Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
from October 14, 2017
Predecessor Korovnikov A.V.
Governor of the Novgorod Region
August 7 - February 13
Predecessor Mikhail Mikhailovich Prusak
Successor Andrey Sergeevich Nikitin
Birth June 14(1951-06-14 ) (68 years old)
  • bitter, RSFSR, the USSR
The consignment "United Russia"
Media files at Wikimedia Commons


After graduation, he worked at the Gorky production association "Plant named after V.I. Ulyanov" (since 1993 - Nizhny Novgorod JSC "Termal"). There he worked for 21 years from 1995, was a foreman, head of production, deputy general director, chief engineer and general director.

Deputy of the State Duma (1995-1997)

Governor of the Novgorod Region

Governor of the Novgorod region since 2007 (in August-October 2012 - acting governor). In 2004-2007 he was Deputy Minister of Agriculture, in 2000-2004 - Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology, in 1997-2000 - Deputy Minister of Economy. In 1995 he was elected to the State Duma. Prior to that, he headed OJSC "Termal". Member of the United Russia party. Doctor of Economics, Professor.

Sergei Gerasimovich Mitin was born on June 14, 1951 in the city of Gorky (as Nizhny Novgorod was called in 1932-1990). In 1968-1969 he was a test fitter at the Gorky production association "Plant named after V.I. Ulyanov". In 1969-1974 he studied at the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute, received the specialty "electrical engineer",,.

After graduating from the institute, Mitin returned to the factory. In 1974-1977 he worked as an assistant foreman and foreman of production No. 1. In 1977-79 he was deputy head of production No. 3. In 1979, he headed production number 3. In 1980 he became the head of the production and dispatching department of the plant, in 1982 he headed the logistics department. In 1983 he was appointed Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs, in 1985 - Chief Engineer and First Deputy General Director. In 1989, he became the general director of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) production association "Plant named after V.I. Ulyanov", which was transformed in 1993 into OJSC "Termal",,.

In December 1995, Mitin was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the pro-government bloc Our Home is Russia. In parliament, he became deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy. In November 1997, he resigned as a deputy and took the post of Deputy Minister of Economy Yakov Urinson in the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin. Supervised civil engineering. He retained this post in the Cabinet of Ministers of Sergei Kiriyenko (April-August 1998). He remained Deputy Minister of Economy after Andrey Shapovalyants headed this department in the newly formed government of Yevgeny Primakov in September 1998. He continued to work in this post in the offices of Sergei Stepashin (May-August 1999) and Vladimir Putin (August 1999 - May 2000) , , , .

In May 2000, Mitin became Alexander Dondukov's Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology in the government of Mikhail Kasyanov. He retained this post after Ilya Klebanov replaced Dondukov in October 2001, and also after Andrey Fursenko replaced Klebanov in December 2003. In March 2004, Mitin was appointed director of the department of industry in the Ministry of Industry and Energy, headed by Viktor Khristenko, in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. , , . In July 2004, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeev in the second Fradkov government, formed in May 2004,,,.

In April 2005, after the resignation of Nizhny Novgorod Governor Gennady Khodyrev, Mitin's candidacy was considered in the list of potential candidates for the post of head of the region. The deputy minister himself then told reporters: "If I am offered to head the Nizhny Novgorod region, I will agree to do it." However, in the end, the vice-mayor of Moscow, Valery Shantsev, became the governor. According to experts, the very fact that Mitin's candidacy was considered indicated that he was in the presidential "personnel reserve",,.

On August 3, 2007, Russian President Putin appointed Mitin as interim governor of Novgorod Oblast, while granting the early resignation of Mikhail Prusak, who had led the region since 1991. Putin proposed that the legislative assembly of the region approve Mitin's candidacy for the post of governor,. According to observers, Prusak's resignation was due to the fact that under him the political influence of a number of commercial structures has significantly increased. It was also noted that shortly before Prusak left, the local FSB and the prosecutor's office began checking the regional administration,.

According to media reports, the president's proposal to approve Mitin as the head of the Novgorod region came as a surprise to regional deputies. On the other hand, they expressed complete confidence that Mitin's candidacy would be approved. On August 7, 2007, the deputies unanimously approved Mitin as governor of the Novgorod region,.

In October 2007, Mitin led the regional list of candidates for deputies from United Russia in the Novgorod region in the elections to the fifth convocation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. After the party's victory, he, as expected, relinquished his parliamentary mandate.

In the fall of 2011, in preparation for the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation, Mitin again topped the list of candidates from United Russia in the Novgorod region, formed following the results of the primaries of the All-Russian People's Front,. On December 4, 2011 parliamentary elections were held in Russia. The ruling United Russia party in the Novgorod region received 34 percent of the vote, which was lower than the national average of 49 percent. Mitin again refused the deputy mandate.

In August 2012, Mitin's five-year gubernatorial term expired. On August 8, Russian President Vladimir Putin appointed him acting head of the region by decree. It was noted that Mitin, along with six other candidates, was supposed to take part in the election of the governor of the Novgorod region scheduled for October 14 of the same year. Direct elections of the heads of the subjects of the federation were returned after the signing of the relevant law by the previous president, Dmitry Medvedev, in May 2012. According to the results of the elections held on October 14, Mitin received more than 75 percent of the vote, and on October 20 he took office for a second term as governor.

Mitin - Doctor of Economics, Professor. He was awarded the honorary title of Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, has a certificate of honor from the government of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the United Russia party, is a member of the board of directors of Large Diameter Pipe Plant OJSC, Tver Carriage Works OJSC and KAMAZ OJSC. Married, he has a daughter, , , , .

Used materials

Sergei Mitin took office as governor of the Novgorod region. - RIA News, 20.10.2012

Novgorod governor Mitin became acting. heads of the region. - RIA News, 08.08.2012

Andrey Letyagin. The Novgorod governor refused the mandate of the State Duma deputy. - RIA News, 13.12.2011

The CEC of the Russian Federation announced the official results of the elections to the State Duma. - RBC, 09.12.2011

Ilya Davlyatchin. Election results: Novgorodians turned their backs on United Russia in the elections to the State Duma, but left a majority in the regional parliament. - Information agency Veliky, 06.12.2011

A complete list of United Russia candidates for the State Duma elections. - IA REGNUM, 25.09.2011

Novgorod primaries ONF: the current deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation loses votes. - Official portal of the North-West of Russia and the Leningrad Region, 29.07.2011

List of registered deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation. - Russian newspaper, 19.12.2007

The federal list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation, nominated by the All-Russian political party "United Russia". - United Russia (official website of the party), 02.10.2007

Andrey Letyagin. The Novgorod Duma unanimously approved Sergei Mitin as governor. - RIA News, 07.08.2007

Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of the head of the Novgorod region, Sergei Mitin, which the latter announced early in the morning. The Kremlin considers the 2018 presidential election to be extremely important, political analysts say. Therefore, they are already preparing for them now and are changing governors in the regions.

Yuri Martyanov/Kommersant

Andrei Nikitin, head of the Kremlin Agency for Strategic Initiatives, has become acting governor of the Novgorod region. What the “Novgorod Veche” would say to the new “Varangian” and what the previous “master” remembered for Veliky Novgorod, [Fontanka.Offis] sorted out.

Fireworks in honor of the departure of the "master"

The head of the Novgorod region, Sergei Mitin, who headed the region since 2007, resigned. The monologue, in which the former head of the Novgorod region announced his intention to leave, took only 55 seconds. He did not answer questions from reporters. There is jubilation on Novgorod websites and social networks - local residents are ready to run after firecrackers and arrange fireworks in honor of the departure of the "master".

“He was always called “master,” said journalist Alexander Frolov, who, by the way, once worked in one of the regional, “pocket” newspapers of the governor. “People were waiting for the departure of this “master,” as many called him,” says Konstantin Khivrich, a deputy of the Veliky Novgorod Duma. - Sergey Gerasimovich (Mitin. - Approx. ed.) differs in that it quickly turns into conflict relations with everyone. The most famous conflict is with the mayor of Veliky Novgorod (Yuri Bobryshev. - Ed.), for more than two years in a black body, the city held on due to a personality conflict. There were several impeachment attempts, the mayor was removed, then he returned in court. There was already not just a war of compromising evidence, but also fake criminal cases, about which several members of the investigative committee wrote to Putin at the end of 2016. Life is in full swing, a real series.

Meanwhile, in general, Sergei Mitin, who left in 55 seconds, who immediately deleted his social media accounts, can be described as "the elusive Joe." The interviewed experts could not come up with absolutely anything that the governor could be remembered for by the townspeople, if they remember him in 5 years. Rarely in Russia are the "Ayatskovs" (once the governor of the Saratov region) proposing to legalize prostitution, or the "Radaevs" from the same fertile land of the Volga region, who dream of assembling an iPhone at a defense plant. “In rudeness, only the Samara governor Merkushkin can compete with him,” Alexander Frolov recalls, however: “Listen, resident, how do you address the governor?” - this is from his communication with the townspeople.

One way or another, Mitin, like his predecessors in this process, left because "the Kremlin hinted." “Mr. Basargin, for example,” recalls political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin. - The presidential administration has a curator for each region, he reports on the situation to the head of internal policy, and he, depending on the status, either calls himself or his deputy, and says: "You would think that it's time to make room." And the governor begins to think. It usually doesn't last long."

According to Dmitry Oreshkin, the logic behind the change of regional elites is simple: if the governor is good, then in his region people go and actively and lovingly vote for United Russia. “Now we are preparing for the presidential elections in 2018,” explains political scientist Oreshkin. - You can't lose. The governor is told: it is necessary to provide the figures. And how he does it is his problem. If it is too brazen to falsify, a scandal will arise, it will leak out to the media, well, it’s your own fault.” Dmitry Oreshkin notes that regions where the press is more or less open suffer the most in this regard. “In Chechnya, none of the locals uttered a word about falsification,” Oreshkin noted. “But in Novgorod, Karelia and many other regions, in Buryatia, Perm, the Sverdlovsk region, there was not a very good result in the Duma elections.”

Professor of the European University in St. Petersburg Grigory Golosov recalls that not so long ago, the governors' loyalty was in the first place, manifesting itself in broad forms and, perhaps, in the most important way - risk minimization. “Now, in connection with the upcoming electoral events, the administration has again begun to systematically clear the field from those governors who have shown that they cannot bring super results to United Russia and Putin.”

According to Dmitry Oreshkin, in Russia, about 40 regions in the Duma elections "did not show" decent results for United Russia. “A decent result is at least 30% of the payroll,” Oreshkin explained. - In Moscow, 13.3% of the payroll of the United Russia was supported, in St. Petersburg - 12.96%, in the Novosibirsk region - 13.3%. But you can't touch them, they are large, it is risky to remove someone there a year before the elections. But mediocre ones .... as a warning to others and for fear, you can remove someone there. You can't remove them all, it's impossible. But in some, in order for the fear of God to settle in the rest, it is necessary to remove it.

Loyal and capable

Political scientists believe that the degree of management effectiveness, by which the Kremlin will evaluate the work of the new head of the Novgorod land, lies in how successfully he manages to get along with the local elites and “so that the people behave quietly.” “He is from the Kremlin, the head of one of the analytical services, he is listened to, young, absolutely loyal and capable, in the opinion of his superiors, to organize the work of the election commission so that everyone “walks along the thread”, - this is how the acting characterizes the new one. Governor of the Novgorod Region Dmitry Oreshkin.

“If Nikitin comes, or a person of a similar nature, a technocrat, we would like his team to approach the solution of the economic issues of the region in a completely different way,” deputy Khivrich believes. - He is 37 years old, he is not a member of United Russia. And this is not an appointment, he has another six months to prepare for elections, no matter how.”

“He will move to United Russia calmly,” says Mikhail Shemanovsky, a Novgorod political scientist. “There are no problems at all.” Meanwhile, the elections, according to Shemanovsky, will still not be easy. “There are two important regional factors,” explains the political scientist. - "United Russia" with Mitin greatly lowered its rating. The second bad factor is "Varangian". And both factors need to be overcome somehow. Not easily chosen. Obviously, Nikitin will have to "go to the people", which Sergey Mitin avoided. He will have to comb the territory with personal meetings. Sell ​​personal charisma.

“In 2012, Mitin and 2 other people were in the elections, whom no one knew at all,” recalls Alexander Frolov. And they got 10% each. They are called spoilers now. I assume that the new elections will follow the same pattern. All real candidates, like Afanasyev from A Just Russia, communist Olga Efimova, they will either not be allowed in, or they will be chosen "whoever is needed."

However, Konstantin Khivrich is confident that every political force in the region will put forward its candidates in the elections. “Even the same mayor of Veliky Novgorod, he is quite in his prime,” the politician believes. “But if the bet is on the young, there are not enough such people, because a serious purge was carried out by Mitin, who was fed, who was “cleansed” in the political sense.”

Each new "top manager" of the region, as a rule, comes with the slogan "we will disperse all the criminal riff-raff." According to Fontanka's interlocutors, this is how it has been "from time immemorial" in the Novgorod region. “All those surnames that were under Prusak, under Mitin, first went into the distance, and then reappeared,” Alexander Frolov throws up his hands. - However, Telman Mkhitaryan is now in Ukhta. The first vice-governor under Mitin, by the way, also sat down. Kolya Bes, I remember, was found near Kiev, hanged in a cell, then the Maidan began.

“Sergei Gerasimovich actively involved “representatives of the group” in the work,” notes Shemanovsky, a political strategist. - Until now, they are present in the leadership of the local "United Russia". For all the local markers “who came from where” are obvious and still remain.”

Konstantin Khivrich, however, said that the leadership of the investigative committee had recently changed in the region and they began to raise cases that had been closed under Mitin. “And I think the new acting. the governor will be busy with this at first,” Khivrich is sure. Shemanovsky also does not rule out that for the local elites the transfer of power to new hands may be painful: “Yes, the threat of criminal prosecution remains. The last high-profile story is the announcement of the former vice-governor Krivitsky on the wanted list. Continuation of the so-called "road case". There will be no movement in this area.”

Considering that the emergence of a new person in the region, political scientists, in principle, are directly connected with the preparation of the country for the presidential elections in the spring of 2018, then “Nikitin’s election campaign will be a reformatting of all electoral processes for the presidential campaign,” says Shemanovsky.

Economy "on the verge of rinsing"

The economic component of the region, which Andrey Nikitin enters, is considered by experts to be "depressive". “In one of the collective farms, they said that their cost of milk is 14 rubles, and they buy from them for 10 rubles,” Alexander Frolov gives an example. “And the next day, the news is talking about how our agriculture is growing. This is 2012. Orders went to the collective farms - "increase milk yield, grow potatoes." And nothing has changed for the better since then. How can you raise your scores? 1000 people live in one district of the Novgorod region. There has never been farmland. Then a factory for packing (not producing) honey is opened there, after which agricultural indicators grow by 200%. In fact, these are 20 people standing, pouring honey brought from Bashkiria.”

“Just as Akron was our city-forming enterprise, so it has remained (a manufacturer of mineral fertilizers, during 2017, undertakes to transfer about 25 million rubles to the city budget. - Note. ed.), – looks at the region wider Khivrich. “The state debt has increased from half a billion to 16 billion rubles, which is almost half of the budget of the entire region.”

“A third of the regions have a debt, they are in a pre-default state, many will never return it. These debts will be written off, - meanwhile Dmitry Oreshkin insists. “But the 2018 elections are the main thing now.”

Will the Varangian be a Greek

Journalists, having learned about the appointment of the acting head of the Novgorod region, have already called Andrei Nikitin a "Varangian", that is, a leader invited to the region "from the center." However, as Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov noted today, such a formulation of the question is incorrect. “It is surprising when they talk about the Vikings. We are all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of who was born and worked where, - recalls the director of the ASI communications department Igor Karachin (ASI was headed by Andrey Nikitin before his new appointment). “If the president entrusted such a post and appointed acting governor Andrei Sergeyevich Nikitin, then this probably indicates that his experience and professional qualities are appreciated and the country's leadership has confidence that he will cope with the tasks assigned to him.”

Acting head of the Novgorod region Andrey Nikitin will arrive in the region.

The media, citing a source in the Kremlin, has already reported that several governors will be dismissed in the near future. The head of the Perm Territory, Viktor Basargin, the head of Buryatia, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, and the governor of the Novgorod region, Sergei Mitin, have already "went out."

“Khudilainen in Karelia, the Ryazan region, could be next,” predicts Dmitry Oreshkin. - All these regions live with "handouts" from the center. And this is the unity of Russia in the regions. The Kremlin needs regions that are weak but obedient. And a good governor is the one who strangles his opponents quietly,” concluded Dmitry Oreshkin.

Nikolai Nelyubin, especially for

Sergey Gerasimovich Mitin was born on June 14, 1951 in the city of Gorky (as Nizhny Novgorod was called in 1932-1990). In 1968-1969 he was a test fitter at the Gorky production association "Plant named after V.I. Ulyanov". In 1969-1974 he studied at the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute, received the specialty "electrical engineer".

After graduating from the institute, Mitin returned to the factory. In 1974-1977 he worked as an assistant foreman and foreman of production No. 1. In 1977-79 he was deputy head of production No. 3. In 1979, he headed production number 3. In 1980 he became the head of the production and dispatching department of the plant, in 1982 he headed the logistics department. In 1983 he was appointed Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs, in 1985 - Chief Engineer and First Deputy General Director. In 1989, he became the general director of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) production association "Plant named after V.I. Ulyanov", which was reorganized in 1993 into OAO "Termal".

In December 1995, Mitin was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the pro-government bloc Our Home is Russia. In parliament, he became deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy. In November 1997, he resigned as a deputy and took the post of Deputy Minister of Economy Yakov Urinson in the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin. Supervised civil engineering. He retained this post in the Cabinet of Ministers of Sergei Kiriyenko (April-August 1998). He remained Deputy Minister of Economy after Andrey Shapovalyants headed this department in the newly formed government of Yevgeny Primakov in September 1998. He continued to work in this post in the offices of Sergei Stepashin (May-August 1999) and Vladimir Putin (August 1999 - May 2000).

In May 2000, Mitin became Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology Alexander Dondukov in the government of Mikhail Kasyanov. He retained this post after Ilya Klebanov replaced Dondukov in October 2001, and also after Andrey Fursenko replaced Klebanov in December 2003. In March 2004, Mitin was appointed director of the department of industry in the Ministry of Industry and Energy, headed by Viktor Khristenko, in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. In July 2004, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeev in the second Fradkov government, formed in May 2004.

In April 2005, after the resignation of Nizhny Novgorod Governor Gennady Khodyrev, Mitin's candidacy was considered in the list of potential candidates for the post of head of the region. The deputy minister himself then told reporters: "If I am offered to head the Nizhny Novgorod region, I will agree to do it." However, in the end, the vice-mayor of Moscow, Valery Shantsev, became the governor. According to experts, the very fact that Mitin's candidacy was considered indicated that he was in the presidential "personnel reserve."

On August 3, 2007, Russian President Putin appointed Mitin as interim governor of the Novgorod region, while granting the early resignation of Mikhail Prusak, who had led the region since 1991. Putin suggested that the legislative assembly of the region approve Mitin's candidacy for the post of governor. According to observers, Prusak's resignation was due to the fact that under him the political influence of a number of commercial structures has significantly increased. It was also noted that shortly before the departure of Prusak, the local FSB and the prosecutor's office began checking the regional administration.

According to media reports, the president's proposal to approve Mitin as the head of the Novgorod region came as a surprise to regional deputies. On the other hand, they expressed full confidence that Mitin's candidacy would be approved. On August 7, 2007, the deputies unanimously approved Mitin as governor of the Novgorod region.

In October 2007, Mitin headed the regional list of candidates for deputies from United Russia in the Novgorod region in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation.

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Governor of the Novgorod region. He was appointed to this post in August 2007, replacing Mikhail Prusak. In 2004-2007 he was Deputy Minister of Agriculture, in 2000-2004 - Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology, in 1997-2000 - Deputy Minister of Economy. In 1995 he was elected to the State Duma. Prior to that, he headed OJSC "Termal". Member of the United Russia party. Doctor of Economics, Professor.

Sergey Gerasimovich Mitin was born on June 14, 1951 in the city of Gorky (as Nizhny Novgorod was called in 1932-1990). In 1968-1969 he was a test fitter at the Gorky production association "Plant named after V.I. Ulyanov". In 1969-1974 he studied at the Nizhny Novgorod Polytechnic Institute, received the specialty "electrical engineer".

After graduating from the institute, Mitin returned to the factory. In 1974-1977 he worked as an assistant foreman and foreman of production No. 1. In 1977-79 he was deputy head of production No. 3. In 1979, he headed production number 3. In 1980 he became the head of the production and dispatching department of the plant, in 1982 he headed the logistics department. In 1983 he was appointed Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs, in 1985 - Chief Engineer and First Deputy General Director. In 1989, he became the general director of the Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod) production association "Plant named after V.I. Ulyanov", which was reorganized in 1993 into OAO "Termal".

In December 1995, Mitin was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the pro-government bloc Our Home is Russia. In parliament, he became deputy chairman of the committee on economic policy. In November 1997, he resigned as a deputy and took the post of Deputy Minister of Economy Yakov Urinson in the government of Viktor Chernomyrdin. Supervised civil engineering. He retained this post in the Cabinet of Ministers of Sergei Kiriyenko (April-August 1998). He remained Deputy Minister of Economy after Andrey Shapovalyants headed this department in the newly formed government of Yevgeny Primakov in September 1998. He continued to work in this post in the offices of Sergei Stepashin (May-August 1999) and Vladimir Putin (August 1999 - May 2000).

In May 2000, Mitin became Deputy Minister of Industry, Science and Technology Alexander Dondukov in the government of Mikhail Kasyanov. He retained this post after Ilya Klebanov replaced Dondukov in October 2001, and also after Andrey Fursenko replaced Klebanov in December 2003. In March 2004, Mitin was appointed director of the department of industry in the Ministry of Industry and Energy, headed by Viktor Khristenko, in the government of Mikhail Fradkov. In July 2004, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alexei Gordeev in the second Fradkov government, formed in May 2004.

In April 2005, after the resignation of Nizhny Novgorod Governor Gennady Khodyrev, Mitin's candidacy was considered in the list of potential candidates for the post of head of the region. The deputy minister himself then told reporters: "If I am offered to head the Nizhny Novgorod region, I will agree to do it." However, in the end, the vice-mayor of Moscow, Valery Shantsev, became the governor. According to experts, the very fact that Mitin's candidacy was considered indicated that he was in the presidential "personnel reserve."

On August 3, 2007, Russian President Putin appointed Mitin as interim governor of the Novgorod region, while granting the early resignation of Mikhail Prusak, who had led the region since 1991. Putin suggested that the legislative assembly of the region approve Mitin's candidacy for the post of governor. According to observers, Prusak's resignation was due to the fact that under him the political influence of a number of commercial structures has significantly increased. It was also noted that shortly before the departure of Prusak, the local FSB and the prosecutor's office began checking the regional administration.

According to media reports, the president's proposal to approve Mitin as the head of the Novgorod region came as a surprise to regional deputies. On the other hand, they expressed full confidence that Mitin's candidacy would be approved. On August 7, 2007, the deputies unanimously approved Mitin as governor of the Novgorod region.

In October 2007, Mitin headed the regional list of candidates for deputies from United Russia in the Novgorod region in the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fifth convocation.

Mitin - Doctor of Economics, Professor. He was awarded the honorary title of Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the Order of Friendship, has a certificate of honor from the government of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the United Russia party, is a member of the board of directors of Large Diameter Pipe Plant OJSC, Tver Carriage Works OJSC and KAMAZ OJSC. Married, he has a daughter.