10. Lilith - "Case No. 39" (2009)

When a girl in a horror movie is called by the name of a biblical demon, it's not good. Indeed, Lilith turns out to be an otherworldly succubus monster that takes an innocent appearance, infiltrates families and destroys them, tormenting family members with terrible visions. She also does not disdain the families of social workers who take care of her, taking her away from her “bad parents”. Jodelle Ferland played the main villain in the film by Christian Alvert.

9. Esther - "Child of Darkness" (2009)

Towards the end of the horror film Jaume Collet-Serra, the main characters learn that the Estonian girl they adopted is much older than she seems. But since Esther looks like a child, and the appearance in horror is more important than the essence, then we have the right to place this insane killer on our sinister hit parade. In addition, Esther was played not by an adult actress, but by a young Isabelle Furman. Note that the picture at one time caused a lot of protests from organizations supporting international adoption. Like, you can't tell from the screen that a "pig in a poke" brought from abroad can be dangerous for the whole family.

8. Dark Alessa - "Silent Hill" (2006)

In the mystical horror movie by Christoph Gahn, based on the famous video game series Silent Hill, a girl with paranormal powers named Alessa splits at some point. Her childhood innocence is concentrated in Light Alessa, who later receives the name Sharon, and her anger and hatred for the cult that tried to burn her at the stake, give rise to the demonic and frightening Dark Alessa, who becomes one of the villains of the tape. Both incarnations of Alessa were played by Jodelle Ferland.

7. Abby - “Let me in. Saga "(2010)

When there is a choice between the original and the remake, we usually choose the remake, but for our hit parade the Swedish horror Let Me In is not suitable. The fact is that its main vampire character looks like a girl, but is actually a castrated boy. In the American remake of Matt Reeves, this strange plot detail was not preserved, and therefore the young bloodsucker performed by Chloe Grace Moretz has the right to take a place on our list.

6. Nell - "The Devil's Last Exorcism" (2010)

In Daniel Strain's mystical horror film, a teenage girl named Nell is introduced to the audience as possessed by a demon. She actually behaves so frighteningly, as if the devil possessed her. However, the truth, which the priest invited to drive out the demon, finds out, turns out to be much more complicated and much more frightening ... However, the devilry is also present in the film. Nell played Ashley Bell.

5. Karen - "Night of the Living Dead" (1968)

Herald of the tradition of creepy zombie children, 11-year-old Karen, at the climax of the classic horror film by George Romero, first devours her father's corpse and then kills her mother. Karen, who dies from a zombie virus for most of the movie, spends very little of her screen time as a zombie. But this time turned out to be enough for the girl performed by Kira Sean to be engraved in the memory of many spectators.

4. Girls with a Skipping Rope - "A Nightmare on Elm Street" (1984)

Who are the ghostly girls in white dresses singing the Freddy Krueger countdown in A Nightmare on Elm Street? Apparently, these are the ghosts of children whom Kruger killed when he was not yet an otherworldly monster. Now they foreshadow the appearance of Freddie and remind with their song that potential victims should not sleep, because Kruger comes for them in their sleep. The girls do not do anything terrible, but they still inspire horror as soon as it becomes clear what their plot point is.

3. Kin - "Bad Seed" (1956)

In the classic Hollywood horror, which is considered one of the founders of the "scary girl" trail, the eight-year-old daughter of the protagonists killed classmates and neighbors for the most trivial reasons. As the main character realized what her daughter was doing, she found out that she herself was the daughter of a serial killer and that the girl had inherited her grandmother's sociopathy. Unlike the book on which the film was based, in the film the girl died in the finale, while her mother survived. This was due to the fact that the Hollywood rules of that time forbade leaving evil unpunished. Little Patty McCormack was nominated for an Oscar for her portrayal of Rhoda.

2. The Grady Twins - The Shining (1980)

The ghostly Grady twins in Stanley Kubrick's classic horror movie don't do anything particularly intimidating. They just appear in the hallway and invite little Danny, the main character of the tape, to play. However, this scene is presented so skillfully that it evokes animal horror both in Danny and in the audience. Incidentally, Kubrick did not specifically look for twins and planned to make do with regular sisters. But when Lisa and Louise Burns came to audition, the director immediately realized that in the context of the film, the twins would look much worse than just two little girls.

1. Regan - The Exorcist (1973)

Regan appears in the plot of the film by William Friedkin as the most ordinary American teenage girl from an intelligent family. Then an ancient demon possesses her, and the "chorus girl" turns into a little monster that scares to death even the seasoned Catholic exorcists. When Friedkin was preparing for filming, it was not easy for him to find a young actress whom he would not be afraid to make to do everything that Regan does on the screen. When the director settled on Linda Blair, the girl had to undergo a psychological examination, which confirmed that Linda had a strong enough psyche to survive the image of the possessed.


Let's talk a little about someone who always frightened and attracted people with his existence, but at the same time not only He, but also His children. Let's talk about Satan or the Devil. His image is more endowed with the fruits of human passions of fears, because he could always acquire various guises. For example, to young women, He often appeared in the guise of a beautiful man, especially in dreams. This was often accompanied by such violent emotional impressions that after such meetings, women could hardly find something similar in earthly ordinary men. Therefore, many of the women became His brides and lovers, not finding such a passion in other relationships.
In the Bible, He is described as the son of the dawn, the key keeper of the abyss, the keeper of knowledge. In Islam, He was Iblis. There were always a huge number of Legions of Dark Power Demons under His command. If you look at Him from the point of view of the Bible, then He is like the first-born angel, the most beautiful and radiant, whose name is Lucifer. The one who gives knowledge and patronizes art, reveals deep secrets and knowledge to a person. This is black matter, the dark side of Chaos. But no matter how much we try to understand and cognize this essence, from whatever sides we look at Him, we cannot understand and cognize Him to the end, because He is an inexhaustible source.
But more specifically, we will touch on the topic of His children. Who they are, how can they be recognized and understood. Such children, like everyone else, have ordinary earthly parents who conceived them. But at the moment of conception itself, a certain entity enters a man, because of which he becomes already someone else. For example, God Zeus had the ability to take on different guises and indulge in love with earthly women that he liked. This is the Power that can subjugate any person and any mind. And then the man may not remember at all what he did, what happened to him and how everything happened, but the child was conceived. And this is no longer his child, he was simply given to this family for education, but was the offspring of the Black Father. Such children are unusual from childhood: they are most often outcasts, not understood by other children, talented and inquisitive, but at the same time have leadership qualities of character. These are unearthly children, but with all this they have everything the same as ordinary children: needs, physiological problems, diseases. These are children from women whom He himself chose. And, as a rule, these are very beautiful women, with aristocratic features, inaccessible, whom everyone admires. They become wives of Satan without knowing it.
Many feature films are shot about Satan, the Devil or Lucifer. And one gets the impression that it is not just that, as if this information comes from Him. He gives knowledge. He is too selective and not everyone likes him. He is not interested in those who are ready to crawl on their knees to give their souls in return for money and fame, like slaves. He is simply not interested in such people. Much more attractive to Him are people with an inner core, strong-willed, free and those who are not ready to submit just like that. And only them He is ready to seduce and conquer.
His children are entities and there are many of them. These are people who rise to heights by any means: over their heads, through their talents, thanks to ingenuity and intelligence, but they attain heights that few are able to master. And they are not as vulnerable as an ordinary person. They can do whatever they want: expose life barriers, throw off what they have achieved, put sticks in their wheels, make various troubles, but there is little to surprise them, they get up further and go forward again. Sometimes they themselves, being alone with their thoughts, ask for protection and help from their Father, but you will never know this, because they do not advertise it. And everything that happens to them in their careers, in their lives, is all thanks to the patronage of their Father. Unlike God, He does not ask to crawl on your knees, bang your forehead on the floor of the church and kiss the holy icons, He does not need slavish behavior, for Him these are His children. He will not force you to humiliate yourself all your life, in order to receive a reward at the end, His patronage can be obtained much faster. He is honest with people and bluntly says that vanity is definitely the most beloved of His sins. Although sin is a concept invented by people. Sin, which means not hitting the target, doing an act, doing something that does not bring a good result. And for some reason, this definition was made fundamental in religion, which began to frighten the poor and already emaciated people. We are talking about mercy, but why did the church come up with Hell, in which eternal devils fry and kill people for ever? Is this mercy? This is something worth considering.
The children of the Devil have certain marks that the Inquisition knew and carefully looked for them on those unfortunates who were sent to the fire. These were birthmarks of the most varied and unusual shapes. But you should not run and examine your body for the presence of such, since those who are His children, in the course of life, one way or another understand this. And even the most devout people, who to the tips of their nails feel their union with God, eventually realize that their Father is a completely different essence. This is a freedom-loving spirit, unconquered, not willing to crawl and be a slave, to obey. He bestows knowledge and talents through his children. That is why in many arts His vision and will are dictated, from which for some time the church forbade opera, theater, and poetry, considering it a sin. After all, art reveals in a person his most secret desires, seething passions, feelings and emotions, tearing the soul, penetrating into the depths of the human subconscious. Often a person cries while listening to this or that composition, empathizes with the actors on the stage. All this is an art that not many people own. Many sell their souls for the blessings of life, for fame and fame, and He can conclude a contract with them. But this will not last long, since He destroys them, destroys their lives over time. He gives real help and protection only to his children. You do not recognize His children in any way, you can only guess who they are.
Those who try to penetrate into His space, ask for help and gifts, can be very punished for this impudence, because He does not like strangers and He Himself chooses whom He needs. And a person who, once realizing whose it is, begins to climb sharply up the top. Children of the Devil themselves lead their own destiny, they are not afraid of anything: no human censure, no idle opinion, no obstacles on the road of life. He never leaves his children, because they are His representatives and continuation on Earth.

In May 1971, I gave birth to my first child - daughter Masha. In the ward of the maternity hospital, she met one woman in labor, Lena. She also had a girl. They gave her a strange name - Olivia. Apparently, because my father was an archaeologist, obsessed with excavations in the Crimea. But in everyday life everyone called Olivia Olya, so there were no particular problems.
Lena and I were brought to feed at the same time, and I immediately noticed that Olya had star-shaped moles on both shoulders on the back. I wish the parents would think about it then, but the time was godless, and educated people did not particularly believe in omens and signs. But my mother, originally from a Siberian village, when she heard from me a story about suspicious moles, she immediately said that the child is from the devil. And she also added that if such a child was born in her homeland, about a hundred years ago, he would not have been allowed to grow up - he would have simply starved to death.
From such horrors I felt unwell, and more I never talked about Olya with my mother. But we continued our communication with Lena. About once a year, I went to visit her, so I saw how her daughter was developing. It was immediately obvious that Olya would grow up to be a bitchy little thing. She always knew better than anyone how what to do, her tongue was sharp as a dagger. In addition, she promised to become a beauty and in this she was very different from her ordinary-looking parents.
An inner voice told me that Olya and Masha should not be friends, so I did not take my daughter with me. And she did the right thing, as it turned out. One day, an anxious Lena calls me, cries and asks me to come. Only she is in the apartment - Olya is with her grandmother, her husband is on a business trip. It turned out that while dismantling the children's corner, my friend came across the drawings. I looked at them and was horrified. On all, Olya's hand depicted scenes of the murders of parents in different ways, surrounded by inverted stars inscribed in a circle. And many strange symbols - letters of some ancient alphabet.
Now everyone would understand that these were black magic affairs, but then the only thing that bothered Lena was that her daughter did not get registered with psychiatrists when she went to school (she was not sent to kindergarten), which was fraught with “a wolf ticket "For life. I sympathized with my friend, but could not advise her anything. The girl needed to be treated, but her mother did not want to hear about it.
Returning from another expedition, Oli's father recognized in her drawings the symbols of one of the Satanist cults of Ancient Greece, which he had once met during excavations. Trying to better understand his daughter's scribbles, he showed them to his fellow scientists. Those of them who knew more about this cult were amazed - the girl very accurately reproduced the ancient death spells. My father insisted that he never kept literature on this topic at home. In the end, people of science took it as a curiosity and forgot it.
And six months later, I learned that Lena's husband, a merry fellow and a love-lover, had committed suicide. He was left alone at home with his daughter, according to her, he put her to bed, and he went to the kitchen, put a rope on the gas pipe and hanged himself. The corpse was found by his wife, who had returned from the night shift - it hung in the same way as in one of her daughter's drawings.
Having recovered from grief, Lena decided to send Olya to a boarding school. She motivated this by the fact that with her shift work it was impossible to look after the child. But I felt that she was simply afraid of her daughter and did not want to live with her in the same house. Agree, what a tragedy it is for the mother ...
But Lena did not have time to carry out her plans. Just a month after the death of her husband, she threw herself out of the window. And again Olya did not see or hear anything, since she was asleep. I remembered that she had already depicted such a death of her mother earlier, in those memorable drawings.
The only thing that I know about further events is that Olya was given to be raised by her grandparents. I did not want to follow her fate, because, I confess, I myself began to be afraid of this girl.
Still, my mother turned out to be right - this child did not bring happiness to his parents. It is a pity that she was born in a large city, and not in a remote Siberian village. There they would know what to do ...

Satanist Isabella Miroslav from Waco, Texas, USA, claims that she conceived by the Devil last year. She promises that the soon-to-be-born child of Satan will become the President of the United States and create a single world government.

Isabella says it all happened, that when one late evening she was finishing her prayer to the Prince of Darkness. Then he suddenly appeared, ordered the woman to take off her clothes and took possession of her.

"The devil told me that I will give birth and will raise his son," Miroslav said. "After the boy turns 12, he will become the president of the United States and create a single world government."

Why does the Devil want a single government on Earth?

Miroslav explains this as follows: "So it will be easier for him to control everything and receive the souls of every person. He is preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ, which will happen in 13 years. If by that time the Devil takes possession of all human souls, the power of Jesus will be weakened and Satan will be able to easily destroy him, and then he and his demons will invade heaven and kill the angels and God.The devil, his demons, my son and I will move to heaven, most of everyone else will go to hell, and the Earth will become intended for all those people who accept Devil as his master. Animals will also remain on Earth. "

The child Miroslav plans to call the Devil Jr., in honor of his father.

Only now the question arises: will the life of Isabella and the child be safe after she publicly announced that she is pregnant and intends to give birth to the devil?

Indeed, some devout believers will have a strong urge to kill both in order to resist the takeover of the planet by the Devil.

"Satan gave me superpowers that I can use against anyone who tries to harm me or our child. I can shoot fiery lightning from my hands, I can put an impenetrable protective field, I can use karate techniques, since Satan endowed me with the art of perfect mastery this martial art. I have not tried my superpowers on anyone, but if any Christian assholes try to contact me or Devil Jr., I will defeat them. "

Miroslav wants people to accept the Devil now, invite him to be their dark Lord and master. If they do this, then, according to Isabella, they will be able to stay on Earth and they will not have to go to hell. Defeating the devil, she said, is impossible, so humanity should make a decision as soon as possible.

The incubus is a demon interested in women. The word comes from the Latin "incubare", which literally translates into Russian, as reclining on top. These demons come to young girls in a dream, enter into intimacy with them, after which women sometimes have children ...

Did the nuns give birth to demons?

In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII signed a document advising women how to protect themselves from lustful evil forces. More often than not, the incubus harassed the nuns. Hundreds of women in convents, where men could not get, gave birth to children from demons. The lay women did not stand aside either. Although, let's be honest, in most cases, women referred to sex with demons in cases where they could not justify an unwanted pregnancy ...

In the Middle Ages, incubi were described as vile and humpbacked creatures. It was believed that the children born of them were just as ugly. And the Inquisition, in turn, called all babies with the slightest deviations, who were not born from legitimate husbands, the children of the Devil.

Later, starting from the 17th century, the Incubi, on the contrary, were described by handsome men. There were cases when demons appeared in the form of deceased husbands.

See also:


Medieval legends about conception from ghosts can be called fictions. In those distant times, in general, a lot of things were invented!

In 1988, in Leningrad, a 22-year-old patient, Anna, was diagnosed with hypoplasia, popularly called this ailment "children's uterus." With this diagnosis, conception is impossible. Her husband immediately left the girl. Parents said that for more than a month the girl was in severe depression.

One night, she dreamed of her husband. He asked for forgiveness and entered into an intimacy with her, which, according to Anna, was fabulously stormy. Leaving, he said: "We will have a son" - and disappeared into thin air.

A month later, the girl came to the gynecologist, who determined that she was four weeks pregnant. The doctors were confused, and the girl was diagnosed in several clinics. Having opened the archives, doctors found out that women with such a diagnosis sometimes give birth. Prior to that, such a case was recorded in 1910. True, for that woman everything went naturally, the child was born from a living and legitimate husband ...

Doctors offered to have the girl an abortion, arguing that with her diagnosis, the child would not be born healthy. Anna flatly refused. The birth was difficult and ended with the death of the girl. And the child himself was born dead.

Later, Anna's parents said that on the supposed nights of conception, poltergeist phenomena were observed in their apartment: footsteps and creaks of doors were heard.