Rolf Schwery, founder and CEO of Schwery Consulting

Global event marketing in the most professional version. Rolf Schwery, founder and CEO of Schwery Consulting, about the mysterious Russian soul, the European approach to organizing events and international standards of the event industry.

Rolf, you are one of the few representatives of the live communications industry who has experience in several countries. Can you identify the fundamental differences, the difference in the approach to organizing events in each of them?

In Russia, big events are always closely related to politics, which is clearly reflected in the organization of events. In the West, this trend is not so widespread. In European countries, when organizing an event, one of the decisive roles is played by the opinion of the local population. Important decisions for society are not made “vertically”. Also in Europe, special attention is paid to environmental issues. In Russia, unfortunately, this direction is not so important for the organizers. And yet, in my opinion, Russian colleagues lack transparency in reporting on economic, environmental and social impacts.

Do you think it is necessary for each country to maintain its own identity?

Undoubtedly. Nevertheless, there are common international standards from ISO and the Global Reporting Initiative - GRI. Garbage is garbage. Everywhere. Russia, in my opinion, tries to follow them, but it often fails, in the end they still do it their own way. As they say, we wanted the best, it turned out as always.

Do you stand for the unification of the world event, the creation of common standards, the exchange of experience, and joint development?

Yes. The West also has a lot to learn from its Russian counterparts. For example, in the issue of respect for women's rights, Russia is more advanced. For reference, in Switzerland, women received the right to vote only in 1971.

Are there in Europe, and in Switzerland in particular, some bodies of control and regulation of the work of participants in the industry of special events? Tell us about their functionality?

Switzerland is a conglomerate of various cantons. And each of them has its own rules for regulating events, depending on their format and scale. Sponsors have one of the strongest levers influencing the requirements for organizing an event. If arranged in a logical order: the first basic level is the state, the minimum requirements; the second level is the city and local residents who make their own accents; the third one is the sponsors and the fourth one is the organizers of the event directly.

How do you assess the level of global professional education of industry specialists? Perhaps the market needs some specialized schools, a single scale for evaluating competencies?

Needed. Both in Russia and in Switzerland at the moment there are enough experts on environmental issues, experts in the organization of events, but there are not enough specialists in the social and environmentally responsible organization of the event. There are also various advanced training courses, but there is no quality academic education. What are our actions? For example, the creation of the first course on sustainable development and organization of events at the University of Bern. After we lectured the first course, the students gave high-quality feedback and expressed great satisfaction with the curriculum. For the first time, they saw that sustainable development is something concrete.

What is the European approach to choosing partners? Do personal connections play a role?

On the one hand, it is easy to work with an already proven partner, you are sure of a high-quality result. It's a matter of trust. But on the other hand, if, in addition to workers, friendships also begin to bind you over time, it becomes more and more difficult to solve some business-related problems. You can work successfully with friends only when you are not directly subordinate to each other. Yes, and fresh ideas that a new partner can bring to the project are sometimes very helpful.

CSR in Russia and abroad: needs of companies, methods of implementation, effectiveness.

CSR came to Russia about ten years later than to the West. It seems to me that the companies that were the first to introduce this term, for the most part, did it either at the request of stakeholders or for self-promotion. Then investors began to pay sufficient attention to this issue. Accordingly, companies that were interested in investments were forced to start working in this direction. Now, many leaders realize that CSR is an extremely important aspect of business that can influence the strategy, mission, and development of the brand.

In your opinion, every project should have a challenge, a mission, a global goal? In other words, why are events created?

The goal of the project is the starting point of any qualitative event. If the initiative does not have a global mission, then it is blind driving without navigation.

The mechanics of implementing sustainable events. The points.

The idea of ​​the project, the identification of stakeholders, the study of the needs of all stakeholders, the focus on key topics, the creation of a system that satisfies all requests, competent communication at all stages. By the way, safety always comes first on the list of needs. Then it is necessary to find the really significant components of the event, and then to determine the indicators, initiatives, targets, etc. The last step is reporting. This usually happens after the event. But some large-scale projects require reporting more often: during project preparation, during the implementation phase and after it, after the results and results of the event. Such reports are completed in accordance with international standards: clear indicators, form, structure, etc.

State your personal quality standards with an eye on the special events industry. By what criteria do you evaluate the event?

If we talk about some serious events, then one of the most important success factors is the existence of a strategy for sustainable development, including respect for the environment. And, as I said above, the satisfaction of all stakeholders, a transparent reporting system, and evaluation of results.

And if you look not from the point of view of a professional, but from the point of view of an event participant, what, in your opinion, are the quality standards in place?

The participant wants to get high, positive emotions. But if, after the event, he reads in the newspaper that because of his emotions local residents or the environment suffered, perhaps next time he will refuse to participate in such a project. It depends on the social competence of the person.

It seems to me that this approach is more characteristic of the European mentality.

I can't agree. I think that in Russia people are quite socially adapted. Maybe not yet so environmentally conscious, but this issue has positive prospects. Natural resources are not endless, and the Russian people are beginning to clearly understand this. I definitely believe that events should be comfortable and enjoyable for everyone and contribute to sustainable development. I hope that soon all organizers of events, both in the West and in the East, will begin to adhere to this policy.

The younger generation and schoolchildren no longer know the author of the phrase “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always”. As well as the event to which it was dedicated. But these words have forever entered the classics of modern Russian folklore.

Authorship options

“We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.” Whose phrase so aptly described good intentions, leading at best to no result, and caused heated discussions among philologists?

The first "candidate" is the King of France, Louis XV, who in the eighteenth century said "They thought it would be better."

The names of the Chairman of the Government of the Soviet Union Valentin Pavlov and the anarchist Pyotr Kropotkin were also often mentioned.

Accepted version of authorship

The recognized author of the phrase “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” is Stepanovich, a famous politician whose peculiar humor fell in love with millions. Viktor Stepanovich began his career in the distant fifties as a mechanic and pump operator, head of a process unit. During his successful political career, at various times he held the positions of director of the Orenburg gas processing plant, deputy, and later - minister of the gas industry of the USSR, head of the Gazprom gas concern. He was Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation for the Fuel and Energy Complex, Deputy of the State Duma, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation, President of the Russian Federation, member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Ambassador to the Republic of Ukraine. The author of the phrase “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” truly had a dizzying and interesting life.


Chernomyrdin Viktor Stepanovich uttered the phrase “they wanted the best, but it turned out as always”, summing up the monetary reform of 1993, which was carried out with the aim of taming the exchange of old Soviet and Russian banknotes for modern-style banknotes, counteracting the influx of banknotes from the former Soviet republics. Their Central Banks carried out an uncontrolled process of printing the Soviet ruble, and this money ended up on the Russian market and only exacerbated the critical situation. Non-cash payment systems between the former republics also ceased to exist.

The reform process

From July 26 to August 7, 1993, citizens could freely exchange an amount of thirty-five thousand rubles (the equivalent of thirty-five US dollars) with a stamp in their passport. If this limit was exceeded, all additional cash remained in the banking system in the form of term deposits for at least six months.

Later, the terms of the exchange were extended until the end of the year, but only subject to the provision of a certified certificate, which would detail the reason for the failure to appear within the specified time frame.

The decision caused panic in the country.

Despite the relaxations introduced, a large number of people did not have time to visit banking institutions in time, and their money lost all value.

This monetary reform will be remembered by contemporaries for kilometer-long queues at bank branches. And for financial workers - continuous work day and night.

Why did you want better, but it turned out as always?

Despite the fact that billions of banknotes were withdrawn from circulation, the ruble could not strengthen. Inflation accelerated catastrophically.

Relations with fraternal countries have seriously worsened due to a sharp depreciation of national currencies, which are rigidly pegged to the Russian ruble. First of all - with Belarus and Kazakhstan. In order to ease tensions, the Russian government was forced to transfer part of the freshly printed banknotes to the central banks of these countries.


Now you probably know who said "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always."

Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin remained in the memory of posterity not only as a good politician, but also the author of many popular expressions that have become firmly established in the classics of Russian folklore, some of the most famous - “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always” and “This has never happened, and here again."

The politician died on November 3, 2010 in Moscow from a massive heart attack, and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

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No matter how hard we try not to make mistakes, mistakes and failures are inevitable. And here the most important thing is not to worry, but to treat everything with humor. Better yet, tell someone and laugh together, as they do in the Overheard and "Ward №6".

We are in website collected a variety of stories that no one is perfect.

  • I always cry when I hear a song about a mammoth. I decided to wean myself from this, specially downloaded the song and put it on repeat. As a result, I sobbed for 2 hours until I gave up. Experiment failed.(Girl, 25 years old)
  • Once I was promoted at work. And when the head of my leader began to congratulate me, I did not find anything better than to say: “Thank you, now I will try.” NOW, damn.
  • In winter, I liked a girl, and she liked me too. My friends asked why I hadn't proposed to her until now. And I'm not a fool! What kind of relationship, when in a month on February 14, and then immediately on March 8. These devilish holidays will pass, then we will meet.
  • Terrible force - shopping. I was in Europe, I saw a store that interested me very much, I ran to it and I even see that I will measure. I run - a blow, and I'm lying. I woke up - next to me was my husband, the employees of this boutique and an ambulance. It turns out that I did not notice that the shop window and the entrance were made of glass, and so clean - only my face was imprinted. Result: a crack in the bridge of the nose and two black eyes. What were the faces of the employees of this store when I nevertheless appeared there an hour later. Got a discount.
  • Girls will understand this feeling when tights slip off. Terribly uncomfortable, I want to pull up. Well, I pulled it up, after lifting the skirt up to the armpits and jumping in place to speed up the pull-up process. And then she turned around and saw a freaking 6th grader who went into an office that was not locked with a key during a break. And I'm his class teacher, and I think it's time to change jobs.
  • Celebrated my birthday with friends on the waterfront. At the end of the celebration, in the morning, I saw an outdoor piano. I decided to remember the old days and play, since I can do it very well. In general, I played for 10 minutes, sang, my friends filmed. I watched the video the next day. I'm sitting, then, at the instrument, knocking on the keys, which do not make a single sound except for a dull tapping, and bawling romance. Guys, don't drink.
  • I'm a photographer. I decided to make a photo project on a space theme. I started looking for an astronaut suit for the model, I found everything except for the helmet. I decided to go with a round aquarium. I only found something similar in a home improvement store. You know, such a huge pavilion. And you don't usually see a hell of a consultant there, but no - he crawled out from behind the rack at the very moment when I tried on the aquarium on my head. I don't go to that store anymore.
  • My mother passed her driving license in the winter, but she still does not drive a car alone. So, they were driving somehow with dad, and mom asks to let her drive - for a ride. Well, dad let me in, sat down next to me and watched closely. Mom started to start the car, but she didn’t move, she twitched. The second attempt was also unsuccessful. And then dad says that if the third time she does not leave the place, then they change back. And here is the third attempt - a failure. They change without any dispute. Dad gets behind the wheel, takes the car off the handbrake, and they drive.
  • I work as a loan officer in a bank and recently for some reason my eyes began to water. When filling out another application for a loan, she asked a standard question: “Expenses for utility bills?” The guy answered: “10-12 thousand”, - and then I take out a paper handkerchief and wipe the tears from my eyes. The guy was not taken aback and said: “Girl, don’t worry, some people pay more.”
  • I saw a cockroach in the kitchen. I couldn't think of anything better than burning it with a lighter. It turned out that the speed of my hand with fire is slightly lower than the speed of a cockroach. As a result - burnt linoleum, burnt spots on the pedestals and a hole in the curtains ...
  • I hear voices from the kitchen. Mom: "Now add a glass of sugar." Dad: "Not too much"? Mom: "No, everything is under control." Mixer noise is heard. Suddenly, dad turns off the mixer and says offendedly: “ You're lying to me, we're not making a fish pie. And I believed you until the very end!
  • I'm standing at the bus stop, a very beautiful girl comes up. I stand, I’m dumb and I can’t decide to come up to meet you. I gather my will into a fist, heading towards her. The girl noticed and smiled sweetly. She answers my question about getting to know each other: “Just a second,” she takes a coin out of her pocket (on one side it says “yes” on the other - “no”), throws it up, “no” falls out, the girl shows me and adds: “Sorry, but not today". At that moment, a bus pulls up, she gets into it, and I was left standing in bewilderment. I have never been so epicly rejected.
  • 15 years ago we went for the first time with my husband (just got married) to the wholesale market ourselves, without parents. We are nervous because there is a lot of money. It's still early, the market is just opening. I look, there is a man of dubious appearance, in his hand a half-stretched glass - for money, as I understand it. I approached - ladies, I think he had a little money so that the purchases were successful, he had half a pocket of little things. I pour coins into a glass - splashes in all directions ... In general, it was not a bum - the money changer drank coffee. It was a good day, yes.
  • I looked out the window and saw a guy walking in shoe covers. I think let me do a good deed. I shout: "Take off your shoe covers!" And he answered me: “Yes, fuck you!” I was stunned! Looking closer, I realized that these are bright blue sneakers.
  • I set a goal - to wake up on my own, without an alarm clock. I firmly decided that I would learn. Tomorrow I am going with an explanation to the dean's office, why I was not at the institute for 2 weeks. This is a failure, Stirlitz.

A quarter of a century ago, this unexpected aphorism of Viktor Chernomyrdin became the slogan of monetary reform, which has already become a legend in itself. It started on July 26, 1993 and continued until the end of August, but the then Prime Minister of Russia gave her a correct assessment a couple of weeks after her start - on August 6. And this assessment has become not just another "Chernomyrdism", but in fact a symbol of the entire financial policy of the decade.

The idea was more than correct. By that time, the former fraternal republics of the Soviet Union had already taken full advantage of Boris Yeltsin's generous offer and "took as much sovereignty as they could," declaring that they no longer understood the Russian language, and introducing their own currency. But they did not refuse to use Soviet rubles. Of course, not within the country, but in external settlements.

Ruble weight from Ukraine, from the Baltic States, Central Asia flowed to Russia, increasing the pace and scale of inflation. Moreover, the state-owned banks of the "non-brothers", although they could not issue new banknotes, still had the right to issue non-cash ruble loans, which, as you understand, were not secured by anything. It is unlikely that this was a manifestation of naivety on their part.

Since January 1992, when state regulation ceased, prices have risen 10 times faster than wages, inflation has increased from 9 to 38% every 30 days, the standard of living of the population has long fallen below the plinth and is rapidly rolling somewhere else. A crisis of non-payments broke out in the industry, enterprises stopped one after another.

Meanwhile, the unsecured money supply was growing: in 1992, the amount of cash in circulation jumped by 850%, and by the time the reform began, by another 782%. Fuel was added to the fire by the activities of the Central Bank, which turned on the printing press at full speed in an attempt to get out of the current situation. As a result, the real value of the ruble was not much higher than the value of the paper on which the banknotes were "published".

The fact that certain steps would be taken was clear to everyone, and to the citizens of Russia as well. The majority, however, had nothing to lose: a series of previous economic reforms gutted both wallets and egg-pods, and bank accounts. Those who managed to keep some savings hurriedly purchased currency and gold: there were long queues in jewelry stores throughout the beginning of the summer. The media, and especially TV channels, strongly denied the panic rumors, but this did not calm the fellow citizens.

On July 24, 1993, the wait ended: the reform started. According to the instructions of the then head of the Central Bank, Viktor Gerashchenko, from 0000 hours on July 26, circulation of banknotes of the 1961-1992 issue was stopped throughout the country. Soviet-style banknotes had to be exchanged for new ones. This was supposed to cut off the accumulated ruble mass and allocate the ruble into an independent currency of sovereign Russia.

But in reality, the blow was delivered not to the central banks of the post-Soviet republics, but to citizens. According to the original plan, the exchange of old rubles for new ones was carried out only upon presentation of a passport with a Russian residence permit (a stamp was put in the passport to prevent attempts to repeat the exchange), only within 35 thousand rubles - this is about $ 35 - per person, and only during the day - 26 July. True, later, when panic began in the country, the amount was increased to 100 thousand rubles, and the deadline was until the end of August, but this did not help matters much.

There were enough people around the country whose cash savings simply burned out.

But what about the central banks of the neighboring republics? Figuratively speaking, they shrugged their shoulders and continued to work further, issuing non-cash loans in rubles. In the same way as the domestic printing press continued to work. The money supply was reduced by less than 5%. And inflation continued to rise.

This is exactly what the unforgettable Viktor Stepanovich had in mind.

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Uzbekistan, Tashkent - AN site. Two years ago, the GUBDD Ministry of Internal Affairs came up with a proposal to create special paths for cyclists. Khokimiyat approved this project and carried out certain work in this direction.

Nevertheless, there is still no decent place for cycling in Tashkent. After all, it is impossible to use the bike path if it periodically disappears, then appears, you have to cross intersections several times and go around residential areas in order to get on it again. The correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the site "run around" the new bike paths and literally felt all the "charms" of the work of the capital's administration in her own skin.

At the invitation of the cycling community of Uzbekistan, the website correspondent traveled from Uzbekiston Ovozi Street to Durmon Yuli, where a bike path was recently allocated and saw and felt with her own eyes what cyclists have to face every day.

In particular, along the entire lane allocated to cyclists, which simply disappears in places, concrete slabs, bins, trees, and the absence of ramps appear before the eyes. That is, all this blocks the path of the cyclist on the paths, which, in theory, are designed specifically for trouble-free travel. Therefore, there is no need to talk about a barrier-free environment yet. This story is rather more about a disservice. The khokimiyat wanted to do the best, so that it didn’t work out, as always, but it didn’t work out.

Cyclists versus pedestrians: whose sidewalk?

Before the start, the cyclists tried for a long time to figure out where the beginning of the bike path was until they found it in the middle (!) of the pedestrian road. If you think logically, then laying a strip along one street should go from beginning to end.

Khokimiyat carried out this work in pieces. It is not clear where the beginning and where the end is, every 30-40 meters the path breaks. One gets the impression that the employees of the khokimiyat worked without having a project for a unified network of bike paths in their hands, and therefore did not comply with the standards with clear technical requirements for the construction of bike paths.

It was worth getting on a bicycle and driving off about 10 meters, as a concrete bin appeared almost in the middle of the lane. A chain of 12 cyclists had to go around it, leaving on a footpath, which is a violation. But they had no other choice.

However, as soon as we entered the lane again, new obstacles arose - a wide concrete slab, and then a huge tree. No, this does not mean that the khokimiyat had to cut down the last trees that miraculously survived in the city. In this case, there was a simple solution - to build a bike path around a tree, but they didn’t do it - either they didn’t think of it, or they didn’t want to.

“First of all, I would like to thank that, finally, the authorities have paid at least a little attention to this problem. However, they approached this issue illiterately. The main mistake is that the bike paths were laid along the sidewalk. Not only that, almost every 10-15 meters, I stumble upon bins, trees, and passers-by who do not want to follow the rules, and sometimes even enter into disputes or open conflicts, demand that the cyclist change the route.Many problems could be avoided if cyclists were allocated special lanes on the roadway ", - says a member of the cycling community of Uzbekistan Iskandar Akhmedov.

According to him, cyclists do not want to fight for the sidewalk, they are ready to give way to pedestrians.

“Most of the roads in Tashkent are arranged in such a way that about two meters of the carriageway from the curb is not used by motorists, except perhaps as a parking space. , not only will we be able to comfortably move around the city, but pedestrians will not experience any inconvenience," Iskandar Akhmedov believes.

The average speed of a cyclist is 20-22 km. In places of descent, of course, the speed increases noticeably. Often on the bike paths you can see women with strollers or running children. It is clear that no one will find out whether the cyclist complied with traffic rules or not if a child or even an adult gets under his wheels. All cones in any scenario will fly to him. Therefore, the paths must be brought to the highway.

"It can be said that a certain amount of millions of budget was spent, by and large, for nothing. District khokimiyats did only half the work. Moreover, they even made life difficult for cyclists, because they cannot use these paths normally. Either the street had to be completely closed or not to do it at all. In addition, there are no signs in many sections,” says Sergei Syachin, a member of the Uzbekistan cycling community, indignantly.

Dangerous bike paths

It should be noted that the bike paths along the street "Uzbekiston Ovozi" to "Durmon Yuli" are drawn on the left side of the sidewalk, which is dangerous for both cyclists and passers-by. This was felt by the correspondent of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, who, after about 7 km of driving, approaching Darkhan Street, in a matter of seconds before falling, noticed another concrete urn in front of her.

The correspondent did not manage to make a maneuver in time, as another cyclist was driving ahead, who was suddenly forced to slow down in order to let a pedestrian cross from the left side of the road. As a result of a collision between cyclists, the correspondent hurt her right hand, scratched her face and hands badly, and got bruises on her legs and arms. Basically, she got off lightly. Due to the illiterate work of the hokimiyat, one could easily earn a serious injury.

Another example is the exit from the Hamid Alimjan metro station, where pedestrians automatically enter the path allocated for cyclists.

“Citizens leaving the subway may not be aware of this lane and risk being hit. In addition, young people constantly listen to music on headphones, and they may not hear the cyclist’s signal, and also get hit by wheels and be badly damaged. It is necessary to transfer bike lanes install special signs on the highway or in such places, and highlight the paths in red or green, so that it is clear that there is an intersection and you need to be on the alert,” said cyclist Dmitry Shpora.

By the way, in some places the bike path actually rests on a stop. One gets the feeling that the employees of the khokimiyats decided to mock the cyclists and check whether they can pass through glass barriers or not.

The question why it was impossible to take the bike path beyond the stop and quietly connect it to the next track remains open. In addition, in some sections, the paths lead to stairs ... apparently, to kill the cyclist. It is also worth paying attention to the quality of the coating, which leaves much to be desired. At the moment, you can only move on a mountain bike, and, for example, on road bikes, you can get serious injuries.

Cycling culture in Uzbekistan is at zero

According to Alexei Doktorov, one of the activists of the cycling community in Uzbekistan, it is technically possible to build European infrastructure in our republic. There is no need to reinvent the wheel for this, everything has already been invented for us a long time ago. The problem is that the population is not culturally ready for such changes.

"Today, the topography of Tashkent makes it possible to create a full-fledged infrastructure for cyclists according to European standards. To do this, two problems need to be solved - technical and cultural. For example, everything has been done for cyclists in Holland - markings, traffic lights, signs, paths, lighting, etc. The state allocated a certain part of the highway, which is separated from the roadway by a lawn or a concrete slab. It was pleasant and comfortable for me to drive there," he says.

In fairness, Aleksey Doktorov noted that the Dutch infrastructure was not created today or yesterday, the history of the cycling country dates back to the 70s, so there is no need to compete with it, and there is no point. Nevertheless, we need to strive for this, because a cycling country is a guarantee of a healthy population, a clean environment, no traffic jams, etc.

"Despite the fact that we have wide highways that allow us to create a similar infrastructure, we will not be able to implement such a project in the coming years, even if financial resources are available. The main problem is the lack of culture. We need to solve the problem of illegal parking at the side of the road, start attracting responsibility of taxi drivers who, upon seeing a voter, cut off road users. Only when people stop showing boorish attitude towards others, the country will begin to change for the better," said Alexey Doktorov.

Indeed, in Uzbekistan, there is no piety on the part of pedestrians, motorists, especially from illegal taxi drivers and public transport drivers who rudely kick cyclists out of the way. Sometimes they even ride on them to “clean up” the road, although according to the traffic rules they have the right to drive along the roadway in the absence of special paths, pressing to the right. Taking into account the fact that it is still not safe to move around the city by bicycle, only rare lovers of extreme sports will do this.

“Many drivers do not perceive a cyclist as a full-fledged road user. They consider us “flat cakes”, that is, those who carry small loads or boys who ride for fun. But this is not so. Many of us get to work on this We have a mild climate, so cyclists use this means of transportation in winter and summer," said Dmitry Shpora.

"There are problems with the traffic police. They do not punish anyone - neither pedestrians nor cyclists who break the rules. Although recently the first cyclist was fined 64,000 soums for crossing a double continuous line. I would like to hope that this issue has moved forward "If all road users did not feel impunity, then there would be no many problems. In many respects, traffic police officers are to blame for this, they turn a blind eye to violations," Sergey Syachin believes.

By the way, there are cities in Uzbekistan where cycling integration is much higher than in the capital. For example, in the Ferghana Valley. However, it is not considered popular culture in the regions.

Summing up the above

It is not enough just to mark bike lanes. If the khokimiyat does not have specialists who understand this area, then they can take local experienced cyclists who are well aware of the internal situation as consultants or turn to foreign specialists and get advice remotely.

Of course, all this is possible if the khokimiyat really has a desire to create a full-fledged infrastructure for lovers of a healthy lifestyle. So far, it seems that everything has been done solely for show - there are external signs, but no one cares about the internal content.

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