In 1999, 37-year-old Australian Bill Morgan was an ordinary truck driver.
Once at work, he got into a traffic accident and was taken to intensive care in a very serious condition. Doctors considered it a miracle that he survived. But at the hospital, the unexpected happened: Bill developed a severe allergic reaction to medication, and this caused his heart to stop.
Morgan's clinical death lasted as much as 14 minutes. And only in the 15th minute his heart reacted to the actions of doctors and began to beat again. Very often in such cases, irreversible changes occur in the brain. But whether there were these changes was unknown, since Beal was in a coma.
However, after 12 days in a coma, Bill miraculously came out of it and was completely fine, there were no signs of brain damage.
Due to the accident, Mr. Morgan decided to no longer engage in cargo transportation, he found another job. And having experienced clinical death, Bill realized that he should change his life. He did something he hadn't dared to do for a long time: in a romantic setting, he presented the ring to Lisa Wells. Bill was crazy with happiness when his beloved agreed to become his wife.
There is no doubt that Bill felt lucky: he not only survived a terrible accident, survived a clinical death and his girlfriend agreed to marry him. In honor of his luck, he bought a lottery ticket. And what's so surprising? Bill won the car!!! (the cost at the time of winning was about 17 thousand dollars, today - about 24).
Usually those who win a car in the lottery are not very interested in the press, but since Mr Morgan was recently clinically dead for 14 minutes, the local Melbourne media decided to interview the man.

The journalist asked Mr. Morgan if he would mind if the plot was "in reality" - that is, a man buys the same lottery ticket as then, pretends to be surprised at the won car and says something like "I just won automobile". Bill did not mind, he just bought an ordinary lottery ticket in front of the camera. Feigning seriousness, he wiped away the protective coating. But instead of the stipulated phrase, Mr. Morgan said: “I just won 250 thousand! I am not kidding!" (about 370 thousand dollars today).

Needless to say, journalists received sensational material during the filming, and Mr. Morgan immediately called his future wife and said that he won the lottery again and now he could buy the house they dreamed of.

As for his fiancée, during one interview she said: “I just hope he didn’t use all his luck in these lotteries.”

It is unlikely that the Australian Bill Morgan believed in miracles until the age of 37. All the more unexpected was everything that happened to him afterwards. Including live TV broadcasts from a regular store, where he bought another lottery ticket. Viewers could watch the emotions of a person at a moment that forever changed his life.

The first miracle - a way out of clinical death

It is known that the man was born in 1976, and in 1999 he was 37. He worked as a truck driver and got into a serious accident. In critical condition, he was sent to the hospital, where he was hurriedly injected with a medicine that caused a severe shock. As a result of an allergic reaction, Bill Morgan survived clinical death, which lasted about 14 minutes. After starting the heart muscle, he was in a coma for a long 12 days. At this time, the family was repeatedly asked to turn off the life support system, because the probability of death of brain cells at the time of clinical death was very high.

Relatives were already ready to make such a decision, but on the 13th day the man not only came to his senses, but also went on the mend. Moreover, the most surprising was the normal functioning of all organs, including the complete preservation of the intellect.

Life after salvation

Bill Morgan is a lucky man who was given a second chance at life. He left trucking, deciding to change his fate, but continued to work. For a long time he did not dare to propose to his beloved woman named Lisa Wells, but the proximity of death made him decisive. A year later, he gave her an engagement ring, having received consent. It was the happiest day in my life.

A couple of weeks later, the Australian bought a lottery ticket for change from purchases in the store. It was an instant lottery. Rubbing a protective layer with a coin, Bill Morgan discovered that he had become the owner of a prize - a car worth 17 thousand dollars. For Australia in the late 90s, it was very good money. In some sources, a different amount is called, but not Australian, but American dollars are indicated there.

The second miracle is luck in the lottery

The news that a man was on the verge of death, and then won the lottery, spread around Australia. One of the Melbourne TV companies decided to shoot an interview with the lucky winner of a car after a clinical death. The journalist suggested that the man repeat the situation live, for which Bill Morgan bought a new lottery ticket. The cameras recorded the moment when he removed the protective layer, answering the questions of the correspondent. Suddenly his face changed. The astonished look and the words: “I just won 250 thousand dollars” were seen and heard by all Australian TV viewers at the screens.

It looked like a joke, but the state of the man convinced that he was telling the truth. Under the protective layer, the journalist could read that the Australian hit the jackpot. The amount of the winnings was so significant that it became clear that the life of a man would definitely change for the better.

Bill Morgan: lottery - what to spend on?

For many years the driver lived in a trailer, and fate gave him good luck. Without a moment's hesitation, he firmly decided to use the money to purchase a house for his new family. He was so worried that he thought he might have a heart attack. The new win really scared him, and he immediately said that he never plans to buy lottery tickets and hope for fortune again. The Australian continued that after the accident he dreams of only one thing - a quiet life with his beloved.

The life of Australian Bill Morgan is more like a plot for a fantasy story. Moreover, many would accuse the author of describing events that are completely impossible in real life. But everything that is said in this article is not fiction, but pure truth.

It all started with the fact that in 1999, a truck driver from Australia, Bill Morgan, got into a terrible road accident, after which he was taken to the hospital in a very serious condition. According to doctors, the chances of survival for a 37-year-old man were extremely small, he was in a coma, therefore, the relatives were immediately warned that in intensive care they could only prolong Bill’s torment for a while, but not save his life.

After some time, the situation became even worse: the man had a severe allergic reaction from the medication, Morgan's heart could not stand it and stopped for 14 minutes. All this time, the doctors tried to do at least something, and a miracle happened - at the 15th minute, the heart was able to "start". True, in such cases, irreversible consequences occur in the brain.

But, Bill was lucky here too, after 12 days he came out of a coma, and in his behavior there were no signs of brain dysfunction. Morgan quickly went on the mend, but decided to give up the profession of a driver so as not to play roulette with fate anymore.

After being discharged from the hospital, the lucky man decided to modestly celebrate his recovery, bought a can of beer, and a lottery ticket for change. Having removed the protective layer from it, Morgan could not believe his eyes - he became the owner of a car, the cost of which was $ 17,000.

Meticulous journalists, who decided to make a report on television about him, found out about a man in whose life a streak of solid luck began. For the reliability of filming, Morgan was offered to buy a ticket at a nearby kiosk and make a joyful face, such as he had at the moment when he became the owner of the car.

Morgan did just that, but when he wiped off the protective layer, he was even more amazed than the last time: he became the owner of a prize ten times larger - $ 170,000. This time, Bill decided to buy himself a house. By the way, he stopped buying lottery tickets, he was satisfied with what he already had. In addition, Morgan assured that his main gain was not money, but life and health, which he managed to save after the accident.

I must add that during this happy period, Bill was lucky once again, he finally decided to propose to his longtime lover. When Lisa Wells said yes, Bill Morgan was much happier than during his lottery winnings.