The most delicious pastry is the one that my mother made for us in childhood. Today we will be nostalgic and cook mushroom cookies, but on our own and with the help of a simple and interesting recipe.

  • 125 grams of sugar;
  • 100 grams of sour cream;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 75 grams of butter;
  • 1 gram of vanillin;
  • ¼ teaspoon of soda;

For fondant:

  • 50 grams of sour cream;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 2 cubes of dark chocolate;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 3 tablespoons of cocoa.

The products have been prepared. It can be seen from the list of ingredients that the delicacy should turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful in chocolate icing. We will cook mushroom cookies in a gas mold, for this we need a special baking dish. So, let's begin.

Step by step recipe

  1. First we need to melt the margarine or butter.
  2. At this time, we take an in-depth container and send eggs into it. Then, add sugar to them and start beating.
  3. After that, pour the already melted butter into the bowl.
  4. Do not forget about vanillin, we also send it to other products.
  5. The next step, take sour cream and add to the container. Please note that sour cream can be safely replaced with mayonnaise. So, mix the resulting mass well.
  6. Now we need to add soda, but first of all it must be extinguished. We do this in the standard way with the help of vinegar. After that, add it to the mass of ingredients.
  7. Do not forget about the salt, add it too.
  8. Next, take the prepared flour and pour it into the almost ready dough. Mix well with a spoon. This dough does not need to be kneaded by hand, just mix well. It should be soft in texture.
  9. The process of preparing the dough has come to an end, which means we can start baking. To do this, we take a form for our mushrooms and put it on a gas table to warm up. We heat the form on both sides, after which we put it on the next turned off burner, open it and grease it with vegetable oil. It is most convenient to do this with a special brush, but if it is not there, then we will use improvised means. Just take a napkin, moisten it with oil and lubricate.
  10. Now take a teaspoon and put the dough into molds. When they are full, close our baking device and put on fire. Too big fire is not necessary, set the average.
  11. We need each side to bake, for this we bake one side for about four minutes and then turn it over to the other for the same time. The first batch of treats may take a little longer to cook. During cooking, you can slightly open the mold and see if the cookies are baked. It is not worth overdoing the treat, so that we get it tasty and tender.
  12. Thus, we prepare all the mushrooms, which, after they are baked, we hook them with a knife or fork and put them on a dish. After we remove a batch of mushrooms, we lubricate our notches. Do everything very carefully so as not to burn yourself, because the form is very hot.
  13. When we have baked all the mushrooms, we can start making fudge for them. To do this, we take a small saucepan or bowl that we can put on fire.
  14. Put the prepared butter in the container. Then we send sour cream to it, mayonnaise will not work here.
  15. Next, add cocoa and sugar to them. In order for us to get a really tasty chocolate fudge, we need to put the container in a water bath.
  16. The whole mass should boil, at the same time stir.
  17. Now remove from the water bath and add prepared dark chocolate to the resulting mass. Stir well so that the chocolate is completely melted, and the total mass is homogeneous. We give the resulting fudge time to cool slightly.
  18. Now we can start the creative process. During this time, our mushrooms have cooled slightly, and the chocolate fondant is no longer so hot, so let's start a delicious decoration.
  19. We take the fungus and dip it with a hat in fudge so that it becomes completely covered with chocolate mass.
  20. In order for the chocolate to dry out, the mushrooms must somehow be either put or hung up so that the mass does not wear off.

As a result, we got very tasty and beautiful mushrooms in chocolate fudge. The kids will be just delighted, as we once enjoyed this delicious delicacy. The recipe for mushroom cookies turned out to be very simple, and cooking does not take much time. The process is addictive, and the time spent just flies by unnoticed, and grateful words and praise from loved ones who will try the treat will inspire you to a new culinary creation. Such cookies are very tasty with a glass of milk or a cup of fragrant tea, and the kids will be happy to eat them with a compote of berries.

Some housewives cover the mushroom cap not with chocolate, but with caramel. It turns out no less tasty. You can try this option as well or add something of your own, branded in addition to cookies. Prepare delicious desserts, pamper your loved ones and yourself.

With the advent of silicone baking molds, more and more housewives are abandoning metal utensils. The advantages of silicone are obvious: it does not need to be lubricated with oil before baking, baking is easily removed from such forms. But they, nevertheless, have one drawback - you can’t bake delicious cookies on gas in a silicone mold.

Even in the recent past, almost every housewife had a frying pan for baking a variety of cookies on gas: mushrooms, nuts. triangles.

Cookies recipe "Mushrooms" in the form of gas

Children really like Mushrooms cookies for their original appearance and delicious hats covered with chocolate icing. You can make it even more interesting with the help of topping in the form of colored confectionery topping. But even without decor, the cookies turn out to be very tasty.

For "Mushrooms" you need to take:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • 125 grams of creamy margarine;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 1 teaspoon of vodka;
  • 350 grams of flour;
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 100 grams of white chocolate;
  • Confectionery topping.

It will take 50-60 minutes to bake and decorate mushrooms.

The calorie content of this dessert is 424.8 kcal per 100 grams.

The recipe for cooking cookies "Mushrooms" in the form of gas step by step:

  1. Knead the dough by first mixing all the liquid ingredients with sugar, and then adding the dry ingredients;
  2. Bake the mushrooms and let them cool;
  3. Melt white chocolate in a water bath and dip the legs of the mushrooms in it, turn them upside down so that the chocolate hardens;
  4. Then melt the dark chocolate and dip the hats into it, decorate with confectionery sprinkles and let the chocolate harden.

The easiest recipe

This recipe uses the simplest set of ingredients, but that doesn't make the cookies any less delicious. It is also worth noting that the recipe is not tied to any particular form of baking, so this dough can be baked in any available pan form.

Ingredients you will need for the test:

  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 200 grams of butter (or margarine);
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder (can be replaced with slaked soda);
  • 240-360 grams of flour.

It will take about 45 minutes to knead the dough and bake cookies on gas.

The calorie content of baking will be 394.0 kcal / 100 grams.

How to make homemade gas shaped cookies:

  1. Melt butter or margarine over a fire;
  2. Grind regular sugar and vanilla (important: do not beat) with chicken eggs until smooth;
  3. Pour the melted, but not hot butter (margarine) into the egg-sugar mixture, stir;
  4. Baking powder (soda) and flour are sent last into the dough. The result should be a dough like thick sour cream;
  5. In a hot frying pan, bake cookies, heating it on both sides.

Biscuits "Triangles" in the form of gas

Cookies in the form of triangle wafers according to this recipe are moderately soft and low-fat, despite the fact that its dough contains enough fatty ingredients (butter, mayonnaise or sour cream).

  • 200 grams of mayonnaise (or sour cream);
  • 200 grams of melted butter;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder;
  • 350-450 grams of flour.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Calorie content of 100 grams of homemade triangle waffles - 427.5 kcal.

  1. Grind sugar with eggs;
  2. Add melted butter and mayonnaise or sour cream;
  3. Then add flour and baking powder, mix well;
  4. Spoon batter into each triangle and bake on each side until nicely golden.

Recipe for homemade cookies "Nuts" in the form of gas

For this cookie, shortbread dough is kneaded without baking powder or soda, so the shells of nuts can be made thinner, but stronger. The filling is prepared from boiled condensed milk, if desired, dried fruits or chopped nuts can be added to the cream.

For the dough and cream you will need the following ingredients:

  • 250 grams of melted creamy margarine;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 100 grams of softened butter;
  • 450 grams of boiled condensed milk.

Cooking time will be a little over an hour (70-80 minutes).

Calorie "Nuts" - 411.0 kcal / 100 grams.

Cooking such cookies in the form of gas:

  1. From margarine, sugar, eggs and flour, knead shortbread dough;
  2. Bake the halves of the shells of nuts;
  3. Beat toffee (boiled condensed milk) with soft butter and fill the halves, connecting them together.

It makes no sense to describe the technology of baking cookies from recipe to recipe, it would be more appropriate to talk about it along with useful tips and secrets that will help you avoid possible difficulties in the cooking process.

First, the pan shape must be well heated over the fire before laying the dough and be sure to grease it. This is done only before the first batch of cookies, then they will easily fall behind the mold. For lubrication, you can use cooking oil, butter, margarine or odorless sunflower oil.

The amount of dough put into the form will need to be adjusted independently so that it does not flow out of it and so that it fills the entire form. On average, one serving (depending on the embossing pattern) will require about 2 tablespoons of dough.

The pan on gas will need to be turned over so that the cookies in the form are baked on both sides and get a beautiful golden hue. During baking, the mold handles must be kept closed, otherwise the dough will lift the top flap, and the pastries will not bake well.

The duration of the transition of baking from the stage of dough to the stage of ready-made cookies, even for the same form, can be different for each housewife (from several seconds to 5-7 minutes). It depends on many factors, so you will have to set this time yourself by opening the pan doors and observing the color of the cookies.

  • For test:

  • 200 g margarine or butter

    About 800 g flour

    400 g sugar

    200 g sour cream

    any fat content

    1 medium egg

    A pinch of salt

    1 teaspoon baking powder for dough

  • For decor:

  • 1 egg white

    about 200 g powdered sugar

    2 tbsp. spoons of dry poppy

    100 g chocolate


On New Year's holidays, it is customary to give each other sweets made by hand. Usually, these are cookies or gingerbread. Today I’m baking “Mushrooms” cookies, which for me are absolutely from my childhood, we most often treated each other to such cookies when I was very, very small. Let's cook!


For the dough, put softened butter or margarine in the bowl of a kitchen machine.

Then sugar, sour cream of any fat content, an egg and literally a pinch of salt.

Turn on the machine and stir until smooth. Lastly, add flour with baking powder and quickly knead the dough. The main thing is to achieve uniformity, this will be quite enough. The result should be a soft, but at the same time not sticky dough.

Since flour is different everywhere, you may need a little more or a little less than what is indicated in the recipe. Watch, first of all, for the consistency of the dough.

We divide the dough into 4 parts, wrap each part in a film

and put in the refrigerator for 1-1.5 hours so that the dough is well cooled.

We take out the pieces of dough from the refrigerator as we work. Form legs from the first piece of dough. For the convenience of rolling out the dough, we divide it, roll each piece into a tourniquet and divide it depending on the desired size of the legs.

We divide the dough into pieces of different sizes so that the mushrooms look natural. From each piece we roll a leg.

So that the legs are less deformed during baking, less blurred - we remove the formed legs for 30-40 minutes in the freezer so that they completely freeze.

We will bake the legs frozen.

While the legs are freezing, you can shape and bake mushroom caps. We take out another piece of dough, we also divide it, roll it up, divide it into pieces according to the size of the hats, roll each piece and slightly flatten it with our palm so that the hats are bigger

Loosely spread on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

We put large hats closer to the edge, and small hats - in the middle. We put the baking sheet in the oven preheated to 210 ° C and bake until lightly browned. Hats are baked for about 10-15 minutes. We shift the baked hats, let them cool slightly so that they do not burn the hands, and cut out the recesses for the legs.

You need to cut the caps while they are still hot, because when they are completely cool, they will become brittle, and this will be very problematic.

We take out the legs from the freezer, freely lay them out on a baking sheet and also bake them in an oven preheated to 210 ° C until a light blush. The legs are also baked for about 10-15 minutes.

To make it easier to glue the legs, we cut off a thin edge from them.

Let the legs cool completely and then, if desired, you can remove everything superfluous, trim the legs, give them a more rounded shape with a grater.

As a result, from this amount of dough, I got 60 hats and 60 legs.

I glued the legs and hats with protein glaze. To do this, I took 1 egg white and, gradually adding powdered sugar, rubbed it with a spatula.

For one protein, approximately 200 g of powdered sugar will be required. Alternatively, hats and legs can be glued together with sugar fondant.

We knead a very thick glaze, we achieve a dense consistency.

It is very easy and convenient to glue parts on such a glaze.

We transfer a small amount of icing into a pastry bag, with this icing we will glue the legs and hats, and cover the remaining icing with a damp towel, since the icing dries very quickly, and for now we leave it on the desktop.

We select hats and legs, lay them out in pairs, put a small amount of glaze in the deepening of the hat

and glue the legs.

We leave the mushrooms for 10-15 minutes so that the protein glaze freezes and the legs hold tight.

If suddenly the leg is not held, you can pick up some kind of support, some bowls, saucepans, something at hand.

We slightly tint the legs and hats with protein glaze, for this we set aside a little thick glaze and dilute it with water to a liquid state. Then we cover the legs with glaze.

We tint the inside of the hats with the same glaze and leave the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes until the glaze hardens.

To decorate the legs of the mushrooms, we take a small amount of glaze, dilute it slightly with water so that the glaze is not very liquid, but at the same time not thick. We put a little glaze on the legs and sprinkle with poppy seeds.

Glaze mushroom caps in melted chocolate. You can dry them on a wire rack from the oven, substituting a large bowl from below. Dip the cap of each mushroom into melted chocolate.

and arrange the mushrooms on the grill. The rest of the chocolate can be simply smeared over the hats.

Let the chocolate harden completely and our mushrooms are ready.

Here is a basket with mushrooms I got as a result. Enough to feed everyone.

You can cook mushrooms with your children, this is a very exciting and interesting activity for the whole family. Get ready to please yourself and your loved ones.

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200 g margarine
2 cups sugar
1 cup sour cream
1 egg
1 cup starch
~800 g flour
a pinch of salt
Quench 1/2 tsp of soda with vinegar
2/3 cup sugar
4 tbsp water

First of all, from squares of parchment paper (or baking paper) with a side of 6-7 cm, make 100 bags. It is not difficult and not long, although it sounds scary.
Grind softened margarine with sugar.
Add a glass of sour cream, 1 egg, vanilla, a pinch of salt, half a tsp. slaked soda with vinegar, 1 cup starch, 800 (approximately!) g. flour.
Knead soft plastic dough.
Divide into 2 equal parts. From one make 100 balls.
Bake in an ungreased baking sheet.
These will be mushroom caps.
In the baked hats in the center of the flat side, you need to make indentations with a sharp knife - the legs will be glued into them.
This should be done WHILE THE HATS ARE WARM.
Cooling down, the products become brittle.
Roll the legs from the second part of the dough: one side is wider, the other is narrower - as usual with mushrooms.
Put the legs into the bags and bake. (The bag will not allow the thin end of the leg to spread, and the whole leg, having slightly increased during baking, will not lose its correct tapering shape. The legs should not fit tightly into the bags, the bags should not be too narrow).

Next, I recommend unpacking the hats and legs. Those. match the legs to the already made recesses to more or less match. If necessary, the recess in the hat can be carefully adjusted with a knife under "your" leg.

Make syrup.
Boil 2/3 cup sugar with 4 tbsp. l. water.
Dip the thin ends of the legs in the resulting syrup, combine with hats and spread to dry.
After half an hour or an hour, the syrup will stick.
Then you can, acting carefully enough, work with mushrooms further.
The syrup will have cooled by this time, so it will need to be heated by adding a spoonful of water and stirring.
Now you need to imitate ground on legs. To do this, dip the mushrooms with their legs first in syrup, then in a container with poppy seeds.
Give the "earth" a little time to grab, then you can proceed to the final stage - the coloring of the hats.
To do this, add a little water and 1-2 tbsp. l. cocoa into the rest of the cooled syrup, and boil it again.
Dip mushroom caps into this fondant.
Leave to dry. It is good to leave overnight for final drying.

I make smaller bags, about 70 pieces. Some of them will break when the baked legs are taken out, but many will remain intact and can be used a second time.

I do not set out to make exactly 100 mushrooms. And I don’t try to make them exactly the same, so that they are like stamped ones. I just tear off approximately the same pieces from the dough (2.5 cm in diameter) and combine both legs and hats on one baking sheet, making sure that the quantities of both are equal. Thanks to the co-baking of each batch of legs and caps, it is easier to make indentations in the caps before they cool and become brittle.

On drying mushrooms, sometimes streaks are obtained at the bottom, where the caps touch the surface on which the mushrooms lie. In the process of drying, the mushrooms must be turned over once so that the place with the drip also dries out. It is convenient to dry on plywood.

Don't be afraid of the process. It is relatively time consuming, but not difficult and enjoyable. Already at the age of 10-11, I cooked these mushrooms completely independently from beginning to end. By the way, younger children can also be involved in the cooking process - as assistants.
And how delighted the kids are at the sight of such a treat! What have I not done with these mushrooms! The fact that they were always the highlight of the sweet table when children were invited is a matter of course. She also brought her son to school for his birthday, making a "gift set" for each child (in a small bag with a beautiful tie - a couple of mushrooms in the company of cute homemade cookies of a different kind). And she wove a basket from colored cardboard strips, and put these mushrooms into it in the artist's room. mess. And then this basket was packed in a transparent rustling film, decorated with a bow and it turned out to be a wonderful present.
In general - the sheepskin is worth the candle.