Tourists traveling to another country must respect the customs and customs of the local population. If in Europe it is not necessary to follow any canons in clothing, then in Muslim countries this issue is treated very strictly: for open defiant clothing they can be fined, arrested or deported from the country.

Tourists who are accustomed to the permissiveness of Turkish and Egyptian resorts are often disappointed with rather strict restrictions. In order to avoid problems and misunderstandings, it is necessary to study in advance how to dress tourists in the UAE.

Clothing rules for women

Local women in the UAE are forced to hide their bodies from prying eyes. The head must be covered. Some hide their faces. Those wishing to visit the Emirates should know how to dress tourists in the UAE. They should at least approximately correspond to the image of a Muslim woman. But you can’t try on a veil, as this is clothing for the faithful. The traveler and herself will not be too comfortable in revealing clothes among Muslim women hiding their bodies.

According to the traditions of the UAE, there is no dress code on the territory of the hotel. The hotel is the territory of tourists, so you can dress as usual: shorts and T-shirts are the most common clothes here. But clothes for going out into the city should be carefully selected.

Tourists should remember: transparent or translucent clothing in the UAE is regarded as its absence. Therefore, troubles will not keep you waiting.

How to dress in the UAE for female tourists? Keep in mind that it is very hot in the UAE. Clothing should be made from natural fabrics, in synthetic it will be extremely difficult to endure heat.

Sundresses, tops, miniskirts, open dresses, T-shirts are unacceptable clothing for this country. You need to cover your chest, shoulders and knees. T-shirts that cover the shoulders, skirts below the knees are suitable. Pants made from light fabrics can be a good option. When planning a trip to the UAE, you need to know that, in addition to the moral side of the issue, closed clothing is more practical for the climate of the United Arab Emirates. In open outfits, you can get badly burned, being under the mercilessly scorching sun. And no sunscreen will help.

Note to women: It's a good idea to carry a light scarf, shawl, or cape that you can wear in crowded places or in malls where you can get cold under the air conditioners. In addition, closer to winter in the UAE, there are strong temperature fluctuations, so the cape will also save you from the evening coolness.

Clothing rules for men

Men have fewer dress restrictions than women. For example, you can freely walk in shorts. The exception is tight cycling shorts. But it is not forbidden to ride a bicycle in them. Sportswear may also be worn outside the gym.

A man should carefully study what is written or drawn on his T-shirt, because this can be offensive to Muslims. Without suspecting anything, you can provoke a cultural religious scandal with an extremist inscription on a T-shirt.

And one more But: just as women are forbidden to wear a veil, so men are not allowed to try on and wear traditional Arab clothes.

At the restaurant

Restaurants in Dubai have specific dress codes for men and women. Elite restaurants especially follow this, so in shorts and a T-shirt they may simply not let you in.

A man must wear trousers and a long-sleeved shirt, closed shoes. The woman is wearing an elegant evening dress, and the degree of its frankness is not specified.

Most visited cities in the UAE

Abu Dhabi and Sharjah are the most conservative cities. They treat the appearance of tourists very strictly. But Dubai is the most loyal to tourists. And this is not surprising, because it is one of the largest centers that attract tourists from all over the world. But it is better to refuse visiting the old ones. After all, in clothes typical for tourists, you can cause a sharp negative among the locals of this UAE city.

Reasons why Dubai residents are loyal to tourists

Dubai is a cosmopolitan city in the UAE. Here you can meet many residents who have moved from Asian countries, Europe, America. All of them, respecting the traditions of the indigenous population, brought some freedom to everyday clothes. In addition, a considerable number of Arabs studied in European and American higher educational institutions, so the European style of dress does not bother them. Moreover, Arab youth who returned to their native country after training continue to wear European clothes.

Visiting the mosque

There are only two mosques in the UAE that can be visited by representatives of the non-Muslim religion: the Sheikh Zayed Mosque and the rules for visiting are the same for everyone: women are not allowed to appear in the mosque with bare legs, arms, shoulders. Choose a skirt below the knees and don't forget the headscarf. Men must wear long trousers.

Tourists are allowed to visit mosques only on certain days.

On the beach

You can not be without any part of a bathing suit. Therefore, lovers of topless sunbathing will have to give up this, otherwise they will face a lot of problems.

Walking around in a swimsuit in the areas adjacent to the beach is strictly prohibited under the laws of the UAE.


The UAE is no doubt accustomed to the ignorance of visitors who do not know how to dress as tourists in the UAE. Therefore, in public places there are signs explaining what you can and cannot walk in. Here they write about the measures that will be taken by the police. Most often, too strict measures are not applied to tourists, except that the police come up and ask to change clothes.

Local residents are dissatisfied with such loyal treatment of violators of public morality. In their opinion, the measures should be more stringent.

The reaction of the local population

Women who appear in the city of the UAE in an inappropriate form - in open or transparent clothes - should be prepared for the response of Arab men who can demonstrate their unambiguous intentions. This surprises many, they conclude that Arab men are rude and completely uncivilized. This is wrong. Arabs regard a tourist in open clothes as a woman offering herself. Therefore, the relationship is appropriate.

But local residents still pay special attention to naked European women. They see off the charmers with fixed and reproachful glances. After walking around for a day or two in a revealing outfit, the guest herself will decide to dress in something more closed.

Traditions and rules of conduct that you need to know about

In addition to information on how to dress tourists in the UAE, a tourist should learn about the main traditions of this country.

The laws of the Qur'an regulate all human life. Believers strictly adhere to them. For example, prayer should be performed five times a day at a certain time. Tourists who have become involuntary witnesses should behave correctly, respecting the feelings of believers. Filming prayers on camera or taking pictures in the UAE is prohibited.

During the great Muslim holiday of Ramadan, tourists should not eat or drink in public places, as this will offend the feelings of believers. Canteens may refuse to feed during the daytime.

Couples in love should not show their passionate feelings in public places. The only thing that lovers can afford is to walk holding hands. Hugging and kissing in public is absolutely unacceptable.

Men are not allowed to address Muslim women on the street, even if you just need to clarify the way. Any appeal to a local resident will be regarded as sexual harassment.

Photographing local residents is a crime. It is also forbidden to shoot mosques, government buildings, military installations.

It is unacceptable to swear, drink alcohol and appear drunk in public places, show rude indecent gestures. This will result in arrest, fine or deportation.

It all starts with the fact that some travel agencies literally begin to intimidate already confused tourists (especially if they are flying to the UAE for the first time and have a very vague idea of ​​what awaits them there). We are told that a bare knee is a direct path to prison. Rolled, so to speak, quite a decent tourist on an inclined path ... Do not wait for me, mother, a good son. Or daughter. There is such a song - almost about tourists flying to the Emirates, through the eyes of an average employee of not the best travel agencies. Yes, yes, this is how he imagines you and me - that we, having arrived in the Emirates, will compromise his company - thump from morning to night and from night to morning, run around Dubai naked, pester the locals, maybe we will decide something steal in a local mall as a keepsake and end up in jail or, having tasted the good life, we will stay in Dubai, and his travel agency will be fined. Okay, let's leave the employee of that travel agency alone, let him work further and send people to the fabulous Arabian Peninsula (where, in fact, the UAE is located), and we will figure out what's what, and what we can really walk there, and in what clothes - it is extremely undesirable.

1. Yes, the world is Islamic there, yes, there are strict customs, but no one will make an ax head. At least in Dubai. Exactly - on the territory of the hotel. The veil (which, by the way, is called “abaya” here) will also not be forced to be worn by anyone, moreover, only local ladies can wear it. If you really want to, you can buy it in some mall or shop as a keepsake, and if you just try it on and take a picture, then you can go to the Sheikh Zayed Mosque for an excursion. The mosque, by the way, is of extraordinary beauty both inside and outside.

In Dubai, you can meet tourists in shorts and open dresses. And it seems that in prison behind bars they do not sit and cry, but freely walk about their business. However, if you dress in this way, there are some, so to speak, side effects. This:

Sunburnt skin. And for some reason, sunscreen didn't help.

The likelihood that they can wrap up from a mall or restaurant with a request to get dressed. A woman with a cleavage is sometimes equated with a naked woman - unexpected, right? It will be embarrassing, and besides, you will have to return to the room for other clothes.

100% risk of freezing in rooms, buses and taxis, catching a cold and walking with a red throat, becoming sick and an unhappy traveler. It is better to be sick at home, and even better - not to get sick at all!

Become a free show or a walking playboy picture for the locals. Especially Indians, Pakistanis and similar gang-brothers. Yes, and ladies in abayas will look like that, which will be, in general, unpleasant.

This Dubai is more or less used to everything, but if you are going to relax in Sharjah or Abu Dhabi (or maybe go on an excursion there), then in these emirates you definitely need to dress modestly, cover your knees, shoulders, and - no neckline or such beautiful, but transparent dresses. Problems with the police, and even abroad, are completely useless!

Headgear is desirable - not even because of local traditions, but because of the risk of getting sunstroke. This is especially true for children - they definitely can’t go out without light panama or baseball caps!

4. The presence of a warm jacket is the golden rule of any traveler in any country in the world. At least in Africa. You never know. And in the Emirates, stuffed with air conditioners, a warm wardrobe item is a must! Even women, in order to cover their shoulders, where their exposure would be inappropriate, as well as in order to keep warm in an air-conditioned room, or, conversely, not to burn in the scorching sun, take light scarves or capes with them.

5. You don’t need to bring a lot of clothes with you, especially if you plan to go shopping. Dubai has everything and even more than everything.

6. Shoes - light, can be open and always made of genuine leather. No matter how beautiful sandals made of synthetic materials are, sand will fall in such heat (and it will definitely fall, even if it is a few imperceptible grains of sand) - and that's it, your legs will be rubbed into blood.

7. Sometimes it pays to put yourself in the place of the locals. What feelings would we have when in our quite decent city, foreigners would walk around the streets on vacation - almost naked, very cheerful and absolutely not reckoning with us? And we have children, by the way, look at all this!

8. In general, the conclusion suggests itself one. (Let's not talk about Sharjah and Abu Dhabi, everything is clear here anyway - modesty and once again modesty, knees, shoulders, chest, in general, all the most beautiful - everything is covered). No matter how cool the suit sits on you, you should always think about whether there will be any unpleasant consequences? (see item 2). And it is quite worthy to show respect for the country in which we can have such a wonderful vacation. And the Prince on a white horse or, more importantly, on a cool white wheelbarrow, if he notices you, he will notice you in a long beautiful flowing dress. Happy holidays everyone!

We are often asked how to dress in the UAE.

First of all, you need to remember that you are in a Muslim country. Tourists are not required to wear the clothes that locals usually wear, but certain rules and our advice should be followed.

You always need to evaluate where you are going and who will be around you, your choice will depend on this, what clothes to take with you to the Emirates and what to wear during your trip to the UAE.

In public places(shopping centers, markets, streets, museums, etc.) we recommend to appear in clothes that cover the shoulders and forearms, chest, stomach, back and legs. Of course, no one will grab your hands and pester you (as in Egypt and other countries), but you cannot avoid the annoying looks of men. White-skinned and fair-haired people, and even naked ones, are a curiosity even in advanced Dubai. In addition, air conditioners often work very hard in rooms and transport, so you need to have something warmer than a T-shirt with you. Also, avoid see-through clothing and culturally offensive, sexual and anti-Muslim slogans on clothing.

If you are in a resort and you are surrounded mainly by Europeans, then you can afford the usual outfits, but again, within reason. So, during the day on the territory of the hotel, by the pool and on the beach you can be in beachwear. The only thing to remember is that in the UAE it is forbidden to be topless on the beach.

Evenings in restaurants elegant evening attire is welcome in bars and bars, while beach shorts and tank tops can cause bewilderment on the part of vacationers and hotel staff, especially if you are relaxing in an expensive hotel.

In the sun be sure to wear hats and sunglasses, use sunscreen and try to hide in the shade during the most active sunny hours.

If you are planning to go on a long excursion, we recommend wearing trousers and a light long-sleeved sweater to avoid getting burned. It must be remembered that access to some tourist attractions is closed if you are dressed inappropriately, so even tourists cannot get into the territory of the Sheikh Zayed Mosque (Abu Dhabi) if your whole body is not completely covered, including legs and arms. And this is despite the fact that women are given abayas and shells on the spot. Ask your guides for dress code details.

And remember, the simpler and more modest you are dressed in the UAE, the easier it will be for you to communicate with the locals!

The Emirates is known around the world as a country with ultra-modern infrastructure and futuristic skyscrapers, where there is a high standard of living. However, along with this, centuries-old traditions are honored here and adhere to conservative views, because this is still a Muslim state. Therefore, when going on a trip, you should know how to dress properly in the UAE and what to take on a trip.

Clothing type

Nobody obliges guests of the country to wear traditional Arab clothes, but there are some restrictions. To begin with, understand that almost all the time in the Emirates, the weather allows you to wear light clothing. However, during the winter months, namely in the morning and in the evening, a jacket or sweater will come in handy. Also at this time you will need demi-season shoes.

In public places

In public places, which include streets, markets, shopping centers, museums, you should appear in closed clothes:

  1. It should cover the legs, knees, shoulders and forearms. The chest, décolleté, and back should also be covered. Arabs are reserved people, they will not pester you about this. However, you will not end up with annoying looks from puzzled men.
  2. In the establishments, malls and transport of the UAE, even at Dubai stops, in a word, air conditioners work everywhere, and very strongly. Therefore, it is better to have a light blouse with you, warmer than a T-shirt.
  3. When vacationing in the UAE, avoid very tight and transparent clothing.
  4. On things there should not be inscriptions that are offensive in relation to the ancient foundations of the local population. This applies mainly to sexual sayings.

On the beach

In the hotel and in the resort area, you can allow yourself to dress according to your habit. On the beach and near the pool you can be in a swimsuit and beachwear. At the same time, remember that topless sunbathing is not allowed in the Emirates, and the absence of one piece of a swimsuit is also prohibited. On Arabian beaches, where locals relax, women are advised to wear a cape over their swimsuit, and men - shorts. Do not forget that the sun in the UAE is very active, so you should take a hat with you. You will also need sunglasses.

At the restaurant

In cafes and bars, you are welcome if you choose an elegant evening style. Beachwear is not appropriate here. In addition, you may simply not be allowed into the institution, since many of them have a strict dress code, which implies “smart casual”. Less strict is simply the “casual” style. The appearance in clubs, even those located at hotels, in sports and beach shoes and clothes is also not allowed! Men should go out in a suit, shirt, boots or shoes, while ladies are advised to wear a dress, shoes or heeled sandals.

On the excursion

When going on a long excursion, dress appropriately. Put on trousers and a light jacket. Choose things with long sleeves, so you will not burn yourself in the scorching sun. In addition, take note that the entrance to the territory of many attractions of the UAE will be closed if the tourist is dressed inappropriately. So, let's say, to get to the Sheikh Zayed Mosque, located in Abu Dhabi, the resting body must be covered, including arms and legs, regardless of the fact that appropriate clothing is given out on the spot. Therefore, check such details with your tour operator or guide.

The United Arab Emirates is a modern state that has retained its traditions and original flavor for a long time. The main customs are the idea of ​​serving Islam. Local residents honor all traditions and treat cultural heritage with care.

The Arab people perceive life, social communication and the world in their own way. Tourists who come to the Emirates should know what they are allowed by law, how to properly communicate with men and women, how to relax and not run into problems.

In the United Arab Emirates, there is a strict attitude towards drinking alcoholic beverages. According to the rules, restrictions apply not only to local residents, but also to visitors.

  1. They can bring alcohol, but only in small quantities. You can drink them on site or in your own room. You can not take alcohol with you on excursions and other recreational activities.
  2. You can not walk along the local streets after the feast.
  3. In hotels and other places, alcohol is not sold to persons under the age of 21. You need to have a document with you that can confirm your age.

In the emirate of Sharjah, any alcoholic beverages are completely prohibited. If a person brings alcohol with him, then local authorities may regard such an act as smuggling. Between the emirates there are no checkpoints that could track the import of alcoholic beverages.

Holy Month of Ramadan

This is the period when the locals observe a strict fast from dawn until night and do not eat anything. They are not even allowed to drink plain water. The list of prohibited activities includes smoking and chewing gum. Tourists who have arrived in the country must take into account the religion of the locals, observe their traditions and treat them with respect.

When Muslims are starving, it is better to refuse to visit restaurants, bars and catering establishments. You can not walk with food on the streets, smoke. Tourists and visitors on this day should give up parties, entertainment programs and behave properly.

If you do not follow the recommendations that relate to behavior during Ramadan, then the tourist may be held administratively or criminally liable. Food and alcohol is only allowed on site. There are also restaurants and bars here.

Is it possible to visit the mosque

Tourists and visitors are prohibited from visiting all mosques that are located on the territory of the United Arab Emirates. The exception is the Grand Mosque. Visitors will be able to sign up for an excursion, for which special days and times are allocated.

It is also allowed to visit Jumeirah Mosque.

Communication with local residents

According to religious peculiarities, some rules are set aside for tourists. You can not talk to the locals disparagingly. It is important to always politely answer or ask questions, you can not touch them with your hands, start a conversation with children, stroke them and take them by the hand. It is forbidden to look at Muslim girls and women, or get too close to them, you can not take photos.

If a tourist is invited to an Arab home, the invitation must be accepted and a few simple rules must be followed. On the threshold, they take off their shoes and walk barefoot. First of all, they greet older people, then everyone else. Do not bring alcohol or pork as a gift. The left hand is considered dirty by Muslims, so you should not give treats or accept gifts with this hand.

You need to sit in such a way that the feet are not facing the person.

Visiting women should not be the first to greet local men. Muslims who pray in church or at home should not be disturbed or interrupted from doing so.

Smoking ban and photos

In the United Arab Emirates it is unacceptable to get involved in gambling. It is strictly forbidden to engage in prostitution, use drugs, including drugs with this substance. On local beaches, indoors and public places, you must follow the rules of conduct and stop smoking.

It is important to note that Muslim girls and women are not allowed to be photographed. They should not fall into the camera lens. Local residents may regard this as an insult, so when contacting the police, tourists face arrest for three days. It is recommended that you refrain from taking pictures in a store, market, and other places frequented by women.

If you want to take a picture with a Muslim man, you should first get permission from him. The list of prohibited places includes palaces and castles of sheikhs, objects of military importance, government buildings, cultural monuments.

How to behave on the road?

Tourists who rent a car should familiarize themselves with the rules of the road. They have several main differences. You should not drive while intoxicated or after using drugs.

Drivers and passengers must wear seat belts. While driving, you can not talk on a mobile phone and use distracting things. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the speed limit. If a tourist gets into a traffic accident and his car interferes with the movement of other vehicles, then he must be removed from the road.

When a tourist is stopped by a highway patrol, they should not be offered a bribe or ransom. This rule applies to all government officials. Tourists can face serious consequences.

Dubai carefully monitors the safety of tourists and local residents. You can not swim in prohibited places and beaches where black flags are raised. They warn everyone of a serious danger.

You don't have to go into the desert alone. It is better to take an instructor or guide with you. Wild animals are not touched, hunted or fed. Throughout the country it is not allowed to pluck plants and flowers, harm corals.

On the territory of the United Arab Emirates, you should not bring your pets and beloved pets with you. Every hotel refuses tourists who bring their four-legged friends with them, even if they are small in size and do not pose a danger to local residents.

Men and women who come to the UAE should not show their feelings in public. It is better to behave with restraint, not to hug or kiss. According to local laws, it is forbidden to live in the country for a girl and a guy who are not married. Most of the hotels do not comply with this rule, therefore, they allow tourists who are in a civil marriage to stay.

If tourists start a holiday romance with a local resident, then this may be prosecuted. Local gentlemen often turn out to be mishandled employees of the so-called "vice police".

According to tradition, in the United Arab Emirates, it is forbidden to show homosexual inclinations to men and women. Tourists who come to rest for the first time need to familiarize themselves with some of the behavior of local residents. So, for example, it is allowed when two Muslim men walk by the handle or are greeted by rubbing their noses.

How to dress properly in the UAE?

Tourists are allowed not to wear clothes worn by locals. But visitors also have their own rules and standards. When choosing clothes, you need to consider where the person will go. Before traveling to the Emirates, you need to familiarize yourself with a few rules:

How to behave in a public place?

In public places, tourists and visitors must follow a few simple rules. Clothing should not be too revealing or revealing. If you don’t dress according to the rules, then the locals will not point out to the tourist about his appearance. But you need to be prepared for the fact that men are staring at girls with open legs or cleavage.

In Dubai, people with white skin and hair are a curiosity, especially if they wear revealing or revealing clothes. During the hot period, air conditioners work in shops and transport. It is recommended to take a warm jacket with you on your trip. Clothing should not be translucent or contain offensive inscriptions on T-shirts, T-shirts, sweaters. They should not contradict Muslim traditions.

resort hotel

In local hotels, tourists are surrounded by Europeans, so it is allowed to dress in familiar casual clothes. Near the pool you can sunbathe in a swimsuit. It should not be too open or frank.

This is due to the fact that service personnel work on the territory of the hotels. They hire not only Muslim girls, but also men.

Restaurants, excursions

Features of visiting subtlety:

It is best to come to restaurants, bars and other places of public catering in formal attire. Vacationers and service personnel may negatively accept a tourist who came in short shorts.

If a person is in the sun for a long time, you need to protect your eyes and exposed parts of the body. During daylight hours, you can hide in a place where the sun's rays do not fall. Before traveling or going on an excursion, you need to prepare things in advance.

The skin needs to be protected from the scorching sun, so you need to put a jacket in your bag that will cover your shoulders and arms.

Some cultural monuments and local attractions are strictly closed for tourists.

You need to clarify with the guide how to dress properly.

Knowing these simple rules will make your trip to the UAE comfortable and save you from attacks from local residents or government officials.

And finally, a little about the traditions and culture of Dubai: