Municipal state preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 10" combined view of the city of Karabash

Short term creative project

for the middle group

Prepared by:



Yu.A. Belkina

March 2016

Project type: group, short term.

Project type: informational, creative.

Project participants: educators, children of the middle group, their parents, music director.

Location: MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 10", Karabash.

Objective of the project: Expanding children's knowledge about the origin of the holiday on March 8, deepening children's knowledge about the role of mothers in life.

Relevance of the problem:

We are accustomed to taking existing holidays for granted, since there is a holiday, it means that we need to celebrate it, congratulate it, give gifts. When preparing children for the holiday, the question arose: “Where did the holiday come from? Why March 8? An idea arose to prepare for the holiday in the course of the project "March 8 - International Women's Day", to acquaint children with the history of the holiday and to prepare a holiday for dear mothers with children.

Project objectives:

    Teach children to analyze works about mothers.

    Develop competent speech, when compiling a descriptive character about mothers.

    Arouse the desire of children to depict beautiful flowers in the picture for mom.

    Arouse the desire of children to create gifts for the holiday with their own hands.

    The development of fine motor skills.

The project includes 3 stages:

Preparatory stage:

    Definition of goals and objectives of project activities.

    Development of a project implementation strategy

    Drawing up a plan for the main stage

    Selection of literary works about mother

    Selection of material on the topic "History of the holiday"

Basic stage:

    looking at pictures of moms

    Introduction to the history of the holiday

    Reading books about mothers

    Reading the work with further analysis by S. Teterin poems for children “Mother will be very happy”, My beloved mother (poems and stories), poems about mother “You are the best in the world”, “My mother is the best”

    Reading works about mothers in home reading

    Compilation of descriptive stories "My Mom"

    Making greeting cards and gifts.

The final stage:

    Design of the exhibition of children's drawings "My dear MOMMY"

    Holding the holiday "Good Carlson Came to Us"

    Drafting a project

    Submission of the project to the website of the preschool institution

This project meaningful for all its members:

Children: they will gain new knowledge about the origin of the holiday, learn a lot of new works about the person closest to them - MOM, learn how to compose descriptive stories about their mother, please their mothers with creative success, receive joy from a jointly held holiday.

teachers: continuation of the development of the design method - a method of organizing rich children's activities, which makes it possible to expand the educational space, give it new forms, and effectively develop the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers. Implement the task of interaction with parents in joint activities.

Parents: get new knowledge, skills, spend creative time with their child in the implementation of project activities, receive gifts from their children, which they create with their own hands.

Assumed distribution of roles in the design team:

caregiver : is engaged in the selection of the necessary material, organizes educational situations, reading works, effectively develops the creative and cognitive thinking of preschoolers

Children: participate in cognitive activity, applying previously acquired knowledge, learn the proposed works, participate in the analysis of works and in productive activities.

Parents : together with children they read recommended and favorite works about mothers; participate in project activities, take an active part in the life of the garden.

Estimated result of the project:

Building grammatically correct speech when compiling descriptive stories.

Effective communication with parents.

Holding the holiday "Good Carlson Came to Us."


"Bouquet for a sweet mom" Postcards for mom

Drawing "Flowers for Mom"


To the cheerful music, children enter the hall with flowers and stand in a semicircle.


Dear guests, mothers and grandmothers! We congratulate you on the coming of spring, on the first spring holiday - March 8!

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!

Dance with flowers

The teachers pick flowers.

Vedas: Spring walks through the yards, in the rays of heat and light,

Today is the holiday of our mothers, and we are pleased with this.

In order not to offend the holiday, we want to see you all,

For whom they came here, they brought congratulations!

Moms, moms, get up and show yourself to the guys!

Happy Women's Day to you....

Children: Congratulations!

Vedas: Happiness, joy...

Children: We wish!

Vedas: And on this spring day, we are not too lazy to dance and sing!

Children: Congratulations to our moms

We honestly promise you:

We won't mess around

And let's forget about quarrels!

Hello to our mothers helmet!

"Mom" is an expensive word!

That word is warm and light.

Listen to our song

Dear Mom,

Be always healthy

Be always happy!

Song "Mom"

(happy music playing)

Vedas: What is it guys? Who is it to us in a hurry.

Carlson appears

Carlson: Hello kids! Girls and boys!

Hello girls! Salute boys! Did you recognize me?

Children: Yes!

Carlson: Good Carlson has come to you! Eat, drink tea!

Well, where's your cake, candy and ice cream,

Jam, chocolate, and delicious marmalade?!

Feed me soon!

After all, I am Carlson, the most cheerful in the world,

Therefore, I like adults and children!

Vedas: Wait, wait, Carlson! Of course, we are very glad to see you at our holiday, but why did you say hello only to the guys?! Look how many beautiful, elegant guests are in our hall today!

Oh, and, really, what wonderful guests!

He comes a little closer to one mother, then to the other, then to the grandmother, greets them, taking them by the hand, looking at their bags.

Let me introduce myself! Carlson! The most beautiful, educated, intelligent and moderately well-fed! Carlson! A man in his prime! Carlson! Very interesting man! Hey, what's in your purse? Marshmallows, chocolate?! Oh, and I think you have sweet toffees? No! (threatens finger) And someone smells like chewing gum! How I want sweets, I'm losing weight right before my eyes!

Vedas: Wait, wait Carlson! Do not rush! Especially since you haven't visited us in a long time.

Carlson: Things, you know ... How many houses I flew around, how many kids I met! And how many different sweets he ate!

Vedas: Yes Carlson! You are still the same fidget and sweet tooth! But you guys are welcome! Really guys?!

Carlson: And how glad I am! After all, I now live on the roof of your kindergarten. Once, flying past the window, I saw that the children were preparing for some kind of holiday. Just what a holiday! I didn't understand!

I lead: Guys, what holiday are we celebrating?

Vedas: And now the guys will tell you what kind of holiday it is!

2reb: A festive morning is knocking at our house,

3reb: Every kid knows better than his mother,

There is no one on the whole earth, no one.

4 reb: Outside the window, the song is heard all day long,

Who came up with the song? Sun and spring!

5 reb: Our cheerful choir sings a song,

And laughs the sun, the chief conductor.

Song "It's Mother's Day"

Carlson: Yes! I understood why the children sang so loudly every day. This is what they rehearsed! So that at the holiday their mothers, grannies, sisters smile and are happy. Will there be food at your party?

Vedas: Of course it will, but it still needs to be earned! You sing to us or dance, then we'll see whether to treat you or not!

Carlson: Well, what are you, I'm shy!

Vedas: We'll have to rescue you! Guys, let's all dance a fun dance together!

Dance "Spring drops"

After the dance, the children sit down in their places, and Carlson falls into a chair.

Carlson: All! The dance, of course, is very good, but I’m so weak, I’m sick, give me at least something sweet faster!

Vedas: Guys, we need to save Carlson! Where is our jar of jam?!

Carlson: (raises head) What am I hearing?! Jam?!!!

Vedas: Yes, jam!

Carlson: How big is the bank?

Vedas: Big, big!

Carlson: How big is the spoon?

(the presenter approaches Carlson with a large spoon and a jar)

What a spoon! Open your mouth wide, we will save you!

(the presenter feeds Carlson, he gets up, takes a jar and runs into a corner where he continues to eat)

Vedas: Oh, Carlson ... It seems to me that you mixed everything up, and came to the holiday of the sweet tooth, and today we have a holiday for mothers and grandmothers!

Carlson: (wiping off, goes to the middle) I didn't mess up anything! I even prepared a surprise for you!

Vedas: Surprise?! It's great! Tell us about it!

Carlson: Guys, do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Carlson: Here's my surprise for you - it's a game!

Let's play the game "Collect the flower?"

Game "Collect a flower"

(5 multi-colored flowers lie on the floor, children collect petals of the same color to the music)

Vedas: You guys are good, played from the heart. Thank you, Carlson, for a good game and for the flowers! For this, I want to give you this candy! Here's a surprise from us for you!

Carlson: Wow! Well, candy! Thanks, you got it right! That's what I thought, since you have such big sweets here, I, perhaps, will not rush to leave! I'll probably stay here!

Vedas: Of course, we don’t mind if you stay with us, but if the candy is big, then it can be divided among everyone!

Carlson: Well, I do not! What is there to share! Me and one is not enough!

Vedas: Okay, I was joking! You certainly deserve this tasty treat! Tell me, Carlson, do you like our holiday?

Carlson: Yes, you are so cool here! Girls and boys are dressed up! And mommies are so cute!

Vedas: Carlson, look, not only mothers, but also grandmothers came to our holiday.

Carlson: Yes! Yes! Every morning I see from my roof that your grandmothers love you very much, grandchildren. They buy you toys and bring you to kindergarten! Here are good ones, what kind of relatives are your grandmothers.

Leading: Our children prepared a surprise for their grandmothers.

Good grandmothers are loved by all children,

To our kind grandmothers - HELLO!

1 reb: Our grandmothers are friends

They love us grandchildren very much.

Buy us toys

They even take them to kindergarten.

2 reb: I help my grandmother, I'm already big,

The grandmother smiled, she became young.

"Young grandmother!" - people says,

I am very, very happy for our grandmother.

3reb: There are many different songs in the world about everything,

And now we will sing a song about your grandmother.

Song about grandma

Carlson: I see you love your grandmother very much. Let's dress her up to be beautiful.

Attraction "Dress up the grandmother"

Vedas: See how our kids have fun!

Game "Look for a toy"

Carlson: They played fun.

Vedas: And Carlson, our children love to work.

Carlson: Do you love to work? Do you clean toys yourself? And do you set the table? Do you arrange cups and plates?

1reb: I help my mother, I work every day,

I clear the table, I wash the floor with pleasure!

2reb: I can sweep with a brush, I know how to clean things,

Rub the dishes to a shine, and sweep the dust everywhere with a rag!

3reb: I don't roll on the carpet, I don't skip,

I'll clean it myself today, all toys and books!

4reb: I will also help my mother, I will remove all the toys,

I'll hide the car behind the sofa, the cubes behind the chair,

I'll leave the ball under the table, that's all!

5reb: It would be nice if suddenly an iron fell into my hands,

I would show my mother that I have become big a long time ago!

Carlson: Yes! Great! Well done!

Vedas: Yes, every mother is happy if the children grow up obedient, helpers. And they try to be like that: despite the fact that they are still small.

The game "Mom's helpers"

Carlson: Wow! Here are the helpers!

Vedas: And I so want your sons

Grew fearless, brave boys!

So that your son grows up as a protector,

He wouldn't shed tears over trifles!

And I will gladly tell you a secret:

There are no boys in the group!

And there is no reason for tears -

Take a look at all true men

The boys march to the center of the hall

1 reb: All the boys of the whole country must be brave,

So that the borders are guarded, so that mothers smile,

Let there be no war!

2 reb: The border guard will not cry, and the rocket man will not cry,

Even if he falls and hurts his knee!

Because bruises are nothing for a soldier.

Song "We are soldiers"

Carlson: Oh, how smartly you walked! And not at all tired! Real future defenders.

Gives the leading box with a double bottom, she opens it, and in the box - candy wrappers

Vedas: Carlson, what is it?

Carlson: (guilty) I hurried to you, carried sweets ....

Vedas: And where are they now?

Carlson: They don't have them! Slowly, little by little, I ate sweets on the way

Only wrappers left (scatters candy wrappers on the floor)

Vedas: Here are those times! What do we do now!

Carlson: What to do, I don't know... Where can I get sweets?

I suggest you guys do a little magic

Vedas: Before you conjure like that - you need to clean everything around

Wrappers quickly carry and put in a box.

Game "Collect the candy wrappers"

Carlson: 1-2-3-4-5- start to conjure!

Together we will clap our hands, we will smartly stamp our feet ...

Let's knock on the box (knocking) What's in the box - let's see!

opens from the side where the sweets are

Carlson: Oh, Hurry up, kids, instead of candy wrappers - sweets

Vedas: Well, Carlson, don't yawn! Feed the kids.

Carlson: Treat! Treat! Happy holiday to all!

(hands out candy)

Had a lot of fun, well, goodbye kids. It's time for me to fly to the roof, congratulate my girlfriends. Goodbye friends! I'm flying already!

(leaves the room)

Vedas: Our holiday is already over, what else can we say?!

Let me wish goodbye happiness to all of you.

Be cheerful, healthy, give good light to everyone,

Come visit again and live to be a hundred years old.

In modern post-Soviet countries, it is customary to celebrate March 8, Women's Solidarity Day, International Women's Day, spring and beauty day. In the calendar every year this day is marked in red, and every self-respecting man hurries to the flower market in the morning in order to buy bouquets for his beloved woman, mother, sister, colleagues and girlfriends. And here the cost and size of the bouquet is not important, the main thing is attention, recognition by men of the female essence. So what is this holiday? March 8? How long has it been celebrated? Is it really international? Let's take a tour of the history of this holiday.

1857, March 8, New York, a strike of light industry workers called "march of empty pots". Women took to the streets because of low-paid and harsh working conditions. At that time, women had a 16-hour working day, while receiving meager wages for their work. This rally bore fruit, the working day was reduced to 10 hours.

1908, March 8, still the same New York, a rally for equality between men and women, demands for shorter working hours for women, equalization of wages for women and men, and women's suffrage.

1910, August 27, Copenhagen, Second International Socialist Women's Conference, communist Clara Zetkin proposes to establish international women's day during which women could hold rallies, drawing public attention to their problems. The first time we celebrated at the same time Women's Day March 8 in 6 countries of the world, fell on 1914, participating countries: Russia, Austria, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland.

In Tsarist Russia day March 8 had a political connotation, because in 1917 on this day in Petrograd a decision was made

arrest the tsar and his entire family, thereby overthrowing the monarchy and coming to the dual power of the Provisional Government and the Petrograd Soviet of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies.

Since 1966 in the USSR the day of March 8 lost its political connotation and, by decree of the government, it was decided to make it a non-working day, "the day of all women."

Since 1975 UN proclaimed March 8 International Women's Day, since then, all events on the struggle for the protection of women's rights have been timed to coincide with this date. The holiday of March 8 is officially recognized in the countries of the world: Armenia, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Vietnam, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Zambia, Georgia, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, China, Cuba, Costa Rica, Kiribati, Laos, Mongolia, Madagascar, Moldova, Nepal, Russia, Kazakhstan , Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Serbia, Uzbekistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Montenegro, Croatia, Eritrea.

It is noteworthy that before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar in Russia, according to the old style celebration of women's solidarity fell on February 23 now known as "Men's Day".

The overthrow of Nicholas II from the throne and the socialist revolution of 1917 began with women's protests against the war on women's day(February 23 then).

Even in ancient Rome, there was a day of female solidarity, when slaves received a day off and housewives allowed them not to work that day, and wives received gifts from their husbands on this day.

In many countries International Women's Day March 8 has the status of a public holiday. This day is declared a holiday. Close and familiar women are congratulated on March 8, and it is customary to congratulate female colleagues or employees of state institutions (teachers, educators) on the eve, occasionally on the next working day after the holiday.

Advice for parents

"History of the origin of the holiday"

Ah, women! And beauty and holiday
And the heroines of youthful dreams.
From birth in the daughters of a beautiful spring
Our hope, faith and love!
(A. Dementiev)

It's hard to choose the best time for a holiday March 8! At this time, nature wakes up from its winter sleep, the sun begins to shine in spring and the first flowers bloom - snowdrops.

Spring is coming. And let it not be hot
But with her, like a summer shadow,
Comes to us March 8-
International Women's Day!

Our children are passionate about drawing postcards to their beloved mothers and grandmothers. Men are racking their brains over what to give to their dear women. They go shopping. They are looking for March 8 gifts for their wives and daughters. They compose poems ... For example, these:

My wife is adorable!
Lord, thank you for your wife!
She is a heavenly creature
As they said in the old days.
She is kind, gentle, beautiful,
She is determined to...
Try to say otherwise
She will turn my head!
(V. Mishin)

This day has become for all of us - a wonderful spring holiday, where all attention is paid to the woman. We have no idea how this holiday came about. Let's take a look at world history with you ....

It all started at the beginning of spring, far 1857. This year, about 150 textile women marched " empty pots» in Manhattan. They demanded higher wages, better working conditions and equal rights with men. It was a shock for the government! The police, of course, dispersed this demonstration, but it made a lot of noise.

Another 50 years have passed! Last Sunday in February 1908, already 1,000 women took to the streets of New York. They again began to demand an electoral vote, opposed the terrible working conditions, especially the work of children. The demonstration was again dispersed by the police. Ice water hoses were launched! This procession ended in such a deplorable way, but the wheel of history has already turned and rolled. The process of women's struggle for their rights could no longer be stopped.

Inspired by the example of American friends, women from many countries began to protest. And it was always at the beginning of spring.

The history of March 8th is closely connected with the name of the German socialist Clara Zetkin. This woman created a revolutionary women's detachment to fight inequality. IN 1910 at the 2nd International Conference of Women Socialists in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin proposed to choose “a day to fight for women's rights”. Clara's proposal was approved. Since then, the International Day of Women's Solidarity has arisen, although there has not yet been an exact date.

In 1911 it was held March 19, in 1912 - noted 12 May, and only since 1914 it spontaneously began to be celebrated March 8! So this date is fixed in history.

In Russia, for the first time, International Women's Day was celebrated in St. 1913. In a petition addressed to the mayor, it was announced the organization of a "scientific morning on the women's issue." On March 2, about 1,500 people gathered on Poltavskaya Street, where women expressed their claims about the high cost of living and inequality. They demanded a decent provision of motherhood, the right to vote and much more.

From the first years of Soviet power, March 8 became our state holiday. In March 1917, the women of Russia received the right to vote, and the Constitution of 1918 consolidated the policy of equal rights for Russian women in state power. As V.I. Lenin (Ulyanov) "Now every cook can run the state." By the way, the Soviet idea of ​​"equality of the sexes" led us in Russia to the emergence of such a "purely female" profession as "asphalt paver". These are miracles!

Since 1965, this day has been declared non-working, and gradually International Women's Day has lost its political overtones.

Our dear women have proved that they, on an equal footing with men, can defend their rights, can protect their hearth and their homeland. A vivid example of this is the participation of women on the fronts and in the rear during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945).

On all fronts, in battles big and small,
In heaven, on earth and on water,
In all the victories won in the war
Their military female feat is everywhere!
With them, the soldier held on bolder in battle,
With them, it is a sin for a soldier to retreat ...
And about the fact that the rear rested on them
The volumes were written a long time ago.

Many doubted that this holiday is really International. Let's get to the facts. In 1977, the UN adopted resolution 32/142, calling on all countries to proclaim March 8 - Women's Rights Day - International Women's Day!

Our contemporaries do not particularly think about the origins of the celebration of March 8, and simply perceive it as a wonderful holiday for women. Indeed, our dear, wonderful, sweet mothers, grandmothers, sisters, wives and daughters deserve to be given special attention at least once a year.

Therefore, our dear men, give women flowers! Give them compliments, write poems, sonnets, songs for them! Talk to your wives about love, don't be afraid to sound stupid. They will definitely appreciate it!

All of you, dear women, with the holiday of Spring! Happy International Women's Day!

On the eve of the March 8 holiday, kindergarten teachers begin to look for special, non-banal scenarios for matinees, so that both kids and guests can rejoice and feel the warm touch of spring.

From this article, you will learn how to prepare a wonderful holiday for children, taking into account the useful experience of teachers, and be inspired by new ideas.

You can use one of the ideas you like in preparing the program for your holiday or recreate the proposed scenario in full. It depends on you whether the festive atmosphere will reign on March 8 among the pupils and guests who came to the matinee!

Scenario of a fun matinee for March 8 in kindergarten for the middle group in the form of a fairy tale

We invite you to prepare a script based on the fairy tale "The Tsokotukha Fly". Before starting to create a festive mood among pupils, organizers and educators should think about the distribution of roles, distribute poems and songs to children.

It will also take time to analyze dance compositions and make attributes, costumes for heroes. Some games can also only be played if certain attributes are present.

It is important for educators and parents that children rejoice at the holiday and reveal the talents sleeping in them. And the joint preparation of children during rehearsals will be a serious teamwork experience.

Preparation for the holiday begins with the search for suitable interesting numbers and the script itself. Details are also important, such as musical accompaniment, scenery in the hall, and other trifles.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a scenario:

  • The program should not be overloaded with numbers so that the children do not become distracted by the end of the celebration. Organize a short but memorable event.
  • You can come up with a scenario yourself, taking as a basis a fairy tale in which there are many characters: after all, each child of the group must be involved in preparing the holiday and not stand aside.
  • The numbers must change in a chain. The most optimal is the following scheme: a mini-performance, competitions and games, short poems and dance compositions.
  • Think in advance which role will suit the child best. Do not load a shy child with a large number of poems, but offer him a short text. So speaking in public will not bring him moral trauma and will not become torture for him in the future.

Do not demand the impossible from children, but approach each one taking into account his individual characteristics.

  • Ask your parents to help you with rehearsals. With their support, praise and tips, the children will do better than in the company of educators alone.

Decorate the hall where you will spend the holiday with the children. Offer to prepare “invitations” for moms and grandmothers, as well as small crafts as gifts.

Characters of the fairy tale matinee:

  • Leading
  • Fly Tsokotukha
  • Butterfly
  • Ant

Boys appear on the stage to the music of "Crazy Spring".


March plays loudly on icicles
The sky umbrella opened blue
Happy holiday: both affectionate and sonorous
With new happiness, with joy, with spring.

1 boy:

The days are fine
Similar to holidays
And the sun is warm in the sky
Cheerful and kind.

2 boy:
Spring time has come
It's time to bloom
And that means the mood
Everyone has spring!

3 boy:
Our guests have taken their seats, but where are the girls? After all, the holiday is about to begin! Shall we call them guys? Girls! Run here, hurry up!

The song continues. The girls also appear on the stage. They dance, involving boys in the dance.

1 girl:
Spring, spring! Can you feel her breath? The rivers have long woken up and the birds have begun to chirp merrily!

2 girl:
The frosts have long receded, and the winter is gone. Now you can find small snowdrops in the forest!

3 girl:
Warmed by the spring sun, spring streams run!
From a young spring, they send greetings to us all!

The song "Spring Capel" sounds

Video: Spring drops

1 boy:
Spring does not come alone: ​​it brings us mother's holiday. And so that the guys would not be bored, we offer to learn songs for moms. Let our children's choir perform them together in harmony.

3 boy:
Today for mom all the songs
All dances, smiles and laughter,
You are dearer than all and more wonderful
Native, golden man!

4 boy:
May your day be clear
Let the birds sing tonight.
About the most wonderful thing in the world
I sing about my mother!

Video: Song MAME Very beautiful

One of the girls: We have been thinking for so long what gifts will please our mothers the most. After all, on March 8 there should be the best gift! What could be better than a "jacuzzi" or a ticket to Cyprus? Only we can’t give such a gift, and we can’t buy a Mercedes for our mothers. But what to give? Where to stop? And so, having collected all the opinions and suggestions, we decided to give mothers one ticket to the theater. And we will play the roles in it ourselves!

Sorry for the inaccuracies and deviations from the text!
We are just learning acting.
The theater sends you greetings
And moms are calling for a performance!

Children leave the stage, sitting on chairs.

Runs to the stage to cheerful music Fly Tsokotukha:
What should I buy? Maybe a blue dress?
Maybe shoes? Maybe a skirt? So, I'll think for a minute...
No, I'll go to the fair, I'll buy myself a samovar!
Because, today I will celebrate the women's holiday,
Treat all insects, cockroaches with sweet tea! (quickly leaves the stage)

Leading: Do you think Mukha has a birthday? No! She is getting ready for Women's Day. She has already invited guests, but she doesn’t have a samovar!

Included Fly with a samovar. Puts it on the table:

And I'm Fly - Tsokotuha, gilded belly,
It's time to tell a fairy tale, it's already spring in the yard.
I'm spinning at the mirror, I'll take care of my beauty,
The table has long been laid, the samovar is already boiling.
On my table are cheesecakes and pies with jam,
Soon there will be girlfriends - bees, butterflies, beetles.
Let's have fun together, sing and dance songs,
We will congratulate you, our mothers, today.
- Well, why are you sitting there? Everybody come out to dance!

Children perform a dance with mothers: “Become a circle soon”

A knock is heard at the door. Fly: Here are the guests on the doorstep! Come in, hurry up!
Ant: Hello Mukha Tsokotuha. They say you called your friends for fun. Here you go, a present from me.
(gives a card)
Fly: Oh, thank you, Ant! Have you forgotten to congratulate your grandmother on the holiday of spring?
Ant: Congratulations in the morning, as the sun rose!

Today is a spring day
Let's do it together
Thank you grandmothers
Thank you moms
For troubles, for affection,
For songs, for fairy tales,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys!
The song is about grandma

Video: Song about grandmother

The doorbell rings again.
Fly: Someone else is running towards us.

Butterfly appears at the door holding a string and a box filled with pasta. Wipes away tears.

Butterfly: I am a beautiful butterfly, I hurried to you for a holiday, but I was in such a hurry that the beads that I prepared for a gift were torn. (Raises the torn beads higher for the audience to see)

Fly: Don't cry, Butterfly! Now we will collect all the beads with the guys!

The host invites the children to play the game "Collecting beads".

New, unusual scenes can be woven into the holiday script based on a well-known fairy tale.

Video: Game collect beads for grandma!

The doorbell rings again.

Fly: Someone else came to our holiday! Let's meet the guests!

Children dressed as ladybugs appear on stage:

1 ladybug:
This festive day
In March, the brightest.
We will give the fly
Fashion magazines. (gives magazines)

2 ladybugs:
Dress up, we wish you
Fashionable, as in the picture.
Very fashionable will be in March
Canes and boots!

Fly: Oh thank you ladybugs! I will order a cane and boots by mail to be the most fashionable Fly.

Ladybugs perform a cheerful dance composition.

Ladybug costume

Leading: Fly, why don't we hold a competition! Let grandmothers and mothers draw the most beautiful outfit for themselves.

Competition: "Beautiful outfit for the Fly"

For the competition you will need:

  • two sheets of A3 paper with the image of Mukha Tsokotukha in a dress
  • colorful outfits cut out from fashion magazines
  • glue stick

The presenter explains the conditions of the competition: you need to stick your favorite blanks from magazines on Mukha Tsokotukha's dress. The winner is the child whose outfit the audience appreciates with big applause.

Leading: The fly seems to be ringing the doorbell again! Open quickly!

Beetles appear at the door.

Spider Suit

Another version of a very effective beetle costume

1 beetle:
We are overseas beetles
Rich men.
Guys we are great
Even if they are overseas.

e2 beetle:
From overseas distant countries
Avocado and banana
Mango, kiwi, pineapple
Brought here for you.

3 beetle:
They contain glucose and lactose,
sucrose and fructose.

Well, do not list, just start dancing as soon as possible!
Beetles in hats perform a dance composition.

Dance of beetles in hats.

Video: Beetle Dance

Video: bug dance

Leading: The bell is ringing again, someone is in a hurry to visit us!

run in bees:

Eh, tea, tea, tea, you, gossip, meet!
On this joyful day we will drink flower juice -
Fragrant, sweet, fragrant, and it tastes so good!
- And for everyone we baked these pretzels
Sprinkled with poppy seeds, watered with honey.
Enough pretzels for everyone, we will treat them all!

The bees sing ditties:

1 bee:
Let's sing ditties now
You are not very long.
We'll call ditties
Z-z-z, bees.

2 bee:
Bee, dear friend,
We will fly together.
Yes, sit on the flowers,
To have a little chat.

3 Bee:
The bee sang songs
At the green linden:
Why am I not a star
I don't make videos?

4 Bee:
I want to warn
Tolya, Sveta, Valya:
Come close to the hive,
I won't stand it, I'll sting.

Fly: Thank you, Bees, for the wonderful ditties! It's time for the table, and the samovar has already boiled!

(Sinister music plays and a spider enters the stage)

Leading: But suddenly, as if suddenly, a spider appears. The guests stamped their feet. The guests clapped their hands.

Fly: Oh, help, help!

Spider: Don't be afraid of the Lord.
Ladies take it easy
I'm not evil at all
I don't eat beautiful flies!
A treat for you from me
Well, just food.

(Holds out sweets on a tray to the guests)

Fly: You scared us, Spider! We did not think that you are also happy about the holiday.

Leading: Boots creak, heels clatter,
The kids will have fun until the morning!

Children in chorus: We don't get tired of dancing
Happy Women's Day!

Children perform the dance composition "Samovar".

Video: Dance for children "Samovar". Simple moves

Leading: We tried not in vain. The story ended well.

May women's day never end,
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And the boys give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Reb: Mom, dear, I love you!
I give you all spring flowers.
The sun smiles from above
It's great, I have you.

Children Perform a dance composition for mothers.

Video: "Mommy, honey, I love you ..."

The holiday ends with a song for mom. Children give gifts to all mothers and grandmothers.

Songs for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the middle group

The first children's impressions of the spring festival are those that they will experience at the matinee. Therefore, it depends on the educators how bright this event will become for children and how it will be remembered for a lifetime.

The organizers of the holiday and educators cannot do without numbers with songs. This section contains simple funny songs that can be used in the program of the matinee on March 8th.

Song "Freckles-spring"

Oh you, freckle-spring,
We are glad you came!
Oh, lyoli-lyoli
Oh, lyoli-lyoli!
2. You brought us warmth,
White snows are melting.
Oh, lyoli-lyoli
Oh, lyoli-lyoli!
3. Small birds fly,
They cry about spring.
Oh, lyoli-lyoli
Oh, lyoli-lyoli!

Song-dance "Waltz for Mom"

The blue is melting behind the white window.
The sun is spinning with us.
My first waltz.
Your best waltz
I will give to my dear mother.
2. I will dance the waltz more than once.
There are a lot of them ahead.
Just now
My first waltz
I will give you, mom!
3. How I want to, my mother.
You never got sad
Be always
Be always.
My mom, you are happy!

Song "I sing a song to Mom"

I wake up in the morning with a song
La la la la la la!
I sing a song to mom
La la la la la la!
2. Mom gets up before everyone else,
La la la la la la!
Leads me to kindergarten
La la la la la la!
3. And when we come home,
La la la la la la!
Let's sing a song together
La la la la la la!

Song "Spring Mood"

Blue, blue, blue - April sings,
Ding. ding, ding - ringing drops.
Bright highlights carousel on the water.
Top, top, top - I'm going to the garden
Through the flood and the drip,
Happy sunny morning and spring.
1. A stream runs after me
On the washed pavement
The sentry smiled after me.
Slap, slap, slap - from under the foot
The boots are singing.
All roads are dear to me at the age of six.
2. Already because of the fences
Kindergarten appeared -
He is always very happy for me (us), old friend.
And my soul sings:
How good is it.
How good is
Life around.

Video: "There is a mother"

Video: "Everyone has a mother"

Video: Song about friendship

Poems for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the middle group

The choice of poems for a matinee in kindergarten must be taken seriously! After all, this event is very exciting for the kids, and for the organizers of the holiday, and for the parents who came to admire the little artists.

Therefore, all sorts of force majeure are possible: someone can mix up the words, someone can completely forget the text. Educators, on the other hand, secretly hope that their pupils will be able to shine in front of the guests with the magnificent pronunciation of a congratulatory poem.

This section contains a selection of short but capacious rhymes that kids will quickly memorize in order to please their mothers with a well-rehearsed performance of poems about mother, grandmother and spring!

We are very excited about spring!

Let the snowdrifts in the yard
And the snow hardly melts
Today is March in the calendar -
Spring is coming into play!

We are ready to jump to the sky
And chirping like birds
The last day of winter has passed
Pages torn off!

It became warmer in the soul,
Fun has no barriers
Our smiles from ear to ear
We are very excited about spring!

Angry Snow

All winter
White snow
And in March
I took it and turned black.

Spring gives songs

Spring gives songs
Gives smiles,
And to meet her from the bottom
The fish are swimming.

Poems about spring

Snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field
Ice cracked on the lakes
It's like they split.

Clouds run faster
The sky got higher
Sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.

It's getting blacker every day
Stitches and paths
And on willows with silver
Earrings glow.

Run away, brooks!
Spread out, puddles!
Get out, ants!
After the winter cold!

Bear sneaks
Through the forest deadwood,
The birds began to sing songs
And the snowdrop blossomed.


Tears fall from the roof.
White snowflakes are melting.
The sun is jumping on the roof.
And winter sits and cries.


"Ding-ding-ding" -
They sing drops.
"La-la-la" -
the starling sings.
In fact
Has come
Winter is over!

Scattered winter

Still standing around
The trees are bare
And drops from the roof
Drip fun.

Winter is somewhere
Run away in a panic
And very bad
Turned the faucets.


Spring is coming to us
With quick steps
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet.
Black thawed patches
visible in the fields.
Looks very warm
Spring's feet.


When winter fled from spring,
Such a commotion began around
And so much trouble fell on the ground,
That in the morning, unable to stand it, the ice broke.

Spring and Brook

I slept under the snow for a long time,
Tired of silence.
I woke up and ran
and met Spring:
- Do you want your song
Will I sing to you, Spring? -
And Spring: - Drip-drip! Cap-cap!
Creek, are you not cold?
- No, not a bit, not at all!
I just woke up!
Everything is ringing, murmuring in me!
I'll sing!.. The snow will melt.

Hurry Spring!

Hurry spring, hurry
I feel sorry for the bunny from the bottom of my heart:
There are no ovens in the forest,
They don't bake loaves of bread,
No hut - lock the door,
There is nowhere to even warm your ears ...

Hurry spring, hurry
I feel sorry for the sparrow from the bottom of my heart:
The sparrow has no grandmother,
Who will knit socks and a vest?
Chilled fingers on the blue snow.
I can't help the sparrow...

Hurry spring, hurry
Perch is sorry from the bottom of my heart:
He walks and wanders in cold water,
What to eat, he does not find anywhere,
It can be seen crying in the dark and silence.
Hurry spring, hurry!

The choice of poems for a matinee in kindergarten should be taken seriously, because mothers and grandmothers came to admire the kids, and not worry about a good performance

Song of spring minutes

Whatever the day
By the minute
The day is longer
Short night.

take it easy,
Chasing away the winter

May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window!
So that not only the day of the Eighth of March
Every day was considered your day!
mommy gift

From colored paper
I'll cut out a piece.
From it I will make
Little flower.
mommy gift
I'll cook.
The most beautiful
I have mom!
Happy March 8!
Happy spring holiday!
Let it pour everywhere
Sound fun!
Let the sun shine!
Let the frost go!
Let the winter drive away
mimosa twig

Somewhere in the morning blizzards ran away,
Frost disappeared somewhere in the distance.
Winter threw off her fur coat in fright
And she ran away with them.

And at night he comes back for her,
Sighs, trying on in the darkness.
But something is getting shorter and tighter
It becomes a fur coat in winter.


Slowly the snow melted
turned black
And melted
Everyone in the world
In the grove - flocks of birds,
On the trees -
And smelly
In blue
Heaven -
And we fly.
The best
In the world to me:
Along the wet path
I am running
Facing the spring

Spring has finally come

Finally spring has come.
Spruce, birch and pine,
Throwing off white pajamas
Awakened from sleep.

The sun whispers

The sun whispers to a leaf:
- Do not be shy, my dear!
And takes it from the kidney
For a green forelock.

Spring came

Buds swell in spring
And the leaves have hatched.
Look at the branches of the maple -
How many green spouts!


On the trees -
You look -
Where the kidneys were
Like green lights
Leaves flared up.


sparrow ruffled
Feathers -
Alive, healthy
And unharmed.
Catches March
With every feather

Gift from son

Spring Day March 8,
It's a holiday for moms!
I have prepared a gift
Here's what I'll give myself!
Mom is happy with the gift
From my own son
Mom smiles at me
Will tell me: "Thank you!"

Mother's day
I walk, I think, I look:
“What will I give my mother tomorrow?
Maybe a doll? Maybe candy?
No! Here's to you, dear, on your day
Scarlet flower - a light!

Mother's day

Mother's day! Mother's day!
Put on the best dress!
Get up early in the morning
Clean up in the house
Give Mom something nice.

Competitions for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the middle group

Before the holiday, work is in full swing in the kindergarten: scenery is being prepared, poems, dances and songs are being learned. But also educators first introduce parents and children to the competitions that will be included in the script.

My mom is a fashion model“, then the following questions should be brought up for discussion in a close family circle:

  • what should be the format of the presentation
  • what tasks the participants need to include in the program (make a beautiful hairstyle, come up with an outfit from the proposed things, etc.)

If you decide to run a competition » pop star“Then think about costumes and soundtracks for the members, as well as family support numbers.

Girls, together with their mothers, can portray a pop star to the soundtrack. Participants take turns one after another, passing microphones.

Only close cooperation between educators and parents will help to hold competitions most vividly and effectively.

Video: Contest with moms, matinee on March 8, middle group

Video: Incendiary competition with mothers, matinee on March 8, middle group

Video: A very interesting competition for parents, matinee on March 8, middle group

Riddles for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the middle group

Solving riddles, children develop ingenuity, ingenuity, logical thinking. In this section you will find riddles about spring, spring months, about mother and nature.


I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees
I water the crops.
Full of movement
My name is …

The snow is melting
The meadow came to life
The day is coming.
When does it happen?

The streams rang
The rooks have arrived.
In your house - a beehive bee
Brought the first honey.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?

It smells of lilac, the sky is clear,
The grass is soft and green.
And in a sundress bright red
Walking on the ground...

Loose snow melts in the sun,
The wind plays in the branches
Ringing bird voices
So, we have come...

Green-eyed, cheerful,
beautiful girl.
Brought to us as a gift
what everyone loves:
greens - leaves, we are warm,
magic - so that everything blooms.
Birds flew after her -
songs to sing all masters.
Guess who she is?
This girl is…

beauty walks,
Lightly touches the ground
Goes to the field, to the river,
And on the snow, and on the flower.

Suddenly a sparrow chirped
After the winter cold
The sun is brighter and warmer
Puddles on the paths.
All frozen nature
Woke up from a dream
The storm recedes
This is coming to us...

Time has run out
Snow and ice.
River bank
Water floods.
The day is lengthening
The night is waning.
Like this time
Tell me, are they called?

Maples, lindens and oaks
I give new leaves
I invite cute birds
Return from the south
And I'm escorting you north
Winter friend.

In warm sunny boots
with a light on the clasps,
boy running through the snow
snow scares, little rascal:
just set foot - the snow melted,
river ice cracked.
Captured his excitement:
and this boy...

The sun is shining brighter
The snow is thinning, soft, melting.
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month? Who will know?

The streams run faster
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow is happy with the weather -
Came here for a month...

To us came to the yard
Vetronos and zimobor,
Watercourse and spring.
He called the rooks home.
Who brought the spring to the start?
Did you guess? This…

Wakes the forest, fields and mountains,
all clearings and gardens.
He knocks on everything,
sings along the water.
“Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile!”
A flute is heard in the distance.
It wakes everyone up...

In the night - frost
In the morning - drops,
So in the yard...

The bear got out of the den,
Mud and puddles on the road
In the sky the lark trills -
Came to visit us...

Tap dancing under the window
A brisk drop.
So, visit us again

A baby runs in bast shoes,
you hear his steps.
He runs and everything blooms
he laughs - everyone sings.
Hid happiness in the petals
at the lilac on the bushes..
"My lily of the valley, fragrant!" -
commanded cheerful ....

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings
The garden is dressed in white
The bees are the first to fly
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this? …

Riddles will help to enliven the atmosphere and bring additional cheerful notes to the festival.

The garden tried on white
The nightingale sings a sonnet
Our land is dressed in greenery -
We are warmly welcomed...

Melting, melting white snow.
Bear, don't yawn!
After all, water from full rivers
It spills over the edge.
Can flood the den
Tree and road.
(flood, flood)

The sun warms
The ice on the river cracked.
The river murmured
Ice sets up.
How is this phenomenon
Is it called spring?
(Ice drift)

Finally the river wakes up
Turned from side to side -
Cracked, breaking, ice -
So soon...
(Ice drift)

The snow has melted and from the fields
Agile runs...

I run like a ladder
Ringing on the stones.
From afar by the song
Recognize me.

Spring sings, drops ring,
Cleaned the wings of a sparrow.
He shouts to the starling:
- Don't be shy! go swimming
Here …

A friend came out from under the snow -
And suddenly it smelled like spring.

Appeared from under the snow
I saw a piece of the sky.
The very first most tender,
Clean little...

Rustle inaudible petals
White pearls blossomed
Fresh delicate tiny flower
From under the snow to the sun rushed.

I am always friendly with the world,
If the sun is in the window
I am from a mirror, from a puddle
I run up the wall.
(Sunny Bunny)

Housewarming at the starling
He rejoices without end.
So that we have a mockingbird,
We crafted…

Here on a branch someone's house
No doors in it, no windows,
But the chicks live warmly there.
This house is called...

She is beaten, cut, trampled, but she endures everything and pays everyone well.

The more you dig it the deeper it gets.

Dances for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the middle group

About what dances the children will perform at the matinee, you should take care in advance. After all, it will take a lot of time to learn them.

Video: Incendiary dance "Cute, funny, playful", matinee on March 8

Scenes for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the middle group

This section contains videos that will help you when compiling scenes for a matinee dedicated to the holiday of March 8.

Video: A very funny scene, a matinee on March 8, a group of different ages

Video: A very funny scene, a matinee on March 8, a group of different ages

Video: "Hostesses" - a scene from a matinee

Games for a matinee in kindergarten on March 8 for the middle group

Immediately after the mini-performance, the presenter can invite mothers and grandmothers to participate in games.

The game "Who's the Boss"

  • The facilitator calls the participants an item (a broom, toys, a belt, dishes, a sofa, a hammer, an iron, etc.) that is in the household, and asks who in the house most often uses it.
  • Answers should follow quickly, without much thought.

Game "Funny football"

  • The leader brings a large ball to the center of the hall. Participants are blindfolded.
  • They must go a few steps forward and hit the ball.

The game "Mothers and Daughters"

  • The host divides the players into pairs: a boy-girl who will play the role of dad and mom.
  • Dolls, doll clothes and combs are laid out on the tables.
  • Task: as soon as possible "to collect the child in the kindergarten", dressing and combing.

Game "Get Mom to Work"

  • Handbags, mirrors, cosmetics, beads, light scarves, clip-on earrings are laid out on the tables.

The host explains the conditions of the game: the girls need after the sounded signal:

  • paint lips with lipstick
  • put on jewelry
  • everything that is on the table, hide in a purse
  • run to work

Game "Know Mom"

  • Mothers stand behind the screen, showing their children only their hands.
  • The child must guess where his mother's hand is.

Video: Matinee March 8, 2015 middle group

Video: “Ru-doo-doo”, March 8 matinee in the middle group

Music Cafe.

VED. Hello, dear guests, dear mothers and grandmothers. Today you have an unusual holiday.

We invited you to our "Music Cafe". You can relax here, listen to music, watch performances of artists.

So, sit back, let's get started.

Children run to the music, stand in a circle facing the audience.

DANCE "Holiday of grandmothers and mothers».

(Today is a holiday)

(4 children stay for installation)

A day of joy and beauty.

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers.

The sun shines brightly?

Because our mother

The best in the world!

3. Go around the whole world around,

Just know in advance

You will not find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother's.

4. You will not find lighter eyes,

More affectionate and stricter

Mother to each of us

All people are dearer!


After the song, the children sit down.

VED. In our cafe, they cook very tasty food, because we have wonderful chefs, get to know each other.


The cook and cooks run out to the music. The cook has spoons, the cook has a ladle.

COOK. I am the head chef!

cook with the team!

I am the head chef!

And everyone tells us that

Delicious we fry

We bake delicious!

delicious pancakes

We distribute to the guys. Here!

Dance "Cook"

FEDOR appears UNDER the music.

FEDOR. Hello friends, how delicious it smells in your cafe.

VED. Hello. You guys didn't know?

Who do we have here in the hall now?

Who did they run away from?

All plates, spoons.

And pots and glasses,

Even the cook?

Who is this, tell me in unison!

CHILDREN: This is Aunt Fedora!

FEDORA. You guessed it right.

And you all know me.

I found your cafe.

And I came to you for the holiday,

I'll sit here for a while, I'll stay

Can I find my dishes?

VED. No, the dishes from the lazy person did not come to us in the cafe.

After all, our guys are mom's helpers and always help mom

And we clean the dishes, even if suddenly something didn’t work out,

We'll be sure to pick up after ourselves. Listen, Fedora.

A boy and a girl come out.

BOY. Mom will enter the house and gasp ...

GIRL. What smells in our apartment?

BOY.-A lot of things, we'll tell mom,

Once-burnt pancakes,

Two-spilled spirits,

Three-clothing in fish oil.

Mom will say...

GIRL. And four-

Smells like laundry and cleaning.

And we know a lot about cleaning.

FEDOR. Now I'll check

How you work, friends!

We'll play a little

We will take care of our mothers!

The game "Set the table"

FEDORA. Well, well, you help your mothers, but grandmothers?

VED.Of course, tell me guys.


FEDOR. Well guys are good

Laugh from the heart!

And why are mothers still sitting,

And they look so sad?

I know, I know the answer

They don't have tools!

Here are painted rattles for you,

All are so beautiful!

I need to give them to moms.

VED. And then let's start playing!

FEDOR. Play?

VED. Yes guys come out

Take all the tools!


Plyasovaya district

FEDOR. Well, what musicians!

Right all around talent!

VED. You see, Fedora, what not only guys we have, but also their mothers.

Our moms can do everything right, guys?

FEDOR. And now we will check if your mothers can do everything.

GAME WITH MOMMS "Dress up mom."

“Sew on a button” (cardboard shirt with holes for buttons, large buttons made of cardboard or foam, laces)

VED. And today we have prepared a surprise for our mothers. And what do you guess!

Tell me, what do foreigners usually buy in Russia as a keepsake?

(Answer of the parents. If they don’t call the nesting doll, make a riddle)

She looks like a big one
But the second sister sits in it,
And the third - in the second you will find.
Taking them apart one by one,
You get to the smallest one.
Inside them all - a baby, a baby.
All together - a souvenir .. (Matryoshka)

Vedas: That's right, Matryoshka! For you, dear mothers, we give this musical souvenir!

Our guests arrived straight from the airport…

Meet! Group "Russian Souvenir".

Dance "Russian nesting dolls".

FEDOR. Yes, the kids seem to love their moms.

VED. Of course, listen to what they say about mom.

My mother always sings at work,
And I always help her with the hunt!
I dream of becoming like my mother.
I learn to iron and cook, wash,
And I wipe the dust, and I sweep the floor ...

I dream. I dream. I dream, I dream...
I dream, like a mother, to be able to do everything,
And maybe, like a mother, I'll learn to sing.

SONG "Seeds".

CHILDREN: Girls and boys,

Let's go with us

Say thanks to grandma

Thank you mom

For sweet jam

For long patience

For songs and stories

For trouble and kindness,

For delicious cheesecakes,

For new toys...

Children (in chorus). Thank you!!!

FEDORA. I understood a lot from you,

But it's time for me to go back to the fairy tale.

I want you guys to wish:

Listen to your mom and help her in everything!

Vedas. Our festive evening has come to an end. Once again, we congratulate all mothers and grandmothers on the holiday. And the doors of the Romashka cafe are closing.

Under the music, children leave the hall.




“All the gifts are given from the heart to mothers by babies.”

Cheerful music sounds, the children and the presenter enter the hall and become a semicircle near the central wall.

Presenter: A festive morning is knocking at our house.

Children: Holiday of our mothers!

1 child: Julia

Mom dear,

My darling!

The best in the world

I love you!

2Child: Kirill S

Outside the window a song

Heard all day long.

Who came up with the song?

Sun and Spring!

3 Child: Azalea

sings a song

Our cheerful choir.

And the sun laughs

Chief Conductor.

4 Child: Azat

And from morning to evening

The song is heard.

Dear Mom,

She is for you!

5Child: Bulat

Spring walks through the yards

In rays of heat and light,

Today is our mothers day

And we enjoy it.

6Child: Danil M

On a spring day, sunny

Congratulations mom!

Long, joyful life

We sincerely wish!

7Child: Danila A

Mom, mom, mommy,

I love you,

I give you spring

I'll sing a song!

The song "Dear Mommy, My Sunshine" is performed.

Presenter: Today is a holiday not only for mothers, but also for grandmothers!

Let's congratulate grandmothers on Women's Day!

8 Child: Ilya I.

Today is our holiday.

And the grandmothers came.

Smart, cheerful

They found their grandchildren.

9 Child: Dasha A.

Granny! My darling,

You are my mother's mother.

I miss you so much

I call my beloved.

10 Child: Dasha G.

Very my grandmother

I love my mother's mother.

And there is also a daddy -

That's how rich I am!

11 Child: Prokhor P.

Let the sun shine gently

Let the birds sing today

About my dear, beloved grandmother

Today I sing songs.

The song "Grandmother, dear" is performed.


Well guys, don't yawn

Answer quickly in chorus:

Behind the step, the step will become ...

Children: Ladder!

Presenter: Word by word, put it neatly - It will be ...

Children: Song!

presenter : And a ring plus a ring Will become ...

Children: Link!

Presenter: We will sit on the porch, there will be ...

Children: Fairy tale!


That's right, listen...

At the edge of the forest,

Lived in her hut

Hen with chickens

- Friendly guys.

Let's see how they played

How the grains pecked

With chicken chicken

Listen guys.

Performed song-staging "Chickens"

The Corydalis Hen and her chickens enter the hall.


My name is Khokholtka,

Here are my chickens.

There are few of them, exactly five,

Presenter: Guys, let's help Corydalis count the chickens.

Children count to five in unison.

Corydalis: Now I will count everyone: one is you, two is you. Three is you, four is you. Where is my favorite chicken? My favorite tyap-tyap?

Chickens (squeak): Tyap-tyap, where are you?

Tyap-tyap comes out, he has a cap on his head, he sings to the tune of the song "Chickens".

Tyap-tyap: I'm a naughty chicken

I walk all day long.

I stretch my legs

I measure tracks!

Corydalis : Tyapa, honey, where have you been?

Tyap-tyap: I used to walk there! (Pointing to the door).


Ah, my beloved chicken,

My naughty child.

Well, okay, ko-ko-ko,

Don't go far.

Play in the meadow

Just don't run away!

Chickens: Ku-ka-re-ku! Corydalis goes to the house, which stands at the central wall. The chickens surround Tyapa.

1 chicken : Tyapa, tell me, where have you been?

Tyap-tyap: I went on business!

2chick : Ha ha ha, he went on business.

Confess what you did?

Tyap-tyap : Here you are all laughing, but I am ashamed of you. And it's a shame for the mother chicken.

Chickens: Why?

Women's Day - Women's Day!

gifts for you mom

Too lazy to cook!

3 Chicken : Tyap, we are very ashamed.

4 Chicken : Tyap, we are all offended.

3 Chicken : But we will fix the mistake.

4 Chicken : And congratulations to our mom.

Tyap-tyap: Now hurry up and look for gifts!

To the music, the chickens scatter around the hall and take pre-prepared baskets in which there are gifts for their mother. With the end of the music, the chickens line up in the center of the hall and call their mother Corydalis.

Chickens: Mom, Mom - Hen, Come here quickly!

Corydalis: Ko-ko-ko, here I am, who is calling me here?

1 chicken : Dear Mom, we congratulate you!

2 chick : And we wish you a lot on this day!

3 chick: Be cheerful and happy!

4 chick : Be healthy and beautiful!

Tyap-tyap: Accept gifts, congratulations,

And be in a great mood!

Corydalis: Thanks a lot guys

My dear chickens!

(The hen kisses the chicks and they sit on the chairs).

Corydalis : What did my baby chickens bring me here? (Looks at baskets.)

Here the toy is a souvenir in painted boots.

The Russian thundered all over the world ...

Children: Matryoshka!

Corydalis: Oh, and a nice toy was given to mom.

Good matryoshka - see for yourself!

Shows the matryoshka to everyone, hands it to the presenter.

Presenter: And we have girls

In painted handkerchiefs

They give gifts to mothers

From beloved daughters.

The "dance of Matryoshkas" is performed.

Corydalis: Ah - yes, the basket - beauty! Eyes pop!

What did the chickens bring in it.

Guess guys?

(Looks into the basket). Here is a fun toy, mischievous ...

Children: Rattle!

Corydalis takes rattles out of the basket.

Corydalis : has a thin voice,

And the name is like a flower.

He has a crystal sound

And he sings: ding-dong, ding-dong!

Children: Bell!

Corydalis: My faithful friend, very sonorous,

Brighter, darling, play!

Music and singing loud

You fill this land!

Children: Tambourine!

presenter : Hey, rather musicians,

Play more fun.

You are great talents

Make your guests happy!

The song "Mommy Beloved" is performed,

Mother dear."

Corydalis: Guess what they brought in this basket, my chickens are babies!

Nice little flower

Grew out of the snow on time.

And they named him affectionately

This is blue...

Children: Snowdrop!

Corydalis takes snowdrops out of the basket.

presenter : And the children collected snowdrops,

Of them weaved wreaths,

For you, dear mothers,

Kids dance together!

Dance of girls with wreaths is performed.

Host (scatters flowers):See how many more flowers bloomed in the clearing on the holiday. Let's play!

Let's collect the flowers in bright wreaths!

Red, yellow, blue - everything for mom dear!

The game "A wreath for mom" is being held. Children collect flowers of a certain color and lay out the "Wreath for Mom" ​​on the floor.

Corydalis: But the basket is the largest, and here the gifts ... I can’t count.

Help - guys, guess riddles about them.

These balls are on a thread, don't you want to try them on?

For any of your tastes, kept by mom ...

Children: Beads!

Corydalis pulls beads out of the basket and shows them to the children.


Mom is very friendly with her,

He wears a girlfriend on his shoulder.

You can take it in your hand and walk down the street.

I guessed, daughter, this is my mother ...

Children: Handbag!

Corydalis takes out a handbag from the basket.

Corydalis : Its edge is called fields -

The top is decorated with flowers.

Headwear is a mystery

Every mom has...

Children: Hat!

Presenter: Great gifts to play with!

Let's help mom get ready.

Don't be late for work!

We will put on beads, a hat, we will give a handbag in our hands!

Whoever does it quickly, of course, wins!

The game is played: “Help mom get ready for work”, and then the dance “Mom's helpers” is performed.


Let's look at the last basket,

What will we find there, friends?

There are so many baskets here...?

For whom they are, I do not understand!

presenter : Children give beautiful baskets to mothers,

To go to the store and buy everything in the world!

Children give their gifts-baskets to their mothers.

Presenter: And now the children, who have not yet told, will read their poems.

Children recite verses:

Child: Artem T.

With a song, with the first flowers

We are celebrating Mother's Day.

Congratulations on spring

We wish you happiness, joy.

Child: Angelina M.

For kindness and tenderness to us

We thank our mothers.

That's why all the kids

I wish you well, mothers!

Child: Timur M.

mother dear,
I love you

I'll pick flowers

I give them to you.

Child: Arseniy B.

I got up this morning

I was surprised to know

That our mother has a holiday

Here I am such a prankster.

Child: Alia R.

I will draw the sun

For my mother

Let it shine in the window

She will have more fun.

Child: Arseniy R.

And me for my mom

I'll take it and dance

We all will have more fun

Both for mothers and for children.

Presenter: What a fun holiday

To fill it up for you

Let's go now guys

Let's invite moms to dance.

Performing a dance with mothers.

Corydalis: And so the holiday ends.

We would like to wish you:

Never be sad, and do not lose heart!

Presenter: May spring smiles

Warm you up

And good mood

Bring to every home!

Children with mothers leave the hall to the music.

Children enter the hall to the music, stand in a semicircle.
Vedas: We are here today to congratulate our mothers!
We sincerely wish you great happiness and health!
Gentle, kind, very sweet, and cheerful, and beautiful
The holiday is the best! Happy holiday, mom!

1 reb:

The clouds have clouds, the sun has rays,
Grass has flowers, flowers have leaves,
And the sweet mother has daughters and sons.
Clap your hands, laugh heartily:
Moms and grandmothers will be congratulated by your kids!

We dressed up today
Let's sing and dance
Let's have fun together
Let's congratulate mom!
3 reb:

invited to visit us
We are grandmothers and mothers.
We promise, we promise
You won't get bored here!
4 reb:

I'll get up early in the morning
Kiss my mom
I will give her a bouquet
There is no better mother in the world!
5 reb:

Even though I'm small,
But I will tell everyone
What is kinder and smarter
My mom is gone!
Vedas: Everything is ready for the holiday.
So what are we waiting for?
We are a good song
Let's start our holiday!
Song: Mom's smile (after the performance of the children to plant)

Vedas: Everyone knows that it is customary to give gifts on a holiday. And now our children will tell what they want to give to their mother!
6 reb:

I watered the flower
My flower has grown
It bloomed brightly for the holiday!
There is no better gift for mom!
7 reb:

I'll give my mom a napkin
I will decorate the edge with a fringe!
Embroider a branch on a napkin
And a blue flower!
8 reb:

I sew a toy for my mother
From a colored patch,
Cut out the tail and ears
I'll stuff my sides with cotton.
Do you recognize? It's a cat!
I'll paint his mouth!
I will give a kitten to my mother,
He will live with us!
9 reb:

I won't be naughty
I won't upset my mother.
If there is no appetite
We still have lunch.
I'll put it in order
All on the book shelf
I will sit on the sofa
Tiger, bunny, bear.
I'm not too lazy to work hard -
Because today is mother's day!

Vedas: These are the wonderful congratulations and gifts that the children have prepared for their mothers, and now, dear mothers, accept a fun dance as a gift!

Presenter: Dear children, now guess the riddle:

Who loves you, adores you, forgives all your whims,

Who reads books to you, buys sweets

And bakes pancakes for relatives grandchildren?

Children answer and go out to congratulate their grandmothers:

  1. Affectionate, kind, sweet.

This is our grandmother, dear grandmother!

Happy holiday, happy spring holiday.

We congratulate all grandmothers in the world!

  1. They are not old women at all, they love us very much, grandchildren,

They buy toys for us, they even take us to kindergarten.

  1. I am ready for everything for my beloved grandmother on this day:

I'll drink tea with her raspberries, eat a dozen pies!

13. Grandmothers have a lot of different troubles,

Grandmothers have a lot of different worries,

Kind, sweet, our grandmother

There is no you better, younger and more beautiful!

  1. Guys, I'm not rude to my grandmother,

Because I love my grandmother

Let's congratulate our grandmothers on Women's Day,

Let's sing a funny song for them.

Song: About grandma

Leading:And now we will play, we will provoke our mothers.

May their bright smiles make us happier!


Leading: Today is March 8, which means that the boys should help the girls. And now our boys will show what boyfriends they are.

  1. Game "Caregivers".

For this game you will need aprons, hats, sunglasses and bouquets of flowers (you can use paper flowers). It is necessary to form several pairs of participants according to the principle one pair is one boy and one girl. Then the girls move five steps away from the boys. The boys, at the command of the host, take an apron from their chair, run to their girl and put it on, return to the chair (table), take a hat and put it on the girl. They do the same with glasses. And at the end, the boys take a bouquet of flowers, run up to the girl and hand the bouquet. Who will cope with the task faster, he won.

Leading: Well done, it is immediately clear that we have real boyfriends, future conquerors of women's hearts. Well, we looked at the boys and the girls, and now it's time to look at the mothers. Let's see how mothers know fairy tales.

Fairy Mom game.

  1. In which fairy tale did a mother send her daughter to her grandmother with a basket of pies? (Little Red Riding Hood) What kind of mother sang a song to her children under the door to be let into the house? (A goat to seven kids) 3. In which story did the mother say in a rough voice, “Who ate from my cup?” (Three bears)4. In what fairy tale did mom and dad, leaving home, tell their daughter to look after their little brother? (Geese-swans)5. In which fairy tale did the princess give birth to a hero to the king-father? (The Tale of Tsar Saltan, Pushkin)6. In which fairy tale did the mother send her daughter to the store for bagels? (Flower-seven-flower) 7. In what fairy tale did a mother look for a nanny for her child to sing a lullaby to him? (The Tale of the Silly Mouse, Marshak).

Moderator: Well done, mothers! And now I invite moms to one team, and girls to another. Let's compete!

Mom game.

For this game, you will need two identical strollers and two dolls, as well as two chairs or armchairs. You can also put pins so that they can go around with a snake with a stroller. Two teams play: mothers against children. At the command of the leader, the first numbers of the teams take the doll, put it in a stroller and take it to a chair, while going around the skittles and not knocking them down. Having approached the chair, they put the doll on it. Then they come back the same way. The next team member drives the empty stroller to the chair, puts the doll in the stroller and comes back. And so on. Whose team will do all this ahead, that is, whose last participant will be the first, that team wins. And for a downed skittle, you can give a penalty point.

Leading:Great! Both children and mothers are just great! Our holiday continues.

Leading: And our boys prepared holiday greetings not only for mothers and grandmothers, but also for our wonderful girls. Let's listen?

  1. We are our girlfriends

Congratulations too.

Forgive me if

We offend you.

  1. And in the garden we have girls -

Smart, beauties!

And confess, to us boys,

Like it very much!

  1. You are always beautiful

Ponytails, pigtails.

We sometimes pull for them,

Just out of habit!

  1. you dance, you sing,

Don't forget we are too

We love to play with you.

  1. We promise you today

Compliments to speak.

Let's grow up a little

We will give you flowers!

Presenter:Our mood is just class! We read poems for you.

  1. Our dear mothers!

We ourselves admit

Which, of course, we are not always

We are behaving well.

  1. We often upset you

But we don't notice at all.

Please, please

Forgive us for the pranks.

  1. How beautiful our mothers are

On this holiday, the best

Come visit again

And live a hundred more years!

Children sing the song "Kind, dear mother."

Leading: Many nights passed without sleep, worries, worries cannot be counted.

Earth bow to you all dear mothers,

For the fact that you are in the world!

Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers.

May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive!

Let your hearth always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, love.

Happiness to you dear! All the best to you!

  1. Child: Congratulations, congratulations

Our grandmothers and mothers

Today we will give them

What everyone has done!

Children give to the song, "Mom's first word", gifts and the matinee ends.

Educator: L.I. Lishavskaya