February 2017? a month rich in events that affect the life of Aquarius. The onset of the lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 (about 3-40 Moscow time) can affect personal relationships and business contacts. There is a high probability of the onset of fateful changes. In order to avoid negative consequences, it is not recommended to make hasty decisions during this period. In addition, this is far from the best time to get married and start new business contacts. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 advises that it is better to wait a while with the formalization of official relations.

The material well-being of Aquarius can be affected by a solar eclipse, which will begin on February 26, 2017 at approximately 18-00 Moscow time. During this period, it is also not worth making significant decisions, since the risk of losses is high.

Love horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius

The upcoming eclipses may not be the best way to affect the personal relationships of Aquarius. Possible emotional outbursts will only provoke conflicts, sow discord between loved ones. This is not the best time to get married. The horoscope for Aquarius for February 2017 recommends not rushing to formalize the relationship during this period. To create a stronger family, it is worth waiting a few months.

Favorable days for love in February 2017 for Aquarius: 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 25, 26 February.

Financial horoscope Aquarius for February 2017

Despite all the efforts and efforts made in the business sphere, the upcoming eclipses can negatively affect the financial environment. The decisions made run the risk of subsequently being wrong, will require additional time to fix problems.

For the rest of February 2017, Aquarius should continue to fulfill the tasks set earlier. But the horoscope of Aquarius does not recommend entering a new place of work in February 2017. On the contrary, as never before, the best period for dismissal from an inappropriate position. However, once the decision is made, it will be impossible to change it.

Favorable days for money in February 2017 for the sign Aquarius: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23 February.

Aquarius health horoscope February 2017

If Aquarius in February 2017 make a choice in favor of proper nutrition, the lunar eclipse, during which the body's resistance is weakening, will pass almost unnoticed for them. The use of light and almost lean food, partial, or better, complete rejection of alcohol, will help to avoid additional stress. With medication, the horoscope for February 2017 also recommends being careful.

This month, the luminaries are quite favorable to you. The sun is in your sign, Jupiter is shining brightly, so get ready for a new career round!

Work, career. Aquarius February 2017

Of course, you are far from perfection, but clear progress in business in February is possible. Relations with colleagues from other cities or countries are activated, a successful trip is possible. There will be people on your horizon that you haven't seen for quite some time. In addition, February will bring many new acquaintances. It will be difficult for you to navigate in all this abundance of various contacts and the stars give you advice - calmly build cooperation with former partners, they are stable and reliable. And carefully analyze the proposals of new colleagues, keeping in mind the proverb "Not all that glitters is gold." Remember that cooperation with old partners can be modernized, put on a more modern platform. Despite the positive changes, February can bring a number of problems. So, the conflict situations of the last month will continue, and the most painful moments will fall on the first and last decades of the month. Entrepreneurs and bosses are likely to have conflicts with supervisory authorities, and those who have passed through such misfortunes may once again be let down by partners from other cities or countries. Nothing new is foreseen here, so assess the situation and act accordingly. This month, you have more room to maneuver.

Money. Aquarius February 2017

Financial positions this month are quite stable, and the solar eclipse on February 26 can bring a fairly large amount. And maybe not just one. You can get good money on February 8, 9, 16, 17.

Love, family. Aquarius February 2017

There are so many possibilities in the romantic realm that you can be overwhelmed by the abundance of choice. What could be more interesting than a new love affair? Former love, unexpectedly resurrected again? It is in these reflections that you will spend most of the month. In fact, both are possible. As a probability, this is probably very pleasant, but in real life it can cause too much trouble. Of course, you can sit on two chairs, but you can't build the future on this. Relations with relatives are noticeably more active, but in the first and last decades of the month, fermentation between different clans of your relatives is possible. There will be nothing new here, just a continuation of the problems of the past months. A trip, a meeting with relatives living in other cities or countries is possible.

You will like to be in the spotlight - in February you will be surrounded by everyone's admiration. Not surprisingly, your interests during this period will focus mainly on flirting and romance. This is your month, therefore, qualities that are usually characteristic of Leos will now appear in you - pride, the desire to rule and reign.

Aquarius men like everything in their lives to go according to plan, but they themselves are constantly changing the rules of the game. For example, in early February, you will strive to become a leader in your company and suggest a new type of activity to your friends. And at the end of February, you will already want to profit from this venture. And if it doesn't, you will be very disappointed.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius woman

  • Auspicious days for Aquarius women in February 2017: 9, 14, 17, 21, 26 February.
  • Difficult days for Aquarius women in February 2017: 3, 10, 27 February.

Love. Premonitions rarely deceive you. Therefore, it is worth listening to your intuition - especially if you met someone who interested you very much.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Recently, your relationship with your loved one has been smooth. But now it's time for surprises.
  • From 11 to 20 February. The week is ideal for romantic dates and love. Whatever your partner does, you will find the most sublime explanations for his actions.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Passions boil. You are temperamental and bold, unlike your beloved. It's time to take the initiative.

Health. Wear and tear will bring income, but may weaken your health. Beware of overexertion, try to be distracted more often. Take care of the routine.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Prepare something unusual for your family - some exotic dish with a lot of spices. And after dinner, you can discuss your problems with them.
  • From 11 to 20 February. If you go to the health food store, you can buy a lot of useful things for the family there.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Responsibilities will seem tedious - for example, you have to take care of sick relatives.

Finance. Now you can easily convince your boss that you just need a promotion.

  • From 1 to 10 February. The week is favorable for your competitors - but this is not a reason to surrender to their mercy. Keep your finger on the pulse and keep an eye on the enemy.
  • From 11 to 20 February. Troubles will come from where you do not expect. Out-of-town relatives that you have already forgotten about, or a planned trip may fail.
  • From 21 to 28 February. At work, you will find a lot of informal communication. It is necessary to discuss with colleagues all the burning problems and agree on joint actions.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius man

  • Auspicious days for Aquarius men in February 2017: 14, 17, 21, 25 February.
  • Difficult days for Aquarius men in February 2017: 8, 15, 31 February.

Love. An interesting meeting, acquaintance awaits you. You will immediately feel sympathy and interest for each other.

  • From 1 to 10 February. You will turn the heads of all the girls in the office and displease the men. At the end of the week, you can make a mistake - and your colleagues will not forgive you for this. Be careful!
  • From 11 to 20 February. Problems in your personal life that seemed insurmountable to you will help to solve a creative approach.
  • From 21 to 28 February. You will learn some secret related to your beloved. In the second half of the week, this will be an occasion for heated discussion.

Health. Pay attention to your health - if necessary, take time off from work and visit doctors. Get more rest.

  • From 1 to 10 February. It is important that you spend this week in the family circle, although you will very much want to go somewhere. Staying comfortably at home is most beneficial to your health right now.
  • From 11 to 20 February. It's time for preventive procedures or a routine examination. Do not miss the favorable period.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Disputes will break out in the family about the treatment of a chronic illness. Elderly relatives need your help. Act more confidently, they will definitely listen to you.

Finance. Your unexpected secrecy will play into your hands. At the decisive moment, you will simply feel in your gut that you need to remain silent, to hide something important. And it is right.

  • From 1 to 10 February. Less talk, more action. Your working communication may result in a discussion of mutual claims and shortcomings. Try to move the conversation in a positive direction.
  • From 11 to 20 February. Your mood is excellent, and all family members are simply obliged to share it with you. Therefore, you can go shopping together, visit or have fun somewhere.
  • From 21 to 28 February. Perhaps they want to give you some kind of royal gift or surprise - but you will have to pay for the delivery, and this will spoil the joy a little.

Horoscope for February 2017 Aquarius child

Daughter. Deep down, the Aquarius girl often considers herself smarter and more beautiful than her friends, but she should keep these thoughts to herself. On her birthday, your daughter may have thoughts of winning leadership in the company. Once those ambitions surface, the former girlfriends may unite against her. The conflict is likely to escalate in early February. Help the girl to cope with it.

Son. Your child will have the feeling that you can forget about past failures and start a new life. The son will cheerfully celebrate his birthday, receive many gifts, friends will surround him with love and attention, and this is much more important for a true Aquarius than congratulations from his parents. True, in February, disagreements may arise in the children's team. Your intervention will be needed.

Read the horoscope for February 2017 for other zodiac signs:

"Forge the iron while it's hot" - calls the Aquarius horoscope for February 2017. Right now, seeing off the frosty winter, you will be able to realize most of your bold ideas, especially since objective prerequisites will appear for this. A lot of interesting acquaintances will happen in your life, and many of them, among other things, will also be very useful to you! Having gained patronage from the "powerful of this world", you can really become happier, more successful and richer (it all depends on what specific goals you assign the status of "tasks of paramount importance").

Aquarius, for whom the most important thing is home, family and everything related to the personal front, the patronage of high-ranking persons, of course, will only partially help. However, their impact on your daily life will still be quite noticeable. So, if you are a family man, with the support of new friends, you will start a very expensive renovation or, alternatively, you will look for a new, more spacious living space. At the same time, your relationship with your soulmate, as always, will be distinguished by touching warmth and romance. Aquarians, who are still only looking for the love of their lives, will not be able to help but notice such a pleasant moment that there are a lot of pretty people of the opposite sex among their new “prestigious” friends. True, it’s not in your habits to start a “mercantile” romance (although many others, being in your place, would certainly not fail to take advantage of the situation, or rather, the ardent affection of an influential and authoritative person). You judge this way - even though your new acquaintance has an impressive bank account, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that you will not find in it everything that you would like to see in your ideal soulmate (a beautiful soul, a developed outlook and a non-standard way of thinking).

In February 2017, Aquarians will have every chance to achieve those career heights that have always seemed to them just an unattainable dream. No, a miracle will not happen, and for the sake of your large-scale victories in February, you still have to work hard and hard. One clarification - now you will lay out in the service for all 100, knowing full well that your authoritative acquaintance will certainly put in a good word for you (in a word, your efforts will be backed up by very powerful patronage). Aquarians engaged in the field of individual entrepreneurship, with the support of their February friends, will be able to get rid of numerous bureaucratic delays. Moreover, the person who undertakes to solve this or that complex “paper” issue for you will not require any gratitude in return. The only thing your influential friend will hint at is a business partnership. Of course, you will only be glad to see him among your business partners (more precisely, you will envy yourself that you were able to find such a powerful business partner).

This extremely successful February will help Aquarius improve their well-being. You will completely get rid of minor health problems, strengthen your immunity and, of course, your nerves will also become noticeably stronger. True, a number of worries will still be thrown at you by the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (they will not withstand the endless alcoholic banquets that you will attend throughout February at the request of your influential acquaintances).

Aquarians are those signs of the Zodiac that are always open to new acquaintances and meetings. They are constantly in the spotlight. In February 2017, Aquarians will especially activate their forces in order to be charged with as many positive emotions as possible. Men and women born under the sign of Aquarius will spend the last month of winter in great activity. In order not to regret rash acts and direct your energy in the right direction, you should look into the exact love horoscope for February 2017.

Aquarius love horoscope for February 2017

Representatives of the Aquarius sign sincerely believe that February will not only indulge them with romantic acquaintances, amazing flirting and great days. They dream that it is February that will bring into their lives the very feeling that poets write about - love. No matter how active and open Aquarians value freedom, their heart requires tenderness and affection. Most of the representatives of this sign in love are sure that they will find the courage in themselves and bring the long-awaited event that their friends and relatives are looking forward to. The love horoscope for February 2017 does not exclude the possibility that it is during this period that Aquarius will have a fateful acquaintance, which will certainly end in a wedding.

The stars are in a hurry to console the lonely Aquarius, promising that they will have a favorable period very soon and it will be possible, without fear of a break, to build strong and lasting relationships. February will give Aquarius a unique opportunity to get the heart of their beloved: you just have to make quite a bit of effort.

The family horoscope for February is in a hurry to reassure married Aquarius. For them, this month will be marked by a long-awaited thaw in relationships. The couple will finally be able to find a compromise and the fire of feelings will blaze with renewed vigor.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius woman for February 2017

Aquarius women and girls, although they do not suffer from a lack of male attention, still try to maintain exclusively friendly relations with them. February intends to use its romantic charms to melt the heart of inaccessible beauties. Unexpectedly for them, in mid-February, a fateful acquaintance will occur, after which the life of Aquarius girls will never be the same as before. Most likely, it will be love at first sight. From this moment on, new tender feelings, passion, flirting will appear in the life of Aquarius. They will enjoy enjoying their new life so much that very soon serious conversations about marriage will appear in their couple.

Single girls born under the sign of Aquarius will want to sort out the blockage at work in February and completely forget about their personal lives. But the stars will dare to intervene here too, and an unexpected meeting in the park with an old acquaintance will turn into an exciting romance. So the beautiful Aquarians should keep themselves in great shape every day in order to be fully armed when the fateful meeting occurs.

For married Aquarius women, February 2017 will allow you to enjoy the most romantic period. This time is favorable for family holidays, so as soon as possible you need to pack your bags and go on a trip. The love horoscope for February predicts a wonderful time for spouses. And since February for Aquarius is not the most successful month for career growth, it’s not worth spending precious time on this. It is better to immerse yourself in family life.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius man for February 2017

Aquarius men have been trying in every possible way to please their soul mates for more than a month. In February, their efforts will finally be noticed and appreciated. A favorable period will come in a pair of Aquarius. This is a good time to make plans for the future and share dreams.

In February, the feeling of loneliness will forever leave the heads of Aquarius men, and they will be able to completely immerse themselves in love experiences. The old romance will finally stop bothering them and it's time to start a new one. The stars recommend that Aquarius take a closer look at their immediate surroundings in February. Perhaps among them is their long-awaited and true love.

The love horoscope for February for married Aquarius men will even make it possible to remember what flirting and real passion are. The second halves will surround the spouses with attention and tenderness so much that Aquarius will forget about the whole world.