religious associations.

Catholicism (Catholicism) is the most important branch of Christianity.

The most widely represented in southern, partially western and eastern parts. Latinians confessed (Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, French, etc.), as well as Irish, Bretonians, Basque, some countries of the Germans (Austrians, Flemis, part of the Germans), most of the faithful Hungarians, some Slavic peoples (Polyakov, Chekhov , Croatians, Slovenians, Most Slovaks, Some Western Ukrainians and Belarusians), Lithuanians and the Latvian side. Catholicism is a dominant religion in Latin America and the Philippines; There are important groups of Catholics in the United States and Canada (French Canadians), as well as in Indochier and some African countries (former colonies).


The largest directions of Protestantism are Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicism, Methodism, Baptism. Protestantism is widespread in North, Central and Western Europe.

They say most Germans, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, English, Swedish, Finnish.

§sixteen. Ethnic composition of the population. Geography of religions of the world

It prevails in the United States and other English-speaking countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand). For example, in the United States 140 million believers - 72 million Protestants and 52 million Catholics.

In Canada, Catholics are slightly more than Protestants. In Australia, Protestants prevail among believers, about two times more Catholics. Large groups of Protestants are present in South Africa, Brazil, Estonia and Latvia.

Orthodoxy of Byzantine origin was established in the East and Southeast of Europe. Kievan Rus received Christianity in 988 with Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich.

Orthodoxy practiced practically Slavic countries - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova, Serbia, Croatia, Macedonia, Greece, Montenegro. Orthodox also profess such nations as Merdrevin, Mari, Komi, Udmurts, Chuvashi, some Caucasus countries (Georgian and South Ossetians) and Siberia (Yakuts, etc.). Armenian-Gregorian Church is near the Orthodox Church.

In many countries of the African continent, Christianity is actually presented (Catholicism and Protestantism, since these countries have recently been the colonies of European countries) and traditional local beliefs.

In Africa, Christianity is a monofite in Ethiopia and partly in Egypt.

Islam is the second in Christianity from the point of view of supporters of world faith (1.1 billion people).

Muslim (Islam), divided into two currents - Sunnis and only in Iran (partially in Iraq, Yemen, Azerbaijan) - Shiites. Sunni Islam is widespread in South-West Asia, as well as in Indonesia, Malaysia, in the south of the Philippines. Significant Sunni groups are located in India (about 150 million) and in Western China. His confession All the peoples of the North and Africa south of Sahara are residents of Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Somalia, Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Niger, Chad, Gambia, Mauritania and others.

In the CIS in Islam, residents of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, the North Caucasus, as well as the inhabitants of some republics that make up Russia are participating - Tatars, Bashkirs and some of the residents of Siberia. In Europe, Islam is relatively small groups of the population (Bosnians, Albanians, part of Bulgaria, migrants living in Europe - immigrants from countries where Islam pronounce).

Local religions

Confucianism was created in the middle.

1 thousand BC. In China, as a social and ethical teaching, represented by the confusion philosopher. For many centuries, it was a kind of state ideology. Other local (national) religions of China - Taoism - are based on the combination of elements of Buddhism and Confucianism.

Hinduism means not just the name of religion.

In India, where it became widespread, this is a whole religious form, from the simplest ritual, polytestic to philosophical and mystical, monotheistic.

Shito is a local belief of Japan (along with Buddhism). This is a combination of confusion elements (respect for the cultures of ancestors, patriarchal bases of the family, respect for elders, etc.) and Taoism.

Judaism applies exclusively among living people living in different countries of the world (the largest groups are located in the United States and Israel).

The total number of Jews in the world is about 14 million people.

Ethnic religions include totemism, shamanism, pagan cultures and others. Distribute it among African tribes and in some Asian countries (Mongolia, Buryatia, Yakutia, Komi, etc.).

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In the article, we will analyze the question of what religion is, we will give the definition of this concept, learn its history, as well as we describe the briefly known world religions.

Religion is the type of consciousness of people who believes that some kind of supernatural force rules the world. And this power is sacred, she is worshiped.

The main thing in any religion is considered to be faith in God. People since ancient times much needs faith, in salvation and consolation. And they push the hypothesis that there is some kind of uneducing power that helps, directs, does something contrary to the laws of the Earth. And this power is God. This is a high start of the world, moral laws.

Forms, Signs, Structures and Types of Religions

Religions in the world are a lot, more than a hundred. Their origin began several thousand years ago.

It all started with simple species and forms of beliefs. Excavations of archaeologists confirm that the ancient tribes worshiped someone, they had rites and sacraments. They had gods.

Main forms of religions:

  1. Recognition of totems - sacred objects, animals, plants.
  2. Magism - a person who has supernatural abilities could somehow influence the events of people.
  3. The choice of talisman, which could bring good luck from accidents.
  4. Faith in shamans, people who are endowed with sacred power.
  5. The form of religion at which all objects, plants have a soul, they are alive.

To understand religion, it is necessary to identify its structure. This is religious consciousness, activities, as well as organizations.

Organizations are a system that combines all people belonging to a certain religion. An example of religious activity is wearing crosses, ignition of the candle, bows.

Each religion has its own signs that distinguish it from others. Without these signs, she would be destroyed, reincarnated into the occult, shamanism.

First of all, this is the source of the ideal to which you need to strive is God. In addition, people believe in various spirits. They are both kind, and evil, they help, you can communicate with them.

Another sign is that a person is a higher creature, spiritual. He must take care of his inner soul primarily. In all religions it is believed that the soul lives forever, may exist even after death. Through faith can be spiritually eaten with God.

Religion is primarily moral. There are rules how a person should behave, what values \u200b\u200bhe must pursue in life, how to take care of his soul. The material world is negligible, but the spiritual is the most important.

Another main feature is a cult with its own rules and prescriptions. These are certain actions that are performed to express the worship of a certain religion.

List and brief history of major world religions

There are three well-known world religions. This is Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.

Christianity first appeared in the Roman Empire in the first century. From there they went all the writings about the life of Jesus, who at the young age was crucified on the cross, so that all the sins of people were formed.

After that, he was resurrected, embodied in the Son of God, in supernatural power.

The Holy Scripture, which keeps the doctrine of Christianity, is called the Bible. Consists of two collections: Old Testament and New Testament. People believers in Christianity walk to the temple, pray, keep the post, celebrate holidays, perform various sacraments.

Types of Christianity: Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism.

Orthodoxy strictly follows faith, recognizes all 7 sacraments: baptism, communion, world-formation, priesthood, repentance, wedding and cobble. Catholicism something like.

Protestantism - does not recognize the head of the Pope of Roman, considers faith with independent, against church policy.

Islam - religion Muslims. She appeared in the Arab tribes at the beginning of the 7th century. She was founded by the prophet Mohammed. He was a hermit, a single, often reflected and philosophized about morality, piety.

According to the legend in the fortieth, Archangel Gabriel appeared to him, left the inscription on his heart. God in Muslim is called Allah. Religion is very different from Christianity.

Buddhism arose in the 6th century to our era. This is the most ancient religion. The origins go with India, then it began to spread to China, to the Far East.

The most important founder is Gautama Buddha. At first he was an ordinary person. His parents once had a dream that their child would be a great man, a mentor. He was always very alone, inclined to think, only religion and philosophy were important for him.

In Buddhism there is no certain God, to whom everyone worship. Buddha is just the ideal of how to become. Light, clean, kind, highly moral. The goal of religion is to achieve a blissful state, to achieve insight, free from the shackles, find yourself, to gain peace of mind and peace.

In addition to the main three religions, there are also others. This is a very ancient Judaism.

It is based on the Ten Commandments that Moses focused God.

Also, this is a Taoism, which has the exercise that all things appear from nowhere, and go to nowhere, the main thing is harmony with nature.

She was founded by the philosopher who lived in the 4th century.

Also known religion Confucianism, Jainism, Sikhism.


Everyone chooses for themselves, what religion will worship. Different religions are one goal: an increase in the spiritual morality of people.


Adventism (from Lat. Adventus - "Coming") - a flow in Protestantism, which emerged in the USA in the 30s. XIX century Founder A. - Farmer William Miller - predicted the closeness of the end of the world and the onset of the millennial kingdom of Christ (he believed that it would occur in the forties of the XIX century). Currently, faith in the closest coming remains the basis of A. His followers do not consider the soul of the immortal; In their opinion, she dies and resurrected with the body. Adventists are confident that God will resurrect all people, but the righteous will receive eternal life, and the sinners will be destroyed with Satan after a terrible court. The largest course of A. - Seventh-Day Adventists, formed in 1844 in New Hampshire (USA).


Anabaptism (from Greek. Anabaptizo - "Immersely", "again baptized") - the current in Protestantism, which emerged in Switzerland in the 30s. XVI in. Anabaptists advocated baptism in a conscious age (baptized in infancy were baptized again), put the personal faith above the authority of the Holy Scriptures, demanded the full separation of the church and the state, called for the introduction of property of the property.

Anglican Church

Anglican Churchb - Protestant Church of England. In IS34, King Heinrich VIII ripped off the relationship with the Pope and declared himself the head of the church, the doctrine of which was proclaimed and 1562. Many of her rituals are approaching a Catholic (church hierarchy with a bishopatom and a church clergy; lush cult; Liturgy, etc.) . The Anglicanism combines the Catholic dogma about the saving power of the Church with the Protestant teaching about the salvation of the personal faith. From the end of the XVII century. In Anglicancy, there were three parties: "high" (closer to Catholicism), "low" (closer to Protestantism) and "Wide" (occupies an intermediate position).

Armenian-Gregorian Church

Armenian-Gregorian Church - It is part of the ancient churches. Founded in 301 G. Bishop of the Holy Gregory by the Educator. Headed by the Supreme Patriarch - the Catholicos of all Armenians, the residence of which is located in the city of Echmiadzin.


Baptism (from Greek. Baptizo - "baptism", "immersed") - a course in Protestantism, which emerged at the beginning of the XVII century. The founder of the first community in Amsterdam was the Anglican Priest John Smith. B. considers unnecessary baptism of babies whose parents are Christians. Baptism is considered as an act of conscious appeal to faith, spiritual revival. Baptists adhere to the doctrines of the salvation of all those who believed in Christ.


Brahmanism - Ancient Indian religion that has grown out of Voice. It is based on the teaching of Brahman - the divine basis of all things - and the Atman - an individual spirit. B. spread in India in the middle of the first to n. e. In this religious system, the primary role was assigned to Brahmans - the experts of the Vedas. Under the influence of the Brahmansky teaching about Karma in India, a strict caste system was developed, built on the conviction that all people are unequal from the very moment of birth (brahmans were considered the highest wall). Animistic representations and the cult of ancestors played a major role. B. Differs complex rituals and strict ritual regulation of life. The main texts of B. are Upanishada (letters, "sitting at the feet of the teacher").


Buddhism - The oldest of three world religions, which arose in the north-east of India in the VI-V centuries. BC e. Her founder is the prince of Siddhartha Gautama, subsequently received the name of the Buddha (letters, "awaken" or "enlightened"). At the beginning of our era, B. was divided into two branches: Krynyanu and Mahayan. B. There is no oppression of the subject and the object, spirit and matter. The religion is based on the doctrine of "four noble truths": there is suffering, his reason, the state of liberation and the path to it. According to B., life is the expression of "streams" of intangible particles - Dharmas, whose combinations determine the existence of the entire existing one. Rebirth occurs in accordance with the law of karma - reward depending on behavior in the previous life. The moral ideal B. - not to cause anyone harm. The purpose of any Buddhist is the achievement of Nirvana - the state of peace, bliss, merger with the Buddha.


Wahhabism - Religious and political flow in Islam, which emerged at the end of the XVIII century. In Arabia. His name is on behalf of Mohammed Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the first preacher of the flow. B. Preaches the restoration of the purity of the initial Islam and the monotheism. Wahhabis reject the cult of prophets and pilgrimage to holy places.


Vedism (Vedic religion) - the oldest Indian religion, which established in the II thousand to n. e. After the invasion of the territory and Nadi nomadic tribes - Arya. The hymns and prayers of the ARIEV made a huge collection of sacred legends - Vedas. The characteristic feature of V. is the deification of the forces of nature. The basis of the Vedic cult - sacrifices accompanied by a complex ritual. In I. For the first time, the concepts of Sansary (the circle of being) and karma appeared (the law of reward).


Gnosticism (from Grech. GNOSIS - "Knowledge") - the religious and philosophical teaching, spreading in the first centuries of our era in the east of the Roman Empire. Gnostics believed that the basis of the Universe is two opposing starts - the highest spirit (world soul Sofia) and matter. The highest spirit is the center of light - is a source of spiritual particles (eonov, ions). According to Gnostics, people consist of body, souls and spirit (the latter is a particle of a deity, concluded in the dungeon of matter). The Spirit seeks to free himself from the dungeon, so the world is filled with continuous struggle. Gnostics argued that a person was elevated over the world to catch the spark of the mind emanating from the Supreme Divine.

Georgian Orthodox Church

Georgian Orthodox Church - It is part of the churches of the Universal Orthodoxy. Services are committed in the Julian calendar mainly in the Starogruzinsky language. At the head of the church there is a Catholicos-Patriarch, the residence of which is located in Tbilisi.


Taoism - Chinese religion arising in the VI-V centuries. BC e. Traditionally, its founder is the sage of Lao Tzu. His work "Dae De Jing" is devoted to the two main concepts of Taoism: Tao (letters, "path", "method") and DE (letters, "grace"). Lao Tzu suggested a model of the world in which the Tao is the mysterious force, which controls the Universe, is standing above all the gods, acts at all levels of being, leads everything to harmony. The cornerstone in D. is the doctrine of immortality, the achievement of which contributes, according to Taois, religious contemplation, respiratory and gym training, sexual hygiene, alchemy.


Jainism - Religion arising in the VI-V centuries. In the east of the Industan Peninsula. Her founder is considered to be ashes Vardakhman. Jain say that the world exists forever, that he never was created by anyone. The main thing in their teaching is the self-improvement of the soul, thanks to which its liberation occurs from the earthly world. Jains believe in the resettlement of the shower and that a new embodiment depends on how a person lived his previous life. The final goal of a person should be exemption from reborn - Nirvana, which can be achieved only ascetic. Therefore, in D. great importance is attached to the practice of asceticism.


Dzen. - The Japanese name of one of the schools of Buddhism, penetrated Japan from China in the VIII-XII centuries. The basis of the concept of D. - Regulations on the impossibility of expressing the truth by human language and images. The state of enlightenment can be achieved suddenly, solely by the internal experience. In the area of \u200b\u200bDogmatics D. reached the extreme denial of authorities, morality, good and evil.


Zoroastric - an ancient monotheistic religion that arose at the turn of the I-II thousand to n. e. In the eastern regions of Iranian Highlands. His founder is the prophet Zarathushtra (Zoroaster), his revelations amounted to a sacred book 3. "Avesta". Zarathushtra taught to worship the Higher and all-living God, the Creator of all the existing - Ahura Mazda, from which all the rest of the deities occurred. He is opposed to the evil deity of Anhra-Menyu (Ariman). In the ethical concept of Z. Main attention is focused on the activities of a person based on the triad: a kind thought, good word, a good deed. The worship of Ahura Mazda was expressed primarily in the worship of the fire (which is why Zoroastrians are sometimes called fireplongs).

Jerusalem Orthodox Church

Jerusalem Orthodox Church - It is part of the churches of the Universal Orthodoxy. The oldest of Christian churches. The first bishop is the Apostle Jacob. In Jerusalem there are also the main Christian shrines: the coffin of the Lord, Calvary, etc.


Hinduism (Hinda-Samemaya, Hindu-Dharma - "Religion of Hindus", "Industrial Law") - Religion, originating in the Harapp or India civilization that existed in the III-II thousand to n. e. I. In fact, it is not a single religion, but is a system of local Indian beliefs. It does not have a slender creation system, a single symbol of faith and uniform dogmas. The key concept of I. - Dharma is universal and eternal order, preserving the integrity of the world. The main feature of belonging to Hinduism should be considered recognition of the authority of the Vedas and the brahmanic order based on it. There are general installations: karma (letters, "act", "act"), Sansara (letters, "Circle of Genesis") and the need for liberation from them. Confess I. can only a person having at least one Indian Parent.

The main symbols of Hinduisma

Lotus - One of the oldest and leading symbols of Hinduism. His flowers are cut at the light of the sun, and numerous petals resemble his rays. That is why the lotus has become the emblem of the Sun and the life-giving space, carrying life, as well as unrefined purity and spiritual perfection. Lotus has become a symbol and attribute of many solar deities - Surgei, Vishnu, Lakshmi, which are often depicted by squeezing on the lotus throne. As a symbol of fertility, it is connected with the goddess-mother, transmitting the image of a creative womb and a special sacred power. Often used in iconography sockets, medallions and ornaments with lotus.

Yantra (letters. Amulet, magic pattern) - a diagram that can designate a deity or serve a kind of card that helps to master or strengthen meditation. To appeal to each revered deity, a certain Yantra is prescribed.

Swastika - Sign of prosperity and prosperity. The swastika is a cross with the ends, bent clockwise or against it (right and left-sided swastika). Right-sided swastika is regarded as a prosperous, left - as malicious. With deep antiquity, the swastika was a sign of the sun and light, and hence life and prosperity.

Oh. - The sound and syllable, its depicting, with antiquity, was used as bearing a good. Is a symbol of totality, universal integrity and continuity; It is considered the source of all sounds and the main mantra. Its meaning is striving to comprehend yoga in deep meditation; It is pronounced at the beginning and at the end of all significant cases, in the title of texts, etc.


Islam - One of the three world religions, which arose in the VII century. In Arabia. Her founder is Mohammed, in 610 who spoke in Mecca as a prophet. The Sacred Book of Islam is the Quran, compiled after the death of Mohammed on his statements.

Five main "Pilts of Islam":

  • 1) Belief in the fact that there is no god besides Allah, and Muhammed is a prophet of his (Shahada);
  • 2) fivefold daily commitment of prayer (salad); 3) alms in favor of the poor (sunset);
  • 4) post per month Ramadan (SAUI);
  • 5) Pilgrimage to Mecca, committed at least once in life (Hajj). The entire legal system I. is laid in a special arch of rules - Sharia. Muslims recognize the immortality of the soul and afterlife. Mandatory condition for each believer is the circumcision rite. In I. There is a ban on the image of living beings. In x in. A system of theoretical theoresis - Calam was created.


Judaism - The most early monotheistic religion arising in the I thousand BC. e. In Palestine. Distributed mainly among the Jews. Jews believe in a single God, the immortality of the soul, the afterlife, the coming arrival of the Messiah, the God-in-law of the Jewish people (the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Testament, the Union of the People with God, in which the Jewish people act as a carrier of Divine Revelation). The Canon of the Holy Books I. includes Torah ("Pentateuch Moiseevo"), the books of the prophets and the Scriptures. Various interpretations and canon comments are collected in Talmud.


Calvinism - One of the Protestant currents, at the origins of which is the work of the French theater of Jacques Calvina "instruction in the Christian faith." For K., the recognition of only the Holy Scriptures and the doctrine of predetermining is characteristic (God has defined his fate in advance, to change which it is impossible. The success of a person serve as a sign that he is true to fulfill his destination). Appearing in Geneva, K. spread in France, the Netherlands, Scotland and England.

Catacomb Church

Catacomb Church - Collective name for the part of the Orthodox clergy and Orthodox communities, which in the 20s of the 20th century. He came out from under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate, accusing him in cooperation with the Soviet authorities, and took an illegal position. Catholicism is one of the three main directions in a Christian, who finally arranged after the division of churches in 1054. The Catholic Church is strictly centralized, has a single center in the Vatican, a single chapter - Pope of Roman (adopted dogma on the infallibility of its judgments). Sacred Scripture is equalized with a sacred tradition. Seven sacraments adopted. Remove icons and saints. There is a dogma of the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary. Catholics believe in the existence of purgatory. Worships occur in national languages, as well as in Latin.


Quakerism (from the English. Quake - "Shaking") - one of the Protestant denominations, based on the 17th century. In England, George Fox. Quakers emphasize the need to be in constant thrust before God. Their worship is in the inner conversation with God and sermons. Quakers have developed the doctrine of absolute pacifism, rejecting any violence.


Confucianism - the philosophical and religious system, which appeared in China in the VI-V centuries. BC e. The Philosophical System K. was created by a stray teacher of Confure (Coon Tzu). This religion is based on the concept of "sky" and "Heavenly Oblae" (fate). The person endowed with certain qualities should come in accordance with them, as well as the moral laws of the Tao (Ways) and improve its qualities through training. One of the central places in Confucianism is the concept of Hen (humanity) - the ideal relationship between people in the family, society and the state. The main principle of this concept: "What you do not want yourself, do not do others." The characteristic feature of this religion is anthropocentrism. In the emperor, U-di K. occupied the dominant position in China (it was connected with the teachings on the space forces Yin and Yan and the five-elements of U-Sin).


Krishnaism ("The International Society of Consciousness of Krishna") is one of the trends in Hinduism. The founder of society is the Indian preacher Abdam Charin de (1896-1977). According to his teaching, there is the only absolute God - Krishna. The goal of the cult practice K. - the achievement of the so-called "Consciousness of Krishna" - the state in which the believer is exempt from the power of the material world and returns to God. Love for Krishna is mostly manifested in achieving religious ecstasy through individual or collective meditation.


Lutheranism - Protestant movement, the beginning of which can be considered on October 31, 1517, when Monk Martin Luther nodded to the gate of the Wittenberg Cathedral of 95 of theses. L. denies that the clergy is endowed with the grace of an intermediary between God and People; It claims that a person saves only a personal belief in Christ, and not the special merits of saints and not good deeds in favor of the church. In L., the sphere of the Gospel (religious) and the area of \u200b\u200blaw (state) are clearly delimited. These ordinances are denied as confession and scape of sins; It is believed that repentance includes only alms and faith.


Manichaeism - Ancient Iranian religious doctrine of the eternal struggle between the forces of light and darkness, that is, between the world good and evil. The founder of the exercise is a preacher and mystic mani, who lived in 11 c. n. e. M. attributes the act of creating the world of the good demiurge, called the spirit of life. Manichei believe that he created the world in order to separate the mixed particles of light and darkness from each other.


Buddhism Mahayana (Sanskr. Mahayana - "Big Chariot") - the largest direction of Buddhism, which has been inserted in the first centuries of our era. From India M. spread to China, Tibet, Nepal, Japan, Korea, Mongolia and South Siberia, having received the name of Northern Buddhism. M. argues that salvation is possible for everyone, and not just for members of the Buddhist community. Bodhisattva (letters, "The one whose essence of enlightenment" - the ideal of M.) should take care of the salvation of all living beings. In M. Buddha - no longer just a teacher, but a supernatural creature that can be walked as a deity.


Methodism - Protestant course, which appeared in England in the XVIII century, whose founders were the Brothers John and Charles Wesley. M. puts the goal in front of a person: to live according to the Gospel, to devote to his time prayer and good deeds, study the Sacred Scripture in the original, strictly adhering to the established method, observing the discipline and order.


Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of the Last Day) - Protestant Church formed in 1830 American Joseph Smith. By analogy with the Earlipostol Church, Mormons have positions of the apostles, prophets, shepherds, teachers and evangelists. The central theological theme of Mormon's teachings is "picking up the tribes of Israel and the restoration of the true Christian church."


Pietism (from Lat. Pietas - "piety") - religious flow and luterance, which emerged in Germany at the end of the XVII century. P. puts religious feelings above all theological dogmas, church authorities, etc. His supporters opposed philosophy, culture. In the broad sense, "pietism" means religious and mystical mood, formal piety.


Orthodoxy (Greek. Orthodoxia - "Proper judgment", "Right Glory") - one of the three main directions of Christianity. It became independent after the division of churches on Western and Eastern in 1054. There is no strict organizational unity, there are numerous differences in ritual and canonical issues. Does not recognize dogma on the immaculate conception of Our Lady. Scripture is considered as part of the sacred legend. Seven sacraments adopted. In most countries, worship is held in national languages.


Presbyterians (from Greek. Presbytes "Senior", "Old man") - Protestant course arising in the second half of the XVI century. In England and Scotland under the influence of Calvinism. The name itself indicates a special form of a church organization. P. does not exist centralized administrative management. Their creed is based on the ideas about the inexperienced sinfulness of a person and about salvation as a deserved and predetermined God's grace.


Protestantism - One of the three main directions of Christianity. Its appearance is associated with the reformation - a powerful anticatolic movement in the XVI century. in Europe. The name P. is associated with the protest of 6 German princes and 14 cities against the decision of the Speyer Reichstag (1529), which voted for an intolerant attitude to Lutheranism in Germany. Belief in the direct and personal connection of the believer with Christ defines three basic principles: 1) Only the Holy Scripture is true, and the Bible is the only source of Divine Revelation. 2) Salvation is God's Dar, embodied in the redemptive death and resurrection of Christ; It is achieved only by personal faith. 3) Each believer is a priest. Protestants deny the power of Pope, the mediation of the Virgin Mary, the intercession of saints, indulgences and the sacraments, not taught by Christ (most of the Protestant churches are recognized only baptism and communion). The first Protestants were actively engaged in the translation of the Bible into national languages.


Puritan (from Lat. Purus - "Clean") - a religious flow in the Anglican Church, which arose in the second half of the XVI century. and burned for the "cleansing" of the Anglican Church from Catholicism. P. united the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "kingdom of saints" and "Cathedral" church; They sought free from control by the bishopath.


Revayvelism (From English Revival - "Revival", "Awakening") - Protestant movement of the XVII century. In Britain and American colonies. R. insisted on the possibility of cleansing not only or personal sins, but also from the original human sin. This is achieved through the Birth of Over "- spiritual revival, changing the wonderful way of the whole person.

Russian Orthodox Church

Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) - is part of the churches of the Universal Orthodoxy. Founded in 988 at Prince Vladimir I as Metropolitan of the Constantinople Church with the center in Kiev. In 1589, the Metropolitan of Moscow Job was erected into the Patriarch San. Worships are committed in the Julian calendar. The main language of worship is Church Slavonic.


Satanism - The generalized name of the anti-Christian sect, whose members worship Satan. The first of the Satan sect of the New Time is the "Church of Satan", founded in 1968 Anthony La Wem.

Jehovah witnesses

Jehovah witnesses (Jehovists) - one of the late currents in Protestantism, based by Charles Russell in 1870. Witnesses of the Plaintiffs deny the dogma of the Trinity, but recognize all three of its hypostasis. The source of life is the God of Jehovah. Jesus Christ is the only Song of the Supreme God; Only he was created by Jehovah directly, everything else is created through Christ. Jehovists are confident that the leaders of their organization and religious authorities will be resurrected immediately after death and fall into the "Government of Christ", all the rest are promised eternal life after Armageddon.


Sikhism (from Sanskr. Sikh - "Student") - one of the national religions of India. Foreigned at the end of the XV - early XVI centuries. Under the influence of the Islam penetrated into India and was originally a Protestant direction in Hinduism. The founder of Sikhism was Guru (teacher) Nanak (1469-1539). The basis of this religion is the provision that the true devotion to God is deep inner faith. Sikhism is monotheistic, does not recognize the clergy, denies public services, external attributes and caste differences. It developed the path of spiritual improvement - to us Marg, or Sahaj Yoga.


Shintoism - Religion common in Japan. It originated from the pagan reading Kami - the ubiquitous manifestations of all sacred. In the VII century It began to unite all the local cults of kami into a single whole. The most ancient forms of beliefs (magic, totemism, fetishism) have been preserved in the SINTO. There are no clear differences between people and kami in this religion. S. does not promise salvation in some other world, and the ideal considers the harmonious coexistence of a person with the surrounding world.

Old Believers

Old Believers (Slicing) - a set of religious flows resulting from the split of the Russian Orthodox Church in the middle of the XVII century. Opponents of the reform of Nikon, who sought to unite the Russian and Greek Orthodox churches, believed that after this reform, Official Orthodoxy ceased to exist. Dogmatic discrepancies between the Old Believers and the ROC are practically no. Discrepancies concern only some rites and inaccuracies in the translation of liturgical books. Old Believers have retained a double godfall sign, only the eight-spin cross and so on.


Sunnism - The main direction of Islam, which considers the first sin of caliphs - Abu Bekra, Omar and Osman - legitimate receivers of Magomet. Along with the Quran, Sunnu is recognized (legends about the prophet). When solving the issue of higher Muslim power, "on the consent of the entire community" (its religious top) is pirate.


Sufism (from Arab, Suf - "Wool") - a mystical direction in Islam, which emerged in the VIII-IX centuries. C. Based on the innermost knowledge, thanks to which the personality received the possibility of self-improvement. At the heart of the Sufi teaching, the desire to comprehend the secretions of faith. The Sufism method was instant illuminated. Through music and dances, Sufi are trying to achieve the sacred ecstasy, understood as them as a state in which there is no division into good and evil, truth and lies, faith and disbelief.


Khainna (from Sanskr. Hinayana - "Small Chariot") - one of the main directions of Buddhism, which emerged at the beginning of our era, includes 18 different schools. Artified in Southeast Asia, having received the name "southern Buddhism". X. It believes that only members of the Buddhist community can reach Nirvana, that is, the monks. Ideal X. - Arhat (letters, "reached enlightenment"), X. Requires the monks of tirelessly on themselves and complete loneliness on the way to the highest goal. Buddha in X. - a person who, after five hundred and more reborn, was destined to open the living beings of "four noble truths".


Christianity - One of the three world religions arising in Palestine in I B. n. e. At the beginning of the IV century. X. It becomes the state religion of the Roman Empire, and the XIV applies to almost all of Europe. At the heart of X. Lies faith in the fact that two thousand years ago, God sent to the world of his son, the Bohell, Jesus Christ, who lived, preached, suffered and died on the cross as a person. The main book of Christians is the Bible. X. They believe in a single God, existing in three persons: the god-father, the Son's God and the Holy Spirit. Very important for Christians is an idea of \u200b\u200boriginal sin. Another characteristic feature of X. - It can only exist in the form of the church (this or a community of believers, or the temple, or the form of Christian faith). Sacred symbol X. - Cross. All Christians believe in the coming end of the world and in the second coming of Christ.


Shamanism (From Evenk, Saman - "excited") - one of the oldest forms of the religious practice of mankind, the central figure in which the shaman is a mediator between the world of people and the world of perfume, which has the opportunity to treat people. Unlike priests and priests, he is crica with the help of perfume. In addition, the shaman is held by the "Persecurity" in another world. Communication with spirits, during which the shaman falls into the trance, is called choking. Currently, shamanism is distributed in many Asian countries, in Siberia, an interest in the Indian Shamans has increased.


Shiism (From Arab, AH-SHIA - "Adherents", "Party") - one of the trends in Islam. Originally formed in the form of a political party, recognizing the son-in-law of Mohammed, Ali, as the successor of the prophet. In Sh. The doctrine of "hidden Imam" arose, that is, about the mysteriously disappeared by the twelfth Imam, which should return to the land in the intended hour and restore justice. Shiites do not recognize Sunnu and have their own legend.

Elelade Orthodox Church

Eleladskaya (Greek) Orthodox Church - It is part of the churches of the Universal Orthodoxy. In 1850, she, according to church canons, was recognized as the "Constantinople Church". Used Gregorian Churching. The location of the Archbishop of Athens and the whole Eldla is Athens.