How to conceive a girl? This question is sometimes fundamental for some couples. For them, it is the female sex of the unborn child that is of great importance. And if a couple already has a son or several sons, then the desire of parents to conceive a girl cannot be described in words. There are several methods to get you closer to what you want.

The woman has a uterus and two ovaries. When the hormone begins to be produced, the egg grows. Every month, the egg is released from the ovary (the time of ovulation) and begins to move along the fallopian tubes. Its purpose is the uterine cavity.

Some women may shed more than one egg at the same time. In this case, the sperm fertilize all of them. If there is a union of two eggs, then twins are born (in the case of three eggs, triplets). If the fertilized egg divides in two, twins are born.

Typically, the monthly cycle is 28 days. However, the number of these days can be less or more. The blood flow lasts for about five days. According to the abundance of discharge, the very first day of bleeding is noted. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, on day 14. Its beginning can be determined by. In the first half of the cycle, it decreases. When the temperature rises sharply by 0.5 degrees, it means that ovulation has begun. A woman often feels tension in the lower abdomen.

Next, let's talk about men. They are responsible for the sex of the unborn child, since they have the necessary set of chromosomes. Sperm in men is stored in the testes, which are packed in the scrotum. Their function is to maintain a constant temperature in the testicles. It is less than 36.6˚. The male hormone is responsible for the production of sperm and its accumulation. During ejaculation, approximately 3.5 grams of sperm are released. This amount contains about 300,000 sperm.

The sperm and the egg are involved in the process of conception. The egg cell contains one X chromosome. The sperm carries two chromosomes: X and Y. When fusion occurs, the female chromosome merges with the male. As a result, the following combinations are possible: XX or XY. With the combination of XX, a girl is born, with XY - a boy.

Spermatozoa X and Y are different in appearance and capabilities. View X has an oval head and high potency. Such spermatozoa live longer than X. However, in quantitative terms, there are less spermatozoa X than Y.

View Y has a round head. It is distinguished by its great fragility, high movement speed and short lifespan. There are more spermatozoa Y than X.

After the moment of union of the egg and sperm (the moment of conception), the new combined egg begins its division. As a result, a zygote is formed. The development of the fetus begins with it.

If conception did not work out, then the shell of the uterine wall exfoliates. At this point, the woman begins menstrual bleeding. At this time, the woman is tormented by malaise.

The first method: how to conceive a girl by ovulation

The calculation takes into account the time of onset of ovulation, the speed of movement of sperm and their lifespan. It is clear that male spermatozoa are very active, but not tenacious. A day after sexual intercourse, they die. Female chromosomes are slower. But they have the ability to live for several days. If you have intercourse on the day of ovulation, you are more likely to get a boy. What days to conceive a girl? If you want to give birth and raise a girl, sex should be planned a day before the expected ovulation.

Calculating the exact day of ovulation is easy. It divides the cycle in half. That is, for a cycle of 28 days, the day of ovulation is 14. For a more accurate determination of the day of ovulation, the basal temperature is measured. You need to do such actions over several cycles in order to find out the time of release of the egg as accurately as possible.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

  1. The cycle begins to count from the first day of bloody discharge that appears. Throughout the cycle, there are favorable and unfavorable days.
  2. The next four days are considered safe, you cannot get pregnant at this time. If we take into account the 28 calendar cycle, then it is impossible to get pregnant from 1 to 9 days. At this time, the woman feels a slight malaise and some weakness.
  3. The next five days are considered conditionally safe. Due to the characteristics of the female body, ovulation can occur at different times. That is, conception is still possible these days.
  4. Then the next four days come, during which there is a high probability of merging XX, that is, getting a girl. This is justified by the good vitality of the female chromosomes.
  5. The onset of ovulation and its first day. At this time, the egg has already matured and left the ovary. This is the most favorable day for conceiving a child in general.
  6. After ovulation within 4 days, it is very likely to get a boy. Since the activity of the Y chromosomes is very high.
  7. This is followed by four conditional safe days, due to the proximity to menstruation.
  8. The next five days are considered sterile for sex. Pregnancy will definitely not come. The only thing that a woman experiences at this time is pain and discomfort. Sexual intercourse may not be a joy for her because of this. Often, for the female sex during menstruation, outbreaks of irritability and aggression are observed.

The described method is highly reliable.

To summarize, in order to conceive a girl by ovulation, you need:

  1. Minimize sperm count.
  2. Change the microflora in the vagina.
  3. Conduct conception before ovulation.

Second method: by blood

Some people believe that the blood of the parents is responsible for the sex of the child. In this case, the youngest and, accordingly, the healthiest sex of the blood wins. If mom's blood is younger, then a girl will be born. The opposite is true about dad.

The essence of blood renewal is as follows. In the human body, blood is completely renewed at regular intervals. For men this period is equal to 4 years, for women - 3. To determine which blood is younger, you need to divide the father's age by 4, and the mother's by 3. Whoever gets the smaller balance, that blood is younger. The unborn child will have the healthiest and strongest blood.

Such a calculation is acceptable if there were no dangerous factors in people's lives, which include:

  • Deep and severe trauma.
  • Large blood loss.
  • Operation performed.
  • Miscarriage.
  • Abortion.

These factors interfere with the blood renewal cycle. Therefore, for reliability, the countdown must be made from the date of the factor.

Third method: according to the Chinese calendar

What days can you conceive a girl? The Chinese invented a special calendar that gave information about the sex of the unborn child. The sages believed that a woman at different ages, in different months, can conceive a child of a certain sex. The calendar invented in China is popular in our country as well. The table has the following rows, columns and data. The age of the woman is shown at the top, on the right is the probable month of conception. At the intersection of these two columns, the letters M and D. are indicated. M is a boy, D is a girl. Accordingly, if you choose the age of the mother and the month of conception, then you can get the sex of the unborn child. Using the calendar is easy. If there is a boy at the intersection, and the parents want a girl, then you need to choose another month for conception.

Fourth method: according to the Japanese calendar

The Japanese calendar is slightly similar in definition to the Chinese one. Only it consists of two tables. The first table is based on the date of birth of the parents. Above it shows the month of birth of the man, and on the left - the month of birth of the woman. A non-random number is given at the intersection of rows and columns. It needs to be defined and remembered. You will need it for the second table. The month of conception of the child will be seen according to the second table. There is also a figure from the first table at the top. There are columns in the middle of the table with red and blue crosses. Whose crosses are more, that floor will appear for this pair.

Fifth method: according to the Slavic method

Here, calculations are also the basis. If a woman wants a girl, she needs to wait for an even number of years and conceive a child only on even days of the month.

Another interpretation. To obtain a girl in the future, it is necessary to add the number of the month of conception to the mother's age. You should get an even number. If it's odd, it's a boy.

In addition, it is believed that it is necessary to conceive a girl only during the day. Moreover, the entire initiative must come from a woman.

Sixth method: according to a specific diet

Its meaning is that you need to eat only certain foods. Proponents of this method believe that food creates a certain environment in the body, which greatly affects the sex of the child. If a man eats only healthy food and gives up bad habits, then the quality of his sperm will increase significantly. Also, if a woman leads a correct lifestyle, her chances of getting healthy offspring only increase.

  • 4 months before conception, you should significantly limit sugar, meat, potatoes and salt.
  • A woman needs to eat food rich in calcium and magnesium. These elements can be gleaned from carrots, cucumbers, beets, onions, and several other vegetables.
  • You also need to eat milk, fish, fruits (with the exception of bananas and peaches), any vegetables, eggs, seafood and rice.
  • All harmful products are strictly prohibited.

Seventh method: according to Erickson's method

According to the scientist's method, sperm analysis and the necessary filtration are carried out in the laboratory. For the birth of a girl, those sperm cells that move noticeably quickly are removed from the sperm. These are the male chromosomes. The purified semen is injected into the vagina. As a result, the egg can only be fertilized by the female chromosomes. Accordingly, a girl will appear.

This is a new method. It cannot be implemented everywhere.

Eighth method: mental attitude

Maybe someone will consider this pointless, but the technique works. It is necessary to psychologically visualize the girl at the planning stage. Mom must constantly represent her baby. Her dreams should be completely immersed in the thoughts of the girl. Mom must present her daughter to the smallest detail: her hair, eyes, lips, height, character. We know that thoughts are material. And if you try, you can program your future daughter for yourself.

Ninth method: according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar has been popular since ancient days. Many historical events took place according to the lunar calendar. According to it, you can choose the most optimal days for a girl's birth. So, according to the named calendar, the moon passes through the necessary feminine sign every 2.5 days. Feminine signs include Taurus, Virgo and Cancer. There is also a chance of getting pregnant with a girl when the moon is in Capricorn, Pisces and Scorpio.

Tenth method: by blood test

In the clinic, the blood group and the Rh factor are determined. The analysis is submitted at the planning stage. After the Rh factor of both parents is compared. When a couple has a different Rh factor, they cannot get pregnant for years. The situation is aggravated by the female negative rhesus, under the influence of which sperm are simply rejected in the body. When the Rh factors are the same, then the birth of a girl will be more likely.

  • A woman should not have an orgasm, otherwise the formed alkaline environment will kill the X-sperm.
  • Conceive a few days before ovulation. Male chromosomes will not survive to day X.
  • After ovulation, you cannot have sexual intercourse or you need to carefully protect yourself. For the time of abstinence, it will take more than two days. If less time passes, then the Y chromosome will outstrip the X.
  • Try to keep petting and foreplay to a minimum. Reduce your arousal rate.

Another tip: to increase the acidic environment in the vagina and increase the chance of getting pregnant with a girl, you need to do vinegar wash. To do this, dissolve two tablespoons of liquid in a liter of water. The induced solution should not be stored for more than two hours before use. It is advisable to use it immediately.

In what position to conceive a girl

To get a girl, you need to achieve the pose of the least penetration. This category includes the following: "missionary"; "Spoon"; the man is at the top, and the woman has her back to him.


  1. If the fetus has a fast heartbeat, then it is a girl.
  2. If a woman is drawn to sweets, then there will be a daughter.
  3. If the shape of the abdomen goes up, then it is to the female sex.
  4. If the expectant mother constantly wants to sleep - go to the girl.
  5. If the fetus moves in the lower abdomen, then it is a princess.
  6. Mom sleeps on her right side - to the birth of her daughter.

If the sex of the child is vital for the couple, then you can use pre-implantation genetic diagnostics, which is carried out with IVF. The sex of the unborn child will then be clear in advance, since the fertilization of the egg takes place in a test tube by a specialist doctor. But for IVF there must be certain indications. This opportunity is not available to all couples. In addition, IVF costs a lot of money.

The listed methods do not give one hundred percent guarantee that it is the girl who will be born. And if, contrary to expectations, despite the efforts, a child of the wrong sex (boy) was born, you should not anger God and get upset. Any child is the greatest joy and gift.

The birth of a child is a joyful event in any family. When the first child appears, parents rarely care what gender the baby will be. But in the future, many people want to raise children of different sexes. Mothers who have one or more sons, the question of how to conceive a girl 100 percent worries most often. Is there a guaranteed method to argue with nature and not rely on chance?

Why plan the sex of the child

Sometimes doctors recommend that young parents plan ahead for the gender of the child. It is associated with inherited genetic diseases. At the present time, such serious diseases as epilepsy, schizophrenia, alcoholism, baldness, hemophilia caused by recessive mutation of the X chromosome, disorders in the development of the genitals, leading to infertility in adulthood, etc. are known.

Hereditary diseases transmitted from father or mother to son are much more difficult to treat than diseases transmitted to girls. Here planning your baby's gender is a vital determinant. Such parents have two options: to take risks, in the hope that a girl will be born, or not to have children at all.

Scientific rationale

The male body produces spermatozoa (male gamete cells), carriers of two chromosomes X and Y. Women synthesize eggs with one X chromosome. If the X-carrier is the first to reach the female cell, the long-awaited girl will be born, if the Y-gamete is the first, a boy will be born.

Ways of conceiving girls

There is no scientific basis for most of the methods that give recommendations on how to conceive a girl correctly. But if you follow some rules, use calendar calculations and tables, the chances of success increase significantly.

By the day of ovulation

The method is based on the natural properties of the structure of sperm. The survivability of the X-carriers is much higher than that of the Y-type. If, by the time of ovulation, Y-carriers die, and only X-gametes survive, the spouses will have a girl.

  1. Y-gametes- mobile, but not very resilient. They do not tolerate the high temperatures inherent in the female genital tract, and are destroyed a day after entering the vagina.
  2. X-sperm- slow but viable. In the genital canals, they live well for 3-5 days. If you accurately calculate the moment of fertilization, you can be sure of the birth of a female child.

Since the Y-sperm are agile and fast, they will meet the egg earlier than the X-carriers. Therefore, it is important to have sexual intercourse not during ovulation, otherwise the girls' chromosomes will not keep up with the boys. Conjugal act best done 3-4 days before ovulation, i.e. before the mature egg enters the genital tract. This time is enough for the vulnerable, capable of living no longer than a day, Y-spermatozoa completely destroyed.


  • Y-gametes will die the day before the egg is released;
  • X-carriers will smoothly make their way through the genital canals;
  • during ovulation, the female cell will enter the tubes, where it will meet with X-sperm;
  • fertilization will occur;
  • the female cell will move to the uterus, where it will be fixed on its walls;
  • the process will end happily with the conception of the girl.

The method is effective if a woman clearly monitors her cycle for several months and correctly determines the day of ovulation.

We calculate the time of ovulation

There are several simple ways to determine the day of the release of a mature egg into the genital canals:

  • Calculation method. It is necessary to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle and divide it in two. The resulting figure means the start of ovulation. For example, if the cycle lasts 30 days, then the most convenient moment, allowing you to become one hundred percent pregnant, falls on day 15.
  • Measurement of basal temperature. Measurements are carried out every day for 3-4 months in a row. This will solve the question of how to conceive a long-awaited girl. The expectant mother, without getting out of bed, and without making sudden movements, should measure the temperature rectally. Write down the received data in a notebook and draw up a schedule. The diagram will clearly show 2 cyclical phases: before the ovulation period and after. At the first, the temperature fluctuates in the region of 36.3-36.8 C. When the column on the thermometer rises to 37 C and above, this day is considered the beginning of ovulation. The fever will persist until menstruation, and then return to normal.
    If the diagram remains unclear for a long time, without obvious rises and falls in temperature, you should consult a gynecologist. Disorders in the reproductive system and problems associated with the menstrual cycle are possible.
  • Test. A method that allows you to conceive a girl by ovulation using pharmacy tests for urine analysis. Simple, convenient, but not cheap way. Strip tests are almost the same as pregnancy tests. They react to the synthesis of peptide luteinizing hormone, the content of which in healthy women increases significantly 1-2 days before ovulation. About the ovulation test.
    Before testing, you need to calculate the duration of the menstrual cycle. For this, the days that have passed from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation are counted. Testing begins 17 days before the onset of menstruation.
    If the cycle lasts 28 days, then the check is carried out from day 11. If the cycle is unstable, and always changes, then the shortest period for the last six months is chosen for calculation. In addition to tests, there are devices for determining the date of saliva. They function similarly to tests.
    When the day of ovulation is precisely determined, sexual intercourse should be carried out at least 3-4 days before the set date. During this time, Y-sperm will lose activity and die, and the couple will be able to safely conceive the desired girl.
  • Ultrasound can be used. The doctor-diagnostician will track the process of follicle maturation, and inform the patient about the estimated date of ovulation.

By the "youth" of blood

You can conceive a girl by blood by defining her "freshness". Male blood is rejuvenated with repeatability once every 4 years, female blood - once every 3 years. It is not difficult to calculate whose blood is "fresh". Dad's age should be divided by 4, and the years of the future mom by 3.

For example, a man is over 27 years old. If 27 divided by 4, you get 6.75. Discard the remainder and use an integer. Multiplying 6 by 4, we get 24. Dad's blood was renewed 3 years ago. Mom's age is over 25 years old. If 25 divided by 3, you get 8.3. The product of 8 and 3 gives 24. This means that mother's blood was renewed only a year ago - her blood is younger, and it will be easier for such a couple to conceive a girl.

Important! The countdown begins from the moment of birth. But if there were big bleeding in life (surgery, donation, miscarriages, abortions, childbirth), then it is necessary to count from that time.

By blood groups and Rh factors

Experts have developed tables that indicate the dependence of the sex of the fetus on the parental blood group and the Rh factor.

Blood group table

Blood typeDad
Mama1 2 3 4

Based on the data in the table, if the parents have blood group 3, they are much more likely to conceive a boy than to conceive a girl. A spouse with the same blood group 1 and 2 or 4 is likely to have a girl.

Rh factor table

Rhesus factorDad
+ DM

A couple with the same Rh has a high chance of conceiving a girl. If the spouses' Rh does not match, they will have a boy.

Lunar calendar

In the lunar calendar, the length of the month is 28-30 days. If we assume that the female cycle has the same duration, then the woman is exposed to the influence of the moon more than the influence of the sun. When it comes to gender planning, the zodiac sign of the moon will be the determining factor.

If a child is conceived when the Moon is in Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Pisces, Scorpio or Cancer, then the possibility of having a girl is great. In other cases, a boy will be born. A couple who decide to apply the lunar calendar method can count on a 50% guarantee of success.

Chinese calendar

The sages of Ancient China relied on numerology in all matters of life. They also considered the relationship between the sex of the child and the maternal age in numbers. According to the Chinese method, a woman of a certain age can calculate the time when it is better to conceive a girl according to a specially compiled calendar. It indicates the parameters of her age and the specific month of the planned conception. The crossing of these indicators indicates the probable sex of the child. Statistics say that 90% of the time the results were accurate.

The age calculation using this method is fundamentally different from the usual one. One more year is added to the actual number of years - the time when the person was in the mother's womb. This means that at birth he was 10 months old. This is an important point that must not be forgotten, otherwise the sexual planning of the baby will be wrong.

Chinese table for calculating the sex of the child. (To enlarge the image, click on it)

Japanese tables

Calculations are carried out on two large tables. In the first, the spouses find the total number, taking the months of their birth as the initial data. In another table, the figure obtained means a column that lists the suitable months for conceiving a girl.

Japanese table for calculating the sex of the child №1. (To enlarge the image, click on it)

Japanese table for calculating the sex of the child №2. (To enlarge the image, click on it)

Diet use

Compliance with a specific nutritional system is not the main method of sexual planning for a child, but diet significantly increases the effectiveness of other methods.

  1. Y chromosomes do not tolerate an acidic environment, and are quickly destroyed in it. Potassium and sodium increases their vitality.
  2. X-carriers are beneficially affected by calcium and magnesium.

To conceive a girl, it is advisable to increase the amount of food containing minerals and limit the use of salts. A few months before the desired date, you need to adjust your diet.

  • from drinks it is better to give preference to tea, cocoa, mineral calcined water;
  • eat chicken and rabbit meat from meat;
  • any kind of fish is allowed;
  • from dairy products it is better to eat cottage cheese, sour cream, drink whole milk;
  • baked goods should be with a minimum amount of salt;
  • semolina, oatmeal and rice are suitable from cereals;
  • from vegetables it is recommended to include in the diet: squash, beets, asparagus, tomatoes, potatoes, bell peppers, peas, greens. It is believed that you need to choose vegetables of a rounded flat shape;
  • fruits are useful in any form. It is recommended to eat citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, cherries, apples, pears, raspberries. Fried, raw, boiled nuts without salt will not be superfluous;
  • honey, marshmallow, marshmallow, spices, eggs contribute to an increase in acidity in the body, which means they contribute to the appearance of a girl.

You should refrain from such products:

  • juices with preservatives and carbonated drinks;
  • pork, beef;
  • sausages, sausages, smoked meats, canned food, preserves. These products are undesirable to use not only during the planning of the baby, but also during pregnancy, since they provoke the development of proteinuria (increased protein in the urine), an extremely dangerous condition that threatens gestosis;
  • crackers, crispbread;
  • white beans, canned vegetables;
  • dried fruits.

Vinegar douching

Douching can help create a suitable environment for carriers of female gametes. To do this, before sexual intercourse, dissolve 2-3 tbsp in a liter of water. tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice. The gynecological pear is sterilized before the procedure, then the resulting solution is carefully injected inside.

It is not necessary to make the solution too strong. This can lead to burns of the mucous membrane and disruption of microflora. Plus the saturated vinegar will kill all sperm.

Method of genetic diagnosis

If the listed methods have an error and do not give one hundred percent certainty, preimplantation genetic diagnosis is guaranteed proven method with good results... The laboratory selects healthy embryos fertilized with sperm. A biopsy is performed, providing detailed information about the available chromosomes.

The advantages of this method are the ability to detect pathologies at the initial stages of development, and choose healthy embryos with the required Y or X chromosomes for settling into the uterus. Genetic diagnosis is carried out with in vitro fertilization for couples who have a history of genetic disorders.

Poses to promote the conception of a daughter

There are certain techniques and positions for conceiving a girl:

  • a woman in a riding position;
  • missionary technique "belly to belly";
  • technique "on the side" or "spoon";
  • the man is behind, and the woman is under him, lying on her stomach.

All of these positions assume shallow penetration. After entering the vagina, spermatozoa will have to "work hard" in order to reach the female cell. Heavy, slow X-carriers cannot overtake small, agile Y-sperm, but the acidic environment gives them a chance to survive and fertilize.

The best time for sex is the afternoon. It is known that conception on the new moon contributes to the birth of a girl. The initiative must come from the woman.

Psychological aspect

In order to obtain the desired sex from nature, it is necessary to visualize what is desired at the stages of pregnancy planning. The expectant mother should imagine in detail what kind of daughter she will have, who she will look like, what color her eyes and hair will be. But you don't need to dwell on this.

The opinion of gynecologists

Conventional medicine distrusts child planning methods. Most doctors believe that it is impossible to guarantee the desired sex of the child the first time. Even highly accurate genetic diagnostics sometimes fail.

You can expect a positive result if you rely on the data in the table, where it is scheduled on which days to conceive a girl, take into account the calendar method, the blood method, follow a certain diet and posture during sex.

Traditional methods

No less effective than the table and the graphic method of ovulation is the folk method. It contains the observations and experience of sages who knew many interesting facts about the conception of children.

  • before being close, the spouse needs to tie the right little finger with silk thread;
  • a week before sexual intercourse, you must drink juice from apples or plums;
  • a blizzard, hard frost, hail, a storm on a married night will contribute to the conception of a girl;
  • if the number of maternal years is even, then she can conceive a girl in even months of the current year, and vice versa. If an odd number, then you can conceive a daughter in odd months;
  • mature women who have crossed the 30-year age threshold often give birth to girls, especially when this is the first child in the family;
  • folk signs say that you can conceive a girl if you put a female attribute under the pillow of the newlyweds: a comb, a mirror, a doll, a handkerchief, knitting needles;
  • future parents need to have sex under a young apple tree.
  • thin women are more likely to have girls, so if the expectant mother weighs more than 54 kg, she needs to lose weight.

To conceive a girl, you can use a scientific approach or turn to folk methods.

In Vitro Fertilization

There is only one way to guarantee that the unborn child will be female - this is in vitro fertilization.

Genetic pre-implantation diagnostics are performed to ensure that the gender of the child meets the wishes of the parents. The gender will be known before the embryo is transferred into the woman's uterus.

With in vitro fertilization, you can separate the X and Y chromosomes. It is the X chromosome that determines that the fetus will be female.

For this, the father's sperm is taken, which is placed in a special apparatus (centrifuge), where the necessary chromosomes are separated.

Spermatozoa with Y-chromosomes are more mobile and swift in terms of penetration into the egg. However, their life expectancy is short. Spermatozoa with the X chromosome have less mobility. But they have one advantage - for a long time they can live in the female body. The methods of conceiving a girl are based on these physiological facts.

Ovulation calendar

If you want a girl, then you need to make love 3 days before the expected date of ovulation.

Then only sperm with an X chromosome will have a chance to survive and fertilize an egg. After that, within 2-3 days, it is better either to completely abandon sexual intercourse, or to use condoms, since already 2 days before ovulation, the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases.

Secrets of conceiving a girl

There are a number of features that can increase a girl's chances of getting pregnant. It is believed that orgasm during sex contributes to the fact that the sex of the unborn child is likely to be male.

After a woman reaches orgasm, the environment in the vagina becomes favorable for the conception of a boy. And also muscle contractions during orgasm help push faster sperm into the uterus, and these will be the ones with the Y chromosome.

Penis penetration should not be very deep. It should be leisurely sex, because the deeper the penis is in the vagina, the easier it is for the Y chromosomes to get to their target, that is, to the egg. And due to their speed advantage, the conception of a boy can occur.

Another detail of sexual intercourse: it is better to abstain from sexual intercourse for a while before conceiving a girl. This is due to the fact that the accumulated sperm contains much more sperm, which contain female chromosomes.

Chinese table

This is not a scientific way and whether you trust it or not is up to you. Indicators such as the age of the mother and the month of conception are taken into account. By checking these indicators in the calendar with her own, a woman can assume the gender of her child.

Diet for conceiving a girl

The next popular method is a special diet. Both man and woman will have to observe it. It is believed that in order to become pregnant with a girl, it is necessary to include in the diet as much magnesium and calcium as possible. This especially affects the composition of male sperm.

We lean on the following products:

  • boiled meat (lean);
  • shrimp, mussels, squid and other seafood;
  • kefir, milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
  • eggs;
  • tangerines, apples, pears, strawberries, grapes, oranges;
  • bell peppers, cucumbers, carrots, eggplants;
  • pasta;
  • peanuts, almonds, raisins.

The active use of these products should begin no later than a month before the intended conception. Avoid sausages, smoked meats, spicy cheeses, carbonated drinks, tea and coffee.

Pose for conceiving a girl

The position during intercourse should exclude deep penetration. The missionary position (face to face) is considered the best. After sex, a woman should relax and lie quietly on her back, pressing her knees to her chest.

There is a caveat that predisposition is not a factor in the direct transmission of a malignant disease. Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, immunity, a healthy lifestyle can prevent pathology from developing. Doctors do not give a 100% guarantee of the birth of the desired sex, however, using available methods of conception, you can significantly increase your chances.

A brief excursion into the biological process

Progesterone, produced by a man, generalizes spermatozoa of species X and Y. A woman produces only X eggs, which have unique genetic material. It turns out that the male half is responsible for the sex of the child to a large extent. If the Y chromosomes show their activity, a boy will be born, but if male and female X meet, then the long-awaited girl will be born.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation

The success of conception is determined primarily by the chromosomal composition of the sperm. The carriers with the female chromosome are unhurried and viable, the spermatozoa carriers of the "boy" are nimble and quickly die, the duration of their activity is from several hours to two days. If the intimacy was three days or more after the expected ovulation, there is a high probability that a baby will appear. If the moment of conception fell on ovulation or there will be a boy on time.

In order to use this method, a woman must keep a calendar of her cycle for at least six months.

How to determine ovulation:

  1. How to conceive a girl by ovulation, the calculator will tell and calculate. Knowing your cycle length, for example, 28 days, divide it by two and get the approximate date of the onset of ovulation, this is 14 days;
  2. Measuring basal temperature over several cycles will help determine the day of ovulation. The pre-ovulatory period is characterized by a temperature of 36.2–36.9 degrees. The day when the rectal temperature showed 37.0-37.5 means the day of Ovulation;
  3. Some women thus prevented certain gynecological diseases and abnormalities. The reason for contacting a specialist will be a blurry schedule, the impossibility of calculating the day of ovulation. Remember, a healthy body works in the same way, like a clock.
  4. Medicine has stepped forward, and now in the pharmacy at affordable prices you can buy express tests to determine ovulation, later calculating how to conceive a girl. The principle of action is similar to a pregnancy test;

Advice! Now it is definitely clear that it will not be possible to conceive a girl during ovulation. You should start preparing for conception a couple of days before the estimated release of the egg from the ovary.

Moon calendar

The conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar of 2017, the calculation method is extremely simple. The duration of the month is 30 days. Having a similar menstrual cycle, it is safe to say that a woman is addicted to the moon. If the cycle is more than 32 days, then the patron saint of such ladies is the sun. And also to establish gender, you need to take into account the zodiacal features. If conception was during the period of signs:

  • Taurus;
  • Virgo;
  • a fish;
  • Scorpion.

The chances of finding out about the appearance of the girl are increasing. In all other cases, it will probably be a boy.

Astrologers say: if you calculate the lunar date of the mother's appearance, in tandem this will give a 100% guarantee for the conception of a girl according to the lunar calendar.

Diet as a way of conceiving a baby

The advantage of this method is its compatibility with other tools. Nutritionists note that the basis of nutrition for the conception of a girl lies in the creation of an acidic environment in the mother's body. It's important not to overdo it. Beforehand, it is imperative to consult with the attending physician, who, based on individual health indicators, can make appropriate adjustments. It is better to start a few months before the planned period of conception.

So what you need to eat in order to conceive a girl:

  • let's start with drinks. Caffeine-containing teas, coffee should be consumed no more than 2 times a day. Mineral water is useful, but carbonated drinks with fillers will have to be abandoned;
  • exclude the male set of meat products, such as smoked meats, semi-finished products, sausages. Add veal, beef to the diet;
  • fish in any form, fresh, frozen, is useful for the expectant mother with the presence of the necessary vitamins. It is not recommended to often eat fish with different types of processing (smoked, salted, dried);
  • dairy products are represented by milk and cottage cheese. It is worth refraining from ice cream and cheese in any form;
  • bread and baked goods are allowed in moderation. It is better if these are products without salt with the addition of cereals. For a while, you will have to forget about industrial-made salt crackers;
    cereals should be daily present in the menu of those wishing to conceive a girl. Rice and semolina recommended from cereals, corn banned;
  • vegetable set is represented by zucchini, eggplant, asparagus. We need beets, radishes, cucumbers, peppers, potatoes. Consume foods containing starch in small portions. Exclude all known varieties of cabbage, tomatoes, all canned and frozen vegetable products;
  • nuts are also beneficial for the body during the planning stage of a girl. It is advisable to add nuts without salt to the diet. Disregard dried fruits;
  • pears, apples, white cherries, citrus fruits, recommended for consumption, with the exception of bananas, apricots, currants and melons;
  • All flavor enhancers in the form of salt, ketchup, spices are not suitable during the planning period for the conception of a girl. Better to eat honey, jam or preserves.


A method that still causes a lot of controversy. A vinegar solution will help create an acidic environment for type X chromosomes. Before the start of intercourse, in order to get a girl, you need to do douching.

Improper preparation of the solution can harm the health of the expectant mother.

For a liter of distilled water, you will need 2 tbsp. tablespoons of food vinegar. The douching bulb must be sterilized beforehand. How to conceive a girl correctly using douching:

  • take a comfortable lying position;
  • inject 250 ml of fluid into the vagina;
  • insert only the nose.

This washing creates the right conditions for the Y sperm to disappear.

This technique does not guarantee a 100% result, and is also doubtfully dangerous to human health. After all, improper cooking can lead to burns of the expectant mother's penis.

First time method

The only method from all of the above that gives the desired effect the first time, statistics confirm this. If others only suggest how to conceive a girl correctly, then preimplantation genetic diagnosis knows the answer for sure.

A special medical laboratory conducts research on the biological material of a man and a woman, choosing later healthy embryos according to existing standards. The analysis is performed on the third day of the embryo's life, after the fertilization of the egg with sperm has occurred. Molecular biopsy provides complete information about the embryo. This technique reveals possible pathologies at an early stage, which favorably distinguishes it from others. In such cases, sifting occurs and the desired chromosome set is selected. Healthy cells are implanted into the woman's uterus, after which it remains only to wait for the foreign body to take root.

This method is more often used by spouses in the medical history who have hereditary ailments and deviations. Another reason is the high cost of this technique.

Positions for couples, when conceiving a girl

The favorable conditions for the appearance of the girl will be evening time, even better if it is a full moon. In what positions it is possible to conceive a girl:

  • “rider” position;
  • classic stand;
  • the woman lies on her side, while the man is behind;
  • "Sandwich" the guy lays down on the girl, at this moment she should lie down with her back up.

Such postures help to control the depth of entry, translational movements, without jerking. These simple rules will help to conceive a girl, because this increases the chance of slow and long-lived spermatozoa of "girls" reaching the egg.


As the great sages say, everything in this world is material, and even thoughts. The easiest and most enjoyable way. What do you need to do to conceive a girl? Spouses need to imagine their future daughter in the smallest detail. The founders of the method argue that nature will transform all thoughts into reality sooner or later.

Folk signs of conceiving a girl

For many married couples, the experience of our ancestors becomes an indisputable argument, with the help of which the chance of conceiving a baby is increased.

Some folk facts:

  • Before going to bed with a partner, a woman should tie a thread around her right little finger;
    Drink apple or other sour juice a day before the desired date;
  • The best days for planning a girl are Monday, Wednesday, Friday;
  • A popular omen says that a girl will be if conception coincided with a winter cold or snowstorm;
  • You need to sleep with the back of your head to the south;
  • According to legends, women after 30 years of age have the sex of the first child usually female.

The knowledge of our ancestors collected over the centuries will help achieve the desired result and conceive a girl even after two boys. The main thing is not to neglect such simple tips.

Blood renewal method

It is so established by nature that the human body systematically renews the blood. In men, this process occurs every four years, in women, every three years. The formula that helps determine how to conceive a girl by renewing blood looks like this:

(Dad's age + Mom's age) * 4: 3

The age at which conception will occur.

If the answer is a number with a tail 1, then there will be a girl. With other answers, a boy.

This method is influenced by many external factors, such as previous surgery or blood transfusion. Experts also recommend planning the conception of a girl during the period of renewal of the blood of the future father. All calculations today can be done in online calculators of conception of children.

Japanese table for calculating the conception of a girl or boy

Two tables are given. Who created this method is not known for certain. However, there are opinions that this knowledge has been passed on since ancient times. All that is needed for the first table is the month of birth of the parents.

Mom forums speak positively about the Japanese table, talking about multiple matches when conceiving children.

Chinese calendar

Numerous polls have revealed the reliability of this method, it is recommended in many communities of experienced mothers. The question remains what to do for women over 45, the conception calendar is not suitable for this category of persons.

Finally, the opinion of gynecologists

No one can answer exactly the question of when exactly you need to conceive a child to get a girl, this is the opinion of professionals. Therefore, using different methods does not always bring good luck. The most reliable among gynecologists is the method for ovulation, the rest are only of an auxiliary nature.

All is fair in war! So when planning a girl, it is better to first familiarize yourself with the available methods for the appearance of a daughter. Good mood, positive attitude, the chosen method and a positive result will not keep you waiting long.

The birth of a long-awaited and desired baby is a great joy for the whole family. And if this is the first child in the family, then what gender it will be, in principle, there is no difference. However, many couples, having one or two children, want the next child of a certain gender. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is better to ask in advance how this can be done, and to conceive a child of the gender that this particular couple would like. Someone really wants a son, and someone is interested in the birth of a daughter. There are many options and counting systems, techniques, calendars and tables for.This article will talk about how to conceive a girl using a table. There are also several such tables. There are Chinese, Japanese ovulation tables. However, you need to understand that none of these methods gives a 100% guarantee that you will have a girl. But still, the chances of getting the desired result are great.

How to conceive a girl according to the table

There are a huge number of methods invented by ordinary people, but it is not known whether they are reliable. There are three main charts for conception. This is an ovulation table, as well as Chinese and Japanese. To answer the question of how to conceive a girl according to the table, you need to decide what is the difference between them and which one to resort to.

Ovulation table

This method is quite reliable, and will help answer the question of how to conceive a girl. The ovulation table will help you figure out when a woman has this phenomenon. This theory is based on scientific evidence. Everyone knows that a woman must have a period of ovulation. Without this, it will not be possible to conceive anyone. However, for the conception of a girl, it is not enough just to get on this day. On the contrary, you need to have sex a few days before ovulation. This is due to the fact that male sperm are divided into X chromosomes, which are precisely responsible for the birth of a female child, and Y chromosomes, which, respectively, are responsible for the birth of a boy. So, the Y chromosomes move towards their target much faster, and therefore fertilize the egg earlier. However, they live for about a day, and the X chromosomes have a lifespan of about 3 days, but they are heavier and move more slowly. Given all this, we can conclude that if you have sex during ovulation itself, then, most likely, a boy will be born. In order to get a girl, you must definitely know when you ovulate, and try to conceive a child 3 days before her, since by this time all Y chromosomes will die and only X chromosomes will remain. In this case, the chance of getting pregnant with a girl is great. In order for everything to go as efficiently as possible, you need to start an ovulation calendar and subsequently draw up a table yourself. Of course, this will take several months, but for the desired result it is better to wait.

How to find out when ovulation?

The surest way to calculate ovulation is to measure your basal temperature. It is necessary to measure it for several cycles in order to then compile a table and see exactly when you have this process. You need to measure the temperature with an ordinary thermometer, in the rectum. This should be done every day, without exception, at the same time, be sure to immediately after waking up (before that, you do not need to get out of bed). It is advisable to start this study from the very beginning of the cycle, which means, on the first day of menstruation. The cycle is divided into two phases: before ovulation and after. Temperature readings will help you figure out exactly when ovulation took place.

In the first phase, the temperature should be lower than in the second. The closer "day X", the more it will go down, then there will be a sharp jump up (this will be ovulation), then the temperature will rise and in case of pregnancy should not fall. In order to find out when you can conceive a girl, the table must be drawn up correctly.

Japanese table

This method was developed by Japanese scientists. In order to find out how to conceive a girl, the 2014 table was also compiled by them. To get an answer to this question, you just need to know the month of birth of the future father and mother.

The table is very simple and straightforward, in the column "mom's date of birth" you need to choose your month, the same applies to the column for dad. At the intersection of the column and the row there will be a number that you need to remember and find it in the second table. There you can see in which month there is a probability of conceiving a child of one sex or another. Therefore, the question of how to conceive a girl according to a table developed in Japan is generally not worth it. Everything is very clear.

Chinese table

Month of conception
Mother's age jan. Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct nov. Dec
18 dmdmmmmmmmmm
19 mdmdmmmmmdmd
20 dmdmmmmmmdmm
21 mddddddddddd
22 dmmdmddmdddd
23 mmdmmdmdmmmd
24 mdmmdmmddddd
25 dmmddmdmmmmm
26 mdmddmdmdddd
27 dmddddmmmmmm
28 mdmdddmmmddd
29 dmdmmmdddmdm
30 mddddddddmdd
31 mdmddddddmmm
32 mdmdddddddmm
33 dmdddddmdddm
34 ddmddddddddm
35 mmdmdddmdddm
36 dmmdmdddmdmm
37 mdmmdmdmdmmm
38 dmdmmdmdmmdm
39 mdmmmmdmddmd
40 dmdmdmmdmddd
41 mdmdmdmmdmdm
42 dmdmdmdmmdmd
43 mdmdmdmdmmmm
44 mmdmmmdmdmdd
45 dmmdddmdmdmm

Another answer to the question of how to conceive a girl is the Chinese table, which has been helping people achieve the desired result for thousands of years. This is one of the oldest methods of determining the sex of an unborn child. The creators of this method claimed that its accuracy is 98%. You can find out the sex of the child already during the onset of pregnancy or plan it in advance. The Chinese believe that the sex of the child depends entirely on the mother, and the calculations are carried out taking into account only the girl's age and the month of conception. However, calculating the age of a girl using this method is different from the usual one. One more year must be added to the actual age, since in China age is considered not from the date of birth, but from the day a person was conceived. And a child who has just been born is already 10 months old. This is a very important point, so you need to carefully consider your age, otherwise the results will not be accurate. Another very important point is the beginning of the first month of the year. It changes depending on the date of the Chinese New Year. This is a different date every year. In 2013, it was February 10, 2014 - January 31, and in 2015 it will be February 19. The table has 2 columns: horizontal and vertical. In the horizontal there are numbers indicating the months according to the Chinese calendar, and in the vertical - the age of the girl at the moment of conception. And at the intersection of these values ​​there are cells with colors indicating the sex of the child. This method is also very simple if you deal with the calendar and age. This way, you can see when and how to conceive a girl. A table that inspires confidence in reviews can really help with this.

Other methods of calculating the floor

In addition to these tables, there are several other methods and opportunities to think in advance when you can get pregnant with a girl.

Blood renewal

It has been proven that the blood of any person must be completely renewed at a certain time. This period is different for men and women. A man's blood is completely renewed every 4 years. The countdown starts from birth, however, if during life there were operations or injuries that were accompanied by large blood loss, then it must be counted from that moment. This also applies to women, in addition to operations and injuries, childbirth and abortions are also accompanied by blood loss, respectively, if they took place, it is necessary to count from that period. It is believed that in females, blood renewal occurs every 3 years. The meaning of this theory is to calculate which of the future parents has younger and stronger blood. There is an opinion that if the mother's blood is younger, then there will be a girl, and if the father's blood is a boy.

Moon calendar

This method also has its supporters. Some people believe that the birth of a child is associated with the lunar phases, and conception is no exception. Conceiving a girl can happen when the moon passes through the female sign. This happens approximately every 2.5 days.

In any case, whichever method you choose, you should not hope for a 100% result, so that if a boy is born you will not be upset. The birth of a child is the greatest and long-awaited happiness in life, therefore, whoever is born to you, a tender daughter or a courageous son, the main thing is that the baby is healthy.