1. Live at least a month in a foreign city.
2. Hate pizza, Coke and other teenage food. Finally love the soup.
3. Buy yourself a designer dress.
4. Learn to walk in heels so as not to fall even in ice.
5. Go to a very expensive restaurant.
6. Complete all levels of your favorite computer games and stop playing them.
7. Be the first to confess your love to a boy.
8. Go on one blind date.
9. Work some stupid job: promo gerl, cosmetics distributor, phone operator.

10. Leaving home with a scandal.
11. Live alone.
12. Live with a boyfriend.
13. Make peace with your parents and go to their dinners on Saturdays.
14. Fly abroad for the weekend. Spending a lot of money recklessly.
15. Try to follow some funny advice from a glossy magazine like "how to achieve an orgasm in a minute."
16. Stop listening to advice.
17. Find yourself an idol, become a proper fan, attend all concerts and collect posters. Wait until he gets married and finally start listening to good music.
18. Go to a good university, as your parents always dreamed of. Finish it with a red diploma or quit in the second year and get married successfully.

19. Feel the difference between ground and instant coffee.
20. Feel the difference between brewed tea and tea from a bag.
21. Forget forever what a bisector is and what the tangent to cotangent is equal to.
22. Rent an apartment and make repairs in it.
23. Get rid of acne. Get a hand cream and pontou powder.
24. Learn to match shoes to a bag
25. Get a tattoo or pierce whatever you want (then it will be too late).
26. Color your beautiful long locks. Repaint. No, chemistry is better. Cut off all this horror. Re-grow and start again.

27. Conduct all possible experiments with style: punk, disco, sexy, glamour.
28. Disgrace yourself at least once in a big way: lose your bra from a swimsuit in the pool, forget the words of the report, speaking to the authorities, being caught during sex in the toilet cubicle of the club. Survive shame with humor.
29. Find a friend who wishes you well.
30. Drive crazy (you can repeatedly).
31. Go crazy (you can also repeatedly).
32. Learn how to make money.
33. Or find someone who can do it.

34. Have multiple one-night stands.
35. Learn to drive a car.
36. Learn to drive a car without endangering others.
37. Learn how to masterfully prepare some kind of culinary miracle.
38. Spend at least a year party-non-stop. Light up around the clock.
39. Travel by staying in hostels. After 25 you will not be allowed there.
40. Try some kind of extreme entertainment like skydiving or bungee jumping.
41. Get an obscenely expensive gift.
42. Make a 100-item list of your favorite directors.

43. Learn a foreign language.
44. Read the entire BVL series, or just read a lot.
45. Quit with a scandal.
46. ​​Ride in a limousine.
47. Try a few fashionable diets on yourself, draw the right conclusions.
48. Dance at least once a striptease.
49. Wake up in an unfamiliar apartment.
50. Be like "free driving" or "right brain painting" or other outlandish courses

Have you done everything?

Many of us only understand over the years how important it is to learn in time to accept our imperfections and love loved ones, to choose what makes us happy, to fight for what seems to be the main thing, and to enjoy life - simply because she is alone and repeat it "cleanly". " will not work. No more waiting for the "right time", let's act! Read our list of things to do and add your ideas to it.

1. Realize a dream.

Do you dream of learning to play the violin or pilot an airplane, but you constantly tell yourself not to waste precious time on “nonsense”? With age, desires do not disappear anywhere, but time will just be lost. Let dreams come true! 20 ways to make dreams come true.

2. Travel.

At the age of 70, you are unlikely to go as a savage to Vietnam or by car across Europe, such trips are for the young. So, do not put them off for a long time: a standard tour to Prague can wait.

3. Learn to take care of yourself.

The sooner you start taking care of yourself, the longer your youth will last. And the point here is not at all in wrinkles, but in the general condition of the body, which will be grateful to you for regular and timely care. Look for "your" creams, "your" sports and "your" diet. 10 most popular diets: pros and cons.

4. Accept yourself.

Wise people say that happiness is character and nothing else. Of course, you, like everyone else, have flaws, but nature has not deprived you of virtues either. Accept yourself completely: love both your nose and your propensity for unreasonable spending. Endless self-reflection simply robs your life of joy, freedom and harmony.

5. Participate in a charity event.

Participation in social projects perfectly expands our horizons and makes our life full. The younger you are, the more benefits you can bring! Another "side effect": in the future you will feel needed, and this is necessary for all older people without exception. 5 surprisingly simple ways to prolong your life.

6. Stop looking at the opinions of others.

The question "What will people think of me?" froze many wonderful undertakings and crippled more than one fate. What difference does it make what grandmothers at the entrance, sellers in the store or neighbors will think of you? The opinions of strangers should not have an impact on your life, otherwise in adulthood you yourself will turn into a grumpy and always dissatisfied old woman.

7. Learn a foreign language.

This, of course, is not the most interesting item on our list, but one of the most useful. The older you get, the worse your memory is and the more difficult foreign languages ​​will be given to you, and in our time, you yourself understand, you cannot do without them.

8. Pass on the rights.

Of course, you can learn to drive a car even in retirement, but the younger you are, the sharper your reactions and the higher your learning ability. Even if you don’t have a car yet, you definitely won’t need a license: after all, when you travel abroad, you can always rent a car and drive around the country!

9. Deal with fears.

Everyone has fears, and this is normal - this is how the instinct of self-preservation works. But not all fears are equally useful, and some are simply harmful! If you're usually afraid to take on a new job and constantly worry that you'll be the "worst of all", then it's time to get some courage. Yes, sometimes this requires serious work on yourself and, perhaps, even the help of a psychologist, but you will have time to become a truly courageous and decisive person before fears have time to spoil your life.

10. Sign up for dancing.

It doesn’t really matter what kind of dances - waltz, flamenco, belly dance or tango - all these activities help a woman move with special grace, “keep her back” and enjoy success with men until old age. Even if you don’t have a great sense of rhythm, it’s worth a try: dancing develops all muscle groups, forms an excellent posture and, which is also important, teaches us to proudly and confidently look men in the eyes!

Love your parents and arrange a photo shoot

11. Love your parents.

Offended by parents? It’s pointless to get angry and sort things out: you won’t have other relatives anyway, which means you need to accept and love these. By the way, this will improve your relationship with your own children.

12. Schedule a photo session.

It will be nice to tell your grandchildren how good you were in your youth, but it is better to stock up on documentary evidence. Let them know how beautiful their grandmother was! Although why "was" - she is still a beauty.

13. Have a party with your friends.

There is nothing more fun and sparkling than a bachelorette party. But the older you get, the more difficult it is for each of you to find time for such events. Years will pass, and you will miss these cheerful and carefree meetings very much. You can and should try to keep the tradition of regularly spending time with the female staff until old age, but you should start now: go to a cafe, rent a limousine, go together for a couple of days to a rest home or arrange a spa weekend for yourself.

14. Learn to forgive yourself.

Yes, sometimes you make mistakes. Everyone makes them, but our own mistakes seem like a catastrophe to us. But more often than not, nothing irreparable happens! Forgive yourself for everything at once, here and now, tomorrow and in three years. A constant feeling of guilt is not constructive, it leads to a swampy depressive swamp. The older you are, the more claims the world around you makes: if you do not learn "self-forgiveness" in your youth, you will never do it.

15. Accept your age.

The “age of happiness” is not necessarily a carefree youth, it can be any period of our life. And the sooner you realize this, the happier and freer life will be.

16. Make the renovation of your dreams.

Yes, perhaps, until you have enough money to realize all your design ideas. But do not wait - act: save, but break and build new walls, draw fancy sketches and embody them. In adulthood, you are unlikely to decide on such an adventure.

17. Appreciate your "assets".

Usually we remember (and grieve) better about what we do not have, what we have not achieved. Let's do the opposite: are you happily married? Do you have two daughters and a dog? Are you good at knitting? Have you visited ten countries? That's fine!

18. Save money.

The sooner you learn how to properly plan your budget, the higher the chances that you will have a bright and eventful life and you will not be financially dependent on anyone. Top 9 financial mistakes women make

19. Collect memories.

Carefully collect the archive of your own life. Do not be lazy to arrange photos into albums and sign them - after all, this is a visual embodiment of the past. Then, together with your husband, you will be happy to leaf through them, and it will immediately become clear: everything that happened to you was not in vain. Isn't this a condition for a happy and harmonious old age?

20. Decide to experiment with appearance.

If you want to dye your hair blonde or just cut off your long hair, try unusual makeup or try on multi-colored lenses, now is the time. The main thing is that the consequences of your experiments are well thought out and reversible. 6 bad hairstyles that make you look old. 10 more important things

21. Plant a garden.

Are you dreaming of your own greenhouse or a flowering summer cottage, but you can't afford it yet? Plant roses on the balcony! Don't wait for the right conditions, plant: flowers, strawberries and basil grow well anywhere.

22. Learn to talk about your desires.

According to your timid hints, your husband will never guess that in fact you are dreaming not of a new sofa, but of a trip to Paris, and that you are really tired by the evening, and not being capricious. Do not count on the sensitivity and empathy of others and do not think that modesty and undemanding are your main decorations, clearly and clearly voice your desires and requests.

23. Find "your masters".

Every woman needs her own hairdresser, cosmetologist, gynecologist and dentist - specialists whom you trust unconditionally. The sooner they appear, the easier it will be to solve the problems that arise with age: after all, the regular “supervision” of a specialist is likely to help prevent various troubles.

24. Build an inner circle.

Family is the most important part of our life, but life without friends would be much more boring. As you age, making friends becomes more difficult, so take care of old friends. Pay attention to them, value communication and be there in difficult times - if necessary, and you will have someone to rely on.

25. Find a job you love.

Work, unfortunately, is not always loved, and if it is not yet possible to change it, try to understand what you really want to do. Maybe youdream about interior design, like sewing or arranging bouquets? Spend as much time as possible on your hobby: go to courses, read books on the topic. Firstly, there is a great chance that someday your favorite business will become a profession, and secondly, you will definitely have something to do in retirement.

26. Learn to say no.

If you want to manage your own life, you must learn to refuse people. You are absolutely not obliged to do what is inconvenient for you, not beneficial, not suitable, or simply do not want to. Saying “no” is difficult only the first few times, but then life becomes much easier and easier, and you feel pride and confidence: after all, you yourself are the mistress of your own destiny.

27. Know your own sexuality.

There are things that can only be done when you are young. Perhaps you have fantasies that you are embarrassed to realize? Leave embarrassment! If you don't decide now, it will never happen. Take action! 12 sex questions every couple should discuss.

28. Learn to forgive.

Accumulated grievances cause early wrinkles and lead to neuroses. But everyone makes mistakes, which means that in order to build harmonious relations with the world, you will have to learn to forgive.

29. Spend a lot of money on the dress of your dreams.

The dilemma - whether or not to buy a desired, but expensive dress (coat, boots, bag) - is relevant for any woman. But not everyone still decides on such a reckless waste. And very in vain! As long as you can afford a share of carelessness, you should use it: it is not known whether such an opportunity will still present itself. In addition, shopping must necessarily bring joy.

30. Spending time with the whole family.

Family dinners with grandmas and aunts are not the most fun thing in the world. But when we realize that strong family ties are our rear, life becomes easier. Bored at a family holiday? Take over his organization and arrange everything so that everyone has fun and is comfortable with each other. By the way, in 40-50 years, nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren will also come to visit you. How to learn to communicate with difficult relatives on holidays,.

1. Give half of your salary to charity.
2. Never lie in a day.
3. Curtain windows for a week and leave the house only at night.
4. Look at the earth from a balloon.
5. Swim in the ocean.
6. Give a friend a gift for no reason.
7. Pick up a snake.
8. Dance blindfolded.
9. Plant a plant and take care of it.
10. Try to catch a fish with your bare hands.
11. Draw a picture.
12. Sing your favorite song in chorus with someone.
13. Keep a diary for a month.
14. Ask a stranger for help.
15. Make a pilgrimage.
16. Meet the dawn on the street, watch the city wake up.
17. Tell a story to a person with whom you speak different languages.
18. Ride a horse.
19. Don't say "I" throughout the day.
20. Speak in front of an audience of more than 100 people.
21. Spend a day on your own by turning off your phone.
22. Read a book in one sitting.
23. Correspond with a friend in paper letters.
24. Give someone a tour of their hometown.
25. Make a snowman.
26. Ignore your own birthday.
27. Visit Africa.
28. On a starry night, go boating or sit on the beach.
29. Spend a day with children trying to understand them.
30. Live in a hostel for a month.
31. Respond to evil with good.
32. Feed the fish.
33. Practice holding your breath.
34. Without fear to walk on the ice.
35. Learn a poem in a foreign language.
36. Give a handmade item.
37. Live for days without food and drink.
38. Freeze at a randomly selected moment and do not move for 20 seconds.
39. Milk a cow.
40. Look at something through a microscope.
41. Photograph lying down.
42. Walk in the underground labyrinth.
43. Work (for example, in a monastery).
44. Walk across the rope bridge.
45. Go to the bath.
46. ​​Give your loved one a massage.
47. Try to write down everything that happened during the day.
48. Sculpt a figurine of yourself out of clay.
49. Dedicate a poem to a loved one.
50. Take part in a ceremony (for example, a tea party).
51. Adopt a homeless animal.
52. Remove from the phone book all numbers that you do not call.
53. Hug a tree.
54. Clap your hands in mittens.
55. Sleep in a tent.
56. Make peace with your abuser.
57. See the northern lights.
58. Learn to ride a bike.
59. Ride the waves.
60. Conduct a chemical experiment.
61. Do morning exercises for a month.
62. Fly a kite.
63. Take care of the sick.
64. Look at the top of a skyscraper.
65. Do not look at the clock of the day.
66. Visit in.
67. Come up with a fairy tale.
68. Write a plan for the year and break it.
69. Learn to find at least a few constellations in the sky.
70. Climb a tree.
71. Drink from a spring.
72. Cook food on a fire.
73. Enter an abandoned house.
74. Hear live throat singing.
75. Learn the history of your native language.
76. Don't look in the mirror for a week.
77. Walk barefoot on sun-warmed rocks.
78. Do something good.
79. Pet an elephant.
80. Try to make your own shoes.
81. Take part in archaeological excavations.
82. Learn to write with both hands.
83. Cross the border on foot.
84. Devote a day to another person.
85. Clean up trash in a forest or park.
86. Douse yourself with cold water.
87. Climb onto the roof of your own house.
88. Try to draw a map of some area.
89. Learn to hold an apple on your head.
90. Lie down on the water of a very salty reservoir.
91. Find out your family history.
92. Make repairs yourself.
93. Hand feed a horse.
94. Spend a day in the reading room of the library.
95. Smile at the sun.
96. Help a stranger.
97. Visit the factory.
98. Let go of your hair.
99. Walk in your own footsteps.
100. Think about God.

Some things are worth doing when you are young. Here is a list of twenty-five such things.

Go to a music festival

Look at your favorite band on stage, feel the atmosphere, look at the unique style and culture of such a large-scale event that attracts crowds of people. Experience this extraordinary experience before you are 25 years old.

Treat your parents to dinner at a restaurant

Most likely, your parents provided for you for years - it's time to repay them for love, kindness and all responsibility. Start developing an adult relationship - invite your parents to dinner at a restaurant and pay the bill yourself.

Travel to another continent

Traveling helps to get to know other countries and new people, experience an unfamiliar climate, change the way you look at the world, gain important life skills and become more tolerant. Age is no barrier to travel, but the sooner you start, the better.

Go in for extreme sports

You can try skydiving or water skiing. The main thing is to leave your comfort zone and do something that terrifies you. Something that you will one day be proud of.

Party all weekend

It may not be the most important thing to do, but as the years go by, it will become increasingly difficult for you to have a carefree party all night long. It's an interesting experience, so be sure to give it a try.

Talk to someone whose opinion is very different from yours

Communication with other people helps us to understand that we are not so different from others. No matter how you look, you have a lot in common with those around you.


Give your opinion on how your country is run. The democratic right to express your opinion is very important, so take advantage of it.

Dye your hair a completely different color

Or change your hair. Even small changes can help you feel completely new.

Go to a gay club

Or attend a gay parade. Conversely, if you already prefer people of the same gender, go to a heterosexual bar.

stop being friends

Not all relationships are forever. Some people come and go from our life. Don't hold on to a connection that has outlived its usefulness.

love yourself

In adolescence, you explore yourself, your tastes and your interests. In a more mature age, it's time to accept yourself for who you are - be proud of your own individuality.

Learn to be generous

Giving is much more pleasant than receiving. Try volunteering at a nursing home or donating to an organization you like. Even a simple smile can make someone's day better.

Forget about regrets

Holding on to the past is bad. Let go of the negative. Use energy for healthier purposes.

Go on a blind date

Excitement and an unknown result - how will it all end? A blind date can become an interesting memory, you will get a new experience, or maybe you will find love.

Start playing sports

You are not eighteen anymore. The body ages, and the usual loads are more and more difficult for you. Sports will help you cope.

Learn to cook

Cooking is fun, healthy, and good for your wallet. Try new recipes and develop a list of simple and tasty combinations for every day.

Learn to enjoy life

Learn to just enjoy the moment, just live. It is not necessary to always spend time in a meaningful activity, the main thing is to enjoy the time spent.

Postpone for retirement

The sooner you start preparing for old age, the better your old age will be. It seems that this is a distant prospect, but when you retire, you will be grateful to yourself.

Spend the night under the stars

Enjoy the beauty of our world. Look at life from a different perspective. When the going gets tough, just go out into nature and enjoy the flawless spectacle of the night sky with shining stars.

Learn to manage finances

Money can be not only a source of opportunity, but also a burden. It all depends on how you manage them. Financial control skills have a positive effect on your life. Try to acquire them as soon as possible in your life.

Wake up in an unfamiliar place

Enjoy the confusion followed by the pleasant realization that you did something risky. An adventure in this spirit will be a great memory, even if you think that such actions are not for you.

Eat exotic food

The more unpronounceable the name, the brighter the memories will be! Experience new emotions in an unfamiliar country! You can then share your impressions with your friends.

Buy a terribly expensive thing

And then forget about it and not wear it. Let it be an impulse buy, let it be a reward, something you deserve, something you don't even think you deserve. You can never throw this thing away - it cost too much! It's eccentric, but you'll have something to remember.

Learn to say "no"

The ability to refuse is an important skill that can seriously change the quality of your life. Try to acquire it as soon as possible so that you can immediately begin to notice its benefits.

Learn to be alone

Our relationship with ourselves is the most important in life. You won't spend as much time with anyone else. Learn to enjoy your own company and time alone. The ability to enjoy loneliness is priceless at once for many reasons.

It is known from the school bench that a man used to be the head of the family. His first duty was to provide for his family. The duty of the wife to observe; hearth, give birth and raise children, remain faithful to her husband. The house for the wife was the main place of application of her labors and abilities. That share of the social product that a woman received in the form of money, clothes and; even just bread, she received from the hands of the head, the breadwinner.

Particular attention should be paid to eye care. If discharge or scales have accumulated in the corners of the eyes or on the edges of the eyelids in the morning, then the eyes should be washed with a clean cotton swab dipped in a warm solution of boric acid (half a teaspoon in half a glass of water), strong tea or chamomile infusion. Chamomile is brewed like tea and infused for 10-15 minutes.

  • A few grains of salt added to coffee before brewing enhance its aroma.
  • Glass glasses and bottles become transparent and shine like crystal when they are washed in salt water and rinsed in cold water.
  • You can clean the bottom of a badly burnt pot or pan by putting a thick layer of salt on the bottom and letting it sit for a few hours.
  • If your clothes have got grease on them, and there is no stain remover on hand, sprinkle salt on the stain and rub gently. Change the salt several times until the stain disappears.

Rats and mice. To fight rats and mice, traps of different sizes are used. Black bread dipped in sunflower oil, smoked fish can serve as bait. These baits need to be laid out for several days in a row in places where rodents are found. No need to set traps yet. When rodents get used to tasty food, traps are loaded with it. It takes a long time to set traps, because when one generation of rodents is destroyed, another one settles in its place.

Repair of broken seams.

If the side seam on a coat, jacket, jacket is torn, the side seam of the lining is torn open. If the seam is torn by 2.5 - 3.5 centimeters, it is sewn manually with lowercase stitches; with a length of more than 3.5 centimeters, the parts are first swept away, carefully combining the edges, and

sew on the machine so that the line exactly continues the old line. After removing the basting, the seam is ironed out, the lining of the floor is straightened and attached to the side seam of the top, the back lining is sewn to the lining of the floor with blind stitches by hand.

Phosphorus organic pesticides.

All organophosphorus pesticides are toxic to humans, and methylmercaptophos, octamethyl, M-81, thiophos, metaphos, karbofos belong to the group of highly toxic, and low concentrations of karbofos, phosphamide, trichlormetaphos-III belong to medium or low toxicity.
Signs of poisoning. headache, dizziness, nausea, increased salivation and sweating, general weakness. Then there may be visual impairment, movement. Almost always there are pains in the abdomen, intestinal upset.

Respect between spouses or people who love each other is one of the most important factors in a strong and happy relationship. Respect is understanding and acceptance of a person, his individuality, recognition of his merits. Love between people cannot arise if they do not respect each other: you would hardly be able to love an “unworthy”, in your opinion, person. Respect also means pride in your loved one: you are proud of his success at work / in school / at home, his ability to do something ...
But sometimes it is difficult to understand: does your chosen one respect you?

With the first rays of the sun, many people get freckles.

Most women seek to get rid of them. Unfortunately, there is no remedy that would destroy freckles forever. Therefore, every spring and summer, you have to use products that prevent the appearance of freckles, or whiten them. Freckles are detected in March - April, when the sun emits a particularly large amount of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the skin from their action. Before going outside, apply a thin layer of sunscreen to your face. After applying the cream, the skin of the face should be lightly powdered.

Often we think we know everything about a thing. For example, vinegar is a seasoning for herring or dumplings. But in the household, it is useful for many other purposes.
A few tips to:
Refresh greens, it is useful to put it in cold water for an hour, to which a tablespoon of vinegar is added.

Carpets are cleaned before sweeping the roll. The easiest way to clean the carpet is with a vacuum cleaner. In this case, first work out the wrong side, and then the face. After cleaning, the carpet is rolled into a tube. But you can’t work out the carpet, especially a new one, with a vacuum cleaner too often. This can be done no more than once a week. 3 other days the carpet is cleaned with a soft broom.

There are days when all things are done quickly and easily. But there are also days when you trample, trample, and by the evening it becomes clear that you have not done anything useful.

This is where the list of useful things that can be done very quickly, literally in 10 minutes, will come to the rescue. This will benefit both you and your loved ones.

Only 10 minutes, during which you can have time to do any of the 23 useful things. Read, memorize, implement.

List of useful things.

1. Tidy up your desktop.

A clean space will provide better concentration for important things.

2. Ventilate the room.

Fresh air will invigorate and refresh you. Standing at an open window, you can see what you rarely pay attention to. The clouds today are delightfully beautiful, someone's baby laughs loudly in the sandbox, titmouses unanimously carry away the last berries from the wild rose bush. Or you can, looking out the window, devote these 10 minutes to visualizing your dream.

3. Meditation.

Meditation is a good tool for calming down, gaining self-confidence, or setting yourself up for success.

4. Burn calories.

Within 10 minutes, do any physical exercise. You can even just squat or run up and down the stairs.

5. Smile.

Go to the mirror and keep a straight posture and a smile on your face for 5 minutes. This is the easiest way to cheer yourself up. And you still have 5 minutes left for some small useful deed.

6. Learn languages.

In 10 minutes you can learn several new foreign words.

7. A cup of good tea.

You can drink a cup of tea, enjoying the aroma and your favorite taste.

Free up space.

Find something in the house that has been idle for a long time, and give it to someone who will find a use for your thing.

9. Take a walk.

We don't always have time for long walks. On such days, please yourself with short walks to the nearest square.

10. Call an old friend.

11. Look at the family album.

Looking through old photos, you will plunge into pleasant memories and fill yourself with positive emotions.

12. Start solving pending tasks.

If you have tasks that are postponed indefinitely, then it's time to start solving them. A book that must be read, a sweater that needs to be knitted, an unfinished wish card, because you need to find the right pictures. Daily devoting 10 minutes of your time to such a task, you will very quickly come to its implementation.

13. Take a shower.

Let the water wash away all the negative emotions that have accumulated. The freshness of the body will bring with it the freshness of the mind.

14. Get ready for an interesting evening.

You can think about how you will spend the evening in advance. Download a good movie, book a ticket to an event, sign up for a massage, there can be many options here.

Spend time with your child.

It means not just to stand or sit next to him, but for 10 minutes to do something interesting with him, paying your attention only to him.

16. Self-massage.

Do yourself a finger or neck massage.

17. Relax your body.

Lie on the couch for 10 minutes, close your eyes and relax completely. You will relieve tension not only from the body, but also emotional stress.

18. Send yourself a letter to the future.

There is a very interesting FutureMe service where you can send yourself a letter to the future. You can send yourself a letter with a delivery date in a week, month or year. You can congratulate yourself on your upcoming birthday or write about your cherished dream.

19. Answer letters.

There will always be letters in the mailbox, the answer to which has not been written. After spending 10 minutes, you can remove the moment of subconscious dissatisfaction with yourself for waiting for someone to answer from you.

20. To-do list.

Write a list of things you plan to do tomorrow. Or write down what you have done today.

21. Pay attention to your appearance.

You can nourish your skin by putting cream on your hands or putting on a face mask with a new recipe you recently read on one of your health blogs.

22. Throw away the notes.

Rewrite numerous notes from pieces of paper in a notebook: phone numbers, addresses, prescriptions, names of tour operators, medicines and programs. Many write down the necessary information on scraps of paper that have turned up, which are stored in handbags, wallets, and desktops. Get rid of those papers.

23. Sing a song.

By doing something from this list in such a short period of time, you will improve your emotional state, and there will be a desire to do something more useful.

Source: Website "We live in a positive"

Every child, regardless of his age, is looking forward to the onset of summer holidays, because at this time you can sleep and relax as much as you like. Of course, the long summer months must be used so that the body can fully relax, but this does not mean at all that the student should lie on the couch for days.

In fact, during the summer period, you can do a lot of interesting and useful things, as well as do crazy things, without which the life of modern young people is unthinkable. We tried to group summer plans for teens into a short, but quite capacious list that is suitable for both girls and boys.

List of fun and useful summer plans for teens

In order for the summer not to be wasted, boys and girls should take the time to implement at least a few plans from the following list:

Of course, some of the plans for the summer from this list may seem crazy, but in reality, they all carry a certain meaning and will allow the teenager to spend the holidays with benefit and interest.