Back from magical kingdom blueberries and having eaten plenty of sweet berries at home, I want to save it for the winter by making homemade preparations.

Blueberries are a valuable source of vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. And if you cook jam from it, then in winter it will bring you not only a lot of pleasure, but also great benefits.

Five-minute blueberry jam is served with freshly brewed tea, and is also used for layers of cakes, as a filling for pies, rolls, sauce for yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, ice cream, jelly, mousses, puddings, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casseroles.

Blueberry jam recipe five minutes


  • Blueberries - 1 kg
  • Sugar 1.2 kg

Blueberries need to be weighed already sorted, without garbage and spoiled berries. From this amount, 5 cans of 0.5 liters should be obtained. Banks must be sterilized.

If the berries are very sweet berries, then while cooking the jam, you can add 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid.

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Recipe for cooking blueberry five-minute:

1. Berries should be transferred to a colander and rinsed under a thin stream of cold water. Leave for a few minutes to glass water. Transfer to a deep saucepan with a thick bottom.

2. Pour in sugar and put on the stove, on a small fire. Stir continuously until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved and the berry juice is released.

3. After that, increase the heat to medium and cook after boiling for exactly 5 minutes, removing the foam.

If you increase the amount of sugar by 500 g and boil the jam for 40 minutes, then you will get blueberry jelly.

4. Pour the jam into jars with a ladle in portions and roll them up with lids. You need to do this in turn: fill the jar, spin it, move on to the next jar.

5. Turn the blueberry containers upside down and check if you rolled them up well, if there are any bubbles. Wrap with a blanket and leave it like that for a day.

Store at room temperature in a dark place for up to 9 months.

This is how a five-minute blueberry is prepared. The recipe is very tasty and will delight you in the cold. winter time its taste and aroma.

To cook a very healthy, tasty, tender and fragrant five-minute blueberry jam, you need to pick up the following set of necessary ingredients:

Fresh blueberries - two kilograms;

Sugar - one kilogram;

So, five-minute jam from blueberries - a recipe with a step by step description.

Step one. To begin with, let's take freshly picked wild blueberries and carefully sort them out, removing damaged, dented or rotten fruits, as well as foreign impurities - blades of grass, leaves, twigs, etc.

Step two. Then pour the selected berries in small portions into a colander or sieve and rinse well under running water. cold water repeatedly. Then let the water drain completely from the berries.

Step three. Next, take a large enameled basin or a wide pan, the same one in which you usually cook other sweet preparations, and carefully lay our blueberries in it in layers, sprinkling each layer with a small amount of granulated sugar.

Step four. Let the berries brew a little at room temperature and let the juice flow, about two to three hours.

Step five. While the berries are infused, prepare a container for our sweet billet. As in the case of cooking, for blueberry jam it is also better to choose small glass jars - 0.5, 0.7 or 1 liter. To begin with, they should be washed well with the addition of any cleaning powder for dishes or ordinary baking soda, then rinse well with a few hot water and pat dry by turning neck down on a clean cotton cloth or kitchen towel.

Step six. After the above time, transfer the dishes with blueberries in juice to the stove and turn on medium heat. We will bring to a boil, periodically stirring the raw materials with a wooden spoon or spatula so that the berries do not burn and spoil the taste, color and aroma of our workpiece. We also need to carefully remove the boiling white foam from the surface of the jam with a slotted spoon.

Step seven. As soon as the jam boils, let it boil for exactly five minutes, and immediately remove from heat.

Step eight. Hot ready-made blueberry jam is quickly poured into jars prepared in advance and tightly sealed with screw caps or rolled up using a special device with tin lids.

Step nine. We leave the cooked blueberry jam to cool at room temperature, without wrapping or turning the jars upside down.

Step ten. Like all five-minute jam recipes, this involves storing the workpiece exclusively in a cool place at a temperature of 18-22 degrees, therefore we transfer our workpiece, as well as, to a room specially designated for such products.

In the age of constant lack of time, it is not possible to cook jam for a long time, and vitamins are a pity. How can one not recall the famous blueberry jam - a five-minute cooking method that allows the berries to retain their shape, natural taste and aroma. We are waiting for the beginning of the wild berry picking season in order to harvest in a big way delicious dessert. I want to do everything quickly, without errors. Hold step by step recipe delicious treats.

Blueberry jam - a five-minute recipe for the winter (step by step with a photo)

The best and easiest recipe winter harvest. We will not cook in several approaches, which will save all the vitamins that are possible.

You will need:

  • Wild berries - kilogram.
  • Sugar - 700 gr.

Step by step preparation:

Remove debris from the berries, rinse and dry a little, spreading on a towel.

Sprinkle with sugar, let stand for several hours until a good amount of juice is released.

Put on the stove. It is important to start cooking with a minimum fire, slowly warming up the blueberries.

After the appearance of signs of boiling, cook for exactly 5 minutes and remove from the burner. Be sure to remove the foam.

Pour without waiting to cool, twist and let cool. Store in a cool place.

How to cook a delicious blueberry five-minute

  • There is something magical in the process of cooking when you conjure at a bowl of brew and stir with a spoon. By the way, a wooden spoon is always used for cooking blueberries, since the berry is not friendly with metal.
  • Blueberries love enamelware or stainless steel.
  • If the dessert turned out to be too liquid, put it back on the stove and add gelatin. After a couple of minutes, you can roll up. Another way to make the jam thicker is to add sugar, let it boil and roll up.
  • To give the jam a zest, add a little lemon peel or juice. Ginger, cardamom, cinnamon look good - diversify the preparation for the winter, and you will be happy.
  • If you want to increase the shelf life of the workpiece and protect it from rapid fermentation, place it in sterile jars. Don't forget to boil the lids.

Video recipe with a recipe for a simple five-minute blueberry jam

Good luck with your preparation!

This berry is unique. She grows in the forest, but you can try to grow her on your own. personal plot. This is just a storehouse of vitamins and useful trace elements that are important for the human body. These berries contain great amount vitamins of group B, vitamin A, which has a great effect on vision. And the importance of microelements included in blueberries can hardly be overestimated. They are necessary for the body for the proper flow of all biochemical metabolic processes. They affect both health and beauty, improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.

How to preserve the beneficial properties of blueberries

This berry is seasonal, and the question arises: how to keep it tasty and healthy? The solution has long been found. Mankind has invented many recipes for making jam from berries and various fruits. Unfortunately, with prolonged heat treatment of berries, a large part of the vitamins is destroyed. A better solution would be to make five-minute blueberry jam. This simple method will help preserve the taste and benefits of berries for several months. For such a jam, a freshly picked berry, fully ripe, is suitable.

The advantages of five-minute blueberry jam are that:

  1. it takes a minimum of time to cook;
  2. preserves the most complete useful substances and vitamins;
  3. contains not too much sugar, not cloying;
  4. the recipe is simple and suitable for inexperienced housewives;
  5. this jam is perfectly stored throughout the winter.

Several ways to prepare a five-minute blueberry

The first recipe uses a small amount of sugar, so it is more suitable than others for economical housewives and people who limit the consumption of sweets in their diet. The taste of this jam will be similar to the taste of fresh blueberries mashed with sugar.

Ingredients for this recipe:

  • 1 kg of blueberries;
  • 0.5-0.7 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 1/2 st. water.

To start, the berries need wash and sort out, removing leaves, twigs, needles, rumpled, or shrunken blueberries. Then they need to be dried. You can do this by spreading the blueberries in a thin layer on a paper towel. Or just leave the washed berry in a colander for a while, allowing excess water to drain.

Then boil the sugar and water syrup for about 7 minutes.

Place the berries in the finished syrup and bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 5 minutes. The foam must be removed.

Pour the finished jam into sterilized glass jars and close sterilized metal screw caps. Do not worry that the five-minute will turn out to be liquid due to a small amount of granulated sugar. Blueberries contain a lot of pectin, which gives final product jelly-like consistency. This jam will not spread.

The second method is simple, because. according to its recipe, it is not necessary to weigh the berries and sugar. All ingredients are measured in glasses.

So, we take:

  • 3 art. blueberries;
  • 4 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 st. water.

Pour the prepared blueberries into a saucepan, pour water into the same place, bring to a boil on the stove. Berries will give juice when heated. After boiling, add granulated sugar in small portions, mix everything thoroughly. Cook the jam for exactly 5 minutes. Pour the finished five-minute from the pan with a dry, clean ladle into small sterilized jars and close with lids, also sterilized. Not only metal lids are suitable for corking. You can use plastic lids, previously dipped in boiling water for a few seconds.

You can also try the third way to cook such a jam. IN In this case, the set of ingredients is as follows:

  • 2 kg blueberries;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar.

Washed berries are put in layers in an enamel bowl or pan, each layer of blueberries is sprinkled with sugar. After that, you need to leave the berries to brew with sugar and give the juice. This happens at room temperature for 2-2.5 hours. Then the pan with berries and sugar is put on the stove and brought to a boil. Cook for exactly 5 minutes, removing the foam.

To give blueberry jam different shades of taste, you can add a little different berries: blackcurrant, strawberries, lingonberries. You can try adding other berries you know. Don't be afraid to experiment! Some gourmets even add aromatic herbs to the five-minute. Eg - mint, thyme, oregano. Bundles of herbs are added to a container with jam a couple of minutes before the end of cooking and left to cool. Then they are taken out of the container and further - the jam is poured as usual.

Where is the best place to store

When the blueberry jam has cooled, you can remove the jars for storage. It is not necessary to put them in the refrigerator. Any other cool place will do. Storage temperature should not exceed 18-20°. You can put a five-minute in the cellar, or on a glazed balcony. This jam is used different types: you can just serve it with tea; can be added to the filling for pies; eat it with pancakes, cheesecakes and pancakes!

On frosty winter days, five-minute blueberry jam will be a great reminder of summer! It will also cheer you up, invigorate the immune system and give a portion of vitamins that are so lacking in the harsh winter season and make any tea party cozy!

Five-minute blueberry jam is one of the fastest berry preparations for the winter. It will only be faster - but what if the freezer is already filled to the limit, like mine, for example? And I don’t feel like it either, because then you need to store jars closed with nylon lids in the refrigerator. It's not rubber :)

The way out for thrifty housewives who want to stock up more blueberries, I see this: make jam. Fragrant and healthy, like the fresh berry itself. Well, in order not to spend a lot of time and have time not only to stand at the stove in the summer, but also to relax in nature, use the five-minute blueberry jam recipe.

An important nuance: only whole berries are suitable for jam good quality, not bursting, not overripe. From a bucket of blueberries collected in the forest, I select about 2 kilograms of these. The proportions of berries and sugar in the "five-minute" - one to one.

Read the detailed recipe for making five-minute blueberry jam right now.


  • 2 kg of ripe blueberries;
  • 2 kg of sugar.

You will also need: a large cooking pot, a spoon for stirring the jam, a ladle in order to decompose the workpiece into jars, and the jars themselves with lids. You can use both cans with traditional tin lids, which are rolled up with a key, and screw ones. The nuance with the screw method of closing is that the lid must be screwed very tightly, and if it is not tightened, air will enter the prepared jam and it will ferment. Fermented jam (like other spoiled sweet blanks) should never be eaten!


Berries need to be weighed after you sort them out and remove all forest or garden debris: leaves, twigs. Pour the prepared blueberries with water directly in the cooking pot, leave for 10 minutes to settle the sand and everything else unnecessary, then put your hands on a sieve or colander. Let the berries drain, and wash the pan and wipe dry. Put blueberries in it and sprinkle with sugar.

Gently shake the pan a couple of times so that the granulated sugar is distributed as evenly as possible. Leave the future blueberry jam for several hours (or better at night) so that the berries release juice.

While you wait, if you haven't gone to bed, prepare the jars. They need to be washed with any detergent, rinsed with clean running water, treated with steam. All procedures are done before the start of cooking - then you won’t have time, the jam is cooked for exactly 5 minutes, as I promised you.

Gently mix the berries in the pan so as not to damage their integrity. If there is enough syrup, put on a small fire and slowly heat to a boil, stirring occasionally. You can remove the foam, or you can leave it - decide for yourself. After 5 minutes from the moment the jam boils, pour it into sterile jars and roll it up. For additional sterilization, wrap with a blanket for a day.

Now you know how to make five-minute blueberry jam. Tell your friends about my recipe, just please do not copy the recipe without a link to the site.