The most developed, the smartest monkeys are humanlike. So asks the word - humanlike. And all because with our view, their relatives are very much. You can talk about human monkeys a lot, long and with passion just because they are really close to our mind. But first things first.

All these animals are distinguished by 4 types:

  • gorilla,
  • orangutans
  • chimpanzees
  • bonobo (or dwarf chimpanzees).

Bonobo and chimpanzees are very similar to each other, but the remaining two types do not like each other or on chimpanzees. However, all human monkeys you can highlight a lot in common, for example:

  • they have no tail,
  • the similar structure of the brushes of the upper limbs and the hands of a person,
  • the volume of the brain is very large (at the same time, its surface is full of grooves and convolutions, and this indicates a high level of intelligence of these animals)
  • there are 4 blood groups,
  • bonobo's blood in medicine is used to transfuse a person with a suitable blood group.

All these facts talk about the "blood" kinship of these creatures with people.

Both types of gorilla and chimpanzees live in Africa, and this continent is known to be considered the cradle of all mankind. Orangutan, as scientists consider, the most genetically distant far from our relative between man-like monkeys, lives in Asia.

Chimpanzee ordinary

Public life chimpanzees

Chimpanzees live, as a rule, by groups, on average 15-20 individuals. In the group, which is headed by one malese leader, includes females, males of all ages. Chimpanzee groups occupy the territory that the males themselves and guard themselves from the invasions of the neighbors.

In places where food is pretty for a comfortable residence of the group, chimpanzee is a tempted lifestyle. However, if the food is not enough for the whole group, they roame in search of food on fairly distant distances. It happens that several groups of residence intersect. In this case, they are united for some time. Interestingly, in all conflicts the advantage is obtained by the group that contains more males and which in connection with this turns out to be stronger. Permanent chimpanzees do not create. This means that any adult male has the right to freely choose another girlfriend from adult females, and as its own, so the group that joined.

After a 8-month period of pregnancy, the chimpanzee female appears one absolutely helpless young. Until the year of life, the female wears a baby on his stomach, after which the kid deals his own on her back. For a total of 9-9.5 years, the female and the cubs are practically inseparable. His mother teaches everything that herself can, shows him the world and other members of the group. There are cases when adolescents are given to their "kindergarten". There they are frolic with peers under the supervision of several adults, as a rule, females. When the baby marks 13 years old, chimpanzee enters into the period of adulthood and begin to be considered independent members of the flock. At the same time, young males begin to join the fight for the leading

Chimpanzees are rather aggressive animals. In the group, conflicts often occur, which will develop even bloody fights that are often ending with fatal outcome. To establish relations among themselves by man-like monkeys makes it possible a wide range of facial expressions, gestures and sounds that they pass their approvals. Friendly feelings These animals express through the movement of wool each other.

Chimpanzee mined food and trees, and on Earth, and there, and there feeling in their place. Their food belongs:

  • plant food,
  • insects
  • small living creatures.

In addition, the hungry chimpanzees to the whole team can be hunting and seized for co-food, for example, Gazelle.

Skillful hands and smart head

Chimpanzee is extremely intelligentThey are able to use tools of labor, and deliberately picking up the most handy tool. They are even capable of improving it. For example, to climb into the anthill, a man's monkey applies a twist: it picks up a suitable rod and optimizes it, breaking the leaves on it. Or, for example, use a stick to knock down a highly growing fetus. Or to knock her enemy while fighting.

To smash the nut, the monkey puts it on a specially selected flat stone, and another, sharp stone, breaks the shell.

For quenching thirst, chimpanzees uses a large sheet and use it as a drawak. Or make a sponge from the pre-checked leaf, lowers it in the stream and squeezes himself into his mouth.

Hunting, man-like monkeys can death to score the victim with stones, hail of the cobblestones will expect a predator, for example, a leopard who will dare to open the hunt for these animals.

In order not to sleep when moving through the reservoir, chimpanzees are able to build a bridge from sticks, and wide leaves they will use as an umbrella, fly swatter, fan and as toilet paper.


Good giants or monsters?

It is easy to imagine the feelings of the person who first saw the gorilla - a man-like giant, frightening the alien terrible screams, hitting himself with fists in the chest, breaking and escaping young trees. Favorite meetings with forest monsters and gave rise to scary stories and legends about the proceedings of hell, Whose inhuman force bears a deadly danger if not for human clan, then for his psyche.

Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration. Such legends that pushed the public to the fact that these human-like creatures began to be too reported in due time caused almost uncontrolled, panic extermination of gorillas. The form threatened complete extinction, if it were not for the works and efforts of scientists who took under their defense of these giants, about which in those years people almost knew nothing at all.

As it turned out, it seemed these creepy monsters are the most peaceful herbivoresFood only vegetable food. In addition they are practically completely non-aggressive, and demonstrate its strength and all the more apply it, only when there is a real danger and if someone comes to their territory.

Moreover, to avoid in vain bloodshed, gorillas try to scare offenders, It does not matter - the other is the male, the ruler of another species or a person. Then all possible means to intimidation come into force:

  • screams
  • soften yourself in chest fists,
  • balance of trees and so on.

Features of the life of Gorilla

Gorilla, as well as chimpanzees, live in small groups, but the number of them is usually less than 5-10 individuals. Among them, the head of the group is common - the senior male, a few females of young from different ages and 1-2 young male. The leader is easy to recognize: He has silver-gray wool on his back.

By the age of 14, the gorilla is becoming half, and instead of black wool on his back, a light strip occurs.

Already the ever-eagerness of the mermaid: he has an height of 180 cm and weighs sometimes 300 kg. The one who from the silver-spinal males turns out to be elders, and becomes a leader of the group. On his powerful shoulders assign concern for all family members.

The main in the male group gives signals to the awakening at sunrise, and to sleep when sunset, it chooses the path in the thickets, which will go through the rest of the group in search of food, regulates the order and peace in the group. He also protects all his threatening dangers, which in the rainforest is a huge set.

The younger generation in the group brief their own mother. However, if the kid suddenly orphaned, then it is the leader of the flocks takes them under his wing. He will wear them on his back, next to them to sleep and make sure that their games are not dangerous.

When protecting the young orphan, the leader can even go to a duel with a leopard or even with armed person.

Often, the cubs of Gorilla entails not only the death of his mother, but also the death of the head of the group. The remaining members of the group, deprived of protection and custody, young animals and helpless females also stand on the edge of the abyss if someone from single males will not take responsibility for the orphaned family.


Orangutan: Features of life

"Orangutan" with Malaya translates as a "forest man." This name denotes large man-like monkeys that live in the jungle on the islands of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Orangutans are from amazing creatures on earth. They are in many ways different from other human monkeys.

Orangutans are a woody lifestyle. Let their weight are quite significant, 65-100 kg, they are remarkably climbed by trees even at an altitude of up to 15-20 m. They prefer not to go down to the ground.

Of course, due to the severity of the body, they cannot jump out from branches on the branches, however, they are able to confidently and quickly climb on trees.

Almost around the clock Orangutans eat, eating

  • fruit,
  • foliage
  • bird eggs,
  • chicks.

In the evenings, Orangutans are building their homes, each, everyone is, where they are arranged for the night. They sleep, holding one of the paws per branch, so as not to break down in a dream.

Orangutans are arranged at every night in a new place, for which they build a "bed" again. These animals practically do not form groups, preferring a lonely life or life with couples (mother - young, female - male), although there are cases when a couple of adult individuals and several young different ages form almost a family.

The female of these animals is born 1 young. Mother takes care of it for about 7 years, until he matures enough for independent life.

Up to 3 years, the young Orangutan feeds on only maternal milk, and only after this period, the mother begins to give him to solid food. She chews for him to foliage, thus making her plant puree for him.

She prepares the baby to adulthood, learn it properly climb on the trees and cite yourself for sleep. Kids-Orangutans are very playful and affectionate, and the whole process of upbringing and learning they perceive as an entertaining game.

Orangutans are very cuty animals. In captivity, they learn to apply the tools of labor and can even make them independently. But in the face of free life, these human monkeys are rarely used by their abilities: the incessant food search does not give them time to develop their natural intelligence.


Bonobo, or dwarf chimpanzees - our closest relative

On the existence of our closest relative - Bonobo - few people know. Although the set of genes in dwarf chimpanzees coincides with the set of human genes, at 98%! They are also very close to us on the basics of socio-emotional behavior.

They live in Central Africa, in the north-east and northwest of the Congo. They never leave the branches of the trees, and they are very rare on the ground.

Characteristic features of the behavior of this species - joint hunt. They may be among themselves war, then the presence of force policy is detected.

Bonobo does not have gesture languageso characteristic other creatures. They serve each other voice signals and they are very distincts from the signals of the second type of chimpanzees.

Bonobo's voice consists of high, sharp and barking sounds. For hunting, they use various primitive items: stones, sticks. In captivity, their intelligence gets the opportunity to grow and show themselves. They are in possession of objects and the invention of new acts in real masters.

Bonobo does not have a leader, like other representatives of primates. A distinctive and characteristic feature of dwarf chimpanzees is also the fact that at the head of their group or a whole community is a female.

Female individuals hold by groups. They also include young and teenagers up to 6 years. The males hold on the side, but not far away.

Interestingly, almost all aggressive bursts in Bonobo are replaced by elements of marriage.

What the females dominate, was identified by scientists in the experiment when combined with monkeys of both species. In groups, Bonobo is first proceeded for food females. If the male is disagreeable, the females combine efforts and expel the male. During the meal, the scuffle does not happen, but at the same time it is necessary to mating precisely before eating.


According to many wise books, the beasts are to take our smaller. And with confidence it can be said that man-like monkeys are our brothers - closest.

How many types of monkeys live on our planet than they eat, what are the features of their life? We are pleased to read about all this and watch TV shows. And it is not surprising, because we have come from a general ancestor. We have a lot of similar features not only in the appearance and structure of the skeleton, but also in behavior.

What types of monkeys are?

Zoologists define two groups of primates, these animals are classified on them. They are divided into primates of new and old light. The first group includes monkeys living in Central and South America, and to the second - in Asia and Africa. And each group has its own distinctive features. The monkeys of the new light have a tail that they can hold onto the branches when moving on the trees, and the nose is wide. The African and Asian primates are very often no tail, but even if it is, then animals do not use it as a certain fifth limb, they have a narrow nose. These two groups include more than one hundred sixty types of monkeys.

Primates of South and Central America

The following monkeys (species) are inhabited in this area: Martyski, Tamarina, Capuchins, Belichesky Monkeys (56 species), Soviet and night monkeys, Titi, Sakis and Uakaris (41 species), Revubus, spider and woolly monkeys.

African and Asian Primates

These continents live the largest number of primates - more than 135 species. If you list all types of monkeys, the list will be huge. They are combined into wider categories: baboons, thin-rods, colobuses, mandryls, macaics. There is another category that includes the following types of human monkeys: gorilla, chimpanzees, orangutan, bonobo (dwarf chimpanzees) and gibbon.


These monkeys belong to the family of chain. They live in the warmest areas of South America: Brazil, Costa Rica, Tamarian pool, it is very easy to distinguish from other monkeys on the main characteristic distinctive feature of the mustache, although there are also mesh representatives of this species. Some have a lion mane straight. And because of their very unusual appearance behind these animals, constant hunt is conducted - poachers are caught by Tamarins for sale in the black market. That is why the extinction threatens this type.

In length, Tamarin's body reaches from eighteen to thirty five centimeters, with a tail - from twenty-three to forty-four centimeters, they weigh to a kilogram. If we list the types of small monkeys, then Tamarina will lead this list. The main place of their habitat is the alpine areas of Brazil. In these places, monkey feel excellently: a soft wet climate, an abundance of food. Tamarins live in small groups of 5-10 individuals, so it is easier for them to find food and defend against predators. At night, they sleep in high trees, and with the onset of the morning they begin to lead an active lifestyle: looking for food, care for each other.

Tamarins are omnivores - they are happy to eat both lizards, snails, insects, bird eggs, and vegetable foods - leaves of trees, fruits, nuts and nectar. The mined food is equally distributed between all members of the pack. If a stranger is closed on their territory, they traveled all together, building frightening grimaces. About young people care with the whole group. Kids up to four months old are constantly moving on the back of the father. Monkey all the time talking between themselves, thereby telling each other about the found food and about the approach of the enemy.


Refer to the family of Martish-shaped. These are very small and funny monkeys. Types of monkeys: Real and Green, Gusar, Talapoyn and others (23). The sizes of the body are usually small (like a cat), the wool is thick and very soft. Color of these monkeys is very diverse: olive, gray-green, light gray, brown, red, blue, black. Forers slightly elongated, some representatives of this species have a mustache, buynbard and beard. The tail is usually twice as long than the body. Sedal corn of small sizes.

These primates live mainly in the forests. Martens feed both vegetable food and animal. The diet includes young branches of trees and leaves, fruits, juicy grass, insects and small vertebrates. The monkey enemies are fleeing. It should be noted that the greatest danger for them is the people who catch them for sale. Martyski tame well, but for this you need to take a young. An adult monkey, being in captivity, is practically not a lesser.


This combined more than thirty subspecies. These primates form four groups. These monkeys live in Brazil and Honduras. Most of the time spend on the tops of tall trees. The length of the body of the animal reaches fifty centimeters. Head round, with protruding cheekbones. The color of the face is usually pink or white. On the Makushka - the Black Khokholok, similar to the hood (actually, because of this similarity, the animal and got its name).

Live primates with groups from 10 to 30 individuals. Sharely mining food, they are protected from enemies and care about the offspring. Capuchins are omnivores: feed on both vegetable and animal food. It should be noted that these monkeys are very intelligent. They can split nuts with a stone, beat the fruit of the branches of trees. Catching the mucus from her, wiping about the tree. Capuchins for up to three months spend all the time on the back of the mother, overwhelming the chest to feed the milk. From the semi-annual age begin to lead a more independent lifestyle, eat adulthood, but they are far from the mother.


Revubunas are the largest primates on the territory of the new world. They are with a dog. These monkeys have a long and very chain tail, which they are constantly used when moving in trees.

The body of the primate is covered with thick but short hair. Long wool only on the head of the cone-shaped form. The jaw drank forward, something similar to the dog. The neck is very short, so it seems that it is generally absent. Most of the life, these primates spend on trees. In the afternoon, they are closed under the very tops, where they are looking for food, and at night lowered down, setting up for the night in dense branches of small trees. Areas are very afraid of water, as they absolutely do not know how to swim.

They feed on monkeys by the kidneys of trees, leaves, juicy shoots and fruits. Revubunas are combined into flocks, which are from five to forty individuals. The female, as a rule, is born one cub, which she feeds up to 18 months. Looking behind the kid helps young and childless females.


The second name is a yellow baboon. In length, the body reaches seventy five centimeters, and the length of the tail is about sixty centimeters. Wool yellow color - hence the name of the primate. Baboes live in Eastern and Mid Africa (in mountain and steppe areas). Feels like most primates, plant and animal food. In the diet of Pavians, there are bulbs, juicy grass, fruits, nuts, insects, lizards, bird eggs, etc.

Babuines never live alone. The group includes up to eighty individuals. A clear hierarchy is observed in the flock, several adult males dominate. In case of danger, they come to each other for help. Between the males and the offspring establish friendships. Matured young female people remain in the flock, but the young males are forced to leave. Interestingly, often the flock of hoofs join the flock of yellow bavians. The fact is that baboons have very sharp vision, so they can warn on time.


This is the largest type of primates that do not belong to the group of man-like monkeys. They live in the territory of West Africa. Female males have a very beautiful and bright color. They have a bright pink nose, and on the face there are blue stripes. Females and young males have no bright coloring. The weight of males sometimes reaches fifty four kilograms. Females are much less.

The diet of primates includes both vegetable and animal food. Mandrils eat more than one hundred thirteen species of plants.

There are monkey data with families in which one male and ten-fifteen females are included. Each family is fixed the territory in fifty square meters, which they marked the fragile secret. Pregnancy females last two hundred twenty days. The kids appear on the light from April to December, at this time a lot of food, therefore females have time to fade them. The connection between the mother and the cub is saved for a very long time. Up to three years, the baby comes to spend the night to his mother.


Gorillas are the largest human monkeys. These primates in Africa live. Until recently, the duration of the habitat of these monkeys was inaccessible. But the aborigines always knew about the neighborhood of these animals and tried not to meet with them, believing that they had a fierce moral.

Gorilla growth reaches almost two meters, and the weight is from one hundred forty to two hundred kilograms. The body has a square shape. Wool and skin color - black. With the age of males on the back wool seats. Like all primates, the gorillas lead a daily lifestyle. These monkeys eat exclusively vegetable food. They prefer stalks and leaves, but the fruits make up a small share of the diet.

The gorillas are very calm, even phlegmatic character, despite the awesome look. The female mates only with the leader of herd, the pregnancy lasts eight and a half months. The first time he rides the back of the mother, and then walks alongside, holding her wool. Life expectancy is thirty-thirty-five years, but some individuals live in half a century.

The rarest types of monkeys

A person is very harmonious about the surrounding nature. Many animals were on the verge of extinction, and the monkeys fell into their number. Some of them include such a small number of individuals that scientists all over the world are alarming. Thus, the animal protection society took under the custody of Drilov - Primates, which are made to the Red Book. The population of these animals has no more than ten thousand individuals. All monkeys (species do not matter) are exterminated by a person with a catastrophic speed. And if it goes on it, then the planet can lose these wonderful animals.


Currently, the home monkey is not at all uncommon. Many pet stores sell these exotic animals. But it should be borne in mind that not all types of primates are good at home. Here are some types of homemade monkeys, well-adapting to captivity: Tamarins, Martens, Gibments, toys, Kapuchins. These primates are unpretentious in content, but it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. So, they should have a spacious cell, proper nutrition. In no case do not beat the animal and do not shout at him, otherwise it will clict in yourself, it will be aggressive and boring. In bad conditions, monkeys die very quickly.

For sure, it's no secret to anyone that for a long time in the scientific circles, the monkey was considered to our closest relatives, and the origin of the man from the monkey was considered. Now this scientific theory is questioned, not all scientists believe that we, so-called "homo sapiens" originated from monkeys. However, scientific disputes on this account are being carried out so far, but our article is not about this, but about those amazing creatures, the brothers of our smaller, which among the whole diverse animal of the world of the planet Earth really looks like our people.

Monkey: Description, Building, Characteristics. What does a monkey look like?

Let's start with the very origin of the name "Monkey" very curious. Up to the 16th century, we have a monkey called "Obiana", by the Word of the Czechs so it is so far. After the Russian traveler of Athanasius Nikitin returned from his famous journey to India, he brought the first name "Abu Zina" in India, meaning the literally "Father of Blud". Subsequently, the per night "Abu Zina" was transformed itself in the "Monkey".

The length of the body of the monkey, depending on its type, can be from 15 cm (in a dwarf igunka) to 2 m (in the gorilla). Also, the mass of the monkey can be from 150 grams from the smallest representatives of the species, up to 275 kg - so many huge gorillas weigh so much.

Many monkeys lead a woody lifestyle, that is mainly inhabit the trees and, as a result, have a long spin, a shortened narrow chest, thin hip bones. But orangutans and gibbons have a wide chest and massive pelvic bones.

In some monkeys, the presence of a very long tail, the length of which can even exceed the size of the body, the tail of the monkey performs the function of the balancer when moving between trees. But the monkeys living on the Earth tail is very short. As for monkeys without a tail, he does not have all the "human-like" monkeys (as well as him and him and people).

The body of the monkeys is covered with different color, depending on the view, it can be light brown, red, black and white, gray-olive. Some adult monkeys with age can be seen, and males monkeys are bald, again almost like people.

Monkeys have mobile, well-developed upper limbs, very similar to our hands, on each five fingers, and the monkeys living on the trees fingers are short and large, which allows them to be comfortably flew from the branch branch.

The vision of monkeys binocular, many of them have black eye pupils.

Monkeys's teeth are also similar to the human, in the conflict monkeys in the presence of 32 tooth, in wide-up - 36.

Monkey's brain is also developed very well, among other representatives of the animal world in terms of intelligence with monkeys could be harvested. Is that dolphins. Manoid monkeys in the presence of whole brain departments responsible for meaningful actions.

They communicate monkeys with each other using a special signal system consisting of facial expressions and sounds. The most "chatty" among them are monkeys and cappuzins, they have a rich dead, are able to express a wide range of feelings.

Where monkeys live

Monkeys live on all continents, with the exception of Antarctica, of course. In Europe, they live only in Gibraltar, in Southeast Asia, Africa (with the exception of Madagascar), Central and South America, Australia.

Lifestyle monkeys

Monkeys live in small families and in a lifestyle are divided into woody monkeys living on trees and terrestrial living on Earth. Monkeys, as a rule, lead a settling lifestyle and rarely leave their territory.

Sometimes there are collisions between males monkeys, which have a goal to solve the answer to the question, "who is the main male here", however, such collisions are limited to the demonstration of the forces of each male and do not reach this fight.

How many monkeys live

On average, the life expectancy of monkeys is 30-40 years. However, human-like monkeys live longer, they can live and up to 50 years.

What the monkeys eat

Monkeys omnivorous animals, and the diet of their nutrition depends on a particular type and also habitat. Wood monkeys eat everything that can be extracted on trees -, various fruits, nuts, and sometimes insects.

Ground monkeys feed on rhizomes and shoots of plants (for example, fern - favorite gorilla delicacy), fruit (figs, mango, and, of course, bananas). Also, some monkeys can catch fish, we are glad to eat mollusks, rodents, grasshoppers, beetles and other small animals.

Although there are types of monkeys that eat only one, a certain food, for example, Japanese short-tailed macaques - clean vegetarians and feed solely by the crust of trees, and macaque-crazed, as it follows from its name, feeds in crab.

Enemies monkeys

Unfortunately, the monkeys themselves have many enemies in natural conditions, which is not averse to these primates. The sword enemies of the monkeys are leopards that are capable of climbing trees and other predatory "" - lions, cheetahs.

Types of monkeys, photos and titles

In general, all types of monkeys can be divided into:

  • wide monkeys - here are monkeys living in the American continent,
  • focused monkeys - all the other monkeys that live in Africa, Asia, Australia and European Gibraltar.

Regarding different types of monkeys, zoologists separately marked species of human-like monkeys, the types of small monkeys, etc. In general, there are more than 400 species of these primates in nature, below we describe the most interesting of them.

He is a representative of the family of spider monkeys. It is named so due to the fact that there is characteristic sounds that are heard at a distance of up to 5 km. The males of the black reven covered with black wool and fully justify their name, but the female black is not black, their yellow-drill and olive wool. The length of this monkey is 56-67 cm, with a weight of 6.7 kg. Black Reong lives in South America, in the territory of such countries as Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia.

Refers to the family of chapherthust, Kapuchin is a wood monkey living on trees. Capuchin weight is 3 kg. It has a brown or gray-brown color. A very curious feature of this type of monkeys is their habit of rubbing themselves to poisonous multicacies () to protect against bloodsowing insects. Mourning cabins in the crowns of tropical forests of Brazil, Venezuela.

It received its unusual name thanks to gray with shades of blue color and a white strip of wool, which passes above the eyebrows like a crown. The length of the body of the crowned mint is 50-60 cm with a mass of 5-6 kg. Martex in African forests from the Congo River Basin to Ethiopia and Angola.

Belongs to man-like monkeys of the Gibbon family. It has 55-65 cm long and weight 5-6 kg. The colors of the wool of white gibbon can be black, sandy or brown, but his hands are always white, hence the name. These gibbons live in the tropical forests of China and the Malay archipelago.

Eastern Gorilla

Gorilla is the largest monkey in the world. The size of the gorilla on average is 185 cm with a body weight of 180 kg. Although sometimes the larger gorillas, weighing and all 220 kg come across. These huge monkeys are distinguished by a large head, wide shoulders unfolded. Color gorilla wool color, to the old age gorillas like people can be seen. Despite its terrible view, the gorillas prefer to eat grass, shooting plants, rather than hunting for a game. Gorillas in the equatorial forests of Central and West Africa.

He is the White Saki, in our opinion, this monkey has the strangest appearance - the black color of his wool contrasts brightly with a white color of the face. The size of the pale saka is 30-48 cm with a weight of 2 kg. This is a wood monkey, living in the forests of Brazil, Venezuela, Suriname.

He is a collaborated baboon, is a view of the vocomatic monkeys, conducted solely on earth. This is also a rather large monkey, the length of the body of the gamadril is 70-100 cm, the weight is 30 kg. It also has an unusual appearance - long wool on shoulders and chest forms some kind of fur cape. Gamadril inhabit, both in Africa and Asia in a number of countries, such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Yemen.

Monkey nosach, she belongs to the Martushkov family. A bright feature of this monkey is a big sizes of the nose, which monkeys even have to hold hands during meals. It has yellow-brown color. The size of the nose is 66-77 cm at a weight of 15-22 kg. Also has a long tail, which is equal to the length of their body. These unusual types of monkeys live exclusively on Borneo Island.

Honce-dating in the northern part of the Japanese Island, this monkey is a real business card of these places. The size of the Japanese macaque is 80-95 cm, weight 12-14 kg. These monkeys have brightly red skin, which is especially noticeable on their face and buttocks devoid of woolen cover. Macakes living in Northern Japan The cold winter months are experiencing in special thermal springs, warming up in their hot waters (and at the same time attract crowds from around the world).

Sumatran orangutang is a rather large monkey, its dimensions reach one and a half meters at a weight of 150-160 kg. In terms of its size, Orangutang occupies an honorable second place after the gorilla. It has a developed muscles, a massive body covered with red wool, perfectly climbs on trees. The muzzle of Orangutan has fat rollers located on the cheeks, and the beard and mustache give it a very funny look. It dwells charismatic Sumatran orangutan exclusively on the island of Sumatra.

For some reason, monkeys are most associated with chimpanzees, which is the most characteristic representative of the monkey kingdom. Chimpanzee is also comparatively large monkeys, the length of their body is 140-160 cm with a weight of 65-80 kg, that is, they are like people with their sizes. The body of chimpanzees is covered with black coat. It is also very curious that these human-like monkeys are the only one who thought to create a similarity of the workmanship, which facilitate the process of food mining, they are able to sharpen the ends of the sticks, turning them to imitate copies, they can use stone leaves like traps for insects, etc. No doubt Chimpanzees are the most intelligent monkeys, and if the right of the theory of Darwin, then they are in the closest relatives with us. Human chimpanzees are mostly in Central and West Africa.

And finally, it was impossible not to mention a dwarf toilet - the smallest monkey in the world. Its length is only 10-15 cm, weight - 100-150 grams. Food in the forests of South America, feeding exclusively woody juice.

Breeding monkeys in nature

The reproduction of monkeys occurs throughout the year and for each species has its own individual characteristics. Sexual maturity of monkeys occurs as a rule by 7-8 years. Some types of monoga monoga and create permanent families for life, others, such as Capuchins, on the contrary, polygamans, so the cappuchin females are mate with several males, the males are also coming.

A monkey pregnancy can last from 6 to 8.5 months, again depending on the type. It is usually born one young, but there are types of monkeys capable of giving birth and twins.

Small monkeys like real primates are breastfeeded by maternal breast milk, and the period of feeding is also different from different monkeys. The longer of all his cubes will feed the female Gorilla - this period they last up to 3.5 years.

Content of monkeys at home

Despite the fact that monkeys are wild creatures, however, they are very easy to train, get used to captivity, and with favorable conditions, quite comfortably feel in zoos. True, keep a monkey at home - not the best idea, they are terrible mischiefs and fidgets, and if we decided to have a home monkey, then you should prepare that she will satisfy real chaos in your home. To prevent it from a monkey can be kept in some spacious cell.

You can feed a monkey fish, chicken or turkey meat, boiled eggs, vegetables, nuts, fresh fruit.

  • Some species of monkeys are very clean and care for their appearance is given almost all day.
  • During the development of cosmonautics in space, 32 monkeys have already managed to visit.
  • Spider-like monkeys have so developed and strong tail, which can easily hang on the tree branch with it only.
  • The group of American scientists managed to teach the gorilla female to some words from the deaf-and-donkey, after which it was able to communicate quite successfully with people.

Monkeys, video

And at the end of an interesting documentary about monkeys from the Discovery channel - "Monkeys on the trop of war"

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Man-like monkeys, or ( Hominoidae.) - Primates, which includes 24 species. Although people are related Hominoidea.The term "monkey" does not apply to people and describes inhuman primates.


Manoid monkeys are classified in the following taxonomic hierarchy:

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  • Kingdom:;
  • A type: ;
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  • Formerity: hominoids.

The term man-like monkey refers to a group of primates, which includes families: hominid (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans) and gibbones. Scientific name Hominoidea. Refers to monkeys (chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, gibbons), as well as to people (i.e., ignores the fact that people prefer not to call themselves monkeys).

The gibbon family is the most diverse, it has 16 species. Another family is hominids - less diverse and includes: chimpanzee (2 types), gorillas (2 types), orangutans (3 types) and people (1 view).


The chronicle is incomplete, but scientists believe that the ancient hominoids diverged with Martyshkov between 29 and 34 million years ago. The first modern hominoids appeared about 25 million years ago. Gibbons were the first group that separated from other groups, about 18 million years ago, and then followed the Orangutan line (about 14 million years ago), and gorillas (about 7 million years ago).

The very last split occurred between people and chimpanzees about 5 million years ago. The nearest live relatives of the hominoids are the monkeys of the old world, or mardy.

Wednesday and habitat

The hominoids live in all part of the Western and Central, as well as in Southeast. Orangutans are found only in Asia, chimpanzees inhabit Western and Central Africa, the gorillas are common in Central Africa, and the gibbons live in Southeast Asia.


Most hominoids, with the exception of people and gorillas, are experienced, as well as flexible climbers. Gibments are the most prompt wood primates from all hominids. They can jump over the branches, quickly and efficiently moving around the trees.

Compared to other primates, hominoids have a lower center of gravity, a reduced spine relative to their body length, a wide pelvis and a wide chest. Their general physique gives them a more vertical position than other primates. Their blades are on the back, which provides a wide range of movements. Hominoids also do not have a tail. Together, these characteristics give hominoids the best balance than their closest living relatives - monkeys of the old world. The hominoids, therefore, more stable, when they stand on two legs or swing the limbs, and hang on the branches of trees.

Gominoids are very smart and able to solve problems. Chimpanzees and orangutans are manufactured, and also use simple tools. Scientists studying orangutans in captivity, noted the ability of these primates to use the language of gestures, solve puzzles and recognize the characters.


The diet of hominoids includes leaves, seeds, nuts, fruits and a limited number of animals. Most species, but fruit are preferred food. Chimpanzees and orangutans are primarily eating fruit. When the gorillas lack fruits at a certain time of the year or in some regions, they feed on shoots and leaves, often bamboo. Gorillas adapted well for chewing and digesting such a low-grade product, but these primates still prefer fruit when they are available. The teeth of hominoids are similar to the teeth of the monkeys of the old world, although they are especially great in the gorillas.


The gestration in hominoids lasts from 7 to 9 months and leads to the birth of one offspring or, less often, two. Cubs are born helpless and require care for a long time. Compared to most other mammals, hominoids have an amazingly long period of feeding with maternal milk. Most species have complete maturity at the age of 8-13 years. As a result, females usually give birth only once every few years.


Like most primates, hominoids form social groups whose structure varies depending on the type. Gibments form monogamous pairs. Orangutans are an exception to the social norm of primates, they lead a single life.

Chimpanzees form groups that can withdraw from 40 to 100 individuals. The large groups of chimpanzees are divided into smaller groups when fruits become less affordable. If small groups of dominant males chimpanzees go beyond meals, females are often copulated with other males from their group.

Gorillas live in groups with a number from 5 to 10 or more individuals, but they remain together regardless of the presence of fruits. When fruit fruits are difficult to find, they resort to eating leaves and shoots. Since the gorillas remain together, the male is able to monopolize females in their group. This fact is associated with great in Gorilla than chimpanzees. Both in chimpanzees and in the gorillas, the groups include at least one dominant male, while the females leave the group in adulthood.


Many types of hominoids are under threat of disappearance due to the destruction, poaching and hunting for wild animal meat, and skins. Both types of chimpanzees are under threat of disappearance. Gorillas are on the verge of extinction. Eleven of sixteen types of gibbones die out.

An animal monkey is a special kind of mammals, which in its structure is similar to a person. An animal refers to the instrument of primates, the Sukhonic sublit.

Adults can reach height to 2.5 meters, the smallest monkeys do not exceed 15 centimeters. The largest view of this animal is a gorilla, especially males.

The weight of such a major primacy varies from 250-280 kg, while completely small monkeys can weigh only 200 grams.

Monkeys who live on trees, are distinguished by a special elongated back, which allows them to be chained around the branches, and also allows you to jump well and climb on trees.

Separate monkeys have a long tail, usually longer than the whole body, it allows you to keep balance and easily move along the bushes. In monkeys who live on land, the tail is much shorter, and in those primates that are missing for a person's tail at all.

The body of the monkeys is covered with hair, the color of them can be from the light of redhead to black, it all depends on where the monkey lives, what kind of species belongs.

Monkeys, like a person, reaching a certain age, sew, can be half, it applies more to the males.

The monkeys are quite developed limbs, especially the top, they, as a person, there are five fingers, only fingertips are covered with rude nails. Also, the development of the limbs largely depends on how the monkey lives, it is believed that the most developed primates are those who live on trees.

The teeth at primates are similar to human, but monkey with a narrow nose have a different oral cavity, also in narrow-axis and wide monkeys, a different amount of teeth, in the first 32, in the second 36.

Such mammals are distinguished by the developed brain, they are rather smart, especially a human view is able to understand well, and it is also comprehended to perform some actions.

They communicate with each other special, special signals that consist of separate sounds and facial expressions. The most noisy these are monkeys, you can hear their squeak clock.

Mimica is also well developed, they can express their discontent, joy, love, can even tease.

Where do certain types of primates live?

Monkeys live around the world in separate corners of countries and continents. Gibraltar, Asia, Japan, China, Africa (with the exception of Madagascar), in the tropics of South America, Australia.

Chimpanzee can be found in the western part of America, Gorilla live in Africa, Mauritania, Guinea. Orangutans love wet forests, so they are inhabited by Sumatra and Kalimantan.

The view of the monkeys of the Rezunov dwells in the southern parts of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina.

Martens and gibbones are quite a lot in Asia, Africa. Gibments love the climate of India, Malaysia, as well as wet tropics in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, China.

Gamadrils inhabit all parts of Africa, but Babuines live only in separate parts - Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia.

How and how many monkeys do?

Separate species live on trees with dense crowns, they are comfortable to hide there, and also to take place from the rain and sun. Monkeys defend their place, so if the other tries to move it from a lured bush, she will answer aggression and strong pussy.

Monkeys living on Earth are moving everywhere, they usually do not occupy individuals, live by flocks on the common territory of the forest.

Primates on average can live up to 45 years.

What do Primates eat?

Monkeys - a special kind of animals that eat everything in a row, the diet makes up of how they live, on land or on earth. Monkeys living on trees, feed on leaves, fruits, kidneys, nuts, also eating large insects.

Primates, leading ground lifestyle use plant roots, shoots, especially fern leaves. Special kinds except fruit, eat fish, mice, lizards, also love to be touched by beetles, grasshoppers.

Views and photos of monkeys

Black Reong - Monkey from the family of spider-shaped. Such a primacy was received because of his roaring sounds, which are heard for 6 km.

The males of such monkeys of black coloring, the female, on the contrary, brown brown. They live tunes in Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina.

Mourning Capuchin is a special type of primates representing the family of clutched. The weight of such a monkey varies from 3 to 4 kg.

Wool animal light-drier coloring, on the head black tank triangular shape. Such primates in the insects, shoots of trees. Inhabit Brazil, Suriname.

Belorussian Gibbon is such a kind of monkeys similar to a person. Adults are achieved in a height of 65 cm, weigh up to 5 kg. Painting in such primates brown, sandy, sometimes even light beige.

There are such monkeys in insects, leaves, fruits. It lives in China.

The monkeys of the monkeys are a huge set, they all live in different parts of the planet. An animal gets along well with people, gives in training, specially trained monkeys help move people to people with disabilities.

Photo of monkeys