About why the wedding of the son of the legendary actor Vasily Livanov Boris and actress Maria Golubkina did not take place, the ex-wife of the writer Ekaterina Livanova spoke categorically. “No one normal will look at her or at him, he also likes to drink well,” said the woman left by Boris.

Catherine shared juicy details about the relationship between the ex-husband and the actress. “I just found out that Borya went to her with Eva (daughter of Boris and Ekaterina Livanov. - Ed.). They were in a three-story house that she left ex-husband, actor Nikolai Fomenko. Golubkina got drunk there, danced and doused herself with beer, ”the Interlocutor quotes Ekaterina.

According to Livanov's ex-wife, Boris had an affair with Maria Golubkina out of boredom. Borya was bored, so he decided to have some fun with Maria, and then he realized that everything had gone far and canceled the wedding. And she still haunts him. He recently flew to shoot in St. reconcile,” the woman said.

At the same time, Ekaterina is not sure of her desire to restore relations with Boris herself. "For this, he will have to ask for forgiveness for a long time! He already once crawled on his knees after treason, when he went to a certain Natasha. That was before his release. Then Eva asked her father:" Do you love Natasha? "He replied:" No. - " And my mother?" - "And I always love my mother!" But now so much time has passed that I myself don’t know if I need him ... "- said Ekaterina.

Date of Birth: 1974

TV presenter, writer, son of the famous Soviet actor Vasily Livanov and grandson of Boris Livanov. Boris Livanov Born in the family of the famous actor Livanov and animation film artist Elena Artemyevna. Boris has a younger brother Nikolai, a cartoonist.

Biography of Boris Livanov

He studied at the Shchukin School, GITIS, often transferred due to poor attendance. The only role of Boris Livanov in the cinema was his debut in the film " Don Quixote is back» in 1997. The film was directed by Oleg Grigorovich and Vasily Livanov. Boris' father played leading role Don Quixote, and Boris - Samson Carrasco.

Personal life of Boris Livanov

In 2002, Boris Livanov and his first wife Catherine had a daughter, Eva. The Livanov family is known for scandals in the press due to Boris's drunkenness. In 2003 mother Elena Livanova wrote a statement to the police against her son, who threatened her with violence. Boris tried to attack her when she came to his apartment, where he, in a drunken state, handcuffed his wife to a radiator.

In 2009 Boris Livanov was convicted of murder. He served his sentence in a strict regime colony and was released after four and a half years. Since 2014, Livanov lived in his parents' dacha, wrote two books, and maintained a family archive. In 2016 Boris began dating Angelina Frolova, with whom they studied at GITIS. The actress has two sons - Klim and Demyan.

In 2017, it became known that the son famous actor and actress Maria Golubkina began a serious romance and they are planning a wedding. The families of Golubkina and Livanov had known each other for a long time, Maria and Boris studied together at the Shchukin school. In the Secret for a Million program, Livanov stated that he had been in love with Golubkina for 25 years.

“You could say we've known each other all our lives. And how could it be otherwise? There are three generations of actors in my family, Boris has four. He is the grandson of the legendary actor Boris Livanov and the son People's Artist Vasily Livanov, with whom my uncle Cyril Laskari was friends, - said Maria Golubkina in an interview. - He just entered, and I studied a year older. I did not even doubt that he had brilliant prospects, that he would be a prince and a lucky one all his life ... And then our paths diverged. I got married, gave birth to Nastya and Vanya, Borya also had a daughter, then a well-known difficult story happened to him. And then we met at a new stage in life: free and not quite old yet.

“My daughter told me about Borka’s lamours with Golubkina for the first time at Easter. My girl lives with the Livanovs in court. Of course, my daughter knows who her dad is hanging around with. But no matter what they say now, no matter what engagements they announce, I personally think that all this is not serious," said Ekaterina Khruleva, ex-wife Boris Livanov, who gave birth to his daughter Eva in 2002.


According to the woman, Boris has long been dating one of his former classmates, then another. “I know Borya as flaky. Believe me, he hasn’t finished a single thing yet. Yes, and how many of these women he had after his release! Ru Catherine.

At the same time, Khruleva is sure that Livanov still has feelings for her. “I know that he loves. We call up and meet periodically. Before spring break, Eva was taken away from school together and the three of us sat in a cafe. I suggested: “Let's spit on everything and sign again. We will live with our family - as before. "But Borka is like a heifer: he wants to and injects," said Livanov's ex-wife.

When Catherine asked ex-spouse he only laughed about Mary. “He said that I should not worry - he is not going to marry anyone,” Khruleva shared.

Meanwhile, according to her, Golubkina and Livanov have a lot in common. “I won’t be surprised that everything started up between them when they were drunk with Borka. Catherine was outraged.

Khruleva is sure that even if the wedding takes place, Golubkina will not find happiness in this marriage. "Everything will go standard scenario: first poems and flowers, then bruises and tears. And poor Golubkina will go on talk shows with a bruised face and complain about her drunken husband. You'll see, everything will be so, "said Ekaterina, adding that her ex-husband beat her privately. "He broke his nose, ribs. But I loved him. And she always forgave," Khruleva summed up.

Recall that on June 17, on the air of the Secret for a Million program, Maria Golubkina admitted that she was marrying the son of the legendary actor Vasily Livanov Boris. Despite the fact that the chosen one has not yet presented her with a ring, they live together and intend to get married soon.

Ekaterina calls the TV show with her participation a set-up

Ekaterina LIVANOVA has been waging war with famous relatives for almost ten years. The father-in-law, actor Vasily LIVANOV, is trying to take her daughter away from her through the courts, arguing that Katya drinks heavily and educates his granddaughter poorly. “Sherlock Holmes” did not have direct evidence - until at the end of December last year, the talk show “Live”, dedicated to problems in his family, aired on the Rossiya1 TV channel. The swollen face, cloudy look and indistinct speech of Ekaterina present in the studio were more eloquent than any words. However, the woman herself assures that the transfer was a setup organized by the actor. Her words are confirmed by her mother - Irina Petrovna.

Ekaterina says that the conflict in the family began with the housing issue. When her husband Boris was imprisoned, the father-in-law Vasily Livanov drove a woman out of the "kopeck piece", which he had once bought for his son and where she herself was not registered. However, her daughter Eva is registered at this address, and Katya filed a lawsuit, defending part of the living space. famous actor immediately filed a counterclaim to deprive a relative of maternal rights. Every year the war between them becomes more and more fierce, and any means are used. Ekaterina says that the artist tried to take her granddaughter by force, sent her strange people. Vasily Borisovich calls this drunken delirium and trumpets in all the media that the daughter-in-law is drinking too much. After the release of the talk show "Live" with Mikhail Zelensky many believed his words: Katya looked inadequate on the screen.
- I was deliberately poisoned before filming! - stunned the journalists of Express Gazeta Livanova, with whom we met in the apartment of her mother Irina Petrovna.

foam at the mouth

Catherine: Grandfather wants to sell the apartment near the Aeroport metro station, in which Borya and I lived. Even people came to watch it. But first, the child needs to be discharged. I will not give consent to this, so he is trying in every possible way to deprive me of the right to raise a daughter. Here is the transmission Zelensky arranged for the whole country to see what kind of allegedly drinking mother Eva has.
- What happened in reality?
Journalists came to me, took out cognac, poured psychotropic drugs into it, and then offered to drink coffee with it. In general, they poisoned ...
- More?
They called from the channel - we would like to shoot with you, we will pay a fee of about two thousand dollars. Eva and I come home after the school matinee, they are already waiting. Masha, my eldest daughter, took an interview, which was never included in the program. Although she told how Borya drank, arranged fights and Masha herself, she was 11 years old, once in the middle of the night she got out of bed and kicked out of the house. It was impossible to appease him, and the child had to spend the night with a neighbor. I was also interviewed and not included in the plot. Then they suddenly say: the operator needs to drink 50 grams of cognac before filming, they took out a bottle, poured it for him. The young boy looks in bewilderment, apparently he did not know about this affair. He sniffed a glass and put it on the refrigerator. While we were giving interviews and drinking tea and cake, the evening came. Mom took Eve to the dance. And the journalist says that we should shoot more, but the cameraman has run out of cassette, now he will go for it. We are sitting together with her, suddenly she offers: the cognac is open, let me add it to your coffee for taste. The martini itself sipped lightly. I drank and I don't remember. Already in the studio on the recording I saw that, it turns out, I went to the store. Although I had no money: we were just waiting for a pension. And in the frame, I allegedly buy bacon and a bottle of cognac of the same shape as it was on the table. I did not find these products in my bag. It is not clear what was added to the cognac. I fell on the street, they showed this moment large. The next day I couldn’t tear my head off the pillow, I vomited foam, I didn’t eat for two days, I only drank mineral water. I got poisoned, my heart even became bad.

- Did you call an ambulance?
No. On the third day after the visit of the TV people, I took my daughter to the dance, and the journalists were already on guard. They raced all over Moscow in a car. I have a wadded head, it's bad for me. But some huge bullies stuffed me into a foreign car - they say, now we'll go to the transfer. I refuse, but Diana (she introduced herself as an editor) fell to her knees: “I beg you, they will fire me from my job!” She said, we’ll just go to the studio, write a statement that you won’t act now, but come next time. But as soon as we arrived, I, all disheveled, was immediately shoved into the frame. So far, she had just figured out what to answer questions, but she could no longer defend herself.
Irina Petrovna: Journalists came for me at nine in the evening so that I could defend Katya in the studio. They realized that this was already too much: they gathered all the supporters of Vasily Borisovich, attacked the girl like kites. I look, Katya is already sliding down from her chair, quelling, pale. I say: sit up straight, hold on! This is how the show was filmed. Although such a tin, as Livanov wanted, still did not work out. They also needed to drunk mom staggered and fell, and Eve raised her weeping. It's even better if they get hit by a car. But it wasn't. Why do you think the journalists brought cognac and martini to the interview? Why did they film it, only how Katya slipped and fell on the street? Why was her interview not included in the program?
- So you say that this is a provocation?
Exactly. And we set the table, accepted the film crew with soul. They said they wanted to help us. The head was so confused, flattered, smiled, sympathized that we could not even think of anything bad. Cognac all the time uncorked stood on the table, and all around was turmoil. You could add anything, any psychotropic. Zelensky, most importantly, said on the program: they say, the mother is so drunk, the child is suffering. Yeah, how! We tortured Eva: we take her to resorts every year, we buy the most beautiful dresses, Katya gave her a laptop for her birthday, we take her to choreography, we take her to an art studio. The Livanovs see the girl on holidays, and they attribute all the merit to themselves: the girl is so good only thanks to her grandparents, they put all the best into her. Yes, here's an example. The Livanovs are all drawing: Borya, Vasily Borisovich graduated from art school, Elena Artemyevna is engaged in dolls. If only she and Eve would draw something!
- Why didn't you say in the studio that they wanted to poison you?
Should have said...

Money for the cottage

- Are you so sure that this is the machinations of your father-in-law?
The editor, Diana, told us, as if in secret, that Vasily Borisovich wants to deceive you. But they are forced people, if they don’t make this transfer, everyone will be fired from work. Direct text. Only Livanov's supporters were gathered in the studio: everyone was selected and paid for. This persecution has been going on for 12 years, since Borya appeared with us. Of course, such happiness fell. Woe, not Borya!
E.: Yesterday I sent an urgent telegram to him so that he would not sell the apartment. The whole mess because of this living space.
I.P.: The Livanovs used to rent out an apartment, but now, when it costs $256,000, they want to sell it. Eva will be discharged to Khimki to her mother and grandmother, and no one cares that she will lose her school, benefits, free trips, and treatment! Borya will be thrust into the dacha as a watchman - he will not make a sound after prison.
- Is it possible to talk to them in a good way, because the interests of the child are affected?
We tried. Elena Artemievna is silent, makes a mysterious face. The Livanovs want to live well, drive good cars, build a dacha. Vasily Borisovich is always tweaking something there: he made another floor, bought luxurious furniture, made a second bath.
- Last question: Do the Livanovs tell the truth that Eva communicates with her father through letters?
Lies! We let Eva go to them for her birthday and said: ask your grandparents to contact dad by phone. Talk to him. The daughter said that Borya congratulated her, and then cried. It was the only time. He does not write any letters.

Ekaterina LIVANOVA with her mother Irina

Ekaterina LIVANOVA with her daughter Eva

and went through difficult years. In 2009 Boris Livanov was convicted of murder, ended up in places of deprivation of liberty, from where he was released on parole in 2014. Recently, the actor became a guest of Boris Korchevnikov's program "The Fate of a Man" and for the first time frankly spoke about the circumstances of the incident.

Boris Livanov was married only once. His chosen one, Ekaterina, did not like the artist's parents, because she abused alcohol with her husband.

“Katya has always been very positive, but some things knocked her down. Of course, we drank with her, I drank along with everyone all my life, but for some reason they always noticed me, even if, compared to the rest, I was even almost not drunk. Some time after the birth of our daughter, we had to leave, ”said Boris. According to him, it was a fatal blow for Catherine that their daughter Eva was born deaf - this is what provoked her addiction to alcohol.