The choice of your business is largely determined by the economic prospects of a particular activity. A novice entrepreneur should pay attention to the rapidly developing sector of the Russian economy - the service sector.

The service sector is a set of activities aimed at the production and sale of services to the population.

Since the end of the 1990s, the attitude of the state towards the production and supply of services to the population has changed. Over the past years, the share of the services sector in GDP has noticeably increased, but nevertheless, Russia lags behind the countries of Europe and the United States in these parameters. Thus, the US economy is sometimes called a service economy, since the share of service maintenance in is 77%.

In addition, the service sector plays an important role in the employment of the population. The production of services in some cases does not require large investments and guarantees the creation of jobs and economic stability. In other cases, it ensures the improvement and development of industry.

Today, the service sector is improving significantly, new technologies and modern forms of service and interaction with customers are being introduced, and competition among service companies is also increasing.

The classifications are different according to the chosen criteria. However, there are some that give a general idea of ​​such a type of entrepreneurial activity as the service sector.

By the criterion of "population's needs": services by goods (consumer services, transport, communications), by goods (education, science, physical culture and sports, art), production in the social sphere (housing, public utilities, health care, trade).

According to the criterion of "tangibility - intangibility" Lovelock distinguishes:

a) services that are tangible actions that are aimed at the human body (health care, sports and tourism, catering, transport, beauty and hairdressing salons, etc.);

b) services that are tangible actions that are directed to other physical objects (freight transport, veterinary services, repair and maintenance of equipment, household services);

c) services that are intangible actions aimed at (media, information, education, cultural institutions);

d) services representing intangible actions with intangible assets (insurance, banks, legal services and others)

According to the criterion of "economically significant prices" are divided into market (transport, trade, education, healthcare, household, financial intermediation and others) and non-market (science, free education and medicine, defense, management)

According to the criterion of “object of service provision”, the European Union distinguishes three types: a) for the consumer (car repair, beauty salons, catering, hotel business, etc.); b) for business (legal, audit, consulting, information, computer, wholesale, and others); c) for the consumer and business.

It is necessary to pay attention to such a factor in the development of the service sector as territorial location. Each region, due to its natural and ethnic characteristics, forms a certain set of consumer services. It should be noted that the volume of paid services in Russia has increased markedly in recent years.

So, if the service sector is the final choice of a novice businessman, then it is necessary to bear in mind some features of the services. Services are produced and consumed at the same time, so their sale depends on the skills of the staff. They are intangible, so an important factor in the economic growth of the enterprise is the trust of the consumer. There are difficulties in identifying and accounting for services.

Despite the focus of our economy on the extraction and sale of minerals, their contribution to Russia's GDP is gradually decreasing. In 2016, the extraction and processing of minerals accounted for 23.3%, in 2015 - 24%, and in 2012 all 26.1%. Thus, over 4 years, their share has decreased by almost 4 percentage points.

This is due to a surge in activity in the service market. According to Rosstat, this type of activity for 9 months of 2016 brought Russia's GDP 9.4 trillion. rubles, having increased since 2012 by 3.1 trillion. rubles.

Share of industries in Russia's GDP (%)

Source: Rosstat

The main industry involved in import substitution, agriculture, is also growing. If in 2012 its share was 3.8%, today it is already 4.4%, and in absolute terms this is a new 400 billion rubles.

Wholesale and retail trade, on the contrary, has significantly lost its positions, having lost 3 percentage points over 4 years.

Mining brought Russia from January to September 5.2 trillion. rubles, and the manufacturing industry 7.5 billion rubles.


According to Rosstat, Russia's GDP for 9 months of 2016 decreased by 0.7%. By the end of the year, the decline will probably be even more modest. In terms of the contribution of services to the economy, our country is approaching developing countries, now their share is about 61.5%, while production accounts for 38.5%. For comparison, in the US, the service sector brings about 72.5% of GDP. However, part of the country's production is transferred to other states, so they can afford it. Russia cannot boast of this, therefore, without the revival of industry, we are unlikely to be able to return to the list of the largest economies in the world.

Recall that according to the World Bank, in terms of GDP, our country dropped from 8th place in 2012 to 13th in 2015. In 2016, we can return to the top 10, although it will be necessary to thank not industrialists for this, but the Central Bank .

Share of industries in Russia's GDP (%; excluding taxes)

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 S/X3.8 3.8 4 4.3 4.4 Fishing0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 Mining11.1 10.4 9.1 10.1 9.6 Manufacturing industries15 15.1 13.7 13.9 13.7 Production of electricity, water, gas3.4 3.5 2.9 2.7 2.9 Construction6.8 7 6.5 5.4 5.2 Wholesale and retail trade18.8 17.4 16.1 15.9 15.8 Hotels and restaurants1 1 0.9 0.9 0.9 Transport and communications8.7 9 7.4 7.5 7.6 Financial activities4.5 5 4.9 4.3 4.9 Real estate transactions and other services12 12.1 16.8 17.3 17.3 State administration6.4 6.7 8.6 8.3 8.2 Education3 3.1 2.8 2.7 2.6 healthcare3.7 4 3.9 4.1 4.2 Public utilities1.6 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.7 households0 0 0.6 0.7 0.7

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The service sector is one of the three components of the economy, along with industry and agriculture. This term is understood as the totality of sectors of the national economy, the labor of workers who are directly aimed at creating a special type of product that is consumed directly in the process of its production. The service sector includes all types of commercial and non-commercial services.

In the countries of the European Union and the United States, the share of people employed in the service sector is 74 and 81% of the total working population. In Japan, this figure reaches 71%, and in countries with underdeveloped economies, the share of the service sector is less than 50%. For example, in Kyrgyzstan, this figure is 48%, and in Tajikistan, only 27% of the able-bodied population is employed in the service sector. In the Russian Federation in 2014, 65% of citizens employed in the economy were employed in the service sector.

The total turnover of the service sector in 2014 amounted to 74.68 trillion. rubles. This amount does not include trade services, as well as services for the sale, repair and maintenance of cars, but it includes the turnover of communication and transport services. It should be noted that it is increasing every year, and the turnover in this sector of the economy has grown more than 3 times over the past ten years. And compared to 2013, the increase in turnover in the service sector amounted to 7.78%. True, if we recalculate in 2013 prices, the growth will be much more modest, just over 1%.

As for the distribution of turnover in the services sector among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the largest turnover falls on the Central Federal District - 33.7% of the total, and the smallest on the North Caucasian Federal District - 4.3%. In general, the share of each district as a percentage of the turnover of the service sector in the Russian Federation is as follows:

  • Central Federal District - 33.7%
  • Privolzhsky Federal District - 17.5%
  • Northwestern Federal District - 10.7%
  • Siberian Federal District - 9.9%
  • Southern Federal District - 9.2%
  • Ural Federal District - 8.4%
  • Far Eastern Federal District - 6.2%
  • North Caucasian Federal District - 4.4%

The structure of the service sector (excluding trade services) includes 10 main areas. At the end of 2014, the largest turnover was recorded in the provision of housing and communal services - 20.22 trillion. rubles. In addition, the top five includes transport services, communication services, personal services, as well as paid medical services. But in general, the structure of the service sector as a percentage of the total turnover looks like this:

  • Housing and communal services - 26.9%
  • Transport services - 18.6%
  • Communication services - 17%
  • Household services - 10.8%
  • Health services - 7.8%
  • Services of the education system - 6.5%
  • Hotel and tourist services - 4.4%
  • Cultural services, as well as physical culture and sports - 2.1%
  • Legal services - 1.3%
  • Social services for the disabled and the elderly - 0.3%
  • Other services - 4.3%

In monetary terms, in 2014, on average, services were provided per inhabitant of Russia in the amount of 51.1 thousand rubles. This is 6% more than in 2013. Most services were rendered in housing and communal services - in the amount of 13.84 thousand rubles per person.

Of the 65% percent of workers employed in the service sector, trade accounts for the most - 24.6% of all employed in this sector. The second place is occupied by transport and communication services, in general 15.3% of workers in the industry work here. The third place belongs to the services of the education system - about 13.8% of those working in the service sector.

In the service sector, wages tend to be below the national average. But in some segments of this type of activity, they are quite high. For example, in the field of financial services, the average salary is 66,605 rubles, which is more than 2 times higher than the national average. And in general, by segments in the service sector, the average salary is distributed as follows:

  • Financial services - 66,605 rubles.
  • Public administration and social insurance - 40,219 rubles.
  • Transport and communications - 36,769 rubles.
  • Operations with real estate - 36,520 rubles.
  • Housing and communal services - 27,430 rubles.
  • Health care - 26,450 rubles.
  • Education system - 25,096 rubles.
  • Hotel services and restaurants - 19,720 rubles.
  • The average salary in the country in 2014 was 32,600 rubles.

Housing and communal services

This type of service occupies the largest share in the total turnover of the entire service sector - 26.9%. Of these, housing services account for 5.7%, while utilities account for 21.5%. In monetary terms, this is 420 billion rubles and 1,572 billion rubles, respectively. At the same time, it should be noted that housing and communal services are interconnected and cannot be provided independently of each other.

Housing and communal services is a type of service provided to the consumer to improve comfortable living conditions. Housing services include services provided to maintain the proper technical condition of buildings, structures and equipment. In addition, this category of services includes landscaping and landscaping.

Utilities are economic activities aimed at providing the consumer with cold and hot water, sanitation, electricity and gas supply. In addition, the structure of utilities often includes the removal of household waste. The structure of utility bills is dominated by payments for heating and electricity - 34.7% and 22.4%, respectively.

Every year the tariffs for utility bills increase, and consequently the turnover of utility services grows. In 2014, compared to 2013, turnover increased by 19%. For 2015, the Government of the Russian Federation provides for a program to increase housing and communal services tariffs (except for electricity) only in the second half of the year. Moreover, the growth indices for each subject of the Russian Federation are set differently. The largest increase in tariffs is envisaged in the Belgorod Region by 14%, the Republic of Tatarstan - by 13.6% and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - 12.9%. The smallest increase in prices for utilities is planned in the Kemerovo region - 6.1%, the Republic of Khakassia - 6.5% and the Amur region - 6.6%.

As for electricity, here, too, each subject of the Russian Federation has its own tariffs. When analyzed by Federal Districts, the highest cost of kWh of electricity in the Central Federal District is 3.17 rubles. And the smallest in the Siberian Federal District - 1.78 rubles per 1 kW / h. It should be noted that in comparison with the beginning of 2015, in the 1st quarter of 2015, electricity prices rose in the two Federal Districts, Privolzhsky and Siberian, by 1.68% and 1.13%, respectively. And the largest price reduction was recorded in the Far Eastern Federal District - 6.1%. According to the data for the 1st quarter of 2015, the prices for 1 kWh of electricity for the population in the Federal Districts of the Russian Federation are as follows:

  • Central Federal District - 3.17 rubles.
  • Southern Federal District - 3.1 rubles.
  • Northwestern Federal District - 2.76 rubles.
  • Far Eastern Federal District - 2.64 rubles.
  • North Caucasian Federal District - 2.42 rubles.
  • Privolzhsky Federal District - 2.41 rubles.
  • Ural Federal District - 1.87 rubles.
  • Siberian Federal District - 1.78 rubles.