The girl Angelina is very difficult to communicate - her parents have a pretty hard time with her. She is too independent, stubborn, wayward, irritable and capricious. Whatever her parents ask, she does not want to obey the will of her loved ones and will respond to requests and demands very sharply.

She independently forms her character, and in it there is certainly a place for kindness, care and affection. But I must say that their girl shows only with the people closest to her. Little Gelya is a born leader. She perfectly knows how to make her opinion about games and the environment the opinion of her peers, because she is naturally sociable and has the makings of a great manipulator.

Lina is very inquisitive and strives for knowledge. Ordinary girlish toys are unlikely to be of interest to her - the girl is much more into active and sports games, and therefore she spends much more time with the boys than with her girlfriends. But her peers and their parents should remember that the wayward and independent, sensitive Angelina does not forgive insults and can easily take revenge on the offender.

The girl has a sharp mind, a developed intellect. But this does not guarantee excellent performance in school. The learning process itself does not fascinate her too much, and she will only succeed in those subjects that she likes.

Teenage Angelina bears little resemblance in character to Gelya the girl. This is a much more calm and balanced, reasonable person. But even at this age, the innate impulsiveness and stormy temperament inherent in Angelinas can from time to time find a way out, which will manifest itself in outbursts of anger, spontaneous decisions and irritability.

A teenager is a complex nature, and this applies to girls with any names. But Angelina is something unique. She is incredibly difficult to communicate with peers, despotic and tough, likes to command, does not obey anyone and does not pay attention to other people's opinions. A girl with such a character can hardly have many friends, there is no place in her life for noisy companies and parties, but this does not upset her - she prefers loneliness.

But Gelya will never weave intrigues, collect and spread gossip, conspire - she considers herself much higher than all this. Yes, and she does not like any adventures that can affect the usual course of time.

At this age, Lina begins to show fighting qualities. It is unlikely that anyone can offend a girl with impunity - she does not recognize diplomacy, considering negotiations and compromises not a suitable course of action for herself. And yet the girl Angelina is vulnerable and very trusting. Only she seeks to hide these character traits from anyone.

Having matured, Angelina naturally becomes a complex, ambiguous and contradictory nature. This leads to the fact that she herself is far from sure of the correctness and logic of her actions and actions. Internal throwing from kindness to rigidity, from impulsiveness to prudence, from a stormy temperament to complete calmness - this is what is already characteristic of an adult woman. She passionately wants to open up to her inner circle - and she understands perfectly well how excessive frankness can end for her. But if she manages to find that very golden mean that will make it possible, without completely shutting herself off from the world, to remain herself, she is happy.

With age, a woman begins to understand that it is impossible to remake the world, and her qualities as a fighter for justice gradually dissolve. But the tireless search for perfect harmony with the outside world still continues.

Adult Angelina makes high demands on others, believing that everyone, without exception, should strive for the ideal. But she herself is far from an ideal woman - uncompromising and incredibly stubborn. And her inherent laziness does not allow her to express herself in her workplace.

In this material you will find information about the meaning of the female name Angelina, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

Full name - Angelina

Short name - Lina

Synonyms for the name - Angelina, Anzholina, Angelina

Origin - Greek, "messenger"

Zodiac - Cancer

Planet - Moon

Yellow color

Animal - Goose

plant - calamus

Stone - Turquoise

The name comes from the male name Angelus, which in turn was formed from the Greek word "angelos", which translates as messenger, angel, and in the female version, respectively, "messenger, angel." Christians venerate Saint Angelina of Serbia.

Love named after Angelina

The girl is overly amorous and does not always adequately evaluate her chosen one, due to the softness of her character and faith in a bright feeling of love. But along with gentleness, she is nevertheless very domineering and appreciates her personal independence and freedom. She believes that her lover should treat her in the same way as she treats him, that is, there must be complete mutual understanding between them. If she is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of her chosen one, then he must also answer her in the same way. She is disinterested in love, but she values ​​her dignity very highly. If a man does not meet such requirements of a girl, she quickly terminates all relations with him, and without thinking twice, rushes in search of a new ideal.

The sexuality of the name Angelina

The woman is temperamental and has high sexual demands. Her partner should be sexually strong, gentle and affectionate. Angelina often sees in him those features that are not really there, but having fallen in love, she achieves reciprocity and does not hesitate to take control of the process into her own hands in intimate relationships. She is not complex, knows a lot about the technique of sex, and welcomes erotic games as a prelude to the sexual process itself. She will be comfortable if the partner knows and knows more than she does. But to go against her wishes is to lose a woman as a lover and friend forever.

Marriage and family named after Angelina

Marriage for this woman comes early enough, already at the age of twenty she can find her beloved and enter into a marriage relationship. However, her stubbornness and intolerance can cause frequent quarrels in the family, especially if she is winter, and her husband was born in December. It is likely that such an alliance will invariably end in failure. A woman does not know how to establish good relations with her husband's mother, and prefers to live away from her. As a domineering nature, she strives to become a leader in the family, though she does not always succeed, so she is often unhappy. But as a hostess, she meets all the requirements - she is clean, cooks well and tasty, she simply adores children and allows them a lot. If her husband is born in the summer, she will become for him a faithful companion and wife, a skilled lover.

Business and career

A woman chooses a profession where she, with her stubborn and independent character, can become a leader. For her, obeying whoever it is is like death, so she should pay attention to her own business. She can work for days if the case requires it. To achieve a high position in society, she can go to great lengths. Angelina can take place as a teacher or administrator, sports coach or fashion designer. Such professions as a knitter, a dressmaker, an announcer on radio or television, an actress or an employee of law enforcement agencies are also suitable for her.

The meaning of the name Angelina in character

The character of this woman is secretive, you won’t immediately understand who is in front of you. Outwardly, she is calm and imperturbable, always friendly, does not focus on the interlocutor, and it seems that she is even inattentive. But this is absolutely not true. She has a sharp and masculine mindset, and she does not hold a temperament. She notices everything and puts it in the piggy bank of her memory. She likes to command anyone, the main thing for her is to show that she knows best what and how to do. It is useless to argue with her, she will still insist on her own. He loves men's companies, where he feels like a fish in water. Very energetic, and does not understand how you can sit idle when there are so many interesting things around.

Teen Angelina

Since childhood, the girl has been distinguished by her stubbornness and perseverance. Often her character is imprinted by the situation in the family, where parents are more busy with their problems and few people care about raising a child. Therefore, the girl grows on her own, absorbing all the negativity that accumulates in the house. She grows up as a free person, and therefore she attends school with great reluctance, because there you need to obey someone, and she is not used to this. Her friends are boys, among them she feels good. She can protect herself and stand up for others. If she is in the company of peers, she suggests games that require activity and movement, and dolls or quiet games are not for her.

Successful people and stars:

Angiolina Quinterno - Italian film actress

Angelina Vovk - Soviet announcer, known for the program "Good night, kids!"

Angelina Varganova - Russian theater and film actress

Angelina Ilieva (pseudonym - Yoan Vladimir) - Bulgarian science fiction writer

Angelina Jolie Voight - American actress, fashion model, Oscar winner

Perfect match: Alexey, Valentin, Vladimir, Kirill

Unfortunate compatibility: Igor, Anatoly, Benjamin

The meaning of a name is always associated with its history and origin. As usual, the history of the name has a generally accepted and several alternative versions, and hence its meanings.

The most popular hypothesis for the origin of the name is the Greek theory. According to her, the name Angelina comes from the Greek word άγγελο (Angelos), which translates as "messenger" or "messenger". So it can be argued that the name Angelina means "messenger" or "messenger". According to ancient Greek myths, this is one of the epithets that called the main gods of Olympus, Zeus and Artemis. Read the rest of the hypotheses in the article "The origin of the name Angelina".

Angelina has a lot of related names. These are the names Angelica, Angela, Angela and many others.

The meaning of the name Angelina for a girl

Angelina is a very joyful and eager to learn child. She is constantly looking for something new. All corners in the house Angelina must examine. This feature imposes on parents a special mission for the safety of the child. Parents, however, will have to come to terms with the inevitable side effects of curiosity as Angelina grows older. Usually a girl learns to walk and talk early.

Play little angelina love more with boys. This choice is rather due to its activity and internal energy. She can play with girls, but it is in games that require high activity. This feature should also be considered by parents when choosing a name.

Studying for Angelina is difficult. She has a fairly independent and self-willed character, subordination to others is almost always a burden for her. However, she sincerely does not understand what is wrong with this. Parents have a difficult task to instill in Angelina a love of learning.

The health of a girl named Angelina does not cause any particular problems. Her weak points in health can be called the nervous system and spine. Angelina herself treats her health carelessly, so here it is up to the care of her parents.

Short name Angelina

Angela, Angela, Gelina, Gel, Gela (Gella), Elya, Ela, Lina, Gelusya.

Diminutive names

Angelinka, Angel, Angel, Angel, Gelushka, Gelichka.

Name Angelina in English

In English, the name Angelina is written as Angelina.

Name Angelina for passport- ANGELINA.

Translation of the name Angelina into other languages

in Bulgarian - Angelina
in Hungarian - Angelina
in Greek - Αγγελίνα
Spanish - Angelina
in Italian - Angelina
in Chinese - 安琪兒凌
in Latin - Angelina
in German - Angelina
in Polish - Angelina, Andzelina
in Serbian - Angelina, Anjelina
in Slovak - Angelina
in Ukrainian - Angelina
in French - Angeline
in Japanese - アンゲリナ

Church name Angelina(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - this is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Angelina

Angelina rarely lives up to expectations on her own behalf. She is wayward and rather difficult to communicate with. It is difficult to find an approach to her and many simply try to exclude her from their social circle. Angelina herself is not particularly worried about this.

Relations with colleagues at Angelina are built hard. Her character and at work does not give her rest. However, her perseverance and ability to stand her ground can bring success in her career. The main thing is to apply these features of Angelina's character in a peaceful way.

Angelina is a good hostess, which is completely unusual for her in childhood. At the same time, she herself does not like to visit guests. Agelinka can get married early, but unfortunately her first marriage is rarely successful.

The secret of the name Angelina

Angelina's secret number one can be called the fact that she loves power, and sometimes even shows dictatorial inclinations. Angelina cannot stand compromises and negotiate - this is not her strong strong point. She is a "fighter" by nature and considers negotiations and diplomacy to be for the weak.

The second secret of the name can be called the fact that Angelina is very trusting. Many people around cannot believe that a person with such a difficult character can be so gullible. For herself, it is better if it remains a secret.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- Cancer.

totem animal- Trout.

Name color- Light green.

Tree- Apple tree.

Plant- Water lily.

Stone- Chrysolite.

How to name a girl so that this name brings her only success in life? How not to make a mistake with the choice? Let's find out more about such a beautiful and quite popular name as Angelina.

Origin and forms of the name

The origin of the name Angelina is usually associated with Ancient Greece. Having heard it, it is not difficult to guess its meaning. Translated from Latin, it means "angelic" or "messenger", since it is the angels that portend favorable events. Later, the name Angelina became widespread in European countries, where such analogues as Angela, Angelina, Angelica and Angelin arose. The most common short forms are: Gelya, Lina, Ela and Alina. The phonosemantics of the name is very positive, because its sound causes only pleasant emotions in people and sets them in a good mood.

Name days and folk omens

The patron saint is considered to be the Monk Angelina of Serbia. After the death of her son, she devoted her whole life to Christianity and helping the poor. She suffered for her faith from Muslims in the 15th century. It is also revered by the Russian Orthodox Church. Her memorial day is celebrated on the fourteenth of July. According to the folk calendar, weeding gardens and picking root vegetables begin on this day.


Often, when a child is born in a family, parents want to name him with some unique and euphonious name. In such a situation, the name for the girl Angelina would be a good option. Its owners begin to talk and walk at an early age. They love to explore the surrounding space, so parents should constantly be aware of their actions. They are interested in everything around. As a result, a child left unattended for a minute can break something or get injured. A girl may prefer boyish fun to games with her peers. So she gets rid of the energy, which she has plenty of. In the company of girls, Angelina becomes more calm and aloof, which creates her reputation as an unsociable and silent child.

The meaning of the name Angelina also has some negative points. So, the girl is sometimes very stubborn and irritable. You can often see how little Angelina commands other children. The girl goes to school without much desire. This is primarily due to the fact that she does not like being pointed out to her. She does not want to obey someone and listen to other people's orders. Entries with comments often appear in the schoolgirl's diary, and parents are often called to the principal. At the same time, the girl herself does not see anything wrong with her behavior.


Despite the sublime origin of the name Angelina, the character of its owner is far from angelic. Behind the outward calmness and wide smile, there is a sharp mind and a thirst for power. Angelina loves to be in the center of everyone's attention and does not tolerate other people's pressure on her. Whoever makes her angry will repent for a long time to come.

The favorable meaning of the name Angelina also lies in the fact that its bearer is an ideal hostess, with great joy receiving guests in her house. However, she herself does not like to go to visit. A woman has a great sense of humor and a healthy optimism. She has many acquaintances who often turn to her for help and support. Angelina does not like idle chatter and windiness. At the same time, she herself is incredibly responsible and punctual - she is unlikely to ever be late for an important meeting.

Angelina is often fickle in her tastes and views. Her behavior is contradictory and depends on the mood. Can be closed and distrustful. Sometimes her character shows notes of sentimentality and melancholy. In life, she tries not to rely on someone else's help, but to fully rely on her own strength.

Love and family

In a love relationship, the meaning of the name Angelina is not entirely favorable. Often its owner experiences some difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex. Men are repelled by the excessive authority of Angelina. To form a strong relationship, she needs to show more patience. A woman often changes men, which leads to numerous marriages and, accordingly, divorces.

The secret of the name Angelina lies in the contradictory feelings and actions of its owner. If she still manages to create a strong relationship, Angelina becomes an excellent hostess. She loves to cook and do household chores. But her character is also manifested here - she tries to connect all family members to this process. A woman is especially good at the role of a mother. She loves and takes care of children. To keep the harmony in the family, Angelina needs to listen more to her family and give in to them in some matters. You can't try to bend everyone to your will. Full bloom as a woman comes around 30 years.

Profession and career

In terms of career, the meaning of the name Angelina can bring great success to its owner. As a rule, a woman with this name works hard and devotes herself completely to her chosen profession. It seems to Angelina that her energy and strength could be enough for several people. Often such self-confidence fails her.

The name Angelina gives her bearer a strong and independent character, so she often chooses a field of activity where she can control the process. If the work will give a woman pleasure, she will perform it responsibly and in a timely manner, which will contribute to career growth. The owner of the name will be able to achieve significant professional success in trade, administrative activities or in the service sector. Angelina makes good teachers and actresses. The determining factor in choosing a profession may be the position that a girl will occupy in society.

Name riddle

Each name is accompanied by a certain mystery. The name of Angelina is patronized by the Moon. Auspicious colors are light green, yellow-brown and red. An apple tree is considered a patron tree, and a water lily is considered a plant. The stone that can protect Angelina is chrysolite. It is recommended to carry it with you to protect against damage and the evil eye. The sign of the Zodiac that patronizes the name is Cancer. Therefore, it is especially recommended to call Angelina a girl born under this zodiac constellation. Cancer has the same characteristics as Angelina - pessimism and secrecy. However, at the same time, he will add to her qualities that will help in work and in her personal life - affectionateness and a cheerful disposition. Character traits that Angelina appreciates in the stronger sex can be possessed by bearers of the names Boris, Igor, Viktor and Vladimir. But with Stepan, Oleg, Anatoly and Leonid, she is unlikely to be able to build a long relationship.

Famous personalities

Among women known both abroad and in Russia, the name Angelina is often found. What other name can boast such a melodic sound? It seems to be designed to capture the eyes of others. The most striking examples on domestic television are: the great actress Angelina Stepanova and TV presenter Angelina Vovk. Among foreign celebrities, one can note the American actress, fashion model and UN Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. By the way, the latter became the youngest among women politicians and the most significant in the modern political arena.

The tender female name Angelina comes from the ancient Latin name Angelus, which in turn originated from the Greek word "angelos". It is translated as "angel", "messenger", "messenger". This is a very beautiful and rather rare name for girls.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Leo
  • Ruler Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: lapis lazuli, turquoise
  • Color: blue
  • Plant: cornflower, pansy, calamus
  • Animal: toad, owl
  • Favorable day: Monday

Character traits

By a strange coincidence, in a family where a girl is called that, the parents do not get along well with each other and often get divorced. This is not a pattern, but a common occurrence. Little Angelina is very dependent on psychological comfort in the family. If parents know how to negotiate among themselves and do not quarrel in front of a child, then their daughter grows up calm and obedient. She adopts most of the qualities from her mother and carefully remembers how she behaves with her husband and others. Otherwise, he becomes a very irritable, stubborn person, often naughty, in games with other children he always takes a leadership position and manipulates them.

The secret of the name lies in the fact that Angelina herself forms her character, depending on her upbringing. She lives in a world of illusions that she invented herself, and childish naivety often leads to the fact that a girl, and then a young lady, makes many attempts to change a crazy world full of injustice and cruelty. Growing up and changing ideals comes late. Only already in adulthood, she finally refuses to remake others and begins to accept them as they are.

Slightly distracted and constantly hovering in the clouds, the owner of the name Angelina does not tolerate pressure at all. She is burdened by the implementation of mandatory actions, which often affects her studies. Parents should devote a lot of time to their daughter in elementary school, playing with the learning process in order to instill a desire to learn. Such a girl is very trusting and good-natured, but not at all harmless. Anyone who dares to check this, repents for a long time.

The winter representative named Angelina is somewhat cynical and has a masculine mind. She easily steps over the generally accepted norms of morality, if it benefits her. In addition, this is a very stubborn woman who is simply impossible to convince of anything. Summer - too trusting and simple-minded. The girl born in autumn has the most calm and reasonable character. She often goes through life on the principle of a turtle: slowly but surely and with protected rears. Born in the spring, she is a pure and kind soul who tries to reconcile everything and everything.

Interests and hobbies

A sociable girl named Angelina loves to be in the thick of things: she goes to various exhibitions, social events, but she prefers to receive guests at home. She has excellent vocal abilities and good hearing, often playing a musical instrument.

Profession and business

Independent Angelina can hardly endure when she is given orders. Therefore, she often quickly rises to the level of a manager or chooses professions in which she does not have to constantly implement other people's ideas. For her, a good option is to work as a flight attendant, journalist, designer, creative activity. A girl with this name is a "free artist", perhaps even running a shadow business.


Angelina's health is very precarious due to constant anxiety and mood swings. As a child, she is prone to colds. If you do not learn to cope with increased emotionality, then by adulthood a set of chronic ENT diseases is possible.

Sex and love

Angelina is always demanding and independent in love. After spending some time with a man and fully enjoying communication with him, she can completely forget about his existence. He attaches great importance to details: a romantic and comfortable atmosphere, additional entourage, attentiveness and affection.

Family and marriage

Romantically minded Angelina is able to search for her soul mate all her life. To create a family, she is looking for a man capable of reciprocal generosity of the soul: attentive, gentle and caring. If in the first marriage he is mistaken in the chosen candidate, then he cannot live with him, but embarks on a new search. However, having found happiness in the family, a woman reveals herself in all her glory: she becomes an ideal wife - a loving, caring, devoted and magnificent mother.