Since the discovery by scientists of the laws that explain the electromagnetic nature of the environment on Earth, a huge number of phenomena that are hardly explainable from the point of view of fundamental science have been recorded. One of the most difficult to explain phenomena is the presence of places where people feel the sharply negative influence of the bioenergetic environment.

It can be caused by both natural and artificial external factors. Basic science has no theory to explain such anomalies. In the few works of scientists, the negative impact of the environment on humans is explained by the impact of the geopathic zone.

In this article

Official information

The geopathogenic zone (from the Greek geos - Earth, pathos - suffering, genesis - origin) are areas of the earth's surface, stay on which negatively affects vitality, mood and health. There is, but has not yet been documented, the hypothesis that the elements of the zones can be considered places on Earth where significant zones of high electromagnetic and infrared radiation, places of accumulation of harmful substances are recorded.

Primary information about the physical nature of the mysterious phenomenon can be obtained by watching the video here:

Geopathic zones, places with negative energy signs, are located in the nodes of the network - a kind of system of lines of force covering the Earth. For the first time, the existence of the network was announced in the forties of the last century by the director of the Munich Bioclinical Institute, Dr. Ernst Hartmann.

Symbolic representation of the Hartman network

The main direction of Hartman's research was geomagnetic anomalies, about which there was little reliable information and even less evidence of existence. The scientist put forward a theory about the presence on the planet of a network of intersecting energy lines. Such a network of conditionally rectangular shape suggests the presence of places with direct - favorable (cells) - and with the opposite - detrimental (lines and nodes) - influence on the bioenergy. Earth, according to Hartman, is not the only place where such a network exists. It is only a part of the overall energy system of the Universe.

The size of the network cells is 2 (from north to south) x 2.5 (from east to west) m. The cells are compressed in the direction from the equator to the poles. There is an assumption that the negative impact of such areas on living organisms is associated with the interaction of groundwater and gamma radiation emanating from rocks during periods of special activity - during volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Another hypothesis is based on the action of physical fields that form a special type of perturbation - standing waves.

Evidence of Existence

There is no documented evidence of the existence of geopathic zones. But scientists are trying to sum up the mysterious phenomena and tie together inexplicable facts. Gustav von Pohl, a physician from Germany, was the first to try to explain geophysical anomalies at various points on the earth's surface.

In the early 1930s, he published the results of his research in an authoritative medical journal covering the problems of cancer treatment. Von Pohl established that mysterious phenomena are observed in various parts of the earth's surface. The conclusions of the researcher were based on the assertion that the sleeping places of patients who died of cancer were located inside the geopathic zone.

A few decades later, Ernst Hartmann began to seriously study this problem. The result of the research was a voluminous medical report. In it, Hartman for the first time called cancer a disease of the location, which directly affects the decrease in the protective functions of the human immune system. Ten years later, in 1960, the researcher published the book "Diseases as a problem of location", which became a kind of guide to studying the influence of geopathic zones on the health of people, animals and plants.

The researchers deduced several conditional categories:

  1. Various geological structures (mineral deposits, tectonic faults, zones of influence of eruptions and earthquakes).
  2. Zones of active human activity using sources of electromagnetic energy (mines, wells, hazardous materials burial sites, nuclear waste burial sites).
  3. Field (spots observed from space).

There are hypotheses that in addition to the Hartman network, the Earth is covered with several more plexuses of energy lines:

  • Peiro network (cell size 4x4 m);
  • Kurri network (cell size 5x6 m);
  • Witman network (cell size 16x16 m).

Interposition of Kurri and Hartman networks in residential premises

The walls and roofs of buildings are not an obstacle for such networks, since the movement of radiation does not depend on external sources of influence. The places of their numerous intersections are especially unfavorable for humans. Belief in the presence of such paranormal phenomena is akin to belief in omens. For example, you can not put a bed in the place where the cat first entered the new house lay down. Hartman explained this by the habit of animals to stay for a long time where the lines of the network intersect.

Using knowledge about the location of geopathic zones, it is possible to adjust the design and arrangement of the main structural elements in the living space.


The human body is a complex biological structure, the laws of activity of which, despite the abundance of information, are not fully understood. It is unlikely that this will ever be possible. People do not tolerate a long stay in places with abnormally high environmental pollution - air, water, soil. Thanks to various studies, it has been established how geopathic zones affect living organisms.

On people

The Austrian doctor K. Bahler devoted 15 years to studying the problem of finding people with health disorders in geopathic zones. For the research, 11 thousand people were involved, prone to cancer of various stages - infants, children and adults. The conclusion was that in all patients the sleeping places were in geopathogenic zones for a long time.

Hartman's nets have the most detrimental effect on people with pronounced signs of immune system disorders.

It is generally accepted that if for several days, weeks, months in a row a person, by the nature of his life, is forced to stay inside the geopathogenic zone for at least three hours a day, he has negative feelings:

  1. Weakness and irritability.
  2. Inexplicable fear of the surrounding reality.
  3. Headache and heart rhythm disturbances.
  4. Blood anomalies and VSD.

Such periods of disorders of the basic vital functions in people who are in the nodes of the Hartman network are cyclical. requires the use of non-standard methods, therefore it is more lengthy and complex.

The World Health Organization is conducting research on the growth in the number of diseases directly related to the long stay of people in technopathogenic zones - man-made anomalous formations. The curves of the diagrams of nervous, immune and cardiovascular diseases invariably go higher and higher.

A sharp increase in the number of electromagnetic zones around people (growth in the number of smartphones), pollution of air, water and land by human waste products lead to the fact that doctors have long put aside a number of so-called systemic diseases - cancer, polyarthritis, severe neuroses, sclerotic disorders of the brain.

On animals

Dogs sleep only where the influence of negative energy is reduced to zero. Cats, on the contrary, use places for rest where the accumulation of such energy is maximum. In ungulates (sheep, horses, cows), under the influence of adverse radiation, the percentage of infertility, leukemia, and mastitis increase. Pets in such areas suffer from constant feather loss and other physical anomalies.

But the bees, the hives of which are located in the locations of unfavorable zones, give more honey. Thus, the factors of the impact of geopathogenic zones on living organisms will have to be studied for a long time and in detail.

On plants

The influence of geopathogenic zones on biological structures can be easily identified in plants. Perennial trees with a highly developed root system are massively prone to dichotomy (bifurcation). The percentage of such forms in coniferous plants in places with favorable bioenergetics is no more than 0.5–1.0. Within geopathogenic zones, it increases to 25, and sometimes up to 50.

dancing trees

Other negative signs in plants are various curvature, growth asymmetries and twisting of crown elements. The researches of scientific institutes of the Russian Federation dealing with the problems of flora and the study of mineral resources are indicative. The percentage of various anomalies in the compared "good" and "bad" habitats ranges from 10 to 60.

How to determine the location

Mathematical expressions apply. The maximum intensity in the zone is observed at the very surface of the Earth. The decrease in activity as you move away from the source of adverse radiation occurs extremely quickly, it is inversely proportional to the squared distance covered.

Instruments used in dowsing

The error in cell sizes in the Hartman network is only 10–20 centimeters. Below five meters from the Earth's surface, the grid lines can no longer be fixed. Various distortions are also possible. The boundaries of the zones are determined using two main methods.

Dowsing (biolocation), frames and pendulums

In order to find signs of a geopathic zone in the study area, it is required. A heavy object on a long thread, slowly moving through the space under study, will be absolutely motionless in the heart of the cell of the Hartman network. Having reached the line, the pendulum begins to swing. The oscillation amplitude is maximum at the intersections of the lines - the nodes of the cells.

A dowser, as the researcher of pendulum deflections is usually called, can quite accurately indicate the points of location and weaves of the network. In modern scientific interpretation it is called dowsing.

Electromagnetic field detectors (EMF detectors)

A dangerously high level of radiation can also be determined by a completely scientific method - with the help of radiation detection devices (electromagnetic field detectors).

They register fields with extremely high frequencies, sources of naturally and artificially created electromagnetic radiation.

Means of protection

Having received information about the presence of signs and the strength of radiation inside the geopathic zone, it is necessary to determine the methods of protection.

According to the type of impact, devices and objects that can be used to compensate for the consequences of negative impacts are divided into active and passive.

Here are just a few of the declared ways to protect yourself from unwanted contact:

  1. The presence of materials in the room that absorb various types of radiation. It can be felt, wax, other substances with high viscosity, sound and energy absorption.
  2. Installation of devices capable of rejecting harmful radiation - decorative metal grids or mirrors.
  3. Design items with elements in the form of pyramids or cones, which simultaneously perform the functions of an energy trap.
  4. Installation of devices capable of compensating or converting negative radiation.

An extreme way to deal with negative consequences is to leave the geopathic zone and avoid possible contacts as much as possible in the future.

How to use the acquired knowledge

To reduce the number of contacts, it is necessary to take into account the available data when locating newly constructed buildings and structures. On the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the provisions of the "Building Norms and Rules" (SNiP), before starting the design and construction of facilities, it is necessary to conduct studies for the presence of anomalous energy signs. Binding of objects to a place is carried out taking into account the results of the measurements.

There are various ones capable of determining the boundaries of anomalous zones. In 1992, an electronic device was patented that receives electromagnetic impulses - an indicator of geopathic anomalies (GGA). However, in most cases, the impact is perceived by a person at a subconscious level.

How to independently find unfavorable places in your apartment:

By being more prudent about their health and daily routine, correctly using knowledge about the nature of anomalous zones and methods of exposure, people will be able to minimize the consequences of negative contacts.

We are constantly surrounded by anomalous zones and harmful destructive energy flows, whether we like it or not. But this does not mean at all that a person's life should be painted with dark colors.

He must actively live, work and rest, do what he loves and implement his plans. Anomalous zones are the reality of our World and it is absolutely impossible to isolate oneself from them, and indeed it is not necessary at all. It is always necessary to know and remember what negative factor they can bring into our lives, and how this factor can be dealt with.

In this article, we will consider various types of anomalous zones of natural and artificial origin, their energy-informational nature and destructive influence on humans.

I divide all existing anomalous zones and regions into four main types.

First view - these are geopathogenic zones formed directly by the geomagnetic field of the Earth, the so-called Hartman grid. These zones, or rather the nodes of these zones, are strictly located in space and are present in any area and in any room. It is not difficult for specialists to identify them, the most important thing is to be able to neutralize them correctly and effectively, if it is impossible to avoid contact with them otherwise.

Short-term contact with these zones (nodes) does not bring any significant harm to a person, however, prolonged contact leads to a sharp deterioration in health and well-being, causes the development of diseases such as cancer, ulcers, tuberculosis, leads to dysfunction in the functioning of internal organs, a sharp imbalance in the immune system and the system metabolism. By prolonged contact, I mean a situation where a person sleeps in the nodes of these zones, or his workplace is located directly in the flow of harmful geomagnetic radiation. However, one should not be afraid of these zones, specialists in geopathic phenomena know many effective and efficient methods for the correct detection and subsequent neutralization of geomagnetic radiation.

Second view anomalous zones are places on the surface of the Earth where various man-made objects manifest their destructive activity - underground and surface pipelines and high-voltage power lines, various industrial facilities, faults and erosion of the earth's crust, as well as the so-called anthropogenic places associated with human life , cemeteries, burial grounds, various hospitals and places of former battles where human blood was once shed. All of the above components of the second group of anomalous zones greatly affect the health and life processes of a person, and people, in their daily bustle, do not even suspect how great and dangerous this destructive influence is.

A significant percentage of morbidity, as well as premature death of people, is directly related to the presence of objects of the second type of anomalous zones near the human environment. However, this should not be feared either, since there are many effective ways to protect against the negative influence of such factors.

The third type of anomalous zones is associated directly with specialists with paranormal abilities. That is, with a certain category of people who use a specific type of subtle energies in their respective energy practices, and who are able to artificially create anomalous zones that pose a significant danger to others. These are all kinds of magicians and sorcerers who, in various ways, turn specific areas of the terrain, as well as rooms and objects into real “dead” places. Many, after reading these lines, may smile skeptically and think that I am telling fairy tales and fables.

However, those people who actually encountered these phenomena think completely differently and can tell how dangerous and destructive such places are. In my practice, I often encounter such phenomena and see the true suffering of people exposed to such zones. Therefore, it is impossible not to take into account the presence of just such anomalous places, one thing is very upsetting that these zones are becoming more and more every day, evil is penetrating deeper and more insidiously into people's daily lives.

fourth kind anomalous zones are anomalous zones where the source of destructive energy is various energy-informational objects of the subtle World.

The subtle (unmanifested) World, which is practically invisible to the vast majority of people, is inhabited by a whole huge group of energy-informational living beings. In esotericism, they are also called entities. These entities do not have a physical body, and therefore are not visible to the human eye, since they do not reflect light waves. But this does not mean that they do not exist at all, they are in the astral plane and live in their energy bodies built from an energy-informational substance incomparably more refined than the human material body.

In order to successfully exist and develop, all these entities of the subtle World need a source of nutrition. They feed on subtle energies of different vibration levels. Moreover, the spectrum of these energies is very different and is located in a wide range of energy-information characteristics. It is no secret that most of the above-mentioned entities feed on the chakra energy of people, that is, the energy that is spontaneously released from the human biofield, or the energy that these entities manage to take from him.

They are a real hunt for a person in order to master his internal energy. Most people do not suspect anything about this and lose a huge amount of energy, or, more precisely, their life force. Devastating the biofield of a person, the entities doom him to serious illnesses, rapid fatigue, depletion of the immune system, premature aging, all kinds of suffering, and sometimes even physical death.

In order to take energy from a person, these entities spontaneously, without knowledge, and naturally, without the desire of a person, connect to his biofield and suck out certain portions of internal energy. People say about such people that they are possessed by demons. In fact, it is. Sometimes entities act singly, and sometimes, even very often, they form entire clusters or so-called energy-informational colonies.

For certain reasons, these colonies are tied to specific areas of space and human habitats. Accumulations of entities of the dark plane thus form anomalous zones on the surface of the Earth. People call such areas "damned places", which is quite consistent with their energy-informational content.

The anomalous zones created by the presence and actions of aliens from extraterrestrial civilizations (UFOs) can also be attributed to this type. Some anomalous zones formed by them are distinguished by the presence of a very high concentration of negative energy hostile to the human body. Sometimes a person is not even able to stay in such a zone for a short time. He feels very bad, the normal functioning of internal organs and systems is sharply disrupted, there are often malfunctions in the brain and an eyewitness to what is happening may lose consciousness.

Why this happens is sometimes unclear to scientists. And here's the thing. Spaceships of alien civilizations have a specific fuel content. It consists of two main components.

From a material carrier or directly physical fuel and its energy-information component present in the ship's fuel matrix in the form of energy-information flows of high vibrations of cosmic origin unknown to earthlings. It is these energy-informational flows of very high vibrations that allow alien ships to fly over vast cosmic distances in relatively very short periods of time.

Only a small group of earthlings, initiated into the Higher Cosmic Knowledge, knows about it. The rest of the people are not even aware of this and have never heard of it. So far, earthly scientists who are developing fuel for spacecraft do not know about this either. Information and knowledge in this area will not come to them soon, these are technologies of the middle of the third millennium. And this knowledge will be obtained directly from extraterrestrial civilizations that help us and are interested in our progressive development.

It is this energy-information component of the fuel of spaceships of extraterrestrial civilizations described above that creates energy-information fields around the aircraft that are alien in nature to humans. These fields almost always have a very negative effect on a person, his health and well-being, as well as on the general ecological situation in the place where an aircraft (UFO) is present. This must always be remembered, and when such cases appear, by all possible means avoid contact with UFOs.

Russian Bermuda Triangle Nikolai Subbotin

Signs of anomalous zones. Russian and American version of AZ. Places of power. Portals

First, let's understand the terminology. What is an “anomalous zone”, how do various researchers understand this term, and what should you, readers, understand by this term.

In the "Explanatory Ufological Dictionary" by S. K. Lichak, the term "anomalous zone" is defined as:

Anomalous zone(AZ) (anomaly zone). An area on our planet where anomalous phenomena are often observed.

anomalous atmospheric phenomenon(AAA) (Anomaly atmospheric phenomenon). An unusual phenomenon (or object) in the airspace of the Earth, which in most cases cannot be explained within the framework of known physical laws.

anomalous phenomenon(AH) (Anomaly phenomenon). A rare phenomenon that cannot be reliably recorded or explained using known laws.

Andrei Perepelitsyn, a researcher from Kaluga, offers a broader interpretation, believing that “under the AZ in a broad sense, one can understand local areas in space-time in which deviations (constantly or during certain time intervals) that are inexplicable in the framework of modern scientific concepts from the background parameters of the rest of the space-time, which is not AZ, are observed. It is logical to consider such deviations as AE ... " In addition, for the first time in the practice of studying anomalous zones, he offers a mathematical model for calculating the “activity index” of AZ:

q = Є v(i)*P(i)*l(i)/ T*V

Where v(i)- frequency of occurrence of the AP group i within the borders of AZ, P(i)- the probability of the appearance of a given AP, averaged over the entire space, l(i)- the number of observed AEs of this group, T- time of existence of AZ, V- AZ volume.

In the article “The system of criteria for “zoning” S. E. Ermakov and T. V. Faminskaya propose the following method for determining anomalous zones, based on objective, subjective, mixed and special criteria.

I. Objective criteria.

A) Folklore-historical criteria- the presence of religious buildings (their traces), objects of worship (spring, tree, forest, etc.) of various eras and religions; the presence of small areas of terrain that are known as "good" or "bad" places; stories of incredible events.

b) Geological, hydrogeological, geomorphological, geophysical criteria- the presence of faults, open and underground water sources, accumulations of groundwater, voids; deposits of various ores and minerals; areas with a pronounced heterogeneity of the relief; facts of instrumental registration of anomalies of natural physical fields.

V) Medical and biological criteria- the presence of multiple structural, horizontal, vertical mutations of vegetation in a limited area, increased or decreased resistance of the flora to the effects of insect pests; peculiarities specific the composition of the vegetation cover; increased morbidity of plants, animals and people, especially the massive incidence of the same diseases in domestic animals (livestock); localized within a very limited area, a sharp and persistent increase in the number of oncological, cardiovascular, nervous and other groups of diseases and disorders; sudden changes in blood pressure, heart rate and electroencephalography for no apparent reason after staying in a particular place from several tens of minutes to several hours.

G) Meteorological- the presence of a stable specific microclimate (for example, clouds, rain over certain places, or vice versa); local frosts or "warm" areas; the presence of places of origin of tornadoes, hurricanes, typhoons; centers of climate formation in vast areas.

e) " Technical" criteria- seemingly causeless violations of the operation of devices, increased wear and tear and accident rate of mechanisms, buildings; the presence of road sections with increased accident rate, accelerated destruction of the road surface; accumulations of harmful industrial emissions into the atmosphere, not related to production sites, etc.

II. subjective criteria.

A) Psychophysiological- spontaneous activation or inhibition of various functions of the human body, unusual subjective sensations; sudden psycho-emotional changes; involuntary entry into an altered (special) state of consciousness, sometimes accompanied by psi-contacts; spontaneous manifestation of paranormal abilities.

b) A sharp causeless change in the behavior and condition of animals.

III. mixed criteria.

Concentration in a limited area and in the space above it of various anomalous phenomena.

IV. special criterion.

The connection of the territory with significant elements of the geocrystal (vertices, edges, centers of faces), intersection points of ley lines and places of accumulation of significant dowsing anomalies.

It is interesting to summarize the experience of Western researchers of the anomalous zone, who also highlight several characteristic features or, to be more precise, a gentleman's set of phenomena that AZ should have. The most famous classical anomalous zone in the world is the village of Sedona, located in the United States. For a number of years, I corresponded with the explorer of this unusual place, Gary Hart. We met by chance when Gary saw photographs of balls, dumbbells and other unusual objects that were photographed in Molebka. In 1996, with the help of my friend Steve Wingate, I hosted an archive of prayer photographs on his Anomalous Images server, at the time the first archive of anomalous images from Russia to appear on the Internet.

Gary Hart emailed me some scanned photos. They exactly matched the "oranges" from the Moleb zone. On my advice, Gary began to systematize eyewitness accounts, and after a year of work, we had a clear diagram of the phenomena inherent in the American anomalous zones.

1. Frequent observations of moving luminous balls: silvery, red, white, blue or green. Their sizes range from one to thirty feet in diameter. Sometimes they pulsate in a certain rhythm or simply flicker monotonously. The speed of these objects can vary from 50 to 10,000 miles per hour.

2. Three reliable observations of unknown animals, without any rational explanation of the nature of their appearance. All animals had four legs, short or long hair, their weight ranged from 20 to 100 pounds. In mid-July 1993, one of these creatures was sighted by a hunter-guide in the Secret Canyon area. This creature looked like a cross between a cat, a fox and a lynx.

3. Some animals in the countryside were suddenly exposed to unusual tumors of internal organs and strange diseases. In the same year, four-month-old fetuses disappeared without a trace from two mares from different places. Both animals' pregnancies were terminated by mysterious veterinarians.

4. Occurrence of unusual traces. I was able to photograph footprints six inches wide, twenty inches long. In one of the remote areas, a clear chain of footprints of shoes with soft soles was found to me. The tracks were ten inches long and five inches wide, and sloped slightly inwards. There was no pattern on the soles. On May 20, 1995, one of the local guides, during a multi-day excursion for tourists, discovered an unusual chain of ten tracks. They were nine inches long. The footprints were elongated at the toe and unusually large at the heel. Each print had six fingers. The footprints were imprinted in the dry, dusty soil and were perfectly visible.

5. Many reliable observations of single military vehicles and entire columns during the night and morning hours. In one case it was a convoy of twenty white marked heavy tractors. Once I managed to photograph the attendants, dressed in a uniform similar to the army. In each case, observers indicated that cars were entering the canyons. But none of the eyewitnesses has ever seen military vehicles leaving the canyons. Where do they go, and how do they manage to leave the canyons unnoticed?

6. About half a dozen cases describing strong tremors and vibrations. One of the eyewitnesses, a psychologist, said that the vibrations were like the trampling of hundreds of feet on the ground. The shocks and vibrations are so strong that they are able to move and swing massive objects. These phenomena are not natural natural phenomena.

7. Reports of alien abductions. One abductee was hypnotized by a qualified psychiatrist. After that, the man remembered how strange creatures with large heads and almond-shaped eyes brought him on board the spacecraft, performed various medical experiments on him, in particular, they implanted implants in his legs and head.

8. Night movements of strange, apparently humanoid creatures. The usual scenario is that the observer hears footsteps, but does not see the one who makes them. Windows in doors can rattle and even crack under the influence of invisible creatures. In some cases, screams and strange sounds were noted. Eyewitnesses described the sound of footsteps made by invisible beings walking in the air at a height of about eight feet.

9. Pets can be frightened of invisible objects. Out in the open, on one occasion, a dog was frightened by a strange growling sound. However, it could not be a mountain lion. In another case, a horse was found in its pen in a state of panic, and it took not one thousand dollars to treat it. In one of the remote rural areas, a horse was found thrown into a tree by an unknown force. In most cases, mountain lions, bears and wild dogs (which live in the Sedona area) can be excluded.

Gary put forward an interesting hypothesis that anomalous zones are doors to other dimensions, portals through which we can penetrate into other worlds. He believes that it is through such portals that the creatures we call aliens come to our world.

One of these anomalies is located in the small city of Sedona (Arizona) in the southwestern United States. The frequency of sightings of UFOs in this area is so high that every second inhabitant of Sedona can tell about his experience of observing a "flying saucer".

Gary was able to pinpoint the location of the main anomaly, fifteen kilometers from the city. It was extremely interesting to observe the phenomena occurring there: luminous balls, visible and invisible objects, etc. But the most striking thing that we managed to find out was special “doors” between dimensions (portals) that opened at a certain time. As a rule, an increased magnetic field strength is recorded near the center of the portal.

In the process of observation, Hart managed to shoot a lot of documentary footage, including on a video camera. Our collection includes photographs of blob-like objects in bright orange or yellow, clusters of small blue lights folded into a butterfly shape, many photographs of yellow energy, distinct "fog phantoms" (strange fog-like formations that were not visible when photographed) and much more.

A great danger lies for the inhabitants of such places, since it is possible to link the statistics of the disappearance of people with such portals. Very often, unusual mists quickly form in the air before the portal opens.

Here is a list of the most characteristic signs that can be observed in places where portals are present:

1) Luminous balls observed inside or outside residential buildings.

2) Light going into the ground or beating out of it.

3) Ghostly objects moving inside houses.

4) Buildings experience strange vibrations and vibrations (lights may go out, flicker or turn off completely).

5) Unusual shimmering air masses.

6) Items that have been lost for a long time are suddenly found in the most unusual places.

7) Strange noises and loud sounds hitting the walls of the house leaving no damage.

8) People are sometimes illuminated by light, the source of which is not visible.

9) Ghostly dark figures, visible only with peripheral vision.

10) The area is often illuminated by bright flashes of light comparable in power to light from lightning.

11) The earth can vibrate with such force that objects in the house bounce.

12) Animals can be restless and avoid places near portals.

13) Unusual air ionization.

14) The appearance of strangers and strange animals.

16) Observations of large black people, rarely green and blue.

17) Evidence of noise and fuss made by invisible animals.

18) Unexplained discharge of batteries within a certain area.

19) Observations of mythical animals - horned monsters with red "flaming" eyes.

I spoke with one person who knew how to use one of the portals in our country and related portals in South America. One of these "doors" opened a tunnel into a blank wall, which could lead to the death of the traveler. This must be taken into account for personal safety when working in places where such anomalies exist. Naturally, you can question such facts.

Most recently, we managed to take absolutely fantastic photos! ..

Recently, a resident of Sedona reported that one of the portals has reopened. She observed a strange fog appearing "out of nowhere" and heard a telepathic voice that told her, "Don't enter the fog!".

As we managed to find out, the "open" portal can still be seen. Most often it is invisible, but you can observe distortions or flickering of the air in the place where the portal is located. We have experimented with a compass: when the portal is open, the arrow behaves in an unusual way, pointing to the portal. In this way, open portals can be easily detected by a higher electromagnetic level than the normal background.

I happened to investigate another case similar to the Sedona phenomenon. A few months ago, I received a letter saying that another door-like structure had been found in Hai Marka in Northern Peru. Portal? This place, 35 kilometers from the city of Puno, known as the "City of the Gods", has never been explored before because of the difficult terrain and difficult mountainous terrain. The "door" is a complex archaeological structure in the form of a depressed rectangle on the surface of a rock measuring 7 by 7 meters with a small depression in the center. After the discovery of the portal, Mamani (the explorer who made this discovery) came into contact with the official authorities of Puno and within a short time High Mark was literally besieged by archaeologists and incologists (specialists in the history of the Incas). It turned out that in these places there has been a legend about the “gateway to the country of the gods” for a very long time, according to which many ancient inhabitants of Peru could communicate with the gods, passing through the magic gate, come back and talk about their travels. The legend also said that many of the people who passed through the gate became immortal. Another legend, dating back to the time of the Conquistodor's robberies in Peru, mentions a priest who hid jewels and religious objects in the mountain of Hai Mark, while he used the mysterious golden disk "the key of the gods of seven rays" to open the gate in the rock. The conquistodor allegedly found this door and one of the temple servants showed him the key and the ritual of opening the tunnel, from which a bright blue light emanated.

Interesting feelings were described by people who visited near the “door” of Hai Marku. Those who put their hand on the structure on the rock felt a strange tingling energy, others heard pleasant religious music, others had visions as if the door was open and they could see what was happening on the other side of the real world. It is interesting to note that the structure actually resembles a gate and is connected to five other archaeological finds connected by imaginary straight lines that intersect exactly at Lake Titicaca. Strange coincidence, over the past 20 years, an unusually high UFO activity has been noted in this area, especially near Lake Titicaca. The most common are blue spheres and bright white disks. Another legend says that one day the Door will be opened and the gods will be able to return, and their appearance will be like the sun. Doesn't it sound very familiar! Perhaps we are talking about devices called UFOs?

How can one explain such a variety of forms, shades and "reasonableness" of UFO behavior? Many hypotheses have been put forward, one of which seems to me the most realistic. "UFOs are living beings!" - suggests the Italian researcher Luciano Boccone.

On the top of a large secluded hill, Boccone set up a laboratory, equipping it with various registration equipment - photometers, thermometers, magnetometers, alpha, beta and gamma radiation recorders, photo and movie cameras. There were also live "indicators" - dogs. The principle of research was determined very simply: anomalous and inexplicable deviations in the readings of any device indicate the presence of a UFO. There were many such testimonies. For three years of work, Boccone collected a huge amount of material. Moreover, the impression was created that the further, the more mysterious phenomena rushed to Boccone, almost pushing each other with their elbows. They were recorded with instruments, captured on film, seen with the naked eye. Gradually, their properties were revealed.

The researchers were struck, so to speak, by a certain meaningfulness of their behavior. All these clouds, concentrations of unknown fields, luminous balls in the visible, and more often invisible - infrared and ultraviolet - parts of the spectrum seemed to demonstrate their capabilities to people - they swept or floated over them, changed the speed and direction of flight, transformed into different forms. Gradually, Boccone came to the conclusion that he was dealing with ethereal life forms. And he gave them a name - craters. Here is how he himself writes about these objects.

“These ethereal life forms, these objects are living beings, and the phenomena associated with them do not belong to our three-dimensional reality, which is typical of the frequency band of our visible spectrum. These are manifestations of a life alien to us. These are undoubtedly living beings - light and dark, dense and transparent, plasmatic forms, energy transformations, melting clouds and fogs, invisible amorphous masses that have nothing to do with our physical reality. These are wandering lights, these are energy phenomena, I repeat - invisible, but physical - captured on photographic film according to instrument readings when they were above the area under study, over the coast and the sea, when they moved at high and low altitudes or were on the soil itself at short distances from us, when gliding with incredible speed on a hillside or in the sky above a city, when landing or taking off, when bobbing over large fires and turning into large plasma creatures, following air liners or hovering at low altitude over industrial complexes, over air and sea city ​​ports.

If this hypothesis eventually finds a scientific explanation, then we will be confronted with an amazing fact ... It turns out that our world, our world is much closer than we thought before! We are surrounded by invisible intelligent beings who are watching us and even trying to make contact.

American physicists G. Feinberg and R. Shapiro offer the following classification of possible life forms that exist in space and on other planets:

Plasmoids (plasma life) exist in stellar atmospheres. They are formed due to magnetic forces associated with groups of mobile electric charges.

Radiobes (ray life) live in stellar clouds, they are complex aggregates of atoms in an excited state.

Lavobs (silicon life) are organized structures of silicon that live in lakes of molten lava on very hot planets.

Waterflies (life at low temperatures) - amoeba-like forms floating in liquid methane.

Thermophages are a type of cosmic life that uses energy from the temperature gradient in the atmosphere or oceans of the planet.

Similar hypotheses (about the existence of parallel spaces on our planet) were put forward about 20 years ago by the famous French ufologist Jacques Vallee. In his books Passport to Mahonia, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, Invisible College and Parallel World, he collected many facts about meetings and contacts with people from this world. After analyzing many cases, he came to an unequivocal conclusion - the folklore created by mankind over the centuries has a real basis. Each of us can encounter this mysterious world by seeing elves, gnomes, angels, etc.

Last year, I suddenly heard almost the same story told to me by complete strangers. My interlocutors did not know each other, but in their stories there were a lot of similar details that suggested the reality of the facts with which they had to meet. The essence of the story was reduced to contacts with strange little men of short stature, who, in appearance and attire, resembled fairy-tale gnomes and leprechauns. But the most surprising thing was that these creatures moved on devices like ... UFOs! One of my narrators claimed to have visited their underground city, located somewhere in the Ural Mountains (he could not describe the exact location). He was brought to the city on a disk-shaped apparatus through a long tunnel. His description looks very fantastic, but, nevertheless, is confirmed by other independent sources.

The most accurate and complete characterization of the signs of anomalous zones is given in the report by A. Perepelitsyn "The study of anomalous zones is the primary task of ufology", read out on October 11, 1996 at the fifth scientific conference of the IUA (International UFO Association, Moscow) (see Appendix No. 1) .

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9. Signs of decay Now that we have moved far from the past, it is interesting to recall how the destructive work within the state body gradually went on, leading to the collapse of the empire. Many Germans still mistakenly believe that the cause of the fall of the empire

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Chapter 19. The second option The second option - replacing Hitler with a double at the last moment - is the simplest and most reliable in the sense that the risk of identification of a double by random eyewitnesses is excluded. In addition, in this case, the similarity of the double with the original is not required,

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"The American Method" After a break, Matarasso continues his analysis of the manuscript. Again: Ashgabat-Stalinabad, again - Ordzhonikidze. He quotes Pozner, finds an error in the date of Yagoda's death, finds a discarded episode: Kravchenko's father and mother suffered from the White Army. His conclusion

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CHAPTER 8 THE NEWSPAPER VERSION That lifelessly cold, leaden, formless, which in Guy's mind was involuntarily associated with the word "failure", swept very close by, dousing him with a chilling wind. Too long he walked on dangerous sides, too unceremoniously tortured fate.

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Totalitarian signs Purposeful seizure by the state of property from wealthy citizens is practiced in modern times. So, in November 2008, there were reports about the beginning of an investigation into the financial crimes of China's richest man, the head of Gome

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From the book Twelve Dissenters author Panyushkin Valery

Appendix No. 1. Classifier of anomalous zones by A. Perepelitsyn

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Signs of good luck In the meantime, the news spread around the world that terrorists had seized a school in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. That there are two hundred hostages, not three hundred children. The mothers of the children taken hostage stood at the police cordon and shouted that they could not be in

From the book How to set Ukraine against Russia [The myth of the "Stalin's Holodomor"] author Mukhin Yury Ignatievich

Option to p. 289-290 On the night they adopted a proclamation to the people, the army, the national guard, taking two decisive measures, namely: to decree 24 new battalions of the national guard from workers, thus making officers of order out of unarmed people, moreover

From the book Natural disasters that shook the world author Zhmakin Maxim Sergeevich

Option to p. 309 We saw from it that the last administration in 7 years made a debt of 912 million (229) 328 francs and raised the entire debt of France to 5,179,644,000, a terrible and heavy figure. Further, since 1831, the management of Ludwig Philipp raised the current debt from 250

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American Way First. Although Stalin was a Marxist, he was a creative Marxist, that is, he spat on Marx when it was required for the good of the USSR. And in this case, it became possible to improve the life of the people, which included (1938) 56 million city dwellers and 115 million local residents.

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Signs of a tsunami An earthquake is a natural signal of a possible tsunami. Before the tragedy, the water in the ocean usually moves away from the coast for a considerable distance (hundreds of meters or even several kilometers). The duration of this "low tide" ranges from

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Signs of disintegration It's hard not to notice that the world is getting "smaller". One of the reasons is the Internet, others include air travel, visa facilitation, the development of international corporations, especially in the hospitality industry (and they all serve one and

From the author's book

There is no background, but a variant arises. Of course, the theme of bandits and the mafia is a city-forming one - referring to the descriptions of Chicago. And the hotel where Capone was arrested (where he always went to shine his shoes, right in the middle), and the scene of the murder of Frank Capone, and the Federal Court, and

Geophysical anomalies and human health (medical aspects of the problem)

Dubrov A.P., Meizerov E.E., Fadeev A.A., Vetchinov V.V.
Institute of Reflexology FGU FNKEC TMDL Roszdrav
Collective monograph edited by A.P. Dubrova


The problem of the biological effect of geophysical anomalies (GA) has long attracted the attention of people, since, starting from the 1920s - 1930s. and earlier, in different countries of the world, a serious danger of a long stay of people in the zone of their action was discovered and repeatedly confirmed. Researchers, using various methods and devices, tried to find out the main causes of severe consequences, mainly the occurrence of oncological diseases, which are caused by a person being in the GA zone. It turned out that the so-called geopathogenic zones (GPZ) are of particular importance, where the action of various biologically active geological and geophysical factors is simultaneously manifested.

GPZ is an area on the surface of the Earth or near its surface, a long stay, within which any living organism leads to its disease, and technical systems fail. Representatives of various fields of knowledge and specialties are engaged in the study of the GPZ, and of a high scientific level - professors of famous world universities and institutes, graduates in the field of physics, geology, geophysics, ecology, medicine, architecture and others. For a long time, the pathogenic effect of GPZ was not recognized in medicine due to the lack of convincing data and the lack of a geological justification for the nature of such zones, which were considered to be some kind of special homogeneous geophysical formation.

In recent decades, a lot of research has appeared, carried out by physicians in collaboration with geologists, geophysicists, and it turned out that GPZ is by no means such a simple and unambiguous phenomenon as it seemed at first.

As a result of scientific research, it was shown that GPZs are a complex variety of GA, which is a special multifactorial formation: in them, as in the focus of light rays passing through a lens, the main acting forces converge - active geological faults (AGF), radioactive radiation and gases, underground water flows and nodes of energy planetary (global) grids, previously unknown geophysical structures.

As can be seen from the above, structural inhomogeneities and disturbances in the upper layers of the Earth play a decisive role in the GPZ, especially the AGR, the tension of the constituent rocks, accompanied by changes in their magnetic and electrical properties, gamma radiation and electromagnetic waves in different frequency ranges, and rock fracturing. and as a result, various types of atmochemical elements and compounds, harmful gases, such as radon, methane, butane and others, enter the surface.

Thus, the problem of geopathogenesis is closely intertwined with the problem of the environmental impact of geophysical, geochemical and radiation fields on natural and natural-technical systems. From this we can conclude that GPZs have a detrimental effect on a person not by themselves, but as areas where the action of active physical factors is manifested - various fields and radiations, toxic chemical compounds, radioactive gases.

It should be noted that in the formation of GPZs and their biological effect, there is still much that is unclear from the point of view of modern geophysics and geomorphology. For example, thanks to the work of researchers who know the dowsing method, a system of various energy-force lines was discovered and carefully studied, forming global grids on the Earth's surface with different configurations of their constituent elements - cells. Studies have shown that these grids are associated with the electromagnetic characteristics of the soil and air surface layers of the Earth, meteorological and helio-geophysical factors - atmospheric electricity, ionospheric processes and solar activity, cosmic fields and can change their structure and place.

The main global (planetary) energy grids are three: a rectangular grid by E. Hartman, oriented along the magnetic meridian, with a cell size of 2 m x 2.5 m (band width 21 cm), oriented in the North–South direction (Fig. 3), and diagonal rhombic network of M. Kurri with cells 4m x 4m, and sometimes 5m and 7.5m (band width 50 cm), running in the form of rhombuses at an angle of 45 degrees to the lines of the first grid in the direction from the North-West to the South-East ( Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Formation of geopathogenic zones at the intersection of nodes of global networks and water flows (A, B)

– E. Hartman network lines;

– M. Kurri network lines;

- underground water flow.

A– intersection of grid nodes by E. Hartman and M. Kurri;
B– intersection of grid nodes by E. Hartman and M. Kurri with underground water flow.

Depending on the geolatitude of the location, the size of the cells may vary. In those places where the nodes of these two grids coincide and water flows pass, then areas of the Earth that are especially dangerous for human health are formed (Fig. 3, zones A, B).

There is also a third large rhombic Wittmann-Schweitzer grid with cells measuring 16m x 16m (sometimes 12m x 12m) and directed from North to South, and its nodes are considered polarized, that is, they are “+” and “-” charged.

The Estonian scientist from the University of Tartu V. Reeben, based on the concept of global grids of standing waves of various natural rhythmic processes (coherent electromagnetic radiation), shows their correspondence with cosmic rhythms, certain frequencies of EM waves and fundamental metric numerical bases. In particular, the global networks of Hartman, Kurri and other researchers (A. Riggs, A. Banker, E. Calde) have a complex EM structure with frequencies in the region of 181 kHz and 1.63 - 58.7 MHz and even 316 MHz and 1.26 GHz associated with solar activity and cosmic rhythms.

In urban conditions, these grids can be strengthened and changed under the influence of natural and man-made factors, which further exacerbate the harmful effects of ILI, accelerating the development of various diseases, including oncological diseases in humans.

One more important feature of the biological effect of GPZ should be noted. Long-term practice of examining and monitoring persons who have been in the danger zone for a long time shows the effect on a person of highly penetrating, narrowly directed radiation of unknown physical nature, reminiscent of a high-energy laser beam in its action. Therefore, the classical type of GPZ is also characterized by the presence of such a damaging agent, called "terrestrial radiation".

In people in the GPZ, oncological foci of diseases appear strictly localized, namely in those parts of the body on which the intersection lines (nodes) of the Hartman and Kurri global grids, as well as water flows, are projected. This unknown type of radiation is characterized not only by the fact that it is narrowly localized and directed strictly vertically upwards, but also by its unshieldability: its effect can be traced on any floors of buildings, it penetrates through all floor ceilings and is not retained by any shielding materials (lead, concrete, etc.), which usually block all radioactive emissions.

The source of coherent EM radiation and flows of charged particles in the lithosphere are various linear disturbances in the underlying rocks: interfaces between media with different dielectric characteristics, faults, water flows and veins, power cables in the TPS. The reality of the GPZ, as a complex polymodal geophysical system, was shown by various researchers who studied the primary mechanisms of the action of the main radiation in the zone of a geoactive anomaly.

It should be borne in mind that since the GPZ are closely related to the hydrological underground regime, geophysical and geological factors, they do not remain constant all the time, but undergo changes due to various reasons (seismic vibrations, active deep processes, solar activity, weather and climate changes). etc.) and therefore it is possible to change the previously defined boundaries of geoactive zones.

All this creates unusual geophysical properties of the GPZ and therefore causes conflicting opinions of researchers about the main damaging agents. The German scientist P. Dobler came to the conclusion that the main damaging agent in the GPZ is EM waves of the millimeter and submillimeter range coming from a coherent source of radiation of an unknown physical nature, at the same time, the physicist R. Schneider suggested that EM centimeter waves are active radiation in the GPZ , and according to P. Schweitzer and M. Kraft, the main damaging agent is combined EM waves.

Some researchers believe that the damaging effect of GPZ is based on the modulating effect of underground water flows on gamma radiation coming from deep-lying granite rocks (Fig. 7. It is also assumed that the formation of GPZs and their dangerous unusual type of radiation is based on anomalies in the electromagnetic and gravitational fields of the Earth, which form standing EM and gravitational waves.

Rice. 7. Formation of active "terrestrial" radiation in the geopathic zone

1 - soil;
2 – upper layer of granite rocks with water cracks;
3 - deep-lying layers with narrow faults.

The studies conducted by Dr. D. Ashoff using the electromagnetic blood test (EMTK) developed by him led him to the conclusion that the persons who were in the ILI have all the signs of the radiation load they have endured, but without the characteristic changes in the blood formula known during normal radiation exposure. Therefore, it was suggested that, perhaps, this is due to the effect on a person of neutron radiation emanating from the GPZ associated with an underground water flow, subsequently causing secondary radiation exposure. Based on his experiments with EMTC, Dr. D. Aschoff revealed that the nodes of global energy grids have left- and right-polarized microwaves, and there is neutron radiation above such nodes, which affects the magnetoelectric properties of the blood of living organisms.

The most extensive and detailed studies of geophysical fields in the GPZ were carried out to assess the magnitude of the geomagnetic field strength in them. A great contribution to the study of this issue was made by the German biophysicist L. Mersman. Using the VMP-2010 geomagnetometer developed by him and the 3010 geoscanner with registration of geomagnetic strength and field wind, the scientist studied changes in the field strength of the vertical component and the direction of the geomagnetic field vector in the GPZ in different countries of the world (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Poland, USA, Canada) and in different conditions - in urban homes, offices, in rural areas, etc.

It turned out that in all geopathogenic places, which were determined by the incidence of people, geomagnetometer, gamma dosimeter and dowsing methods, the geomagnetic field was always inhomogeneous and differed in large gradients when moving from one measurement point to another. It also turned out that the medical hazard of the GPZ was the higher, the greater was the difference in the absolute values ​​of the geomagnetic field in absolute values ​​(nT) between the neutral (normal) place and the place with a changed geomagnetic field in the direction of a strong increase or decrease in the GMF value (Fig. 8 ).

Rice. 8. The location of the sleeping place in the zone with a changed intensity of the geomagnetic field.

This regularity manifested itself especially sharply if the GMF measurements were carried out in places where the nodes of the Hartman and Kurri global grids were combined or where the combined action of several geological and geophysical factors (active faults, karsts, groundwater discharges, edge effects, etc.) .). Such places have always been particularly dangerous and led to a sharp acceleration of cancer in people who were in such areas. On the basis of numerous measurements, it was shown that always in places of tectonic shifts, active geological faults and the formation of intensity of different types of fields, a strong change in the magnitude of the vertical component of the GMF was observed.

The practical conclusion drawn by Dr. L. Mersman from these studies was as follows: the more pronounced the heterogeneity of the geomagnetic field in the measurement zone, i.e. the greater the GMF gradients when measured on the surface of a given place, the higher the medical hazard for people in these places. Medical indicators of GMF gradients according to their effect on human health can be divided into four categories: calm - no more than 1,000 nTm, tolerant - 2,000 nTm, pathogenic - more than 10,000 nTm, highly dangerous - more than 50,000 nTm.

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the complexity of studying the GPZ is associated with the diversity of geological and geophysical phenomena underlying them, and its solution requires an integrated approach with the participation of specialists from different fields of knowledge. But whatever the physical reasons for the formation of GPZ and the main fields, radiation, chemical compounds acting in them, researchers agree in one opinion - these zones are special geological and geophysical anomalies that have an increased risk to human health and one common biological property - a long a person's stay in the zone of their action leads to severe systemic diseases - cancer, multiple sclerosis, polyarthritis, depression and other diseases.

Means and methods for detecting geopathic zones

The problem of the influence of the environment on human health is one of the most important in environmental medicine. Environmental factors with prolonged exposure have a strong influence on the growth and development of a person, cause functional disorders, which subsequently lead to serious diseases.

Studies conducted in different countries of the world have shown that these diseases are associated not only with the characteristics of the chemical composition of drinking water, soil, food, lack or excess of micro- and macroelements, but also with the location of a person’s home or workplace in the area of ​​geophysical anomalies - geopathic zones (GPZ) associated with active geological faults, groundwater and other geophysical factors.

ILI are high-risk factors in the human environment, similar to radiation, electromagnetic or chemical pollution. For a long period of studying the problem of GPZ, researchers have proposed various kinds of devices, methods and methods for detecting such anomalous zones, their fields and radiation. The creation of universal devices and protective devices is difficult due to the fact that different types of EM fields, radiations with different amplitude-frequency characteristics, intensity, polarization and modulation operate in the GPZ.

All currently known devices and methods for detecting GPZ can be divided into three main groups:

1. Determination of possible boundaries (contours) of the GPZ;

2. Measurement of the parameters of geophysical factors in the proposed location of the gas processing plant;

3. The use of various methods for assessing the functional state of a person while in the proposed geoactive zone.

According to the responses of the human body, the presence or absence of GPZ is determined in a given area, in a residential or working room. It should be especially noted that in this group of studies, a very promising opportunity has recently appeared to determine geopathogenic tension or burdenedness in humans using traditional diagnostic methods.

Determination of the boundaries of the geopathic zone

As is known, the natural structures of GPZ and their formation are very different, and this makes it difficult to determine them unambiguously. However, the empirical method of searching for waters and ore deposits, geological mapping, detecting GPPs and elements of their structure, called dowsing, has long been known and widely used in world practice.

Dowsing is based on the high sensitivity of the human body to the action of various natural superweak geophysical fields and their gradients, regardless of the magnitude and characteristics of the signal. The presence of GPZ in any place is determined by the ideomotor reaction of a person - the operator of the base station, who has an indicator in the form of a metal frame in his hands. The existence of the GPZ or its constituent elements, for example, geological faults, water flows, lines, nodes, is judged by the BC operator by the deviation of the frame in the hands when passing through the studied area of ​​the earth's surface or premises.

Attempts are being made to facilitate this process, and for this purpose, geophysicists have proposed an installation for automated registration of GPZ using a BL. The installation includes a frame rotation angle sensor, a distance meter from any point taken as a reference point, and a two-coordinate recorder, which continuously records the distance traveled and the angular position of the frame in the hands of the BC operator.

In different countries of the world, scientists and specialists conduct research with the participation of BL operators to study the effect of natural and man-made fields, radiation, underground water flows, active geological faults and formations.

One of the most significant works on the use of BL operators in geology and geophysics was research on the detection of anomalous geophysical zones, including the GPZ, and the search for water resources in arid countries of the world.

These studies were carried out by a team of German scientists and German specialists under the guidance of Professors H.L. König (Department of Technical Electrophysics of the Technical University) and prof. H.–D. Betz (Physics Department of the Ludwig-Maximilian University) in Munich, as well as many representatives and graduates of various German institutes: Radiation Biology, Comparative Physiology, Biochemistry, Psychology, Medical Physics, Clinical Physiology, Theoretical Physics and a number of other scientific institutions and societies .

As a result of this great work on BL, after conducting numerous blind and double-blind experiments using modern geophysical methods to verify the forecasts of BL operators, the following important scientific and practical results and conclusions were obtained:

1. The full professional suitability of the use of BL operators in the field of geosciences and, in particular, in hydrogeology has been proven;

2. Checked and selected after special testing, operators of the BL can be used to solve the main hydrogeological tasks and problems;

3. The BL operators, in order to effectively perform various kinds of tasks in the field of ecological geology, must work together with specialists in this field of knowledge.

It should be noted that this study and its conclusions are fully supported by the works of domestic scientists and specialists in ecology, geology, hydrogeology, mining and other fields. Along with the use of BL for contouring and identifying GPZ, various patent devices have been proposed for the same purposes, including a device - an indicator of geophysical anomalies. It is a pointer highly sensitive resonant receiver tuned to receive a fixed frequency (1 - 15 kHz) of the earth's electromagnetic field. The output signal of the device is a phase shift at a certain narrow reception frequency, the value of which changes at the boundary of different media such as "soil-water", "soil-emptiness" (karst), "soil-fault", etc.

The presence of the interface between the media, that is, the difference in the density of rocks, is determined only by the deviation of the arrow on the scale, but the device does not show the absolute values ​​of the phase shift. As can be seen from the above, this device does not detect GPZ as a geophysical anomaly with its fields, radiation and other characteristics, but only indicates the absence or presence of media interfaces on the earth's surface, where there may be a structural anomaly.

Determination of physical parameters of fields and radiations of geopathogenic zones

To detect GPZ, various instruments are used that measure the parameters of physical fields and radiation on the earth's surface. In one of the most detailed works of geoecologists on the study of the GPZ in St. Petersburg and its environs, certified instruments were used to measure pulsed electromagnetic fields in a wide frequency range from 5 to 1000 kHz - "Impulse 2", "Angel", EG-6M. It is also recommended to use equipment of the IPP1-1 type, TsNIGRI for measuring geoelectromagnetic fields in the low and infra-low frequencies.

To detect GPZ, a radiometric method was also proposed, based on the fact that in the anomalous zone the parameters of the radiation background and the indicators of air ionization, atmospheric electricity, associated with radiation action, change. The radiometric method for detecting GPZ is based on the use of two standard dosimeters-radiometers of gamma radiation of the Quartex type (model RD-8901) with digital indexing of the radiation background in a room or on the ground. These devices are installed in the place under study and outside it, to study the temporal structure of changes in the natural radiation background, and the readings of the sensors of the devices are recorded, followed by mathematical processing of the data on a computer.

This method makes it possible to identify with great accuracy not only the difference in the radiation background of places for detecting GPZ, but also to determine such indicators as the harmfulness, neutrality or usefulness (compatibility) of the place under study for a person by the presence of dissonances in the detected frequencies in the instrument readings during measurements.

The integrated portable geophysical instrument "Geo-Scanner BMP 3010", used to detect GPZ and SPT, was created by the famous German biophysicist L. Mersman. The device is a geomagnetometer, which gives a three-dimensional spatial picture of the state of the geophysical indicators of the area or room under study - the geomagnetic field strength in absolute physical units, its vector and H and Z components. For this purpose, the device is equipped with a special sensor to obtain a three-dimensional intensity diagram and the resulting magnetic field vector inside and outside the house, and it is fully computerized and therefore widely used in geological, geophysical and environmental studies.

The scientist also created the BMP 9001 Geo-spectrometer using a scintillation counter and a spectral analyzer for highly sensitive measurements of the intensity of radioactivity and gamma spectroscopy both in geology and ecology for studying building materials, sites, sleeping places, environmental pollution.

On the basis of gas-discharge visualization by the staff of the Department of Biophysics of KSU (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan) under the guidance of prof. V.M. Inyushin created a special biophysical indicator for registering geoanomalous zones. The indicator is based on determining the reaction of a bioplasmic body of animal or plant origin, which is in contact with a gas-discharge plasma column under conditions of low atmospheric pressure and a mixture of inert gases, the characteristics of which are measured using a photomultiplier.

Detection of a geopathic zone by changing the functional state of the human body

In the human body in GPZ, various functional changes occur that affect the mechanisms of regulation of physiological and psychophysiological functions at different levels of organization. It is possible to evaluate the functional disorders of the body that occur when it is in the GPZ, using many indicators - the activity of the heart, the bioelectric parameters of the skin - the measurement of biopotentials, skin-galvanic response, the electrical characteristics of BAP, etc.

Among the methods for diagnosing GPN, kinesiology occupies a special place - the determination of a patient's violation of muscle tone in different parts of the body. The main methods are the muscle ring test proposed by the Japanese doctor I. Omura and kinesiology testing, in which the leading diagnostic criterion is a change in the muscle tone of the right hand. Despite the fact that the kinesiology method does not require special equipment, but only a certain skill of the doctor, nevertheless, it requires some training and education from a manual therapy specialist, since it is necessary to know the techniques of kinesiology testing and have experience in practical possession of this specific diagnostic methods.

A kinesiologist specialist reveals in a patient the characteristic tension (rigidity, stiffness) of certain muscle groups of the body, which are an indicator of the absence or presence of GPN in a patient, and muscle-ligamentous tonic disorders in the vertical, horizontal and sagittal planes are considered a reliable sign of the impact of GPZ. The galvanic skin reaction is a common instrumental research method in psychophysiology, since it is associated with the study of the activity of the higher centers of the brain and the activity of the hypothalamus, cerebral cortex, and reticular formation.

Studies have shown that electrical skin resistance increases sharply even after a short stay of a person in the zone of action of geopathogenic factors [Fig. 9]. This indicates an increase in the activation of the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex and inhibition of the activity of the reticular formation, with all the ensuing consequences for the human body in the ILI.

Rice. 9. Changes in the electrical resistance of the human body in the GPZ (2) and outside the GPZ (1, 3)
Despite the fact that people have clearly expressed individual differences in the dynamics of GSR, this method is convenient for research due to the accuracy of the physical assessment of the studied indicator (in kiloohms) and the speed of its recording. To register GSR in humans, a standard domestic potentiometer KSP-4 or its new modifications are used.

As mentioned above, the action of the physical factors of ILI affects many homeostatic regulatory systems of the body, including cardiac activity, since the innervation of the heart is closely related to the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. The rhythmic activity of the heart is a universal operational response of the organism to any influence of the external environment.

When registering electrocardiograms and computer analysis of the heart rhythm, it is possible to assess with a high degree of accuracy the state of different parts of the autonomic nervous system and their changes in the presence of GPN and GPO or technopathogenic effects in a person.

Currently, there are various automated methods for analyzing cardiac performance indicators, which can be used to determine the presence or absence of stressful influence of environmental factors.

One of the most advanced and versatile is cardiac monitoring according to N. Holter, in which a long-term ECG recording of a free patient is carried out, followed by analysis of this record on special decoders. Holter monitoring makes it possible to conduct a comprehensive analysis of two important components of the patient's daily heart rate at rest and in motion: electrocardiograms and heart rate variability. The analysis of these components makes it possible to assess the state of the body, for example, the relative level of activity of the parasympathetic and sympathetic regulation of the vasomotor center, the degree of tension of the body's regulatory systems under various loads and influences, etc.

For the purpose of early detection of geopathogenic and technopathogenic effects on the human body, special diagnostic methods have also been developed for biologically active points of the body - electropuncture diagnostics according to the R. Voll method, a vegetative resonance test and other methods. The presence of a geopathogenic load in a person can be determined using the reference point RP4 (left) according to the EAF method or resonance preparations Silicea D60 and Litium carbonicum D60 according to ART, EAF, and the technopathogenic EM load is determined using the Phosphorus D60 preparation.

Since the effect of GPZ on a person is reflected in various functional systems, including the circulatory system and causes an almost immediate reaction of the blood vessels of the body and capillaries of the skin, then it is possible to use the method of gas-discharge imaging and thermal imaging for express diagnostics of a person’s condition when he is in GPZ or out of its area of ​​effect.

Modern thermal imaging systems, for example, the serial medical thermal imager TKVR-IFP, developed at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), allows you to receive instant (0.05 sec) thermograms of the human body with very high sensitivity (0.007 ° C), which makes it possible to them to quickly determine the effect of GPZ on a person. This opens up broad prospects for the use of thermal imaging in environmental medicine and the determination of geophysical risk factors for public health. From the foregoing, it follows that doctors and specialists in medical ecology have a variety of methods, methods and devices to identify GPZ and SPT and determine their impact on humans, the use of which depends on the specific conditions for conducting observations and the objectives of the research.

Combined effect of geopathogenic and technopathogenic anomalies on humans

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), among socially significant diseases, oncology ranks third in terms of mortality and morbidity among the population of the entire planet, leaving behind only cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases (see WHO Reports, 2000 - 2003). The trend line of this triad of diseases is inexorably going up due to the connection with the growth of urbanization and the increase in the damaging effect on people of technogenic factors of civilization - electromagnetic fields of transport and industrial emissions, air and water pollution, food, etc.

Statistics clearly show a steady increase in cancer in different countries of the world: for example, in Austria, Germany, England, every fifth person dies of cancer, which is 20,000 people in Austria annually, 160,000 in Germany, 700,000 in USA. Morbidity data (per 100,000 people) for the all-Russian population in 1993 were: neoplasms - 788, malignant tumors - 140, endocrine diseases - 327, diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs - 94, mental disorders - 599, circulatory diseases - 1 472, gastrointestinal diseases - 2635. Unfortunately, no one knows what a significant contribution to this sad statistics is made by geopathic zones and their combined effect with EMF.

When considering the causes of diseases of the population and their connection with the ecology of the environment, one should take into account the so-called etiological risk factors, which are the main causes of a violation of the state of human health. They are divided into two categories - exogenous: the regime of work and rest, climatic and geographic and geophysical features of places of residence and endogenous - heredity, gender, age, constitution and metabolism, character traits, habits, etc.

Studies of Ukrainian hygienists, conducted in 1980-1988, showed that if all etiological factors of a non-infectious nature that change people's health are taken as 100%, then their ratio will be as follows: unhealthy lifestyle - 50%, genetic factors - 20% , environmental pollution - 19%, medical 9% and others - 2%. At present, these indicators have changed dramatically and in the central cities of Russia their ratio is approximately the following: environmental pollution - 30%, unhealthy lifestyle - 35%, hereditary factors - 25% and others - 15%.

All types of diseases are based on hereditary predisposition, but there are a lot of provoking factors. Among them, one of the first places belongs to electromagnetic fields and chemical pollution. In environmental medicine today there are up to 160 types of "neotoxins", new substances that pollute the environment, not to mention such well-known ones as radionuclides, heavy metals, pesticides, insecticides, nitrates. According to ecologists, 80% of human diseases are directly or indirectly related to environmental factors that determine the magnitude of environmental risk to health and affect human life expectancy.

The famous Russian scientist V.P. Treasurers, considering issues related to the health of the population, reports on the factors leading to a reduction in life expectancy. According to his calculations, among the 14 main factors that reduce human life expectancy (in years), the most significant are the following: hunger and malnutrition (7.8 years), insufficient medical care, housing conditions (5.8 years), socially determined physiological aging (5.7 years), adverse environmental conditions and equipment (2.1 years), alcoholism (2.1 years), unfavorable working conditions (1.3 years), smoking (1.1 years), unidentified factors (3 , 4 years) and others. Thus, according to V.P. Kaznacheev, of the total number of 32 years of unlived years by people, almost a third - 9.3 years (29%) are associated with geological and geophysical factors and it is quite possible that among the unidentified factors are the geopathogenic zones we are considering.

Geopathogenic zones have long been known to the scientific community in different countries, but little attention has been paid to them in official medicine, since they were considered only in publications on alternative and complementary medicine or in special publications on dowsing and geobiology.

For a long time in ecology and medicine, due attention was not paid to the danger of ILI as real risk factors for human health, provoking the occurrence of such systemic diseases as cancer, multiple sclerosis, polyarthritis, diabetes, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and others. The reasons for this were, first of all, the basic concepts of the etiopathogenesis of these diseases that were established in official medicine, among which there was no place for geophysical factors provoking their occurrence.

At the same time, in the Earth sciences, such as geology, geophysics, the basis for such neglect was the need for a special integrated approach to study the GPZ as polymorphic formations, which included a medical hazard to humans and the role of geological and geophysical factors in the urban environment. There was also a lack of proper physical methods and instruments for detecting "terrestrial radiation", the nature of which was unknown. Thanks to many years of hard work of various specialists in the field of geology, geophysics, medicine, biophysics, it was possible to find out the main active fields and radiation in the places of the GPZ and their connection with serious human diseases. Now it becomes clear that, together with the above man-made adverse environmental factors, geophysical anomalies adversely affect a person if his sleeping or working place is located in the zone of their action at home or at work.

Even a short-term effect of GPZ changes the normal functioning of the well-coordinated regulatory system of the body, i.e. its homeostasis, and with a longer exposure to a person, such a serious violation of the functioning of the body occurs that this leads to illness. According to doctors studying the effect of GPZ on humans, the geopathic load should be removed immediately by leaving the dangerous place, since the aftereffect of the geopathic zone lasts from two weeks to two months or even more, depending on the duration of exposure.

Recently, public attention has been drawn to ILI as one of the main factors in the occurrence of oncological diseases in the urban population. As noted in the works of doctors-specialists in traditional medicine, in all cases of severe disorders of the somatic sphere in patients, a geopathic load or its combination with electromagnetic (less often with radioactive) load is found.

HFN is detected in 80% of patients in Moscow, large Russian cities and the Moscow region, and a similar picture with HFN is observed in 92% of cancer patients from Italy, France, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries. In addition to the danger emanating from geopathogenic zones associated with geological and geophysical environmental factors, in urban conditions there are many other pathogenic factors that are dangerous to human health.

The excess of the electromagnetic background in cities over the natural background has led to the emergence of new environmental concepts - "electromagnetic smog", "electromagnetic pollution", to the standardization and regulation of this factor and the holding of international congresses and meetings to ensure EM human safety. Increased attention to EM pollution of the environment is caused by its scale and unusually increased level: the intensity of EMF in the homes of urban residents and at workplaces in industry has grown tenfold over the past decade, and the power-to-weight ratio of manufacturing enterprises has increased hundreds and thousands of times.

On the territory of modern huge cities there are numerous sources of EMF and radiation associated with underground electrical cables, telephone and television communication channels, ground-based power plants, transformer substations, high-voltage power lines (TL), broadcasting, radio relay and radar stations. In addition, underground metro lines, its power substations, as well as heat and water-sewage networks, which are powerful in terms of length and volume of water flowing in them, have a significant impact on the ecological situation of the city, creating a special hydrogeological and geophysical regime in the upper layers of the Earth.

All these factors together with long-term action adversely affect human health, leading to desynchronization of functional processes in the body and serious illnesses.

From the above, it becomes clear that geopathogenic zones, electromagnetic, radiation and chemical pollution of air, soil, water and food are factors of increased environmental risk to human health. All types of technogenic physical pollution are potentially dangerous for living organisms, and geological structures (tectonic faults, fractured zones, and others) can be concentrators and conductors of their action.

Based on the specific nature of the impact of SPT on the human body, Krasnoyarsk researchers of the problem, headed by V.G. Prokhorov proposed to call them zones of biological discomfort, since they have abnormal values ​​of environmental parameters compared to the background, a person is not adapted to them, and this leads him to a state of short-term or sustained stress.

It should be borne in mind that in a “pure” form, GPZ can be isolated only in natural conditions in rural areas, and in urban conditions there is always a combined effect of physical factors of GPZ with technopathogenic environmental factors. The main element of human ecological safety from the dangerous effects of environmental factors should be hygienic regulation. But it is difficult to carry out, since it is necessary to measure a variety of physical fields and radiations in a very wide range of frequencies and intensities.

Under these conditions, it is important to apply the precautionary principle, a risk management strategy applied in the face of a high degree of scientific doubt and difficulty in assessing the risk of existing environmental factors. This strategy reflects the need to take preventive measures to prevent a possible serious risk, without waiting for the final results of scientific research.

In the course of its use, it is assumed that measures are taken to avoid harm, even if it does not exactly occur, i.e. this concept means taking simple, easily accessible and inexpensive measures to reduce the possible harmful effects of ILI and STI, even in the absence of an apparent risk. In particular, the application of this strategy to the GPZ means that city dwellers are simply given recommendations on how to eliminate the harmful effects by moving their bed to a favorable (neutral) zone.

Doctors need to be aware of the existence of the dangerous effects of ILI and STI because all their efforts aimed at treating a sick person may be useless if the patient returns to his house, apartment, room or workplace after treatment, which, unfortunately, , are located in the zone of action of natural or technopathogenic anomalies.

The rational use of working and living quarters, on the recommendation of dowsing operators, can significantly reduce the so-called “voluntary risk” of people from the dangerous action of ILI.

Methods of protection against geopathic impact

In the world literature on GPZ, there is a lot of information about various inventions, patents, methods and devices supposedly protecting radiation from GPZ or eliminating its effect.

In 1990, a detailed classification of them was carried out by Ph.D. O.A. Isayeva after studying 130 applications for inventions to neutralize terrestrial radiation of the GPZ, filed in different countries and registered with the International and European Patent Office.

Based on the analysis, all submitted applications can be divided into the following groups:

1. Absorbent materials: synthetic films, minerals, wax, felt, paper, cardboard, etc.

2. Reflective coatings: metallic films on insulating synthetic substrates.

3. Protective clothing: from fabrics containing metallic threads or with foil in the form of patches, stitching, etc.

4. Protective elements: objects worn by a person, made of conductors of various shapes, with antenna properties (bracelets, belts, necklaces).

5. Diffraction gratings: various types for selective reflection of radiation (grids, rings, hooks, brackets, etc.).

6. Deflecting devices: various objects made of metal sticks, pins, rods, etc.

7. Devices that capture harmful radiation and change their parameters and re-emit in a neutralized form (spirals, tubes, cones, pyramids, crystals and organic substances, etc.).

8. Radiation generators interfering with terrestrial radiation based on the formation of periodically repeating electrical impulses.

9. Particle-emitter beam modulators made on the basis of magnets, magnetic fluids, ferromagnets.

Based on the analysis, the author of the study comes to the conclusion that, despite some of their unusualness, the proposed devices are similar to instruments and devices known in classical radiophysics. Each of the patent applications is based on the transformation of coherent oscillations of one of the microwave ranges of electromagnetic waves or the modulation of beams of charged particles that are the source of these waves. This work was continued in subsequent years and it turned out that the number of patent applications for protective devices against ILI in 2000 increased to almost 300 items.

Among the submitted applications, groups appeared with a new approach to the elimination of the damaging effect of the GPZ, and in this regard, there was a need for a new classification. To identify scientifically based principles for the creation and use of such devices, it is necessary to classify them, taking into account, as mentioned above, the physical basis of their functioning. Attempts at such a classification were made repeatedly, but they were based rather on the external features of devices, without a specific physical idea of ​​the nature of the GPZ and the processes occurring in them.

The results of research by the famous physicist N. Tesla in the past with the passage of a pulsed periodic unipolar "Tesla" current (TT) through the human body or oscillatory systems of a pendulum type, as well as the registration of pulse sequences in the GPZ by electrical circuits with a gap, made it possible to propose a physical model of the GPZ as the exit point of the TT to the surface of the earth.

The sources of such currents are areas of constant high electrical voltage generated by the stressed state of rocks in areas of geophysical anomalies (see Chapter 1). These currents propagate along electrical circuits, made up of a conductive section in the lithosphere and an electric discharge section in the dielectric - air, through which the circuit closes at the moment the discharge current passes.

Since the human body can be imagined as a complex dynamic oscillatory system with a large number of Tesla circuits made up of conduction areas inside the body (a system of biologically active points and meridians), it can be assumed that under the influence of TP pulses generated in the lithosphere, there is a shock excitation of the TC with generation of natural oscillations damped in them. In cases where the repetition rate of the lithospheric current pulses is equal to or a multiple of one and the frequencies of natural oscillations in the human body, there is a resonant transfer of energy to the corresponding CT of the body. The previously existing energy balance in a given place of the human body is disturbed, and this becomes the basis for the development of pathological processes and diseases. This, in our opinion, is the physical side of the impact on a person and other oscillatory systems from the GPZ.

Based on the model of the physical effect of PZ on a person proposed above, it is possible to weaken or exclude the influence of GPZ as a place of exit of HP in the following ways:

1. Reduce the amplitude of the harmful current in the pulse to the noise level by introducing active resistance into the lithospheric circuit or a converter of electrical energy into mechanical energy, or by increasing the cross-sectional area of ​​the CT in air using bulk electrodes of special shapes or materials that scatter the electron flow or by suppressing the initial pulses signals of the same frequency and phase, but of opposite polarity.

2. Eliminate the resonance between the LC in the human body by changing the pulse repetition rate in the lithospheric-air circuit.

3. Weaken the connection between the contours by removing them from each other.

4. Change the direction of propagation of LT impulses with the help of intermediate circuits from conductors of special shapes.

5. Transfer the energy of primary impulses to an additional circuit with the same natural frequency as the resonating circuit in the human body.

6. Disrupt the periodicity of the pulses in the LC using a time-variable phase delay - a shift in the positions of the leading edges of the pulses in time.

If we take as a basis the above model of the physical action of GPZ, then the proposed new patent applications for the elimination of their harmful effects can be divided into a number of main groups and given the following classification. This classification is directly focused on the physical parameters of harmful fields and radiation measured within the GPZ and takes into account the variety of features of the existing GPZ. The database on devices - GPZ neutralizers, built on the basis of the proposed classification, should take into account the details of the specific conditions for the use of each of the devices, ensuring the continuity of the new classification with the previous ones.

One of the new groups proposed by the inventors of devices - neutralizers, is based on the interception of radiation by receiver antennas and the conversion of the energy of this radiation into its other forms - in particular, into thermal energy released on the active resistance (special resistor or internal resistance) of the receiver circuit.

The attention of researchers has also been drawn to the neutralization of the harmful factors of STI and GPZ, in particular, to various kinds of EM fields and radiation. Protective devices and screens help to reduce the adverse energy-informational impact of natural and man-made EM radiation on the human body, improve the functional and psychosomatic state of the human body. The use of screens made of special building materials provides a sharp attenuation almost to the level of the usual background of pulsed EM radiation in a wide frequency range and, in particular, the low-frequency part of the spectrum that is most harmful to human health.

The radiation energy in the GB can also be converted into mechanical motion, and the patented devices for searching for underground water flows by A. Schmidt and T. Wolfe and B. Donatsch are proof of this possibility. In the apparatus of A. Schmidt, the energy of impulses from an underground source was converted into oscillations of a weakly magnetized needle (with a value of 20 - 50 °). In the apparatus of T. Wulff, the search for water sources was carried out using an original static electrometer, in which, under the influence of electrical impulses, the thinnest wires repelled each other, which was recorded under a microscope or an eyepiece - a micrometer. In the invention of B. Donatsh, a light coil made of aluminum or copper (depending on the type of "earth rays") served as a sensitive element, which could perform mechanical vibrations.

The original method of translating electromagnetic pulses into mechanical motion was claimed in a patent by an unknown author. The application used a colloidal solution of a suspension of gold, silver, copper or aluminum particles, placed in an isolated shell, where under the influence of EM radiation the nature of the Brownian motion of the particles changed.

The radiation energy received by the antenna of the protective device can be manifested in the form of an electrical discharge from a pointed electrode, examples of which are the following applications. In the invention, wave impulses are received through a metal spiral placed in a cylindrical plastic case. One of the ends of the spiral is bent along the normal to the axis of the spiral and is brought out of the housing, so that the excess electric charge formed under the action of unipolar radiation pulses flows down the tip of the wire into the surrounding space. An antenna in the form of a cylindrical spiral well receives radiation with circular polarization.

A similar device with a spiral is proposed in another application, in which the linear conductor is located along the axis of the spiral. The charge drain is used in the invention, which uses various forms of antenna receiving conductors - rings, rectangles of different sizes, selected for optimal reception of wave impulses of a complex structure.

The radiation energy from the GPZ can be converted into chemical energy. If the linear conductor is brought out not into the air space, but into a substance that can change under the influence of electrical impulses. In this patent application, the neutralization of radiation coming from underground water flows is carried out by four conductors connected to a capacitor (radiation receiver) and each led into a vessel with electrolyte, where the energy of EM pulses is spent on decomposition of the electrolyte substance.

One of the first applications for the conversion of EM radiation parameters in order to eliminate its harmful effects was the invention set forth in the application. It is based on the creation of oscillatory circuits with different natural frequencies, and one of the circuits is tuned to receive pathogenic radiation from the GPZ, and the second is aimed at re-emission of electromagnetic EM energy into space with parameters that are safe for the protected object.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize that, despite the huge variety of protective equipment, in principle there cannot be a universal neutralizer of the harmful effects of GPZ, since each device must be created for a specific geopathic zone and specific protected living organisms located in it.

Attention should be paid to the words of experts in the field of traditional therapy regarding the use of various devices - neutralizers, applicators that guarantee protection against ILI: “... in our opinion, their effect should be studied and the instructions for use should be followed exactly. The euphoria created around these means is completely unfounded and even harmful. We consider irresponsible recommendations - to put a neutralizer under the bed and stay in the GPZ"

Anomalous zone - a piece of terrain, the characteristics of which, as well as the phenomena occurring inside the designated area, are difficult or impossible to explain with the current level of development of science.

An anomalous zone is a local area areas where for a long time there are phenomena that are not accepted, and in most cases denied by official science. This also includes the actions of various kinds of poltergeists, who supposedly penetrate our world from a parallel, different reality. The time duration of such zones is relatively short.

Usually such phenomena as the poltergeist (lambs) are located in human dwellings. Both in inhabited and abandoned houses, often anomalous phenomena in abandoned houses are called ghosts - spirits of people who once died, but did not find shelter. In inhabited houses, invisible creatures of the other world are also called barabashki, brownies, dividing them into evil and good.

Already concept anomalous zone has some mysterious meaning. Speaking about something, and adding an anomaly at the same time, we put the meaning that an object, a piece of terrain, or some kind of phenomenon - contains the nature of origin unknown to us.

In fact in a sense, it is so, only the concept of an anomalous zone absorbs much more. Often, anomalous zones are areas of the terrain where the natural characteristics of the Earth have other indicators that change dramatically at the border of the anomalous area.

Eg, this may include a change in the radiation background of the Earth, in the area, or a change in the magnetic field, but these changes are easily explained from a scientific point of view. And they carry the concept of an anomalous zone only because they can affect measuring instruments. The origin of such anomalies is explained by the fact that the Earth contains a greater amount of iron, or a natural source of increased radioactivity.

However not all anomalous places on Earth can be so easily explained. There are real zones that rightfully bear this term of obscurity, and they are little studied. These are areas of the terrain on Earth where there is a distortion of such quantities as space, time - seemingly unshakable quantities. And they also have radiation harmful to living things, the nature of which is unknown. It is these places that are called the Anomalous Zone.

There are various versions of the formation of anomalous zones, these are the crash sites of UFOs - whose unknown equipment could produce a physical change in the terrain. As well as the landing sites of a different mind, which carried out work with devices, which led to changes in the nature of the site. Also, these are geopathic areas of the area, with places of release of power, which entail changes in the energy of the area.

Should to say that the anomalous zones will have a different effect on a person. Eyewitnesses-participants of some anomalies testify to temporary displacements. Eyewitnesses of another type of anomalies talk about moving in space. There are also anomalies that pierce the human energy frame, causing very serious harm to health.

Even for a short time, being in an anomaly of this kind, a person feels oppression, and a bad effect on the psyche. The pulse rate increases, the pressure may rise, the vestibular apparatus begins to malfunction. It happens that there is no one to tell about what happened in the anomalous area, people who get there die.

Another one from the versions, the origin of anomalous manifestations in the areas, this is the contact of different worlds. That is, if we assume for a moment that it is possible to be on Earth, and there are several worlds at the same time, but they are in different dimensions. Then, assuming that our dimension is three-dimensional, we can assume that there are worlds with a different number of dimensions.

But sometimes, as a result of some influencing factor, there is a convergence of dimensions, and possibly contact of different worlds. Which apparently leads to a kind of “breakdown between the worlds”, and in places where realities come into contact, while being completely different in structure, changes in time, matter, and space occur. What we observe as an anomalous zone with unknown properties.

Exactly about anomalies of this kind, the rubric will tell us. Where are you and I, dear Friends, we will not only learn about the anomalous zones of the planet, but also try to question the existence of some anomalies.

However, it should be noted that there are not so many places that can be said to be anomalous. Sometimes there are and, sometimes it's just myths, and in some cases it's just a bait for tourists.