White Bengal Tiger

White Bengal Tiger

Bengali (White) Tiger is a rare subspecies, included in the Red Book of the International Nature Conservation Union.

Bengal tiger It lives in North and Central India, in Nepal and Burma. He also lives on the territory of Sundarbana (surroundings of the mouth of the r. Gang) and Bangladesh. Bengal tigers of ordinary red coloring sometimes give birth to cubs with white wool, on which, however, dark stripes are saved. In nature, they survive extremely rarely - such animals cannot successfully hunt, as they are too noticeable. White tigers are specifically bred for circus and zoos.

Among animals with a normal ordinary color there are white individuals, which are called albinos, but this is a delusion, the white tiger albino is not. These animal pigment has so little that their eyes look red due to visible blood vessels. All are known white mice, rats, and rabbits. It is known that in 1922 in India (according to other sources - in Burma) shot two pure white tigers with red eyes. There are similar cases in southern China. The rest of the famous white tigers in the full sense of this word albino cannot be called: most of them are blue-eyed and have brown stripes on the skin. More precisely, it would be about bright (white) color variation of their coloring. Their duration is less than conventional tigers and they have more fragile health. In natural conditions, the white tiger is harder to survive, because it gives it a bright color during the hunt. Many people believe that these predators occurred from Siberia, and the white color is disguised as life in snow conditions. In fact, white tigers appeared in India.

Through thousand years tigers with white color It seemed to people with creatures whipped by a halo of mystery. Sometimes they instilled fear, often became objects of religious worship. In Kyrgyzstan, they talked about a white tiger, which is able to solve all the difficult problems of people. During the ritual dance, Kyrgyz shamans, flowing into a deep trance, appealed to the tiger asking for help. In medieval China, a white tiger was drawn at the gate of the Taoist temples to protect against unclean. White Tiger personified some kind of guard of the country of the dead, symbolized longevity. The Chinese graves put the stone sculptures in the form of a tiger: the demons had to experience horror in front of such a "guard".

And the Indians sacred believed that if a person sees a white tiger, he will be given enlightenment and complete happiness. It is from India, where the white tiger was perceived as a super-sufficient, quite material, and not mythical, the White Tiger went on the road worldwide.

All the white tigers contained today in captivity occur from one common ancestor - a Bengali male named Mohan.
In May 1951, Magaraga roar hunted tigers. The hunters stumbled upon a lair with four teenage tigers, one of which attracted the attention of the ruler with his unusual white color. Three red tigers were killed, and white cub spared. In the palace Magarazhi Govindagari Tiger, whom Mohan called, lived for about 12 years.

The ruler of the roar was proud that he had such a rare beast and he wanted to have them more on the whole world. When Mohan grew, he was "saushed" the female - ordinary, red. She periodically brought a crucible, but whites among them, alas, was not! This continued until one of the daughters of Mohan with dad was reduced, that is, the same inbreeding (near-good crossing), which, although weakens the vitality of descendants, it consolidates the necessary signs. The result was not forced to wait: In November 1958, in the litter of 4 tiger, one was white.

After that, the number of such animals in the palace began to increase rapidly. To contain a large group, even the Magarage was not valid, and it was decided to sell "surplus". Despite the fact that the Indian government declared rare animals by the national heritage, several tigers were soon taken out of the country.

In 1960, one of the sons of Mojana went to the US National Park in Washington. Some time later white tigers Found in the UK, in the Bristol Zoo. Spectacular cats started their triumphal march throughout the world.

How many of them are now in the world? No one can say the exact number as these animals are contained not only in zoos and circus, but also in private bellows. Despite the close relatives of all white tigers, while there is no significant weakening of the viability of these animals. Most white tiger Their ancestor of Mohana lives in the motherland - in India. They can be seen in almost every Indian zoo. They are in America and in Europe.

The frequency of the appearance of white tigers is 1 part for 10,000 with normal color. White tigers multiply in captivity in captivity.

Now there are about 130 white tigers in the world's zoos.

In 1987, a tiger image was discovered in the graves of the Central Chinese province of Henan, its age is about 6,000 years. Tiger's talisman was made of shells and found next to the body. It was the earliest manifestation of a white tiger in the image of a talisman.

Popularity white Tiger Gradually began to lead to the fact that there were too many of them, and now the special bodies are followed by their population.

Bengal Tiger (Panthera Tigris Bengalensi) is a special subspecies of the tiger, inhabiting in North and Central India, Burma, Nepal, on the territory of Bangladesh and Sundarbana (in the vicinity of the mouth of the Gang River).

This is the largest of all tigers: the maximum weight recorded by scientists was 388.7 kilograms, which is five kilograms more than that of the largest suspended Amur Tiger.

Famous white tigers are not a fad of genetics, but a variety of Bengal tigers watering in nature. These are not albinos, as it may seem at first glance (although albinos among tigers, of course, are also found) - Bengal white tigers have black stripes and blue eyes. White skin of the skins is due to the disadvantage of melanin. In the wild, white young cubs are born in ordinary red tigers quite rarely.

Since ancient times, these unusual creatures were endowed with magical abilities and surrounded by numerous beliefs. They were read in Kyrgyzstan, China and, of course, in India, it was believed that, seeing a white tiger, you can gain enlightenment (probably quite often posthumously). It is from India that white tigers spread around the world.

Among the animals with a normal ordinary color there are white individuals, which are called albinos. These animal pigment has so little that their eyes look red due to visible blood vessels. All are known white mice, rats, and rabbits. It is known that in 1922 in India (according to other sources - in Burma) shot two pure white tigers with red eyes. There are similar cases in southern China. The rest of the famous white tigers in the full sense of this word albino cannot be called: most of them are blue-eyed and have brown stripes on the skin. More precisely, it would be about bright (white) color variation of their coloring.

Bengal tigers of ordinary red coloring sometimes give birth to cubs with white wool, on which, however, dark stripes are saved. In nature, they survive extremely rarely - such animals cannot successfully hunt, as they are too noticeable. White tigers are specifically bred for circus and zoos.

In captivity they are breeding as a separate appearance, because the color is inherited genetically. White parents are always born white crucibles, and the red tigers have such offspring - a rarity. It is not surprising that people prefer not to count on luck, but simply cross the white tigers with each other. Therefore, white tigers in captivity have weaker health than their free relatives. Although in nature the life of a white tiger, at least herself healthy, difficult. He is more noticeable, it is difficult for him to hunt. So zoo-headed conversions, surrounded by care, still live longer - up to 26 years.

All white tigers in the capture occur from one male. Tiger named Mohan belonged to one Indian Magände.

In May 1951, Magaraga roar hunted tigers. The hunters stumbled upon a lair with four teenage tigers, one of which attracted the attention of the ruler with his unusual white color. Three red tigers were killed, and white cub spared. In the palace Magarazhi Govindagari Tiger, whom Mohan called, lived for about 12 years.
The ruler of the roar was proud that he had such a rare beast and he wanted to have them more on the whole world. When Mohan grew, he was "saushed" the female - ordinary, red. She periodically brought a crucible, but whites among them, alas, was not! This continued until one of the daughters of Mohan with dad was reduced, that is, the same inbreeding (near-good crossing), which, although weakens the vitality of descendants, it consolidates the necessary signs. The result was not forced to wait: In November 1958, in the litter of 4 tiger, one was white. After that, the number of such animals in the palace began to increase rapidly. To contain a large group, even the Magarage was not valid, and it was decided to sell "surplus". Despite the fact that the Indian government declared rare animals by the national heritage, several tigers were soon taken out of the country. In 1960, one of the sons of Mojana went to the US National Park in Washington. After some time, the white tigers were in the UK, in the Bristol Zoo. Spectacular cats started their triumphal march throughout the world.
How many of them are now in the world? No one can say the exact number as these animals are contained not only in zoos and circus, but also in private bellows. Despite the close relatives of all white tigers, while there is no significant weakening of the viability of these animals.

The most white tigers live their ancestors of Mohan - in India. They can be seen in almost every Indian zoo. They are in America and in Europe.

In Russia, the White Tiger first appeared in 2003. The five-year-old male arrived to us from Holland. A year later, the bride came to him - the female from Sweden. In 2005, the couple made three white tigrite on the light. Two of them went to Russian zoos - to Novosibirsk and in Yekaterinburg, and one in South Africa. And in March 2008, the female brought three more tiger.

Bengal tiger, like other types of tigers, is protected in all states where it lives. It is introduced into the Red Book of IUCN, the hunt for this predator is completely prohibited, caught tigering, the use of parts of the body of the Tiger criminal is punishable. Although its popularity in the poaching environment does not weaken. After all, according to some reports, Tiger's carcass stands on the "black market" more than 40 thousand dollars, a tigrine skin - 20 thousand, and kilograms of bones - up to 5 thousand.

The first White Tiger appeared in the Moscow Zoo in May 2003. After a monthly quarantine, he was transferred to the pavilion "Cats of Tropics". The five-year-old male arrived here from the Zoo of the Dutch city of Amersfour. A year later, a female from Sweden arrived in the neighboring with him. When the tigress was mastered, the cats introduced. And in July 2005, a happy event happened in the zoo - three wonderful white tigers were born. The female turned out to be a caring mom, all cruciates grew safely. Two of them replenished the collections of Russian zoos: one went to Novosibirsk, the other - in Yekaterinburg. The third tigers went on a distant journey to South Africa. In March 2008, three more tigers were born.

In the pavilion "Cats of Tropics" most often you can see only adult tigers. In a large street aviary, they walk in turn (outside the breeding season animals can be aggressive to each other). Our two white tiger is completely different. The male in character is large, impulvet, but very playful. It was he who will take a long time with new toys that employees give him. He wears them in the teeth, pushes his paws, sometimes jumps around like a kitten. His special love is a pool. He is happy to bathe, plays water, and in the heat and sleeps in the pool. Tigress is more powerful. It does not enter the water, plays less often. Only at the time when the crucibles were grown up, she gladly ricked with them. There are tigers and food preferences: the male does not eat fish and rabbits at all, he prefers meat. For the female, rabbits are a treat, she will gladly eat fish and offal. Our white tigers stay in good health, and we hope that the perky tigering young people will reprow us more than once with their cheerful one.

Tigryul - White Bengal Tigress, presented to the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko, and which became, thanks to the use of her photo on campaign bilboards, a peculiar symbol of the new year-2010 in Ukraine.

According to Chinese mythology, the Tiger is the personification of military valve. Its image is used in the fight against demons and evil spirits. In Feng Shui, this sacred animal acts as a white tiger. The spirit of this animal is so fierce and strong that the best protection against evil is not found.

White Tiger is the keeper of the West (on a compass school of Feng Shui) or to the right of the entrance door. The white color of the tiger is explained by the fact that the Western side of the world in China is a symbol of the other world or the country of the dead, and in this country, as is known, white color is the color of mourning. You need to use a white tiger mascot with caution. This is a very ferocious and strong animal, and with the wrong handling of it, instead of protection, you can get the opposite, it will be directed against you. It must be said that the Chinese do not use the tiger mascot for internal protection at home if there is someone who was born in the year of that animal that tiger uses in food (for example, a boar, cock, rabbit). In any case, at home it is better to have either the sculpture of the sleeping white tiger, or not to have at all. But if you still decided to use Talisman Tiger, then according to the rules of Feng Shui, it should be metallic. In principle, let's say a stone or made of wood or glass. Tiger color can be selected white, yellow, beige, silver and golden. You can purchase the desired talismans and the symbols of Feng Shui here: Esoteric - online store of Feng Shui, unusual gifts and souvenirs. And a very important advice: In order for the tiger to protect you correctly from external aggression, it is necessary that the dragon be more tiger. It will balance and control the turbulent essence of the tiger. The dragon symbolizes the male beginning yang, and the tiger, as mutually complementing the opposite, is the feminine start or energy of Yin. Therefore, the dragon should always be larger, otherwise he does not defeat the fierce tigrin nest.

In nature, sometimes interesting mutations occur, as a result of which there are individuals with new features in the species composition of animals. As a result, white tigers appeared one of these mutations. This is a rather rare animal fascinating with its appearance. White tiger differs from the usual bright white wool color with black and brown stripes and blue eyes.

In nature, white individuals are rare, since bright appearance does not allow the belly to dry up the extraction of imperceptibly and provides a lot of problems during hunting. But in captivity, white tigers successfully live and multiply, and their way of life does not differ from the way of life of their reddish relatives.

To date, about 130 individuals of white tigers live in all zoos of the world. There they are a kind of landmark, because this mutation arises quite rarely and only 10,000 individuals with conventional color accounts for 1 individual with white.

Due to erroneous opinion, many people consider white tigers albinos. Pigment melanin is present, even though its content is less than the norm. In fact, a white tiger is just a color variation of the Bengal tiger, which manifests the so-called recessive gene white gene.

Bengali (White) Tiger is a rare subspecies, included in the Red Book of the International Nature Conservation Union.

Bengal tiger It lives in North and Central India, in Nepal and Burma. He also lives on the territory of Sundarbana (surroundings of the mouth of the r. Gang) and Bangladesh. Bengal tigers of ordinary red coloring sometimes give birth to cubs with white wool, on which, however, dark stripes are saved. In nature, they survive extremely rarely - such animals cannot successfully hunt, as they are too noticeable. White tigers are specifically bred for circus and zoos.

Among animals with a normal ordinary color there are white individuals that are called albinoHowever, this is a delusion, the white tiger albino is not. These animal pigment has so little that their eyes look red due to visible blood vessels. All are known white mice, rats, and rabbits. It is known that in 1922 in India (according to other sources - in Burma) shot two pure white tigers with red eyes. There are similar cases in southern China. The rest of the famous white tigers in the full sense of this word albino cannot be called: most of them are blue-eyed and have brown stripes on the skin. More precisely, it would be about bright (white) color variation of their coloring. Their duration is less than conventional tigers and they have more fragile health. In natural conditions, the white tiger is harder to survive, because it gives it a bright color during the hunt. Many people believe that these predators occurred from Siberia, and the white color is disguised as life in snow conditions. In fact, white tigers appeared in India.

Through thousand years tigers with white color It seemed to people with creatures whipped by a halo of mystery. Sometimes they instilled fear, often became objects of religious worship. In Kyrgyzstan, they talked about a white tiger, which is able to solve all the difficult problems of people. During the ritual dance, Kyrgyz shamans, flowing into a deep trance, appealed to the tiger asking for help. In medieval China, a white tiger was drawn at the gate of the Taoist temples to protect against unclean. White Tiger personified some kind of guard of the country of the dead, symbolized longevity. The Chinese graves put the stone sculptures in the form of a tiger: the demons had to experience horror in front of such a "guard".

And the Indians sacred believed that if a person sees a white tiger, he will be given enlightenment and complete happiness. It is from India, where the white tiger was perceived as a super-sufficient, quite material, and not mythical, the White Tiger went on the road worldwide.

All the white tigers contained today in captivity occur from one common ancestor - a Bengali male named Mohan.
In May 1951, Magaraga roar hunted tigers. The hunters stumbled upon a lair with four teenage tigers, one of which attracted the attention of the ruler with his unusual white color. Three red tigers were killed, and white cub spared. In the palace Magarazhi Govindagari Tiger, whom Mohan called, lived for about 12 years.

The ruler of the roar was proud that he had such a rare beast and he wanted to have them more on the whole world. When Mohan grew, he was "saushed" the female - ordinary, red. She periodically brought a crucible, but whites among them, alas, was not! This continued until one of the daughters of Mohan with dad was reduced, that is, the same inbreeding (near-good crossing), which, although weakens the vitality of descendants, it consolidates the necessary signs. The result was not forced to wait: In November 1958, in the litter of 4 tiger, one was white.

After that, the number of such animals in the palace began to increase rapidly. To contain a large group, even the Magarage was not valid, and it was decided to sell "surplus". Despite the fact that the Indian government declared rare animals by the national heritage, several tigers were soon taken out of the country.

In 1960, one of the sons of Mojana went to the US National Park in Washington. Some time later white tigers Found in the UK, in the Bristol Zoo. Spectacular cats started their triumphal march throughout the world.

How many of them are now in the world? No one can say the exact number as these animals are contained not only in zoos and circus, but also in private bellows. Despite the close relatives of all white tigers, while there is no significant weakening of the viability of these animals. Most white tiger Their ancestor of Mohana lives in the motherland - in India. They can be seen in almost every Indian zoo. They are in America and in Europe.

The frequency of the appearance of white tigers is 1 part for 10,000 with normal color. White tigers multiply in captivity in captivity.

Now there are about 130 white tigers in the world's zoos.

In 1987, a tiger image was discovered in the graves of the Central Chinese province of Henan, its age is about 6,000 years. Tiger's talisman was made of shells and found next to the body. It was the earliest manifestation of a white tiger in the image of a talisman.

Popularity white Tiger Gradually began to lead to the fact that there were too many of them, and now the special bodies are followed by their population.

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We all know that Tiger is fiery cats with black stripes, we also know about beautiful white Bengal tigers - snow-white with black stripes. And what do we know about gold, black and Maltese tigers? Today I will tell you about them :)

Golden Tiger

Golden Tiger - the most rarely encountered color change caused by the recessive genome. Such representatives of tigers differ from their relatives a little large size and softer golden wool with orange stripes, black stripes can be seen only in some individuals on the tip of the tail. There is a version that the development of this type of color gradually developed in the group of tigers, one of which possessed the recessive genome of the Golden Color and periodically broke with his offspring. The color emerged served as an additional camouflage for such tigers living in areas rich in clay soils. At the moment, the captivitys about 30 tigers of the gold color.

Black Tiger

Black Tiger - a rare color variation of a tiger, which is not a separate view or geographical subspecies. Black tigers are named because of the pseudo-node. Black pseudo-tigers are so close to each other that the background color is barely visible between them. For a long time, black tigers were considered a myth, however, several skins proved that pseudo-melanysts exist. Melanysts, unlike black tigers, painted in evenly black color without stripes. Tiger melainist It was captured only once, now it is a wound image.

Maltese (Blue) Tiger

Artistic view of the Maltese Tiger

The existence of the Maltese (blue) tiger is not proven, but messages about meetings with it are periodically coming from the Chinese province of Fujian and Korea. Based on these messages, the tiger has a blue-colored fur fur with dark gray stripes. Perhaps due to illegal production of tigers in China, the blue variety of tigers completely extinct. Around 1910, Harry Caldwell, american missionary and a hunter on a large game, hunted on a blue tiger in the vicinity of Fuzhou. His searches are described in the Blue Tiger Blue Champsage book (1924): "The color of the beast is strikingly beautiful. The main color has a delicate Maltese shade, changing on a light gray-blue to the bottom. Strips are clearly highlighted as an ordinary yellow tiger" . The later message about the Maltese Tiger was received from the US military period during the Korean company. The soldier saw a blue tiger in the mountains next to the demilitarized zone. This meeting is described in the book of Karl Shuker "Mysterious Cats of the World". Also, reports about blue tigers came from Burma.

White Tiger

White Bengal tigers have black and brown stripes on white fur and blue eyes. Such painting is very rare among wild animals, but often distributed in the deposits contained in captive. On 10,000 tigers, only one is born white. The first mention of the White Tigre is referred to 1951, when one of the hunters found in the den of the White Tigrenka tiger. This tiger was crossed with a female ordinary color, which gave birth to 4 red tigry. Then the white tiger was crossed with one of his daughters, and in the litter of three cigries two were white. Thus, all white tigers contained in captivity are descendants of one individual. Now in zoos contains about 130 white tigers.

White Bengal Tiger is not albino. Tiger albino It does not have black stripes at all.