Say what you like, but in winter oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits are the most delicious and most fragrant. Juicy pulp can be eaten just like that, make a refreshing fresh juice and endlessly used in first and second courses. But what to do with the peel? I will say one thing, it is definitely not worth throwing it away.

orange peel

I remember, as a child, my mother always cooked “Fanta” from orange peels. The taste, of course, the drink was bitter, but what a flavor! Citrus fruits were not sold in stores all year round, so we stocked up on peels for future use and dried them on a radiator.

But my mother did things differently. Carefully removed the zest from tangerines, oranges, lemons and dried in a towel. Then I ground it into powder and put it in a glass jar. And all year long she surprised us with fragrant pastries!


Today " So simple!" will tell you why citrus zest is the best flavoring. It's magical natural spice that transforms any dish. To verify this, use citrus powder for desserts and hot drinks. How to cook it correctly - read our article. And at the end of the article, see the recipe for a sweet preparation for liqueurs.

Recipe for zest for dry spice simple. You will need quality fruit and a little patience. Wash fruit thoroughly before use, preferably with a brush. Mandarin peels can be dried whole. From oranges, lemons, limes - it is better to remove a thin layer with a vegetable peeler, trying not to touch the white part, otherwise the spice will be bitter.


How to make citrus powder

In the orange season, try to prepare a blank for long-term storage. Peel the zest from the fruit with a fine grater, mix with powdered sugar or sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 and refrigerate for 48 hours. Use as needed for desserts, tea, coffee or liquor.

orange liqueur


We, without hesitation, completely undeservedly send the peel of an orange to the trash can. But, starting from a cleaning agent and ending with a body scrub.

orange peel- This is the peel of a citrus fruit, which has a bright orange color and a rich aroma. It is mainly used to give desserts or pastries an original taste, as well as for the preparation of alcoholic beverages and meat.

Orange as an independent culture appeared in China two thousand years before our era, after which the plant was brought to Europe. For the cultivation of oranges, special buildings were built, which were called greenhouses, and trees fruited best only in tropical and subtropical climates. These fruits have always been eaten, and the use of their peel was first thought of in France.

There are small holes in the orange peel, which contain essential oil, which provides the fruit with its characteristic aroma. The taste of zest is bittersweet, sometimes even cloying.

At the moment, you can easily find ready-made dried orange peel in the store. However, it will be much more pleasant and useful to cook it yourself. To do this, you will need to buy fresh fragrant oranges, as well as use our recommendations that you will find in this article.

Making orange zest at home is very easy. Stock up on the required amount of oranges, wash the citrus fruits thoroughly in running water and dry with a clean cloth.

You can remove the zest with a special object for peeling vegetables, and if it is not at hand, you can use an ordinary grater or knife. When preparing a fragrant seasoning, keep in mind the fact that the white layer under the skin has a very bitter aftertaste. It is important that it does not remain on the zest, as the dish to which you add it will be bitter.

Carefully remove the zest, if necessary, chop it additionally with a knife. Then it must be properly dried. This is done as follows:

  • After crushing the peel, take a wide tray and cover it with parchment paper.
  • Lay a thin layer of orange zest on a tray, spreading it evenly over the entire surface.
  • Leave the tray in a dry, well-ventilated area. Subject to all the rules of drying, the zest will be ready after two to three days.

If you chose a ripe and high-quality orange before preparing the zest, then after the peel dries, its color will remain the same bright, and the aroma will become even richer than fresh. If you accidentally cut off the zest along with the white layer, it may become covered with brownish spots..

Orange peel is used in cooking as a fragrant addition to pastries or desserts. It is also added to meat or fish, aromatic alcoholic drinks are made on its basis, as well as jams and marmalades.

Pairing orange peel with baked goods such as muffins, cookies, Easter cakes, pies, muffins, cakes, scones and puddings will be very successful. But this is far from the limit, since liqueurs, tinctures, as well as beer and moonshine are made on its basis. Ready-made drinks with citrus zest will have a pleasant orange aroma and a subtle aftertaste.

Orange zest is added to casseroles and biscuits, and it is also used to make stuffing for cakes, adding the crushed product to the cream. If you are a tea or coffee lover, adding orange zest to these drinks will give them a delicious flavor as well as enhance their tonic properties.

Another dessert that can be made with dried citrus peels is jam or jam. In this case, you can also use lemon or grapefruit zest, creating a citrus mix that will only improve the taste of the treat. At the same time, do not forget that the taste of such a delicacy directly depends on how correctly you cut the peel, since the white layer under the zest can ruin the taste of jam.

Orange peel can be used for more than just sweet treats. So, the additive is often added to meat. Especially tasty is the oven-baked chicken, which is sprinkled with orange zest, and sometimes also lemon. But you can not add the blank directly to the meat, but make a sauce based on it, which will emphasize the taste of the meat and give it a citrus flavor.

Finally, the use of zest is not limited to cooking! Often, enterprising hostesses prepare aromatic soaps from it, as well as scrubs for the body and face. The essential oils contained in the orange peel help to firm the skin, give it tone and improve blood circulation.

Benefits and Benefits of Orange Peel

Benefit, as well as harm, can bring any product that is consumed by a person. The beneficial properties of orange peel are due to the high content of essential oils in it, as well as a large number of vitamins and trace elements. It is useful not only to use it inside, but also to make all kinds of masks and scrubs for skin, hair and nails. Here is a partial list of the main health benefits of orange peel:

  • Hesperidin contained in the peel absorbs lipids contained in the blood, due to which there is an accelerated burning of fats and their removal from the body. At the same time, it is interesting that the pulp of an orange contains much less of this substance than its peel, therefore, by including citrus zest in your diet, you can easily control excess weight.
  • Orange peel also contains pectin. Thanks to him, you can avoid many problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dried orange peel, added to meals, also helps maintain the body's desired blood sugar levels.
  • The high content of vitamin C in the peel helps prevent arthritis and arthrosis, and also supplies the body with calcium, thereby increasing bone strength.
  • Orange peel contains a large amount of antioxidants, which can prevent the occurrence and development of cancer cells.
  • The product has a choleretic effect, so it helps to rid the liver of excess load and cleanse the body.

This is not a complete list of the health benefits of orange peel. It can be crushed to a powder to add to dishes as a seasoning, or you can simply cut it into small pieces to prepare various infusions and jams.

There is an excellent recipe for preparing a healthy infusion that will help cleanse the body, restore strength and tone the body. To prepare it, you need to boil a glass of water, add two teaspoons of chopped zest to it and leave to boil for ten minutes. After that, remove the broth from heat, cover with a lid and let it brew for at least five minutes. When it cools down a bit, you can take it inside before meals.

Orange peel is not only a flavorful addition to your pastries and desserts, but also a delicious remedy that will help prevent and cure certain diseases. But this product can also cause harm. This happens if a person is allergic to citrus fruits, or if the zest is abused. It is also not recommended to use it for people who are prone to frequent intestinal disorders or who have an ulcer or gastritis.

Thus, by using orange zest correctly, you can feel its positive effects on yourself, as well as make your dishes more tasty and fragrant.


Fragrant and sunny orange zest is a magical natural spice that literally transforms many homemade dishes. Pastries, desserts, ice cream, drinks - orange peel adds a characteristic aroma and appetizing color to them.

Undoubtedly, you can say, they say, why harvest orange zest for future use, if fresh citrus fruits are almost always on sale. Of course, you are right, my dears. But it is in this form that this fragrant spice will always be at your fingertips. It is stored for a long time and does not take up much space.

If you are still interested, I will tell you how to make orange zest in reserve. This is not even a recipe, but a little hint that will come in handy. In any case, I hope so. By the way, for this spice we need only the topmost layer of oranges. But from the pulp I advise you to definitely try to make a fragrant and very tasty orange jam. Just lick your fingers!

Step 1

To make orange zest in reserve, we need fresh oranges.

Step 2

Our fruits are always imported, so they are treated with all sorts of chemicals. Let's try to get rid of it. To do this, wash the fruit very carefully under hot water with the hard side of the sponge.

Step 3

Then boil water, turn off the heat and put clean oranges in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Step 4

We dry the fruit with a napkin and remove the topmost layer to a white layer - this is the zest. The most convenient way is a vegetable peeler.

Step 5

Now choose for yourself how you will dry the zest. At first I wanted to use a special dryer, but then I changed my mind and used the oven. We spread the zest on the parchment in one layer.

Dry in a warm oven at 50 degrees for about 4 hours. You can dry the orange peel at room temperature, but it will take several days.

Step 6

The zest will be ready when the pieces are brittle and completely dry.

Step 7

Now grind the finished zest. To do this, use a coffee grinder. Choose the degree of grinding yourself.

Step 8

In total, from 4 oranges, I got exactly 20 grams of dry chopped zest. This is about 2.5-3 tablespoons. Store it in an airtight container in a dry place.

Step 9

Delicious homemade orange-flavoured meals!

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    First of all, wash the oranges and dry them.

    Next, take a sharp knife and remove the zest so as not to capture the white layer of the skin. Ideally, the zest on both sides will be the same orange color. Remove the zest slowly, and always with a sharp knife, then everything will work out.

    Leave the zest to dry for 2-3 days.

    When the zest has become dry and brittle, you need to grind it. A coffee grinder is well suited for this, for lack of it, I use a combine or blender.

    The finer we grind the zest, the better, especially if you plan to use it as a powder dye. That's all, the zest is ready.

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Food calorie content: oranges

These fragrant sunny fruits are loved by many of us. We know that oranges are high in vitamin C and are therefore good for preventing colds and flu. But we know less about the zest of this fruit. It turns out that it is also very useful.

Health Benefits of Orange Peel

The zest is the top layer of citrus fruits. That is, orange, tangerine, lemon, lime and others. In addition to vitamin C, the zest also contains A, P, B1 and B2, as well as the minerals phosphorus and calcium. This product is a source of flavonoids, solid fibers, photochemicals. This composition determines the beneficial properties of this product.

Top layer of peel:

Due to the presence of phytoncides, orange peel has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. That is, it kills germs and relieves inflammation, relieves fever. Magnesium and calcium contained in this product, combined with B vitamins, strengthen the nervous system and improve blood composition. Since it contains a lot of fiber and pectins, it is very useful for overweight people. Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart, improve the functioning of the heart muscle.

Essential oil, which is also obtained from the peels, has not only disinfectant, but also soothing properties. It should be used for neurosis, nervous tension and depression. And in cosmetology, oil is used for skin care. It nourishes and moisturizes, prevents the formation of wrinkles.

How to make orange peel

You can easily make zest from orange peels - a very useful product. First of all, it is necessary to use fresh fruits, since the skin of a stale product will quickly dry out and all the essential oils will evaporate.

A very important question is how to remove the zest from an orange. We must approach this moment very carefully.

If you remove it along with the white film, it will have a bitter and unpleasant taste. It is for this that it is first recommended to scald the fruit with boiling water, then the upper layer will lag behind the lower one and it will be easy to remove it.

You can remove the top layer with a grater immediately after scalding. And after this procedure, already dry.

Rules for long-term storage

The best storage containers are glass jars, and the lids should close very well. Sealable foil-lined bags are also suitable. In such packages, essential oils are stored for a long time and do not fade. Therefore, a fragrant product will retain its smell for a long time.

It can also be stored in a tin can. The most important thing is that it is well corked. Otherwise, moisture will get into the container and the zest will deteriorate.

Where can it be applied?

It can be used to make delicious jams, fragrant pies, compotes, various teas and sauces, as well as various desserts and salads.

Lemon and orange peel jam

  • oranges - 620 g;
  • lemons - 140 g;
  • sugar - 400 g;
  • water - 280 ml;
  • ginger root - 50 g.

You can make jam from some oranges and the top layer of their peel, you can add nuts, cinnamon, pears, apples. In any case, the jam will be delicious and very fragrant.

Jam from oranges and zest

  • sugar - 350 g;
  • oranges - 3 pieces;
  • orange liqueur - 50 ml;
  • lime juice - 50 g.

That is, to make jam, you just need to cook the mixture longer.

Do not throw away fragrant peels, do not deprive your body of the benefits that the substances contained in them can bring!

Add them to baked goods, desserts and drinks for a wonderful flavor.

Fragrant and sunny orange zest is a magical natural spice that literally transforms many homemade dishes. Pastries, desserts, ice cream, drinks - orange peel adds a characteristic aroma and appetizing color to them.

Undoubtedly, you can say, they say, why harvest orange zest for future use, if fresh citrus fruits are almost always on sale. Of course, you are right, my dears. But it is in this form that this fragrant spice will always be at your fingertips. It is stored for a long time and does not take up much space.

If you are still interested, I will tell you how to make orange zest in reserve. This is not even a recipe, but a little hint that will come in handy. In any case, I hope so. By the way, for this spice we need only the topmost layer of oranges. But from the pulp I advise you to definitely try to make a fragrant and very tasty orange jam. Just lick your fingers!


Cooking step by step:

To make orange zest in reserve, we need fresh oranges.

Our fruits are always imported, so they are treated with all sorts of chemicals. Let's try to get rid of it. To do this, wash the fruit very carefully under hot water with the hard side of the sponge.

Then boil water, turn off the heat and put clean oranges in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

We dry the fruit with a napkin and remove the topmost layer to a white layer - this is the zest. The most convenient way is a vegetable peeler.

Now choose for yourself how you will dry the zest. At first I wanted to use a special dryer, but then I changed my mind and used the oven. We spread the zest on the parchment in one layer. Dry in a warm oven at 50 degrees for about 4 hours. You can dry the orange peel at room temperature, but it will take several days.

The zest will be ready when the pieces are brittle and completely dry.

Now grind the finished zest. To do this, use a coffee grinder. Choose the degree of grinding yourself.

In total, from 4 oranges, I got exactly 20 grams of dry chopped zest. This is about 2.5-3 tablespoons. Store it in an airtight container in a dry place.

Delicious homemade orange-flavoured meals!

Not every person knows how to make orange zest. Meanwhile, this is a necessary product, and it is desirable to have some of it in the kitchen bins. If you need to use it, the zest will be within reach.

What it is?

Surely everyone knows what a bright sunny color an orange has, a cold yellow in a lemon and a languid green in a lime. The very top layer with a porous surface is called citrus peel. Let us clarify that the spice is precisely a thin colored layer. Many, not knowing how to make orange zest, may try to make it simply from the skin of the fruit. But this decision will be wrong. The zest of such a plan is of little use for consumption.

Where is this spice used?

Before making orange zest, let's find out the moments when it can be very useful. So, where is this citrus product needed:

  • Orange zest can also be useful for dough. How to make a fragrant additive - we will definitely find out in today's article. The zest is well manifested in buns, rich pies. It is added during the preparation of cookies and muffins. This spice is used very often for cakes. Not only in the cakes can there be fragrant orange zest, but the cream for this dessert is flavored with it.
  • Meat and fish dishes can also be prepared using aromatic additives.
  • Wine and vodka products. Flavors based on the top layer of orange peel are used in liqueurs and not only. How to make orange zest, it will not be superfluous to know for lovers of self-made homemade tincture.
  • Tea or coffee turns out delicious if you add a certain amount of fragrant peel, well-prepared, to the drink.
  • The use of the product occurs not only in the culinary field. Home cosmetology - ample opportunities for preparing orange peel for future use. Also for momentary use in order to aromatize soap, scrub or caring emulsion containing a citrus component.

And now the instructions for making orange zest and a photo.

Express Supplement

This method is especially good when suddenly the recipe for creating a dish says: "add lemon or orange zest." We just take a fresh fruit and, after washing it, we try to take the thinnest top orange layer from it. It is logical to do this with the help of a special item that helps to qualitatively peel off the top layer from an orange. But what if suddenly you didn’t have such a knife, and the spice is needed this very minute? How to quickly make orange zest in this case? Use a regular grater. You need medium or small. Rub the washed fruit with an orange layer on a grater - and a fragrant spice is ready. You can add it to food.

Pure oranges are the key to a healthy product

It's easy to say that citrus fruits need to be washed before removing the thin top layer of the peel. But today the surface of fruits is often treated with substances that are not very necessary for the body. Therefore, before taking the zest as a food additive or using it in the preparation of cosmetic care products, it must be completely freed from the applied substances.

First, thoroughly wash the fruit in very warm water. We use a hard washcloth at this point. Rubbing the surface of the fruits to be washed must be persistent, but without excessive fanaticism. Thus, dirt and possible technical pollution will come off the orange well.

The second important point in washing an orange will be to pour boiling water over it. One or two seconds is enough for the top layer of the orange fragrant skin to become more pliable for removal.

We complete the sanitization by blotting the orange with a thick paper towel or a clean kitchen towel.

Harvesting for the future

Fresh natural flavoring is, of course, wonderful. However, it is not always possible to use just such a seasoning. Here, a product prepared for the future is in a hurry to help. There are several ways to prepare orange peel for home use.


This zest is good if you need a natural dye. Often used in home soap making. In cooking, especially confectionery, the powder also showed itself well. It can be topped up during the preparation of cream for the cake. For the test, this method is simply gorgeous: the resulting orange pollen will harmoniously enter the general composition of buns or muffins.

Recipe for zest

You will hardly find the exact ratio of components in such instructions. Oranges are taken in any quantity. One or ten doesn't matter.

We wash the fruits according to the recipe described above in this article. In this case, you can remove the zest in any way. A grater, a special tool or an ordinary sharp knife - these devices will cope with the task.

We remove the peel very delicately. We capture the colored layer, the white layer of the skin remains on the fruit. If your orange peel has slightly captured the white subcutaneous layer, do not panic. A small amount of white skin will not bring tangible discomfort when using orange fragrant pollen.

So, before us appeared strips of orange color with a great fresh aroma. Dry these strips in any convenient way. For this purpose, a special dryer for fruits and vegetables is suitable, or you can use the oven. Temperature 50 degrees. Drying time 4 hours. We have a semi-finished product.

You can not use the accelerated method at all, but do drying at room temperature. In this case, 4-5 days - and the semi-finished product is ready.

The final step will be grinding the dried peel. Here you can operate the coffee grinder. The powder is ready. We store it in a tightly screwed dark container in a dry place. Dishes with zest should be in the dark.

Peel in the form of shavings

This option is good for making drinks. You can add orange peel from the zest while brewing tea. Can be introduced as a flavoring agent for homemade tinctures.

My oranges. We clean the zest. Again, a grater or a knife - at your discretion. Now grind to the desired fraction. Dry as described above. We store dry zest in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. As soon as it is needed, we easily use the required amount.

Shelf life

It is better to use the resulting natural flavor and aroma additive within two to four months. This is the optimal shelf life. Too old zest loses color, aroma, taste and benefits, no matter how hard you try to prevent it. But, to be honest, before this time, there is a high probability that you will have to stock up on homemade orange zest again for future use.

In winter, and in other seasons, we often eat citrus fruits. And having cleaned the pulp, carelessly throw away the peel. And in vain! After all, many culinary recipes - not only desserts, but also sauces, meat dishes - involve the use of lemon or orange zest. And she's not always available. In this article I will talk about five possibilities for using this product.

But first you need to learn how to make dried orange peel at home. There is nothing difficult in this, the whole process will take you a maximum of 5 minutes. There are two ways to do this, and both are extremely simple.

How is orange peel used?

For biscuits, citrus flavoring is often put, which normalizes the sweetness of the dessert with its acid. And this orange zest should be finely crushed. You can do this in a coffee grinder, but there is an easy way to prepare a product from a fresh fruit. What is the advantage of such an option? The fact that fresh zest retains a rich taste and aroma, while drying some of these useful qualities simply disappears. What to do in this case?

  1. Take one orange and wash it thoroughly. Farmers spray citrus orchards for pests, and vendors treat the fruits to keep them from spoiling. Therefore, wash thoroughly and under hot water.
  2. We take a grater with a fine grate and begin to cut the orange peel, cutting off its orange part.
  3. White, bitter, leave. That's it - you got a small portion of fresh orange zest.

Second way

I also wash my orange. But we arm ourselves not with a grater, but with a knife.

  • Carefully, so as not to hurt the white part of the fruit, cut off the orange peel. You can do this with one continuous tape. By the way, such a spiral can be hung up and it will serve you for some time as ... an air freshener.

  • But if you have other culinary views on the orange peel, we will continue to cook it. Line a baking sheet with cooking paper.
  • We place the peel so that the pieces do not touch each other.
  • Turn on the oven on the smallest fire, and also slightly open the door. The oven should be warm, but not hot. Put the tray in the oven.
  • Keep an eye on the zest as often as possible. It should be dried, not baked.
  • After 20 minutes or half an hour, the pieces will harden, and if they are large, then they will curl.

  • They need to be gradually cooled at room temperature and transferred to an airtight container for storage.

  • Before using in dough or cream, the pieces can be ground in a coffee grinder into a powder.

Where to Use Orange Peel

In addition to desserts, this product can be put in marinades. Orange will impart sourness and sweetness to meat and fish. In this case, the zest must be crushed to the size of a rice grain. A whole strip can be poured with slightly warm olive oil and put in a dark place. After a week, you will have a flavored citrus dressing for salads.

Powdered zest can be mixed with herbs and seasonings such as rosemary or thyme. Such a collection will give an unusual taste to your dishes. Small pieces of zest can simply be thrown into tea - black or green.

In winter, in the midst of the citrus harvest, prepare yourself fragrant mulled wine. To do this, mix orange peel pieces, a cinnamon stick, a few clove buds and sugar. Pour hot wine over these Christmas spices and boil a little.

Today we will talk about citrus peel- about its types, preparation and application.

Many of us love juicy oranges, sweet tangerines and fragrant grapefruit, the peel from which is most often thrown away.

But in vain! With citrus peels you can peel or cook candied fruit .

What is a zest? It is the thinnest top layer of the citrus peel.

Many people think that in cooking they use only lemon peel, but it's not.

You can collect the zest from any citrus fruits - from lemons, limes, tangerines, oranges, oranges and grapefruits.

The quality of the peel directly depends on how thinly it was cut from the peel.

Properly removed peel should be no more than 2 mm thick.

Citrus zest is usually used fresh, dried or frozen.

Unfortunately, fresh zest is not always on hand, and since it keeps well, it is better to prepare it in advance.

Citrus zest - how to prepare, store and use

And now I will show you how to do this using the example of an orange and a lemon.

To begin with, any fruits must be carefully processed - washed in warm water, preferably with a hard brush, and to make the zest easier to separate from the white bitter layer, the fruits must be scalded with boiling water and then wiped dry.

There are several devices with which you can remove the zest - a special knife with sharp teeth, an ordinary vegetable peeler and a fine grater.

To begin with, we will use a special knife for peeling.

Frankly, I do not really like this device, because. it only peels well from dense, very hard fruits, and it is inconvenient to peel from such as tangerines, grapefruits or soft oranges.

It is much more convenient to use the most ordinary vegetable peeler, the main thing is to cut off the top layer of the peel as thin as possible.

This should be done slowly, trying not to touch the white bitter layer.

The zest cut in this way is usually dried by spreading in a single layer on a flat plate at room temperature for two to three days, and then ground into powder in a blender, coffee grinder or mortar.

It can also be cut into small strips and then used both fresh and dried.

But for me personally, the most convenient way to remove the zest with a fine grater is both easier and faster.

The main thing is to remove very carefully only the top layer, which has a color, without capturing the white subcrustal.

We do not press hard, we make a couple of movements in one place, and then scrolling the fruit, we easily and simply remove the zest.

In this way, only the peel is removed, saturated with essential oils, which has a pleasant aroma characteristic of each type of citrus.

In the same way, you can prepare the zest, for example, from a lemon, unlike orange, it is drier.

Lemon zest is added to sauces for fish and meat, to fish soups, to delicate types of fried meat and fried fish, sprinkling them with zest just before serving.

Lemon salt is prepared from it, as well as pepper seasoning with lemon flavor.

As I said above, the zest can be used in any form, and stored in dried or frozen, but always in an airtight container.

And there is another long-term storage method that I most often use.

As a rule, from one large fruit one tablespoon of grated zest is obtained, and for each spoonful of zest I take two tablespoons of sugar.

We mix everything well, as if we grind it and lay it out in clean, dry jars with tight-fitting lids.

Such a blank is stored in the refrigerator for a rather long time and is used as needed.

With this method of storage, sugar acts as a preservative, soaked in the essential oil of the zest and is an excellent flavor for confectionery and sweet pastries - pies, pies, muffins, cookies, Easter cakes and buns.

It is used as an ingredient in fruit and vegetable salads, in confectionery and in the manufacture of sweet dishes such as compotes, kissels, jellies, jams, mousses, puddings, ice cream, whipped cream and curd pastes.

Zest gives a special taste to various fish, meat dishes and sauces, and is also one of the components for the preparation of salad dressings and marinades.

And it is also successfully used in the manufacture of cocktails, lemonades and all kinds of fragrant alcoholic tinctures and liquors.

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Citrus zest - how to prepare, store and use - VIDEO

Citrus zest - how to prepare, store and use - PHOTO