3 years ago

Every man is worried before the first date and, of course, wants it to be on top. That is why, before the first meeting, it is necessary to carefully consider all the little things: appearance, venue, entertainment, and also a gift. It is believed that on the part of a man there must be at least the slightest insignificant present. Then the person will definitely not remain indifferent and will not classify her chosen one as an ill-mannered male. So, what to give a girl on a first date?

Price category

I would like to point out right away that for such an occasion, expensive gifts are not suitable. So you can only scare the girl away, because she will probably make a not very pleasant conclusion, thinking that your gift is a direct hint of something more at the first meeting. If the goal is to interest the girl and start building a serious relationship with her, then it is enough to simply present her with something purely symbolic, but pleasant, as well as original.

Flowers - the best gift?

In order for a girl to remember a date for a long time, you men need to try hard. Of course, you can just give a bouquet of flowers , but it's too trivial. Flowers can be a great addition to the main gift, but never completely replace it. And one more thing: you should not give large bouquets on the first date. It is likely that on such a day a huge bouquet of flowers will cause only one inconvenience to the chosen one. It is better to give one rose - such a flower will look very gentle and romantic. In addition, the chosen ones often subconsciously associate themselves with flowers. That is why a small rose will, as it were, personify her grace and diminutiveness, which means it will bring her a lot of positive emotions.

As for the color of the rose, it is necessary to take into account the character. White, pink, lilac flowers are more suitable for a gentle and pretty girl, and red and orange will be a great gift for a fatal beauty or an older lady.

Interest Based Presentation

It is necessary to select a gift with special care, so that in the end it exactly matches the girl. You need to understand in advance what she is fond of and interested in, her preferences, style, taste. If a girl is dancing, then you can present her with a figurine in the form of a ballerina or decorative pointe shoes. For a drawing lover, a set of good-brand art brushes or a gift certificate for painting her portrait by a professional artist is perfect. Her favorite hobby is music? Then it is advisable for you to think about how best to surprise a female musician. For example, you can give her a gift book for music or an original pendant in the form of a musical instrument. What metal it will be from is an individual question. Focus on your financial capabilities or the preferences of the chosen one you like. By the way, an athlete will certainly appreciate a gift in the form of a certificate to a sports store or a one-time fitness subscription.

Public events are a great option on a modest budget.

If funds are limited, then you can just take the girl to the cinema - this is also a very good idea. At the same time, it is necessary to know exactly which genres of films she likes the most. There are many advantages in such a gift: not only the chosen one will rejoice, but the boyfriend himself will be able to get a lot of pleasure from pastime. In general, both will definitely be pleased. From the same series, a trip to a cultural institution, such as a theater, art gallery or museum, would be a good option. For a supporter of an active life, a ticket for two to a nightclub will serve as a good gift. In addition, many girls are very fond of animals, so you can organize a trip to the zoo or arboretum together.

Romantic and captivating

If a person prefers outdoor recreation to banal gatherings in a cafe and various public events, then you don’t have to puzzle over what to give a girl on a first date. You can arrange a romantic evening on the banks of a river or a small lake. Naturally, everything should go at the expense of a man. In addition to such an event, it is allowed to buy a large number of balloons. In this way, you can demonstrate to the girl your interest in her, and she will definitely appreciate the efforts. Your evening will be filled with bright colors, which means that the person is unlikely to be able to forget about it in the near future. Such an idea is suitable not only for the first meeting, but also for permanent relationships. For romance, you can also invite the girl to launch air lanterns into the sky, which will symbolize your love. In this case, the process of launching flashlights and the moment of their flight in the distant night sky will be pleasant for the two of you.

Pleasant trifles

For a date, soft toys are very useful. As you know, girls are gentle creatures, so why not give your chosen one, for example, a teddy bear or a hare? As in the situation with flowers, it is better to give something small. The girl will undoubtedly be pleased with the very fact that the boyfriend showed respect and thought about the gift, so the size of the toy does not play an important role. But if you have a desire not only to please, but also to surprise the person at the same time, then you can give her a big bear.

A handmade gift will leave a good impression

Alternatively, you can create an interesting and worthy gift with your own hands. Such a present will serve as a great way to arouse delight and tenderness in a girl. The surprise will leave her warm memories of you, and will also be a kind of compliment for her, because a person spends his free time on creating this miracle, which, by the way, a real gentleman has very little! Yes, yes, this should also be mentioned at the first meeting, because guys who are businesslike and employed in a certain field of activity are much more attracted to the female sex than those who suffer from idleness and live a boring life. Among the interesting surprise gifts prepared by one's own hands are the following:

  • Soap products: flowers, hearts, cute animals or whatever the girl is interested in;
  • Wooden rose - such a present will never wither, and will remind the person of your first meeting;
  • Sweet present on canvas - just collect all the sweets that the girl prefers, stick them on a piece of paper and sign something nice under each;
  • If you have artistic abilities, you can give your chosen one a T-shirt with her name, which you need to write yourself. Instead of a T-shirt, you can use, for example, a pillow, a mug, a phone case, etc.

The main thing is not a gift, but attention

And in conclusion of this article, I would like to note one more very important, useful aspect. Perhaps the most important thing that girls appreciate on a first date is emotions. And this means that you need to seriously try to make that day memorable for the two of you with pleasant emotions and memories. You don't have to shower the girl with gifts. She, of course, will accept the present and will be very happy with it. But this is only temporary! On the first date, you need to hook the girl with something more worthwhile, and for her, this is exactly what she felt when you first met. You also need to liberate the chosen one as much as possible, let her feel desired, sexy, charming. Create all the necessary conditions for her to feel comfortable and cozy. Constant care for her, appropriate jokes or an exciting love story will be good helpers in this difficult task. The main thing is to intrigue and leave a pleasant impression, and then everything will go by itself!

Anna Grigorieva

First date: what to give a girl?

Is it necessary to give a girl something on a first date?

There is no definite answer to this question.

For example, experienced seducers (the so-called pick-up gurus) believe that a gift on a first date will significantly reduce a man’s chances of continuing a relationship.

And psychologists advise to draw up a preliminary date plan in several versions, think through everything to the smallest detail, try to surprise the girl with something - and not necessarily with a gift.

It could be, for example… a balloon flight. Or anything else just as memorable.

But if you don’t like the “advanced options” of a first date, be sure to read our recommendations for choosing a gift. And let your date be the most romantic in the world!

So, what to give on a first date?

Flowers are a must

A bouquet of flowers is considered an invariable attribute of a first date. And not in vain.

Giving flowers is, albeit a banal, but a win-win move. You will show yourself as a gallant gentleman, and the girl will simply be pleased.

In addition, a modest bouquet does not oblige either you or your lady to anything.

Souvenir - desirable

In order not to seem banal, it is better to give something exquisite. For example, an elegant porcelain doll or a box filled with small soft hearts. What you choose depends only on your financial capabilities and imagination.

But try to make the souvenir as elegant as possible and appropriate for the moment (for example, you shouldn’t give prank souvenirs on a first date).

Soft toy - as an option

Such a gift is appropriate if the girl is very young. Or you know for sure that she is romantic and loves surprises of this kind.

In general, remember: a teddy bear is a great idea, but not for everyone.

Sweets - very doubtful

Set aside the stored sweets for later - when the girl introduces you to her mother.

Things useful in everyday life - undesirable

Wanting to appear practical and "in-house", you can go very far. And give the girl a thing useful in the household.

This, of course, is not forbidden - but what if in such a gift your new acquaintance sees a hint of an imminent marriage proposal (or just an offer of cohabitation), and you are not ready to force things yet?

At the very beginning of a relationship, it is better to refrain from everyday gifts. If it comes to a serious relationship, you will always have time to give your lady things that are useful to both of you.

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The beginning of a new romantic relationship is a magical time. How much trembling hearts in love are delivered by unexpected calls from the chosen one and mutual courtship! So, the meeting with the “same one” has already been scheduled, it remains only to prepare. Let's try to figure it out, on a first date, and is a present appropriate for such an occasion?

Rules for the perfect gift

Many modern girls argue that gifts are not the main thing in a love relationship. And yet, about 90% of young ladies sincerely rejoice at every souvenir and flower presented to their loved ones without much reason. And this means that gifts on dates can and should be given. What to choose for the very first and romantic meeting? Rule one - do not buy anything expensive. Such a present will at least embarrass the girl. An alternative option is also possible - the chosen one will fall in love with the money of her fan, and not with his personal qualities. When thinking about what to give a girl on a first date, you should focus on the chosen pastime option.

If you decide to go to some institution or just take a walk, the gift should be compact. You can choose something bulky or heavy only on the condition that the young man plans to take his companion home in his car. And the third rule for choosing a gift - give up too personal things. We are talking about symbols of love (hearts, images of couples in love), underwear, cosmetics and perfumes. You can give such things only when you are in a relationship with a girl. At the first meeting, they are inappropriate.

What bouquet to give a girl on a first date: the secrets of choosing flowers

One of the most popular gift options for women for no reason is flowers. It is appropriate to come to the first romantic meeting even with one rose without packaging. A great option for guys who are afraid to seem banal is a small original bouquet. What flowers to give a girl on a first date to really surprise her? Choose gerberas, chrysanthemums or orchids. A great option and seasonal flowers: lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots, tulips. You can impress a girl by buying her a bouquet "spontaneously" during a walk. Do not be too lazy to ask before that what kind of flowers she likes. Are you planning a long walk and are afraid that the bouquet will wither? Choose floral arrangements assembled on special base sponges. And yet, in some cases, freshly cut flowers are not the best gift idea. In the cold season or in bad weather, it is better to choose something else.

Sweet present

It is difficult to find a representative of the fair sex who would not like sweets. Chocolate or a set of sweets is a universal gift. Confectionery shops also sell very original sweet souvenirs. These are chocolate figures, gingerbread houses, cakes with wishes and much more. What can you give a girl on a first date to cheer her up? An original souvenir - multi-colored sweets stylized as pills. The names usually for such “drugs” are appropriate: “For a good mood”, “For sadness” or “Pills of happiness”. Surprise any girl and fortune cookies or personalized chocolate.

Souvenir for memory

Don't know what to give a girl on a first date? Go to any major gift shop! A keychain, a cute figurine, a miniature soft toy - all these are great options for a present without a reason. You can also choose a frame for a photo or some jewelry if you are sure that you are well versed in the tastes of your chosen one. Idea for travelers - bring a gift from a trip. This option is appropriate if you like the girl for a long time, and only now you decided to invite her on a date. A souvenir from another country should be truly original, a simple magnet with the name of the city will not work. Choose handicrafts from local artisans.

The book is the best gift

Reading is very fashionable these days. You can make a good impression on the lady of the heart by giving her a real paper book. Don't know the girl's favorite authors? This is not a problem - choose a collection of romantic poetry. A good option is a book with wise quotes and aphorisms. In modern bookstores you can also find special gift editions. These gift books contain wishes and beautiful photographs. What to give a girl on a first date if you are not sure that she likes to read?

For a perfect paper diary or a beautiful postcard. If you choose the second option, be respectful. The card should be beautiful, and its content should be neutral and modest. The most frank confession of the first joint evening may be the phrase: "I like you." Postcards with philosophical or neutral covers are also appropriate for such a case. Write a couple of lines inside, do not forget to thank for the meeting and pleasant communication.

Choosing a personalized gift

When purchasing a gift, every time we think about the person for whom it is intended. If you have been talking with the girl you want to please for a while, you can choose something special for her. Try to understand what interests her the most. For example, if you know that she is studying or working in the office, you can safely give stationery. Of course, they must be beautiful and original. Give your chosen one a rare disc with a movie or music if she said that she has been looking for something specific for a long time.

It is not difficult to choose a gift for a collector girl. Try to learn enough about her collection and the principles for selecting new exhibits. In our age of high technology, an actual gift is something from gadgets. What is better to give a girl on a first date from technical innovations? Choose something simple and inexpensive. A memory card or headphones made in the original design is perfect. Knowing the brand and model of the smartphone of the girl of your dreams, you can please her with accessories for this gadget.

So the first "official" meeting with the girl is scheduled! And if a hungry student is quite forgivable to come to her empty-handed, then it's time for other suitors to think about what to give a girl on a first date. After all, the present should be at least somewhat original and at the same time appropriate for such an early stage of acquaintance. In this article, we will offer a number of ready-made solutions for guys and men who are puzzling over what gift they should choose for their first date.

General principles

Attentiveness and tact - it is these two qualities that a guy will have to acquire in order for the gift to strike the girl on the spot. He should be careful, noticing the words casually thrown by the girl about what she likes or what she is fond of.

The better the guy manages to get to know the girl by the time of the first date, the more likely it is that the gift will touch her heart.

Tact is also useful so as not to drive the chosen one into the paint or not put her in an uncomfortable position. The straightforward logic of men can tell them that the more expensive the gift, the better it is. However, boasting about your financial security and giving expensive gifts at the very beginning of your acquaintance is highly discouraged. Otherwise, the girl will feel indebted to him and will behave insincerely.

Gift Ideas

So, we offer a selection of the most successful gift options for a first date.

1. Flowers

An immortal classic and the most obvious way to express your sympathy. However, here you also need to have a sense of proportion: going to a meeting without flowers at all or with an unbearable “broom” would be equally wrong. After all, the lady will have to carry this wide-legged uncomfortable load with her throughout the walk (if it is planned) or on the way home.

Therefore, it is better to leave large bouquets for a visit, and for a date, take one long rose without cellophane, ribbons and other excesses. If the date takes place in the spring, then a tastefully decorated bouquet of lilacs will be an unusual, unused and incomparably smelling option. A bouquet of wild flowers will be just as original against the background of traditional roses, orchids and tulips.

2. Original souvenir

Of course, you will have to find out about the girl's hobby in advance. An artist, for example, will be happy with an easel, especially if it is made by the hands of the gentleman himself. The writer will like a beautiful high-quality notebook for sketching future works. The gift can be associated not only with creativity, but also with the faculty where the student girl is studying. If the guy has information about the girl - the cat cried, a beautiful mug with her name will be a universal option.

3. Book

Fortunately, the fashion for reading and the love of books are gradually returning, and in recent years the gift of an interesting book has become a sign of good taste. In order for the book not to pass into the category of dust collectors and actually be read, it must correspond to the literary tastes of the girl, and, of course, it must be absent from her home library. In addition, to make the book look like a gift, and not like a library loan, you should look for a beautiful gift edition.

4. Music and movies

If a girl is a real connoisseur of cinema or music, and it is not enough for her to download a movie/song from the first site she comes across, a licensed disc with an album of her favorite band or movie will be a great addition to her collection. The advantage of the gift lies in the fact that the girl's musical and film preferences can be found on the pages of social networks.

5. Candy

The first stage of the relationship is not in vain called the candy-bouquet period. A box of chocolates from well-known confectionery companies (Rafaello from Ferrero or something from the domestic "A. Korkunov") will come in handy only if the girl is not fanatically devoted to healthy eating.

6. Impressions

You can give not only material gifts, but also unforgettable memories. Taking a girl with you to an amusement park, on an unusual excursion, to a planetarium, a zoo or a cinema will be even better than buying another trinket or one and a half thousand kilocalories in a colorful package. And although in most cases the surprise is more effective and pleasant, if the non-standard date planned by the guy involves a long walk (the same excursion), it is better to warn the girl in advance so that she dresses and shoes appropriately.

7. Postcard with original words

Something between a gift and a verbal compliment, and in combination the most accessible of those surprises that would be appropriate to give a girl on a first date. An indisputable plus of such a modest gift is that the girl will not feel a single bit obliged, because postcards cost a few pennies, and are valued solely for the words written inside.

A guy should not write passionately and passionately about strong feelings, even if he was struck down by semi-mythical love at first sight! Such pressure can immediately scare away the girl.

You can write that he is pleased to finally meet a person like him and in the same place, in a postcard, suggest the date and place of the next date.

In order for the gift to be successful and appropriate, the guy will have to try and find out at least something about the hobbies, study or work of the girl he likes. Classic gifts can be flowers (a single flower or a small bouquet), brand-name chocolates, or a beautiful card. Among the more unconventional ones, it is worth highlighting a book, a CD with music/film, an original souvenir and an unusual script for the date itself.

Sympathy flashed between you and you decided to invite a girl on your first date. How to spend it, what to give? These questions arise in men, because they want to spend this day bright, memorable and comfortable for both parties.

Of course, you will go somewhere. In a cafe, cinema, restaurant, for a walk or at a concert. The girl should know about your plans, or at least know the dress code. Therefore, if you are planning something extreme or traveling, be sure to warn your companion about it.

So, if your plans are to have dinner with a girl in a cafe or restaurant, then it would be appropriate to give flowers at the meeting. In the cafe you can put them in a vase and then the girl will take them with her. It's just that if you want to take a walk or you will have a movie show, it will not be very convenient for a girl to walk with a bouquet, and in a few hours without water, the flowers will hopelessly wither.

The bouquet can be anything to your taste, but if it is pale pink tulips, lilacs, roses or daisies, you will surely guess. And let the bouquet be simple and concise, without a mountain of unnecessary wrapping paper.

If only a walk is planned, then any girl will be pleased to receive a balloon, a cute toy, an original keychain on her phone or on her bag.

On this day, you get to know each other better and it’s not worth hitting the girl with an expensive gift, it’s not known how she will react to such a present. Your main goal is to get to know your companion, to master the dialogue, to find out what she likes. Therefore, if you invited a girl to an amusement park, and she is afraid of heights, change plans in the moment. Limit yourself to a ground carousel, rent a boat or eat ice cream. Spend time in an original way in a dog kennel or on a horseback ride. In addition to the fact that the date itself will be non-standard, you, as a gentleman, will be in the wings and help the girl.

If the date falls on the winter season and you can’t take the girl except to a cafe or to the cinema, remember that there is a skating rink and skis and give the girl such a walk. The stored tea in a thermos will warm you, and your care and attention will conquer her. There is nothing to give in winter except for your good mood, but a cute present in the form of a cake or a box of delicious cakes will be a big plus in your direction.

On the first date, the excitement will be present for both you and her, so it is in your power to give the girl confidence, attention, try to anticipate her desires. A couple of compliments, delicious ice cream and trust between you will be achieved.

Give a photo shoot in a booth, which is a lot in shopping centers, this will also be a great gift for your first date. Be sincere and the first date will definitely be followed by a second date.