In 2018, residents of the Moscow region are waiting for the traditional increase in prices for various goods and services.

Public transport

Gasoline will rise in price twice

According to the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, excise taxes on gasoline in 2018 will increase twice: from January 1 and from July 1. Each time for 50 kopecks per liter. According to experts, a liter of gasoline AI-92 will rise in price from 37-38 rubles. up to 52 rubles per liter, and for AI-95 and diesel fuel from 41-42 to 53 rubles.

housing and communal services

Tariffs for "communal" will increase from July 1. According to the press service of the Committee on Prices and Tariffs of the Moscow Region, the average increase in tariffs for utilities in the Moscow region will not exceed 4%, and the maximum fee growth index will be 6.1%.

This does not mean that tariff growth will be 4% or 6%. The maximum increase in tariffs in some municipalities may be significantly higher. So, in 2016, with an average growth index of the same 4%, the maximum increase in tariffs in the Moscow region was 10%. The last increase in housing and communal services tariffs at the moment occurred on July 1, 2017.

Patent for migrants

The cost of a labor patent for foreigners will increase by 7.5% due to the establishment of a new regional coefficient. As a result, the cost of the patent will be 4.3 thousand rubles.

There are a number of other goods and services that are expected to rise in price in Russia in 2018.


Prices for imported products, including tea, coffee, cocoa and fruits, are expected to rise from January 1. Growth will also affect conventional products. According to preliminary forecasts, the average grocery basket next year will become about 30% more expensive compared to 2017.


Starting July 1, the excise rate on cigarettes and cigarettes will be revised upwards. Experts predict a jump in prices for tobacco products by 10-12% in 2018. At the same time, cigarette prices will continue to rise in subsequent years due to an increase in the excise rate.


From January 1, a new differentiation of excise rates for cars with a capacity of 150 hp or more will come into effect. With. For cars with engine power from 150 to 200 hp. With. the excise tax will increase by 2.5-3.4 thousand rubles. For cars with a capacity of 201-300 liters. With. - for 59-88 thousand rubles, with a capacity of 301-400 liters. With. - for 240-319 thousand rubles, with a capacity of 401-500 liters. With. - 337-420 thousand rubles, with a capacity of more than 500 liters. With. - by 442 thousand rubles.

Also, the planned increase in the scrappage fee by 15% may affect the increase in selling prices for new cars. According to experts, these two factors will increase prices in the domestic car market by 10-15%, depending on the brand and model.

Increasing property tax

In the fall of 2018, apartment owners will receive payments where the amount of tax will again be higher than in the previous year. The tax for 2015 was calculated as 20% of the payment based on the cadastral value and 80% - from the inventory value, for 2016 - 40% of the cadastral value, then by the end of 2017 the proportion will be 60 to 40%.

The replacement of the inventory value with the cadastral value for tax purposes takes place gradually, over five years, until 2020. The inventory cost is calculated by the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI) on the basis of the primary cost, taking into account the degree of wear and tear of the living space. The cadastral value is as close as possible to the market value and is usually much higher than the inventory value of housing.

In some cases, the cadastral value of an apartment can be 5, 10 or even 15 times higher than the inventory value. If the cadastral value is five times higher than the inventory value, this will lead to an increase in tax for the year by 31%, and if the estimates differ ten times, then the tax will increase by 39%.

Imported medicines

The cost of imported drugs may rise by 10-15%. At the same time, medicines included in the list of vital ones will rise in price for the state by 30% .

The reason for the rise in prices may be the imperfection of the drug registry and the introduction of a public procurement system from Rostec. At the same time, the Federal Antimonopoly Service claims that prices for drugs from this list will remain at the same level.

Tax on online purchases

Now in foreign online stores you can buy duty-free goods worth up to 1,000 euros. However, already from July 1, 2018, with a high degree of probability, this figure will be 20 euros - a total of 1,300 rubles. Anything more expensive will have to pay a fee.

So far, this innovation has not been finally approved, as well as the introduction of VAT for foreign online stores, but it is actively lobbied by large Russian business associations and associations.

In particular, on December 25, 2017, the Association of Internet Trade Companies appealed to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry MEDVEDEV with a request to expedite work on the legislative introduction of VAT and customs duties for foreign online stores.

Feeling that in 2015 the Russians already had enough rise in prices, the authorities seem to have decided to somewhat moderate their appetites.

Rising prices in Russia is not a topic for an article, but rather for a whole epic or, at worst, a show trial. We decided not to try to embrace the immensity and list only the most noticeable and most significant rise in prices for most Russians, which the coming year 2016 will bring us.

Law of First Numbers

Satirical writers also spoke about the fact that all the nasty things in the country begin on the first day. In the 90s, the authorities listened to the workers of art, and the legendary "Pavlovian" price increase was scheduled for April 2, which, however, did not save its initiators either from ridicule or from imminent resignation.

Since then, the authorities have returned to the good old tradition. Only the frantic Estonian Maxim Liksutov ignores the first numbers, introducing new requisitions from Moscow motorists without looking at the calendar, purely at the request of his left foot. But he is a European, they have a different way of thinking. The right leaders strictly adhere to the law of first numbers.

True, to the great regret for these same leaders, there are not so many areas in Russia where it is possible to organize a rise in prices by decree from above. This is not the USSR, where from a certain date everything, for example, glazed curds from Murmansk to Kushka, magically became two kopecks more expensive. Today, prices are mainly dictated by the market, and officials, if they interfere in this process, then only “by pure chance” with a rise in price as a result. Recall at least the story of the per-kilometer fee for trucks, which entailed an inevitable rise in the price of all goods transported on Russian roads.

But the bottom line is that, due to the market structure of our economy, it is impossible to predict now how much the price of both specific products and life in general will rise by next winter. It is clear that after the break in relations with Turkey, fabrics and fruits will rise in price, but this is not a one-time process. In a day, prices will not jump to their maximum, stopping after that for another year. It is clear that the government expects about 10% inflation by the end of 2016 - but it is unlikely that the opinion of non-professionals should be trusted.

In order not to join the ranks of forecasters endlessly waiting for something, we took the liberty of naming only the most specific changes that will occur from January 1.

Showed restraint

The rise in prices for services and products of natural monopolies usually correlates with the level of inflation; For many tariffs, this is prescribed by law. However, 2015 turned out to be a special year: high inflation coincided with an equally significant decline in living standards, so a sharp increase in tariffs would have led to strong protests from the population. As a result, the government, frightened by truckers, showed restraint: unlike many previous years, almost all the increase in prices announced for January 1 turned out to be below the estimated inflation rate (however, this is only the first day of the year, and no one bothers to raise prices later ...).

Back in October, the Russians were pleased with the fact that from January 1, the most important thing - housing and communal services, the uninterrupted locomotive of the new Russian inflation, will not rise in price. In recent years, this pleasure has been preferred to be postponed to July 1; however, on the eve of the Duma elections, they may endure even until the fall of 2016 (there are precedents). The only thing that will cost more is late payment interest: 0% in the first month, 1/300 of the Central Bank refinancing rate in 2-3 months, 1/130 of the rate per day after the 90th day of delay.

It's also nice that public services practically do not rise in price. This industry does not enjoy the attention of statisticians, meanwhile, the commercialization of the completely natural functions of the state is proceeding at an unhealthy pace. The record was set on January 1, 2015, when a good three hundred types of duties rose in price by an average of more than 1.5 times.

Transport is accelerating

The cost of transportation will rise sharply. So, according to the Moscow City Hall, on average, you will have to pay 6.9% more for a ticket than in 2015. Experience suggests that in reality such promises lead to at least 10% growth. And indeed: the most popular tickets, for a limited number of trips, go up by 12%: for 20 trips - from 580 to 650 rubles, for 60 - from 1400 to 1570. Strange tickets for 5 and 11 trips at the rate of "90 minutes" are abolished for lack of demand. But unlimited single travel cards will not rise in price at all.

The cost of a bus ride in the Moscow Region will be 43 rubles instead of the previous 40, and wholesale tariffs on the Strelka card will also increase proportionally.

In St. Petersburg, the increase in prices for public transport promises to be even more noticeable: 12% for almost the entire range of tariffs.

Electric trains will also rise in price, however, rather moderately, in the Moscow region - by less than 10%. The fare in the capital will be 30 rubles. instead of the current 28, for one tariff zone in the region - 20.5 rubles. instead of 19 rubles. Prices for subscription tickets will change proportionally.

Of course, a similar rise in prices is planned in other regions of Russia.

As for the long-suffering air transport, it seems that flights to Crimea will become more expensive, at least, airlines will lose the right to apply a zero VAT tax rate for these flights.

Euro-5 for Russia-16

It turns out that it is more profitable to ride on personal transport? Perhaps, only he also does not intend to become cheaper: even low-quality domestic Chevrolet Niva SUVs will rise in price by 16-17 thousand rubles. (3%) depending on the configuration. In general, all UAZ and VAZ products will become more expensive approximately within these limits.

Ruble prices for foreign cars will also rise: Škoda will raise prices by an average of 3%, Volvo by 2.5%, Hyundai by 5%, but Rolls-Royce by 10% at once. By the fact that "luxury" becomes more expensive than the "budget", it becomes obvious who benefits from the crisis: the rich have become richer, the poor - poorer.

The planned transition to fuel of an ecological class not lower than Euro-5 (for new and imported cars) has been postponed for six months. However, since January 1, Moscow has banned the sale of fuel that does not meet this standard. It is not a fact, however, that this will affect prices: you can always leave the Moscow Ring Road and refuel with the good old Euro-4, or even a surrogate from craftsmen.

But in general, it is alarming for gasoline: from January 1, a tax maneuver will start to work, which involves reducing the export duty while raising the tax on the extraction of natural resources. Exporting oil will become much more profitable than processing it into gasoline and selling houses, and the difference in the possible margin will be deducted predictably from the pockets of drivers. According to calculations, gasoline should rise in price by about 10% in 3-4 months, but the authorities are unlikely to allow such a rapid growth.

And it will only become cheaper to break the rules: no new serious fines have been introduced, but now, if you pay the fine in the first 20 days, you will receive a 50% discount. It is assumed that this measure will seriously increase the collection of traffic police fees. The discount will apply to the most common minor violations such as speeding by 20-40 km/h or illegal parking.

other expenses

As for the consumer market, the range of markets and supermarkets, price growth is inevitable here, but it will happen spontaneously, and not at the behest of a calendar. There is only one exception: tobacco products will definitely rise in price, because the minimum excise tax will increase by 28%, which means that the average price of a pack will rise by at least 13%.

High-tech creators also want money. From January 1, prices for products of the notorious Microsoft company will increase in Russia - almost the entire line of software and cloud services will rise in price by 19-25% in rubles. Corporate users will be hit the hardest, but private users in Redmond are more taken care of: boxed versions of Windows and Xbox consoles will not rise in price. And for business and the state, it's time to create their own operating systems.

Well, all in all, it looks like a pretty good New Year. The authorities felt that they went too far in 2015 and seem ready to moderate their appetites somewhat. It is not high rates that come to the fore, but a high percentage of tax collection, fines, and contributions. This is a sensible policy. Let's hope that this is not a pre-election tactic, but a long-term strategy for building economic relations between the state and its owners - ordinary citizens.

By tradition, the most significant and predictable rise in prices refers to tariffs for housing and communal services. The corresponding indexation rates have been approved in the Russian regions. New payments will begin to accrue from July 1, 2016.

The maximum increase in tariffs will occur in Moscow: on average, according to the documents adopted by the mayor's office, "communal" will rise in price by 7.4%.

The slowest increase in gas prices (2%), the fastest - for electricity

(depending on the type of meters and time of consumption - by 7–15%). Cold water and sanitation will rise in price by 7%, and hot water - by 7.8%.

In 2016, Moscow also provides for the indexation of prices for the maintenance and repair of residential premises. For non-subsidized areas (area in excess of the established norms, "second housing") the fee is increased by 4%, and for areas within the limits of social norms (subsidized housing) - by 15%. At the same time, a system of subsidies for rent and major repairs is provided for low-income families.

The only consolation you can have is that

even in Moscow, the indexation of tariffs for housing and communal services is below the projected level of inflation (8.1%).

In other subjects of the Russian Federation, the rise in price of "communal" will be lower than in the capital. For example, in St. Petersburg and the Kamchatka Territory, indexation will be 6.5%, in the Tyumen Region - 5.9%, and in the Sverdlovsk Region - 5.7%.

Can't find an extra ticket?

From January 1, 2016, fares for public transport in Moscow and the region have changed. So, according to the Moscow Department of Transport, it was decided to thin out the range of tickets: instead of 56 varieties, 37 will now be available to passengers. In particular, metro tickets for 5 and 11 trips, as well as “90 minutes” tickets for 5, 11, 20 and 40 trips.

Prices for unified unlimited tickets remained the same, with the exception of preferential ones: replenishing a student's or schoolchild's social card will now cost 15 rubles. expensive. And here

travel cards with a limited number of trips have risen in price, and quite noticeably.

For example, one trip with the Troika card (electronic wallet) has increased by 2 rubles, a single trip for 60 trips now costs 1,570 rubles. instead of 1400, and "90 minutes" for 60 trips - 2400 instead of 2100 rubles.

The changes also affected land transport. TAT tickets for 2, 3 and 5 trips were removed from sale, so it became completely unprofitable to buy trips directly from drivers, albeit at an inflated price. Prices for tickets still on sale have risen. A monthly pass for ground transport will cost 1,700 rubles. instead of 1600, annual - 8400 instead of 8000 rubles.

Travel by train within the boundaries of the city, for example, along the routes Moscow-Kalanchevskaya - Setun, from the Kursk railway station to Novogireevo or from the Yaroslavsky railway station to the Los platform, will be 32 rubles. (in 2015 it was 30 rubles). And the zone tariff, which applies to intersubject routes within Moscow, will rise by 1.5 rubles. and will amount to 20.5 rubles. for one trip.

No drink or snack

According to the forecasts of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the growth in food prices in 2016 will slow down by one and a half to two times. But the price tags in stores say otherwise. Already in December, everything went up in price on the shelves, and, according to various estimates, in the future

consumers will have to spend 3-5% more on food than before. First of all, this will affect vegetables and fruits due to seasonality.

The cost of dairy products will rise by 7%, and bakery products may even rise in price by 25%. The reason for all these disappointing changes is the instability of the ruble exchange rate and the increase in the cost of transportation.

According to the associate professor of the educational and scientific center “New Russia. History of Post-Soviet Russia” by Pavel Kudyukin at the Russian State Humanitarian University, in the current economic situation, the authorities will try to start regulating prices in two ways. You can set fixed trade markups and profit margins, or introduce adjustable prices.

“It usually ends badly. Regulated in this administrative way, prices have their downside: the emergence of a shortage and a black market. It is necessary to look for other ways for low-income groups of the population. For example, to introduce a special procedure for the supply of essentials like food cards (in Moscow, the system of electronic certificates for the purchase of food for the poor has been operating since 2013. - Gazeta.Ru). Or look for other ways to provide at relatively low fixed prices,” the expert explained.

Alcohol prices will also rise in 2016. According to experts, the growth will be about 10%. And all because of the Unified State Automated Information System for Accounting the Volume of Production and Turnover of Alcoholic Products (EGAIS). From January 1, 2016, enterprises must record in the Unified State Automated Information System the fact of wholesale purchases of alcohol. Retail will finally switch to the system from July 1, when all retail outlets will also have to reflect in the Unified State Automated Information System the fact of selling alcohol to their visitors.

Many entrepreneurs complain about the high cost of the EGAIS installation: the amounts are 80-100 thousand rubles, which is very painful even for establishments with solid revenue. Small businesses will be forced to either switch to counterfeit or lose their license, or even close altogether, but

the most common option seems to be the cost of EGAIS in the cost of each glass.

At the same time, the Ministry of Economic Development emphasized that the increase in the price of alcohol "may be insignificant, given a number of factors, including high competition in the alcohol market and the purchasing power of the population." The department added that

tobacco product prices will not change significantly upwards in 2016.

The cure for poverty

Two more topics, the rise in price of which always causes a violent reaction in society, are medicines and gasoline. Prices for medicines from the beginning of 2015 to November increased by 19.4%, for 12 months - by 21%. The main increase in prices occurred in the first quarter of 2015 against the backdrop of a significant weakening of the ruble.

“State regulation of prices for medicines included in the list of essential drugs occurs due to the establishment of marginal wholesale and retail markups on the registered prices of manufacturers. The main task of the state is to prevent a sharp increase in prices for these products,” the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation noted. Due to this,

even if the rise in prices for medicines in 2016 continues, it will be smoother and less significant than in 2015,

For gasoline, the terms “smooth” and “less significant than last year” do not seem to fit. To make predictions about fuel prices in 2016, it is enough to look back at previous years, reminds Kudyukin. It has been repeatedly noted that when oil prices fall on the world market, our vertically integrated oil companies (and these are about ten companies that control 90% of the entire oil market) begin to raise fuel prices on the domestic market, thus partially compensating for their losses in exports. From which it follows that the rise in gasoline prices is likely to continue.

Revenues go away

According to Pavel Kudyukin's forecasts, in 2016 the downward trend in real wages will continue. “In many organizations, there is a transition to new forms of payment, in which even nominal salaries in many cases will decrease. That is, with a formal salary increase, surcharges, allowances and bonuses will be cut. First of all, this will affect employees of the public sector. The reason is the lack of indexing provided. It is not yet possible to say exactly how much the nominal salary level has fallen, however, in some organizations (for example, Moscow clinics and secondary schools), the reduction has already occurred by a quarter, ”the expert says.

In order to somehow escape from the current crisis circumstances, Kudyukin suggests that hired employees organize themselves into militant trade unions, put pressure on employers and still seek higher wages: “A whole series of strikes shows that something is starting to shift here.

It is possible that next year we will see a revival of protest activity in the workplace.”

The situation with pensions is somewhat different. In February 2016, a pension increase of 4% is envisaged, which again is below the inflation rate. However, the pension indexation system does not include working pensioners (this is from a quarter to a third of pensioners), which means that you can forget about raising your pension as long as they are working. Consequently, the level of real incomes of working pensioners will fall, explains Kudyukin.

In general, it is quite difficult to say unequivocally what awaits the regions in the coming year, the expert continues. First of all, this is due to holes in the budget.

The Altai Territory and all the North Caucasian republics found themselves in a pre-default state.

“Regions got heavily into debt in connection with the implementation of presidential decrees in 2012 on raising salaries for state employees. The federal budget provided money for this not in full, and with the worsening economic situation, these revenues also decreased. Therefore, the regions took short-term loans. Now the situation in them is very difficult,” summed up Pavel Kudyukin.

Made up almost 13%. This year also does not promise to be easy. It is quite possible that it will also significantly lighten our wallets.

Will rise in price


Motorists should brace themselves for rising fuel prices. Experts indicate that gasoline prices may rise by about 7%. The main reason for the increase in fuel prices will be new excises on Euro-5 gasoline. Last year, the government decided to increase excise duties by 2,000 rubles per ton at once, which will affect the final cost of fuel. As market participants point out, the price should not increase by more than 2-2.5 rubles per liter. But even such a rise in price can hit the wallet of many car owners.

Public transport

Following the rise in fuel prices, public transport tickets will also increase in price.

So, in Moscow, from January 1, new prices for travel in public transport were introduced. Now a single ticket for 20 trips will cost 650 rubles. instead of 580 rubles. in 2015, 60 trips will rise in price from 1400 to 1570 rubles. TAT tickets for 60 trips will cost 1000 rubles. instead of 850 rubles. Travel on the Troika card in land transport has risen in price from 29 to 31 rubles, in the metro - from 30 to 32 rubles, and the fare "90 minutes" will now cost 49 rubles. instead of the previous 46 rubles.

But not only urban transport will become more expensive. Domestic air travel prices are projected to rise by 10%. But a ticket for an international flight will already cost 20% more. The main reason for the rise in prices is the weakening ruble. If the domestic currency manages to gain a foothold in the foreign exchange market, then flights for Russians will become cheaper.

RZD also raises tariffs. In 2016, it was decided to index at the lower threshold of 7.5%. So lovers of railway romance will also have to fork out.

Housing and communal services

In the first half of the year, tariff increases should not be expected. Indexing will take place on June 1st. Now the plans indicate an indicator of 7.4%, which is significantly lower than the inflation forecast. The exact rate of tariff growth will be known later. But even official forecasts do not inspire optimism.

In particular, the costs of citizens for electricity, in the period 2015 - 2017. will grow by 20.5%, said representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development in the macroeconomic forecast for the next three years.

In their opinion, inflation and 1 percentage point will fall into the calculation. For the social consumption rate of electricity, a different increase formula will be applied. Raising to the light will take place in 3 stages.

Electronics and home appliances

Gadget lovers and those who decide to update their household appliances at home will have to carefully monitor prices this year. Retailers predict price growth at the level of 10-15%.

The main reason for the rise in prices is the same - the ruble. At the same time, both stores and manufacturers unanimously say that they will maintain affordable prices for products until the very end. Experts explain that with a constant decline in real incomes of Russians, rising prices for electronics can make it completely inaccessible. At the same time, banks are significantly curtailing the retail lending sector, which means that it is still not worth relying on loans. And the people themselves are not eager to acquire new debts.


Some car manufacturers have already warned their dealers about price hikes from 1 January. On average, the cost of a car will increase by 5%. First of all, this applies to foreign automakers. But market participants believe that domestic cars will also become more expensive, only a little later.

Clothing and footwear

Compared to other goods, the increase in prices for clothing and footwear will not be too large. According to retailers, the spring-summer 2016 collection will rise in price by no more than 5%. If the economic situation does not change, then the autumn-winter 2016 collection will rise in price by no more than 10%. If the ruble does not become cheaper, but moves to strengthening, then this growth may not be.


Product inflation in 2016 will drop to 9%, Rossiyskaya Gazeta experts predict. Let's see how it affects different products.

In 2016, the entire meat market will expect an increase in the production of domestic products, indicates Director of the Institute of Agricultural Marketing (IAM) Elena Tyurina. The expert claims that retail prices for pork and poultry meat may go down by 2-4 percent.

So far, Russian companies are heavily dependent on imports of animal feed and nutritional supplements. Although their production is now beginning to master in Russia.

Beef in 2015 has risen in price by an average of 20%. This type of meat is confidently moving into the category of products for the population with an income level above the average. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on "expensive" feed. For example, steaks.

Beef consumption remains significantly lower compared to pork and poultry. Such a rise in prices, as in 2015, suggests that the manufacturer understands that the volume of production does not meet the needs, says Tyurina. “In 2016, beef will rise in price much faster than pork and poultry. Hardly by 20%, but 12-15% can be expected,” she predicts.

In the same time Andrey Sizov, Executive Director of the SovEcon Analytical Agency in his study “Russian agriculture – an oasis of growth in a depressed economy. Results of 2015” emphasizes that the dynamics of poultry and pork production at the end of 2015 began to deteriorate.

First of all, by reducing consumption by the population. If this trend continues to develop, prices may rise.

Prices for their products in 2015 were reduced by potato producers. Their products cost an average of 16% less than a year earlier.

This is due, firstly, to a good harvest in 2015, and secondly, to an increase in the number of vegetable stores. Many households have acquired them. But, alas, not all. Therefore, in the remaining winter months, potatoes will rise in price.

An acute shortage of storage capacity has long been a big problem in the Russian market. In conditions where it is impossible to save the harvest, farms have to sell most of their products during the harvesting period, which greatly “drops” prices in the market. With the onset of cold weather, as improperly stored potatoes begin to deteriorate, prices begin to rise.

For other vegetables, the process is not yet so clear. Even here, however, there have been successes. The production of greenhouse vegetables has increased by 8-10 percent, according to the Institute of Agricultural Marketing. This is the result of the construction of the first stages of greenhouse complexes almost throughout the country. Approximately 40 projects for the production of greenhouse vegetables are announced for 2016, which makes it possible to predict an increase in production by about 20 percent in 2016. And this allows us to expect a reduction in price increases.

According to IAM forecasts, in 2016 the same dynamics of prices for the dairy group will continue as in the previous year. These products cause the greatest concern among experts. Despite growing investment in the industry, the number of dairy cattle in Russia is declining, and the level of provision of producers with natural raw materials remains low.

The increase in prices on average in the dairy industry is projected at 3-5 percent. True, producers will be more severely limited by the decline in consumer demand. So butter is unlikely to rise in price by more than 7%. Otherwise, buyers will start to refuse it, predicts Tyurina.

Dairy market expert Marina Petrova (Petrova Five Consulting) notes a decrease in consumption for all groups of dairy products in 2015. From 1.2% for fermented milk products to 13-15% for cheese. In 2016, the trend will continue, she expects.

And further. Experts unanimously predict that after the appearance of special labeling on dairy products with the addition of palm oil, prices for products without vegetable fats will go up. There is a high probability of a tangible expansion of the range of such products.

According to Elena Tyurina, the main problem of the dairy industry is the lack of an established mechanism for purchasing raw milk from small farms, which occupy a significant share in the total production. The number of plants that have a raw material base at their disposal remains very small.


Real estate

Housing prices in Russia this year will continue to creep down. In the capital market, which sets the tone for the whole country, apartments in new buildings can become cheaper by 10%.

In the secondary market, experts predict an even more noticeable decline - within 10-15 percent. Here, only 20-25 percent of apartments find their buyers, and then usually at a significant discount from the original cost. In 2015, prices, according to IRN-Consulting, decreased by almost 15%.

The average cost of square meters in new buildings has dipped by about 8%. In this segment, new supply volumes also do not have time to be absorbed. About 25,000 apartments are currently free in Moscow. But new objects are constantly entering the market, mainly in the budget segments - economy and comfort classes.

What's next? In the first half of 2016, the supply on the housing market will continue to grow rapidly. “New buildings will be brought out in large-scale redevelopment projects for industrial zones and other Moscow territories,” predicts Head of IRN-Consulting Tatyana Kalyuzhnova. “In turn, developers who have the resource for infill development of small areas will also strive to bring their projects to the market as soon as possible, while there is pent-up demand for economy and comfort class new buildings in the capital.”

A slowdown in the rate of launching new projects on the market is possible in the second half of the year, Kalyuzhnova believes. At the same time, demand will continue to decline. And by the end of 2016, the gap between supply and demand will widen. “Then the cost per square meter in the capital may drop to about 185 thousand rubles,” the expert does not exclude. - Housing will also become cheaper in the secondary market - up to about 165-170 thousand rubles per square meter.

In New Moscow and the Moscow region, within a radius of 10 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road, the trend will be approximately the same as in Moscow. That is, a price reduction of about 10-15 percent, the expert adds. “But new buildings 10-15 kilometers from the capital can become cheaper due to the fact that demand is shifting towards more advantageously located objects - low-cost projects near Moscow and within the Moscow Ring Road,” sums up Tatyana Kalyuzhnova.

In general, the fall in the purchasing power of the population against the backdrop of a large volume of supply will lead to the fact that only the highest quality projects at adequate prices will be in demand, experts expect. Previously, according to them, Moscow was built up mainly with a business class, so there was a deferred demand for high-quality, but at the same time fairly inexpensive projects. They began to actively enter the market in 2014, and in 2015 this trend only strengthened.

As long as people have some savings, they will buy apartments mainly in such projects. However, in a couple of years this pent-up demand may be exhausted.

So in the next year, developers will actively launch projects in the budget segments.