In the middle and older groups, children can already perform more complex crafts, and they will definitely be interested in application "Mushrooms", the implementation of which allows not only to be creative, to master the work with various materials, but also to have fun, solve riddles and play dynamic games. Like other classes in kindergarten, art works take place in a playful way so that children not only make something with their own hands, but also learn more about the surrounding nature and its phenomena.

Lesson: application "Mushrooms"

The teacher must prepare for the lesson in advance: compose abstract "Application mushrooms", prepare additional props for the lesson, materials that children will need for the creative process. During such classes, you can include developing themed cartoons and children's songs, this will help create the right mood for work in the group.

In autumn, the children are happy to learn more about mushrooms, and application on the theme "Mushrooms" will be an excellent workout for the small mainland of hands and attention. As a rule, the first knowledge that children receive about mushrooms and berries is associated with a walk through the autumn forest with their parents. While parents are engaged in "silent hunting", the children are happy to watch mushrooms of various sizes and shapes hiding under a layer of needles and foliage. Preschoolers ask a lot of questions, and parents patiently answer them: showing which mushrooms can be collected, how to look for them. But parents also need to pay attention to safety precautions: firstly, you need to carefully monitor the child so that a curious child does not decide to try the mushroom he found, does not lick dirty fingers, so if you took the child with you into the forest, he must constantly be under adult supervision. To make it interesting and fun for him, also give him a basket and offer to collect cones, bright leaves, acorns, twigs and other natural materials into it, which can then be useful for children's creativity.

Synopsis: application "Mushrooms"

Lesson "Mushroom Application"- this is not only creativity, but also a developing lesson for the child, which will allow him to learn more about the different types of mushrooms and the places where they live. To do this, the teacher needs to prepare pictures with colorful images.

Performing a preschooler receives the first skills in composing a composition, and also masters the rules for working with various materials and textures.

The first paper craft will introduce the middle group to elementary skills in working with materials: the children will cut the finished forms into two parts, thereby, they will learn to carefully work with scissors and cut in a straight line. When working with scissors, children should be careful and careful, they should not be allowed to spin, run around the group. The teacher must show how to hold the instrument correctly in his hands.

Also, the teacher should draw the attention of the children to the fact that during the lesson the desktop should be kept in order and encourage with approving words those preschoolers who perform all actions very carefully and accurately.

During such lessons, not only the imagination and creative skills of children are developed, but vocabulary is also enriched and love and respect for the environment, nature, forest are brought up.

Application "Mushrooms" in the middle group performed on landscape sheets or sheets of cardboard if you will use heavy materials (for example, various cereals). In advance, the teacher must prepare a mushroom sample drawn on a sheet, and each child will also need a glue brush, a container of glue, scissors and napkins.

AT summary of the lesson on the application "Mushrooms" it is also necessary to introduce various thematic riddles that preschool children would easily guess.

Application "Mushrooms" in the middle group

Before being performed in the middle group application "Mushrooms-berries", it is necessary to conduct preliminary classes with the children: tell which mushrooms or berries are edible and which cannot be eaten, while looking at the illustrations. It is important to show that such a craft can be made not only from paper, but also with the help of plasticine, so a separate lesson should be devoted to modeling.

Summary of the lesson on the application topic "Mushrooms" includes a game part: for example, you can first ask the children what they know about mushrooms, where they grow and how to look for them, who collects mushrooms and why. In preparation for the creative process, you also need to ask about what parts the mushrooms consist of, because the kids should know that they need to stick a leg and a hat of different colors. You also need to tell the children that if you look at the hat from above, then its shape is round, and if you look at it from the side, it will become a semicircle, while you must definitely demonstrate the silhouettes of the mushroom. It is necessary to prepare several different templates so that preschoolers know that each mushroom has a different shape, size of a leg and hat.

for home and kindergarten creativity can be found on the Internet and printed on a printer, or you can cut it out from an old children's coloring book, in which the child has already lost interest.

You can start the lesson with the game "Mushroom picker": the teacher invites the kids to play hide and seek with the mushroom picker, and as soon as the music stops playing, they should squat down so that the mushroom picker cannot find them and take them with them. And while the music is playing, children can jump and have fun.

The lesson should begin by demonstrating the elements and explaining how we will use them to get paper application "Mushrooms". First you need to show a round blank from which the hat will be formed: you need to show how to fold it in half, paying attention to the fact that the edges must match after bending. The fold line must be carefully ironed with your fingers and now we have a half circle.

After the teacher straightens the workpiece back, you need to pay attention to the children that now the strip indicates the cut line, then with scissors you need to cut a round figure along it. A rectangular leg must be cut out of the "square" blank, demonstrating the process with a detailed explanation.

When two elements are ready for, you need to glue them to the paper base: stepping back a couple of centimeters from the bottom (here, in the future, the kids will glue the grass), you need to glue the leg, smearing the reverse side with a thin layer of PVA glue. Next, glue the hat, which should fit snugly on the leg.

When the parts are glued, use a napkin to remove excess glue. At the end, take a green strip 3 cm wide cut out of paper, cut it with “grass” and glue it along the bottom of the base so that the leg looks out of the grass. This is the easiest craft that kids can make. application "Mushrooms" in the senior group already requires other, more complex and textured materials.

Application mushrooms in the senior group

The most interesting application on the theme "Mushrooms" in the senior group- this is or buckwheat "Oiler". The elements of the mushroom figurine must be covered with grits, for example, an oil can should be drawn on the sheet, then the hat should be glued and sprinkled with buckwheat, and the leg smeared with glue should be sprinkled with rice or semolina. It remains to wait until the grains stick and the craft can be considered ready, in addition it can be decorated with other elements: paper grass or the sun.

To make it beautiful and neat application "Mushrooms", templates Definitely a must use if you can't draw the figurine yourself. Not only the outline is drawn on the template, but also other elements, for example, white spots on the red hat of the fly agaric.

In order to perform the "Amanita" you can use only semolina, but you must first paint it. Such material can be used in the future, creating the most original paintings: for example, a winter landscape or a summer meadow by the lake, using coloring templates as a basis.

Groats can be dyed in any color or shade using gouache paints and special technology. Of course, parents should take on this task, and then admire how original the application on the topic “Mushrooms” turned out in the older group.

For coloring, the paint must be diluted in a mixture of alcohol and water, taken in equal proportions. Coloring is done in a plastic bowl, you will also need a fine sieve through which the finished cereal and a sheet of paper will be rubbed to dry it.

When diluting gouache with liquid, remember that the more water you add, the lighter the shade will be, this allows you to make several shades from one color and color the grits in them. For the test, dilute as follows: a spoonful of paint, two tablespoons of alcohol and two tablespoons of water. It is necessary to measure carefully, using a spoon, and, continuing to stir, pour the cereal in a thin stream so that there are no lumps. The finished mixture should only be damp, not wet, i.e. the amount of liquid should be less than semolina. You need to rub the grits with your fingers so that the paint is evenly distributed: children can be involved in this process. Already during this process, the grains will begin to dry out, become crumbly. Then they are laid out in an even layer on a sheet of paper and left on the windowsill until completely dry. It is necessary to store the material in glass jars, taking it out as needed, because it can be made from application "Mushrooms" in the preparatory group.

Application "Mushrooms": templates

If you look in abstract "Application mushrooms" senior group experienced teachers, you will find that in the classroom they manage to combine work with different materials, which provides additional development of the crumbs from an early age.

When your multi-colored semolina is ready, you need to sprinkle it with glue-lubricated sections of the template: the leg and circles on the Amanita hat are white, and the hat itself is red, you can make additional details. When all the grains stick, the base can be turned over so that those that cannot stick can crumble.

In kindergarten or elementary school, you can perform another amazing craft using this technique - only this time the fabric will act as the main material that will be glued to the base.

Olga Osmanova

Synopsis of GCD"Artistic Creativity" (applique) in senior group« Mushrooms»


exercise to transfer to applications composition of two mushrooms on the grass.

to introduce children to the method of pair cutting out the same parts of objects from a sheet of paper folded in half;

to consolidate the ability to cut objects of round and oval shape from a rectangle, the ability to carefully work with glue;

expand children's ideas about forest mushrooms and berries, to acquaint with the features of their appearance and places of growth;

educate motivation to work with scissors, aesthetic feelings, accuracy, love for nature and respect for it.

Equipment: picture Old Man Lesovichok, basket with mushrooms for Lesovichka, Pictures « Mushrooms» , audio recording "Sounds of nature. Autumn forest" and recording of the waltz by E. Doga "Autumn forest"; ; at the teacher-sample - application composition of two mushrooms: one large and two identical small ones; initial shapes for cutting mushrooms: for big mushroom rectangles measuring 7 x 3.5 cm (hat) and 6x4 cm (leg, for a small mushroom a rectangle measuring 6x6 cm - for the teacher and for each child; sheet of tinted paper for gluing applications, PVA glue, bristle brush, scissors, oilcloth, napkins.

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction. Surprise moment.


Guys, look who came to visit us today! This is indeed Old Man Lesovichok! (The teacher puts a picture on the easel Old Lesovichka). And he did not come to us empty-handed, look what a basket of gifts he brought us! (show the basket containing mushrooms) Guys, old man wants to invite us to his home, but you have to guess where his house is!

The hero stands rich,

Feeds all the kids.

Vanya - strawberries,

Tanya - bone,

Mashenka - a nut,

Petya - russula,

Katenka - raspberries,

Vasya is a twig.

Children: - It's a forest!


Well done, of course, this is a forest! Close your eyes with your palms and old man Lesovichok will take us to the forest. But first, let's remember the rules of behavior in the forest.

Old Man Lesovichok: - Guys, I'll remind you now.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest:

Even sing very loudly.

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches

Never forget

Clean up trash from the grass.

In vain do not tear the flowers!

Do not shoot from a slingshot;

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is oak and elk.

Save their peace

After all, they are not our enemies!

So, are you ready to walk along the paths of my forest? (children's answers)

2. The main part.

Audio recording sounds "Sounds of nature. Autumn forest"


Guys, here we are with you and visiting Old Lesovichka. See how beautiful the autumn forest is. In what bright multi-colored dresses the trees dressed up, somehow the birds began to sing songs in a different way, but something is not right here. Did you notice anything? (children's answers)

caregiver:-But old man The woodsman told me. that everyone in the forest disappeared mushrooms. Where could they have gone, how will hedgehogs and squirrels now stock up for the winter? Well, nothing, we will help the forest dwellers, now we will return to our group and make a gift to the forest mushrooms, and you old man Lesovichok will go with us, so that later we can pass on our gifts to the forest dwellers. Close your eyes, one, two, three, and we are with you again in kindergarten. Please come to the easel and look, please, at the pictures of how diverse the world is. mushrooms! And what mushrooms you know? (Boletus, boletus, boletus, etc.) That's right, it's edible mushrooms. And there are poisonous ones in the forest mushrooms. Name them. (Amanita, toadstools).Can they be collected in a basket? (Not). People often knock them down with their feet, trample them, but you can't do that: they serve as medicine for forest dwellers - hares, elks and decorate the forest.



Let's have a rest.

The children walked, walked, walked

White mushroom found.

Once - fungus,

Two - fungus,

Three - fungus,

They put them in a box.

Demonstration of working methods


You have four rectangles on your trays: two for the leg and hat of a large mushroom and one for the little legs and hats fungus. Guess what color the hat will be fungus and what - leg. Look carefully at how we will make legs and hats out of them. Fold the rectangles in half, corners to corners.

When showing, explain what to cut out the hat mushroom you need to start from the bottom corner, make a rounded smooth cut to the second bottom corner, using the entire surface of the workpiece. legs mushroom also cut out from a sheet of paper folded in half to get symmetry.

So, let's put aside the original forms for a large mushroom and fold the rectangles in half to cut out a small fungus. The method of cutting two identical objects from a sheet of paper folded in half is called paired. Do not forget that we use the entire surface of the original form, so that with a rounded cut, the left hand with the workpiece smoothly turns towards the hand with scissors.

Gently glue the leg of a large mushroom and glue it, then glue the hat. Do the same with the small fungus. Small fungus glue next to the big one. Then we make grass from a strip of green color and stick it on mushrooms.

Finger gymnastics

This finger went to the forest

This finger mushroom found

This finger cleans the table

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why he got fat

(The fingers are massaged alternately, starting with the little finger).

Children's work individual approach

Exhibition of children's works.


Let's imagine with you a clearing with mushrooms, for this we will put your work on the easel. Look. what a wonderful meadow we have!

3. Summing up.

Old Man Lesovichok:-Well done guys, how wonderful mushrooms you have prepared for my forest dwellers! I'll put them in a basket and take them right away to the squirrels and hedgehogs. Thank you for your help! Goodbye!

caregiver:-Goodbye, Old Man Lesovichok(remove picture) Well, guys, we helped the forest dwellers, but what kind of help did they need? (children's answers)

How did we make mushrooms? (fold the rectangles in half and cut out the hat mushroom, starting from the lower corner, a rounded smooth cut was made to the second lower corner, using the entire surface of the workpiece. The legs were made the same way.

You can start a lesson with children with a riddle

He grew up in a birch forest.

Wears a hat on his leg.

A leaf stuck to it from above.

Did you know? This is ... (mushroom)

DIY applique "Still life with mushrooms"

To complete the application, you need to prepare:

Colored paper of the desired shades;

Cardboard for the basis of the application;


Paper towel to wipe off excess glue

Step by step application process

1. Let's start with the simplest mushroom in shape.

We take a rectangle of paper, fold it in half (vertically) and round off two corners, then cut along the fold. We have two legs ready.

2. Cut out two mushroom caps. To do this, fold the square of paper in half, round off the corners and cut the paper along the fold. Two hats are ready.

Glue the hat to the leg. The first pair of mushrooms is ready.

You can stick a circle on the fungus or make a spot with a felt-tip pen.

3. Cut out a fox from paper.

Fold the rectangle in half and cut along the drawn outline.

4. Cut out the boletus.

We cut out the mushroom hat, as in step 2. To cut out the leg, fold the rectangle in half and cut it out along the contour.

We glue the hat and leg.

5. We turn to the manufacture of handsome fly agarics.

We cut out a dome hat from a red square.

This shows the process of cutting a leg out of a rectangle.

To cut a skirt for this, we fold a narrow rectangle in half (vertically), cut off the corners. We cut the resulting trapezoid with scissors, but you can not cut it.

Glue the leg with the skirt to the hat. Fly agaric is ready.

6. Cut out a few more mushrooms (for some mushrooms we make oval hats). We make a basket with a long handle, lay out the silhouettes of our mushrooms and then glue them freely.

You can use this template to make a basket

Our mushroom still life is ready.

Elena Knyazeva

Lesson summary in the combined group of middle-older age according to applications on the theme: Mushrooms

Preliminary work of the educator: production of demonstration and handout material, selection of physical. minutes, writing abstract.

Preliminary work with children: strengthening the skills of cutting circles and triangles from squares; repetition of safety precautions when working with scissors; learning the text of physics. minutes.

Target: to consolidate the ability to create a simple composition on a sheet of geometric shapes. To activate the independence of children in sticking figures, their combinations.

Target (for seniors): teach children to cut out various shapes from a square and a rectangle. To fix the techniques of a smooth rounded cut when cutting hats and legs. To introduce the method of pair gluing identical parts of objects from a sheet of paper folded in half.

Cultivate interest in nature, aesthetic feelings.


The teacher has a sample - application composition of three mushrooms, glue, glue brushes, scissors in children (older age) blanks of rectangles and squares from paper of different colors.

Course progress.

Guys, guess the riddle.

He drilled the earth, left the root,

He himself came into the world, covered himself with a hat.


Where do they grow mushrooms? (Mushrooms grow in the forest: in clearings, on the edges, under trees, in grass and even on stumps)

Who collects mushrooms and why? (people, animals)

What parts are mushrooms? (U mushrooms have a cap and a stem)

What are mushrooms? (Mushrooms There are edible and non-edible (poisonous).

Grow in the forest mushrooms with legs and hats of different colors. Can meet a group growing together mushrooms. Some of them are bigger, others are smaller. This is called a family.

The teacher shows application with a picture of a family mushrooms.

Tell me where they are mushrooms? (Grows in the middle mushroom - fox, and along the edges - white and boletus).

Look at mushrooms. Are they different from each other? (Yes).

The little ones mushrooms identical white legs. Each of them has two molds - blanks (middle age, four each - (older age). Think about how you can cut them out of paper at the same time. Also, one red and brown hat (middle age, and two blanks of each color (older age).

For older children - The teacher shows the children how to cut out two hats and two legs from a sheet of paper folded in half. Explains what to cut a hat mushroom it is necessary from the lower corner, to make a rounded smooth cut to the second lower corner, using the entire surface of the workpiece. Legs of two mushrooms also cut out from a sheet of paper folded in half. Such a cut is called a pair.

But before we get to work, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics " Mushrooms

One, two, three, four, five! "Step" fingers on the table.

We are walking look for mushrooms.

This finger went to the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

This finger mushroom found starting with the little finger.

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why he got fat.

Well done, I see you are ready to go, and who will remind me of the safety rules when working with scissors (children's answers)

Children cut out hats and legs, and then paste the finished shapes on cardboard.

Older children fold the halves of the blanks and glue their halves together. Thus, they get voluminous mushrooms. Finished mushrooms stick on cardboard.

During classes to follow so that the children use the entire surface of the original shape, so that with a rounded cut, the left hand with the workpiece smoothly turns towards the hand with scissors.

Look how wonderful we got mushrooms. Well done!

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Application is a kind of creativity that allows you to create patterns or pictures from pieces of paper, fabric, plant and other materials glued or sewn onto a certain base. And for children, such activities are also a great opportunity to develop intellectual and creative abilities and train fine motor skills.

That is why applications are so widely used in educational activities for children of the senior and middle groups of the kindergarten. In general, of course, such applications are already made in the second younger group, however, from pre-prepared parts of the mushroom. But quite difficult work is already being done in the preparatory group. This article will give master classes on making mushroom appliqués for beginners.

For cutting, you can prepare a stencil specially downloaded from the Internet, and stick the prepared parts cut from the stencil on the outline, which again can be downloaded on the Internet or drawn by hand. The basket of mushrooms made by the kids looks very nice - during work it will be useful to additionally study the names of edible mushrooms that may be in the basket.

The advantage of this type of creativity is possibility create real works of art from improvised materials, and sometimes even from unnecessary things.

To develop the baby and replenish it horizon and volume knowledge about the world around - it is very important to teach him to create something with his own hands. A suitable option in this case would be the application " Mushrooms"- it is not difficult to perform and does not require large expenditures of time and materials.

This application "Mushrooms" in the middle group can be an exciting activity that develops the horizons well and perfectly trains fine motor skills. To make this craft, we need:

This list materials may be supplemented at your discretion. You can use corrugated paper, cereals, plasticine, paints.

Mushroom pattern You can download it from the Internet and print it, or you can draw it yourself. It can be an outline image or a multi-colored picture.

We give step-by-step instructions for performing the “mushrooms” application in the middle group. To begin with, it is recommended to choose the simplest mushrooms in shape.

On the resulting fungi, you can do spots by drawing them with felt-tip pens or paints. You can glue small paper circles.

Gallery: application on the theme "Mushrooms" (25 photos)

Application "Mushrooms" from natural materials

Application "Mushrooms" in the senior group from natural materials - a somewhat more complicated process, but very interesting and exciting. It is very easy to make an application from dry leaves.

Collected leaves must be smoothed and dried with a warm iron. You can dry the leaves between the pages of the book. Such an application can turn out to be very original and bright. The sequence of actions in this case will be as follows:

  1. To begin with, blanks for legs and hats are cut out of thin paper according to the template.
  2. Each piece of paper is pasted over with dry leaves, matched by color.
  3. All parts are glued to the cardboard base.

The lower part of the picture is made out with the help of dry blades of grass, twigs, small leaves.

Making applications from cereals

A very natural and original application on the theme "Mushrooms" can be done with cereals or grains. To make this craft, you will need a template. mushroom on white paper. However, it is not necessary to print the finished template, you can just draw it for the child. Such sample will allow you to preserve the natural colors of those materials that you will use.

If necessary, you can use paints and give the application any desired color.

However, it is better to postpone such coloring until the end of the work, because coloring bulk material is not an easy task.

The sequence of making applications from cereals can be as follows:

You can make an application from pumpkin or watermelon sunflower seeds. To do this, the template is made on a cardboard basis, the hat and leg are pasted over with a thin layer of plasticine. Seeds are carefully laid out on the surface of the plasticine.

Crumpled paper applications

You can create an application using mint paper. To do this, print templates on white paper and distribute to children. Next, you need to do the following:

At the end of the work, the lower part of the composition is supplemented weed. To do this, take a strip of green paper and cut it on one side with a fringe. The strip is glued to the mushrooms.

Application "Amanita"

Application in the form fly agaric it can turn out to be very elegant and attractive, and besides, it gives scope for children's imagination - after all, this beautiful mushroom can be created and decorated in the most incredible ways. For work, you can use the proposed template.