This section describes the likely causes of a particular disease.

Many psychologists believe that diseases do not come to us by chance, but our mental perception of this world can serve as the cause of this or that illness. In order to identify the cause of the disease, you will have to delve into your spiritual state and understand what exactly could affect your physical condition.

This service was created on the basis of many years of research by the American psychologist Louise Hay, the Canadian philosopher and psychologist Liz Burbo, the wonderful doctor Valery Sinelnikov, as well as the interpretation of the Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev

Name of disease or organ


Cervical osteochondrosis is an acute or chronic disease in which the head assumes an unnatural position and pain in the neck occurs. See article NECK (PAIN) and description below.

It is interesting to note that in the classical medical definition, the position of the head in cervical osteochondrosis is called “unnatural”. Thus, a person either has some kind of unnatural, vicious inclinations, or got into some vicious circle, that is, a situation from which he cannot find a way out. It is difficult for him to survive what is happening to him.

2. NECK VERTEBRATE: 1 - (Louise Hay)

AREAS OF IMPACT. Blood supply to the head, pituitary gland, scalp, facial bones, brain, inner and middle ear, sympathetic nervous system.

SYMPTOMS. Headaches, nervousness, insomnia, runny nose, high blood pressure, migraine, nervous breakdowns, amnesia (memory loss), chronic fatigue, dizziness. Causes of the disease

Fear. Confusion. Escapism. Self dissatisfaction. "What will the neighbors say?"

I am a focused, calm and balanced person. The universe accepts me. I trust my higher self. Everything is going well.

3. NECK VERTEBRATE: 2 - (Louise Hay)

Possible Healing Solution

4. NECK VERTEBRATE: 3 - (Louise Hay)

AREAS OF IMPACT. Cheeks, outer ear, facial bones, teeth, trigeminal nerve.

SYMPTOMS. Neuralgia, neuritis, acne or pimples, eczema. Causes of the disease

Taking on the guilt of others. Guilt. Martyrdom. Indecision. Self-exhaustion. You bite off more than you can chew.

Possible Healing Solution

I am responsible only for myself, and my essence pleases me.

5. NECK VERTEBRATE: 4 - (Louise Hay)

AREAS OF IMPACT. Nose, lips, mouth, Eustachian tube.

SYMPTOMS. Hay fever, catarrh, hearing loss, adenoids. Causes of the disease

Guilt. Suppressed anger. Bitterness. Repressed feelings. Barely held back tears.

Possible Healing Solution

I have a clean and clear relationship with life. I am enjoying life right now.

6. NECK VERTEBRATE: 5 - (Louise Hay)

SYMPTOMS. Laryngitis, hoarseness, throat diseases (for example, tonsillitis), near-almond process. Causes of the disease

Fear of ridicule and humiliation. Fear of expressing yourself. Rejection of one's own good. Overload.

Possible Healing Solution

My communication is pure. I acknowledge what is good for me. I drop all expectations. I am loved, I am safe.

7. NECK VERTEBRATE: 6 - (Louise Hay)

AREAS OF IMPACT. Neck muscles, shoulders, tonsils.

SYMPTOMS. Stiff neck, pain in the upper arm, tonsillitis, whooping cough, croup. Causes of the disease

Gravity. Overloads. Strive to correct others. Resistance. Lack of flexibility.

Possible Healing Solution

I willingly let others learn from their own experiences. I take good care of myself. It's easy for me to move through life.

8. NECK VERTEBRATE: 7 - (Louise Hay)

AREAS OF IMPACT. Thyroid gland, shoulder synovial bags, elbows.

SYMPTOMS. Bursitis, colds, thyroid diseases. Causes of the disease

Confusion. Anger. Feeling of helplessness. Inability to reach.

Possible Healing Solution

I have the right to be myself. I forgive the past. I know who I am. I radiate love around me.

Description of diseases from the medical encyclopediaOSTEOCHONDROSIS

Psychology of diseases: Neck

1. NECK - (Louise Hay)

Possible Healing Solution

2. NECK - (V. Zhikarentsev)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

Possible Healing Solution

3. NECK (PAIN) - (Liz Burbo)

4. NECK: HARD, NOT FLEXIBLE - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Possible Healing Solution

Neck: psychosomatics

The neck is one of the most important parts of the human body. At the physical level, the neck is a connection between the head and the body, and at the metaphysical level, the neck symbolizes the connection of the spiritual world with the world of matter.

Cervical osteochondrosis: psychosomatics

Pain and tension in the muscles of the neck may indicate the presence of cervical osteochondrosis. Its course is either acute or chronic.

As a rule, pain in the neck causes a person severe suffering, inconvenience, and sharply increases when the head is turned to the side. Tension in the muscles of the neck can be the cause of its unnatural position.

Therefore, among the common causes of problems with the neck, Liz Burbo notes either: 1. vicious inclinations of a person, unnatural, like the very position of the neck in osteochondrosis; 2. or repeating situations from which a person cannot find a way out, resembling a vicious circle. A person is hard and painfully going through what happens to him.

If neck pain prevents you from nodding your head in denial (from side to side), then a person deep down wants to say “no”, but cannot. If, on the contrary, pain in the neck makes it difficult to nod in approval (up and down), then something prevents a person from saying “yes”.

Since the neck is considered a fairly flexible "organ", problems with the neck may indicate a lack of internal flexibility.

Often, the neck hurts those people who do not want to evaluate events objectively, as they are not responsible for them. Such people do not want to turn their heads back to see what is happening behind them. They may pretend that the event is indifferent to them, although in fact they are very worried.

Neck pain: psychosomatics

Pain in the neck suggests that you are ignoring, not noticing the situation, doing wrong. An indifferent attitude to events deprives you of the opportunity to find a suitable solution. You "lose your flexibility". Maybe you are afraid of what is happening behind your back, but this fear is most likely illusory, devoid of real reasons.

Tip: look honestly and openly at what is happening behind your back, what kind of people you will see. Try to objectively assess the situation and share your anxieties with these people.

Analyze if your neck pain prevents you from nodding your head in the affirmative or in the negative.

If you find it difficult to tilt your head in the affirmative, thus saying "yes", try to find the reason why you do not allow your body to answer "Yes". Find the fear in yourself that prevents you from saying “yes” to a certain person or situation.

Ask yourself: what am I afraid of? The body itself “tells” you with a pain in the neck that it is necessary to say “Yes”. Your body tells you that your stubbornness and inflexible attitude to the situation only undermine your health.

Neck hurts: psychosomatics

Sinelnikov on the psychosomatic causes of neck problems:

The neck is a symbol of the inner “spiritual” flexibility of a person. The condition of the neck speaks of a person's ability to see what is happening to him around and behind him.

Tension in the neck, stiffness of the neck muscles - evidence of stubbornness, inflexible attitude to situations, to people, a one-sided view of events, unwillingness to see different sides of the issue.

Neck problems: psychosomatics

Zhikarintsev on the psychosomatic causes of neck diseases:

In his opinion, neck diseases occur in a stubborn, adamant, rigid person in his views. Such a person does not want to look at the situation from different angles.

The neck is the embodiment of flexibility, the human ability to see what is happening behind him.

Affirmations for neck problems: I easily and flexibly look at events from different angles, from different angles. There are many options to solve any issue. I feel safe, free.

Neck tension: psychosomatics

Tension, rigidity of the muscles of the neck suggests that a person has a rigid one-sided thinking, unbending stubbornness and self-will (according to Zhikarintsev).

Affirmation for neck tension: When I see other sides of the issue, other points of view, I feel safe.

Neck diseases: psychosomatics

Louise Hay also notes lack of flexibility, stubbornness, one-sided view of the event as the main psychosomatic causes of neck diseases.

Affirmations for neck problems: I easily and freely identify all sides of the issue. I know that in any situation there are many ways to solve it. I have a good relationship with the World, with the Universe.

neck pain louise hay

Osteochondrosis GOES OUT INSTANTLY!

A striking discovery in the treatment of osteochondrosis

The studio was amazed at how easy it is to FULLY get rid of Osteochondrosis now.

It has long been firmly believed that it is impossible to get rid of osteochondrosis for good. To feel relief, you need to continuously drink expensive pharmaceuticals. Is it really? Let's figure it out!

Hello, I'm Dr. Myasnikov. And we start the program "About the most important thing" - about our health. I want to emphasize that our program is educational in nature. Therefore, do not be surprised if something seems unusual or unusual to you. So let's get started!

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease of the spine that affects the intervertebral discs and cartilage. This common disease occurs in most people over the age of 40. The first signs of the disease often appear on the fly. Osteochondrosis of the spine is considered the main cause of back pain. It has been established that 20-30% of the adult population suffer from osteochondrosis. With age, the prevalence of the disease increases and reaches 50-65%.

It has been said more than once about the problems of the spine and cervical region. Much has been said about methods of preventing osteochondrosis. Basically it is a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle, physical education.

And what methods should be used to fight osteochondrosis?

Expensive drugs and devices are measures that only temporarily help relieve pain. Moreover, drug intervention in the body depresses the liver, kidneys and other organs. Surely those who have osteochondrosis know about these problems.

Raise your hands, who has experienced the side effects of drugs for high blood pressure?

Well, the forest of hands. We, in our program, often talk about surgery and medical procedures, but very rarely touch on folk methods. And not just recipes from grandmothers, but those recipes that have been recognized in the scientific community. and of course recognized by our viewers.

Today we will talk about the effects of medicinal teas and herbs on osteochondrosis.

Surely you are now wondering how tea and herbs can help us cure this disease?

If you remember, a few issues ago I talked about the possibility of "launching" the regeneration of the body. by acting on certain cell receptors. Thus, the causes of spinal disease are eliminated.

And how does it work, you ask? Will explain. Tea therapy, with the help of specific substances and antioxidants, affects certain cell receptors that are responsible for its regeneration and performance. There is a "rewriting" of information about diseased cells to healthy ones. As a result, the body begins the process of healing (regeneration), namely returns. as we say, to the “health point”.

At the moment, there is a unique center that collects Monastic Tea - this is a small monastery in Belarus. There is a lot of talk about him both on our channel and on others. And for good reason, I tell you! This is not some simple tea, but a unique collection of the rarest and most powerful natural healing herbs and substances. This tea proved its effectiveness not only to patients, but also to science, which recognized it as an effective drug.

Osteochondrosis goes away in 5-10 days. as studies have shown. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions in the instructions! The method is absolutely working, I vouch for my reputation!

Due to the complex effect at the cellular level, tea therapy helps to cope even with such terrible diseases as diabetes, hepatitis, prostatitis, psoriasis, and hypertension.

We invited Anastasia Ivanovna Koroleva, one of the thousands of patients helped by Monastyrsky Tea, to the studio.

Alexander Myasnikov: “Anastasia Ivanovna, tell us more about the treatment process?”

A. Koroleva: “Every day I felt better. Osteochondrosis receded by leaps and bounds! In addition, there was a general improvement of the body: the ulcer stopped bothering me, I could afford to eat almost everything I wanted. I believed! I realized that this is the only way out for me! Then it was all over, the headaches were gone. At the end of the course, I became absolutely healthy! Fully!! The main thing in tea therapy is a complex effect.

Classical treatment does NOT remove the root cause of the disease. but only struggles with its external manifestations. And Monastic Tea restores the entire body, while our doctors are always bombarded with complex, incomprehensible terms and are constantly trying to impose expensive drugs that are of no use ... As I said, I tried it all on myself personally.

Alexander Myasnikov: “Thank you, Anastasia Ivanovna!”

As you can see, the path to health is not so difficult.

Be careful! We recommend ordering the original Monastic Tea against osteochondrosis only on the official website. which we have checked. This product has all the necessary certificates, its effectiveness has been clinically confirmed.

Monastic Tea Official Website

Be healthy and see you soon!

Alexander Myasnikov, the program "About the most important thing."

LiveInternet LiveInternet

Psychological causes of diseases. lymph nodes

When a lymphatic vessel is clogged, the residual substances of the vital activity of the cell cannot leave the body outside, but accumulate in the lymphatic channels and lymph nodes, which, with their increase and pain, give a signal that anger needs to be released. This signal indicates that you can still help.

The blood nourishes, the lymph cleanses. Both are vital.

The blood symbolizes the woman.

Lymph symbolizes a man.

Health symbolizes love.

And a person who treats male stupidity and professional helplessness with arrogant contempt earns a chronic enlargement of the lymph nodes in the head and neck. Especially when he feels that he himself is not appreciated enough or that his genius goes unnoticed.

Swelling indicates a disease of the lymph. The reason for this is the anger of a woman at the helplessness of a man.

The more toxins in the lymph, the thicker it is and the slower its movement. It doesn't get to its destination at the right time and is so clogged that it doesn't clean up. Cells are damaged. If there were no stresses, slags would not settle in the lymph. What kind of stress pollutes the lymph?

Remember what kind of stress turns the lymph of the nasal cavity into mucus. Resentment.

If you want to receive something from a father, husband, son or male, but do not receive it, then you are offended, and a drop of mucus is mixed with your lymph.

2. If a person is afraid that he is nothing of himself, but wants to be something, then his thymus gland is likened to a small spider, while the lymphatic system begins to increase. The stronger the desire, the more the lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes expand. Enlarged lymph nodes can be detected by touch. And swelling of body parts, otherwise called elephantiasis, can be observed with the naked eye.

... He developed lymphogranulomatosis, a tumor disease of the lymphatic system. Lymphogranulomatosis occurs when a person experiences mortal shame caused by the fact that a person has not been able to achieve what he actually did not need at all. He was ashamed in front of everyone whose hopes he did not justify ....

…. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels and nodes located in the chin area, and the accompanying swelling and severe pain, which is most often observed in children, occur if the child is obliged to say what is required of him and not to say what he knows. This inflammation begins as an inflammation of the sublingual lymph nodes. When a child is seized with despair, because he has ceased to understand what's what and no longer dares to open his mouth, at the same moment there is inflammation, which, precisely because of the pain, does not allow the child to speak. Now there is no need to talk. The disease resolved the situation, which seemed insoluble ....

... desires are accompanied by resentment, which slagging the lymph, because of which the body cannot be cleansed. The more desire, the higher the slagging of the body ...

It makes no sense to do what is expected of me, but I continue to do it. There is edema, that is, stagnation of the lymph.

Every time you react with hatred (dislike), a small lymph node (the size of a poppy seed) closes. Over the years, decades, oh, how many such “dead ends” accumulate in our lymphatic system! It becomes more and more difficult for the lymph to cope with the cleansing of our body, and we get sick. And when we hate the disease, thinking that it is killing us, we begin to kill it.

As soon as we use the words “I want” and “I need” or “I need” and “I want”, a problem immediately appears in the corresponding node of the lymphatic system.

Neck: diseases - Unwillingness to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.

Fingers: forefinger - The symbol of "ego" and fear.

Lymph: diseases - A warning that you should refocus on the most important thing in life: love and joy.

Adenitis is an inflammation of the lymph nodes. See the article LYMPH NODES (TUMOR) with the addition that a person suppresses anger in himself.


Lymph nodes look like small oval thickenings and are located throughout the course of the lymphatic system. Each lymph node has its own functions and its own "territory". These nodes help the cells of the body get rid of waste products, returning them to the blood. They also help the body defend itself against infections.

A swollen or inflamed lymph node indicates that the person has been feeling sorry for someone or something for too long. He would like the situation to develop in accordance with his plans, but he cannot make contact with the person on whom this situation depends. He blocks the relationship with him in the same way as the circulation of the lymph in his body.

Such a mental attitude does not allow him to realize his life plans. He ceases to value himself, feels awkward in dealing with people.

You overexert yourself because you make too many mistakes about what you have to do and be in order to keep good relationships with people. Your body wants you to understand that your possibilities are not unlimited. Try to look at the situation from a different angle. There is undoubtedly a good side to it, namely the opportunity to relax and love yourself.

FOREFINGER. This finger represents strength of character and determination. With this finger we point, give orders, threaten or explain our words. The index finger represents power. Problems with this finger may indicate that a person is pointed too often by someone who has power over him.

Psychosomatics of the disease: why does the back hurt?

Back pain is a cruel scourge of modern man.

It is not for nothing that all the cities and villages of our country are hung with advertising posters: We treat the back.

Either without a scalpel, or without massage, or without pills. And most often - with a scalpel, and with a very painful massage, and with a bunch of pills, ointments and injections that block pain.

But why do so many people suffer from back pain?

Traditional medicine has its own way of looking at the problem of back pain. A sedentary lifestyle, improper seating at office desks, food enriched with salts, etc.

With this opinion, agree, it is difficult to argue. But you want to dig deeper, don't you?

Find out what is back pain from the point of view of psychosomatics

Back pain: neck, shoulder girdle. Psychosomatics says. that neck pains haunt people who are trying to impose their love on almost all of humanity. For the most part, they are very kind people. But, unfortunately, they do not understand that it is impossible to make the whole world happy.

© Shutterstock An increased need for good relationships with everyone leads to the fact that a person has a feeling of not being loved.

What to do? Louise Hay advises as often as possible to repeat for yourself, your beloved, a magical healing phrase: I love myself and approve. He loves me and keeps me alive.

Back pain: middle part. The most likely psychosomatic cause of these pains is guilt.

The second reason for pain in the middle part of the back: fear of your past, unwillingness to accept it. Pain in the middle part of the back often affects people with a difficult childhood.

What to do? Feeling of guilt is one of the most unconstructive emotions that destroy the human psyche. And getting rid of it is very difficult. People who are prone to feelings of guilt are at great risk of being bitten by their own conscience, spending a little more money on themselves than it is supposed to be, enrolling in a fitness club instead of frying potatoes for the family, etc.

How to get rid of guilt? Vadim Zeland, for example, advises to stop making excuses. In front of myself and people. Just keep your thoughts and words under control, and by an effort of will block their flow as soon as there is a need to explain (read - justify) your actions.

Louise Hay advises to live with the thought I commit the past to oblivion. With love in my heart, I can move forward freely.

Back pain: lower part. Most often, people who experience constant fear of lack of money suffer from pain in the lower back. Pain in the sacrum indicates that a person values ​​​​his independence very much and is afraid of becoming a burden for his children or relatives in old age.

© Shutterstock What to do? Learn to be happy here and now. At first, it is almost forcible to fix your attention on those small joys of life, from which such a big concept as happiness is formed.

Stop in front of a budding tree: isn't that a miracle? And when was the last time you stopped to look at spring sparrows? Isn't it a miracle, isn't it a joy that even in a crowded minibus there is suddenly a place for you, so tired?

May you smile at life instead of stabbing yourself with needles! What if it helps? At least it won't hurt, that's for sure!

Louise hey neck pain

Any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, the neck hurts someone who does not want to objectively perceive the situation, because he cannot control it.

Emotional blocking

Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, the neck hurts someone who does not want to objectively perceive the situation, because he cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back, look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.

mental blocking

Also determine if the pain in the neck prevents you from making affirmative or negative head movements. If you find it difficult to nod your head in the affirmative, the reason why you do not allow yourself to say “yes” to some person or accept any situation is negative. Find the fear in yourself that prevents you from saying yes. I advise you to find out also, with the help of the person to whom you are afraid to say yes, how justified your fears are. In short, if neck pain prevents you from saying yes, your body is telling you that it's better to say yes. It tells you that your stubbornness and inflexibility only harms you and does not help you, as you may be inclined to think. If you find it difficult to pronounce the word "no", follow the same procedure, but with the word "no".

Be healthy!

The Neck: Metaphysical Causes of Neck Problems and Diseases

Are you worried about your neck? Of course, first, you need to eliminate the causes that lead to inharmonious tension of the neck and cervical vertebrae. Consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of problems and diseases of the neck.

Here is what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about this.

The neck is a very important part of the body, at the physical level connecting the head with the body, and at the metaphysical level - the spiritual with the material. Neck pain is uncomfortable and increases sharply when a person turns his head. If the neck does not hurt, but is very tense, see this is a sign of cervical osteochondrosis.

It is interesting to note that in the classical medical definition, the position of the head in cervical osteochondrosis is called “unnatural”. Thus, a person either has some unnatural, vicious inclinations, or has fallen into some kind of vicious circle, that is, a situation from which he cannot find a way out. It is difficult for him to survive what is happening to him.

If neck pain prevents you from shaking your head, it means that a person deep down wants to say “no” to someone or something, but is holding back. If the pain prevents you from nodding affirmatively, the person wants to say yes.

Emotional blocking. Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, the neck hurts someone who does not want to objectively perceive the situation, because he cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back, look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.

Also determine if the pain in the neck prevents you from making affirmative or negative head movements. If you find it difficult to nod your head in the affirmative, the reason why you do not allow yourself to say “yes” to some person or accept any situation is negative. Find the fear in yourself that prevents you from saying yes. I advise you to find out also, with the help of the person to whom you are afraid to say yes, how justified your fears are. In short, if neck pain prevents you from saying yes, your body is telling you that it's better to say yes. It tells you that your stubbornness and inflexibility only harms you and does not help you, as you may be inclined to think. If you find it difficult to pronounce the word "no", follow the same procedure, but with the word "no".

Spiritual blockage is the same as in the case of eye problems (see EYES: Metaphysical Causes of Vision Problems and Eye Diseases, subparagraph “Eyes in general and general vision problems”).

A crooked neck speaks of inner insecurity, you do not want to face the truth and are trying to avoid confrontation. Therefore, you forcefully turn away, not wanting to admit to yourself your antipathy. And here the symptom points you to it.

Give up your inner one-sidedness and look without fear to the opposite side. Through conscious consideration and acceptance, that side will lose its "terribleness" and your neck will be free to move again.

As soon as he starts to grind all sorts of nonsense, - she said, - so I defiantly turn away from him and try not to listen.

Represents flexibility. The ability to see what's going on back there.

I am at peace with life.

Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses:

Refusal to look at the issue from different angles. Stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility.

I easily and flexibly consider the issue from all sides. There are many ways to do things and look at things. I'm safe.

Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses:

Unbending stubbornness, willfulness. Hard thinking.

It's safe for me to see other points of view.

Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses:

Symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening behind your back.

I have a good relationship with life

Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses:

Unwillingness to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.

I easily and flexibly consider all sides of the issue. There are many ways to approach a case or solve it. Everything is going well.


1. Vladimir Zhikarentsev. Path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life.

2. Louise Hay. Heal yourself.

3. Lazarev S. N. "Diagnosis of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future".

4. Valery Sinelnikov. Love your sickness.

5. Liz Burbo. Your body says "Love yourself!".

6. Torsunov O. G. Communication of diseases with character. Human life energy.

7. Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. Reiki is the universal energy of life.

8. Energy-information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions.

10. Max Handel. Esoteric principles of health and healing.

11. Luule Viilma. Light source of love.

12. Anatoly Nekrasov. 1000 and one way to be yourself.

neck problems

“I am the master of my life, the master of my body” is the biggest and most dangerous illusion in which we live. We live in it, wake up in it and go to sleep with it. But in fact, think about it - is it so? I specifically do not want to assert this myself, just stop the flow of your thoughts for a minute, take your mind off the daily bustle and think about it, is this really so?

As long as our body is in a state of relative (I emphasize - relative) health that is familiar to us and does not start “screaming foolishly” at us about some kind of problem, we are in this illusion. However, as soon as something makes itself felt, we immediately relieve ourselves of responsibility for the root causes, finding a lot of excuses why this happened: “it’s not my fault, that guy pushed me and I sprained my leg”, “I eat only healthy food, and then, suddenly, I got poisoned with a cookie)))”, “and what do I have to do with it, someone jinxed me or put some damage on me”, and so on and so forth)). Reminds no one? However, whatever one may say, everything that happens to us has its origins in ourselves, and just as equality has a reciprocal effect, it is in our power to find the very right reasons and eliminate them.

This time I decided to consider a part of the body that allows us to be present in the world around us without restrictions, to be able to respond and participate in what is happening due to its flexibility and agility, which is realized and becomes valuable just when problems arise.

Louise Hay "Heal Yourself"

Neck (cervical spine): Symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening behind your back.

Neck: diseases: Unwillingness to see the other side of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.

Valery Sinelnikov "Love your disease"

Symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening near and behind. Neck problems (such as muscle stiffness) are stubbornness, lack of flexibility, unwillingness to see the other side of the issue.

I had one patient who, whenever she disagreed with her husband, had torticollis.

As soon as he starts to grind all sorts of nonsense, - she said, - so I defiantly turn away from him and try not to listen.

Another woman, as soon as she showed stubbornness or began to criticize, immediately stiffened her neck.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev "Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life"

Neck: Represents flexibility. The ability to see what's going on back there.

Rigid, inflexible: Inflexible stubbornness, willfulness. Hard thinking.

Neck problems: Refusal to look at an issue from different angles. Stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility, inflexibility.

Liz Burbo "Your Body Says: Love Yourself"

The neck is a very important part of the body, at the physical level connecting the head with the body, and at the metaphysical level - the spiritual with the material. Neck pain is uncomfortable and increases sharply when a person turns his head. If the neck does not hurt, but is very tense, read below OSTEOCHONDROSIS OF THE NECK.

Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, the neck hurts someone who does not want to objectively perceive the situation, because he cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back, look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.

Also determine if the pain in the neck prevents you from making affirmative or negative head movements. If you find it difficult to nod your head in the affirmative, the reason why you do not allow yourself to say “yes” to some person or accept any situation is negative. Find the fear in yourself that prevents you from saying yes. I advise you to find out also, with the help of the person to whom you are afraid to say yes, how justified your fears are. In short, if neck pain prevents you from saying yes, your body is telling you that it's better to say yes. It tells you that your stubbornness and inflexibility only harms you and does not help you, as you may be inclined to think. If you find it difficult to pronounce the word "no", follow the same procedure, but with the word "no".

Cervical osteochondrosis is an acute or chronic disease in which the head assumes an unnatural position and pain in the neck occurs.

It is interesting to note that in the classical medical definition, the position of the head in cervical osteochondrosis is called “unnatural”. Thus, a person either has some unnatural, vicious inclinations, or has fallen into some kind of vicious circle, that is, a situation from which he cannot find a way out. It is difficult for him to survive what is happening to him.

If neck pain prevents you from shaking your head, it means that a person deep down wants to say “no” to someone or something, but is holding back. If the pain prevents you from nodding affirmatively, the person wants to say yes.

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Spiritual-energetic cause - Neck (pain)

1. NECK - (Louise Hay)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

Symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening behind your back.

Unwillingness to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility.

Possible Healing Solution

I have a good relationship with life. I easily and flexibly consider all sides of the issue. There are many ways to approach a case or solve it. Everything is going well.

2. NECK - (V. Zhikarentsev)

What does this organ represent in a psychological sense?

Represents flexibility. The ability to see what's going on back there.

Refusal to look at the issue from different angles. Stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility.

Possible Healing Solution

I easily and flexibly consider the issue from all sides. There are many ways to do things and look at things. I'm safe.

3. NECK (PAIN) - (Liz Burbo)

The neck is a very important part of the body, at the physical level connecting the head with the body, and at the metaphysical level - the spiritual with the material. Neck pain is uncomfortable and increases sharply when a person turns his head. If the neck does not hurt, but is very tense, see the article OSTEOCHONDROSIS OF THE NECK.

Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, the neck hurts someone who does not want to objectively perceive the situation, because he cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back, look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.

Also determine if the pain in the neck prevents you from making affirmative or negative head movements. If you find it difficult to nod your head in the affirmative, the reason why you do not allow yourself to say “yes” to some person or accept any situation is negative. Find the fear in yourself that prevents you from saying yes. I advise you to find out also, with the help of the person to whom you are afraid to say yes, how justified your fears are. In short, if neck pain prevents you from saying yes, your body is telling you that it's better to say yes. It tells you that your stubbornness and inflexibility only harms you and does not help you, as you may be inclined to think. If you find it difficult to pronounce the word "no", follow the same procedure, but with the word "no".

4. NECK: RIGID, NOT FLEXIBLE - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Unbending stubbornness, willfulness. Hard thinking.

Possible Healing Solution

It's safe for me to see other points of view.

Affirmations for health - Diseases, causes, healing

Louise Hay's book "Heal Your Body" describes physical illnesses and ailments, their probable causes on a psychological level are given, affirmations for health (positive attitudes) and healing diseases are given.

You can believe this or not. Try to analyze the data from the table in relation to your relatives or friends, whose problems you know.

Most people who have done this kind of analysis agree with Louise Hay.

Look for exclusive materials on health, rejuvenation in our group.

Neck and psychosomatics

Neck pain is a very annoying thing. Usually they occur suddenly and significantly poison life, since the slightest turn of the head is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

For a while, you can get rid of them with the help of ointments and medicines, but psychosomatics will help eliminate pain forever. The neck is responsible for many areas of life, and trouble with it indicates when we are doing wrong.

Neck pain is a sign of lack of flexibility

Physically, the neck connects the head and torso; metaphysically, the material and the spiritual. Thus, any pain means a conflict between these two spheres: the body wants one thing, and the head wants another, pragmatism suggests its decision, and feelings - the opposite.

The neck symbolizes the flexibility of thinking, because it is it that allows you to look around, up and down, look back. If you cannot do this physically, then there are internal problems.

You do not want to look at the situation from other positions and show excessive stubbornness. Perhaps you are in a situation that is unpleasant for you and do not want to admit it. You hold back anxiety, internal dissatisfaction about this and try to pretend that everything is in order, as a result, your neck “jams”.

Also, the inability to turn the neck indicates a fear of what is happening behind the back. It can be the judgmental looks of others, some kind of injustice that you prefer to turn a blind eye to, or a situation that is beyond your control.

Psychosomatic warm-up for the neck

The first thing that is required to solve any, even a small problem, is to analyze it. Neck pain can have multiple causes, try identifying yours and acting on the results.

  • Find a contradiction. Most likely, you are in a situation where you perform an action that causes an internal protest. Try to understand this situation and sort it out: what exactly is bad in it, what is good, what results will your inaction lead to, and what will your actions lead to. It is important to find harmony between them and act, focusing on your concepts of correctness.
  • Listen for hints. Check in which case it hurts more to turn your neck: when you nod or shake your head? In the first case, you do not want to agree with something, in the second, you are afraid to refuse. You resist your own body, which directly indicates how to do better.
  • Think objectively. A neck that has lost mobility may be a sign that you are ignoring some facts, preferring to look at the situation one-sidedly, only from your own point of view. Try to step back and look at everything as if you are a disinterested person.
  • Learn to be flexible. Being assertive and being stubborn are two different things. Accept the idea that there are other points of view besides yours, moreover, they can also be correct. Start listening to other people and try to accept their opinion. Perhaps it's not so wrong.
  • Show emotion. Do not hide your concern if something is bothering you. Ignoring a problem does not mean a solution. It takes courage to face her, but you can certainly do it. Moreover, having done this once, you will see that it is easier to resolve the situation than to let it take its course.

Neck pain is an unpleasant phenomenon, but you can definitely get rid of it. Just be honest with others and with yourself.

A person most often associates pain in the neck with being in a draft or osteochondrosis. However, discomfort is not always caused by bodily ailments. It happens that even doctors cannot always determine the exact cause of the pain syndrome. This is where psychosomatics comes to the rescue. Neck pain, according to this science, can be caused by psychological causes. After all, our mental and physical state are closely interconnected.

What is psychosomatics

Psychosomatics is a science that studies the relationship between stress and physical health. Experts in this branch of alternative medicine believe that many diseases arise not only for physiological reasons, but also because of internal conflicts and personality traits. A patient experiencing emotional distress becomes more vulnerable to various ailments.

The neck is supplied with many nerves. They are especially sensitive to the psychological state of a person. Often a patient suffering from prolonged discomfort asks the question: "Why does my neck hurt?" The psychosomatics of unpleasant sensations in this area is associated with the conflict between the mind and emotions of a person. Very often, neck pain is difficult to treat with medication. But as soon as a person resolves any life problem, inner peace sets in, and the pain disappears.

Psychological causes of pain syndrome

How to find out why a person has a neck pain? According to psychosomatics, such a symptom can have a different origin. It can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Lack of flexibility. In this case, the pain is associated with a "clamp" in the neck. It becomes difficult for a person to move. Such a symptom is noted if the patient is in a difficult life situation, but due to stubbornness, he cannot show enough flexibility to solve the problem.
  2. Unwillingness to acknowledge the problem. Some people have a wrong reaction to stress, they begin to deny that they have a serious problem in life. This can result in neck pain.
  3. Conflict between mind and emotions. There are times when pragmatism dictates one decision to the patient, and feelings suggest a completely different one. Because of this contradiction, pain can occur. It is believed that a person who lives in harmony with himself very rarely suffers from discomfort in the neck.
  4. The inability to say no. Shy and insecure people find it difficult to deny others anything. If such situations are repeated often, then pain with difficulty in movement may occur. The person seems to be unable to shake his head in denial.
  5. Suppression of emotions. If a person constantly restrains himself and does not give vent to his feelings, then he has "clamps" in the muscles of the neck with pain.
  6. Fear of condemnation. In this case, it is painful for a person to turn around. He subconsciously fears the judgmental looks of others.

It is important to remember that psychological problems should be considered only if the person does not have physical pathologies during the examination. Only in the absence of diseases of the spine and peripheral nerves can we talk about the psychosomatics of pain in the neck.

Pain on the left

It is important to pay attention to the localization of discomfort. The causes of pain in different parts of the neck are different from each other.

There are times when a person has a neck pain on the left. The psychosomatics of the pain syndrome in the left side of the body is associated with the personal life of a person, and in the right - with the social one. Discomfort and discomfort can occur in conflict situations with close people, such as family members or friends. The more a person suppresses his emotions and shows stubbornness, the more pronounced the pain.

Pain on the right

Sometimes the patient after unpleasant situations at work has a sore neck on the right. The psychosomatics of such a symptom is most often associated with conflicts in a person's social life. Often people try to hush up such situations and do not want to admit the problem that has arisen. This usually leads to worsening of the symptoms.

Often the pain is so severe that it is difficult for a person to turn his head. This may be due to a fear of judgment or a sense of guilt.

A person often has to take an unnatural position of the body due to the fact that his neck hurts. According to psychosomatics, such a manifestation is assessed as the impossibility of giving up bad habits. The patient understands intellectually that he needs to fight against harmful inclinations, but he does not have enough willpower for this. It can be said that the position of a person's body is as unnatural as his habits.

Back neck pain

Why does a person have pain in the back of the neck? The psychosomatics of such localization of pain is often associated with the inability to say "no" or "yes".

Usually back pain makes it difficult to move the head. To find out the cause of discomfort, you should perform the exercise. You should try to make an affirmative nod of your head. If it is difficult for a person to perform such a movement, then he probably cannot accept the situation and shows excessive stubbornness. You should also try shaking your head in denial. If there are difficulties, then perhaps it is difficult for such a person to refuse and say "no".

Pain in the shoulders and neck

Often a person has pain in the neck and shoulders. The psychosomatics of these manifestations is associated with neurotic depression. This condition is often observed in people experiencing a difficult life situation. The burden of psychological problems seems to be pressing on the shoulders of a person.

Another cause of such pain may be a conflict between the inner desires of a person and the expectations of others. This psychological state is usually accompanied by feelings of guilt. In this case, stoop is noted, the patient feels tension in the neck and shoulders. Movement becomes stiff.

How to find out the psychosomatic cause of pain

It can be concluded that there are many causes of neck pain. The psychosomatics of such a symptom can be associated with various internal problems. How to understand which reason applies to your case? To do this, perform the following exercise:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, relax all the muscles and close your eyes.
  2. Try to determine which movements make the pain worse.
  3. Answer yourself the question: "What habitual actions are impossible to perform because of pain?"

Very often, the pain intensifies precisely with such actions that the patient is afraid or avoids performing on a subconscious level. For example, if a person does not have sufficient flexibility of character, then the pain may increase with an affirmative tilt of the head. And if the patient is afraid of the judgment of others and avoids looking back, then the unpleasant sensations become stronger when the neck is turned.


There are cases when a diagnostic examination does not reveal a physical pathology, but a person is worried about constant pain in the neck. The psychosomatics of this syndrome is always associated with the internal problems of the individual. Tablets and ointments in this case only briefly stop the pain syndrome. How to get rid of discomfort? Psychologists recommend working out the life situation and their psychological problems. Psychosomatic specialists give the following recommendations:

  1. You need to try to objectively assess the difficult situation. It is useful to write on a piece of paper all the pros and cons of the current situation. Next, you need to think about what results your actions can lead to and what your inaction can turn into.
  2. You need to learn to listen to your body. If your neck pain gets worse when you shake your head, then you should learn to say no. If stiffness appears when the neck is tilted, then this suggests that you need to accept the situation and not deny the problem.
  3. You need to try to assess the problem from different angles, taking into account the opinions of other people. At the same time, one should try to be flexible in thinking.
  4. You should not suppress your emotions. If you feel restless and anxious, then you should not hide these feelings. After all, ignoring a complex problem will never lead to its resolution.

Psychosomatic causes of neck pain are rare. Most often, discomfort in the cervical spine is associated with pathologies. Therefore, you must first undergo a medical diagnosis. And only if the examination did not reveal any violations, you need to think about the psychological causes of pain.

If it is impossible to independently understand the situation, you should contact a specialist. Psychosomatic medicine centers operate in large cities. If it is impossible to find such a specialist, then you can contact a psychotherapist or psychologist.

Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, which is characterized by dysfunction of the intervertebral discs. Discs are called elastic pads between the vertebrae, thanks to which the spine is characterized by flexibility and mobility.

Disks lose their functions due to metabolic disorders in the tissues of the disk, as well as their aging and destruction. Parts of ruptured discs or displaced discs compress blood vessels and nerves, causing pain. But the seriousness of the situation is that these vessels, as a rule, go to a certain organ, and, being squeezed, they cannot do their job and negatively affect the function of this organ.

Since the spine is divided into a number of departments (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal), osteochondrosis can also be diagnosed in connection with the name of the department (cervical osteochondrosis, etc.). It is known that osteochondrosis affects, as a rule, the most mobile parts of the spine - the cervical and lumbar.

Symptoms indicating cervical osteochondrosis are: deterioration in hearing, vision, headache and dizziness (especially with sharp turns to the side), lumbago (stabbing pain as with electric shock), impaired coordination of movement. As signs of cervical osteochondrosis, derealization is also distinguished - a violation of the perception of reality. Derealization occurs due to pinched nerves in the cervical region.

Symptoms that indicate the presence of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region include: pain between the shoulder blades, stiffness and pain in the shoulders (when raising the arms), intercostal neuralgia, numbness of the hands.

Lower back pain radiating to the leg (thigh) or buttock, tingling, sensations of cold or heat in the lower back, loss of sensation in the leg, constipation, urinary incontinence - these and other symptoms reveal lumbar osteochondrosis.

The physical causes of osteochondrosis are considered to be a sedentary lifestyle, injuries, excess weight, poor posture, heredity, diseases in which metabolism is disturbed, heavy physical exertion, prolonged driving, muscle clamps during and after stress.

If osteochondrosis is not detected and treated in a timely manner, then the consequences will be diseases of the internal organs. Given that each section and segment of the spine is associated with a specific organ, osteochondrosis of this particular part will adversely affect the functions of this organ, causing its pathology. So, running cervical osteochondrosis due to pinching of the artery can lead to the development of hypertension, which occurs without visible signs.

Osteochondrosis: psychosomatics

Since the spine is a supporting organ, frame, axis of the human body, the transfer of these characteristics to the metaphysical plane will tell you the psychological causes of osteochondrosis. So, the key words here will be: support, the inner core through which the energy of life circulates.

If we look at the functions of the spine, we see the same basic characteristics:

  • support (support in life),
  • motor (movement - life),
  • case (closes, protects the spinal cord).

Maybe the supporting and protective functions determined the fact that some authors associate the spine with the father, his support in life. And the problems that have arisen are associated with a person's inability to accept paternal support. Hence, disorders in the spine indicate the seriousness of a person's mental problem: distrust of life, resistance to changes in life.

The question arises: How can a person, as a small part of Life (large-scale, comprehensive, Divine), can resist it, go against it, fight it without harming itself? The answer is obvious: No, it's impossible. So the spine, our bodily core, does not stand up and begins to honk.

Arising in the course of resistance and unreleased aggression, anger and other negative emotions tense the muscles in the human body. Over time, these overstressed muscles begin to affect the spine.

Osteochondrosis on a nervous basis occurs like this. Long-term containment of negative emotions through muscle contraction (remember the expression “clenching your fists”, “clenching your teeth”, etc. - that is, a person’s muscles automatically work with strong emotions) creates a muscular shell that deforms one or another section of the spine.

Consider psycho-emotional reasons in more detail.

Psychosomatic causes of osteochondrosis

  1. cervical spine, as you know, symbolizes flexibility, the ability to consider the situation from all sides, as well as the will of a person. Hence the absence of these positive qualities and the predominance of negative ones: categoricalness, stubbornness, discontent (with forced submission) negatively affects the cervical region.

Another reason for cervical osteochondrosis may be that a person does not feel emotional support from loved ones. In connection with this, restraint of crying and anger gives clamps to the muscles in the cervical region (muscles of the chin, back of the head and neck).

Headaches in cervical osteochondrosis may arise from the fact that a person “carries” old problems on his neck and does not want to get rid of them, part with them.

Often a person literally lowers his head from insoluble problems (“he hung his head below his shoulders”), from fear or pressure he pulls his head into his shoulders. Of course, the consequence of such a position in life will be the deformation of the cervical spine.

According to some psychologists, derealization indicates discontent due to the inability to realize ambitions, constant conflicts.

  1. Upper thoracic spine usually associated with love in a person's life. Therefore, such negative experiences as fear that they do not love, or loss, the departure of a loved one, accusations that they do not love negatively affect the state of this department.

Problems with the lower thoracic spine indicate resentment, that they are “lucky” and want to “get off”.

The thoracic region also suffers when a person lives with guilt over past mistakes. He, having passed through a negative situation in the past, in the present, as it were, turns off his emotions and heart, lives only by reason.

Sometimes, in the face of trouble, a person’s body seems to shrink - this is how the body automatically reacts to a person’s desire to appear invisible in situations that are dangerous from his point of view, or for unpleasant people.

It was revealed that pains in the thoracic spine appear in people who live in fear of betrayal, a stab in the back.

Clamps of muscles in the thoracic region (muscles of the chest, shoulders, arms, diaphragm) indicate problems with low self-esteem (posture disorders also signal this).

  1. It is known that lumbar spine literally and figuratively takes on most of the physical load. Under the exorbitant burden of problems, the back bends: but this is an unnecessary burden, from which it is worth freeing yourself. Here we are talking about how a person often loads himself with an unnecessary burden of problems, both factual and far-fetched.

One of the main causes of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are constant worries about the financial side of life, a feeling of lack of material support, fear of lack of money or being left without a job, guilt due to insolvency in solving financial problems.

Clamps of the muscles in the lumbar region (muscles of the abdomen, back, pelvis, legs) indicate limiting oneself in pleasure, restraining anger, rejection, fear.

  1. Coccygeal-sacral department signals with pain about strong anxiety and fear of financial problems, about the desire to be financially independent.
  2. Man suffering from pain in coccygeal department the spine, as a rule, lives in disharmony with itself, in insults and accusations.

Violations in this part of the spine indicate the absence of a basic feeling - a sense of security, safety. Such a person is characterized by anxiety.

Problems of the pelvic spine indicate that a person feels discomfort in his home and in his family. Some psychologists point to the denial of sexual relations.

Healing Paths

Along with drug treatment and physiotherapy, physical exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are prescribed without fail. BUT: during an exacerbation, they cannot be performed in order to avoid complications.

However, as practice shows, conservative treatment of psychosomatic osteochondrosis can only temporarily improve the physical condition. Complete healing occurs only if the psychological causes are removed.

Therefore, it is worth analyzing and realizing the internal cause of your illness, and then - forgive yourself (and loved ones, if they were involved in a negative situation) and let go of the negative, thanking you for your life experience. Thanks to such lessons, we become wiser, learn to live in joy and gratitude, without complicating life for ourselves or others.

If the psycho-emotional cause of your illness does not lie on the surface and is inaccessible to you, then it makes sense to turn to a competent psychologist or psychotherapist.

Hope this article helps someone. Be happy and healthy.

Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, the neck hurts someone who does not want to objectively perceive the situation, because he cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back, look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.

mental blocking

Also determine if the pain in the neck prevents you from making affirmative or negative head movements. If you find it difficult to nod your head in the affirmative, the reason why you do not allow yourself to say “yes” to some person or accept any situation is negative. Find the fear in yourself that prevents you from saying yes. I advise you to find out also, with the help of the person to whom you are afraid to say yes, how justified your fears are. In short, if neck pain prevents you from saying yes, your body is telling you that it's better to say yes. It tells you that your stubbornness and inflexibility only harms you and does not help you, as you may be inclined to think. If you find it difficult to pronounce the word "no", follow the same procedure, but with the word "no".

Today I want to write an article on a topic that is relevant for me at the moment: problems with the neck, more precisely with the cervical spine. I am writing these lines, sitting at a table in front of a laptop in an orthopedic "chance" collar. 4 days ago I injured my neck on volleyball, turned into an injury, they took an x-ray, they diagnosed it: “Distortion of the cervical spine. Cervical osteochondrosis, disruption of compensation, ”prescribed treatment and this collar with an encouraging name. I started having problems with my neck at the age of 11, when I sprained my neck in my sleep, and have been recurring since then throughout my life up to the present. I think that it is high time to thoroughly understand the causes, methods of treatment and preventive measures to prevent these neck troubles.

So, to begin with, let's consider the metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of neck problems and diseases. Here is what world-famous experts in this field and authors of books on this topic write about this.

Liz Burbo in her book "Your body says" Love yourself! writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the neck: The neck is a very important part of the body, connecting the head with the body at the physical level, and spiritual with the material at the metaphysical level. Neck pain is uncomfortable and increases sharply when a person turns his head. If the neck does not hurt, but is very tense, this is a sign of cervical osteochondrosis. Cervical osteochondrosis is an acute or chronic disease in which the head assumes an unnatural position and pain in the neck occurs. It is interesting to note that in the classical medical definition, the position of the head in cervical osteochondrosis is called “unnatural”. Thus, a person either has some unnatural, vicious inclinations, or has fallen into some kind of vicious circle, that is, a situation from which he cannot find a way out. It is difficult for him to survive what is happening to him. If pain in the neck prevents you from shaking your head negatively, this means that a person deep down wants to say “no” to someone or something, but is holding back. If the pain prevents you from nodding affirmatively, the person wants to say yes.

Emotional blocking. Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, the neck hurts someone who does not want to objectively perceive the situation, because he cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back, look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.

Spiritual blockage is the same as in the case of eye problems (see EYES: Metaphysical Causes of Vision Problems and Eye Diseases, subparagraph “Eyes in general and general vision problems”).

Bodo Baginski and Sharmo Shalila in their book "Reiki - the universal energy of life" write about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the neck: A crooked neck speaks of internal uncertainty, you do not want to face the truth and try to avoid confrontation. Therefore, you forcefully turn away, not wanting to admit to yourself your antipathy. And here the symptom points you to it. Give up your inner one-sidedness and look without fear to the opposite side. Through conscious consideration and acceptance, that side will lose its "terribleness" and your neck will be free to move again. Valery

V. Sinelnikov in his book "Love your disease" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of problems and diseases of the neck: It symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening near and behind. Neck problems (such as muscle stiffness) are stubbornness, lack of flexibility, unwillingness to see the other side of the issue. I had one patient who, whenever she disagreed with her husband, had torticollis. As soon as he starts to grind all sorts of nonsense, - she said, - so I defiantly turn away from him and try not to listen. Another woman, as soon as she showed stubbornness or began to criticize, immediately stiffened her neck.

Vladimir Zhikarentsev in his book “The Path to Freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life ”indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the neck: Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses: Personifies flexibility. The ability to see what's going on back there. Harmonizing Thoughts: I am at peace with life.

Neck - problems with the neck (V. Zhikarentsev) Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses: Refusal to look at the issue from different angles. Stubbornness, rigidity, inflexibility. Harmonizing thoughts: I easily and flexibly consider the issue from all sides. There are many ways to do things and look at things. I'm safe.

Neck - stiff, not flexible; (V. Zhikarentsev) Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses: Inflexible stubbornness, self-will. Hard thinking. Harmonizing thoughts: It is safe for me to see other points of view.

Louise Hay in her book "Heal Yourself" indicates the main negative attitudes (leading to illness) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with the appearance and healing of the neck: Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses: Symbolizes flexibility. The ability to see what is happening behind your back. Harmonizing thoughts: I have a good relationship with life Neck: diseases (see also “curvature of the spine”, “stiff neck”) (L. Hay) Negative attitude leading to problems and illnesses: Unwillingness to see other sides of the issue. Stubbornness. Lack of flexibility. Harmonizing thoughts: I easily and flexibly consider all aspects of the issue. There are many ways to approach a case or solve it. Everything is going well.

We sorted out the reasons and harmonizing thoughts. I think that my neck problems can also be due to stubbornness, because of the desire to say “no” to some life circumstances, and from unwillingness to face the truth somewhere, because of attempts to avoid confrontation ... All this in that or some degree there is in my life. Another friend suggested that the reason for my last neck injury is that I am now sitting on my parent's neck financially while I get a job, and I do not like it at all. In general, we must get rid of all these true and potential causes of cervical ailments and forget the way to hospitals and pharmacies.

Consider now the treatment and preventive measures to maintain a healthy flexible neck. I found several videos on YouTube with exercises and recommendations for people suffering from cervical osteochondrosis. I am attaching them to this post, everyone who wants can also get acquainted with them. My daily treatment now consists of just these exercises, physiotherapy in a sports dispensary, smearing the neck with anti-inflammatory ointments, constantly fixing and maintaining the neck with a “chance” collar, and today even had acupuncture in biologically active points on the right ear, a connoisseur of Chinese medicine. Every day the pain syndrome decreases, and the motor capabilities of the head increase. In a week I will have to go down into the mine, so by that time there should not be any pain and restriction of movement in the cervical spine. Om Tat Sat!


1. Vladimir Zhikarentsev. Path to freedom. Karmic causes of problems or how to change your life.

2. Louise Hay. Heal yourself.

3. Lazarev S. N. "Diagnosis of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Man of the Future".

4. Valery Sinelnikov. Love your sickness.

5. Liz Burbo. Your body says "Love yourself!".

6. Torsunov O. G. Communication of diseases with character. Human life energy.

7. Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. Reiki is the universal energy of life.

8. Energy-information medicine according to Konovalov. Healing emotions.

9. Olga Zhalevich. 9 drugs that will save the world.

10. Max Handel. Esoteric principles of health and healing.

11. Luule Viilma. Light source of love.

12. Anatoly Nekrasov. 1000 and one way to be yourself.

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