At the end of 2015, at the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution "College of Communications No. 54" named after. P.M. Vostrukhin, the "Cisco Network Academy" was opened.

Courses under the Cisco Networking Academy program are an excellent basis for obtaining basic knowledge and improving existing ones in the field of network technologies and will be useful not only for yesterday's students, IT specialists, but also for beginners.

The "highlight" of the courses is precisely the practice, when students work out real situations of finding defects and optimizing the working network.

We offer you courses:

  • "Course ICND1 (Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1)"

To achieve a high professional level means to receive respect, recognition and, of course, a considerable financial reward for your work. Therefore, the issue of raising the level of qualification comes to the fore. Good professionals are lifelong learners. In the age of constantly developing technologies, it is impossible to constantly be in the "stream" having received a diploma of education only once in a lifetime. In order to remain in demand as a specialist, one has to regularly attend thematic seminars and undergo retraining at advanced training courses.

Cisco Networking Academy

In the age of universal computerization, there is an unprecedented demand for IT specialists. Getting an IT specialty means staying in demand as a specialist for many years to come, because this area is the most actively developing in the whole world. You can acquire a new profession by completing retraining courses under the Cisco Networking Academy program, based on the N54 College of Communications in Moscow.

Cisco courses are one of the most successful examples of cooperation between educational institutions and the IT industry. The effectiveness of such interaction is confirmed by many years of world practice. After completing the course, you get the following benefits:

  • acquisition of the necessary knowledge for successful work in the IT field;
  • the opportunity to get the most demanded profession in the labor market;
  • great competitive advantages in hiring;
  • the opportunity to gain not only extensive theoretical knowledge, but also good practical training.

Cisco courses in Moscow enable students to study remotely. You can study effectively both in the classroom and remotely. All study materials are available electronically. This is especially important for those students who cannot leave work and come to class.

Who are the courses for?

The Cisco Networking Academy training program is basic. Therefore, any special knowledge of network technologies from students is not required. Along with students of higher educational institutions, already established specialists can also study at the courses. Working in various industries and wishing to increase their competitiveness in the labor market. Upon successful completion of the course, students are issued a certificate, which will indicate the list of acquired knowledge in the relevant disciplines.

Since 2005, Cisco has been maintaining and developing partnerships with the Specialist Center at Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman in the field of education. Long-term cooperation confirms the competence, reliability and high quality of the Center's educational services. All classes are conducted by the best trainers of the Center using the most modern and effective foreign methods recommended by Cisco Systems.

Oksana Barsukova
Manager for work with training partners in Russia and other CIS countries

Computer Training Center "Specialist" at Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman is an authorized Cisco training center. We offer you a unique training program for certified specialists for CCENT, CCNA, CCNP, CCIE and CCDP statuses.

The quality of the classes meets the unified international standards and is guaranteed double control of the entire educational process: from Cisco and from the Center "Specialist" at MSTU N.E. Bauman (Cisco Learning Solutions Partner Associate). In 2013, the high quality of training in Cisco technologies at the Specialist Center was twice awarded with Cisco Quality Distinction Award and . Upon completion of the courses, you will receive an international Cisco certificate - your pass to the world of high information technologies and successful career growth!

Best teachers

The close cooperation of the Center "Specialist" with Cisco Systems will allow you to better prepare for exams, thanks to the latest training courses in Cisco network technologies. Classes are taught by experienced teachers with the highest level of training, marked by special Cisco awards, whose qualifications are confirmed by the most prestigious certificate in the industry CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert). Teaching is conducted according to the most advanced and effective foreign teaching methods recommended by Cisco Systems. The combined approach in the learning process allows you to convey to the audience not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical, thanks to illustrated examples.

Practice and seminars

Listeners can really practice on the latest Cisco Systems networking equipment, which form the basis of training in Cisco network technologies at the Specialist Center. Thus, from the very first minutes of training, students begin to dive into the principles of interaction between routers, routers and switches. Only the Center "Specialist" conducts field training on its own Cisco equipment.

Online learning

If you do not have time, if you cannot physically attend the classes, then you have at your disposal a unique technology for training in Cisco network technologies - online training. Thanks to her, you can, without leaving your home, really be present in the class, see everything that other students see, communicate with the teacher, ask questions and comment on the answers of others. Training in Cisco network technologies online allows you to gain knowledge in full, without loss of quality. You save your time, money and study in a familiar environment!

Convenient schedule and discounts

The Specialist Center has a flexible training schedule. At your disposal Cisco courses in the morning, afternoon, evening and weekends! The Center has a special system of promotions and discounts, in addition, discounts for individual courses are reflected in the schedule.


Only the Center "Specialist" provides support to its graduates after training. Cisco Certified Technology Professionals hold a special place in the IT workforce market. It is not the first year that these are the most demanded and highest paid professionals. Cisco Systems is a world leader in network technology and the largest manufacturer of sophisticated network equipment. Cisco supplies more than 80% of the routers that form the backbone of the Internet. The company's state-of-the-art solutions power the interconnected networks of thousands of organizations, government agencies and services around the world.

Cisco Networking Academy

The Cisco Network Academy is a special project of Cisco, supported by the Specialist Center. The key feature of the academy is training from scratch for any person, regardless of his place of residence and degree of training to the level of an international specialist. At the same time, due to a specially designed training program, the cost of training is much lower.

Cisco Networking Training

Fundamental knowledge about networks
Large amount of practice on real hardware
The most up-to-date teaching materials
Preparation for certification exams
Discount for certification testing

Course catalog

About courses

Program courses " Cisco Networking Academy"are an excellent basis for obtaining basic knowledge and improving those who have both students as well as for IT specialists. A distinctive feature of these courses is that in addition to fundamental theoretical knowledge about Networks, students gain practical experience with telecommunications equipment and technologies.

Educational materials, electronic knowledge assessment systems, practical laboratory classes are available to students both in the classroom and at home via the Internet.

Course Completion Certificate

Upon successful completion of any course Cisco Networking Academy the student can request a certificate of completion of the course with a list of knowledge gained within the program. The certificate will contain the name of the Listener and Cisco Academy in which he was trained. Such a certificate is a reminder of the student's success, and also serves as an excellent addition to the resume.

Discount for taking international certification exams

High scores and successful completion of studies in some courses allows you to get a discount when paying for exams ICND 1, ICND 2 And CCNA at Pearson Vue testing centers

Answers to frequently asked questions

What is taught at the Cisco Networking Academy? IN Cisco Networking Academy teach the theoretical foundations and practical skills of setting up telecommunications equipment manufactured by Cisco Systems, as well as network administration. Starting with studying the basics of signaling, types of data transmission media, cable testing tools, types of network equipment, the course moves on to practical issues related to configuring and administering network equipment in local and global networks with various protocols. What is the difference between Cisco Authorized Short Courses and the Cisco Networking Academy Program? Knowledge in authorized courses is delivered concisely and in the shortest possible time (CCNA: 5-10 days), which is more beneficial for busy business people. The Cisco Networking Academy's 144-hour CCNA program is student-focused and lasts from 3 to 9 months. For training in accelerated authorized courses, the requirements for the initial level of students are increased, while the Academy trains students even without knowledge in the field of network and computer technologies. Who is the CCNA course for? The CCNA curriculum is basic and does not require prior knowledge of network technologies. It is intended primarily for senior university students who want to work in companies involved in the implementation, operation and system integration of modern data transmission networks and telecommunications technologies. It is essential that in addition to theoretical knowledge, students acquire confident practical skills in setting up various network equipment. Approximately one third of class time is dedicated to labs and practical exercises, and a course project is completed at the end of the CCNA course. How long does the CCNA course take? Education under the CCNA program is divided into thematic blocks (semesters). Full-time study in the amount of 4 semesters of CCNA lasts about 9 months (training begins at the end of September and ends in May-June of the following year). Distance learning in the amount of 4 semesters of CCNA also lasts about 9 months (you choose the start date of training). Short-term training in the amount of four semesters of CCNA lasts about 3 months (takes place several times a year). What are the requirements for course participants? The CCNA course is basic and does not require prior knowledge of modern technologies. How are students' knowledge and skills monitored? To control the level of knowledge and skills of Academy students, Cisco Systems has developed and actively uses a multi-level testing system during and after training, which operates automatically. Evaluation scale from 0 to 100 points. Depending on the chosen training program, questions and answers can be both in English and in Russian. Based on the results of intermediate and semester tests, the teachers of the Academy conduct an analysis of mistakes with the students. When should students take the Cisco Certified Network Associate exam? Cisco recommends taking the CCNA exam after the completion of the fourth semester of the program.

Among network specialists, disputes do not subside: is it possible (and is it worth it) to prepare for the CCNA exam on your own or? In this article, we would like to give some useful tips for those who have chosen the path of self-preparation for the Cisco CCNA exam.

So is it possible or not?

The short answer is yes, you can prepare, and not somehow, but qualitatively. Successfully complete an industry certification and make a career in networking with minimal investment. All that is needed for this is a great desire to achieve success, high organization, the ability to plan your time and clearly follow these plans. In short, it is possible if you have a head not only to wear a hat!

The preparation process can be divided into two stages - theory and practice.

Theoretical materials on the Internet are a wagon and a small cart. The problem is not with finding them, but with how to swallow and digest such a volume of information, and not choke.
1. Cisco Education Network
An excellent reference point for self-study is the Cisco Education Network website. Access to the site materials is limited, full access is only for registered users, but registration is free.

Here you can find a list of topics that you need to know to pass industrial certification - Syllabus, get acquainted with the details of the requirements for the examinees and such details of the exam itself, such as its time and cost.

In the "Exam Preparation" section - Study/Learn you can view videos and other materials on selected topics, most of which are available for free. In the "practice" section - practice, there are options for tests on individual topics, and in the "Take your exam" section, you can practice doing the certification exam itself in "close to combat" conditions, though not for free.

Thus, the Cisco Education Network is the largest and most authoritative resource containing always verified, up-to-date information for self-study. The only drawback is that all materials are in English. Is it a disadvantage though? For a modern specialist in the field of computer networks, English should become a native language!

An overview of training programs and training methods in Russian can be found at.

2. Best books
It is also recommended to purchase self-guided manuals from Cisco Press. These books are called - the official guide to preparing for the CCNA exam, for many years these books have been out of print Wendella Odoma, CCIE 1624, latest edition - 2011 - CCNA 640-802 Official Cert Library , Updated, 3rd Edition.

There are also alternative sources of information. For example, books Todd Laemmle, their publication correlates with the release of official manuals, and often ahead of them. The latest CCNA preparation guide from Laemmle was also published in 2011 - CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide, 7th Edition. If we compare book prices, official manuals are more expensive, the typical cost is $50-100. As for quality, the ratio here is not always in favor of official manuals. The language used by Todd Laemmle is more lively than Odom's and the information in his interpretation is easier to perceive, although this is just my subjective opinion.

3. CBT Nuggets
Another way to learn is video tutorials from CBT Nuggets, - . True, several dozens of Jeremy Cioara video lessons, as well as Todd Laemmle's books and courses, are not distributed by the authors for free and all this is also in English, but they can be found on the network not only from official distributors.
4. Russian-language materials
If there are problems with English, but you really want to learn, then there are intermediate options:

On all of the listed resources, you can find interesting, detailed and understandable explanations of certain issues and topics covered in the certification exam, and not only in English, but also in Russian. But do not rely on a ready-made and full-fledged course of study! The systematization of the material and the verification of the assimilation of knowledge will have to be done independently, and this is a lot of work. We can say - this is a fee for free!

The second part of the preparation task is practice.
To gain practical skills, you need equipment: Cisco switches and routers. How long do you need such access? The question is complex and the answer to it in each case is individual, from experience - it is undesirable to have less than 20 hours of total access time for the entire preparation time. Options for obtaining or accessing the equipment itself.
1. Own hardware
Purchase of used equipment. The whole laboratory (3 routers, 3 switches) will cost $300 - $400. The advantage of buying equipment is obvious - unlimited access and any time of work on it. And if you are lucky, then you can find the necessary equipment at your work for free.
2. Equipment rental
Renting a rack with equipment and connecting to it remotely to perform laboratory work. There are many offers of this kind on the Internet. The cost and method of paying rent can vary greatly. From hourly pay of $4-8 per hour to buying a rental for weeks and months, for example, 3 months for 200 euros.

There are also free offers, the most famous and, the latter is temporarily unavailable due to relocation. As always, there are a number of limitations on the free service - the inability to connect as a client SDM or CCP, obsolete equipment. You will have to reserve time for a week or a month and wait in line, and having access to follow certain rules, for example, if you reserved 2 hours of work for Packet Life, worked for 10 minutes and you are tired, it is possible that next time you will not be able to use the service - you will get a “ban” for “bad behavior”. If, having reserved 4 hours, you are late with the connection for half an hour, you may find that you no longer connect at all, your time is freed and someone else has taken it. On paid services for your money you will get everything in the best possible way, no one will take your paid time and no one will teach you the right behavior.

3. Dynamics
Using a virtual machine Dynamips. Recently, work with this virtual machine and the graphical frontend is most often described. GNS3, not the Dynagen console. Although the Dynagen window has been retained and is present in the GNS3, it is hardly used during operation. There were several publications on Habré on the topic of basic configuration of a virtual router and or creation of a laboratory on the Voice track. This topic has a big “beard” and several articles are too few to reveal all the intricacies of working with this wonderful product. He helped, and will continue to help many generations of "Ciscars" master the intricacies of network technologies when they do not have sufficient funds to purchase or rent a laboratory bundle. The disadvantages of Dynamips are that it supports only outdated platforms, with the possible exception of the 7200 and the inability to fully virtualize the Cisco switch. In preparation for CCNA certification, these shortcomings are almost invisible, because. the basic elements of the technology that have not changed in modern implementations are studied, and operation on a 3640 router with a 16-port switching module is “almost” similar to that of a switch.
4. Emulators
The last available option for obtaining practical skills is working with software emulators. Probably the best of them is the product of Cisco itself, the program Cisco Packet Tracer, the latest version of the product 5.3.3 allows you to build large and complex network topologies and even supports multi-user work, i.e. parts of the topology can be distributed to different computers, arbitrarily remote.

Another famous product netsim from Boson, current version 8.0. It is not so versatile and focused on a specific task - mastering the skills of configuring devices on the command line, so it always comes with a set of pre-installed labs. Both programs are protected by licenses. The cost of NetSim depends on the set of labs included in the program, for the minimum level of CCENT certification (ICND1) the price is $99. Packet Tracer is distributed only in Cisco Networking Academies, where students receive it for free. Officially, this program is not for sale. One of the most interesting opportunities for gaining practical skills is the implementation of virtual labs included in free training courses, positioned by Cisco as additional materials for training IT professionals. They are grouped by areas and products, and here you will also need to pre-register for free on the site itself.

Which training option to choose? You decide. There is another method of preparing for certification, not mentioned by me - the use of so-called "dumps" - ready-made answers to exam questions. I will quote Andrey Biryukov here (System Administrator magazine, No. 11, 2008): “Traveling through various Internet resources dedicated to certification, sooner or later you will find mention of braindump, testking, pass4sure and other “training materials”. … Braindumps are actually exam questions stolen by unconscious employees of testing centers. These questions are presented with answers, and this is where the fun begins, because these answers ... contain errors. In addition, even if the answer is correct, there is no explanation for it, which also does not contribute to understanding the material. …… Memorizing answers from a dump is useless… But dumps will be useful if you don’t look at the answer, but try to answer each of the questions yourself and, in case of ambiguity, check on the appropriate thematic forum, and do not take the answer from the dump for granted. … the material needs to be understood, not memorized.”

There is nothing to add to what has been said. I wish you all success in certification and professional career.

Arguably the most popular of all Cisco certifications, the CCNA Routing and Switching certification certifies the basic knowledge of a networking specialist. Certified CCNA specialists can install, configure and manage local (LAN) and global (WAN) networks, as well as organize remote access for small networks (up to 100 connections), including the use of protocols such as: IP, IGRP, Serial, Frame Relay, IP RIP, VLANs, RIP, Ethernet, Access Lists.

Certification Requirements

Basic knowledge in the field of network technologies, experience as an administrator of about a year or equivalent is desirable. Passing one () or two (and) exams is required. The choice depends on the degree of preparation of the candidate and financial preferences. Below are the certification options:

  • Accelerated.
  • Classical.
  • Cisco Networking Academy.

CCNA Routing and Switching Certification Update

The certification is valid for 3 years. To update status, you must pass the current version of the CCNA exam or ICND2 or exam Cisco Specialist(excluding Sales Specialist exams) or the CCIE written exam.

Certification Preparation Courses

Pass option
Duration of passage
Courses Exam
Very fast. Only the essentials for passing the CCNA in one course.
5 days
CCNAX 3.0: Using CISCO Network Equipment: A Crash Course. Version 3.0 200-125
The traditional way to take the CCNA certification after completing two courses.
10 days
ICND1: Using Cisco v3.0 Network Equipment Part 1
Official textbook + Russian translation!
ICND2: Using Cisco Network Equipment v 3.0 Part 2
Official textbook + translated lab manual!
Cisco Networking Academy
Due to the emphasis on self-training, the longest, but also the most affordable option.
77 days (11 weeks)