Report in five parts.

Places that visited

The neighborhood of Phuket: Phi Phi Islands, Similana Islands, Krabi and Neighboring Islands, James Bond Island, Khao Juice Park.

On Phuket: Show Transvestites "Simon Show", Show "Fantasy", Zoo, Statue of Big Buddha, Beaches Karon and Kata, Wat Chalong, Cape "Promhtep", Club "Crocodile", Bars of the A-Gou series, club " Roxy ", etc.,

In Bangkok and the surrounding area:

Skyscraper "Bike Sky", walk through the canal, walk along the river, temples and temple complexes: Wat Poekoo, Wat Pho, Wat Arun, Wat Sake, Gold Mount, Wat Bentambophit (Marble Temple), Big Golden Buddha in Dusit, Sleeping Buddha, "Underwater World" in Siam Paragon Center, Kosan Road Streets, Thavong, etc.

"Safari Park" and "Marina Park" under Bangkok.

I have a hurry to calm down (or disappoint :) readers of the report, the name of the report must be read with humor, no one seriously suffered.

So who bits in Thailand (from whom I did not expect this)?

Maybe this is a cute creature, sfotkan in front of the entrance to the bungalow? ...


Maybe this "beast"? .....

Thank God there is no ... And then I would not write this report ... With the "Tigers" it was scary to play not only because he did not sit calmly, but sharply twitched his head in my direction (drew a tiger threatening wands of the caretaker), But also because the caretaker has already bit off some kind of tiger. See the photo below:

About the fact that the Tiger's hand was said to said Phuket Zoo employee. I just could not find out exactly this tiger or another? The caretaker pretended to do not understand this issue.

Maybe "giraffe"? ...

Maybe crocodiles? ...

No, I was not allowed to ...

Can Makaki ... ...

No ... Although these can ... Be careful with them ...

Maybe this beauty with such a look, which you do not know what to expect?


Not. Only kisses ...

Gibments? ...

Not. They are such Lapievichki.

And allow you to take yourself even behind the legs ...

Can snake?

Well, who?

Can this guy from Bangle Road Street (in Patong) detained by the police? ...

No ... Only the police took my camera and, right on the street, took the detention frames

Can these transvestites?

Not. But already warmer ...

And who is ...

That's who ...

That's who ...

I am going on Karon-settlement, I do not touch anyone. And suddenly it hangs three databases (bar girls). Two on the shoulders, and the third on the back and bites behind the back through the T-shirt ... Slightly ... play.

There is a hurry to meet the fourth and says "I am with you, the fourth will."

For a couple of seconds I was afraid, because now rape four of them (in theater) and then pay for everyone!

In general, nothing terrible. I'm just the first time. Unusual. I will write about them and their services more below the text.


Now in order.

It was not an independent trip. (The tour was purchased in travel agency.)

The fact is that I did not have time to prepare for an independent journey due to workload.

There is another report on Indonesia who bite on Bali? And the amazing honesty of Balinese. And in Vietnam in the country of pioneers, dragons and "economic") Ho Chi Minh-Delta-Hoian-Hue Hanoi-Halong-Sap.

Of course, it was possible to visit more places in Thailand, so the next time I will try to travel without travel agencies.

Get to Phuket with two aircraft. Kiev-Bangkok and Bangkok-Phuket. And in Bangkok was two and a half days on the way back.

The first half-day on Phuket was shower. The next two days periodically rain. And the subsequent days are clear or partable cloudy.

Hotel "Golden Sand Inn". Located closer than other hotels to the beach. Consists of bungalok for two numbers. And one case. Well, if the bowlings fell in depth - there is quietly.

In those bowlings, which are not far from the Rispshn, tangible transportation passing along the coastal highway.

Mosquitoes in the rooms enough. Electrofumigators with Ride do not act on them.

Bungalki .................

Here is the real kind of bungalow ...

The vegetation on site is pleasant and well-groomed when it is hot - watering staff. Wet things inside the bungalow will not dry at all, and hung on the street - dry with difficulty (and maybe this is a feature of Tai?).

The room rate includes breakfast. Somewhat monotonous, but you can live.

Read more about Karon I will write later ...


On excursions in the area of \u200b\u200bPhuket. The most liked 1). Krabi and surrounding islands and 2). On the island of James Bond and the surroundings

Phi-Phei Islands (Phi Phi Lei and Phi Phi-Don) were not impressed, too much people. Boats and boats are brought and taking away crowds of tourists all the time. On the beach "Maya" apple to fall there. See photo ...

The Maya Beach is overcooled.

And the guides say that there is about such a crowd all the bright time of the day.

All maritime excursions I took not on the low-speed boats, but on the "speedbots".

******** speedbot ***********
Such excursions are more expensive, but you spend less time on the path. And the speedbots stick straight to this beach, ("Maya"), and people from the boats had to climb into extra boats to fall on the beach.

At the next island (Kai Noah) is a good. For sun beds need to pay 150 baht. Snorkeling no. Little unsparing fish and many hedgehogs (carefully!).

There is a "microscale".

Please do not take an example with me and not to climb people without special preparation! The nearest ambulance is in dozens of kilometers ... well, you can climb if the tsunami goes ...

In general, IMHO, Phi-pii is more beautiful on the pictures from the aircraft ... No ..., well, in general, I liked it, but not ah!. Of course it is better than just lying on the beach of Carons.


Similans were not particularly impressed. Perhaps because they are often praised and were waiting.

During the excursion, 4 (or more?) Islands were visited. An excursion took a one-day because it was unclear what would happen to the weather the next day. It was assumed if you like it, I will surrender and stay at night (or just stay and buy numbers in the bowlock).

Snorkeling on Siemilas is often praised. I do not know, maybe the day was unsuccessful, but I did not notice the turtles, nor sharks or interesting fish. Although I quickly and actively swim throughout the territory where the sharks or turtles could be.

The standard set of several species of fish common throughout the planet (parrots, etc.), which are in the Red Sea and in Mexico and in Indonesia.

The excursion to Similana was bought with an English-speaking guide, but after arrival at the base asked for a Russian-speaking group. They took without problems.

I ask the guides of different speedbacks - if you stay at night, will you see more under water? And will there be less people? They answer that he is unlikely to see, and in the evening the people will be twice as smaller, and so that it is completely none, then it is necessary to swim on other, less well-known islands.

In fairness it should be noted that there is no snorkeling in guidebooks, and diving on Similans.

Can diving decent. I do not know ... This time I decided not to "dive." Since I'm afraid of problems with the ear that I have been in my last year after swimming in a ship, torpedo in the second world ...

Rock called "Mickey Mouse". The path on its top is places on sharp stones, places on the ground. Therefore, it is desirable not to scratch the legs along the way. It would be better to go in shoes. But the shoes are collected from everyone before boarding the boat still on the mainland.

Move to the mountain of two Frenchwomen. It turns out the phrase "I did not eat six days" in the film "12 chairs" sounds incorrectly. Correctly talking not "HE is not a manger pa sis jour", but
"Hue Na Pa Manza De Poui Sis Jour." In the first version, the French can not understand at all - they are talking about ....

View from Mickey Music Mountain.

Sand is nice. Easily "pushing" under your feet and there are interesting traces ...


Excursion to the area of \u200b\u200bKrabi (and Islands nearby). Again on speedbote.

In general, I noticed that Russian guides are trying to talk more about history, nature, and English-speaking limited to the name of the name and time name - when despairing the boat.

Mountain-chicken ...

On this excursion, I liked the interesting views of the rocks, having a sheer slopes.

Handsomely. In Indonesia, the rocks were gentle.

"Ominous stone icicles."

I see on the forum sometimes the expression "Tueva Huza", probably it is just - she. (cloud or bunch ... phallos ....).

There is also the opportunity to rise quite highly with climbing equipment (for 200 baht). (On the photo a small silhouette at the top). But I'm not doing this. I love for free and without "projectiles" ()

Give swim near the cliff with a cave.

View from the cave.

Reil Beach.

At the end of the trip swim in the place called Hong. This is something like a shallow-water bay with a bottleneck. Inside Hong, there is some special energy (which is felt by some "sixth sense"). There are some kind, muted sounds ... It seems from the boat, which is very fine and that the boat can get straight.

Narrow entrance to the bay.

Water of an interesting shade in the bay.

Actually, in Hong Guide - the cave is called. Also arch, after the collapse of the part of the breed ....

Next to this Bay-Hongoya bought to a very pleasant beach, which is also called Hong or something like "near Hong."

This place is one of the most pleasant, which I saw in the vicinity of Phuket.

And there are still full of fish that surround you, especially if you give them a couple of bread crumbs.

Residence of the King Thailand ...

Unfortunately, at this moment "covers" my camera. I'm filming the Russians Russian, with the promise to send pictures on soap. Until sent ... I buy a new photo camera in the evening in Patong.


Excursion to Bond Island.

There are two types of excursions there.

The first option is a little on the minibus and on the boat

And the second option is long on a minibus to the coast of the Phangna and from there on a long high-speed boat on O. Bonda, another stop for food and sailing on canoe ...

In the area with such arches ... + visit to the village of marine gypsy.

I got to the second option. I do not know if the option with the boat is better. I just did not figure it out that two options.

On the excursions almost all the French. Very nice.

Landscapes, like on excursions in Krabi, are also beautiful.

The island where films about Bond were filmed.

Everyone is considered to be mandatory to make a similar frame (such as you hold on your hand). It is only difficult for us with the French was to adjust the mutual location of the camera and my hand, because my English is quite weak.

Marine Gypsies houses.

They have in the village and a school with a football field, and the mosque (and all this on the piles).

Sleep sea gypsies without beds.

... swim past the trees whose roots hang in the air, above the water ...

We drive to the tremendous cave. It has a reduced version of the lying Buddha (original in Bangkok).


On Phuket itself, I liked Simon show show, even more fantasy show, and to a lesser extent a local zoo.

The zoo is small, much "undelated" or modestly. Nevertheless, it turned out here to take a pleasant orangutung,

with a pleasant tiger, (these pictures were at the beginning of the report)

elephants are more skillful here than in the Bangoksky "Marina Park". After all, here they know how to get up on the front legs ...

there are also crocodile show here, and there is no "Marina Park".


Simon Show Transvestites.

It occurs in a cabaret-show format.

I got there spontaneously. I see familiar girls waiting for the Cut off the car on this show (nervous - there is no car for a long time).

I sit with them together in the car. Driver in shock - Where does the fourth person come from? After all, he is written three ...

In the way, drove binds to the authorities on a mobile. I ask my mobile and take me. We agree that I give money to the drill and our tickets give us.
price in local travel agencies - 700 baht for VIP-hall, which is closer to the scene. Interestingly, at the checkout in the building of the show, the price is 100 baht more.

But, perhaps is better pre-(per day), take tickets in the building of the show, albeit more expensive.

Why? I assume that you can choose a place closer. After all, we got a place in the last row, although the "approximate" VIP-hall. This is because the car brought us late, late for 25 minutes ...

I liked the show show. Although they noted that many transvestites lack plastics.

After the show you can take a picture (for money) with "trance".

As far as I remember, there are two shows a day. After the last, hours at 10 pm, the trances appear on the most fun street Patong Bangala Road and there also earn, photoing for money.

The most "old" but very charismatic "trans".

He has a "farce" breast. But in general, the trances are their beautiful chest. See below.


More liked the show fantasy. It is more complicated technically and in special effects.

.... "Caravan" elephants between rows ... The scene is not only ahead, but also in the sides of the hall .... Strong explosions on the stage right next to the actors, it is clear that the actors lays their ears. It is surprising that the elephants do not react to explosions ....

Shower on stage ...

Aerial gymnasts over rows ... At some point, "inadvertently disappearing" from the crossbars and falling on the spectators ... but stop over you held by rubber insurance ....

It is impossible to photograph. Cameras and mobile phone are surrendered. (I did not pass). (If the soap is, you can carry theoretically in your pocket).



Excursion to "Khacka National Park".

The excursion was bought in a one-day version with an English-speaking guide for 1500 baht in one of the local caron travel agencies.

Purchased was in the first days, when it was still raining, because (IMHO) It makes sense to go to the islands in the rain at all, so khao juice was chosen with hope that tomorrow rain may stop.

A small rain of at times walked ....

And the surrounding landscape was often in the fog.

In general, Khao Juice, together with neighboring reserves, is part of the largest Thailand area of \u200b\u200b4000 km.kv ..

It is not on Phuket and on the peninsula, about a couple of hours ride north.
According to the guide "Nashnl Geographic", its main attraction is the artificial lake Chaulalan.

But I don't get there, probably because the one-day єkscursia. And there were people staying for the night, perhaps them there and drove ...

In general, during the excursion, we melt on rubber boats (7 km distance - said the guide),

Ride on elephants

"Elephant driver." ..

... fed them, visited the microanodic, pofotkatsya with macales

and manual gibbon.

And manual gibbon.

True, this whole "set of events" was in my Indonesia ...

On the way to Khao-Juice, they brought to the memorial victims of Tsunami.

This boat brought far to the dry tsunami waves. So it was left here ...

In general, I want to say about the feasibility of choosing excursions with Russian-speaking guides.
I regretted that I bought this tour with a guide-Englishman. Because all the way he told something. I guess that interesting and humor (the entire minibus is dropped), but I may have understood two percent.

The fact is that if I try to communicate in English, then I can ask the interlocutor to speak more slowly, ask for some word.
But when the guide quickly speaks and tourists immediately answer him - I can't understand anything. And when it lasts a few hours - you feel mildly unpleasant ...

Therefore (IMHO) If you do not know well ingle, then Nefig save, and it is better to take a tour of a little more expensive, but with the Russian guide.

Nobody translated me that you need to take a cape from polyethylene from the rain and was dangerous to catch a rain. Well the driver of the elephant gave his cape (though after I wet: smile :).

I recall the conversation of Chapaeva Vasily Ivanovich with Petka.

Petka asks:

- "Vasily Ivanovich, and you could command the whole of the Red Army?"

- "Well, on a global scale?"

- "No, I do not know languages!"

So learn English while young and while he is easily climbing ...

A little about caron.

Beach Day ...

... The beach at sunset is quite beautiful, sort of golden redheads on the sand ...

There are water entertainments on the beach as "Tabletka"

Costs about 500-600 baht with chela (you can bargain).

Parachutes (I do not remember with how much).

In the evening you can buy and run a flying lamp.

Lanterns fly high ... (two small bright dots in the sky).


Restaurants in Karon.

It is quite normal to feed dinner in the family restaurant of the hotel Golden Send Inn.

Also visited Rests in Krona-settlement. More often "Rada Onion". This REST is praised on Wine, so in the evening there is usually a small queue.

Food there seems to be a bit better than in other reaches. "Red Isyon", thanks to the advertisement on Winska is the meeting place "Rousseau-Tourist," reading forum.

For those who do not like (or tired) local cuisine, I can recommend the REST "Baron" - there are really delicious "our" dishes. There are there: Borsch, Olivier (though without peas), okroshka, etc., prepared much more tastier than in many Kiev cafes.

And there was not only me there - a lot was Russian-speaking.

This relief is on the street going (perpendicular to) from the sea to which the main entrance to the Golden Sand Inn is coming. Complete about 150m.

In general, the problem is to eat after 23 hours. Almost everything is closed (and devils from bars and "trances" at such a time become aggressive ... especially I took the "trans", which takes place near the road ring).

In the village of Karon there is a "Temple-Public" complex. See below...

On its territory (as far as I remember), the market is organized twice a week.


Massage salons.

Massage did in different salons and make everywhere differently.

foot Massage - 1 hour-250 Batt

total (full body) - 250 batt.

the remaining species ("aroma" and others) are more expensive than 300-400 baht.

A small hatch to the Southern Cape Phuket - Prothep and Kata Beach.

funny elephants near Sunset View Point.

view from Sunset View Point to Cape Promthep.

view from Sunset View Point on Kata Beaches and, Next Karon.

Beach is incomplete and cozy. Therefore, you can warm up. In general, it is good when travelers in good physical form.

Some observations-reasoning about Bar Girls, Carrots and Similar.

Observations are these superficial. That is, the topic was not carefully worked out and pretend to accuracy. (Based on personal observations, communicating with the database and is more founded in the opinion and information of Russian-speaking tourists who have been to Phuket in Pattai and, partly English-speaking tourists).

The first impression is the high cost of services in Phuket. According to the "Our" tourists who were in Pattaya - there, in Pattai, are at times cheaper.

All Bar Girls in Karon are asked 2000 Batt for 2 hours + 300 Batt, you need to give the bar for taking it. After all, the main "work" of the database is to force customers to better breed. And if you take the database, then you need to compensate for the Baru "Loss."

Sometimes you can bargain and reduce the price of up to 1200 baht + 300 butt bar. But there are still expenses - if you do not in your hotel, you can rent a hotel for a couple of hours, from 300 butt. In general, there are full rooms from 600 butt per day.

Few of the database agrees to lead the client to their home.

But the question in this case is not in finance, but, how to say, in the attractiveness of these databases.

Well, maybe I am such a "Slavophil", but local databases do not go to any comparison with girls from Ukraine, Russia, even Europe.

(IMHO) Compare with "ours" can units, and not those secret, who are hanging on you on the street, or slow down their bikes and betray to sit behind.

And those that "spin" around the poles in closed bars can be compared to compare.

But there prices, I assume an order of magnitude higher. From one foreigner infected info about $ 200 for 2 hours and more expensive.

I think it is quite possible, because they are not bad and quickly earn just dancing. For example, I saw some Japanese put $ 50 to her panties. And the lies often. (Oh, enough other people's money count!: Smile: just this I'm so reasoning why it won't be cheap ...). And in general, drinking in these places is an order of magnitude more expensive, the bar is simply unprofitable if it leaves and will not breed customers for drinking in breaks between dancing.

I don't mean these open bars, that is, on the street.


Does this datain holds a daughter on a bar counter, tears to the atmosphere of the Cepping Bar? (Horror). The photo she allowed to do ... In the background, the database circles around the pole into a few non-standard "CIDS" - usually all in shorts. Probably to please customers with different tastes.


This is Patong, Bangle Road Street. Here the database (IMHO) is more interesting ...


And in closed bars, remove clubs forbidden ....

Yes, and do not like to shoot those who are pepturing. They often say that the type of student and only dance. And if you go with the client, if you like it (financially: smile :)

Foreigners said they agreed with secret times over the Internet, previously. And these are peeing, so they do not need to look for a client every day (after all, many customers are more risks to pick something), and of course they are better to rank for a week or two or more.

In our hotel, I noticed a few such pairs (elderly Iostranets + carrot). Although in our hotel (IMHO) is not very convenient to make love in the sense of bad sound insulation. Between numbers, a thin wall, everything is heard.

In general, for the database, communication with the visitors of the bar is the opportunity to get married. On board the flight of Kiev-Bangkok, I saw at least two pairs of Thai + foreigner. Talked with one. Man (38 years old) is a citizen of Israel. Said. That Taika (24 years old) His wife and live together for 4 years. Twice a year flies in Thailand to a visit to a numerous family of this secret. Israelite said that she met her in the bar. He said that, unlike all his previous relations, she is "real."

So ... if 4 years together, then, it means, love .....

About the bars of the GOU-GOU series.

They actively invite you to names on Bangle Road Street in Patong. Type of entrance is free, but you need to buy at least one drink, from 600-800 baht for a bottle of beer (that is, an order of magnitude more expensive than in the usual bar.)
Boldly bargain. We agreed for 300 baht.

Well, it was necessary to visit, because єto (and still transvestites) the feature of Tia, because without this, so it would be so similar to Indonesia, where I was (the same elephants, rafting, monkeys, a similar religion ...)

I will not tell in detail, maybe someone is unpleasant.

Of the more decent: - "Focusnitsa" shoot the bananas of a meter for three, shoot something balls that hold customers, "drink", smoke with a revolt, etc.

It is a pity that they smoke, because harmful.? Or maybe some cigarettes without nicotine?

Remove forbidden.

The easiest thing is that which is simply washed in a transparent shower. Good settled - and grandmothers pay and wash at work.

The show was labeled in the club "Crocodile" (Bangle Road Street in Patong), in the club "Roxy" weaker.

In general, I do not pretend to accuracy. Just first impressions.

In the following "series" - many objects in Bangkok and near, small Kidalov in Bangkok, a comparison of Thais with Indonesians, the abolistence of the aircraft, a bus with rings and tourists, etc.


A small catch in Wat "Chalong", to the statue of the Big Buddha, and in the phuket zoo.

All these places are in one area (a little east of caron). We went on a taxi (infa "Other" disappeared in the depths of Sclerosis, especially since they rode the threesome, I remember only that the segment of the route from the zoo to Vata "Chalong" and then to the Big Buddha and then refund to Karon there was about 450 baht.)

I mentioned about the zoo in the first part of the report, it was made pictures there:

With orangutung

... with "Tigers" ...

... Elephant-acrobat ...

... and crocodile with an employee's head in the mouth.

Looking at the photo I remember the poem-gady from the Soviet children's magazine "Funny pictures":

Mr. Crook and Mr. Dili

Crocodile Junny ...

Here he is a croc ... and where did Dili?

Answer: In the abdomen of the crocodile ....

The entrance to the Phuket Zoo costs 500 baht. There passes (seem) three shows. Elephants, crocodiles and some more.

Wat Chalong.

What are wats? There are about 30,000 in the country. These are temple-cultural and public centers, they may include hospitals, funeral offices, schools, community centers, entertainment facilities, markets and monasteries ...

The Temple Complex Wat "Chalong" is easier compared to Vat Poekoo in Bangkok. But if you are tired of lying on the beach, or you fly straight to Phuket (without stopping in Bangkok), then it is worth visiting it for "general development".

Inside Vata Chalong.

There are only two tables in the Vata Chalong area, where you can eat at least something. For example, scrambled eggs (I do not know from whose eggs).


Och-Chen big ... It seems to be built in memory of the tsunami. White marble facing is almost finished ...

Actually, it is not necessary to go to it. It is clearly seen from afar.

The continuation should (many objects in Bangkok, the desertion of Thais, the abolition of the departure + the bridal bus with tourists ....


Bangkok. With small attempts "Kidalova."

Skeyok Sky, Wat Phraqueo and Big Royal Palace, Wat Pho, Wat Aruun, Marble Temple Bentambophit, "Underwater World" in Siamparagon Center, Wat Sake Dacket, Golden Mount, walk through the canal, walk along the river.

under Bangkok Safari Park + Marina Park.

Hotel in Bangkok - "Bangkok Palaes."

At the Rice, I ask the rooms of the rooms not on the track. Give on the 5th floor. Looks like all Russian-speaking seals on the 5th floor. Someone will ask - all from the fifth ...

Rooms are decent.

The hotel is located a 5-minute walk from the ski ski skyscraper. (Generally local say that there are two buildings with such a name ...)

I get to the hotel. Therefore, I decide to visit this skyscraper.

Skyscraper "Bike Sky."

Dinner (buffet) in the reservoir costs about 800-900 BATT.

And just visiting the sightseeing site - 250 butt.

The lift for tourists has a transparent wall, so, as it is lifted, the omnipresent Chinese begin to squeeze.

Feed decently. It is a pity that the stomach is so small ...

I think that you need to come early to try to quietly. What I did. Came at about 20 hours.

The building has reasons at least on three floors.

I looked at dishes in two reasons, I did not notice any difference.

Rests are closed at different times, some at 22.00, and some at 22.30 ...

Visitors entertain musicians playing kitchen utensils.

Above restlings (it seems 84 floors), there is a rotating platform.

High. Handsomely. Interesting multi-level transport junctions.

I go out of the "Bike Sky" building. Starts shower. Therefore, I go to the Internet center. It is necessary to work, as well as plan the excursions on Bangkok. I bought half a time. But the score is the computer. It does not turn off and after 50 minutes.

I am leaving along the way to my hotel I see a pair of massage salons, but the prices are high (the day after tomorrow will come to the salon in another area).

I have two more full days in Bangkok.

On the first day I plan to visit the numerous attractions of Bangkok (if there is no shower).

In the planning of traveling on Bangkoka, I use the topic of Laroshi -\u003d823&t\u003d75185 Bangkoku travel guide (newcomers answers)

But I just do not know, it can better get the first thing for the opening of Wat Phraqueo, because there are numerous groups of tourists going back there and becomes cramped?

Following the Laroshi route, I ask passersby, where the boat station (the river tracer floating through the canal). I get there in ten minutes (on foot from my hotel).

River tram service. Channel "channel" (floats through the channel)

This is a conductor. It moves outside the boat. The fare is about 12 baht.

I ask Thais when getting closer to Wat Sakehouse. I go out.

I go in the direction of Wat Socket. On the way I clarify the direction from passersby.

And then it happens (I do not know how to call), a little kidalovo (?),

"Just passerby" Tapet tells me that, allegedly Sacket, and Wat Phraqueo are now closed (some ceremony), but will open in an hour.

And advises me to take a Tuk-Tuk (this is such a motorcycle with a ving, analogue of a taxi for tourists), and to visit there are still several other places nearby (big Golden Buddha, etc.). Moreover, now there is some kind of government program for tourists (such as sponsored drivers of Tuk-Tukov) and the cost of this journey will be only 5 baht (!).

I feel something wrong. Of course, I heard that Phuket is an expensive place and Bangkok Taxi is cheaper. But 5 Butt (!?).

Now, if I had told Tuk Tuk, then I would definitely not believe it. But here, damn, it tells me just passersby people (well, like an uninterested person), and Tuk-Tukov does not see anywhere at that moment.

Stop Tuk Tuk. I speak about the option with 5 bahas. He says that actually 10 batt, but if I already know the price of 5 baht, then "so be 5 batt."

Just in case I write on the paper number 5. He agrees.

Quickly watch these places ... for example ...

32-meter Buddha statue in cotton intravikhan.

I want to give driving Tuk-Tuka 5 butt. But he says - we went back on some kind of factory there.

I constantly carry all sorts of "retractable space" (therefore I do not drive free "sightseeing" excursions) and politely refuse. Here he gives me a leaf with the text in Russian. It says that if I go to the factory with him (and I don't even buy anything there), then he will give him a free coupon on the gasoline barrel, and after that he will take me "anywhere for free."

I don't like it all. For me, it is more important not to spend time on a fuster garbage. I have a road every minute.

Even if I wanted to eat, where is the guarantee that he will take me "anywhere for free." I think his Tuk-Tuk could "suddenly" break just after visiting the factory ...: smile:

I ask him, the smoke will cost to get to Vata Phraco without any factories there.

Replies that 200 butt. I feel expensive. But time is more expensive, I do not want to look for another Tuk-Tuk or a taxi. I say 150. He agrees.

Asks - What is the attempt by Kidalov? I think it's time to take away from me to some kind of factory, for the sake of free gasoline. With "Zamanuha" in 5 baht.

As a result, I would get in Wat Phraqueo much later when there was already a lot of people.

Probably "just passerby", which advised the "option for 5 baht", had some kind of attitude or to the factory, or to Tuk-tube.


We come to Wat Poekoo.

The input is paid (it seems 350 baht).

Inside already many sightseeing groups. Including several Russian-speaking. And these excursions people bought $ 45 dollars.

I listen to the alternate stories of the guides of these Russian groups. It is necessary to change the "groups", as some guides (not everything!) Watch Square, and one even really hinted that he had a paid excursions. : smile:

Wat Phraqueo (the Temple of the Emerald Buddha), together with a large royal palace, is the most popular attraction of Thailand.

Before entering the temple of the Emerald Buddha there is a bowl with flowers that need to beat on the head (cleaning karma (?).

Next I'm going to visit Wat Pho. It is located next to Vat Poekoo.

I ask the direction of the guide of the excursion group.

He replies that today wat phos is closed! Therefore, he recommends today to take me a tour or on the channels, or on the river in his travel agency.

Dejaubu ... something like this (about Wat Phrakeo, that he, too, allegedly closed) I have already heard from "just passerby."!

Therefore, this "sad message" does not upset at all and I go straight to Wat Pho (Wat lying Buddha). : smile:

There is a predictable "miracle". It's open! : smile:


WAT PHO was founded back in the 16th century, long before the elevation of Bangkok as the nationwide capital.

This is the oldest and largest temple monastic complex in Bangkok. (Religious buildings, gardens with decorative slides, statues, bell tower, chedi)

The main attraction of Wat is a huge (46 meters) statue of the lying Buddha. Not even just lying, but turning into nirvana.

Covered with gold gold.

Next, I am going to Wat Arun (Monastery of the Morning Dawn), located nearby, on the other side of the Uphuhrahi River.

Boat on the opposite side of the river costs 3 baht.

Height 86 meters. The silhouette of Wat Arun is captured by a coin worth 10 baht.

He personifies the mountain measure. Mythological abode of the Hindu gods.

The architectural device is difficult and symbolic. (Read more info).

View from above.

In Wat Arun, I meet Russian tourists, who are then sent to the giant swing, the marble temple and Wat Sakehouse with Golden Mount.

We catch a taxi. I am moving to gigantic swings.

But on the way there is a huge area, filled with a crowd of people in red shirts. (I do not know - whether these are "red-workers", which are rebeling in May last year?). There is plenty of police, but everything is decent.

We pass through them.

I want to eat. Around full street food. But somehow scary. Therefore, we find a decent view of the restaurant. Yes, the trouble there nobody knows a word in English. And what is the most outrageous for my travelers - no beer! : mad:

I go out and ask a tuk-tucker for how much I get to the marble temple. Replies that it is very nearby, a couple of quarters, the total of some 100 butt.

Well, I think, if nearby, then I will come. I let go of Tuk-Tuk.

The conversation hears passerby and says "Let me stop Tuk-Tuk and he will take you for 20."

Stops, says Tuk Tukuer - 20, and he will prevent (approximately 1 km).

In general, these tuk-tube can not add to themselves. And it makes sense to ride them for exotic, and that if the distance is small. Because the landing in a taxi is automatically 35 buttes. But at long distances, it will be cheaper to ride a taxi, and with Kondeem somehow more comfortable ...

wat Bentambophit (marble church). Marble brought from Italy. Very beautiful.

After the marble temple, we assume that the Sacket may be already closed (more than 17 hours). Therefore, I am going on a taxi in the "underwater world" in Siam-paragon shopping center.

The entrance is something about 800 baht.

The "underwater world" is impressive. Many small and most importantly, large aquariums with all sorts of fish, crabs, etc.

Akulki. Sharkuli-hammers.

Big crabs ...

Something similar is in (monopho) "underwater world" in Singapore on the island of Satoze. But here it seemed more than the volume of aquariums.

Princesses. Made Tuk-Tuk especially for fish.


Part 5, Final:

On the next (last) day, I decide to visit Safari Park and Marina Park, under Bangkok. And after - to visit Wat Sakequet and Golden Mount, which I did not have time to get yesterday.

At the rental of the hotel, please write a park name on Thai to avoid confusion with a taxi driver.

Taxi drivers awaiting near the hotel are offered to be taken for 600-700 baht.

Here the taxi driver is very persuading to go along the way to the local travel agency (about the quarter from My Bangkok Palaces Hotel), in order to buy a ticket in this park.

I ask - on what?

Knee, which is so cheaper, and there is no place in the queue stand. The type of cashier work with interruptions and technical breaks due to the influx of tourists, because many tourists come there even from Pattaya.

I can not believe, but I can't tolerate the queues, so I drive to this travel agency. They slow down there, for a long time they call somewhere, they say that yes, they have something cheaper than in the checkout. As a result, I get some kind of piece of paper in 10-15 minutes. Price 850 BATT.

All this time ticks the taximeter (taxista is beneficial: smile :).

Taxi driver asks - "We are going through Highweight?"
I answer - we are going.

Lead says that you need to pay for Highway, in two cages we cry for about 80 butt (I don't remember exactly).

Come. I pay on the taxiometer 400 with a little butt, the return will be cheaper (300 with something).

Well, of course, at the box office park there are no queues, and the price of two fleets by 50 battle is cheaper, that is, 800 butt. What drove cute smiles. : smile:

A group of Pattaya really come to the park, a lot becomes dinner.

There are several shows during the day in the park: - Dolphins,

Monkeys ...

... elephants ... on the show of the elephants, I wake up a volunteer on the scene. Elephant walks, crossing me, "massages" a trunk to me a famous place, well, everything is as usual.

But here is Lazha, just at that moment the battery in the camera sits down. I ask the Philipps to send me pictures on soap, until they sent ...

... sea cats ...

... birds ...

Also more pictures from the park.

You still have to have time to have lunch (lunch is included in the price at a certain time) and visit Safari Park.

this is the schedule of bus departures along the safari park. Time in the way is less than an hour.

In the safari park you are brought to the bus, and the "cattle" is outside. And you look at it through the glass.

And in the safari park on O. Bali (in Indonesia), the windows were open, and it was possible to bring the camera to almost a face

Compared to the Balinese safari Park, this (Bangkok) has a large territory and a larger number of animals, and birds finally - neuro --- See the photo below ...

There is another show "Spy Wars." I did not like it. Although there are loud explosions, burning water, pouring the wave of the first five rows of viewers, etc. But there are few special effects, and in general actions are not enough, but many extensive dialogues in a bad voice ...

I love the animal, so I liked the parks.

After the last show (it seems at 16.30 hours), the crowd rushes to the output. Some of these people arrived at a taxi like me.

But taxi is not visible. I miraculously manage to get a quick step to the only car in a couple of seconds to some Chinese.

Taxistu I say to take me to Wat Sakehouse (which I did not have time to visit yesterday).

on the way, I call ("for happiness") in the bell.

But the most "thermonuclear" sound is obtained when you hit this disk.

Golden stupa on top. It leads to it 320 steps, looping around the tombstones, the statues of Buddha statues, and small slides that embody the Hindu-Buddhist ideas about the universe device, in the center of which is Mount Merre.

Stop Tuk Tukhet. Show him on the map this place. He understands and speaks 80 baht.

We are going some small distance. Drive up to the river. But no bridge, that is, the bridge is not close.

I ask, so where is the bridge?

Here the Tuk-Tukker confesses that it is not driving there, and it's difficult to go there - there are traffic jams.

Then I ask - well, if not there, then maybe I should not pay? (Well, I thought to pay a little, symbolically). He, smiling, says - Well, do not, happy journey! And calmly leaving ...

Strange these tuk-tukes are asked for Satroga, then free ...

view of the tuk-tucker from the "passenger salon".

In general, I get to the river in the north of Ratanakosin Islands, probably in the University district. I sit in a river tram and sailing on it south, to the station Taksin Bridge. Pochrakeo, Wat Arun, and other wovers and any large buildings.

I go out on Taksin Bridge and sit down in the tram that goes in the opposite direction, north.

This turns out the evening walk along the river.

The guide advises to visit Khaosan Road Street. Thais suggest me when to get out of the boat.

Street as street, the same as many others in Bangkok (for example, in the area of \u200b\u200bmy hotel).

The whole street Suchumvit is clogged by souvenir traders, etc., among the Bar Girls there is a large bd of African or Latin origin.

I go there to the massage salon. Prices are the same as on Phuket. (250 baht).

Departure at 5 am, the hotel is taken from the hotel at 3 in the morning, which means it's time to the room - to have time to collect things and a little rest.

It is not possible to fly out at 5 in the morning, departure is postponed several times a few hours. There are rumors about breaking the aircraft.

In the morning, the news of the breakdown of the aircraft is confirmed, tourists issue coupons worth about 300 baht for breakfast (in the local McDonalds there is enough exactly on Bigmack with Cola). The representative of the airport is coming to people, which in English announces that everyone goes to the hotel (you need to go through again passport control (step by closing visas).

In general, few people spoke Russian. In some hours, the people disassembled at the airport in search of comfortable sleeping places.

They asked each other to wake up if something. As a result, all those surrounding people fell asleep and woke us out by some people who went from another area, says that some Russian-speaking tourist thought of making an advertisement on the speakerphone ...

We pass. Approximately 10 minutes cost at the airport. Waiting for the bus.

I sit on the bus. The bus does not touch the bus for a long time. Then rides at a speed of about 10 km per hour, periodically stopping. The people are surprised - because the buses do not slowly go.

After the comments of Thaats-drill (which seems to do not understand English), the speed increases to 20-30 km per hour.
And it seems that we are taken circles. It continues at about two hours.

Drive is frozen, the type of nifiga does not understand English. (Foreign tourists tried to talk to him on the bus).

Its gestures are asked to call the authorities so that English tourists can talk to the authorities in English. Useless...

Already an hour ago, the people began to assume that we were driving slowly to save at the hotel, - that is, or in general, having a clock, while the aircraft is not repaired, or bring to the hotel to 14 o'clock (standard instigeration time ("Chek-Inn") to Do not pay for the extra day of the hotel).

The main thing is incomprehensible how many more will be treated with us?, With the bribe to talk like the wall, he knows himself "Shutchit" at a speed of 30km an hour, for some outskirts of Bangkok. : smile:

Drill are asked to stop, at least somewhere in order to right on the street. Useless. ((S.

Call calls to travel agencies with plenty of help will be heard !!! **, and with promises "disseminate your entire office" after return. ^^%

One tourist yells the driver in the ear "You don't understand what I am on the head of Nass now?!"

It seems to go after it is a little faster. Come after all to the hotel. Another bus also "got" for a long time and arrived approximately with our bus ...

The hotel is fed and distributed. Rooms are decent, but sleeping can be removed a couple of hours. As about 16.30
distributed in the room a call. Says some answering machine. What he says - it is not clear, because you will not ask.

Of several adjacent numbers, only one person decided to go to find out what the meaning of this call. Returned, says that departure to the airport at 17 o'clock.

There were rumors that would send another aircraft. But the plane is the same, you can see something there and decided to sit down in India, can be seen for the safety net, or for technologies somehow.

As a result, flew through India already in 12 hours.

Naturally, I did not hit the train, from Kiev to my Dnepropetrovsk.

After arrival, I and three more people wrote a complaint (for reimbursement of the cost of railway tickets) in the service center of Aerosvit, one was a lawyer, all wrote everything on his advice, put photocopies of tickets, boarding coupons ...

Right now! Hold your pocket wider! Sophisticated to this day. The question - someone managed to "pull out" money from Aerosvit (
being not in Kiev) ??

In general, tourists were employees of travel agencies. They argued that feeding and hotel in Bangkok were paid by Thailand, because it is so it should be, or flights are made in conjunction with the Thai airline.
And otherwise, do not see anything from this Aerosvit!


Some comparisons of Bangkok taxi drivers and guides with Indonesian.

Maybe I'm not lucky slightly. That is, in Bangkok, I came across a little dubbed: Tuk Tukker, Guide, (offered to buy a tour of the river in his agency and enthusiastically, that Wat Pho is closed), a taxi driver who is in Safari Marina Park.

In principle, nothing terrible, no one has eaten (not robbed, etc.: smile :), all this little things

But Indonesian taxi drivers are generally crystal as honest to me compared to the above Thais. Well, I have not seen in Indonesia, even a desire to somehow listen.

One taxi driver on Bali returned to me the equivalent of $ 90, which dropped out of the trousers, which I dried in the cabin. To do this, he returned to the hotel in half an hour.

Of course, the energy in Tae is much more pleasant than in Arab countries. And on Phuket, everything was in general without hints for problems.

Of course, next time you have to prepare and travel yourself. You can visit more places and make it calmer.

I want to see places that have little visited by tourists. It also makes sense to combine Thai, for example, with Cambodia.

I did not do this this time because Ty is too saturated with interesting places to visit even the most interesting in one visit.

There is still a stupid problem, it is for citizens of Ukraine. Visa is given to us only at 14 (or 15?) Nights.

Marasmus. After all, there are few two weeks. It turns out that the flights are much more expensive than hotels. I have 4 flights stood about 1,100 dollars, and the hotels of about 300 dollars are irrational. I would like to "scatter" the cost of the flight to a longer number of days.

In principle, you can get a visa for more than 14 days, but for this you need to receive it in Kiev.

I hope to get in Tai in the future.

Small ad.

I am looking for companions, "close in spirit" and perfect (but not necessarily) would be from my city.

In Thailand go over the sea and the sun. Beach holidays in the kingdom of smiles are gorgeous, which also contributes to the snow-white sand, and ultramarine water of the Adaman Sea. However, it is they who can bring resting problems, because marine inhabitants sometimes are quite dangerous.

Of course, in tourist rolled places, for example, in Phuket, a meeting with dangerous marine values \u200b\u200bis minimized, although incidents, sometimes, still happen. Especially carefully approaching swimming on the exotic islands, many of which are uninhabited, so their coasts are colonized by numerous marine inhabitants. So who should be fearful, floating in crystal clear water?

The most common marine inhabitants in Thailand are jellyfish. There are not many of them in the resort districts, but most often they are found on Phuket on Patong Beach. Medusov can not be taken in hand, and indeed just touch them undesirable. Of course, nothing terrible will not happen from touching a small jellyfish, but if you simultaneously get a "kiss" from several pieces, for example, hitting the center of their flocks, then the consequences may be sad. There are cases when the swimsters were lost from such an impact, a consciousness was tested.

After meeting with jellyfish, the place of contact can burn, irritation appears, and blisters can appear, reminiscent of burn consequences.

Much sadly can be the consequences after meeting with the cube marine wasp. This is one of the most dangerous types of jellyfish, the poison of which penetrates the heart and death can come in ten seconds. However, there were no such cases on Phuket. They are most often found in the vicinity of Hua Hina.

How to avoid a meeting with jellyfish: most often jellyfish are floating in cloudy weather, so when bathing in a sundial watch, you can avoid.

What to do after meeting with jellyfish: if the meeting still happened, the first thing it is necessary to remove the belts, if they remained on the skin. Next, the place of bite is to pour the acidic solution, for example, lemon or lime juice.

Poisonous fish

The sea fauna of Thailand has more than a hundred species of fish, about five percent of them are poisonous. You can recognize them in bright color, like most animals, they warn that it is better not to approach them, but in our case, do not swim.


Most often there is a possibility to meet a cruise or fish-lion. Learn it easily by long sticking in all sides with striped fins. It dwells most often in coral reefs, so there is a challenge to be divers. Bite barns is very painful, after that, the well-being sharply deteriorates, and a large portion of poison can lead to a paralysis of the respiratory tract. The winters are very calm and non-aggressive, so when a meeting with them is better to easily float - there will be no chase.


This fish hides in coral thickets and skillfully disguised them to find it necessary to swim quite deeply. When contacting her spikes into the body of a person, the strongest poison is injected into the body, the antidote of which is not. A large portion can cause a palsy of the respiratory system and death. Naturally, meetings with this inhabitant of the seabed should be avoided.

Sea bass

It is very similar to the usual river perch, thanks to its bright fins. Fish lives, too, not far from coral reefs, and its spikes can send a swimmer to a hospital bed. Her poison is not as dangerous as the scorpion fish, but very painful, and treatment requires necessarily.

Fish stone

This ugly fish, as you can understand from the name, looks like a stone. It is found in rocky coastal waters or not far from coral reefs. During the storm, it can nourish it to the shore, so in muddy water there is a high probability to step on it. Its poison is not dangerous, but the place of bite should be treated with a disinfectant and put in hot water. It is also recommended to visit the hospital and make vaccination from the tetanus.

How to avoid a meeting with poisonous fish: Most species of fish, and poisonous and quite harmless, lives in coral thickets, as well as crevices of rocks or stones. Most risks with them to meet divers and snorkeling lovers. Many of them also prefer to swim in the dark or cloudy weather when there is no sun. Therefore, security rules are simple: do not bathe at night, do not go into muddy water and do not swim too close to the coral reefs.

What to do after a meeting with poisonous fish: if you were bitten by the fish, then you should not argue about what kind I got acquainted with you closer. In this case, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital without losing a minute.

It will be fine, if it will still be able to remember how the marine inhabitant looked like to choose an antidote to faster. The main thing here is not to slow, as some poisons act literally for a few minutes.

Sea snakes

In Thailand, more than a hundred site species, some of which are sea, which are found on Phuket. They live in cool and dark places, such as water caves or crevices of stones and rocks. Most often there are cristes or cones. They do not differ in bright color, reaches a meter in length, but in resort areas appear infrequently. Sea snakes are less aggressive than land, their teeth are further, but the poison can be deadly dangerous.

How to avoid meeting with sea snakes: Do not choose as places for swimming beaches, where many caves or stones. It is also worth avoiding swimming in muddy waters, for example, after a storm or in cloudy weather. If you still met the snake, do not twitch, do not spool, do not make sharp movements. Since the snake is non-aggressive, the first it will not attack, but will try to float.

What to do after meeting with the sea snake: in the case of the bite of the marine snake, it is necessary to immediately bandage the scene above the bite in order to prevent the spread of poison in the body. You should also immobilize the bite and call salvation services, as urgent hospitalization is necessary.

Antidote from the bites of snakes is in all Thai hospitals, the faster the medicines will be introduced, the greater the chances that the unpleasant meeting will pass without health consequences.

Sea hedgehog

Sea hedgehogs meet, mainly on the islands. They try to stay away from the shore, but sometimes they can swim to the edge of the water. Their needles contain poison not so much poisonous as painful. Their needles are so thin that they often do not even get to get them, they are relaxed themselves over time, which causes pain.

How to avoid meeting with sea hero: Here the advice is simple and obvious - look under your feet when you go to the sea. In unfamiliar places for swimming, try not to step on the bottom at the depth. The main rule is not to swim in muddy water, because it is in such an atmosphere to see the hedgehog will not succeed.

What to do after meeting with the sea hero: needles left in the leg should be carefully removed by tweezers, and the place of puncture is disinfected. Foot should be placed 60-90 minutes in hot water to neutralize the poison. After that, regular massages should be carried out, around the damaged place so that the remaining needles can be absorbed. It is very painful, but will help you to cure the limbs faster.


Sharks are found in the entire Adaman Sea and in the Indian Ocean. In remote areas, a large white, and tiger sharks are also found closer to the Indian Ocean. At the shores of those who were adorable to tourists live less aggressive leopard, gray or whale sharks. However, the meeting with them is rather rare than an ordinary phenomenon. Most often see predators can divers that are immersed in the open sea.

How to avoid a meeting with shark: All equipped beaches are protected by grids from sharks, so the main thing is to stay within the zone allotted for swimming, as well as to swim on wild beaches. If you still met Shark, you need to behave delicately - do not swim to her, do not touch, behave calmly and stay in immobility.

What to do after meeting with shark: the question is rather rhetorical. It all depends on how a meeting was held. Sharks are dangerous not by their poison, but sharp teeth, so the best advice here is to avoid them.

General safety rules

Of course, it is not necessary to meet with the irresistible inhabitants of the sea. To reduce these chances to zero, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • Chief Council - Do not bathe at night! It was in the dark that most of the naval reptiles begin an active life and sails to the shore.
  • Bathful only in specially designated places. Such are all equipped beaches, both urban and hotel. Of course, the temptation to swim in a secluded bay, where no one except you, is great, but it is there that you can meet not the most pleasant neighbors.
  • Avoid swimming where there are many stones, reefs and corals near the entrance. It is here that snakes can hide, sharks, as well as many poisonous fish.
  • If you saw something in the water - do not touch! Maybe it's just a harmless shrimp, but it is better to measure and give an unknown maritime resident to sailing further by his business.
  • Try not to swim after the storm, as well as when the water is muddy. Because of the sand, it is difficult to see the unexpected guests nailed by the waves to the shore.
  • If still a dangerous meeting occurred - immediately contact the hospital or, at least, call the representative of your insurance company to clarify how dangerous injury you received.

Observe these simple rules and enjoy the rest in this beautiful and sunny country. Maritime residents also do not crawl meetings with you, so, respect their habitats so that they do not pay you for an inappropriate invasion.

What binting dangers can sleep resting on the sea coast, learned the site.

It is one thing to be an attacked mosquito on the cottage or moshkara in a hike, another - with pleasure to plunge into the top of the sea water and jump out as the hencented. Or scratching. Or bite. It's a shame, hurt and, most importantly, it is not clear: what was it at all?!

Fish, do not bilitate

Standing on warm shallow water, you can feel as if someone pinched back. You look down, and there is nothing suspicious, except that the small fish floats under the legs. But can she tweak? Full! For example, the Azov bull can pinch, floating in shallow water. There are fish that are interested in slices of dead skin (for example, crusts on the rays), among them the most famous - Syprinion Macrostomus, or a kangal who lives in Turkey, and Garra Rufa, an even more famous Sanitary fish. Both live in warm waters and thermal sources, and Garru Rufu is specifically bred and used in spa-centers for peeling and massage.

Jelly with a light

Plugok from the fish is a thing, maybe not very pleasant, but non-hazardous. What you can not say about contact with jellyfish. In our latitudes are deadly dangerous, however, and in the Black Sea there are stolen. To bite the junquesis can not - she simply has nothing else, but on her jelly-like body there is a tentacles that jellyfish uses for hunting. A man in this regard does not interest her, however, and we can get a portion of a poison, which contain cutting cells on tentacles. To do this, just touch the jellyfish. The domestic tourist, being on the sea, may face three stingy jellyfish - with a denotion, aurelium (it is easy to learn on four round formations on the dome) and mneopsis (transparent jellyfish oval form). Feelings will look like a nettle burn, but the consequences may be more serious if the jellyfish was large, if it was stung in the face, if the child suffered. So it is not necessary to relax and swim together with jellyfish is also not worth it.

We eat under the moon

Sitting at the water, you can be an attacked sandy flea. This creature really bites, and it is pretty hurt. The fleas attack most often in the morning and evening hours, usually flocks, and leave after themselves a whole wrestling of red blisters. But it is even worse that someone from them can remain in the wound: Sand fleas females are able to embed into the body and stay there until the eggs are ripening. Actually, precisely because of the risk to be attacked by flea doctors and advise tourists do not sit on the sand, especially in water or on shady areas of the beaches, and refuse the romance of night bathing. The Council is especially relevant for those who rest in exotic countries.

Hot cloud

Sometimes, feeling in the water an unpleasant burning sensation, you will not find the reason, even if you look carefully and dively. Because the culprit is invisible, at least for human eye. This is the so-called burning plankton. It consists of a "cloud" from the very small marine inhabitants, among which there are also such that have staging cells. A tourist can easily meet with such a plankton, for example, in the Mediterranean Sea - and the warmer will be water, the greater the risk. Fortunately, burning sensation usually goes fast.


Never handle burns with jellyfish with oil and sunscreen. It needs to be rinsed with fresh water, then wipe with something acid - for example, a weak solution of apple vinegar - and, if the sensations are strong, to take an antihistamine. In any disturbing situations (even if you just felt bad), call 03.

By the way

If you do not want to be a steady plankton, stay away from those places where a lot of fish and she is clear something. Just such a plankton she eats.

They say, sharks and poisonous snakes are found in the coastal waters of Pattaya. There were cases where Russian tourists fell victims of invisible fleas. So far, in Pattaya's water area, his Loch-Nesky monster did not make it possible, journalists of the "Zagrani" portal prepared a guide at selected marine monsters. Fakes and real

At first we wanted to surrender to the paws of terrible creatures and donate in the coastal Pattaya waters alone. But it came on time and decided that it was better to learn about other people's mistakes. Professional diver commented on the most ridiculous horror stories, walking on the Internet.

Huge sharks

On the Internet they write that places contaminated with garbage or wastewater (for example, Pattaya) can lure sharks. Swimming or diving in muddy water, especially after sunset, is a risky occupation.

Beniamin Kelim, Head of the dive directions of the company "Ighaander":

The horror of the pioneer camp, has nothing to do with real life. Large predatory sharks prefer pure cool water, so they do not swim in the Pattaya area. Be calm: the star of the film "Jaws" is never guided here.

But at a depth of over 17 m, harmless shark-nyanka is found. She feeds on fine fish, so biting you only if you forcibly shove your finger to her mouth. And most likely, you will eat it yourself - in one of the restaurants on Walking Street (Walking Street). From the end of March to mid-April, a whale shark is also found in Pattaya's waters. Rather, its young individuals up to 7 m long. But they are not able to cause harm to man.

Photo: shutterstock

Poisonous jellyfish

You probably said that there are many jellyfish in Pattaya. One time in the World Wide Web there are stories, as a tourist burned Polspire, and then all night he lay under a dropper in the hospital.

Beniamin Kelim:

In Pattaya, jellyfish appear, as a rule, in the summer. They love dirty water, so suitable close to the beach. In most cases, local jellyfish is harmless. For 10 years of dives, dangerous specimens, such as Medusa-Osu, I have seen three times. A poisonous individual can be determined very simple: there are no small fish at all. In addition, these jellyfish have very long, transparent, almost imperceptible tentacles, which represent the greatest danger.

What will the human body's response for contact with jellyfish, depends on whether it is exposed to allergies. First of all, you need to sprinkle the burn place with vinegar, lime juice or any other acid. Note: Urinotherapy popular among Russian tourists will not help.

Spiky, sea hedgehog

They say, Pattaya Sea Yezhi is more severe than Chelyabinsk men. Once it came on this and all - order a bed in a local hospital for a week-other.

Beniamin Kelim:

Sea heroes in Pattaya Pond Pond. But unlike its relatives in the Far East, Pattaya Hedgehogs are absolutely harmless. Their fragile needles consist of calcium, silicon and iodine, so they are quickly absorbed in the body. The uncomfortable feeling takes place for one or two hours.

The hedgehogs can crawl around the seabed not far from the edge of the coast. Most often form colonies, so if you lie on one, do not rush to run - needles of the other family members of the family will be stuck in the foot, do not attempt to choose the needle. It enters the skin smoothly, and back is quite painful. In addition, there is a risk of infection. Disincundrate the place of damage to the bottle or other solid object to open the needles and help them dissolve in the body faster.

Photo: shutterstock
Photo: shutterstock

Tiny tobastics

In the distinguished waters of Pattaya, not that crabs are inhabited, not that other creatures that bite tourists (and not only) for decent and indecent places. They are terrible and dangerous.

Beniamin Kelim:

These mysterious tobastics are ordinary marine plankton. Transparent threads or balls, combined in chains, are found in the waters of Pattaya in the summer and at the beginning of autumn. The more plankton in the sea, the brighter the underwater life.

Marine plankton does not represent any danger to a person, although his shell and has a substance in its composition, which slightly burns the skin when contacting.

Who really stands fear

Turtles - Fully friendly animals and never attack the first. They need to get ready to see the response. But in the anger, the turtles are terrible and the beak can eat a man's hand. In urban beaches, they are not found, only on the neighboring Pattaya Islands. Photo: shutterstock
Coral Give a pronounced alkaline reaction. If you step on a soft coral, then a chemical burn arises, and immediately. Solid corals "award" mechanical damage. They grow close to the islands at a depth of over 3 cm. Photo: Shutterstock
Skat-tail. It is extremely rare, but still you can meet with the beaches of Pattaya Skata-Tension. If you come on him, he immediately spit into the offender, a poisonous spike located on the tail. With damage, it is necessary for some time to pour the place of the injection of hot water - from it the protein poison of the skate is collapsed. And then - run to the hospital. Photo: shutterstock
Fish stone. The last five years in the coastal waters of Pattaya began to meet a poisonous fish-stone. The greatest danger represents its top fin with spikes. To get a dangerous dose of poison, it is enough to put on him and twitch back. The consequences are serious: difficulty breathing, therefore, urgently contact the hospital. Photo: shutterstock

I will tell you about what can overshadow your space rest in the paradise Thailand. Or in any other country with similar climates and traditions. You can not read now, but remember for the future, where to see if suddenly what.

Lyrical digression. Very many expects living here for years have not encountered any of those listed biting creatures. But this does not mean that you are lucky in the same way. My good friends, for example, having lived in Tae seven years in the happy ignorance of all this, returned to Russia, and after a year and a half, having arrived in Tai on vacation for two weeks, both broke with fever Denge..

I read a few cases when people brought home with the Philippines and from Thailand ankylostaAlso known as migratory larva. The guys in Moscow reached the institute of tropical medicine - no one could diagnose. I really seem strange, although not to trust tell these travelers I do not see the reasons.

I present my personal abbreviated overview biting in Thailand. I hope that in the end it is not useful.

In the sea

Two main marine hazards in terms of bites - jellyfish and plankton. Someone will remember about Mauren, maritime serpent and, prosthesspident, sharks, but there is nothing to comment here. Although literally a few months ago, a familiar guide at Siemilas at the time of popular tourist, indeed, bitten Muren. But it is rather a rare exception than the real danger. With a girl, everything is fine, just a horsepie dose of antibiotics (in case Moorena has not cleaned his teeth before bite). Well, antihistamine. Also a couple of months ago there was a mysterious case with a shark in the area of \u200b\u200bHuahin - a man bit something, and for the absence of other versions, they agreed at Sharul. But everything is fine too. But jellyfish and plankton are an urgent reality.


Carrying a dengue mosquitoes bite at dawn, sunset, as well as in the bright time of the day, but in the shade and look notable: they are larger, black, and on the paws white stripes. Not every such Komar is infected, so do not panic if notice how one was so sturned. This means nothing.

Treatment is symptomatic, but I strongly recommend contacting the doctor - and, of course, acquire in advance insurance. Note that very many insurance excludes dengue from insurance coverageTherefore, be sure to read the insurance conditions before purchasing insurance. I am 7 days in the hospital with dengue, for example, they cost 50.000 baht (about one and a half thousand dollars).

The conditions for insurance are constantly changing, so I can not say which companies are currently covered by dengue fever, and which are not. But on the Cherehapa aggregator website there is a very visual runling plate, it will help to navigate. Check:

Bumblebees, bee

I boast of my own experience: I bite me a local bumblebee, Huasya. This is such a healthy black and striped fool. Bitted in eyelid, it was insanely painfully with my rather high pain. Skidala half an hour, then ran to the hospital, where he got an injection of antihistamine and a set of antibiotics on the road. As a result. Paul face swollen, eyes swim. The tumor did not fall 10 days! During this time, I managed to visit another hospital, at the reception of which, at the sight of my face, the girl was excited and sent me to a separate building. Case of plastic surgery. Explainably.

Actually, what is all this: when the bite of such a stinging insect antihistamine necessarily and antibiotics are also obligatoryBecause in the local hot and humid climate, even in a tiny wound can develop a serious infection. Local doctors are not reinsured, prescribing antibiotics on the occasion and without. Although no, reinsured, but not relatively. As a rule, even those insurance that "exclude insect bites" such cases are covered.


Ants in many condo, houses, hotels are real Beach. Mural models here are a great set: from small red and shocks that are so nicely smelled, if they crush them, to huge brown and black monsters that bite so that you want to climb on the wall. The main problem with the bite of ants is that many of the bites have an allergic reaction of varying degrees of severity. Sometimes one bite spreads with a bottle of diameter cm 6. It is especially sad when it happens to children. In some cases, there is even an increase in temperature. There are no wonders again: antihistamine and soothing ointments or lotions. Bitches pass pretty quickly, day for 3.

Other insects

Of the most nasty and the danger in Thailand are found and scorpions, and poisonous scolepaders. I probably saw the scorpions for a couple of times and a couple of times the scrolopondr - the last in a dead version. I do not know a single person from my acquaintances who would bite Scorpio or who would have poured into the poison scrolls. Most often for scorpions, innocuous treliphones are taken - these are often toss somewhere near the pools or directly in them - and Cycad - are found in the evenings on the beach in the sand, and for Skolendr - giant and ordinary forty-eyed. All these creatures are opposite, but completely harmless.


As a lot of holidaymakers, Gleet at the sight of cute monkeys, how many tourists are ready to iron stray dogs, and how much literally falls into fainting at the sight of a snake. As a rule, harmless.


Gentlemen thailand has rabies. These are not horror stories, it is a harsh reality. Pattaya refers to an unfavorable red zone. Phuket is much safer. Huahin somewhere in the middle. And in Thailand there lives a huge number of stray dogs. They are knocked in flocks and have long ceased to be lazy buddhist dogs of the ten-year old. Often they are very aggressive. But good thais believe that dogs are reincubing people who thus work out their karmic debts of past lives. It is impossible to hurt. Therefore, the number of stray dogs is growing in geometric progression.

Below is a rabies map in Thailand in 2018. Of the 77 provinces 22 - in the Red Zone (high risk), 21 - in green (no rabies). Eastern Gulf Coast, including Pattaya (Chonburi) and Rayong - Red. Like Prachuapkhirikhan (Huahin). Like the bottom of Isana. From the north is bad in Nane, Chiangra and so. But Phuket is green.

I strongly recommend not to wander through the narrow dark streets at night: the probability of stumble upon a lot of dogs is high. Do not stroke and not approach without much need (what ???) to stray dogs. AND hack.

If that - you will find her here already on the fact of the bite. Many insurance covers.


Agel, ohameshev, non-part, dangerous - such I see Martyshki. Mi-Mi, what a monkey! Tourists see them. If you briefly: keep away from monkeys away. They also carry rabies, they hurt themselves, they will finally just select things. Yes Yes! The actions during the bite of monkey are the same as the bite of the dog: to the hospital, so that the injection injection injections and treated the wound. Disappear antibiotics for happiness, do not doubt.

The bats

In view of the not much assortment of caves in the vicinity of Pattaya with bats there is nehly. Flying foxes are found, but they eat fruit and sleep - I don't know what you need to do so that they bite you. But, be that as it may, bats are another carrier of rabies. Do not climb into the very following, if that.


If you are afraid of snakes, subscribe to some of the Pattaya Snakes type groups; Huahin Snakes, etc. There, some participants in the hysterics lay out the photos of the snake, who met on the way, others tell what kind of beast and how dangerous it is. In a nutshell - the overwhelming majority of snakes around absolutely harmless. Yes, bite can hurt, but, as a rule, they actually do not attack, but they are protected. Do not climb to the snakes, and they will not bite you.

If we bited, then:
1) Try to remember how the snake looked, and even better - take a picture of it. In the case of which it will help you choose the right antidote.
2) Run to the hospital. No need to upripe a piece of meat, sucking the poison, as we remember, taught at school.

In the hospital you will have a blood test and add, which is necessary. They will give antibiotics with them. You are in Thailand! Antibiotics to drink, if you do not want to give a chance of a chance.

For 10 years in Thailand, I saw a few times beautiful bright green long-tempered pletudoks (can bite, the poison is weakly poisonous, fraught with an edema and everything), and different variations of tight. The only truly poisonous copy met me in the jungle of Sakeau, but there was really a game (just in the photo; this is Malay shrub). Game not at the level of the National Park, but in general to game. And in civilization, to dig into a poisonous snake is difficult. Although the people say that they have seen from us and Khutov - I doubt.


Well. No one forgot? In conclusion, I can only wish a pleasant stay and not collaborate with any whose bite. Something like this.

AND purchase insurance!!!

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