
The proposed literary game, built on the script of the popular TV show “What? Where? When? ”, is intended for students of the 5th grade of secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums. This event will be interesting for both participants and spectators. Game Questions of the game are designed in such a way that students can answer them not only based on previously studied material, but also thinking logically.

The teacher can use the materials of the game both during extracurricular activities and in literature lessons.


1) educational:

To consolidate and deepen students' information about Russian folk tales;

2) developing:

Help broaden the horizons of students

Develop abstract and figurative thinking, logic, quick wits of students;

To develop the speech and imagination of students;

3) educational:

Cultivate love for the native word;

- to educate students in morality and positive emotions aimed at creating persistent reader interest.

Decoration and equipment:




black box,

playing field, top.

12 envelopes with questions.

Description of the game. The literary game involves two teams of experts. There are spectators in the audience.

Game progress

Introduction by the teacher.

So we start our literary game WHAT? WHERE? WHEN?

Command presentation.


Heroes of fairy tales often guess riddles. Here are the fabulous riddles for the blitz:

    What is the fastest in the world?

    What is the cutest thing in the world?

    What is fatter in the world?

ANSWER: 1. thought 2. dream 3. earth.


In the black box is a fabulous miracle. It is the same and two are different.

ANSWER: Living and dead water.


This animal in a fairy tale about animals is stupid and evil, and in a fairy tale it is wise and strong. However, this animal began to help the hero in a fairy tale by committing an evil deed. Name the animal, the fairy tale, and the evil deed of the animal in that tale.

ANSWER: Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf. He ate the horse of Ivan Tsarevich.

Many scientists still cannot solve the riddle of the name of the hero of the fairy tale "Finist - the Clear Falcon". However, they all agree on one assumption. Tell me, what Greek word can the word "Finist" be related to and why?

ANSWER: PHOENIX is a bird that has the magical ability to be reborn from the ashes.

5. QUESTION WITH A HINT OF THE LEADER: (when prompted, the amount of points for the question is divided in half)

The Poles call this fairy-tale heroine Edzina, the Czechs - Ezinka. And what is it called in a Russian fairy tale?

TIP: Slovaks call her Jerzy Baba.

ANSWER: Baba Yaga.


When did the frog in the fairy tale begin to be called Vasilisa the Wise?

ANSWER: Before the first test, when she shed her frog skin.


What connects the words "fairy tale" and "charm"?

ANSWER: At first, fairy tales were called "tales", telling fairy tales - "bait". "Charm" - bewitch with a fairy tale.


What is the color of the Sivka-burka of the prophetic kaurka?

ANSWER: Gray - white, brown - dark, brown, brown - red. There is a version that the father should have left a horse for all his sons: the eldest - gray, the middle - brown, and the youngest - brown. But since only the youngest son fulfilled his father's order, he got a magic horse with the strength of three horses.


Something magical happened to the book of fairy tales. For some reason, the content contains such names of fairy tales: “The Servant-Heron”, “Waking Freak”, “Square”, “King-Laughter”. Tell me what happened? And return the correct names of fairy tales!

ANSWER: "The Frog Princess", "Sleeping Beauty", "Gingerbread Man", "Princess Nesmeyana".


You all know the magic self-assembly tablecloth. It turns out that in etymology there are two explanations for the word "samobranka". For both versions of the origin of the word, you can get twice as many points.

ANSWER: 1. The root "br" - to take, collect. She collects on the table herself. (SW. the word "imposter")

2. A tablecloth made of selected fabric. Branaya - from the word "take", the fabric was not woven on a loom, but by hand recruited pattern threads. Broken fabric is a very expensive handiwork. "They sat down at the tablecloths..."


In ancient Greek myths there is a river Styx. It separates the world of the dead and the living. Transports souls to the realm of the dead on his boat Charon. And in Russian fairy tales there is also a similar river, but a bridge connects the world of the dead and the living. The river and the bridge bear names that modern people seem to associate with berries. However, this is not quite true. Name the river and the bridge. For the correct version of the interpretation of the origin of the names of the river and bridge, you can get twice as many points.

ANSWER: 1. Currant River. Bridge Kalinov.

2. Currant - "stench", stinking river, Kalinov bridge - "red-hot", from red-hot iron.

12. GAME WITH spectators:

    Name magical items that grant wishes.

(magic wand, petal, ring, hair ...)

    Name objects that tell the truth or tell what is happening. (mirror, book, golden saucer)

    Name the items that do the work for the hero.

(self-assembled tablecloth, needle, doll, sword-treasurer, club ...)

    Name the objects that show the way.

(ball, stone, feather, arrow)

    Name the items that help the hero overcome difficulties.

(invisibility hat, walking boots, flying carpet).

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Game for children in grades 5-6 “What? Where? When? with fairy tale characters.

Grishina Anna Anatolyevna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, MAOU "Secondary School No. 12", Perm Territory, Kungur.

Material Description: I offer you the development of the game program “What? Where? When? with the heroes of fairy tales ”for children in grades 5-6. This material will be useful to class teachers, counselors in a children's health camp or educators at the school playground.

Game "What? Where? When? with fairy tale characters.

Target: formation of cognitive interest in the field of literature.
1. Broaden your horizons.
2. Develop teamwork skills.
3. Form an interest in reading.
Organization of the game:
The game is built on the principle of the television game “What? Where? When?". A team of 8 players (experts) is playing against whom the "heroes of fairy tales" will play. The team member spins the top, the leader takes the envelope from the table, to which the arrow of the top points, and reads out the question from the envelope from the "fairytale hero". Participants are given one minute to discuss, after which they must respond. If the team gives the correct answer, then it earns one point, if not, then the point goes to the "fabulous heroes". At the end of the game, all experts are awarded medals. One player of the team, who will be chosen by the connoisseurs themselves, is awarded with souvenirs in the form of an owl as the best player.
Equipment: a cardboard circle divided into 11 sectors, a spinning top (spinning top) with an arrow pointer attached to it, a “black box” (a cardboard box pasted over with black colored paper or self-adhesive film), a reproduction of Vasnetsov’s painting “Three Heroes”, medals for players with the inscription "Connoisseur of the club" What? Where? When?), a souvenir in the form of an owl, envelopes with cards with questions inside.

Event progress.

Presenter: Hello, dear guests and connoisseurs of the club “What? Where? When?". I am glad to welcome you to the first game of the summer series of games, which will be dedicated to fairy tales. To begin with, let's define 8 connoisseurs who will take their places at the gaming table today.
Qualifying round.
(Can be held in advance or immediately before the game).
Presenter: Let's remember what magical item from Russian folk tales provided the heroes with different foods?
That's right, it's a self-assembled tablecloth.
Qualifying round task:
Within 5 minutes, make up as many new words as possible from the letters included in the word "tablecloth - self-assembly".
8 winners of the competition take their places at the gaming table. The rest will be fans.
Presenter: Let's start our game. Dear experts, fairy-tale heroes will play against you today. So, the following are playing against you: the scientist cat, Thumbelina, the girl Ellie from Kansas, the Little Mermaid, Malvina, three heroes, the Little Prince, Cheburashka, Uncle Fedor from Prostokvashino, brownie Kuzka.
Spin the top, the game begins.

(The facilitator takes out of the envelope and reads out the question indicated by the top. The game continues until all the questions have been read).
1. Question from the scientist cat:
You all know the famous lines of A.S. Pushkin: “At Lukomorye there is a green oak, a golden chain on the oak. Day and night, the scientist cat keeps walking around the chain. Attention, the question is: what is Lukomorye?
Correct answer: Lukomorye - a sea bay, a bay, a bend of the sea coast (Ozhegov's dictionary).
2. Question from the Little Mermaid:
Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" is so famous that its main character even has a monument erected.
Attention, the question is: in which country of the world is the monument to the Little Mermaid located?
Correct answer: In Denmark, in the homeland of the writer.
3. Question from Malvina:
During the literacy lesson, Pinocchio was supposed to write down the phrase “And the rose fell on Azor’s paw,” but put an inkblot on a piece of paper and was sent to the closet.
Attention, question: the phrase "And the rose fell on the paw of Azor" is a palindrome. What is a palindrome?
Correct Answer: A palindrome is a word or phrase. reads the same in both directions.
4. Question from Thumbelina:
They called me Thumbelina because I'm exactly one inch tall.
Attention, the question is: what is my height in centimeters?
Correct answer: Thumbelina's height in centimeters is 2.5 centimeters. Because there are 2.5 centimeters in one inch.
5. Question from girl Ellie from Kansas:
All residents of the Emerald City were sure that the city was really built of emeralds, although in fact they were ordinary glass.
Attention, the question is: with the help of what trick did the Great and terrible Goodwin manage to make the inhabitants believe in a deception?
The correct answer is that all residents of the Emerald City were required to wear green glasses day and night.
6. "Black box".
Question from the "black box": this vegetable caused the suffering of a well-known fairy-tale person of noble origin. What's in the "black box"?
The correct answer is: there is a pea in the black box. To answer the question, you need to remember the fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea".
7. Question from three heroes:
Before you lies a reproduction of the painting by the artist Vasnetsov "Three heroes". Remember the names of the heroes depicted in the picture, and sign the name of each hero next to his image in the picture.
The correct answer is: Ilya Muromets is in the center of the picture riding a black horse, Dobrynya Nikitich is riding a white horse with a sword in his hand, Alyosha Popovich is the youngest hero with a bow in his hands.
8. Question from the Little Prince:
What, according to the Little Prince, has more vigilance than the eye?
Correct answer: heart. “You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes, only the heart is vigilant.”
9. Question from Cheburashka:
Where and by whom does my friend Gena the crocodile work?
Correct answer: Gena the crocodile works as a crocodile at the Moscow Zoo.
10. Question from Uncle Fyodor from Prostokvashino:
Continue the phrase: “To sell something you don’t need, you need to….”
Correct answer: Uncle Fyodor's phrase is: "To sell something unnecessary, you must first buy something unnecessary."
11. Question from brownie Kuzka:.
When I lived in the house of the girl Natasha, she treated me to deer.
Attention, the question is: What are deer?
The correct answer is: this is how brownie Kuzya calls cakes.
Summing up the game:
At the end of the game, the result is summed up, who scored more points - connoisseurs or fairy-tale heroes. Medals are awarded to the team of experts. The best player is given a souvenir in the form of an owl.

Elena Lobuntsova
Intellectual game. Experts in fairy tales "What, where, when?", for the preparatory group.

Intellectual game

"What do you mean where, When

Experts in fairy tales.

(for children preparatory group)

Target: continue to cultivate love for fairy tales

Consolidate knowledge of the

zok through the game. Form a mixture

kalku, ingenuity, skill

in a short time to find the right

ny answer.

Game tasks: spin the top and answer

to answer the questions chosen by the wol-

Material. Top with an arrow, questions

on cards, TV frame,

wise Owl (toy).

Game progress.

A team of 6 sits at a table. Question cards are placed around the circle. If a team does not answer 3 questions in a row, another team replaces it.

Suggested questions for the game.

1. Name 3 fairy tales, where the heroes are the cat.

("Puss in Boots", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Golden Key", "The Bremen Town Musicians", "Cat house", « Tale of the Silly Mouse» , "Who meow said).

2. Name 3 fairy tales where they meet fabulous birds?

("Swan geese", the fire bird in fairy tale"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", the swan princess fairy tale A. Pushkin « The Tale of Tsar Saltan» , duck in fairy tale B. Garshina "Frog traveler", duck in fairy tale D. Mamin- Siberian "Grey Neck", fairy tale"The Fox and the Crane", sparrow in fairy tale M Gorky"Sparrow", swan in fairy tale G. H. Andersen "Ugly duck").

3. Name 5 types fabulous transport.

(stupa of Baba Yaga, Carpet - plane, Horse - hunchback, stove, boots - walkers, Geese - swans, wolf - in fairy tale"Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf", a pumpkin is a carriage, and mice are horses in fairy tale"Cinderella", a bear with a box in fairy tale"Masha and the Bear", deer - in fairy tale"The Snow Queen").

4. Remember 3 fairy tales, in the title of which, the names of the heroes of this fairy tales.

("Masha and the Bear", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Moroz Ivanovich", Pinocchio, "Baby and Carlson", "Chippolino")

5. Name the flowers that are found in fairy tales(3 flowers)

("The Scarlet Flower"- S. Aksakov, "Flower of seven flowers"- V. Kataev, "Thumbelina" tulip - Andersen, "Twelve months" snowdrops - Marshak, "Swineherd" rose - Andersen.

6. Name 3 fairy tales, in the name of which there are numbers - numerals.

("Three piglets", "Seven Semions", "Three Kingdoms", "Two Frosts", "Three Fat Men", « Fairy tale about the dead princess and about the seven heroes ", "Twelve months", Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves).

7. What fairy tale says that the better the snow cover, the better the grass will survive. ( "Moroz Ivanovich"- Odoevsky).

8. What fairy tale the mischievous boy made blots with his nose. ( Pinocchio- A. Tolstoy).

9. Show any physical. minute using fairy tale characters or fairy tale text.

Turnip, turnip - sits tight

We pull again, again

Here is our turnip.

Pinocchio stretched,

Once caved in, two caved in

He put his hands behind his back,

Stretched, stretched

I sat at the table.

Bear cubs lived in more often

They turned their heads.

10. Pantomime anyone fairy tale hero. (If the audience guesses correctly, get a point).

Note. If a musical pause falls out - a treble clef, use any solo numbers learned to music. classes.

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up and gifts are given.

Target: Build an interest in fairy tales
- To form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.
- To develop curiosity, communicative, coherent speech of children;
- Learn to answer questions;
- Raise interest in various activities, creativity.
Equipment: game table, spinning top, questions in envelopes, black box, badges, stand with numbers, tablecloth.

Croupier: Hello dear guests, fans and participants of the game!
We are glad to welcome you to our elite club “What? Where? When? "!
Today Fairy-Tale Heroes are playing against the "Experts" team.
Allow me to introduce the team of "Connoisseurs". I will call the name, surname of the connoisseur, and he takes a place at the gaming table. …………….
(Children to the music take their places behind the playing field - the last one is the captain of the team.)
Now listen rules of the game:
Dear experts, you see, there is a spinning top with an arrow on the gaming table, and there are envelopes with questions. On each envelope there is a photo of the person who sent the question to the connoisseurs. The team captain spins the top. On which envelope the top arrow will point, we open that envelope and read the question. The expert next to whom this envelope lies answers the question. If the top arrow points to a sector where there is no envelope with a question, take the nearest envelope with a question clockwise. Connoisseurs must answer all questions that are in 10 envelopes. Experts are awarded 1 point for each correct answer. The team that scores the most points wins. The results after each round will be posted on the scoreboard.
Dear experts, you have listened to the rules and now it's time to start the game.
1 round
Let's get the wolf. The team captain spins the top. ( Music).
Plays against you….. Answers the question……
Attention question: Who came to the house of the three bears, and what is the name of this tale?
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. A girl (Masha) came to the house of three bears in the fairy tale "Three Bears". Score 1:0 in favor of connoisseurs (fairy-tale heroes). ( ).
2 round

Attention black box (removal of the black box to the music).
I am to the Tauride Garden
Jumped over the fence
And she runs after me
And bites like a wolf.
Attention question: Who bit like a she-wolf of a fairy-tale hero in the fairy tale "MOIDODYR"? What's in the black box?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer opens the drawer and takes out a washcloth).
Score………...(Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard)
3 round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Music question. (Song snippet included).
Attention question: Who sings this song?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
Listen to the song fragment again. ( Song snippet included).
I repeat the question: Who sings this song?
Expert answer: ………..
Croupier: And now the correct answer. This song is sung by Winnie the Pooh.
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard)
4 round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Dear connoisseurs, of course, you all know the fairy tale "Cinderella, or the glass slipper." Do you know what Cinderella's carriage turned into at midnight?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: What did Cinderella's carriage turn into at midnight?
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Cinderella's carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight.
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
5 round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Your home in the winter, in the cold
She made ice
But the house stood beautifully in the cold,
In the spring it turned into a puddle.
The bast house was built by a hare.
Now, connoisseurs, remember
Who fooled the hare?
And kicked him out of the hut?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fox
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Musical pause.Physical education is being done.
6 round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Dear connoisseurs, remember the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen". Answer the question: How did the mouse break the testicle?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: How did the mouse break the testicle?
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke.
Check ………..………….. (
Round 7
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Dear connoisseurs, listen to the "Mix from fairy tales" i.e. fictional fairy tale, where there are characters from different fairy tales, and you You need to guess what fairy tales these characters are from?
“... Kolobok rolled along the path and sees: there is a hut in front of him. Kolobok knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock! Who lives in the terem? “I am a mouse - norushka, I am a frog - a frog. And who are you?"
So the question is: What fairy tales are these characters from?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok".
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Round 8
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Dear connoisseurs, name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who grew up in her grandfather's garden?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The heroine of a Russian folk tale, who grew up in her grandfather's garden, is a turnip.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
9 round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Dear connoisseurs, in which fairy tale the girl, looking for her brother, turns for help to the stove, apple tree, river with jelly banks.
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. In the fairy tale “Swan Geese”, a girl, looking for her brother, turns to the stove, apple tree, and a river with kissel banks for help.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Round 10 - BLITZ
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
Playing against you …………. Answers the question…………..
Question #1. Dear experts, name the fairy-tale hero who said the following words in a fairy tale:
I sit on a stump
Eat a pie
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert answer: ……….
Question number 2. Dear connoisseurs, name the fairy-tale hero who lowered his tail into the hole and sang: "Catch, big and small fish."
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Wolf.
Question number 3. Dear connoisseurs, name the fairy-tale hero who flew on a mortar, lived in a fabulous dark wilderness, in a hut on chicken legs.
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Bear.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).

Dear experts, all tasks are completed. All questions have been answered and it's time to take stock. .......
The croupier announces the winners to the music
The croupier congratulates the winners.
Dear connoisseurs, I wish you to always be friends with fairy tales.