1. Rational use of natural resources.

a) The problem of the use of mineral resources.

b) Rational use of water resources.

c) Rational use of soil resources.

d) Rational use of forest resources.

e) Recycling.

f) Resource-saving technologies

g) Integrated use of raw materials.

h) Increasing the efficiency of product use.

i) Information technology.

3. International cooperation.

4. Conclusion.

5. List of used literature.

Like an apple on a platter

We have only one Earth.

Take your time people

Drain everything to the bottom.

It's no wonder to get

To hidden secrets

Loot all wealth

For future ages.

We are the common life of the grain,

One fate relatives,

It's shameful for us to feast

For the next day.

Understand it people

Like your own command

Otherwise the Earth will not be

And each of us.

1. Introduction.

Our planet is not so big and all the natural processes taking place on it are closely interconnected. Thus, pesticides (DDT), used in agriculture in Europe and North America, ended up in the liver of penguins living in Antarctica. The destruction of forests in one country leads to the reduction of the natural wealth of the entire planet, the release of chemicals on one continent can cause skin cancer in people living in other parts of the world, the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in one place accelerates climate change on the Earth as a whole. Oceanic and atmospheric transport of pollutants knows no boundaries. "Everything is connected to everything."

Man has always used the environment mainly as a source of resources, but for a very long time his activity did not have a noticeable impact on the biosphere. Only at the end of the last century, changes in the biosphere under the influence of economic activity attracted the attention of scientists. In the first half of this century, these changes have been growing and are now like an avalanche hitting human civilization. In an effort to improve the conditions of his life, a person constantly increases the pace of material production, without thinking about the consequences. With this approach, most of the resources taken from nature are returned to it in the form of waste, often poisonous or unsuitable for disposal. This poses a threat to the existence of both the biosphere and man himself. The only way out of this situation lies in the development of new systems for the rational use of natural resources, and in human prudence.

2. Rational use of natural resources.

In connection with the problem of nature conservation, the ideas of environmental control as a form of scientific observation included in the technology of rational nature management are becoming widespread. Now this question is very relevant, because. if humanity does not understand the full importance of what is happening, it may threaten it with an ecological catastrophe.

a) the problem of the use of mineral resources.

Every year, 100 billion tons of mineral resources, including fuel, are extracted from the bowels of the earth, of which 90 billion tons turn into waste. Therefore, resource saving and reducing the level of environmental pollution are two sides of the same coin. For example, in the production of 1 ton of copper, 110 tons of waste remains, the production of one gold wedding ring - 1.5 - 3 tons of waste, etc. If at the beginning of the 20th century 20 chemical elements of the periodic table were used in the human economy, now more than 90. Over the past 40 years, global consumption of mineral resources has increased 25 times, and production waste is 10-100 times more.

The #1 metal for industry is iron. The reserves of ores with a high iron content are gradually being depleted, and mankind's need for iron has increased tenfold in the second half of the 20th century. New technologies have emerged to extract this metal from low-grade ores.

Another important metal is copper. If at the beginning of the century ore was used for processing, in which the copper content was at least 3%, then today it is even 0.5% of this metal. Copper is needed by the electrical and automotive industries, so over the course of a century, copper production has increased 22 times, and the amount of waste has increased by at least 50 times.

US environmentalists call the material monster. During a lifetime, one American consumes 15 tons of iron and cast iron, 1.5 tons of aluminum, 700 kg of copper, 12 tons of clay, 13 tons of proven salt, 500 tons of building materials, including 100 m 3 of wood. In Japan, there are 50 tons of mineral raw materials per inhabitant. If all countries start consuming the same amount of resources as the United States, then humanity would need an area equal to 3 areas of the Earth. Mineral reserves on the planet are limited and rapidly depleted. Different types of resources can be exhausted in the next 30-50 years. Perhaps, in the next 20-30 years, the reserves of lead and zinc ores, tin, gold, silver, platinum, asbestos will be exhausted, and then the extraction of nickel, cobalt, aluminum and others will stop. Reserves of phosphorus raw materials are depleted before our eyes. Soon enough, prices for phosphate fertilizers produced from land-based raw materials will rise sharply. And then phosphorus will have to be raised from the depths of the sea, which gets there from rocks, through the fields to which they are taken out as fertilizer, then with domestic sewage into the sea. And this "golden" phosphorus will be used in agriculture.

During the existence of the USSR, it was believed that our country was the richest in all types of natural resources. Apatite mining decreased by 2 times. After the collapse of the country, the Russian Federation lost chromium and manganese deposits, without which it is impossible to produce high-quality steel.

How to stop or slow down this process of resource depletion? The only possibility is to simulate the biospheric circulation of substances in industry. It is necessary that the useful elements contained in the raw materials do not end up in landfills, but are reused. In this case, production and consumption waste is no longer waste, but secondary material resources. Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev said: "There are no wastes in chemistry, but only unused raw materials."

Some scientists believe that it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary resources by about 10 times, which will allow a transition to a sustainable development of the economy based on new scientific and technological developments. Are there good examples in this area? Yes. The governments of Denmark, Germany, Austria included in their environmental plan a radical reduction in the cost of primary resources (Austria announced a 90% reduction in the cost of primary resources).

b) rational use of water resources.

Drainage systems and structures are one of the types of engineering equipment and improvement of settlements, residential, public and industrial buildings, providing the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for work, life and recreation of the population. Drainage and treatment systems consist of a set of equipment, networks and structures designed to receive and remove domestic industrial and atmospheric wastewater through pipelines, as well as to treat and neutralize them before being discharged into a reservoir or disposed of.

The objects of wastewater disposal are buildings for various purposes, as well as newly built, existing and reconstructed cities, towns, industrial enterprises, sanitary resorts, etc.

Waste water is water used for domestic, industrial or other needs and contaminated with various impurities that have changed their original chemical composition and physical properties, as well as water flowing from the territory of settlements and industrial enterprises as a result of precipitation or watering streets.

Depending on the origin of the type and composition, wastewater is divided into three main categories: household (from toilet rooms, showers, kitchens, baths, laundries, canteens, hospitals; they come from residential and public buildings, as well as from domestic premises and industrial enterprises) ; industrial (waters used in technological processes that no longer meet the requirements for their quality; this category of waters includes waters pumped to the surface of the earth during mining); atmospheric (rain and melt; together with atmospheric, water is drained from street irrigation, from fountains and drainages).

In practice, the concept of urban wastewater is also used, which is a mixture of domestic and industrial wastewater. Household, industrial and atmospheric wastewater is discharged both jointly and separately. The most widespread are all-alloy and separate water disposal systems. With a combined system, all three categories of wastewater are discharged through one common network of pipes and channels outside the urban area to treatment facilities. Separate systems consist of several networks of pipes and channels: one of them discharges rain and uncontaminated industrial wastewater, and the other or several networks carry domestic and contaminated industrial wastewater.

The amount of industrial wastewater is determined depending on the productivity of the enterprise according to the aggregated norms of water consumption and water disposal for various industries. The water consumption rate is the reasonable amount of water required for the production process, established on the basis of a scientifically based calculation or best practice. The aggregated rate of water consumption includes all water costs at the enterprise. The consumption rates of industrial wastewater are used in the design of newly built and reconstruction of existing industrial wastewater systems. The consolidated norms make it possible to assess the rationality of water use at any operating enterprise.

The efficiency of water use in industrial enterprises is evaluated by such indicators as the amount of recycled water used, the coefficient of its use and the percentage of its losses.

v) rational use of soil resources.

Uncontrolled influence on the climate in combination with irrational agricultural practices (applying excessive amounts of fertilizers or plant protection products, improper crop rotation) can lead to a significant decrease in soil fertility and large fluctuations in crop yields. But a decrease in food production even by 1% can lead to the death of millions of people from starvation.

Under the influence of economic activity, salinization of soils, the disappearance of perennial plants, the advance of sands occur, and in modern times these processes have accelerated and taken on completely different scales. Over the course of history, man has turned at least 1 billion hectares of once productive land into a desert.

Excessive concentration of animals in small areas with unstable vegetation cover, the renewal of which is difficult due to lack of moisture and soil poverty, leads to overgrazing and, as a result, to the destruction of soils and vegetation. Since soils in arid regions are often sandy, areas with loose sands appear in overgrazing areas, which are blown away by the winds.

nature management- this is the activity of human society, aimed at using.

Allocate rational and irrational nature management.

Irrational nature management

Irrational nature management - it is a system of nature management in which readily available natural resources are used in large quantities and not completely, which leads to the rapid depletion of resources. In this case, a large amount of waste is produced and the environment is heavily polluted.

Irrational environmental management is typical for an economy that develops through new construction, the development of new lands, the use of natural resources, and an increase in the number of employees. Such an economy at first brings good results with a relatively low scientific and technical level of production, but quickly leads to a decrease in natural and labor resources.

Rational nature management

- this is a system of nature management, in which extracted natural resources are used to a sufficient extent, restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured, production wastes are fully and repeatedly used (i.e. waste-free production is organized), which can significantly reduce environmental pollution.

Rational nature management is characteristic of an intensive economy, which develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and good organization of labor with high labor productivity. An example of rational nature management there can be waste-free production, in which waste is fully used, resulting in reduced consumption of raw materials and minimizing environmental pollution.

One of the types of non-waste production is the multiple use of water taken from rivers, lakes, boreholes, etc. in the technological process. The used water is purified and re-used in the production process.

The system of measures aimed at maintaining the interaction between human activity and the natural environment is called nature conservation. Environmental protection is a complex of various measures aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems. Rational nature management implies ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and the conditions for the existence of mankind.

The system of specially protected natural areas includes nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments. The tool for monitoring the state of the biosphere is environmental monitoring, a system of continuous observations of the state of the natural environment in connection with human economic activity.

Nature protection and rational use of natural resources

In the process of the formation of the science of ecology, there was a confusion of concepts about what determines the essence of this science in general and the structure of the ecological cycle of sciences in particular. Ecology began to be interpreted as the science of the protection and rational use of nature. Automatically, everything related to the natural environment began to be called ecology, including the protection of nature and the protection of the human environment.

At the same time, the last two concepts were artificially mixed and are currently considered in combination. Based on the ultimate goals, nature conservation and environmental protection are close to each other, but still not identical.

Protection of Nature is aimed primarily at maintaining a rational interaction between human activities and the environment in order to preserve and restore natural resources and prevent the harmful effects of the results of economic activities on nature and human health.

environmental protection focuses primarily on the needs of the individual. This is a complex of various measures (administrative, economic, technological, legal, public, etc.) aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems necessary to preserve human health and well-being.

Nature management is aimed at meeting human needs through the rational use of natural resources and natural conditions.

nature management- is considered in the complex set of human impacts on the geographic envelope of the Earth, the totality of all forms of exploitation of natural resources. The tasks of nature management are reduced to the development of general principles for the implementation of any human activity associated either with the direct use of nature and its resources, or with impacts on it.

Principles of rational nature management

The practical application of environmental knowledge can be seen primarily in the solution of environmental issues. Only ecology as a science is able to create a scientific basis for the exploitation of natural resources. The attention of ecology is directed primarily to the laws underlying natural processes.

Rational nature management involves ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and conditions, taking into account the interests of future generations of people. It is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the existence of mankind and obtaining material benefits, at the maximum use of each natural territorial complex, at preventing or significantly reducing the possible harmful consequences of production processes or other types of human activity, at maintaining and increasing the productivity of nature, maintaining its aesthetic function, ensuring and regulation of the economical development of its resources, taking into account the preservation of people's health.

As opposed to rational irrational nature management affects the quality reduction, waste and exhaustion of natural resources, undermining the restorative forces of nature, environmental pollution, reducing its health and aesthetic merits. It leads to the deterioration of the natural environment and does not ensure the conservation of the natural resource potential.

Nature management includes:

  • extraction and processing of natural resources, their protection, renewal or reproduction;
  • use and protection of the natural conditions of the human environment;
  • preservation, restoration and rational change of the ecological balance of natural systems;
  • regulation of human reproduction and the number of people.

The protection of nature, the rational use and reproduction of natural resources is a universal task, in the solution of which everyone living on the planet should participate.

Conservation activities are focused mainly on the preservation of the diversity of life forms on Earth. The totality of species of living organisms on our planet creates a special fund of life, which is called gene pool. This concept is wider than just the totality of living beings. It includes not only manifested, but also potential hereditary inclinations of each species. We still do not know everything about the prospects for using one or another type. The existence of some organism, which seems now unnecessary, in the future may turn out not only useful, but also, perhaps, saving for mankind.

The main task of nature conservation is not to protect a certain number of plant or animal species from the threat of extinction, but to combine a high level of productivity with the preservation of a wide network of centers of genetic diversity in the biosphere. The biological diversity of fauna and flora ensures the normal circulation of substances, the sustainable functioning of ecosystems. If humanity can solve this important environmental problem, in the future we can count on the production of new food products, medicines, and raw materials for industry.

The problem of preserving the biological diversity of living organisms on the planet is currently the most acute and significant for mankind. How this problem will be solved depends on the possibility of preserving life on Earth and humanity itself as part of the biosphere.

Table of contents


The problem of human interaction with nature is an eternal topic and is especially relevant today. Mankind is connected with the natural environment by its origin, existence, its future. Since natural conditions have a huge impact on people's lives, let's say that a person is completely dependent on nature. For a very long time, people looked at nature as an inexhaustible source. And only after a while, they came to the need for rational use of natural resources. The development of civilization served to expand the scale of the use of natural resources. To this day, man has not learned to do without the riches of nature. Currently, there are several definitions of the concept of "natural resources". The more general of these is the following: natural resources are the components and properties of the natural environment that are used or can be used to meet the various physical and spiritual needs of human society. Natural resources exist independently of man and can be used as a means of subsistence and as a means of labor, a source of material production. This duality reflects:
1. Their natural origin (a component of nature);
2. Their economic importance in the life of society;
The age of reckless exploitation of nature by man is behind us. Today, nature needs to preserve and reproduce its resources. The main attention should be directed to what saves the resources of life - Man and Nature. The long history of the development of mankind is, first of all, the history of nature management, the development of productive forces, human knowledge of the laws of nature and society. Therefore, speaking of rational signs, it is necessary first of all: to take into account the scale and certain gaps in the organization. Today there is a need to develop the protection, extraction and rational use of natural resources. Two stages should be considered as a more advantageous option: the first one is to analyze the current situation, as well as to develop principles for the protection, extraction and use of natural resources; the second is in creating the concept of rational nature management as a document that defines the strategy for nature management. At the same time, it is very important to know that, in an independent form, the principles can serve as guidelines in the development and adoption of appropriate decisions.

Chapter 1Principles of protection and rational use of natural resources.

1.1 The concept of "nature management".

In his practical activity, man has always been forced to reckon with the laws of living nature. At first it happened spontaneously. Gradually, humanity realized that it is possible and necessary to manage competently on Earth. When interest in environmental problems of the relationship between nature and society began to increase significantly, they began to use the concept of nature management as a complex multicomponent system, which is characterized by many principles that are set depending on the purpose and objectives of a particular study.
Rational nature management is a system of activities designed to ensure the economical exploitation of natural resources and the most efficient regime, their reproduction, taking into account the promising interests of a developing economy and preserving people's health. From the point of view of Yu. Kurazhkovsky: nature management was considered as a special science, the task of which was to "develop general principles for the implementation of any activity related to nature and its resources" . Based on the definition, two ways of rational nature management can be distinguished:
1. The first way is a reasonable reduction in consumption in anthropogenic ecosystems and the selection of animals and plants to obtain species with a wide range of self-regulation, i.e. economical use of natural resources.
2. The second way is to increase this or that resource through environmental management, giving a new quality to the resource. For example, the lack of fertile land resources can be filled through land reclamation. The lack of thermal resources (thermal reclamation) for plants can be compensated either by placing them on the "warm" southern slopes, or by artificially heating the soil. In order to do this, it is necessary to perform a series of thought procedures to decide on the choice of a particular way to solve the problem.
Basically, two cases can arise. The first, when there is enough resource (Ri>0) and the second, when there is not enough resource (Ri<0) (см. рис1)
In the first case, it is necessary to use this resource carefully and rationally, and in the second case, to increase the availability of the resource, either by searching for new deposits or by environmental management.
Rational activities must be effective and safe. As efficiency criteria, economic efficiency and social efficiency can be chosen.

Figure 1. Decision tree for the use of natural resources.

1.2 General view of the principles of rational nature management.

Rational nature management should ensure the full existence and development of modern society, but at the same time preserve the high quality of the human environment. This is achieved through the economic exploitation of natural resources and conditions and the most effective mode of their reproduction, taking into account the promising interests of economic development and the preservation of people's health. Compliance with the principles of rational nature management will make it possible to develop measures to protect natural resources and prevent the aggravation of environmental situations.
In general, the principles of rational nature management can be formulated as follows:
1. The principle of "zero level" consumption of natural resources. This principle is used in many economically developed countries to regulate the consumption of primary natural resources on a national scale. It is called so due to the fact that the zero level is taken as the volume of primary natural resources used by the enterprise for the previous year, and for the next - exceeding this level, consumption is limited on a national scale by a clearly defined coefficient. Compliance with the coefficient is mandatory, since the violator is fined, which may exceed the profits of the enterprise.
2. The principle of correspondence between the anthropogenic load and the natural resource potential. Compliance with this principle will avoid violations of the natural balance. Such a violation of the laws of functioning of natural systems occurs in two cases:
a) for exceeding the level of anthropogenic load. This is reflected in the excessive concentration of production. For many years, the practice of territorial planning proceeded from the fact that the cost of production decreases with an increase in the concentration of production. At the same time, the limited renewing properties of the natural resource potential of the region were not only ignored; often the consumption of certain types of resources by production exceeded their availability. This is how regions of acute ecological crisis arose in the Donbass, the Dnieper region - in Ukraine, and in Russia - in the Urals, in the Volga region and Kuzbass, etc.
Especially many environmental and economic problems were caused by the concentration of production in large cities. "Economy" was calculated without calculating the cost of creating the necessary infrastructure. It was often not taken into account that the cost of infrastructure in a large city significantly exceeds its creation in a small and medium one. In addition, the costs of measures to protect the environment from pollution by production waste were not taken into account. This planning practice has led to the fact that in all large cities and industrial centers there is a strong pollution of the environment with industrial waste. Through the excessive concentration of industry, the implementation of environmental measures becomes a big problem;
b) for discrepancies between the specialization of production and the specifics of the natural resource potential.
3. The principle of preserving the spatial integrity of natural systems in the process of their economic use. This principle follows from the most important patterns of interconnectedness of changes in the components of nature under the influence of anthropogenic activity. Human influence on individual components of nature and individual types of resources is not limited to changes only in them. Changes in one of the components of a natural system lead to changes in others, and sometimes to changes in the quality of the ecosystem as a whole. An example is the drainage of swamps in the regions of Ukrainian Polissya, after which the quality of many ecosystems changed - arable land turned out to be flooded, small rivers dried up, etc.
4. The principle of preserving the naturally conditioned circulation of substances in the process of anthropogenic activity. The essence of the principle is not only to ensure that the technological processes of specific industries are limited by cyclicity, but also that cyclic processes represent a sequential series of production stages interconnected or complex processing of raw materials.
Violation of this principle has led to the formation of a large amount of waste that is not included in the natural circulation of substances and changes the properties of many ecosystems in the region.
Compliance with the principles of rational nature management is expedient in all regions, regardless of the hierarchical level. Preservation of the overall ecological balance is possible provided that the balance of the natural systems of individual regions is maintained and vice versa. In addition, the problem of rational nature management cannot be solved only within regional and even national boundaries. This is a global problem, it is inherent in the entire planet.

1.3 Principles of protection of natural resources.

Universal interrelations and interdependencies, objectively existing both in nature itself and in interaction with society, determine the basic principles of environmental protection and rational nature management.
Compliance with these principles is necessary in the performance of any economic and other activities that have an impact on ecological communities and natural resources.
1. All natural resources have multiple meanings for humans and must be evaluated from different points of view. This principle boils down to the fact that each phenomenon must be approached taking into account the interests of various branches of production and the preservation of the restorative power of nature itself.
2. When using natural resources, it is necessary to be guided by the rule of regionality. According to the rule of regionality, the treatment of the same natural resource should be different depending on the specific conditions of the area and how this one is represented in it. It consists in the need for strict consideration of local conditions in the use and protection of natural resources.
3. The rule that follows from the interconnection of phenomena in nature is that the protection of one natural object can mean simultaneously the protection of other objects closely related to it. Thus, the protection of natural resources should be considered as a complex problem, and not as the sum of separate natural components that are independent of each other.
Natural resources must be both protected and used. This is the basic principle of nature conservation - protection in the process of its use. It is not the sum of individual natural resources that should be protected, but an ecosystem that includes various components connected by natural links that have developed in the process of long historical development.
Legal bases of nature protection. The rules and principles of nature protection are carried out by people when they are of a legislative nature. Currently, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Environmental Protection" (December 19, 1991) is in force. Its basis is the recognition of nature and its wealth as "the national treasure of the peoples of Russia, the natural basis of their socio-economic development and human well-being."
The main objectives of the environmental legislation of the Russian Federation are "regulating relations in the field of interaction between society and nature in order to preserve natural resources and the natural human environment, prevent the environmentally harmful impact of economic and other activities, strengthen law and order in the interests of present and future generations of people." The law formulates environmental requirements for all economic structures. These requirements are addressed to enterprises, organizations, institutions, regardless of the form of ownership and subordination, and to individual citizens.


Natural resources form the basis of the country's national wealth. The wide involvement of natural resources in economic activity with their rational use can become the most important factor in ensuring socio-economic progress. According to available forecasts, countries and regions rich in raw materials. They can take leading positions in the civilized world in the coming decades.
Coming to the conclusion of my work, I would like to say that in any case, natural resources are not unlimited and not eternal. This makes it necessary to constantly take care of their conservation and reproduction. For this, the following basic conditions exist.
First, it is necessary to carefully, rationally use what nature gives a person (especially in relation to irreplaceable resources).
Secondly, where it is available, effective measures should be taken to replenish natural resources (to restore and increase the natural fertility of the land, to plant forests, to reproduce the reserves of water bodies).
Thirdly, recycled raw materials and other production waste should be used as much as possible.
Fourthly, it is necessary to support in every possible way the ecological cleanliness of production and nature management.


1. Lectures on the basics of nature management; P.Ya. Baklanov "Regional nature management: methods of study, assessment, management". Tutorial. – M.: Logos, 2002. – 160p.: ill.
2. N.G. Komarov "Geoecology and nature management", textbook for higher. Schools; - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2003. - 192p.
3. Internet resources: msuee.ru›htm l2/books/vvedenie/stranicy/6. htm.
4. V.G. "Principles of rational nature management" - Khabarovsk, 2000. - 144p.
5. V.M. Konstantinov, Yu.B. Chelidze "Ecological foundations of nature management" studies. Benefit. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy"; Mastery, 2001. - 208s.

Basic environmental principles of rational nature management

All of the above leads to an unambiguous conclusion: both non-renewable and renewable resources of the planet are not infinite, and the more intensively they are used, the less of these resources remain for the next generations. Therefore, decisive measures are required everywhere for the rational use of natural resources. The era of reckless exploitation of nature by man is over, the biosphere

in dire need of protection, and natural resources should be protected and spent sparingly.

The basic principles of such an attitude to natural resources are set out in the international document "The concept of sustainable economic development"

, adopted at the second UN World Conference on Environment in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (see also topic 7).

About inexhaustible resources

The "concept of sustainable economic development" of development urgently requires a return to their widespread use and, where possible, the replacement of non-renewable resources with inexhaustible ones. First of all, this concerns the energy industry.

We've talked about solar panels before. While their efficiency

not very high, but this is a purely technical task, and in the future it will undoubtedly be successfully solved.

A promising source of energy, as already mentioned, is the wind, and in the flat open coastal areas, the use of modern "windmills" is very appropriate.

With the help of hot natural springs, you can not only treat many diseases, but also heat your home. As a rule, all the difficulties in the use of inexhaustible resources lie not in the fundamental possibilities of their use, but in the technological problems that have to be solved.

With regard to non-renewable resources, the "Concept of Sustainable Economic Development" states that their extraction should be made normative, i.e. reduce the rate of extraction of minerals from the bowels. The world community will have to abandon the race for leadership in the extraction of this or that natural resource, the main thing is not the volume of the extracted resource, but the efficiency of its use. This means a completely new approach to the problem of mining: it is necessary to extract not as much as each country can, but as much as is necessary for the sustainable development of the world economy. Of course, the world community will not come to such an approach immediately; it will take decades to implement it.

For modern Russia

mineral resources form the basis of its economy. Of course, first of all, it is oil and natural gas. Russia produces more than 17% of world oil, up to 25% of natural gas, 15% of coal. The main problem in their production is incomplete extraction from the subsoil: oil is pumped out of the well by 70% at best, coal - by no more than 80%. These are production losses, followed by equally large losses during processing.

It is necessary to create and introduce new technologies to increase the share of extracted oil, coal, and metal ores. Naturally, this requires a lot of money. In our country, the number of “unpromising” flooded mines is multiplying, which, with skillful operation, could well still produce products of oil wells and drilling rigs abandoned in the tundra (it’s cheaper to drill new ones in order to quickly recoup the costs and pump, pump, so that subsoil more than 30% of fossils).

The task of a more complete extraction from the bowels is adjacent to another one - the integrated use of mineral raw materials. Generally, no metal occurs alone in nature. Analysis of some Ural ores

showed that in addition to the main metal mined (for example, copper), they contain a large number of rare and trace elements, and their cost often exceeds the cost of the main material. However, this valuable raw material very often remains in dumps due to the lack of technology for its extraction.

The next environmental problem of the mining complex is that it has become one of the largest sources of pollution and environmental damage. In places where minerals are mined, as a rule, forests, grass cover, and soil suffer. If mining is carried out in the tundra (and most of our underground wealth is in high-latitude regions), then nature is forced to heal the wounds received from people for decades. So, environmental protection principles require from the user of natural resources when carrying out mining operations:

the most complete extraction of minerals from the bowels and their rational use;

complex extraction of not one, but all components contained in the ores;

ensuring the preservation of the natural environment in the areas of mining operations;

safe work for people;

prevention of subsoil pollution during underground storage of oil, gas and other materials.

Regarding Renewable Resources

The "concept of sustainable economic development" requires that they be exploited at least within the framework of simple reproduction, and that their total number does not decrease over time. In the language of ecologists, this means: how much you have taken from nature of a renewable resource (for example, forests), return so much (in the form of forest plantations). In Russia, over the past 15 years, felling volumes have increased many times over (timber is one of the revenue items of the budget), and afforestation during this period was not carried out at all. At the same time, for the restoration of forests after felling, two or three forest plantations in terms of area are required: forests grow slowly, for the full reproduction of overmature, i.e. forest suitable for industrial use takes 35-40 years.

Land resources also require careful attitude and protection

. More than half of Russia's land fund is located in the permafrost zone; agricultural land in the Russian Federation occupies only about 13% of the area, and annually these areas are reduced as a result of erosion (destruction of the fertile layer), misuse (for example, for the construction of cottages), swamping, mining (industrial deserts appear on the site of agricultural land ). To protect against erosion, use:


plowing without turning over the layer;

in hilly areas - plowing across the slopes and tinning the land;

regulation of livestock grazing.

Disturbed, polluted lands can be restored, this process is called reclamation

. Such restored lands can be used in four directions: for agricultural use, for forest plantations, for artificial reservoirs and for housing or capital construction. Reclamation consists of two stages: mining (preparation of territories) and biological (planting trees and low-demanding crops, such as perennial grasses, industrial legumes).

One of the most important environmental problems of our time is the protection of water resources.

. It has already been said that in terms of volume, freshwater sources (including glaciers) make up only 3% of the hydrosphere, and 97% are in the World Ocean. It is difficult to overestimate the role of the ocean in the life of the biosphere, which carries out the process of self-purification of water in nature with the help of the plankton living in it; stabilizing the planet's climate, being in constant dynamic equilibrium with the atmosphere; producing huge biomass. But for life and economic activity, a person needs fresh water. The rapid growth of the world's population and the rapid development of the world economy have led to a shortage of fresh water not only in traditionally dry countries, but also in those that were recently considered quite water-rich. Almost all sectors of the economy, except for maritime transport and fishing, require fresh water. Why is she missing? During the creation of reservoirs, the flow of rivers was greatly reduced and evaporation and depletion of water bodies increased. Agriculture requires large volumes of water for irrigation, while evaporation also increases; huge quantities are spent in industry; The six billionth humankind also uses fresh water for life support. Finally, one of the most important problems of our time is pollution - both of the World Ocean and freshwater sources. Currently, wastewater pollutes more than a third of the world's river flow. There is only one conclusion from all that has been said: strict economy of fresh water and prevention of its pollution are necessary.

Renewable resources, up to a certain limit, are able to naturally recover, but the long history of their exploitation has led to significant changes in the natural characteristics of resources and, above all, in their ability to self-regenerate. Even more acute is the problem of the depletion of non-renewable resources, as well as the accumulation in the natural environment of a huge amount of production and consumption waste. All this testifies to the irrational use of natural resources.

In contrast to this, rational nature management- this is a highly efficient management that does not lead to drastic changes in the natural resource potential, for which humanity is not socio-economically ready, and does not lead to profound changes in the natural environment that damages human health or threatens its very life.

The system of activities of rational nature management is designed to ensure the economical exploitation of natural resources and conditions and the most efficient mode of their reproduction, taking into account the promising interests of a developing economy and the preservation of people's health.

The main principle of rational nature management is economic specialization and organization of the economy, the social structure of society must correspond to the natural resource endowment (potential) of the territory, the resource-reproducing and environmental restoration functions of ecosystems, and their natural ability to withstand anthropogenic impacts.

The necessary elements of rational nature management are:

  • * optimal modes of consumption of types of resources and their integrated use;
  • * taking into account the speed and volume of renewal of resources;
  • * management of simple and extended reproduction of resources;
  • * preservation of the quality of the used landscape (ecosystem);
  • * blocking and eliminating the negative consequences of the withdrawal of a natural resource;
  • * organization of the most economical and cost-effective production, taking into account the natural functioning and dynamics of ecosystems.

Ways of rational use of natural resources:

  • 1. Inventory and creation of inventories of natural resources.
  • 2. Ecologization of technological processes.

Zero waste production-this is such an organization of resource cycles based on the principles of interconnection and isolation, in which the waste of some industries is used as a raw material for others, which ensures their complete utilization. However, in the vast majority of industries, the formation of certain waste is inevitable. The real goal is the transition to low-waste production, characterized by the maximum possible utilization of emissions.

3. Mitigation of the negative consequences of human economic activity.

Natural resource potential territory is a set of natural resources confined to it, the joint exploitation of which is technically possible, economically feasible and environmentally acceptable. Under ecological potential the degree of comfort of natural conditions and the ecological situation in the assessed territory is understood. The ecological potential of the territory reflects the conditions for the development of settlements and the formation of settlement systems.

From the standpoint of rational nature management, the natural resource potential is not an absolute limit of resources, but only the limit that can be used without significant violation of the most important properties and functions of ecosystems. Therefore, before the use of the ecosystem begins, a measure of the removal of matter and energy must be determined, which does not undermine its ability to self-regulate and self-repair. Otherwise, the use will be spontaneous, despite the outwardly planned nature.

Rational use of the potential of landscapes is impossible without taking into account their integrity, spatial differentiation, determining their resistance to the chosen type of anthropogenic impact, without analyzing possible changes in nature and developing measures to prevent negative consequences. This is most relevant for biological and recreational resources, the state of which is largely determined by the state of natural complexes as integral formations.

At present, from the science of nature management there is a separation of the scientific direction biological nature management, which proceeds from the fact that all nature management should be based on economic and environmental foundations and is clearly ecological and ethical in nature.

As a positive example of biological nature management, let us cite information about the state of the hunting economy in the United States. The twentieth century found wildlife in the United States in a very unsightly state. In particular, the resources of the animal world were severely depleted and plundered. Now there are about 14 million amateur hunters in the USA, whose direct contribution to the country's economy exceeds 20 billion dollars a year, and indirectly 60 billion dollars. (In 2003, the entire state budget of Russia was about 80 billion dollars). Hunting service provides more than 700 thousand jobs, the state receives over 3 billion dollars in taxes. But hunting resources are not reduced. If at the beginning of the last century there were about 10 thousand beavers in North America, now there are 6-9 million, with an annual withdrawal of 600-700 thousand individuals. The number of white-tailed deer is huge-32-33 million individuals, wapiti populations have reached a size never seen before-1.2 million heads, the number of wild turkeys has increased from 1 to 5 million over several years. The conclusion is obvious: intensive exploitation of game animal populations, subject to norms and restrictions, with strict control and human assistance, does not adversely affect their numbers and reproduction.

With rational nature management, the anthropogenic load should not exceed the level of ecosystem stability ( ecological capacity of the territory). As a rule, in the conditions of the development of technogenesis, the ecological capacity of the territory is a limiting indicator.

In particular, they talk about the recreational capacity of the territory, that is, about the permissible recreational load, which is expressed in the number of people (or man-days) per unit area per unit time. Usually it is measured by the number of vacationers per 1 ha (person/ha).

How to determine this limit? It is known that under excessive loads in forest landscapes, the soil is significantly compacted, the ground cover is depleted and replaced, undergrowth disappears, and young trees dry out. The forest litter gradually disappears, the soil fauna is suppressed, the soils dry up and their fertility noticeably decreases. As a result, there is a progressive decline in current growth-indicator of forest ecosystem aging. With the acceleration of this process, renewal is suppressed and the forest may die.

It follows that the value of the ratio of the current growth to the average diameter of trees in undisturbed ecosystems characterizes their recreational capacity and sustainability. The maximum number of recreants (people/ha), whose influence cannot significantly reduce this value, is considered as the maximum load on this ecosystem. As observations have shown, in dry pine forests the maximum load is 2-3 people / ha per 1 hour, in fresh pine and spruce forests-5-8 people/ha, in wet pine and spruce forests-8-15 people/ha, in conditions of fresh and moist floodplain and lowland meadows-20-30 people/ha.

At present, nature management is carried out according to the administrative-territorial, natural-geographical, and basin criteria. At the same time, these features are not always applicable to other sectors of the economy.

The process of rationalization of nature management is a transition from a purely autonomous, sectoral in nature exploitation of certain types of natural resources to the integrated use of the totality of natural conditions in the region and the maximum convergence and, possibly, even merging of the boundaries of natural and economic territorial systems.

The conjugated assessment of the natural resource and ecological potentials and the ecological capacity of the territory makes it possible to establish environmentally sound directions for nature management, which largely determine the conditions for the development of the region's economy. The combination of these areas will make up the natural potential of regional development (NRRP).

Natural resource potential + Ecological potential of the territory + Ecological capacity of the territory = Natural potential of regional development

Thus, the PPRR defines a regional strategy for nature management based on an ecological-economic approach. A reflection of the spatial differentiation of the PPRR is the ecological and economic region, allocated as an object of territorial management of nature management, in which the exploitation of natural resources is regulated by the living conditions of the population and the ecological capacity of the corresponding territory.

Until now, the task of managing economically important bioresources has been posed as the task of maximizing stably withdrawn products. Meanwhile, this approach is not consistent with the goals of biodiversity conservation. Anthropogenic transformations of natural systems, leading to a temporary increase in their productivity, are accompanied by a reduction in the total biomass and a simplification of the structure of the systems themselves.

As in most regions of Russia, in the Altai Territory an exhaustive list of biological resources suitable for use has not been developed, payments for their use, reserves and allowable withdrawal limits, and distribution of resources across the territory of the region have not been determined. A system for monitoring the state of populations of most resource species and controlling their use has not been developed.

These problems are especially acute in relation to medicinal plants. The objects of commercial procurement were almost always defined as the species name of the plant without specifying the harvested parts, the payment rates were minimal and practically did not take into account the biological characteristics of the species and the commercial value of medicinal raw materials. All this led to the fact that the rates were close for harvesting rhizomes, and for harvesting leaves and grass, and payments to the budget were scanty. Forest tax rates did not take into account not only the ecological significance of plants, but even their commercial value. So, for example, the rates of forest taxes for the harvesting of medicinal raw materials of oregano, St. John's wort, Ural licorice, creeping thyme, elecampane high, blue cyanosis, lingonberry leaf in 2006 amounted to 1.70 rubles per kilogram!

The analysis shows that the main commercial turnover of wild plants in the Russian sector of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion is carried out through an unstructured (and uncontrolled!) market. Industrial processors and numerous intermediaries buy raw materials from the local population, for whom this type of income is often the main one, and in remote settlements of the foothill and mountainous regions of Altai and the only one.

The system of rational nature management in relation to any natural resource includes several interrelated subsystems: monitoring the state of the flora, conservation and restoration of vegetation cover, use of plant resources, control and supervision (Fig. 1). The purpose of the organization of each system is the development and implementation of scientifically based organizational, legal, financial and economic mechanisms in this area.

Monitoring system is a complex system of regular observations of the qualitative and quantitative indicators of natural resources and the state of the natural environment in order to timely identify, analyze and predict possible changes against the background of natural processes and under the influence of anthropogenic factors, assess these changes, develop recommendations for the timely prevention and elimination of the consequences of negative impacts.

An important element in the system of state regulation of nature management should be the formation of an exhaustive list of monitoring objects and controlled indicators for each object, the development of unified schemes for describing (certifying) objects, determining the performers of monitoring studies and the frequency of observations, the efficiency of collecting and processing information, forms of its presentation and transmission. The comparability of data contained in different databases must be ensured. The created information resources should provide state authorities, local governments and other interested parties with comprehensive information about natural complexes.

On the basis of the conducted studies, recommendations are developed: in the case of a stable state of the resource - its use within the established standards; for resources of limited and fragmentary distribution - use for the needs of the local population on a license basis; in case of degradation or poor knowledge - restriction or complete prohibition of use and development system of measures for protection and restoration, which includes both preventive and direct protection measures. A priority area is also the development and implementation of methods for assessing damage to bioresources and natural objects, the development of law enforcement mechanisms to recover funds from offenders for the restoration of natural resources.

Rice. one.

Compensation for damage to the environment. The damage is divided into damage to the economy (hunting, fishing, forestry) and damage to natural objects as such. The damage to the economy is determined by the cost of products that will not be received after the implementation of the project or as a result of an accident. Damage to biota and loss of biospheric functions can be valued through direct monetary valuation of animal or plant populations, loss of their habitats, etc.

Recently, scientists and practitioners have been focusing on the issues of assessment, determination of the real economic value of biological resources and the introduction of economic and financial mechanisms for regulating nature management. Now a common case is the underpricing of a natural good or even its zero value, which leads, in particular, to a decrease in biodiversity. When determining the value of biological resources, the most promising approach is the concept of total economic value (cost): an attempt to take into account in the total assessment both the cost of using wildlife resources, including ecosystem services, and the cost of “non-use”, conservation of biodiversity.

The current methods take into account only the harm caused to nature at the time of impact. It is not prolonged for the period of self-healing of ecosystems, the return of populations of organisms to their original state.

An economic assessment should take into account not only the commercial (market) value of natural resources, but also the value of ecosystem functions (climate-regulating, environmental-forming, bio-resource), social and cultural significance, as well as the cost of measures to restore the withdrawn (used) resource.

In order to stimulate the economic motivation of the population, it is promising to develop mechanisms for compensating for lost profits while limiting the economic activities of the population and business entities.

For biological resources, the direct protection of natural populations of non-targeted species must be combined with the protection of commercial species in the course of rational use. If, after the measures taken, the state of the species population does not cause concern, it is possible to use the resource in the future, but with strict control and regular monitoring.

V resource use system important tasks are the development of a system for accounting and economic evaluation of natural resources, systems for rationing nature management and objectivization of predictive estimates of stocks of raw plants and the number of animals.

A positive effect can be given by such administrative and control management tools as limits on the harvesting of wild plants, standards for visiting protected areas, licensing, etc.

An economic assessment should take into account not only the commercial (market) value, but also the value of ecosystem functions (climate-regulating, environmental-forming, bio-resource), social and cultural significance, as well as the cost of measures to restore the withdrawn (used) resource.

System of control and supervision. In Russia, in accordance with the law, state, industrial and public control in the field of environmental protection is carried out. The functions of state control are of particular importance, since natural resources are a national property, which is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and conflicts of interests of various economic entities and strata of society constantly arise.

An objective necessity is to increase the staff of state inspectors in the field of environmental protection to an ecologically optimal and economically justified number.

A special role can be played by public environmental control, the results of which are subject to mandatory consideration by state authorities and local governments.

According to the current Russian legislation, an enterprise is obliged to ensure rational use of natural resources, environmental protection, as well as its own protection from the negative impact of a polluted environment, which can manifest itself in the form of the impact of hazardous factors on the health of the enterprise’s personnel, on the state of production facilities, and on the course of technological processes. Failure to comply with these obligations should entail serious legal and economic consequences for the violating enterprise.

The conditions for existence in the market are currently determined by the environmental component of production. The competitiveness of industrial goods and consumer goods in the national and world markets is directly related to the environmental parameters of production technologies, manufactured goods, as well as environmental costs, which directly affect the level of total production costs.

Summing up, we can indicate some measures to minimize the negative impact of human activities on biological diversity:

  • * maximum use of developed lands (intensively used agricultural, forestry, industrial, etc.);
  • * identification of areas with severely degraded vegetation in need of restoration;
  • * ecological restoration (reclamation) of disturbed lands;
  • * prevention of the mass spread of pests and diseases of flora objects in the implementation of production processes; introduction to the culture of economically valuable species of flora and fauna;
  • * development of new methods and technologies in the field of protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources;
  • * stimulating the introduction of resource- and energy-saving technologies, increasing the share of the use of secondary resources, increasing the degree of waste disposal;
  • * stimulating the development and implementation of effective environmental management systems at enterprises, including in accordance with international standards of the ISO 14000 series.