Initially, I will cite a place from the Bible, which will immediately show us the responsibility of healers, sorcerers, psychics before God.

Revelation 21:1-8

« And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.And I, John, saw the holy city of Jerusalem, new, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying:behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them; they will be His people, and God Himself with them will be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death; there will be no more mourning, no outcry, no sickness, for the former has passed away. And He who sat on the throne said: Behold, I make all things new. And he says to me: write; for these words are true and faithful.And he said to me: it's done! I am Alpha and Omega, beginning and end; to the thirsty I will give freely from the source of living water.He who overcomes inherits everything, and I will be his God, and he will be my son. The timid and the unfaithful, and the filthy, and the murderers, and the fornicators, and the sorcerers, and the idolaters, and all the liars, will have their fate in the lake burning with fire and brimstone. This is the second death ».

Exodus 20:4-6

“Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of what is in the sky above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of their fathers until the third and fourth kind, those who hate me,».

Ezekiel 13:18-20

“And say: thus says the Lord God: woe to those who sew magic pouches under their arms and make head coverings of every size to trap souls! Will you save your souls by catching the souls of my people? And dishonor Me before My people for handfuls of barley and for slices of bread, mortifying the souls that should not die, and leaving life to the souls that should not live, deceiving the people who listen to lies. Therefore, thus says the Lord God: behold, I am on your magic bags with which you trap souls there so that they fly, and I will tear them out from under your muscles, and set free the souls that you trap to fly to you. And I will tear apart your veils, and I will deliver my people out of your hands, and they will no longer be prey in your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord. Because you grieve the heart of the righteous with lies, which I did not want to grieve, and support the hands of the wicked, so that he does not turn from his wicked way and save his life - for this you will no longer have empty visions and henceforth you will not foresee; and I will deliver my people out of your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord.”

From the above passages of the Bible, we see that sorcerers are among such people who will be punished on an equal footing with those who commit sins listed in the 10 Commandments of the Lord as adultery, murder, idolaters, and that they are waiting for the lake of fire and the curse of descendants up to 3 -4 genera.

We know that today the entire press is full of announcements about the removal of damage, divination, treatment, solving financial and family problems, bewitchment and other services. Moreover, they are given state licenses and we can see an icon in them at the reception. All this happens that the persons who issue licenses do not know the Living God. It will be faster for such people to issue a license to practice and heal medicine than to allocate land for the opening of a new house of prayer.

I think that many people at least once turned to healers, as it was with me. Below I will give what my appeal to the servants of Satan led to.

Especially in Russia and in other Republics of the former Soviet Union, it is believed that there is more harm from the Evangelical churches than from the servants of Satan. The fact is that Evangelical churches teach what to believe, and not be blind kittens.

The communist regime did everything so that people would not worship the living God, but rather Satan. the communist idea itself, like fascism, is a teaching from Satan himself by twisting the Bible. Those who lived under the communist regime know that the moral code of communism was taken from the Bible and twisted, because it was boring for the Central Committee of the party. The communists turned a blind eye to all healers to whom the society turned, but for that the pastors of the Evangelical churches were sent to camps like Solovki, Sukhobezvodnaya. Such a fate awaited ministers from the Orthodox and Catholic churches, who tried to lead their parish to the living God. During the time of communism, the soil was created for the reproduction of the servants of Satan, who were legalized with the advent of democracy.

Exactly the same situation in the world. In Europe and the USA they want the name of Christ not to be remembered on the New Year and Christmas. this offends the Muslims who are already buying Christian churches in Europe and legalized satanic establishments are opening along with it.

This state of society leads, as history teaches us, that on mysticism, sorcery, and other satanic sciences, a fascist state appeared in Germany, and Hitler took the origins in Mrs. Glavatskaya, who was a clairvoyant and lived in Russia.

Mrs. Glavatskaya wrote a mystical work about the Aryan nation, the roots of the Aryan nation go back to Slavic paganism.

Slavic society never allowed the pure teaching of Christ to arise on its territory. So in Kievan Rus, the Great Prince, when he accepted Christianity, then inserted elements of paganism because he did not know the living god and did not want the confrontation of the princes. Today, in St. Sophia's Cathedral, as he writes, pagan frescoes are found in the press, and Orthodoxy observes such pagan holidays as Ivan Kupala and Shrovetide.

Today, Satan creates a world religion such as morality. Satan wants people to act morally only, so as not to worship God.

All this creates a "good ground" for more and more sorcery, satanism, paganism to appear with their sites that you meet at every step.

There will come a time when Satan comes to rule on this planet, that people will seek the pure Word of God and it will be difficult to find. today an interdenominational bible is already being created, in which they try not to write about the Calvary Cross of Jesus Christ.

All this has led to the fact that humanity has more and more diseases and depressions.

Today, many people have problems with alcohol, drugs, problems in families, at work, financial problems, and our Slavic nation continues to believe in the fairy tale “by pike command” they turn to the servants of Satan. Mankind does not want to go to God because love their sins and often choose, when a problem comes in a person's life, to turn to Satan rather than to God.

Often people, when worshiping Satan, are sometimes unaware of what they are doing. As I was writing this sermon, a message came to me. The man writes that he chose the faith of VELES' WHEEL. This person, choosing the Veles wheel, does not realize that he has chosen paganism, and this is nothing but a kind of Satanism. One of the pagan gods and spirits in the Slavic pagan tribes was the dennitsa. The Bible writes about Satan that he is the son of the morning star, the son of the dawn. When you say to a person that you put children under a curse, you can hear “well, what are these my children, I do what I want.” Especially Satanism develops in the zones, through books that are published. Any pretexts are made so that Evangelical churches do not go into the zones with sermons, and then the society asks the question why crime, alcoholism, drug addiction are growing, and many commit suicide.


Initially, let us turn to the beginning of the Bible in those days when God, through Moses, led the people of Israel out of Egyptian captivity.

When leaving, God showed 10 plagues for the Egyptian people that they did not want to let the Jews go as slaves from slavery. There was a competition between the magi of Egypt, who are the servants of Satan, and Moses, the servant of the Lord God of the word, which God Himself confirmed.

The Magi tried to do something until it came to the creation of midges in competitions. Only God can Create everything that is alive, so the Magi could not do it. God gives life to all living things. If God, in His power, decided to recall a person from this earth through illness, or simply bring a person closer to Himself through illness and bring him to repentance through illness, then no treatment by sorcerers will help.

Sorcerers can, on the contrary, aggravate the situation and hasten the death of a person, and so that for such treatment there is still a curse on the generations of this person.

From this example, we can conclude that sorcerers, sorcerers, healers can do some kind of action to cause evil, to destroy, but not to create, not to create. This principle of their activity remains today.

Another such vivid example of the competition of Satanic power through sorcerers and through the man of God is described in the Bible book of Daniel chapters 2-4. These chapters describe that twice the king collected “... And the king ordered to convene the occultists, and fortune-tellers, and sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, so that they would tell the king of his dreams. They came and stood before the king. And the king said to them: I have dreamed a dream, and my spirit is troubled; I want to know this dream. And the Chaldeans said to the king in Aramaic: King! live forever! tell the dream to your servants, and we will explain its meaning. The king answered and said to the Chaldeans: The word has departed from me; if you do not tell me the dream and its meaning, then you will be chopped into pieces, and your houses will turn into ruins. If you tell the dream and its meaning, then you will receive gifts, rewards and great honor from me; so tell me the dream and its meaning. They answered a second time and said: let the king tell his servants the dream, and we will explain its meaning. The king answered and said: I know that you really want to buy time, because you see that the word has departed from me. Since you do not announce dreams to me, you have one intention: you are going to tell me lies and deceit until time passes; so tell me the dream, and then I will know that you can explain to me the meaning of it. The Chaldeans answered the king and said: there is no person on earth who could open this matter to the king, and therefore not a single king, great and powerful, demanded such a thing from any occultist, fortuneteller and Chaldea ”After that, God reveals a dream to his servant Daniel, who declares to the king the following “Daniel answered the king and said: the secret about which the king asks, neither wise men, nor charmers, nor occultists, nor fortune-tellers can reveal to the king. But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets; and He revealed to King Nebuchadnezzar what would be in the last days. Your dream and the visions of your head on your bed were like this: you, king, on your bed thought about what will happen after this? and the Revealer of mysteries has shown you what will be. But this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I am wiser than all living things, but so that understanding may be revealed to the king, and that you may know the thoughts of your heart.”

From this text of the Bible, we can conclude that only God knows the fate of a person and no fortune-teller, sorceress can predict the fate of a person, and these people only speak lies.God warned humanity very sternly before the coming of Jesus Christ about these servants of Satan.

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 « A soothsayer, soothsayer, sorcerer, who guides his son or daughter through the fire, should not be with you,a charmer who summons spirits, a magician and questioner of the dead; For every one who does this is abominable before the Lord, and for these abominations the Lord your God casts them out from before your face.”

For the above actions, according to the 10 commandments and the Law of Moses, the following punishment came to such people.

1. Such a man was stoned, and he should not have lived among the people. Such a person was put to death before the coming of Jesus Christ.Due to the fact that Jesus Christ forbade putting to death before God's judgment, a huge number of sorcerers appear in our time.We know from history that, despite the prohibitions of Jesus Christ in ancient times, the Catholic Church and the Orthodox betrayed sorcerers and sorcerers to death through fire.

2. According to the 10 Commandments of the Lord, a curse came on the generation of such a person up to 3-4 generations. The Word of God imposes the same responsibility in the form of a curse on those who turned for help to these sorcerers and their offspring up to the 3rd or 4th generation.It doesn’t matter who the person was by position, but if he turned to the sorcerers, then he was punished.

A prime example in the Bible is King Saul. God forgave him many sins before that. But when King Saul knew that, according to the law of God, he had no right to turn to the callers of dead spirits and violated this Law of God, then God removed protection from Saul in battle and he died on the battlefield. Prior to this, Saul fought a lot of wars and the Lord God kept him. But when King Saul turned to Satan for help, God removed the protection and Satan destroyed Saul. Read more in the Bible 1st Samuel chapter 28-31.

Not for nothing in the Bible about Satan in John 10:10

“The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly,” and also chapter 8 verse 44 says “Your father is the devil; and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

These words refer not only to Satan, but also to his servants, who can do nothing but tell a lie, cure a person so that a person dies or predict a lie.


I worked, in business and I went, everything is in order until I connected my fate with the servants of Satan. I accidentally met a man who treated with white magic. I thought white magic was from God and black magic was from Satan. Today I understand that any magic, any grandmas, grandfathers, healers, sorcerers from Satan. He treated me to such an extent that I ended up undergoing treatment in Switzerland. When I broke up with him and this sorcerer said that you would be very sorry about this, that you refused his services.

This servant of Satan began to cast spells against me, and my business failed. This led me to another healer who pumped me out with a testicle and said that I had little to live, and she would treat me. I realized that something is not right here, that this is a hoax. in Switzerland I was cured, and I felt physically well. I started having huge financial problems. The company I headed was on the verge of bankruptcy and found itself with a debt to the bank of 2.5 million dollars. I wanted to shoot myself, and that was Satan's main goal. Satan did not want me not to come to God. I was the third generation of my Evangelical family, Satan knew that sooner or later my parents would beg me to God for repentance, despite all the sins that I had committed in my life, so Satan wanted to destroy me from this world.

I thank the Lord God that my parents and Evangelical churches prayed and fasted for me, and God did not allow Satan to cause me even more problems that I had and saved me for the day of repentance.

If you turned to the services of the servants of Satan, then you should know that you are under a curse and the curse passes to your family up to 3-4 generations. The source of your problems and the problems of children is the fact that you turned to Satan in the person of his servants, and not to God.

To all who have contacted the servants of Satan or you want to contact, let me give you some advice.

Council number 1. Bible. Isaiah 8:19-20“And when they say to you: turn to the callers of the dead and to sorcerers, to whisperers and ventriloquists, then answer: should not the people turn to their God? Do the dead ask about the living? Contact to law and revelation. If they do not speak like this word, then there is no light in them.

Tip number 2. If you came to a healer, grandmother, grandfather and they have an icon or send you to the Orthodox Church for confession before your treatment, then you should know the following Gospel from the Bible, the Gospel of Matthew 12:43-45 « When an unclean spirit comes out of a person, it walks through waterless places, seeking rest, and does not find it;then he said, I will return to my house from whence I came out. And when he comes, he finds his unoccupied, swept and cleaned; then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits worse than himself, and having entered, dwell there; and for that person the last is worse than the first. So it will be with this evil generation.”

This means that if the healer cast out an unclean spirit for a while, then with the aim of preparing your heart for seven evil spirits to come into it. If the Holy Spirit does not live in the heart of a person, then the heart is like that house not occupied and seven evil spirits settle in it.

Tip #3 You need to repent of these and other sins. Ask a priest, preferably in an evangelical church, to make a prayer of repentance and renunciation.

Matthew 4:17 " From that time Jesus began to preach and say: Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.».

Galatians 3:10-13 “But all who are established in the works of the law are under a curse. For it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continually do everything that is written in the book of the law." And that no one is justified before God by the law, this is clear, because the righteous will live by faith. And the law is not by faith; but whoever does it will live by it.Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us yu [for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree».

If you don’t know how to pray, with a prayer of repentance, then follow this link to read the sermon and the prayer of repentance that I prayed in my life

It is better to do this in the Evangelical Church.

Tip #4: Confess your sins to an evangelical church based on the following Bible passages.

James 5:16 " Confess your wrongdoings to each other and pray for each other to be healed: the fervent prayer of the righteous can do much».

Tip number 5. Learn from the passages of the Bible, what are the sins according to the Bible and on the basis of the Bible how you can get rid of them.

Galatians 5:19-25 " The works of the flesh are known; they are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, magic, enmity, quarrels, envy is, anger, strife, disagreements, [temptations,] heresies, hatred, murder, drunkenness, excesses and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do so will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

1 Corinthians 6:9-11And do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor malakias, nor sodomists,neither thieves, nor covetous men, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor predators, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And so were some of you; but washed, but sanctified, but justified by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God.”

Matthew 6:14-15 "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive people their trespasses, your Father will not forgive you your trespasses."

1 John 1:7-10 “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, then we lie and do not act in truth; but if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, then we have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, then He, being faithful and just, will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, then we present Him as a lie, and His word is not in us.».

Council number 6. I advise you to leave your sins, leave your former way of life, through repentance to accept the Lord God in your heart by the Holy Spirit and then you will receive the following promises from the Bible in your life.

6.1. Blessing for descendants for 1000 births “Do not make for yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of their fathers until the third and fourth kind, those who hate me, and showing mercy to thousands of generations of those who love me and keep my commandments»

6.2. Protection by the Lord God of those who gave their heart to God on the basis of the Bible Zechariah chapter 2 verse 8 "... for whoever touches you touches the apple of his eye»

6.3. If you repent and do not sin, then the following blessings will be extended to you, indicated in the Bible, Deuteronomy chapter 28. Find it in the Bible and read it for yourself.

Tip #7: If you or your family has an alcohol or drug problem, don't apply for a code. Satan's code. People who have been coded drink after that, and use drugs even more.

I advise you to contact the rehabilitation centers at the Evangelical churches. You can find a list of rehabilitation centers in Kyiv on the website. If you are in another republic, then write to me and I will try to find a rehabilitation center in your country or agree on treatment in Kyiv.

Tip number 8. If you or someone you know has a problem that an unclean spirit has taken possession of you and you need help, then I advise you to contact the local evangelical Pentecostal church to pray for the exorcism of the unclean spirit. If this church does not pray for the expulsion of unclean spirits, then I am ready to give the telephone numbers of believing brothers from evangelical churches, which God uses in the prayer for the expulsion of unclean spirits.

Tip number 9. I advise you to additionally read the links:

A) other sermons

B) the testimonies of other people who came before God


If you read this sermon and in your life there were connections with the servants of Satan and the Lord God freed you from this sin, then you can send your printed testimony, and we will post it after the sermon or in the testimonies section.

May the Lord God give you repentance. Know you are not accidentally on this site. I pray constantly for God to have the hearts of people who visit the site, and that Jesus Christ give these people repentance, and believers even more sanctification and strength not to sin.

Jesus Christ was never meekly humble, as Christian theologians would like to present Him. With those who represented a deceitful, misanthropic power, He was militant, not hiding the great disdain for them, and they shouted to Him: “the devil is in you” (John, 8: 42-59; from Mark, 3:22; from Luke, 11 :15). Whoever carried the simplicity of human relationships, and first of all women and, especially, children, with those He was, like them, meek (Matthew, 18: 4; 5; 10; Matthew, 19: 14; Mark, 10: 13; 14 and others). With their...

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Jesus - Son of God

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Apostle Paul...

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A lot of literature has been written about the life of Jesus Christ, much of it corresponds to reality, and much is fiction. But this is not the point, the main thing is that people still remember his teaching, and for Christians he has become a symbol of faith.

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The image of Jesus Christ is captured on the Shroud of Turin - a piece of cloth that wrapped the body after it was removed from the crucifixion. More recently, experts from the Institute of Criminalistics of the FSB of the Russian Federation and scientists from Oxford University in the UK have established that the age of the shroud is about 2,000 years. Thus, the last questions on the identification of the person of Christ were removed.

In 1887, the Russian scientist and journalist Nikolai Notovich, traveling in Tibet, discovered a manuscript written in Tibetan near the Buddhist monastery of Hemis, about the wanderings in the countries of the East and the sermons of the young Jesus Christ of that period, from 12 to 30 years old, which is silent all four known gospels.

According to the story of the lama of this monastery, the manuscript was allegedly compiled on the basis of scrolls brought from Nepal at the beginning of the 3rd century, written in the Pali language, containing the legends of people ...

Foundation of Christianity
The main pillar in the doctrine of the Atonement, on which the whole structure of today's Christianity stands, is the resurrection of Christ after his supposed death on the Cross. This is recognized by St. Paul: "And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith." (1 Corinthians 15:14)

Why did the Jews intend to crucify Jesus?
The Jews considered Jesus, God forbid, a self-appointed prophet, so they tried to justify their accusation by crucifying him, which, according to...

The 21st century has become a turning point for many civilizations in the galaxy. New thinking is being actively formed. It is associated with bringing home the light of distant truths. The beginning of the 21st century is a time of great discoveries. They turned the idea of ​​​​Everyone heard about the journey of star pilots to the center of our galaxy - Astaron. Readers of the novel "Diamond of Hell" also know a lot about Carte Blanche, one of the planets of the Amber Necklace. There have been fights between good and evil for many centuries. And until the parties agree on who will be evil and who will be good, the war will not end. At least that's what directors of plays and musicals think. We will continue the theme of the life and death of Jesus Christ. There are unknown moments in the scenario of life.... I read from sources that the spiritual essence of Jesus before appearing on Earth lived here, on Carte Blanche.... Many people died on this planet. But all the details below...

This new entry has come to my heart, inspired by the comments and feedback from my readers.

*** The feeling of love is a special kind of energy. Divine love is the most powerful and complete manifestation of love. This love was possessed by Jesus Christ. When Jesus was born on Earth, there was a supernova explosion in Heaven at that moment. New energy was sent to the Earth. This energy was taken over by the newborn soul. She accepted, passed through herself its powerful radiation and then gently spread it to people.

*** The spread of the new energy has been going on since the moment of the birth of Jesus Christ and was stretched out in time. This process was different. Usually the energy from the stars will propagate directly - this is a rough distribution of energy. And through a person, cosmic energy is transformed gently, both on the earth itself and on other people. Yes, you guessed it, the energy from the supernova explosion was taken in by a single soul, a single entity. This is one of the mysteries of the Universe, but God is in no hurry to reveal it to people. At least at this stage of human development.

*** The execution for Christ was invented by the Higher powers on the cross not by chance. There are no accidents at all. Randomness was invented by limited people. Being free is scary. Terribly interesting. You can also die. For those who know, death is not terrible. And the rest came up with and created limitations for themselves. They created a shell in which they hid from space. Until people in this shell they know that the cosmos is densely populated with Life.

*** This execution, according to the directors, should be the most impressive for that time. Coincidence or not, but on the day of the execution of Christ there was another Christ, who was also to be executed. But he was a criminal, and therefore the curator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, postponed the second execution. The scenario of the life of Jesus Christ did not end with his death. Do you understand why?

***People must remember this execution for the next 2,000 years. In addition, the cross has a deep physical background - it was introduced into the script as an antenna. She became her in the daily life of Christians. Every Christian wears a cross around his neck. It doesn't hang by chance. The heavenly system decided to collect people's spiritual energy in this way. Using an antenna to transmit it into space.

*** In order for people to wear such a cosmic antenna, it was decided to prepare Christ for martyrdom on the cross. Man loved Christ as his Savior and loved the cross on which Jesus was crucified. And thus, a person worships the cross for many centuries and transmits pure spiritual energy into space. The cross appeared in every family, turning into a small emitter of pure energy. The cross has become a symbol of faith.

***Cosmos collects the purest energy of people, giving people its Divine energy. Thus, with the help of the exchange of energies, the development of man takes place as a future cosmic force. When a person fully realizes his cosmic destiny, realizes himself, from the inside, then the goal of the Higher powers will be achieved. The Universe is developing and the intelligent Force, the Creator of the Existing, needs to replenish its resources. And the soul, passing through the human stage of development, must in its development grow to such a cosmic level. And for this you need to strive to reach for Heaven, as Ramon Aden says. When the energy produced by a person, or rather his soul, grows to the minimum that will open the door to space for the soul. In the upper layers of space. Where the offices of the Heavenly Chancellery are located.

***After Christ died on the cross, he rose again. That's what religion says. In those distant times, it was religion that was the force that changed the morality of society. So how did Christ rise? Star pilots say a little more about this. They bring us new knowledge from outer space. After the resurrection He was in the astral body. And the physical body was decomposed into atoms. This was done on purpose so that there were no cults. Cults appear because of the limitations of people.

*** In the astral body of Christ there was so much pure energy that it shone and was visible even to the naked eye. I must say that some people, as a result of a pious life, gain so much energy that it is visible in the visible spectrum of radiation as light. And even death does not change anything, since this energy is gained not by the physical, but by the astral body of a person.

*** After death on the cross, the soul of Christ went to Heaven. Part of the script was completed, but the director has not yet reached the climax. It remained to fulfill the most important thing - to show the world a miracle. The miracle of resurrection. The miracle of the resurrection of the body of Christ. The physical body was already decomposed into atoms so that enemies would not abuse it or it would not become a cult for Christians. But His physical body was and is not needed in the future. Does the reader understand why?

***Before Christ, not a single soul returned to Earth after death. Usually the soul returns to Earth after 9 months, through the birth of a new person. But this is normal, but here was a different case. Higher powers couldn't wait 9 months. All work had to be done within a few hours. Therefore, powerful resources of subtle forces were involved.

*** First, the soul must appear in a visible shell. People need to see it. The protective shell for the soul had already been prepared in advance. Even three days was not enough for such a difficult job. For three days, the soul of Christ must learn to control this astral shell. And she studied hard and continuously. As a diver puts on a heavy lead suit, as an astronaut learns to control his suit in a simulator. Something like this. It is even difficult for us to imagine the amount of painstaking work until the soul learns to live in a new body. Let it be thin.

Rammon Aden: Now it becomes clear why as many as 9 months are given for the birth of a new person. In animals, the gestation period is much shorter, everything is simpler there. And for celestial bodies, such as the Earth or some Star, these periods stretch to thousands and millions of years. But the processes of birth and death are the same for everyone, that of the Star, that of cats. In outline.

*** A child masters a new body for three years, but Christ was given three days. But he did the job too. The peculiarity and difficulty of this part of the task was that a very powerful energy was concentrated in a light, almost transparent shell. After all, she must make this air shell visible. And keep a light soul in the dense matter of the globe. even contact with air could kill the soul, not to mention dense objects from the physical world.

***How ​​to lower the light soul of Christ into the depths of the air mass, closer to the Earth? It was an almost impossible task. Everyone knows that even water pushes bodies out of itself. The same thing happened in the air. After all, the more spiritual the soul, the more pure energies it has gained, the easier it is. It is much easier to lower a balloon a kilometer deep in the ocean than to lower the soul of Christ from Heaven to the surface of the Earth. This task was solved thanks to the special design of the protective shell in which the soul stayed on Earth, performing this stage of the mission.

What happened next? Oh, the most interesting is ahead.

***After 40 days of being on Earth, Christ disappeared again, and this time for good. His soul in a thin protective shell ascended to Heaven. More precisely, in several shells, which she dumped as she climbed up, since the pressure difference contributed to this. It's like a submarine floats up from a depth and sheds ballast as it rises. Similarly, the souls of people, after leaving the dense physical body, rising up, throw off unnecessary ballast, starting with the most rough and heavy.

*** The shells that the soul of Christ threw off remained in the atmosphere of the Earth. More precisely, in that layer of it, which the great Russian scientist Vernadsky called the noosphere. This is the information layer of the Earth. These shells contain certain information about the life of Christ.

*** The Soul of Christ ascended to Heaven, throwing off its shells. At the same time, there was no usual purification that all the souls of dead people go through. I have already described this process in detail in the entry “Death. And then what? Life goes on. For the soul of Christ, purification was not required, it did not accumulate negative karma and did not commit sins. Through its suffering, the soul has already been so cleansed of low energies that it shone like the sun. Not a single speck on the surface or inside.

*** One must understand that the process of suffering is universal. No matter how high the soul rises in spiritual development, it will still pass through it. But for souls that have passed the human stage of development, there are other ways of cleaning from dirt. This is a separate story.

***Here it must be said that before being born on Earth, the soul of Jesus Christ "earned" a certain karma. Nobody canceled the law of karma. Star pilots, having explored a large part of the galaxy, argue that the law of cause and effect is always valid. And as a consequence of this universal law, an axiom follows: there are no accidents. If Christ came to Earth, then there must be a reason for that. And the appearance on Earth is already a consequence.

***Jesus Christ appeared on Earth with a specific mission to work off his karma. The mission was completed, the karmic burden disappeared. What is the reason, what actions did such a highly developed essence perform in the past, if it accumulated karma?

*** He used to be a ruler and by His mistake peoples perished on one separate planet. If the third world war had taken place on Earth and the peoples perished, then the ruler of the planet Earth would also have accumulated negative karma. The heavenly team on Earth is doing everything possible to prevent a war. But people should not rely only on this circumstance. They need to decide their own fate. Look back and look at your planet, and what it was like a hundred, two hundred, three hundred years ago. Was it more comfortable to live there? What was the atmosphere, nature, fauna and flora like before. And draw certain conclusions. And try to work together to make a difference. Return purity to the planet. So that the fate of the steward does not hang by a thread from laxity and indifference, indifference, vices of people.

***He made a mistake and the mistake cost many living beings dearly. And the karma of Christ was that if He destroyed living beings on one planet, then on another planet He must save civilization from the wrong path. For this, the 10 commandments were given to the peoples as a direction to the Truth, to the light, to freedom.

***Again, the law of cause and effect explains His mission and the nature of His death. Martyrdom atoned for His past sins and gave hope and faith to the people of the Earth.

*** By death on the cross, the Higher powers combined two meanings: religion and redemption of His karma.

*** After Christ ascended to Heaven, His mission was largely accomplished. His soul practically did not accumulate new karma, in general, everything was done almost perfectly. "Practically" allows minor deviations from the program, here I want to clarify right away. Not a single person died, and the fate of the Earth's civilization has changed and this is the main thing.

*** In addition to Christ, the mission of creating a new religion was also carried out by His apostles. The spread of the new faith went like this: from Christ to the apostles, from them to their groups. And from the groups, new information reached ordinary people.

***Currently the spiritual essence of Christ is sent to another planet. She is the Ruler of this planet and is engaged in the development (development, as the Higher powers say) of a new civilization. In this process, the Christ Soul continues to evolve.

Rammon Aden: I would like to think that He will not make such a mistake again.

But what about us? Earthlings? Save the Earth?

This record is over. The blessed time for morning prayers has arrived. 6 a.m. I congratulate all my readers on the new day and God bless you! Good luck and bright thoughts!

Pro: TokiAden

I keep chronicles of the inhabitants of the worlds of our galaxy on the author's blog Polygon Fantasy. The author's blog was opened in 2013. And in 2014, he opened the esoteric website Edges of Reality. Because my home, my homeland is the whole galaxy. How the subtle worlds are arranged. How the laws of the universe work. What is spirituality, the Creator, the meaning of Existing... Sharing with the reader his spiritual experience and knowledge about the world. These are my goals.


This psychic reading was given by Edgar Cayce at his home in Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, August 6, 1933, in response to questions from those present.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Casey, conductor; Gladys Davis, stenographer. Minnie and C. A. Barrett, Esther Wynn, Florence and Edith Edmonds, Francis I. Morrow, Mildred Davis, Ruth Lenoir, and L. B. Casey.

Reading time 16:30 - 17:00

1. GK: Before you will be members of the Norfolk Study Group #1 who are in this room seeking more knowledge about Jesus Christ. We will be grateful for any knowledge that can be given about Him. After that, you will answer questions that may arise from those present.

2. AC: Yes, we have a group in front of us gathered here with their work and desires. We will look for what can be given this time.

3. “There are many other things that Jesus did; but if one wrote about it in detail, then, I think, the world itself would not contain the books written. (John 21:25)

4. Because He, Christ, is in His glory prepared for him by the Father. He can be approached by those who earnestly and earnestly seek to know Him—and be led by Him. As He has given, through faith all things are possible.

5. Do you believe? Then let your actions express it.

6. Seek, each one in his own way and in his own way, increasing as a soul, as an essence, the manifestation of His love in the ways in which He has demonstrated it day by day.

7. As He entered into this world, which man knows as the world, He became like a man; yet in the spiritual world He seeks to manifest that which is sought by His followers.

8. Because, as He gave: “If you love me, keep my commandments. They are not new, and they are not sad; love one another as the Father loves me.”

9. (Q): Please explain why in the process of meditation last Monday, I had a strong desire to seek knowledge about Jesus Christ through readings.
(A) The inner self has tuned in close to the presence of the Christ consciousness.

Christ consciousness is the universal consciousness of the Spirit of the Father. The conscience of Jesus is what man builds as a reverence for man.

In the Consciousness of the Christ there is a unity of oneself, one's desires, one's abilities, in unity with the forces that are able to give what is sought by the essence or soul. During this period, the essence is in agreement. Therefore, the physical consciousness has a desire to make this experience a part of its consciousness.

Look for it more often. He will speak to you as His promises are true - every single one of them.

10. (Q): Please explain: in the process of meditation there was a connection of external and internal forces. As someone said, "Why don't you look inside yourself?" As I turned my attention inward, I became aware of the Christ who seemed to take on a physical form.
(A) What is experienced in this physical consciousness is that "I, John, experienced when I looked back at the cave and saw that inside and outside are one" [John 11:38? John seeing Lazarus revived?] when the desires of the heart cause every atom of the physical body to vibrate with consciousness, faith and the presence of the Christ life, the Christ Consciousness.

Life is the essence of the Father. Christ, lifting up the life of the man Jesus, becomes a life in glory; and it can be glorified in every atom of the physical body, which attunes to the consciousness and will of the Christ Spirit.

11. (Q): Is the Celestial Sphere a certain place in the universe, or is it a state of mind?
(A) When an entity, a soul passes through any sphere in which it has an astronomical body, it must occupy - in relation to the limited mind - place and time. Therefore, for a limited mind, the body can only be in a certain place.

So, God is love; occupies a certain place and state, and is a Force penetrating into all kinds of activity.

So, Christ is the ruling power in the world, which a person, in his limited mind, in a material body, must accept into that sphere, of which the essence, the soul, is a part.

12. (Q) Is Jesus Christ on any particular realm, or does He manifest Himself on the earth plane in another body?
(Oh) As given, all authority in heaven, on earth is given to Him. Therefore, He is in space in the form of a force that acts through faith. Therefore, although not in an earthly body, He can come to one who has the will to be one and act in love to make this possible.

Because He has to come, He will come in the body that He occupied in Galilee. The body that He formed, that was nailed to the cross, that rose from the grave, that walked on the sea, that appeared to Peter, that appeared to John.

13. (Q) Wherever He is, how can I contact Him so that I can see Him and hear what He is saying?
(A) Forming a desire to be one with His will tunes in to Him. He will be in line with this desire to speak to you. “Be of good cheer; It's me, don't be afraid." [Mark 6:50]

14. (Q): Was the vision I saw early one morning a few months ago a vision of Jesus?
(Oh) A fleeting shadow, yes. Pray to the Son, the Father through the Son, to walk with you - and He will walk with you and talk to you. Don't be satisfied with someone else. He may often send His angels to take care of you. He is the Way; and there is no other. He was in a body that suffered; for myself, but also for you.

15. (Q) When Jesus Christ comes the second time, will He establish His kingdom on earth, and will it be an everlasting kingdom?
(A) Read His promises in which His words are written. He will reign for a thousand years. Then again Satan will be released for a while.

16. (Q): How can I change my vibration to contact Christ?
(A) Through the will, through the desire of the heart, faith, patience, everything becomes possible in Him.

For "according to your faith it will be given to you."

17. We are finishing.

If a sick or in trouble person rushes to psychics and sorcerers for help, the first thing a loved one should do is to invite him to assess the risks

From dialogue:

How to protect yourself from sorcerers?

- Pray to Cyprian and Justina.

Such a conversation had to be heard more than once. Those who have suffered from what themselves know how to help those who have fallen into the same trouble. And both of these saints were well aware of this. A sorcerer who managed to give up divination and became a priest, and then a martyr for Christ; and a courageous Christian woman, by the power of her faith, who by the purity of her life destroyed witchcraft spells - to whom, if not to them, to resort for prayerful help in order to protect herself from witchcraft and demonic machinations?

Cyprian and Justina

They lived in the III century in Antioch. Cyprian was a powerful sorcerer who, as it is said in his life, "given all of himself to the power of the devil." Once, at the request of a young man who fell in love with a Christian girl Justina, he tried to force her to respond to the passion of an admirer with the help of a “love spell”. The "love spell" did not work: Justina was so pure and firm in faith that the evil one did not find a way to get close to her.

The sorcerer Cyprian decided to take revenge on the girl for his failure: he sent pestilence and ulcers to the house of Justina, and to the whole city in addition. She continued to pray, and the demonic obsession ceased. Struck by the incomprehensible power of a very young girl who revealed the still unknown "secrets" of the world, Cyprian renounced the devil and became a Christian.

A year after being baptized, he was ordained a priest, and soon became a bishop, whom many revered as a saint. Bishop Cyprian made Justina a deaconess, and then entrusted her with a nunnery, making her abbess.

During the persecution of Christians under the emperor Diocletian, Cyprian and Justina were martyred. Commemoration of the Saints - 15 October.

About how dangerous psychics and sorcerers of “white and black magics” are, what to do if your loved one got carried away with their “treatment”, or your photo was taken by a kind but unscrupulous relative “to the healer,” said Abbot Nektariy (Morozov) , author of the book about sorcerers "Walking in the Darkness", rector of the Peter and Paul Church in Saratov, head of the information and publishing department of the Saratov diocese.

Wizards or swindlers?

— Father Nectarius, do sorcerers really exist, or are they all charlatans?

“We also know from the book of the Acts of the Apostles that there was such a sorcerer named Simon, who worked all sorts of miracles, and the witnesses of these miracles saw in him “the great power of God.” Enticed by the power of the apostles to give the gift of the Holy Spirit, Simon wished to buy this gift for himself with money, but was convicted and rejected by the apostles.

So, from the earliest times of the existence of Christianity, the Church recognizes the possibility of a person possessing superpowers, but the nature of such a gift in a fallen, sinful person is not Divine.

Therefore, those who are going to turn to a sorcerer or magician should know that the danger in this case of harming themselves is quite real. And therefore, before seeking help from them, it is worth knowing about the risks, because we do not take medicine without reading the instructions, so as not to harm our health.

- What is this danger?

- In the market of occult services, there are both ordinary swindlers and those who really have some kind of superpowers. In the first case, you run the risk of throwing money away, or making some decisions that will spoil and even destroy your life.

If a person is dealing with a high-class deceiver, then he can easily become dependent on this specialist. After all, those who engage in such practices for the sake of money are interested in tying a client to themselves for a long time. Many become good psychologists over time, easily identifying vulnerabilities and strings for which you can pull a person and firmly tie him to the right “hooks”.

Sometimes such people resort to open intimidation: if you leave me, then you will feel bad.

In the second case, you can get even more significant harm - spiritual, because those who really have abilities are some kind of conductors of dark destructive power.

Why is the Church convinced of this?

— It is enough just to compare these specialists with the saints, who were worthy of the gifts of healing and insight.

None of the saints made the creation of miracles the main goal of their lives.

And only those who, by the nature of their activities, were doctors, like St. Panteleimon, or St. Luke of Crimea, were engaged in medical practice. The saints lived in God, and the Lord, because of the purity of their hearts, because of their closeness to Him, fulfilled their prayers and gave them gifts.

Many saints of these gifts have fled and even prayed to lose them, because they understood how easy it is to fall into pride.

Will we see among modern healers and psychics, as well as "grandmothers" and bioenergetics - true ascetics? No, they are not better than all of us. Then it is quite natural to raise the question: where did their amazing gift come from?

And perhaps the most important thing: any healing, any other miracle that was performed through the prayers of the saints, brought the person with whom it happened to God, or returned him to the righteous path of following Christ, if he had gone off this path before.

And what do the healings of "grandmothers" or bioenergetics lead to? What do love spells and lapels done by sorcerers and magicians lead to? “By their fruits you will know them,” Christ says in the Gospel.

When a person enters into communion with this force opposing God, resorts to its help, he gives her the full right to enter into his life and break and distort everything, gives her the right to herself.

Such a person literally sells his soul to the devil. Becomes not free, dependent on the devil's will. With the consequences of this, sometimes very delayed, the priests have to face constantly.

What do you have to pay for "services"

One can recall such a famous psychotherapist as Anatoly Kashpirovsky. People at his sessions and television sessions behaved like possessed, and after that they often ended up in hospitals with mental and nervous system disorders. It is clear that this was not only achieved by his actions, there was also some kind of force at work here. These are the facts, how can they be ignored?

Or here is a real family, terrible events suddenly begin to occur in it, and no one can understand what became the starting point of the process that ultimately led to the destruction of this family and even the personalities of its members. And then it turns out that this family was formed thanks to a witchcraft love spell ...

I knew a woman who, looking at a man, could sometimes feel that he was about to die. There were also a number of cases in her life when she managed to "remove" epileptic attacks in people - by a strange accident, she constantly encountered such patients. At the same time, as she explained, each time after that she felt terrible devastation, fatigue, weakness.

She felt a kind of “thinning” of herself, and this thinning was of the kind about which they say: “Where it is thin, there it breaks.” It often seemed to her that some kind of anguish was about to happen, it seemed as if she was walking along the edge.

Once, wanting to help once again a man in an epileptic seizure, touching him, she fell into some kind of semi-conscious state and in this state she saw the village, the Nazis and this man in the form of a policeman, only much younger. At that moment, the epileptic calmed down, calmed down and spoke to her in German ...

And for some reason, it was after this incident that she realized that she would leave such help forever. I must say that it cost her a lot of work, and according to her, she found salvation in the fact that she deliberately "stupid" in relation to such premonitions and subtleties.

There is one important criterion: everything that comes from God fills the heart with peace and tranquility. At the same time, a person has neither fear nor anxiety, there are no physical or mental “shudders” of any kind.

And the strength that comes from the enemy, and the “help” that he gives, are always associated with a feeling of restlessness, uncertainty, some kind of excitement, exaltation.
But really this difference can only be felt by people with the skill to distinguish between good and evil, to distinguish between spirits, as the apostle Paul says. But for us, the most ordinary, weak people, it’s better to just stay away from all this.

Magic "white" or evil in disguise

- You can object: after all, there are people with superpowers who do not practice witchcraft. They really want to help: diagnose, heal, warn, instruct. Many of them send people to churches to light candles, even to be baptized, or to confess and take communion. And the fact that they take money, because they need to live on something ... And doctors take money.

The devil is cunning, and to those who are inclined to evil, he offers open evil; to those who have those very good intentions, he will offer evil under the guise of good.

Most of those who have superpowers do not know where they got them from and really cannot fully control them. All these "energies from space" are excuses for clients. How can you unequivocally assert that you are doing good if the instrument with which you do it is not in your full power?!

And the fact that they are sent to churches or their offices are furnished with Christian paraphernalia, so there is nothing surprising in this. We live in a country with very deep and ancient Orthodox roots, and people who are engaged in the provision of this kind of service are perfectly able to play on this. If, however, they sincerely consider their practice and the sacraments of the Church to be something unified - "spiritual", then this is again a temptation by the devil's cunning, which I am talking about.

"I've been spoiled!"

- And if a person is not of his own free will forced to deal with sorcerers, for example, someone decided to damage him, is it dangerous?

- No need to be afraid. If we found some occult objects in the house or at the workplace that someone planted for us, the main thing is not to panic, because fear, like a magnet, attracts all kinds of illnesses and misfortunes to us, because fear is distrust of God. If we are afraid, then we believe that the enemy of our salvation is stronger than the Lord, that the Lord may not protect us. And lack of faith or complete distrust of God is one of the most important sins. When we are separated from God by our lack of faith, we willy-nilly find ourselves in the hands of the enemy.

But at the same time, you can’t blame any misfortunes that have happened or a period of troubles in your life on the damage or evil eye induced by someone. This is an attempt to relieve oneself of responsibility for one's life and for what happens in it. With an honest and careful look into ourselves, it will become clear that the source of all our troubles is not in someone or in something: it is always ultimately one - apostasy from God or complete forgetfulness of Him.

- And if one of the relatives, wanting to help, went with a photograph of a church person to a sorcerer or healer, what should I do?

- If this does not involve the will of the person himself, whose photograph was taken to the healer, and if he is really already in the Church, then there is no need to be afraid of this. Here you can try to try to reason with those who so “took care” somehow, to pray that their intention would not be realized, and if this was not possible to do, then rely on the will of God.

There is definitely no need to panic, or come into conflict with these unreasonable friends or relatives, because the enemy always needs an excuse to invade our lives and begin his destructive work.

And this reason is our fear as distrust of God, our bitterness towards someone, inner non-peace.

But if we did all this, and still something happened, then it means that the Lord allowed it to happen. Again, not because this is an inevitable consequence of someone with our photograph going to the sorcerer, but because it was God's will, and for some reason we need to endure it. We need to approach what happened in a Christian way.

- So you say - try to reason - but why appeal if a person says: "I don't care, as long as it stops hurting"?

- In the apostolic letters there is such an idea:

those who are wise must be saved by reason, and those who are obviously unreasonable must be saved by fear.

In this case, this fear can be saving. We need to familiarize our loved ones with all the side effects of such treatment, and then all that remains is to pray for them and hope that they will make the right choice. But his life depends only on the person himself, and the Lord will give to each according to his heart: if a person seeks to be tempted, he will be tempted. We cannot save him against his will.

"There are sorcerers, there is no God"

- Some people believe in witchcraft, magic, "cosmic energies", that is, they are not materialists at all, but they don't believe in God, why?

“You know, I once asked one of my acquaintances, a good caring person who often asked questions about God, about faith: “Why don’t you take the Gospel and read it?” To which he honestly answered me: “I know that what is written there is true, and if I read it, I will have to live like this, but I am not ready ...”. Here is the answer.

Magicians and sorcerers, "cosmic energies" put the self-aggrandizement of a person at the center, even through his "improvement".

Many people talk about “love”, “forgiveness of insults” - in order to “cleanse their aura”, lulling gullible people with beautiful words.

But in our sinful world there is neither forgiveness of offenses nor love without suffering. Christ speaks directly: if we want to become better, learn to love - we must follow Him, His way of the cross - each in his own measure.

Yes, the Kingdom of God is within us, that is, we can be happy already here on this earth, but at first we will not have to “exalt ourselves”, but humble ourselves, rejecting ourselves. It's painful and difficult. Indeed, not everyone is ready for this.

There is another reason why a person "chooses" a magician, and not God. A modern person, according to psychologists, has many different phobias, but all of them can be combined into one - the fear of living. One of the manifestations of this fear is the unwillingness to take responsibility.

Coming to some kind of sorcerer, magician or healer, a person says: “I have such and such a problem, solve it for me,” that is, he shifts responsibility for his life to another.

And he does not care how this problem will be solved, and what will be done with him.

Another manifestation of the fear of living is the lack of critical thinking, since any analysis requires a choice, and hence responsibility. People of a certain type suffer from this, people who fall into the hands of occultists, into totalitarian sects.

And there are those who under no circumstances will go to magicians and healers: if I don’t understand what they will do with me, then I won’t allow anyone to do anything with me.

“But there are some extreme, stressful situations in life when a person simply cannot adequately assess what is happening, including critical thinking. Is there some kind of safety technique for them so as not to fall into the clutches of sorcerers or swindlers?

- A person in a critical situation does what suits his warehouse.

And if in a normal state he developed a clear attitude towards such services and phenomena as witchcraft and magic, then even under stress he will not resort to them.

The main thing is to remember that if at least once, even in the form of a game, for example, in a spiritualistic session, a person consciously calls on the dark force, or enters into any interaction with it, he himself opens the door to the enemy in his life.

And then it can be very difficult to terminate this union, because, having received the rights to a person, the devil will not want to give them away so easily. And a person will be forced to pay not for this desire to terminate the union, but for allowing this union to take place. But it must be endured - humbly and courageously. And if you also turn to God for help and truly strive for Him, then the Lord will help, protect, and deliver.