Tomato seedlings rarely cause problems for the gardener. It takes root well, grows well, is not afraid of picking, but sometimes you can notice the drying of the leaves. Why is this happening?

Leaves wither and fall

When the leaves dry, you need to understand the reasons, there may be several of them - too wet soil, lack of lighting.

Do not water the soil all the time. The soil must have time to dry out. Cups with seedlings should be kept in the sun on the windowsill or taken out to the balcony.

If you see a problem, you can fix it. The following actions are carried out:

  • Plants are transplanted into fresh soil.
  • The roots of the dug up plant should be examined. If they are in order, a transplant is carried out in a new soil, if not, nothing will work.
  • 20 ml of potassium permanganate solution is added under the tomato, then it is exposed to the sun.
  • If after transplanting the tomato began to wither, shade it, maybe the roots were damaged.
  • After the seedlings take root, they are exposed to the sun. Remember, watering should be moderate.

If the presented method did not help, this may indicate a lack of any nutrient, carefully look at the color of the leaves.

Tips dry

The reasons for the drying of the tips of the leaves can be very different. Look at the air in the room, it may be too dry. Arrangement of jars of water will help to correct the situation.

The second option is pickles. Yellowish or white spots on the surface of the soil will tell about them. What's happening? The roots of the tomato begin to act the other way around - to draw nutrients from the plant, including the leaves. Causes of salting - watering with hard water, excess fertilizer. The situation is corrected as follows - the upper soil is removed, a new one is poured in its place, the plant is watered with soft water, and fertilizing is not applied for 2 weeks.

A possible reason is a lack of potassium. The situation occurs with high acidity of the soil. Compensate for the deficiency of the substance by fertilizing with infusion of ash. They take a liter of boiling water, add a handful of ash, insist the mixture. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. You can use an infusion on a banana peel - 3 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of powder from dried banana skins. The mixture is infused for 24 hours. For 7 days, 3 such top dressings are carried out.

As you can see, the problem can be fixed! But it is better not to allow alarming symptoms.

Tomatoes are a fairly resistant crop and are difficult to kill. Growing vegetables, beginners and experienced gardeners often face unpleasant situations when plants die for some unknown reason. In the review, we will figure out why the leaves of tomato seedlings dry and what other problems young crops can expect.

Sometimes the leaves of tomato seedlings begin to dry.

reference Information

Tomatoes are native to the warm, sunny climate of Latin America. The culture came to Europe in the 16th century as an ornamental plant: gardeners planted an exotic flower to make unusual compositions. The very first tomato recipe dates back to the end of the 17th century.

Domestic gardeners for a long time did not pay attention to the exotic guest, considering him poisonous. Unripe fruits were unsuitable for human consumption. Scientist A. Bolotov developed a seedling method of growing for our climate, thanks to which tomatoes have time to form and ripen.

The basis for the development of tomatoes is the sun and heat. At low temperatures, plant growth and pollen production stop. The lack of light has a negative effect on the development of the green mass and the trunk. In order not to waste energy, the culture discards buds and ovaries. Knowing these features, farmers regularly illuminate seedlings in cloudy weather.

Tomatoes are distinguished by enhanced root formation. If the plant is not fixed on the trellis, then rooting will occur at the points of contact with the soil. Thanks to this quality, the culture is propagated not only by seeds, but also by side cuttings or stepchildren. Healthy planting material is placed in a container with clean liquid for several days. Such plants begin to bloom three weeks earlier than with seed cultivation.

To build up green mass and form fruits, tomatoes need nutrients. A strong root system goes several meters in different directions in search of trace elements:

  • nitrogen;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • manganese;
  • boron;
  • copper.

The lack or excess of nutrients negatively affects the general condition of the plant. Changes affect not only crop yields, but also disease resistance and appearance. An experienced gardener will never forget about regular fertilizers and will not feed tomatoes for future use.

With a lack of lighting, seedlings stretch towards the sun

Growing problems

To quickly grow healthy and strong plants, domestic farmers use the seedling method. For three weeks of development, the culture is protected from climatic features and completely under the control of the gardener. Errors are eliminated with careful attention to plants.

The foliage dries

Green mass is the main indicator of the health of tomatoes, so an experienced farmer will immediately notice the problem by changes. Why do the tips of the leaves of tomato seedlings dry and what to do?

  1. Dry air. The natural habitat of culture is a humid climate. In domestic apartments, the central heating system dries everything around. Spraying with mist from a spray bottle or wide containers of liquid next to the seedlings will help to correct the situation.
  2. "Salted" soil. If there are yellow or white blotches on the soil surface, then this is the reason for the excess of minerals in the ground. Why is this happening? Frequent fertilizing or watering with hard tap water leaves marks. Seedlings cannot draw the necessary elements and water from the soil, so they begin to "eat" their greens. To save the young, the top layer of the earth must be replaced with a fresh one. Irrigation should be carried out only with filtered or settled liquid.
  3. Potassium deficiency. The deficiency of the microelement is replenished with fertilizer - potassium magnesia or potassium sulfate. Experienced gardeners advise infusion of ash (raw material is poured with a liter of boiling water), which is more harmless.
  4. Excess or lack of moisture. Beginning farmers are often zealous in caring for seedlings, so they allow the roots to dry out or rot due to improper irrigation. For natural development, the soil must dry out between waterings. You can check this with a long stick or match.

The leaves of seedlings can dry both from a lack of moisture and from its excess.

Color change

In healthy tomatoes, the foliage is always a bright green color without any inclusions or spots. Why does the color of the tops change and what to do?

  1. Sunburn. Spots on the foliage occur if the seedlings were grown with a lack of light or it was cloudy for a long time. It is recommended to shade the plant with parchment and treat with Epin.
  2. Fertilizer poisoning. An excess of minerals in the early stages of development is dangerous for seedlings. A transplant into a new soil or a thorough washing of the existing one can help in such a situation.
  3. Lack of minerals. Tomatoes need to be regularly fed with complex fertilizers. Experienced gardeners use a non-concentrated dose for young animals to avoid poisoning or root burns.

Pulling seedlings

It is impossible to grow neat plants with a thick trunk and a dense crown without additional equipment. In the conditions of the apartment, the seedlings turn out to be pale and thin. Why do tomatoes stretch and what to do?

  1. Lack of light. From spitting the seed to planting in open ground, tomatoes need sun. If gardeners notice changes in plant growth, then they illuminate with a phyto or office lamp. Weak sprouts do not have immunity, so they quickly die.
  2. Excess nitrogen and high temperature. The combination of two factors affects the quality of seedlings. It is recommended to stop fertilizing and lower the temperature by a few degrees.
  3. Thick shoots. Young tomatoes stretch out and obscure each other. To avoid further deformation, farmers thin out the planting.
  4. Early sowing. If you plant tomatoes in January-February, then the plants will not have enough light. The phytolamp will help save the situation, but the seedlings are formed capricious and weak. Professionals recommend re-sowing in mid-March.
  5. Need to dive. Plants grow and cover the sun "neighbors". Do not delay with a transplant.

After eliminating the causes of pulling seedlings, tomatoes will gradually acquire a healthy appearance.

You can completely get rid of an unhealthy thin trunk after landing on a permanent place of growth. Gardeners dig tomatoes a little deeper into the soil: the plant takes root and the problem goes away.

If you plant tomatoes on seedlings too early, it will stretch

Things to Remember

Planting seedlings is carried out in nutrient soil. Experts recommend not using the land from the garden, but using the purchased one marked "For tomatoes". Why is it so important? Outdoor soil is infected with insects and fungal infections, which must be calcined and treated with fungicides.

Young plants do not have immunity, therefore they are prone to disease. At the slightest violation of the conditions of care, fungi find an excellent environment for development. Such plantings are easier to destroy than to treat. Preventive plantation treatments and proper cultivation will protect nerves and finances.

If trouble nevertheless happened and several young seedlings in the box suffered, you can try to save the rest by transplanting them into another soil with the addition of calcined sand and ash. After transplantation, it is recommended to spray the plants with "Fundazol" and stop watering until the earth is completely dry.

Do not worry if the stem of the plant is bent or broken during planting in open ground. Tomatoes reproduce perfectly by cuttings, so powder the healthy residue with Kornevin and put it in a glass of clean water. After a few days, the seedlings can be planted in the soil. In development, it will lag behind the "brothers" a little, but it will bloom and bear fruit.

Never use fresh manure to fertilize tomatoes. Undecomposed raw materials can burn the roots, which will negatively affect the development of tomatoes. The modern chemical industry offers many safe and high-quality top dressings that will not harm the crop.

Before planting in open ground, seedlings must be hardened for two to three weeks. Why is this needed? Unaccustomed to natural light and air movement, tomatoes in the first day will slow down growth. To avoid such a reaction, tomatoes are gradually accustomed to the street, increasing the duration of “walks” every day. The culture spends the night before planting outdoors.

We figured out why the tips of the leaves of tomato seedlings dry and what needs to be done to avoid mistakes in growing young plants. Using our recommendations, you will get healthy tomatoes and a bountiful harvest.

What makes tomato leaves dry?

With the beginning of the planting season, gardeners begin to have various problems. They often occur even with seemingly unpretentious plants like tomatoes. Sometimes they still sit at home in pots, and already the leaves of the tomato seedlings dry, the development of plants is delayed.

There may be another option when excellent seedlings were planted in a greenhouse, and after a while it turns out that the tomato leaves turn yellow and dry. The answer to why this happens is not always easy to find. Consider the most common options.

Possible Causes of Yellowing Leaves

The simplest reason that affects the growth of seedlings at home and in a greenhouse is that there are not enough nutrients in the soil, or the acidity of the soil is not suitable. Tomatoes need slightly acidic soil.

The root system could be underdeveloped due to the small amount of land in the seedling pot. Sudden temperature changes help retard the growth of young plants. This can lead to wilting of tomato leaves and even death.

Lack of sunlight can lead to the same result. It is believed that overmoistening of the soil is harmful for tomatoes, it is recommended to water them once a week. Fusarium wilt should be considered the most dangerous cause leading to the death of plants.

This disease is caused by soil fungi that can stay in the soil for a long time. The spores of these fungi are carried by the wind. Hot weather is good for them.

Infection of seedlings or an adult plant occurs through the roots. Spreading along the stems and leaves, the mycelium blocks the access of nutrients, leading to the death of the entire plant.

How to prevent tomato diseases

Compliance with the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings in prepared soil with the necessary content of trace elements is the key to a good harvest. If the seedlings turned out to be weak and overgrown, foliar top dressing will help. To do this, use a 1% solution of universal fertilizer.

Spraying with such a solution can be carried out every day, until the normal development of the plant is restored. It is more difficult to fight a fungal disease. New, certified seeds should be used for planting.

All seedling boxes must be thoroughly disinfected or replaced with new ones. The soil in greenhouses and greenhouses will have to be replaced with a non-infected one. If a bear is found on the site that damages the roots of plants, it is necessary to apply chemical control methods.

  • why the leaves of tomato seedlings dry dry the leaves of tomato seedlings

Why do the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow and dry

Tomato is a healthy vegetable of the nightshade family, containing a large amount of a group of vitamins B, vitamin C, sugars, mineral salts and organic acids. Tomato is a perennial plant, but in horticulture it is used as an annual.

Growing a tomato begins with planting its seedlings. And here you can face the actual problem of drying and yellowing of the leaves. Firstly, tomatoes love high soil moisture and dry air.

Even short-term drying of the soil leads to the loss of turgor and wilting of the leaves. At high humidity, with exposure to high temperatures, diseases can develop on tomatoes, one of which is Fusarium wilt. This is a fungal disease of tomatoes.

At its beginning, the plants lose leaf turgor, their wilting begins, and even after watering they look wilted. This is because the mycelium through the roots penetrated into the vascular system of the plant and clogged it.

In diseased tomatoes, the movement of nutrients and water stops, they slow down in growth, the leaves turn yellow and die. - taking preventive measures: seed treatment with margots, disinfection of seedlings, proven soil mixture, fertilizing tomato seedlings with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers; - treatment: treatment with HOM - 40 grams per 10 liters of water. Secondly, the yellowing and death of the leaves of tomato seedlings occurs due to the density of plantings, since such seedlings experience: - lack of nutrients and moisture; - lack of sunlight and shading in the depth of planting; - stretching leading to a fragile stem; - ventilation decreases and contributes to the development of fungal diseases. In the third, tomato seedlings become brittle, the leaves turn yellow and fall off with a lack of light and excessive watering. Measures: Seedlings should be placed in a sunny place, open windows - accustomed to open air, watered regularly and moderately. Fourthly, a lack of nitrogen or potassium can contribute to the yellowing and dying of leaves of a tomato. acquire a light green color with a yellowish or purple tinge along the veins, then the leaves die off.

The stems become hard and thin. Measures: at the first signs of a lack of nitrogen nutrition, feed the seedlings with urea (urea) - 20 grams per 10 liters of water. With a lack of potassium, photosynthesis decreases.

Tomatoes are oppressed, the shoots develop poorly, the plants are bent, the tops dry out. The leaves die off completely or partially, the edge of the leaf first turns yellow. Measures: top dressing with potassium sulfate or ash is recommended - 1 tsp. for 5 liters of water.

Problem one: tomato seedlings are stretching

The most common reason for pulling tomatoes is a lack of light. The window sill is not rubber, but you always want to plant more varieties, and even with a margin. So tomatoes grow in cramped boxes, blocking each other's access to light, and so they stretch.

The solution to this problem is obvious - do not be greedy, do not plant too much, place the seedlings on the windowsill freely and, if possible, use the backlight. Tomato seedlings are pulled out if the temperature regime is violated and there is a "tropical paradise" on the windowsill. In bright sunlight (or artificial) light, the temperature should be no higher than + 25-28 ° C, and on a cloudy day even lower - + 18-20 ° C.

Otherwise, the so-called “greenhouse syndrome” cannot be avoided - the effeminacy of the seedlings, their sensitivity to temperature changes, the thinning of the stem and the fragility of the leaves. Excessive watering and top dressing can also cause tomato seedlings to stretch out, so tomato seedlings should be watered only when the soil is completely dry. You don’t need to be too zealous with top dressing either - apply fertilizer only if it is necessary: ​​stunting, leaf discoloration, etc.

Problem two: tomato seedlings turn pale, turn yellow, the leaves dry up and fall off

Basically, tomato seedlings turn yellow due to insufficient lighting and excessive soil dampness. Remember that the soil of tomato seedlings does not need to be constantly kept moist. Water the seedlings sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out.

Keep cups with seedlings on the brightest window sill, and if the weather allows, take them out to the balcony to “bask in the sun.” Is it possible to save already affected plants? You can, if you transplant them into fresh soil.

The roots of each seedling must be freed from the former earth, make sure that they are white and healthy (if the roots are yellow, black or rotten, the seedlings can no longer be saved) and transplanted into light, slightly moist soil. Pour 20 ml under each plant. pink solution of potassium permanganate and put the cups on a sunny window.

It may happen that during the transplantation the roots are damaged and the seedlings wither in the light. Then you should shade them for the first time.

But after rooting, good lighting and infrequent watering are obligatory and necessary conditions for the further development of seedlings. If you follow the rules of watering and there is enough light for your seedlings, but it still turns yellow or turns pale, you should pay attention to the nature of the change in leaf color. Perhaps the plant lacks one or another nutrient that needs to be replenished.

Problem three: the tips of the leaves dry up in tomato seedlings

There is, as usual, a whole list of reasons for the edges of the leaf to dry out. First, take a closer look at houseplants or seedlings of other crops - do they have something similar? If the leaves are drying on everyone, the cause may be excessively dry indoor air (heating is doing its best).

In this case, it is recommended to place wide containers of water next to the seedlings. Secondly, check for white or yellowish spots on the soil surface - efflorescence. If the soil is “oversalted”, the roots of the plants begin to “work in reverse”, that is, they draw nutrients and water from the stems and leaves.

As a result, the tips of the leaves become thinner and dry. The earth is salted due to excess fertilizer or due to watering with hard water. What to do? Carefully remove the top layer of earth and add fresh soil.

It is good to shed the seedlings with soft water (rain, filtered, melted water) and forget about top dressing for at least two weeks. The third possible reason for the drying of the tips of tomato leaves is a lack of potassium. This usually happens when the soil is acidic.

Potassium deficiency is well replenished by feeding with ash infusion (a handful of ash per liter of boiling water is infused until completely cooled, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 5) or banana peel infusion (2 tbsp. powder from dry banana skins infuse in three liters of water per during the day). For a week you need to do three such dressings.

Problem four: spots on tomato seedlings

Often white, transparent spots on tomato seedlings occur due to sunburn. Seedlings need sunlight, but direct sunlight can easily burn the leaves, especially if the seedlings are “unaccustomed” to the sun (during prolonged cloudy weather, for example).

In the aggressive sun, you need to shade the plants with newspapers, and spray the affected leaves with Epin. Dirty white spots with a dark border on tomato leaves mean that your seedlings are sick with septoria (white spotting). This is a fungal disease that is carried along with the soil and develops at high temperature or humidity.

Affected plants are best removed. Fungal diseases are difficult to cure and are best avoided. To do this, it is necessary to warm (or freeze) the seedling soil before planting the seeds.

Problem five: black leg of tomato seedlings

Black leg (or root rot) is also a fungal disease that affects young seedlings. It is characterized by a darkening of the stem in the lower part and the formation of a "peregrine".

Diseased plants wither, lie down, their roots rot. Again, the black leg is one of those diseases, from the occurrence of which it is better to make sure in advance. To do this, at the stage of soil preparation, you need to add wood ash to the ground for seedlings, and when caring for seedlings, avoid waterlogging the soil and too high temperatures. soil with the addition of calcined sand and ash.

After transplantation, it is recommended to spray the plants with "Fundazol" and stop watering until the earth is completely dry. So, in order to encounter problems when growing tomato seedlings as little as possible, you should remember one golden rule: "More light, less moisture." We wish you success and great harvests!

Admit it, oh great and most experienced tomato growers, because when you started, your seedlings also hurt - as if a novice tomato expert asks here: D. Most likely, yes, it hurt. Books are books, and nothing can replace experience.

So diseases of tomato seedlings or why sick tomato seedlings.In principle, tomatoes are a Very Viable culture. If you follow some simple rules, you can’t really kill her with a stick.

With the exception of some cases. So - the most common variant of diseased seedlings (in the south and in sunny areas - not relevant). The leaves gradually turn pale, turn yellow, then turn white, dry in places. The cotyledon leaves wither and fall off first, and then the rest.

What is it and how to deal with it? See the new 2014 forum thread with similar symptoms. So that such a disease does not attack your seedlings - do not water seedlings until the ground dries out.

When I started growing tomatoes, it seemed to me that I watered them sparingly. Well, I keep the earth slightly damp, as for ordinary indoor flowers. So, it is impossible to keep the earth damp all the time. Water only when it is really dry.

It is definitely time to water, even if the tomatoes are wilted even in the absence of sun. Except in those cases when they wither due to this very disease. This sore is especially rampant in conditions of insufficient illumination, in the absence of the sun.

How to save plants if they are already sick? Leaves turn yellow, turn white, dry out in spots? Are the bottom leaves starting to fall off?

Illustration for the theme. This is what a cotyledon leaf of tomato seedlings looks like, which is watered too much (or just the soil is too dense and the roots are suffocating) and which receives too little sunlight. The best treatment is to water less and expose to the sun!

First, make sure that the soil is not too dense, that the roots can breathe normally in it. In any case, you can try to save the plant in the following way. Dump the entire contents of the pot onto a piece of newspaper.

Carefully scrape all the ground down to the main roots. Try not to tear off the roots yourself. Depending on the age, either only the main pivot should remain (the age of the seedlings is up to 2-3 weeks) or plus a few secondary roots (if the seedlings are older).

Make sure the leftover roots are white and healthy. (If they are rotten, yellow or black - that's another case). Transplant the seedlings into another soil, slightly moist, light, breathable.

Pour under the spine, literally 20 milliliters of water, you can make a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate. Those. water so that the earth is moist in the place of the pot where the stem and root of the plant are located. Let the rest of the earth remain slightly moist.

Further, ideally, the plant is placed on a sunny window. If the roots are badly damaged, and the plant wilts in the sun, shade it, or move it to another window for a day or two. But then necessarily - a lot of sun, a lot of light. And little water.

Most likely, following such simple recommendations, the seedlings will be saved. Although there is a lot of fuss. Next time, when growing tomato seedlings, will you probably water less already? . This disease practically does not affect tomatoes in the southern regions, where there are no problems with the sun, as well as tomatoes that are lucky, and they are often taken out for a walk on the balcony or on the street. unless, of course, the weather permits. Here is another reason in our northwestern climate to sow tomatoes for seedlings later.

Yellowed leaves are the first signs that the plants are not comfortable. Yellow leaves of seedlings may also indicate the appearance of the disease. There can be several reasons why tomato seedlings begin to turn yellow.

Yellowing of tomato seedlings is quite common. Strong seedlings suddenly begin to turn yellow, wither, spots appear on the leaves, the upper tips begin to curl. To get rid of these problems and help the plant recover, you should understand the cause of the appearance of a bad disease and take all necessary measures to prevent it.

There are many reasons for yellowing. In order to take action, you first need to figure out why the leaves began to turn yellow.

The most common mistakes in care and landing

Yellowed leaves signal the appearance of problems associated with the wrong care.

The main reasons are:

  • Lack of sunlight and excess moisture
  • Frequently sown seedlings
  • Micronutrient deficiency
  • High acidity of the soil
  • Lack of space after disembarkation

Often seedlings in the northern and middle regions suffer from a lack of light. Abundant watering exacerbates the situation, and the leaves begin to turn yellow.

Often sown seedlings also cause a lack of light. It grows, grows stronger, begins to block the sunlight with foliage.

Micronutrient deficiency leads to yellowing. Trace elements leading to yellowing:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Manganese

If the earth too salty the leaves will also start to turn yellow. Salt soil can be identified by white or yellowish spots that stand out on the surface of the earth - plaque.

Incorrectly selected container- the cause of yellowing. If the container is too small, the growing roots become crowded, the seedlings begin to hurt, the leaves turn yellow.

If the roots of the seedlings are crowded, the tomato can get sick

What to do if the leaves of tomato seedlings turn yellow

Having dealt with the causes of yellowing, consider ways to prevent them.

With a lack of sunlight, seedlings put on the sunny side window sills. For additional lighting, lamps are used that extend the daylight hours at home by 5 hours.

Seedling material must be watered properly.

Improper watering also leads to yellowing. With a lack or excess of moisture, the seedling material turns yellow. Watering is rare, but plentiful.

If planting is too frequent, shading occurs, transplanting into separate pots will help fix this.

    • If there is not enough nitrogen, the leaves turn pale, fall off, new ones grow smaller. Fertilizing with nitrogen will eliminate nitrogen deficiency.
    • If new leaves become curly, and older ones turn yellow and fall off, it is necessary to water or feed with potassium nitrate.
    • The leaves turn yellow between the veins - lack of magnesium. Spraying with magnesium nitrate will fix the problem.

The appearance of brown spots indicates a lack of zinc. New ones become stained, dry, fall off. A solution of zinc sulfate will correct the situation.

  • If they turn light green or even white, the seedlings are not getting enough iron. Requires top dressing.
    The leaf lacks manganese, it begins to turn yellow at the base, turns staggered. In this case, you can fertilize and spray the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate.

If the leaves turn yellow between the veins, there is not enough magnesium.

The earth can become saline when watering with hard water or an excess of fertilizers. In this case, the earth is removed from the surface by 3 cm and watered with soft or rain water. It will be possible to feed only after a few weeks.

Seedlings that have turned yellow due to lack of space for the roots can be saved if they are planted in deeper and more spacious containers.


The cause of the appearance of yellow leaves of tomatoes can be the occurrence of diseases.

The appearance of yellow spots provokes a fungal disease called fusarium. Leaves with this disease not only turn yellow, but also wither. The seedlings are sprayed with Fitosporin 2-3 times, after 1-2 weeks the procedure is repeated.

Often tomato seedlings are affected by the disease blackleg. It occurs with excessive watering. The roots become thin and black. To prevent the appearance of a black leg, the temperature regime and proper watering should be observed.

A common tomato disease that also affects eggplant, potatoes, peppers is called Phytophthora. Phytophthora occurs with excess moisture and low temperatures. Brown spots appear. Late blight develops very quickly, it is urgent to take action.

To combat phytophthora, a solution of table salt will help. To do this, 0.5 tbsp of salt is dissolved in 5 liters of water and the seedlings are sprayed.

Why leaves turn yellow

Understanding the reasons is not so difficult, if you pay attention which leaves of the seedlings turned yellow. There are several reasons for the yellowness of the lower leaves:

  • Overwatering
  • lack of light
  • Excess fertilizer

cotyledon leaves may turn yellow due to heavy watering. The roots of the plant begin to suffocate in the water and they begin to turn yellow.

Tops the tomato turns yellow with a lack of phosphorus.

There are other factors that can lead to yellowing of the leaves.

After transplant

Seedlings may turn yellow after transplanting. The fact is that the plant needs time to acclimatize in a new place.

In this case, shade it for a couple of days from the sun.

On the windowsill

If the seedlings are on the windowsill, the cause may be sunburn. In this case, it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight.

After the pick

Leaves may turn yellow after picking. Some gardeners when picking too much damage to the roots seedlings, which leads to stress.

After landing in the ground

It is necessary to plant seedlings of tomatoes in soil containing a sufficient amount of copper, which is necessary for the normal growth of tomatoes. With a lack of copper, it begins to turn yellow.

In the open field

In open ground, seedlings may begin to turn yellow due to a lack of trace elements in the soil.

Yellowing may be caused weather. Too cold weather disrupts the metabolism of the plant. In hot weather and rare watering, tomatoes can get burned.

What is missing tomato seedlings

Seedling material must be constantly monitored, even a slight change in the color of the plant signals changes or even the onset of the disease.

Important feed properly and on time. The first time she is fed when the first true leaf appears. The second time - 7-10 days after picking.

What to feed

The first dressing is made from copper solution. Top dressing is carried out after one true leaf appears. To do this, prepare a solution of copper at the rate of 1 tsp. copper per 1 liter. water. Seedling material is watered with the prepared solution. Thus, seedlings will be processed from phytophthora.

For good growth, seedlings need nitrogen. The second dressing is done 7-10 days after picking. For top dressing, urea is used. 1 st. l. urea per 10 liters. water. Abundantly water the seedlings with a solution.

Even the slightest changes should not be ignored, because this indicates improper care, and can also cause diseases. With the correct determination of the cause of yellowing, it will be possible to prevent problems and grow strong, healthy seedlings.

Kira Stoletova

Tomato crops are among the most capricious: often the lower and upper leaves of tomato seedlings dry up, the bush stops growing, fades for no apparent reason and, in the end, dies. To prevent the death of the bush, it is necessary to timely monitor the appearance of dry parts and the change in the state of the entire bush as a whole.

Causes of drying leaves

Insufficient watering and low humidity

The leaves of tomato seedlings dry out, because uneven watering and changes in humidity adversely affect the well-being of the plantings. This is especially true for plants growing in greenhouse conditions.

The lack of moisture leads to the appearance of yellowness and the drying of some parts of the seedlings. Plants need to be watered at about the same time every day. Another way out is to install water containers in the greenhouse: this will help keep the air moist. Humidity in the greenhouse should be about 28%.

High humidity and overflow

Excessive watering and high humidity are favorable conditions for the reproduction and growth of fungal diseases of tomatoes. Often, if the leaves of tomato seedlings dry, pest spores settle on the plantings and dark spots appear. Subsequently, the affected area dries up.

All the forces of the tomato are directed to the affected part of the seedlings, because the main stem becomes thin and brittle, strongly stretched. Landings weaken and wither.

Once the problem has been identified, it is necessary to monitor the ventilation mode, humidity and temperature in the greenhouse or greenhouse.

Rules for watering tomatoes

  • Already strengthened bushes are watered rarely, but in sufficient volume: 5 liters per bush 1-2 times a week.
  • For young plantings of tomatoes, daily moistening is suitable, because the root system is still superficial and not strengthened. Before the appearance of the first buds, water in small volumes every day.
  • The correct method of watering is a thin trickle under the root so that water droplets do not fall on the leaves of tomatoes, thus exposing them to sunburn.
  • For tomatoes in a greenhouse, it is better to use drip irrigation. It helps retain moisture and evenly distribute water.

Influence of the light regime

Why do the tips of the leaves dry on tomato seedlings? Another reason is the violation of the light regime. With a short light day, young seedlings lose chlorophyll, which is why the leaves begin to dry. To maintain proper lighting, you need to purchase special lamps.

On average, with a 9-10-hour daylight hours, the lamps are turned on only early in the morning and late in the evening, if there is enough daylight. Excessive light is contraindicated for adult plantings: it leads to burns - it must be constantly adjusted.

Improper soil care

The land in which they are located has a great influence on the health of tomatoes. An excess of trace elements or a lack of vitamins in the soil also have a negative effect on the condition of the bush. You can not violate the instructions for feeding plants. When making a dry mix, it is necessary to ensure sufficient watering so that the nutrients do not remain on the surface, creating a dense crust, but penetrate deep into the soil.

Excess salt also leads to the fact that the seedlings of tomatoes dry and curl the leaves: salty soil does not pass air well and retains water. A characteristic sign of an excess of salt is the appearance of a white coating on the surface. To correct the situation, they introduce new soil and change the water source.

Fungal and viral diseases

Sometimes diseases and pests become the cause of wilting.


Most often, tomato plantings are attacked by varieties of fungal or viral diseases. Phytophthora is the most common infection. Its characteristic features include the appearance of brown spots and the subsequent drying of the leaves. Usually plantings become infected during heavy rains with high humidity.

Prevention and treatment

The disease spreads rapidly - all affected areas are immediately removed. The root zone is covered with nettle, as it absorbs moisture well, the broken places are treated with a remedy for phytophthora. Sometimes it is better to remove the entire bush to save the rest of the crop.

tobacco mosaic

Also, the leaves of homemade tomato seedlings dry due to tobacco mosaic. She appears in the middle of summer. When the mosaic spreads, the tops of the tomatoes first wither, then turn brown and turn yellow. A characteristic sign of the disease is the lacy appearance of the leaves.

Prevention and treatment

In this case, only the correct agricultural technology, the timely removal of infected plants and the correct selection of seeds for the soil can help. Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely eliminate the tobacco mosaic.

Fusarium wilt

Fusarium wilt is another common infection. This is a fungus that feeds on cell sap. The stems turn brown, the leaves wither. With sufficient watering, the bushes look like they have dried up.

Prevention and treatment

The observance of humidity in the region of 60-70% and the thermal regime up to the use of stove heating helps to prevent the disease, if the temperature drops at night.


Prevention and treatment

For processing, chemicals are used: acaricides and insectoacaricides. It is also useful to spray with a two percent lime mixture or fumigate with a sulfur checker if tomatoes grow in a greenhouse.

Folk methods of treatment

Infected plants must be disinfected

Garlic or laundry soap are used as folk remedies for the treatment of tomatoes. In 1 liter of milk, dissolve 25 g of grated laundry soap and add a few drops of iodine. The resulting solution of the plant is sprayed in the evening.

For the treatment of damaged plants, a mixture of infused onion peel is also used. For 10 liters of water, 2 handfuls of onion peels are required, the mixture is boiled for 30 minutes. Plants are sprayed with a room temperature solution.