What to do if suddenly enough tangible left side hurt while running Or while doing any sport? Any school teacher, as well as a general practitioner, will undoubtedly give the following recommendations.


If you experience pain in your left side while running, you should not be heroic. As soon as a sharp pain appeared in the left side - that's it, the achievements of sports feats ended instantly! It is urgent to stop, catch your breath and understand the cause of the origin of this pain.

Causes of pain in the left side when running

The first thing that a sharp pain in the left side speaks of is signals from the spleen, which is not ready to perceive unexpectedly high loads. As a rule, this is a rather acute pain (the so-called spasm), which is typical for those who have not bothered with physical or dynamic exercises. This pain, as a rule, begins quite abruptly, but also ends abruptly. All you need to stop and neutralize it is to stop for a few minutes, take a half-sitting position (let them watch!) And breathe very deeply through your nose! And, of course, to refuse to continue physical exercises.

The left side hurts when running, often in those whose body is going through hormonal changes. But, in fairness, even professional athletes, whether they are runners or cyclists, as they themselves say, “grab” the left side, although this is not hockey, there are no power moves there.

A completely different case - the same sharp pain in the hypochondrium. They can occur even in a trained person, when his body is at the limit of physical capabilities or is artificially brought to the peak of form. However, this insidious pain can also appear in people who regularly and meteredly maintain physical fitness in a completely regular mode.

There is another reason why the left side hurts when running. This, of course, is the insidious pancreas, which, like the liver, does not make itself felt until the very last. Just need to understand, just in case, that the liver is on the other side.

Another set of causes, although quite rare, is congenital heart disease, a narrow pulmonary diaphragm, congenital pathologies, and so on.

What to do when the left side hurts?

  • Don't be afraid.
  • It is necessary to stop any physical activity.
  • If possible, take a half-sitting position (preferably lying down) and leave the body alone for 8-10 minutes. At the same time, you should not jerk your legs, pull your hair and show other manifestations of fear.
  • IN ANY CASE - call an ambulance!

How to avoid pain in the left side when running?

It would seem that the obvious answer to this question suggests itself - stop running and in every possible way protect your body from physical exertion. However, such a solution is fundamentally wrong and often may not solve the problem, but only aggravate it, because the problem may just be rooted in an insufficiently mobile lifestyle.

This is an unpleasant and even frightening feeling for all beginner runners, students in physical education classes while jogging, and even people who occasionally run only a few meters, for example, when trying to catch a bus. If you, too, have experienced this phenomenon - do not panic, everything is fine with you! Feeling discomfort in the side at the first stages of training is absolutely normal. Below we will answer the most frequently asked questions: why does the side hurt when running, how to prevent it and what to do if it suddenly happened?

Why does my left side hurt while running?

When we are not engaged in physical activity in our body, only 60% of the total blood supply is involved in the circulation process, while the rest is concentrated in the abdominal and thoracic region. In moments of sudden physical exertion, in order to satisfy the increased needs of contracting muscles, part of the blood is rapidly rushing into the bloodstream. It does not have time to be redistributed throughout the body and rapidly enters the abdominal organs, which begin to fill with it and, due to this, increase in volume. Each organ of the abdominal region is surrounded by muscle fibers that form a kind of shell, or as it is also called a capsule, and in it, in turn, many nerve endings are concentrated. When any of the organs increases, it presses on the surrounding muscle membrane, thereby touching the nerve endings, which is the cause of pain.

In the left side of the abdomen, under the ribs, we have the spleen and, therefore, when it is enlarged, we feel a sudden stabbing pain in the left side.

Why does my right side hurt when running?

In the right part of the abdomen, under the ribs, we have the liver, the increase of which, by analogy with the spleen, is the cause of our torment. These phenomena occur in healthy, non-smokers, with a low level of endurance people.

Also, the cause of an acute unpleasant feeling in this area can be eating shortly before playing sports. After we have eaten, our body begins to actively digest the food that has entered it. The liver plays an important role in this process, as a result of which it is filled with blood and enlarges. Therefore, even a slight activity provides, albeit a small, additional blood flow to the already rather big liver, making it even larger. As a result, we feel pain in the right side.

Wrong breathing

Another reason for the appearance of unpleasant pain during jogging is improper breathing. If you take in a small amount of air when you inhale and, consequently, an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the diaphragm, a spasm occurs, which is the cause of the unpleasant sensations.

Also, with confused and shallow breathing, our diaphragm fluctuates with a small amplitude, which can lead to a decrease in the amount of blood flowing to the heart, it lingers in the liver, thereby increasing its volume.

How to avoid pain in the side when running?

  • Eat at least 1-2 hours before your workout. Also, do not eat food that is heavy for the stomach (fatty, fried, smoked) shortly before sports, the digestion of which can take a long time. If at some point you feel that your stomach is still working, then you should reduce the intensity and run at a lower speed this time.
  • Before you start jogging, be sure to warm up for 10-15 minutes. Warm-up exercises will prepare the muscles and internal organs for the upcoming loads, thereby all the blood will smoothly penetrate into the blood circulation and be redistributed.
  • Gradually build up the pace. Start by walking, then gradually increase the speed until you reach the desired intensity.
  • You should also not bet for a long time from the very first run. Start with 15-20 minutes, then with each workout increase its duration by 5-10 minutes. After a while, you will become more resilient, the unpleasant feeling will pass by itself.
  • When you run, try to breathe deeply and evenly. Try to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • You should also not talk while jogging, this will take your breath away.
  • Watch your posture: a graceful straight back is the key not only to beauty, but also to proper breathing.
  • Train regularly - and your classes will bring you only positive emotions.

What to do if your side hurts while running?

  • First of all, you need to slow down and smoothly switch to walking. You should not stop abruptly, everything should be done smoothly and gradually.
  • Try to breathe slowly and deeply, so you will increase the outflow of blood from the organs.
  • While inhaling, draw in your stomach, this will make you a kind of internal massage and the excess fluid will slowly leave the liver or spleen (depending on which side you feel discomfort).
  • Lightly press your palm on the place of concentration of painful sensations and massage in a clockwise direction, this will also relieve the overflowing organ of excess fluid.

Serious causes of pain

running syndrome

Previously, we talked about pain in healthy, and not particularly trained people. But pain syndromes also occur in the presence of diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas or liver.

In a person with chronic diseases, such as hepatitis, the size of the liver is often enlarged and pain in the right side of the abdomen cannot be avoided during physical activity.

Unwanted pain can also occur with gallstone disease.

If you suffer from pancreatitis, then you may experience sharp girdle pain in the upper abdomen.

These symptoms can be disturbing in everyday life, but during physical activity, the pain increases significantly.

If you feel a sharp pain during a workout that does not go away after the recommended manipulations, as well as after the completion of the workout, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Until this point, you should not repeat the training, this can further aggravate the existing situation.

What do pains in the right and left side mean. Because of what they arise, how to get rid of them, and why - if it hurts on the left, then this is normal, but if on the right, then you need to go to the doctor.

With the help of an expert, Soviet Sport was looking for answers.

What does pain in the right side mean when running

“Probably every person who is fond of training went through pain in the right hypochondrium while running,” says Alexander Mudretsov, a permanent expert of Soviet Sport, a general surgeon and a specialist in sports medicine. - These pains begin like this: after 5-10 minutes of jogging, suddenly pulls and hurts the right side under the lower rib. Because of the pain, it is difficult to run, often you have to interrupt the run. ”

Pain in the right side is usually not dangerous. It hurts Glisson's capsule (or Glisson's bag) - the membrane that covers the liver. “During running - especially for beginners - the outflow of blood from the lower extremities increases greatly, and more blood passes through the liver. The vessels of the liver dilate, and the liver itself increases in size. This leads to stretching of the Glisson capsule and the appearance of aching sensations in this place and pain, ”says the expert of Soviet Sport.

What to do: in order for the pain to go away, it is necessary to reduce the pace of running - this will “calm down” the blood flow and return the liver to normal size. If slowing down doesn't help, switch to walking. Try to normalize your breathing: breathe deeply and calmly. If the pain still does not go away - stop, take a break of 2-4 minutes. After that, you can resume training. But return to running gradually: start with a walk and gradually increase the pace. Do not start immediately at high speed, otherwise the pain may return.

Glisson's Capsule Pain - Beginner Runner's Syndrome. If you continue to train regularly, after 2-3 runs, it will stop bothering you.

For prevention purposes, you can drink a course of hepatoprotectors - drugs that help the liver work.

What does pain in the left side mean when running

Attacks of pain in the left side that occur when jogging are a more serious reason to pay attention to your health. The pain can be both aching and sharp, throbbing.

“In the left hypochondrium, the spleen, pancreas, left kidney can hurt. What exactly hurts, only a medical examination will establish, ”says Alexander Mudretsov. In some cases, pain in the right side is an indicator that you ate a lot before jogging. The stomach has increased in size and puts pressure on other organs. But sometimes such pain can indicate diseases of the internal organs.

What to do: complete the workout, normalize breathing. Seek medical attention if symptoms recur. Arrange your last snack about an hour before your run. Make sure that this meal is not plentiful: limit yourself to fruit, a glass of milk, a handful of nuts or a small toast.

What else can hurt when running

- heart. Sharp pains in the region of the heart and under the left shoulder blade, severe shortness of breath, “shots” in the left hand - all this is a reason to stop training. Consult your doctor. In the future, when jogging, take a slower pace, walk part of the distance, and do not run.

- head. Feeling of pain in the temporal region, dizziness. When running, the blood flow becomes more intense, because of this, the flow of oxygen to the brain increases rehko. Vasodilation can cause temporary pain and dizziness. As a rule, they pass quickly - again, a decrease in running speed helps in this. If the pain does not go away during the entire run, it bothers you on rest days - consult a doctor;

- joints and ligaments. The most vulnerable areas of a runner are the ankle, knee and hip joints. If it hurts in these places during and after runs, pay attention to your running technique - you may not be running correctly. Buy running shoes with good cushioning and deep tread to reduce pressure on your joints. Avoid running on asphalt.

- muscles. Pain in the muscles occurs under the influence of loads: the muscles receive microtrauma, lactic acid accumulates in them. If the pain doesn't go away before your next run, put it off for a day or two. Cool down and stretch after your run to release the lactic acid that causes pain from your muscles. If the pain intensifies, does not go away, has a sharp pulsating character, consult a doctor. You may have injured a muscle;

- pads of the toes. Running long distances can chafe your feet and lead to blisters. You can solve this problem if you pre-glue the patch on the pads of the foot and under the fingers - in those places that will experience the greatest friction when running.

For everyone who has experienced these unpleasant sensations, a number of questions immediately arise: why does the side hurt when running, how to avoid it, and is it worth running in this case, overcoming the pain.

Depending on the nature of the pain, its localization and conditions of occurrence, several main causes can be distinguished:

  1. Poor warm-up, too intense load, low level of endurance.
  2. Rhythmic, rapid and shallow breathing.
  3. A recent or overly heavy breakfast.
  4. Chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas.

Let's take a closer look at these reasons and find out why the side hurts when running.

From a physiological point of view, there are two theories that explain this phenomenon. Most often, stabbing pain in the side appears in those people who did not warm up before starting the exercise or ate a heavy meal the day before.

Theory A - During the exercise, our blood, bypassing the diaphragm, is sent to the limbs.

Diaphragm is a muscle that separates the stomach and abdomen from the heart and lungs. This is one of the main muscles involved in breathing. Most scientists believe that pain occurs as a result of insufficient blood supply to the diaphragm, which leads to its spasm.

Theory B - The stabbing pain is caused by the fluid our body produces for digestion. This leads to the fact that the intestine begins to pull the ligaments attached to the diaphragm.

A factor that also influences the occurrence side pain- poor development of the respiratory muscles, which does not provide proper expansion of the chest.

Side pain left and right:

Pain in the left side- associated with overflow of the spleen with blood (stretching of the splenic capsule).

Pain in the right side (hepatic pain syndrome)- associated with overflow of the liver with blood (stretching of the liver capsule).

1. Poor warm-up, too intense exercise, poor endurance

At rest, about 60-70% of the total blood volume circulates in the human body. The rest is deposited in organs and tissues: for example, in the spleen. With a sharp increase in load, reserve blood quickly enters the circulation. The liver increases in volume and puts pressure on the hepatic capsule, equipped with a huge number of nerve endings. As a result, there is pain in the right hypochondrium - the so-called hepatic pain syndrome.

This phenomenon is typical for healthy, non-smoking people with a low level of fitness (remember, school races: for sure, after the first lap around the stadium, the girls grabbed their right side together).

Sometimes the pain is in the left side - this is how the spleen reacts to a sharp increase in blood volume.

What to do

Firstly, be sure to warm up before running. The purpose of the warm-up is to gradually “warm up” the body: increase blood flow, prepare the muscles (including the muscles of the internal organs) for the load. If you neglect this rule, then a sharp release of blood into the vascular bed, and hence the pain syndrome, is provided to you.

Secondly, start with low loads and a short duration of training. In the first workouts, running can be only 10-15 minutes and this is quite normal. With a gradual increase in stamina, side pain will stop bothering you.

Thirdly, immediately when pain occurs, slow down or take a step ( just don’t stop abruptly!), relax your shoulders and arms, do a few torso bends and breathe deeply.

Press with three fingers on the area where the pain is the most, and keep until it stops; or also massage the painful area with three fingers. Often this is enough to let go of the pain.

2. Irregular, rapid and shallow breathing

Improper breathing can also cause pain. For example, if the diaphragmatic muscle does not receive enough oxygen, a spasm occurs and the person feels pain in the upper abdomen.

With shallow and frequent breathing, diaphragmatic excursions are very small, so blood flow to the heart decreases and blood stagnates in the liver, increasing its volume. And then - all the same pain in the right side due to the pressure of the overflowing organ on the liver capsule.

What to do

From the very first seconds of running control your breathing- don't hold your breath.
When running body must be vertical because good posture is essential for full, deep breathing. Run at a pace that is comfortable for you

Breathe evenly on the count: two steps - inhale, two - exhale (you can inhale and exhale for 4 steps - this is individual and depends on the characteristics of the body and the pace of running). Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
If the pain is due to a spasm of the diaphragm, take as deep a breath as possible, purse your lips and exhale as slowly as possible.

If the pain does not let go, you need to gradually stop and relax to calm the cramped muscles. Then try to pull your stomach in hard to increase the tone of the abdominal muscles. At the same time, take several strong breaths through the nose.

3. Recent or too heavy breakfast

Immediately after eating, the body throws all its strength into its digestion. The stomach is enlarged in volume, working on fermentation and grinding. The liver is actively involved in the neutralization of toxins, its vessels are dilated.

The heavier the food, the more the gastrointestinal tract has to work. Forced running causes an additional rush of blood, increasing the already considerable volume of the organ. The result is the same - pain in the right side.

What to do

Firstly, have breakfast no later than 40 minutes before a run. If breakfast was hearty, then the time should be increased to 1-1.5 hours.

Secondly, do not eat too heavy food before training: fatty, fried, spicy, smoked. Give preference to fermented milk products, light salads, boiled rice, cereals.

Thirdly, vary the intensity of your workout. If you feel that the stomach is still working on the breakfast you eat, stop trying to run at full strength. Concentrate on this day on running technique, proper breathing. And leave the intense run until the next time.

4. Chronic diseases of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas

In all three of the above reasons, it was about pain in the side that occurs in healthy, but untrained people. But the side when running can also hurt in case of diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder.

So, for example, with hepatitis (including chronic B and C), the liver is enlarged. In gallstone disease, stones can block the ducts of the gallbladder.

With a low lithogenicity (viscosity) of bile, there is also pain, since such bile does not drain well and can cause inflammation. With pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), there is an acute, girdle pain in the upper abdomen.

Such pains can disturb at rest, but during physical activity they intensify.

What to do

Before you start exercising consult a doctor. Make an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and make sure that you have no contraindications to classes. Try to stick to a healthy diet: eat more vegetables, fruits, cereals, steam or bake more. Fatty and fried foods have never done anyone any good.

If you feel pain already during exercise, smoothly move to a step, take a few deep breaths. Finish the workout smoothly, and after it, be sure to consult a doctor. And don't experiment with self-medication!

We hope that knowing why your side hurts when running will warn you against many mistakes and keep you healthy. The main thing is to be able to hear the alarming bells of your body and eliminate their cause in a timely manner.

How to eliminate pain in the side on the go?

It is not recommended to stop if there is pain in the left side (spleen). Having extinguished the pain after stopping in 5-6 minutes, you will “find” it again on the run in 10-12 minutes. A more optimal method of dealing with pain on the go. If the pain is small, you can try to extinguish it by pressing the left elbow to the side. If the pain does not go away, proceed to a more difficult method.

If it was not possible to press the spleen from the outside, then press it "from the inside." Aperture! Without changing the rhythm of running, take two slow ventilating breaths, and then a slow deep breath. The diaphragm, going deep down, presses the spleen, and the pain begins to subside. Hold your breath while inhaling and continue to run without breathing for at least 6-8 seconds. The bigger, the better. No longer able to hold your breath, begin to exhale very slowly. Stirring the air in your lungs as you exhale will reduce the discomfort of a lack of oxygen and allow you to calmly complete a smooth exhalation.

The main thing is to “release” the pressed spleen very smoothly. Any small jolt of breath can derail the procedure and the pain returns. In this case, the whole cycle should be repeated from the beginning.

As a rule, beginners need 3-4 cycles to complete the procedure. With the advent of experience, one or two is enough. It should also be noted that for the female body, the effect of the procedure is somewhat reduced due to the presence of chest breathing, in contrast to abdominal breathing in men.

For pain in the right side (liver), this method is not so effective. However, you should not refuse it in this case.

According to geekrunner.org, www.turnikpedia.ru

There are quite a few causes of pain in the side while running, but basically it all depends on the state of the body of the person himself.

Depending on the strength of the pain and the place of its deployment, there are several main reasons:

1) Incorrect breathing rate.

Breathing is one of the most important aspects of running. With proper breathing, an athlete can run long distances and not feel tired, with improper breathing, he can get tired soon after the start. The main causes of pain due to improper breathing are: too frequent breathing, the lack of a normal breathing rhythm (often stray), breathing is not full chest.

As a result of this, two variants of pain arise, this is a spasm of the muscle and pain in the liver. Spasm occurs due to insufficient oxygen entering the diaphragm, and therefore the muscle cannot work normally, and pain occurs because blood flow to the heart decreases (as a result of constant respiratory failures) and it stagnates in the liver.

2) Untimely intake of food or overeating.

If you ate one and a half to two hours (or less) before your run, or consumed too much food, then side pain is guaranteed. Since after eating the body spends a large amount of energy on its digestion, the volume of the stomach increases and the vessels of the liver expand. This gives us the answer to the question "Why does it hurt in the right side."

3) Anatomical and physiological features.

Pain is expected due to:

Poor warm-up (or lack of it), too sharp and intense load, low level of fitness and endurance. At rest, the blood is evenly distributed throughout the body and circulates normally, with a sharp load, circulation is disturbed and the liver begins to grow, pressing on the accompanying nerve endings. The spleen can also react, which also causes a tingling sensation in the side, this gives us the answer to the question "why does the left side hurt."

4) Pathological and chronic diseases.

They make themselves felt not only during a run, but also during most physical exertion.

If you are worried about even a weak, almost imperceptible pain in one or another internal organ, then you can be sure that while running it can only intensify, regardless of its nature or symptoms. In most diseases, the organ is deformed, it can be enlarged or reduced, which is why the actual pain itself occurs, as the blood flow to it increases and this leads to excessive spasm and pressure.

What to do if your side hurts while running

  • Reduce the pace of running and relax the muscles of the arms and shoulders. This will reduce and stabilize the outflow of blood.
  • Change the rhythm of breathing. Since blood circulation is dependent on breathing, to normalize it, you need to breathe slowly and evenly, without jerking. (For example, two or four steps inhale and two or four steps exhale.
  • Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This will give better oxygen uptake by the cells.
  • Press three fingers on the place of greatest pain and hold for five to seven seconds, three to five times.
  • In no case do not stop, it will only increase the pain.

Also, when jogging, you need to pay attention to your mode of work and rest, sleep and nutrition. Jogging should not be a strength training, you do not need to run to a state of complete fatigue, this will only exhaust you and will not bring any healing effect. Before starting, you should not feel tired, sleepy or stressed. Under such conditions, after a run, these sensations will only intensify. If you run in the morning, then you need to remember that you can start running no earlier than 30-40 minutes after sleep, if you start running earlier this will cause stress for the whole body and cause metabolic processes to fail. If you run in the evening, at least two or three hours should pass after the last physical activity, work or study, in order to avoid overwork and muscle hypertrophy.

Warm up before running is a must. First of all, it is required to avoid injuries (such as sprains, spasms, snags, etc.). Before running, you need to warm up all the muscles that will be used in the future, and stimulate your central nervous system to work actively.

If the goal of your runs is endurance, then you need to follow a few simple recommendations. For example: run at a variable pace (10 minutes faster - 10 minutes slower), develop a constant calm breathing (four steps - inhale, four steps - exhale), and run as long as possible distance). This will help you achieve your desired level of endurance quickly and efficiently.

If you are running to lose weight or just to get healthy, then everything is pretty simple. Jogging should be regular, take place in a conscious air, it is recommended to run around the stadium and in what terrain (forest, park, etc.), and bring you pleasure and not pain and stress.

Running is an excellent option for healing and maintaining physical fitness, it has a positive effect on all metabolic processes in the body and blood circulation, develops the heart muscle and respiratory system, strengthens the immune system and hardens you.