
There are two types of test academic(intended for people who want to get higher education in educational institutions where teaching is conducted in English) and General Training(intended for people planning to immigrate to the above English-speaking countries).

A feature of the Academic test is the increased level of complexity of the reading test (Reading section) and writing (Writing section) compared to the same tests in General Training.

IELTS consists of 4 sections, which are taken in the following order: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking.

  • Listening - lasts 40 minutes, of which 30 - direct listening plus 10 minutes for transferring answers to the form
    • dialogues on everyday topics
    • monologues on a given topic
  • Reading - exactly one hour (it is necessary to answer questions on the texts (usually 3))
  • Writing - exactly one hour
    • task one. Academic: Describe a diagram or table in 150 words. General: Write a letter
    • task two. Essay for 250 words, the topic is given in the assignment
  • Speaking - from 11 to 14 minutes. In this module, the candidate is interviewed one-on-one with an examiner. In the event of an appeal, the interview is recorded.

The rating scale changes from 0 ("did not try to pass the test") to 9 ("the user is an expert").

Test Structure

All candidates must complete 4 sections - Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The Listening and Speaking sections are the same for everyone, while Reading and Writing differ depending on which version of the test is chosen - Academic or General.

The total duration of the test for the sections Listening, Reading and Writing is approximately 2 hours 45 minutes. These three modules are always played in that order, and without interruption. The Speaking section can be taken separately, depending on the test center, with an interval of 7 days before or after the remaining modules.

  • Listening 40 min. The first 30 minutes of them are played centrally, the remaining 10 minutes the candidates write down the answers in the questionnaire.
  • Reading 60 min
  • Writing 60 min

Evaluation scale

IELTS results are evaluated on a 9-point scale covering possible levels of English proficiency. The score may be rounded up to half a point.

9 User - expert

Fully fluent in the language: adequate, clear and fluent with full understanding.

8 Very good user

Fully fluent in the language, with the exception of some inaccuracies. In some uncharacteristic situations, it may show misunderstanding. Able to explain his position in detail.

7 Good User

He speaks the language well, despite some inaccuracies and misunderstandings. In general, demonstrates a good command of the language and a clear detailed understanding.

6 Competent user

In general, he speaks the language well, despite some inaccuracies. Relatively good command of the language, particularly in standard situations.

5 Moderate user

Has limited command of the language, generally demonstrates understanding of most situations, although making many mistakes. Capable of basic communication.

4 Limited user

Basic knowledge of the language is limited to standard situations. Often has problems with complex language constructs.

3 Extremely limited user

Demonstrates only a rough understanding of very standard situations.

2 Intermittent user

In reality, communication is impossible, except for the most standard situations using single words and short formulations.

1 Non-linguistic

Generally unable to use language except for a few isolated words.

0 Didn't try to take the test

No information provided for evaluation.

Conversion table

This table can be used to convert the scores in the Listening and Reading sections into a final grade. It is only approximate, since in specific cases the assessment may depend on the complexity of the exam.


October 2009, Gurgaon, India(Indian

June 2010, Perth, Western Australia (The Australian)

Where is testing done

IELTS tests are conducted at 500 locations in 121 countries. The number of candidates grew from 80,000 in 1999 to 1.2 million in 2009.

For 2007, most candidates were evaluated in the Academic category in the following countries: China, India, Pakistan.

During the year, testing is carried out 48 times. Each test center can conduct testing up to 4 times a month, depending on the needs of a particular region. There is usually a minimum limit of 90 days before you can retake an exam, but this limit has now been lifted.

After the British Council ceased commercial activities in 2008, three independent organizations began to conduct the exam in Russia - the IELTS Center (the first official center for taking an international exam since 2005), the Students International IELTS Test Center and the Bookhouse.

Exam results

As of 2007, the top ranked countries in the Academic category were:

IELTS study requirements

Approximately 51% of candidates take the IELTS test to study abroad. Specific requirements may vary by institution. However, in general, English-speaking countries require a higher score.

United States

The highest requirement - 8.5 points - exists at Columbia University School of Journalism, which is the only one that makes such requirements.

Ohio State University Moritz College of Law requires an 8.0.

MIT requires a 7.0 credit.

Saint Louis University requires 6.0 credits.

Great Britain

The highest requirement - 8.0 points - is made by the University of Warwick for a PhD in Marketing. Most educational institutions have requirements from 5.5 to 7.0 points.

university Minimum IELTS score
Oxford University 7.0
University of Edinburgh 7.0 (All programs in Business, Management, Finance, Law, English Literature and Celtic/Scottish Studies)
Cambridge University 7.0
Glasgow University 6.5 (General)/ 7.0 (Faculty of Arts & Humanities)
University of Aberdeen 6.5 (General) / 7.0 (Taught Degrees in Engineering)
University College London 6.5/7.0/7.5 (depends on UCL's individual faculty/department requirement)
Imperial College London 6.5 (7.0 for the Life Sciences Department and the Imperial Business School)
Exeter University 6.5
Liverpool University 6.0
Birmingham University 6.0
Essex University 5.5


The University of Stuttgart requires a minimum of 6.0, as do most German institutions.


The Polytechnic University of Turin requires 5.0 points. Most Italian universities require 7.0


IELTS for immigration purposes

A number of countries in the British Commonwealth use this exam as proof that an immigrant speaks English.


Australian immigration authorities have been using IELTS since May 1998. In general, candidates for independent migration are encouraged to demonstrate English proficiency of at least 7.0 IELTS scores in each of the sections. The minimum level is 6.0 points for each of the sections. This minimum means that the candidate for immigration will receive fewer points in the test assessing his suitability for immigration.

Citizens of English-speaking countries (UK, Canada, New Zealand, USA, Republic of Ireland) can choose to complete the minimum level without any tests, or take IELTS up to level 7.0 to get additional points.

New Zealand

New Zealand has been using IELTS since 1995. Applicants must achieve an overall Academic or General score of at least 6.5. Those who do not meet this requirement may pay a separate fee of NZ$20,000. This money is returned if the candidate successfully learns English for a period of 3 to 12 months after immigration.


The immigration authorities of Canada assign points to the candidate for immigration, floating depending on the scores in individual sections of IELTS. To get maximum points, it is enough to get 6.5 points in all sections, except for Listening, which requires 7.5 points.

United Kingdom

Depending on the type of immigration program, an average score of 4.5 to 6.5 is required. An alternative would be a university degree from an institution where most of the instruction was in English.

Other tests




Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

What is IELTS?

Dreaming of working or studying abroad?

But what is needed for this?

First of all, knowledge of the language. For example, the level of English is confirmed by such exams as IELTS, TOEFL, CAE.

By far the most popular is IELTS.

Successful passing of international exams in English is:
proof of your competence in this subject;
expanded opportunities for admission to British and American universities;
employment in these countries;

Holders of certificates of passing international exams in English:
always in the first place are considered as candidates for top managers of branches of foreign companies in Russia;
enjoy the loyal attitude of the immigration services of Great Britain and America.

is an international exam in English, an assessment system designed to confirm the level of language proficiency.

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) are taken for work or study abroad, for emigration, or simply to accurately assess their level of language proficiency.

IELTS testing is conducted and administered jointly by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia.

IELTS appeared in 1989. And now, for 20 years, it can be taken in more than 120 countries around the world.

Its results are accepted as proof of English language proficiency in most educational institutions in Australia, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and in many educational institutions in the United States.

Also, the IELTS certificate can be useful when applying for a job in many countries of the world, it is recognized by employers in Denmark, Italy, Brazil, Turkey and almost all countries of Eastern Europe.

IELTS Certificate valid for two years. After this period, the level of language proficiency will again have to be confirmed. It is very important to know that many institutions set their own certificate validity periods shorter than two years. For example, Citizenship and Immigration Canada accepts IELTS certificates no older than 1 year for immigration applications.

IELTS can be taken twice a month. The results come in 2 weeks.

The IELTS test consists of four parts:

  • listening - checking the understanding of oral speech by ear (Listening);
  • reading (Reading);
  • letter (Writing);
  • interview, interview (Speaking).

There are two versions of IELTS, often referred to as "modules":

1. Academic (Academic) the module is required if you want to study abroad. It should be noted that the tasks for reading and writing use topics from school courses in physics, chemistry, and biology. For example, you may be asked to describe the water cycle in nature or the process of photosynthesis.

2. General module (General Training) suitable for those who plan to live and work in other countries, including Australia, New Zealand or Canada.

IELTS test evaluation is done on a nine-point system, ranging from one point (Zero Proficiency) to nine points (Professional Language Proficiency).

The IELTS grading scale ranges from 1 to 9(0 is given to the candidate if he did not appear at the exam).

IELTS score can be whole and half - for example, 6.0 and 6.5.
The IELTS certificate will contain scores in 4 aspects:
1. Listening
2 Reading
3. Writing
4. Speaking
and overall grade point average.

listening And Speaking are the same in form for the general and academic modules of the test.

The tasks of the Reading and Writing parts for the academic and general modules are essential differ.

Exam duration 2 hours 45 minutes.

Listening module is the same for academic and general formats and lasts 30 minutes.

Listen to the voice recording only once. In the process of listening, you simultaneously read the questions (40 questions) and answer them in writing. During the test, the questions gradually become more difficult. After the end of listening to the recording, an additional 10 minutes are provided for entering answers into the examination sheet.

Reading module contains three parts of small texts on general topics, given 60 minutes.

Academic and general formats have different texts in this module.

Academic Reading contains three parts, each of which is a text of 650-1000 words, taken from specialized newspapers and magazines. General Training Reading contains three parts of short texts on general topics.

Writing module includes 2 tasks, it is given 60 minutes.

For Academic Writing, this is an analysis-description of a graph, graphic or table (150 words) and an essay (250 words).

For General Training Writing, letter writing (150 words) and composition (250 words).

Module Speaking 11-14 minutes long is an interview with a teacher, consisting of three parts.

The first part is an introduction to the examiner and a conversation on general topics.

In the second part, you receive a card with a specific topic that you need to talk about (monologue) for at least one minute.

In the third part, you receive another card and talk to the examiner about the topic indicated on the card.

During the entire Speaking module, your speech is audio-recorded.

The first three modules (Listening, Reading and Writing) are always held on the same day.

Speaking module can be held on the same day or rescheduled for any other day within seven days before or after the day of delivery of the other three modules.

The result of the IELTS test in each of the four modules is assessed on a 9-point scale, after which the arithmetic mean is displayed, which is the final grade. As a rule, studying at foreign universities requires 6-7 points.

Levels of language proficiency and the assignment of grades to them occurs in accordance with the following scale:

0. Did not attempt the test: the examinee did not start the test, it is impossible to assess the level of knowledge.

1. None user: Has no ability to use language other than some isolated words.

2. Intermittent user: no real communication other than the most basic, using single words or short phrases in familiar situations and necessities, is possible. Serious difficulty in understanding spoken and written language.

3. Extremely limited user: expresses and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations. Frequent communication failures

4. Limited user: Ownership is limited to familiar situations. Frequent problems in understanding and expression. Unable to use complex language.

5. Modest user: partially fluent in the language, general understanding of the meaning in most situations, despite many errors. Can maintain communication in familiar situations.

6. Competent user: Generally effective language skills despite inaccuracies, inconsistencies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, especially in familiar situations.

7. Good user: speaks the language despite occasional inaccuracies, inconsistencies and misunderstandings in some situations. Generally good command of complex language and understands detailed explanations.

8. Very good user: full command of the language, only occasional non-systematic inaccuracies and inconsistencies. In unusual situations, misunderstandings may arise. Supports complex, detailed arguments well.

9. Expert user: full language proficiency: adequate, accurate, fast and complete understanding.

Where can I take IELTS?

On the site You can see a search engine for cities and dates, where and when you can take this exam, as well as the cost for each city.

The site provides a map, divided into three zones, illustrating the regional distribution between the three official IELTS organizers in Russia:

How to register for the exam?

Please note that registration for any exam date you choose (24 dates per year in total, i.e. twice a month) closes 5 weeks before the exam date. However, it is very common for IELTS-accepting Centers to renew registration after it has closed.

To clarify the availability of places on a particular exam date, as well as to register for the exam, you must contact the center of your choice.

How to prepare for IELTS?

First of all, you need to understand the specifics of the exam: find out the requirements, the grading scale for each aspect, stock up on materials and work with enthusiasm.

International English language exam IELTS has not lost its popularity in Russia for many years. For preparation courses IELTS in Yaroslavl, a large number of students regularly enroll in our School. What is this exam? Who needs it and why? What parts does it consist of IELTS?

IELTS(abbreviation for The International Language Testing System) is an international English language exam, the results of which are accepted in many countries of the world when enrolling in universities and applying for a job, as well as when obtaining a residence permit in an English-speaking country. Exam results in Russia IELTS many international companies, as well as universities, in which some subjects are read in English, are accepted as proof of English language proficiency.

There are two types of exam: academic module ( the Academic Module) and common module ( the General Training Module). The academic module is usually taken for admission to a university abroad or for enrollment in continuing education courses whose working language is English. Take the general module IELTS is required to enroll in a secondary school in an English-speaking country, to prove the level of language proficiency to an employer, as well as to obtain citizenship of the UK, Australia, New Zealand and several other countries.

Both modules consist of four parts: listening ( listening), reading ( Reading), letters ( Writing) and oral speech ( Speaking). The Listening and Speaking parts are the same in both modules, but the Reading and Writing sections are different.

What is the IELTS exam

As I said, the exam consists of four sections, and each section in turn is divided into four parts. What awaits us in each of the parts? Let's go in order.

Section 1. Listening

  • Takes about 30 minutes, plus 10 minutes at the end of the test to transfer answers to the exam sheet. What do you need to know about this part of IELTS?
  • Listening in academic and general IELTS modules will not differ.
  • The topics of sounding texts in parts 1 and 2 of listening are connected with simple situations of everyday communication (a call to a realtor, a visit to a doctor, etc.), but in parts 3 and 4 you will hear texts of academic or professional topics (a description of the device of a water mill, flora and fauna New Zealand, etc.).
  • The level of difficulty increases from part 1 to part 4.
  • You will hear each entry only once.
  • Instructions and assignments for each part will be provided in the examination booklet you will be given.
  • Before each listening there is a short pause during which you can read the task.
  • Before each part, you will hear a description of the situation in which the spoken text will be presented, but this information will not be printed on the exam booklet.
  • Spelling is extremely important in terms of listening. If you write a word with at least one mistake, the answer will not be counted as correct.

Types of texts and tasks in the part "Listening"

Chapter Quantity
1 10 A conversation or interview involving two people talking about a simple everyday topic, such as a doctor's appointment, a telephone conversation with an insurance agent, etc.
2 10 A monologue on a daily topic, such as a snippet from an audio guide or an excerpt from a radio broadcast.
3 10 A conversation between two, three, or four speakers on an educational topic, such as discussing with a professor the results of a two-student project.
4 10 A monologue of an academic nature, usually a lecture or presentation.

The types of tasks in the "Listening" part of IELTS are diverse: adding notes with one or more words, filling in forms, tables and gaps in sentences. Sometimes you will be asked to sign a map, plan, or diagram. Multiple choice tasks may be presented, where one or more correct answers must be selected.

Section 2. Reading

This part of the exam is divided into general and academic IELTS modules.

academic reading Can only be taken by candidates who have applied for the IELTS Academic Module. General Reading Rented by IELTS General Module candidates. The structure and format of tasks in the general and academic reading modules are the same, but the texts differ: the academic module consists of scientific texts.

Structure of the Reading section of IELTS

The following types of tasks can be encountered in reading IELTS: multiple choice, choice of “yes-no-does not say in the text”, filling in tables, adding missing information to the summary of the text, etc.

Section 3 Letter

Writing in academic and general modules is different.

Structure and Content of the Writing Section in the IELTS Academic Module

Structure and content of the Writing section in the IELTS General Module

Section 4. Speaking

This section of IELTS is the same for both modules and is an interview with an examiner. "Speaking" usually takes place on the day before or after the written exam, which includes listening, reading and writing.

Structure and content of the Speaking part of the IELTS exam

Want to see how the oral part of the IELTS exam goes? Click here!

Level system of the IELTS exam

IELTS is scored on a scale of 1 to 9. Candidates who score 9 speak English perfectly, fluently and without errors, use a wide variety of lexical units and grammatical structures and, as a result, can communicate in English without problems in professional and academic situations. IELTS 7 scorers are also fluent in English and use complex language constructs with very few minor errors that do not interfere with communication. A score of 5 or less means that the candidate has limited ability to use English: there are communicatively significant speech, grammar, pronunciation and other errors in his speech.

Before taking the IELTS exam, it is good to find out what score is required by the organization that asks you for a certificate. This is usually public information posted on company websites.

IELTS grading system

  • In the Listening Part of the exam, you will be offered 40 tasks. One correctly completed task - one point.
  • In the "Reading Test" section, it is also proposed to complete 40 tasks, one point for each correctly done. Both the academic module and the general module are evaluated in this way. However, when converting scores (from 0 to 40) to an IELTS score (from 1 to 9) for the same number of correct answers, candidates will receive a higher score for the academic module, since academic reading contains more complex texts.
  • The section "Writing" (Writing Test) both in general and in the academic modules is evaluated according to the following criteria: solution of the set communicative task (Task Achievement and Task Response); the logical connection of the text (Coherence and Cohesion), the lexical and grammatical diversity of speech (Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range) and the absence of errors in speech (Accuracy). For each of the criteria, you can get an equal number of points, which are set by the expert after reading the work.
  • During the Speaking Test, candidates are evaluated based on the following criteria: Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range, and Pronunciation.
  • After you have passed the exam, your scores (up to a maximum of 40 for each of the four parts of the exam) are converted by a special formula into a grade from 1 to 9, which will be reflected in your certificate.

Preparation for the IELTS English exam in Yaroslavl

Dmitry Nikitin's language school is successfully preparing for the IELTS international English exam in Yaroslavl. You can find detailed information at

IELTS, the International English Language Testing System, is designed to assess the language ability of candidates who need to study or work in countries where English is used as the language of communication. IELTS is required for admission to universities in the UK and other countries.

IELTS is recognized by universities and employers in many countries including Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. In addition, it is recognized by professional organizations, immigration services and other government agencies.

IELTS is jointly administered by the University of Cambridge ESOL exams (Cambridge ESOL), the British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia. IELTS meets the highest international standards for language assessment. More than 1.4 million people take this test every year.

There are four sub-tests, or modules, for the IELTS test: reading, writing, listening and speaking. Students must pass all four sub-tests. On the day of the test, the four subsections will be taken in the following order:

Total test time: 2 hours 45 minutes

Speaking Test may even clear up a day or two later in some centers.

Listening test lasts approximately 30 minutes. It consists of four sections, listening on CD or cassette, in order of increasing complexity of the text. Each section is a dialogue or monologue. The test is listened to only once and the questions for each section must be answered during the listening. Time is given to students to check their answers.

Test Reading lasts for 60 minutes. Students are given a test - Academic Reading, or the General Training Reading test. Both tests consist of three sections, and in both tests the sections are in ascending order of difficulty.

Writing test also lasts for 60 minutes. Again, either the Academic Test or the General Training Test. Students must complete two writing tasks that require different writing styles. There is no selection by topic.

IELTS speaking test consists of a one-on-one interview with a specially trained examiner. The examiner will take the candidate through three parts of the test: an introduction and interview, a one-to-one speech where the candidate speaks for one to two minutes on a specific topic, and a two-way discussion thematically linked to a long individual speech. This interview will last for approximately 11-14 minutes.

Multilevel. You get a score from 1 to 9 points. Half points such as 6.5 are also possible. Universities often require an IELTS score of 6 or 7. They may also require a minimum score in each of the 4 sections.

nine pointsare described as follows:

9 - Expert user. Has full operational command of the language: appropriate, precise and fluent with complete understanding.

8 - Very good. The user has full operational command of the language with single unsystematic inaccuracies. Misunderstandings can arise in an unfamiliar situation.

7 - Good. The user has operational command of the language, albeit with occasional inaccuracies, inconsistencies and misunderstandings in some situations. In general, it easily copes with complex language structures.

6 - Competent. The user has a good knowledge of the language, despite some inaccuracies, inconsistencies and misunderstandings. Can use and understand fairly complex language, especially in familiar situations.

5 - Modest. The user is partially fluent in the language, coping with the general meaning in most situations, although they make many mistakes. Must be able to handle basic communications in their own area.

4 - Limited user. Basic competence is limited to familiar situations. Constant problems in using complex language.

3 - Extremely limited user. Understands only general meaning in very familiar situations.

2 - Short-term user. There is no real communication other than using single familiar words or short phrases in familiar situations.

1 - The user is essentially unable to use the language. There may be several single words.

0 - Does not perceive the presented information at all.

IELTS tests are taken at accredited testing centers around the world - currently over 500 centers in over 120 countries. There are currently two centers in Kyiv where you can take IELTS:

  • The British Council organization, which has been providing the opportunity to take the test for many years.
  • Company Students International IELTS Test Center.
When can I take the test?

Arrange with your nearest test center. There are frequent dates, usually on Thursdays or Saturdays.

How much does it cost to take IELTS?

Fees are set by test centers and vary from country to country. Be prepared to pay around £115 GBP, €190 Euros or $200 USD. The cost of IELTS in test centers in Kyiv is 1950 UAH.

What materials do I needus to pass the test?

There is a lot of literature to prepare for this exam. But, most importantly, a qualified teacher who can prepare you for this exam. NES will prepare anyone who wants it in a short time. Call us for details!

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are international exams that test knowledge of English as a foreign language. It would seem that choosing one of the two exams is not difficult, because both test knowledge of the English language. But the first impression is deceptive, and they are completely different. The question arises "What to take: IELTS or TOEFL?". In this article, we looked at the features of TOEFL and IELTS, which will help you understand which exam you need to take.

Why do I need IELTS and TOEFL

If you want to move to an English-speaking country, find a permanent job there, or get a higher education, then a certificate from one of these exams is a must for you. In addition, it will be a good plus when obtaining a visa at a foreign embassy. Most countries in the world recognize IELTS and TOEFL certificates as a document confirming your knowledge of the English language.

What is the difference between TOEFL and IELTS

Why are both of these exams needed, we figured it out. Now let's see how they differ. There are two main differences that should be considered first when choosing an exam:

1. Language and country

IELTS tests knowledge of British English. That is, you will need IELTS if you want to move to the UK, Australia or New Zealand. TOEFL tests knowledge of American English. TOEFL is required for those who want to move to the United States of America or Canada.

In addition to England and America, over 130 countries accept TOEFL scores and over 145 countries accept IELTS scores. If you are going to study abroad, then with a TOEFL or IELTS certificate, the doors of 9,000 educational institutions are open to you. In addition, many American universities accept IELTS results, and many British universities accept TOEFL. Therefore, be sure to check which exam is preferable at the university of your choice.

2. Format

There are two versions of the exam: General IELTS - a test for general knowledge of the English language; Academic IELTS is an academic English proficiency test. In order to live and work in any English-speaking country, it is enough to have a General IELTS certificate.

TOEFL exists only in an academic version, therefore, in terms of complexity, it is equivalent to Academic IELTS. The TOEFL certificate is a must for those who want to get higher education in the US or Canada. Academic IELTS is for those who want to study or work at a university in the UK or Australia.

IELTS exists only in a "paper" version, while TOEFL can be taken in two formats: Paper-based Test (TOEFL PBT) - a written version of the test and Internet-based Test (TOEFL iBT) - a computer-based version. The structure of the two formats is different. In the article "" you can find out what is their difference.

Which is easier: IELTS or TOEFL

Now we have come to the question that interests everyone - "Which exam is easier: IELTS or TOEFL?". It is impossible to answer unambiguously, because there are too many parameters to take into account. We have tried to cover this issue from different angles.

TOEFL and IELTS exams are taken differently. We suggest you use the tables where we compared all the similarities and differences between the formats. This way you can determine which exam is best for you. We will consider only TOEFL iBT, since it is more popular, the "paper" version is rarely given. In addition, there are very few TOEFL PBT test centers in Russia.

Reading. Reading
Number of texts: 3 to 5.Number of texts: 3.
Tasks: 12-14 questions for each text.Tasks: 40 questions to all texts.
Size: about 700 words in each text.Size: 650-1000 words per text.
Time: total - 60-100 minutes, 20 minutes to work with each text.Time: total - 60 minutes, 20 minutes to work with each text.
Complexity: academic texts of the same complexity.Complexity increasing texts: the first is the easiest, the last is the most difficult.

You may have noticed that TOEFL Reading is less predictable. It is impossible to predict how many texts you will get and what their number depends on. The texts are taken from scientific articles, lectures, etc. The vocabulary in them is quite complex, but understandable to a person without special education.

The General IELTS module contains texts about the everyday life of the English. They are taken from popular newspapers and magazines, the vocabulary in them is general colloquial. In the Academic IELTS module, as the name suggests, academic texts taken from scientific or pseudo-scientific publications. The vocabulary in these texts is more complex, but understandable to a non-specialist in a particular field.

listening. listening
Number of audio recordings: 2 to 4.Number of audio recordings: 3.
Tasks: 5-6 questions for each entry.Tasks: 40 questions to all entries.
Time: 60-90 minutes.Time: 40 minutes.
Audio recordings: a dialogue between students or teachers in an educational institution and 1-3 short lectures.Audio recordings: dialogue and monologue on an everyday topic or academic content.

And again, it’s impossible to say exactly how many tasks you will get, you will find out about this only at the exam. But there is good news: the more texts you get to read, the fewer notes you get to listen to and vice versa. The difficulty of TOEFL Listening is that you first listen to an audio recording and only then get questions. And this means that you need to remember the content of the text well and have time to make notes. After listening to each audio recording, you are given 10 minutes to answer questions.

The advantage of IELTS Listetning is that you get the questions right away, meaning you can listen and answer in parallel. After listening to all the audio recordings, you are given another 10 minutes to transfer the answers to a clean copy.

writing. Letter
Time: total - 60 minutes, 30 minutes for each task.Time: total - 60 minutes, 20 minutes for the first task, 40 minutes for the second.
1. Essay of 300-350 words.
2. Mixed task: you read a text and listen to a lecture on one topic and write an essay of 150-250 words based on this.
1. In the Academic IELTS module - describe a graph, table, diagram.
In General IELTS - write a letter (official, unofficial). Volume 150 words.
2. Essay of 200-250 words in two modules.

As you can see, the Writing section is different in the two exams. However, the main difference between TOEFL and IELTS Writing is the way it is taken. For the IELTS exam, you write your essay by hand; for the TOEFL exam, you type it on a computer.

speaking. speaking
Time: 20 minutes.Time: 11-14 minutes.
Number of tasks: 6. Number of tasks: 4.
Answer to every question: 45-60 seconds.Answer to every question: 1-2 minutes.
Job types: expressing one's point of view; tasks of a mixed type, where you need to listen to a short lecture and answer a question.Job types: answers to general questions, monologue, dialogue, discussion, expressing one's opinion.

Again, the sections are very different. In TOEFL Speaking, you "talk" to the computer: speak your answers into a microphone and the computer records them. In IELTS Speaking, you take the exam to a real person - you talk with the examiner.

Other features of TOEFL and IELTS

  • TOEFL lasts 4 hours, IELTS - 2 hours 45 minutes. Less does not mean easier. But physically it can be harder to think, listen, read, write for four hours.
  • All tasks in TOEFL are multiple choice, that is, you need to choose the correct answer from several proposed ones. There are different types of tasks in IELTS: fill in the gaps, indicate the statement is true or false, etc. That is, if the spelling is lame, then in IELTS this will be visible and the mark for this may be lowered.
  • The exam also reflects the fact that IELTS tests British English, and TOEFL - American. This means that the variant of the English language in the two exams will also be different. Words, expressions, idioms will meet those used by native speakers in the respective country.
  • The TOEFL or IELTS English proficiency certificate is valid for two years. After two years, information about the person who passed the exam is deleted from the database. Therefore, if necessary, the exam is taken again. The validity period is not infinite because your level of knowledge may change over time.

Which is better to take TOEFL or IELTS?

To understand which exam to take you need to decide on a few things.

1. Find out which exam is preferred in the country you are going to

If only IELTS or only TOEFL is required of you, then further reading of this list is pointless. If there is not much difference which exam to take, then we move further down the list.

2. Decide on the format

If you are going to live and work in an English-speaking country, then the General IELTS certificate will be enough for you even in America or Canada. For admission to the university, you need academic options for exams.

3. Use tables

Familiarize yourself with how each of the exams is taken, and you will be able to understand where you will feel more comfortable. Maybe you don't type very fast or, conversely, you forgot the last time you held a pen in your hands. You may not like talking into a microphone: you would like to talk to a person, not to technology. Or maybe you will be worried and nervous during a conversation with a "real" carrier. All these factors are purely individual, and you need to decide what suits your personality.


TOEFL and IELTS are two tickets to the English speaking world. If you want to get into this world, then a certificate from one of the exams will make it easier for you. No matter how well you speak English, an honest word is not enough in a foreign embassy - you need to confirm your knowledge. For this, TOEFL and IELTS exams are needed, because they objectively assess knowledge of the English language as objectively as possible. And what exam to take and what world to go to - North America, exotic Australia, conservative England - you decide.