Romanova Vitalina Anatolyevna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 10 "Lazorik" in the city of Donetsk, Rostov region


experimental activities with children of the second younger group

"Introduction to the properties of water"

OOD spent during the time allotted in the daily routine, 7 children were present. The children of the group have formed the skills of educational activities, they easily make contact with the teacher. They are able to hear and listen to the teacher. OOD was carried out in accordance with the synopsis, compiling which, first of all, I took into account the age, psychological individual characteristics of children, outlined the goal, tasks, content of the OOD, determined the form of conduct, methods and techniques necessary to obtain positive results. OOD built in the form of experimental research activities of children, which contains the integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative".

Purpose of OOD: to activate mental abilities, logical thinking, creativity of children, the ability to draw conclusions.


Educational: to develop the dialogical, monologue speech of children, to enrich the vocabulary at the expense of words denoting the properties of water.

Developing: to promote the development of cognitive activity in children, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

The logical construction of the OOD made it possible to carry it out without going beyond the allotted time. The duration of the OOD is 15 minutes, which corresponds to the norms of SAN PiN.

Analyzing the activities of children, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity throughout the entire time, emotionally reacted to the methods of activating the activity. They were interested, attentive, organized, felt comfortable, were liberated. The questions (tasks) offered to the children, to which they themselves found the answer, drew the appropriate conclusions, encouraged the children to take action and solve the tasks set. I believe that the chosen form of organizing the OOD was quite effective, which made it possible to see the final result in specific activities. The effectiveness of the OOD was also facilitated by the preliminary work (children used the existing knowledge and skills) carried out in the group, namely: these are constant observations on a walk at different times of the year for rain, snow, observation of how, in active sunlight, evaporation occurs after rain, conducting experiments with water, snow, ice, examining snowflakes, decorating ice buildings with colored ice floes, reading fiction, guessing riddles, using folk signs in practice, etc. The interconnection and interdependence of the OOD elements, the implementation of practical tasks helped to create a positive emotional background for the activity process, to maintain interest throughout the entire time. The proposed tasks were accessible in terms of complexity to the children, which contributed to the solution of the tasks set, the children felt like “creators”, rejoiced, surprised, admired, willingly shared their discoveries with the teacher and their comrades, and this made it possible to develop their positive self-esteem, self-significance: I succeeded!”, “I know”, etc. The children were friendly, responsive, helped each other. At every moment of the OOD, I tried (being nearby) to quietly guide the children to search for a problem, helped to gain new experience, the specifics of working with children was reflected in a student-oriented, differentiated approach to learning, expressed in the performance of tasks of different levels of complexity, taking into account the level of knowledge and " zone of proximal development for each child. Individualization of training was manifested in the provision of help, reminders, and additional explanations to those who found it difficult to perform experiments. She constantly praised and encouraged the children in order to consolidate their situation of success. Changing activities (experiments, experimentation, guessing riddles, reading poetry, dynamic pause) prevented fatigue. The manuals were of sufficient size, bright, colorful, selected at an accessible level for children. I used visual, verbal and practical methods, which were aimed at the use of cognitive, speech, motor skills, their improvement, the development of attention, imagination, memory, speech. The children were pleased with the fact that they constantly showed curiosity, were interested in cause-and-effect relationships, tried to come up with explanations on their own, were able to observe, experiment. They have basic knowledge about the natural and social world, are capable of making their own decisions, and are prone to strong-willed efforts. They have a good command of oral speech, they can express their thoughts and desires using speech. Program tasks were solved, OOD achieved its goal.

Organization: MDOAU "Kindergarten No. 1 of the compensating type"

Location: Orenburg region, Orsk

At present, we are witnessing how another effective method of cognizing the patterns and phenomena of the surrounding world is being formed in the system of preschool education - the method of experimentation.

The main advantage of experimentation methods is that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object being studied, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment. In the process of experiment, the child's memory is enriched. His mental processes are activated, as there is a constant need to perform operations of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification.

In older preschool age, the main types in which monologue speech is carried out are description, narration and elementary reasoning. The child's report is a kind of story about everything that happened. The word for children becomes the basis of action and thought.

The need to report on what he saw, to form the discovered patterns and conclusions stimulates the development of speech.

A special allocation in the educational process of cognitive-research activity is presented for the following reasons.

  • By the end of preschool age, according to E. Erickson, the child is characterized by an extremely developed sense of initiative. Various motivating moments can be traced in his activity: to come up with an interesting idea, to create a thing, to communicate harmoniously, to interact with peers, to learn new things or to understand the structure of things.
  • Cognitive - research activity of a preschooler in a natural form manifests itself in the form of the so-called "children's experimentation" with objects or verbal research - questions asked by an adult (why?, why?, how?)
  • Satisfying his curiosity in the process of active cognitive-exploratory activity, the child, on the one hand, expands his understanding of the world, on the other hand, he begins to master the fundamental speech forms of ordering experience: cause-and-effect, generic, spatial and temporal relationships that allow linking individual ideas into a coherent picture. .

Therefore, understanding the importance of children's experimentation in the development of speech and intellectual abilities, we create conditions for the research activity of the child. An experimental corner was organized in the group, didactic games of a cognitive nature were developed, mnemonic tables were made for conducting experiments, and methodological material was selected.

Using the technology of A.I. Savenkova, we teach children:

  • see the problem
  • to ask questions;
  • put forward hypotheses;
  • define concepts;
  • classify;
  • observe;
  • conduct experiments;
  • analyze the material obtained during the study;
  • draw conclusions and inferences.

For the development of each skill, we use special exercises.

  1. Ability to see problems

A problem is understood as a formulated question or a set of questions that arise in the course of cognition. The process of cognition itself is interpreted as a sequential transition from answers to some questions to answers to other questions that arose after the first ones were resolved.

To develop the ability to see problems, we have selected special tasks and exercises.

"Looking at the world through someone else's eyes"

One of the most important traits in identifying problems is the ability to change one's point of view. Look at the object of study from different angles.

The essence of the exercise is the continuation by the child of the unfinished story proposed by the teacher. Emphasis is placed on continuing the story in several ways.

for instance, “Kolya didn’t go to kindergarten today because….”.

The child must continue the story, having been in the role of parents (dad, mother), grandparents, then in the role of a friend (enemy), in the role of a cat (dog), etc.

Children's answers:“because he fell ill with a sore throat”, “because he did not want to go to kindergarten early”, because they bought him a bicycle”, because he was afraid of a big fighter”, “he wanted to play with a mouse”.

In the course of this task, we strive to ensure that the children are relaxed and respond boldly. We try to mark the most striking, interesting, original answers and refrain from criticism.

"How many values ​​does an item have"

We offer children some well-known object with properties that are also well known. It can be a stone, paper, a wooden cube, and more. others

Exercise: find as many options for non-traditional, but at the same time real use of this item.

Children's answers: crack nuts with a stone, make a stone fence for a stream, put stones under the legs of the table so that it becomes higher, etc.

We encourage the most original, most unexpected answers, and. Of course, the more, the better.

Game "Carousel"

This game creates a feeling of a quick change of events. We invite children to mentally "sit on the carousel." To do this, the children stand in a circle, take the ends of the ribbons tied to the hoop, which the teacher holds above his head. After each turn stop in different worlds.

for instance, we stopped at the "World of Water". This situation allows children to notice things around them that they did not notice before: raindrops flowing on glass, water in a saucer that has flowed out of a flower pot, drops of water on the floor.

  1. We learn to put forward hypotheses.

One of the main skills of a researcher is the ability to put forward hypotheses and build proposals.

A hypothesis is a hypothetical, probable knowledge that has not yet been proven logically and has not yet been confirmed by experience. Hypotheses arise as possible solutions to a problem. They give us the opportunity to see the problem in a different light, to look at the situation from a different angle.

Exercise "Let's think together how a dog finds its owner if it is lost?"

Children's answers: finds by smell; when she walks with the owner, looks around and that's it, then remembers, and then remembers when she runs; other people find her and bring her to the owner.

  1. Learning to ask questions.

The question is considered as a form of expression of the problem, the hypothesis is a way of solving the problem.

For instance,“What questions will help you find out about the object on the table?” We place on the table, for example, a doll.

Children's answers: What's this? Why is it here? Who brought?

Then we suggest thinking and answering: “Imagine that a stranger approached you. What three questions would he ask you?

Children's answers: What is your name? Where is your house? Where are you going?

  1. Learning to define concepts.

There are objects, phenomena, events, and there are concepts about them. Not everything is reflected in the concept, but only the main, essential features of the defined objects. To define a concept means to indicate what it means, to identify signs. In order to teach older preschool children to define concepts, we use relatively simple techniques: description, characterization, clarification by example, comparison, distinction, generalization, riddles.

For example, the method of comparison allows you to identify similarities and differences. We used the games "Flies - does not fly"; "General and Special" In this game, children were presented with two objects and asked to explain how they are similar and how they differ from each other. The winner was the one who named more signs and argued his versions.

For instance, the elephant and the mountain are very big, but the elephant is alive, the mountain is not.

  1. Learning to classify.

Classification establishes a certain order. It divides the objects under consideration into groups in order to order the area under consideration. To develop the ability to classify, we used the well-known games “The Fourth Extra”, “Divide the Object”.

  1. We learn to analyze, highlight the main and secondary.

The ability to highlight the main idea, to find facts confirming its most important quality, which is required when processing the materials obtained in the study, preparing them for public speaking.

The simplest methodological technique that allows you to do this is the use of simple graphical diagrams (mnemonic tables). We formed this quality in the process of teaching storytelling, namely, when retelling texts. After several full retellings, the children were offered to try to tell briefly what the story is about, to highlight the main thing.

  1. We learn to draw conclusions and inferences.

We do it this way - we compare two objects, and as a result we find out how they are similar and what knowledge about the properties of one object can give to the understanding of another object. To form primary skills and train the ability to make simple analogies, we use such exercises.

for instance, we ask the children to name as many objects as possible that are both solid and transparent.

Children's answers: glass, ice, plastic.

When there are many answers, we summarize. Children come to the conclusion that each answer is correct. Everyone was right, but each in his own way.

  1. We learn to observe.

Observation is a fusion of thinking and mindfulness. The child analyzes the object, compares, evaluates, finds something in common with others. For the development of attention and observation, we offer the following exercises.

For instance, we consider together an object (doll, car). Then ask the children to close their eyes. We remove the object and ask the children to remember and name all its details.

In the task "Paired pictures" containing differences, ask the children to find 10 differences.

In the task "Find the mistakes of the artist" - develop the ability to analyze visual images.

  1. We form the skills and abilities to conduct experiments.

An experiment involves some practical action to test the comparison. Experiments are mental.

For example, children are invited to look at the pictures and answer the questions they face. The drawings depict a clock, a whistle, an ambulance, a cockerel, a crying child.

Question: “Who sounds the loudest, and who and what is the quietest of all?” The response rate may vary.

Children's answers: the whistle sounds stronger than the clock; the cockerel's voice is quieter than the horn of an ambulance, etc.

But the most interesting experiments are real experiments with real objects and properties. When organizing a lesson, we attract the attention of children with “intriguing” material or by demonstrating an unusual effect (all this happens in a situation where children and an adult are freely placed around the subject of research). The children are then given the opportunity to experiment on their own.

The result of the experiments will be the formulation of any cause-and-effect relationships (if ..., then ...; because ...). We leave one of the experimentation kits in the group, in the experimentation corner, where it can be used.

Thus, by supporting the interest of children, we allow them to reproduce the experience, to establish themselves in their ideas.

We consider the following indicators of cognitive initiative by the end of preschool age as a target for us (a criterion for the successful advancement of a child):

  • the child shows interest in objects and phenomena that lie outside the specific situation, asks questions (why?, why?, how?);
  • reveals a desire to explain the connection of facts using reasoning (because);
  • strive to streamline, systematize specific materials, things (collections) and reflect this in speech;
  • strive to express in speech temporary, target and causal relationships, fully express one's thoughts, it is quite easy to build detailed sentences;
  • shows it to cognitive literature.

Used Books

  1. Bondarenko A.K. Word games in kindergarten - M .: Education, 1974
  2. Belobrykina O.A. Speech and communication "Academy K", 1998
  3. Podyakov N. G. Sensation: the discovery of a new leading activity.// Pedagogical Bulletin No. 1 - 1997
  4. Savenkov A.I. How to teach a child to acquire knowledge. "Academy K" 2002 M .: Enlightenment 2000
  5. Tugusheva G.P. Game - experimentation for children of senior preschool age / / Preschool Pedagogy 2001

Analysis of continuous educational activities in the preschool group of MBOU "Veshchevskaya OOSh"

1. General information

Children's age: 6-7 years old

Educator: *******

Educational area: "Speech Development"

Topic: Retelling of the story by E. Charushin "Foxes"

Purpose of the lesson: to form in children the ability to coherently, consistently, expressively convey a literary text without the help of questions from the teacher.

The purpose of the lesson is aimed at solving the following problems:


    To consolidate the ability of children to listen carefully to a literary text, to answer questions about the content of the text.

    Strengthen the ability to invent riddles; select the names of qualities (adjectives) and actions (verbs) according to the meaning;

    Exercise in the ability to pronounce words loudly and clearly, answer questions with a full sentence.


    Develop an interest in speaking.

    Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Educational tasks:

    Cultivate a culture of behavior, friendliness, respect for each other.

The goal was realized within a sufficient amount of time (35 minutes), the children were prepared to solve this goal in previous classes, the goal corresponds to the abilities and abilities of the children.

The integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the pupils in the classroom is realized through an appeal to the experience of children in other educational areas (cognitive development, social and communicative development).

The lesson corresponds to:

    general educational and developmental goals and objectives, the level of development of pupils, their age characteristics;

    complex - thematic principle (the topic of this lesson was chosen in the context of the general theme "Autumn").

During the lesson, the joint activity of an adult and children is realized, the main component is interaction.

2. Observation of the course of the lesson

The goals and objectives of the upcoming activities were disclosed to the pupils quite convincingly, clearly and emotionally.

The work was informative, interesting and organized. All children were interested in mastering the ability to fully and close to the text to retell the listened work.

During the lesson, the pupils acquired the basic knowledge of breaking the text into parts (this skill was formed with the help of successive thematic pictures), the ability to distinguish between the singular and the plural, the ability to change words with the help of endings and the selection of endings in accordance with the gender and number of words were consolidated.

During the lesson, the pupils showed the ability to control their answers and the answers of other children, to help each other in case of difficulties with answers. The children demonstrated concentration of attention when listening to the story and a retelling quite close to the text.

3. Used methods and techniques

During the lesson, the following methods and techniques were used:

    focusing and attracting attention;

    activation of speech and cognitive activity;

    activation of independent thinking.

    Using children's experience;

    development of creative abilities;

    self-control and mutual control.

During the lesson, the change of types of activity was used, the logic and validity of the transition from one type of activity to another was observed.

The teacher's questions were developmental in nature.

The lesson usedTCO is like a projector with a screen. During the lesson, a presentation was used, with the help of which you visualized the main stages of the lesson.

4. Analysis of the activities of the educator

In the course of monitoring the activities of the educator during the lesson, the following was revealed:

    from the very beginning, the educator drew the attention of the children to the topic of the lesson and kept the attention of the children throughout the entire time of the educational activity;

    the teacher's speech was clear and emotionally colored;

    the teacher encouraged children to show initiative and independence;

    the teacher, if possible, took into account the characteristics of each child (tempo of activity, emotional state, level of development, temperament);

    the educator helped the children to control their behavior during the lesson, reminded them of the basic rules of behavior;

    the teacher complied with sanitary norms and rules, the safety of children (ventilated room, physical education, safety of materials, equipment, etc., prevention of posture disorders).

    stimulate and encourage the individual achievements of children;

    try to "see" each child, listen and hear his answers, suggestions, statements.


Experimental activities with children of the middle

Groups on the topic: "Water Magic."

Educator MKDOU "Shvartsevsky d / s"

Kirova Nadezhda Nikolaevna

Target GCD - to form in children an interest in classes, to activate mental abilities, logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions.


Educational:Understand the importance of water for all living things

(water is the source of life), to fix the properties of water, the idea of ​​the transition of water from a liquid state to a solid state and vice versa, the transformation of water into steam, the water cycle in nature.

Educational : to promote the development of curiosity in children, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection. Develop dialogic speech, enrich vocabulary through words denoting the properties of water.

Educational : to instill the skills of economical use of water at home.

The NOD was held during the time allotted in the daily routine, 10 people were present. Children are able to hear and listen to the educator, they easily make contact with the educator, the children have formed the skills of educational activities. GCD was carried out in accordance with the synopsis. The summary was compiled independently, in accordance with the objectives of the main general educational program. When compiling a summary, I first of all took into account the age, psychological individual characteristics of children, outlined the goal, tasks, content of the GCD, determined the form of conduct, methods and techniques necessary to obtain positive results. GCD built in the form of experimental research activities of children, which contains the integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative".

The construction of the GCD made it possible to carry it out without going beyond the allotted time. The duration of the GCD is 20 minutes, which corresponds to the norms of SaNPiN.

Analyzing the activities of children, I would like to note that they show cognitive activity throughout the entire time, they emotionally react to the methods of activating the activity. The children were interested, attentive, felt comfortable, were liberated. Children themselves found the answer to the proposed questions (tasks), made the appropriate conclusions. I believe that the chosen form of organization of the GCD contributed to the preliminary work (children used the existing knowledge and skills) carried out in the group, namely: these are constant observations during a walk at different times of the year for rain, snow, observation of how, with active

sunlight after rain there is evaporation (steam above the ground), conducting experiments with water, snow, looking at snowflakes, reading fiction, guessing riddles. The interconnection of GCD elements, the implementation of practical tasks helped to create a positive emotional background for the activity process, to maintain interest throughout the entire time. The proposed tasks by complexity were available to children. This contributed to the solution of the tasks. The children were happy, surprised, admired, and this made it possible to develop their positive self-esteem: "I did it!", "I know." The children were friendly, responsive, helped each other. helped to gain new experience. experiments, reminders, additional explanations Children were constantly praised, encouraged to strengthen their confidence in their actions To prevent fatigue, changed activities (experiments, experimentation, guessing riddles, dynamic pause.)

During the GCD I used a computer presentation (riddles about the states of water)

At the lesson I used a variety of materials: visual aids (globe), manuals for experiments. Benefits were selected at a level accessible to children. I used visual, verbal and practical methods, which were aimed at the use of cognitive, speech, motor skills, their improvement, the development of attention, imagination, memory, speech. Children showed curiosity, were interested in causal relationships, tried to come up with explanations on their own, were able to observe, experiment. Possess basic knowledge of the natural and social world, capable of making their own decisions. They speak orally (except for 3 children), they can express their thoughts and desires using speech. Program tasks have been solved.

In the final part, summed up the activities. To assess their interest during the GCD, the children were offered to use cards (if it was interesting, the sun, and if not, the sun with a cloud.)

Analysis of the lesson: I was ready for the lesson. The structure of the lesson is observed. This lesson is methodically constructed correctly, the theme and purpose are clearly traced. Specifically, those tasks that were implemented throughout the lesson are highlighted.

The lesson consists of stages, for each of which clear instructions are given. Throughout the lesson, the children were motivated.

step by step

la change of activities. This allowed the children to maintain a positive emotional mood.

Analysis of the FEMP lesson

Lesson objectives:

To consolidate the skills of counting and counting within 5, exercise in memorizing 2 numbers, the names of objects and their location. To consolidate the ability to distinguish between a circle, a triangle, a rectangle and a square.

Organization of the lesson - everyone sits at a separate table. Everyone has their own set of handouts. Children are seated according to their physical data. Conditions for conducting classes correspond to the norm. Visual aids are made neatly, the drawings are clear, large, in general, primary colors are used. This lesson is methodically constructed correctly, the theme and purpose are clearly traced. Specifically, those tasks that were implemented throughout the lesson are highlighted. The lesson consists of the main parts: organizational moment, motivation, practical part and summing up. The main techniques are used: artistic word, surprise moment and sensory examination. To ensure the emotionality and interest of children, a surprise moment and playing out the practical part, as well as a physical education session, are used. This makes it easier for children to absorb the material. The speech of the teacher is clear, correct intonation, accessible to children. During the lesson, the children listened to the teacher, did not get distracted, diligently completed the tasks. In the course of work, the teacher monitored the children's fatigue and tried to prevent this by switching them to another type of work. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Analysis of the drawing lesson. Theme: "Decorate the plate"

Learn to make a pattern on a circle, filling in the edges and the middle, using sticking techniques, drawing with the end of a brush. Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.

The teacher was ready for the lesson. The structure, logical sequence and interrelation of stages is well thought out. Class time is appropriately distributed. The form of education is rationally chosen. Class equipment: visual and demonstration material that was effectively used. The content of the lesson complies with the requirements of the program, is complete, reliable and was transferred to the children in an accessible form. Methods, techniques and teaching aids were correctly chosen, which corresponded to the content of the educational material, the goals set, and the educational opportunities of this age of children. The material is presented emotionally. With the help of a surprise moment and visual material, children's interest in the lesson and discipline are maintained.

Negative points: the teacher forgot to hold a dynamic pause (physical education minute).

Viewing an Explore Activity

Tasks set by the teacher:

To give children knowledge about kindergarten, its purpose. Learn to make a sentence to demonstrate actions, agree nouns with pronouns. Expansion of the dictionary on the topic.

The teacher acted competently and professionally: all methods were identified and used to solve the tasks; without exception, all techniques corresponded to the age of the children and the requirements of the methodology of this program. All the techniques used by the teacher in the classroom were correct and accurate. All the tasks of the program content were fully mastered by the children; in the lesson, the children were active, were attentive when the teacher explained the new material, and performed new tasks with interest. The children demonstrated high learning skills.

The teacher's approach to the presentation of new material is interesting. The scope of the program content is respected and sustained. In the classroom, the children showed activity, mastered the tasks of the program content, but not all of them. Negative moment: in the lesson, individual work with children was not very successful.

Conducting design classes. Theme: "Tulip"

Program content:

To teach children how to make paper crafts by folding, without using glue.

Continue to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, determining the middle, corners.

Accustom to accuracy, consolidate the ability to bring the work to the end.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Cultivate a positive attitude towards others.

The activities of the educator

Children activities


1. Game motivation.

I suggest that children give gifts to employees of the kindergarten. At the same time, I clarify that all women love flowers.

What flowers do you know?

I show a sample of a tulip, I propose to make such flowers with my own hands.

2. Showing how to get the job done. Together with the children, we consider the sample, specify what parts it consists of (flower and stem). Then I offer the children a demonstration and explanation of the stages of work.

physical education minute:

3. Independent work of children. I do the craft at the same time with the children.

4. After the end of the lesson, the children give their tulips to the teachers, the nanny.

List the names of the flowers.

Monitor the progress of the work.

Do the craft on their own.


individual help. Many don't make it.

Analysis: This lesson is methodically structured correctly, the theme and purpose are clearly traced. Specifically, those tasks that were implemented throughout the lesson are highlighted.

The lesson consists of stages, for each of which clear instructions are given. It began from an organizational moment, where the attention of children became more active.

The organizational moment also pursued the goal of creating a positive emotional background. Throughout the lesson, the children were motivated.