
Arose among fans of science fiction (eng. sf.fandom), from where it entered Usenet and spread throughout the world. Today it is a fairly common online and spoken word acronym and Internet meme. People often use this term in chats, internet messengers, or social media.


The abbreviation IMHO is used mainly to indicate that a certain statement is not a generally accepted fact, but only the personal opinion of the author, and he does not impose it on anyone. He often points out that the author is not completely sure of the correctness of his statement. Corresponds to the introductory word "in my opinion" or "in my opinion":

IMHO, the Internet is better than television.


In my opinion (in my opinion), the Internet is better than television.

The scope of the abbreviation is echo conferences, forums, chats, and other (both public and private) places to express your attitude to any subject. In colloquial speech, it is relatively rare.
Also in the Internet resources there is an expression "IMO", which means "in my opinion" In my opinion... It happened from IMHO only with the removal of the letter "X" meaning "Humble". It is used when the author explicitly declares his position, without imposing it on others, but also without undue modesty. .

Other decryptions

In the game Space Rangers 2, the weapon of Terronoid Dominators is called "IMHO-9000" (Molecular Chaotic Deviation Emitter 9000 ticks per second).

Notes (edit)


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.



  • Cycle "Other doors". Flute in a quartet, Timur Isaev. Hello my dear reader! I present to your attention the script of the feature-length film "Flute in Quartet" from the cycle "Other Doors". Genre: detective, thriller. This story is about how ...

Very often the word "IMHO" appears on forums and in posts. It is clear that we are faced with one of the "representatives" of the network Internet jargon. But what does "IMHO" mean? How can you decipher this

Wikipedia suggests referring to the history of his birth. It is assumed that the beginning of it was laid by the English phrase "In My Humble Opinion", which can be literally translated into our great and mighty Russian as "in my humble opinion." And if you use the abbreviation of the English words that make up this phrase, you get nothing more than four letters that give sounds, which in Russian are denoted by the letters "i", "m", "x" and "o".

So, the meaning of the word "IMHO" is explained by a rather long phrase. That is, a person who has expressed something of his own knows that there are other options for judging. He does not insist that his point of view is the only correct one! However, he also does not want to be silent.

This is on the one hand. But the Russian soul has always amazed foreigners. Their logic is inexplicable. When we say the word "probably", we sometimes express not a doubt or an assumption, but just a firm conviction. The same thing often happens with the word "IMHO".

Here the user writes on the forum post: "You are wrong, you need to act differently in this case!" And he adds a modest "IMHO" at the end of the speech. What does it mean? Guess or doubt that you are right? Not at all!

Perhaps this is precisely due to the ignorance by some Slavs of the exact translation of the phrase that gave life to the slang word. And, seeing such a turn, the witches came up with their own original way of decoding the abbreviation, only not in English, but in Russian.

What does "IMHO" mean in the understanding of those who are not interested in a sense of humor? Here we are not talking about any doubts, everything is concrete and clear. "I have an opinion - damn it!"

Actually, there are a great many ironic answers to the question of what "IMHO" means. Basically, the first part of the transcripts practically coincides, and only the second varies.

If you try to list them briefly, you get something like this:

  1. damn it;
  2. horseradish I will refuse;
  3. I want to voice;
  4. albeit erroneous.

Or else there are such interpretations: "The individual opinion of the owner of the answer"; "True opinion - you can't deny it!" And some, the most firmly convinced types, are completely inclined to believe that to the acute question of what "IMHO" means, there is only one clear and correct answer: "I want to refute the existing opinions!"

However, no matter how cynics may be disgusted in their wit, this word still indicates the subjectivity rather than the objectivity of the statement of the Internet user. "IMHO", most likely, acts as an analogue of the introductory words "in my opinion", "in my opinion", "in my opinion", "in my experience", "in my observations", "I think so", "this is mine personal opinion ”and others. And, just as you should separate the listed expressions with commas in writing, the same rules apply to "IMHO".

It's another matter when the question is posed of what letters to write this word: uppercase or lowercase, Russian or English. Here clear rules have not yet been introduced. Someone writes the whole word like the generally accepted abbreviations of hydroelectric power station, GBDD, university, using all capital letters. Others write the whole word And some even use English. But none of this is important.

Interesting is not only the history of the origin of the word, but also its path to a simple Internet user. There is an opinion that it was first used in a science fiction film. From there, the abbreviation was picked up by professional programmers of the FIDO network, and only then this word took its step towards universal popularity, firmly entering the speech of all other layers of the Internet society.

Those who stand up for the purity of the great and mighty Russian when they have to read the correspondence of today's youth. "YapaTstolom", "rzhunimagu", "spoki-noki" and other "newly formed" buzzwords. So, "IMHO" against their background looks like just a modest shortening of a long phrase, a sort of tracing of an English abbreviation.

In the English-speaking sector of the Internet, the abbreviation IMHO has been used for a long time, which is like in my humble opinion, which is like "in my humble opinion." In Russia, the spread of such a reduction began in the Fido.net networks in the mid-90s, where it was transformed into "IMHO". The decryption began to float. Some believed that it should sound like "I have an opinion, hell, you can argue," others were for more crude definitions. But the primary source is still the same in all cases.

When "Fido" has outlived its usefulness, the abbreviation went with a victorious gait to blogs, forums, chats, etc., where it is now impossible to imagine communication without it.

How to use

The use of these four letters in a bundle is present in disputes, discussions. If a person is convinced that his opinion is the only correct one and does not require criticism, then he uses "IMHO". Letters are inserted at the beginning of the sentence. Their use often becomes a red flag for the rest of the participants, so the person who most often uses "IMHO" is subjected to the most violent attacks from the outside.

Existing variations

Today, the use of "IMHO" in its pure form, although a common phenomenon, but on the Russian-language Internet you can see all kinds of distorted options. You can come across the verb "imkhaya" (for example, "imkhaya me that ...", "imkhuyu that ...", etc.), but its use gives out in the interlocutor a clear intention to mock someone else's opinion.

There are other variations as well. When interlocutors who are very convinced of their rightness participate in an Internet dispute, other participants in the discussion say that people have begun to "measure their imkhs." There are dozens of similar examples of consumption.

Who is used

"IMHO" all ages and generations are submissive. Young Internet users may not fully know the definition of these four letters, but this will make them less likely to use them. They have long understood where and when they can be used. The older generation of Runet most often uses "IMHO" in its pure form. Teenagers and young people can afford all kinds of distortion. Due to this, it is easy to distinguish the older generation from the younger on the Internet.

Due to the fact that the abbreviation is heard, it is often used by Internet entrepreneurs in the design of T-shirts, sweatshirts, cups, scarves, etc. But the price of such items can vary significantly from seller to seller.

Every minute millions of messages are published on the Internet, in which there are amusing colloquial words and abbreviations. An inexperienced user cannot decipher them, as a result, he does not understand what the conversation is about. I will figure out what IMHO means and how to correctly apply this abbreviation on VKontakte and messages.

Experienced users constantly use well-established and slang expressions on the web. Their spelling and pronunciation leaves noticeable traces of bewilderment on the faces of inexperienced people. In the list of common expressions found in social networks, blogs and forums, there is IMHO.

IMHO - Russian version of the English abbreviation IMHO, abbreviation of the phrase “In My Humble Opinion”. Literal translation - "In my humble opinion."

When a user at the beginning or end of a message uses IMHO, he makes it clear to the participants in the conversation that he expresses his own opinion, which is not a fact recognized by society. With the help of the abbreviation IMHO, he insures himself against possible attacks from the participants in the conversation, who are always looking for a reason to reproach each other for being wrong.

The history of the emergence of IMHO

According to Wikipedia, the abbreviation IMHO was first used by one of the participants in the science fiction forum. After some time, it spread across the network in different interpretations.

There is also another version. She says that the expression appeared in the process of playing the father and son in the toy "Scrabble". The child was unable to form a word, he laid out a combination of letters IMHO. A little later, my father began to use the newly minted word on the gaming forum.

IMHO managed to go beyond the Internet. Modern youth actively uses it in everyday life in real communication.

Video explanations

How to use the abbreviation IMHO?

In the course of collecting material for writing an article, I managed to find another theory for the appearance of the phrase IMHO. It says that the authors of the expression were specialists who develop software products.

As you know, creating a good program is time-consuming, and in order to keep within the established plan, you need to spend the right time. Therefore, programmers use IMHO in order to save time.

Now I will talk about the intricacies of using the expression IMHO.

  1. If you want to explain to your interlocutor that you are expressing your own opinion that does not pretend to be an unshakable axiom or recognition of society, put IMHO at the end of your statement.
  2. The word IMHO is a sign of respect for the network interlocutor. Therefore, it can be used in conversations with colleagues in the online community.
  3. By using this acronym, you can emphasize your right to free speech or express your personal attitude.

Over time, the widely used abbreviation IMHO has acquired slightly different meanings, regardless of the language. The meaning is determined by the context of the statement and often has the opposite semantic or emotional coloring.

IMHO on the internet

IMHO is ideal for users who do not seek to impose their own opinions on other people. It can be safely used by those who admit their mistakes.

In the Russian translation, the abbreviation IMHO has practically lost its original meaning. Previously, the phrase testified that the person who used it expressed a personal opinion and did not exclude his being wrong. Now people who consider their opinion correct and do not need criticism are resorting to use.

It is difficult to name the true reason why the original meaning was significantly distorted. Perhaps the domestic mentality is to blame. If in the English-speaking segment IMHO on the Internet is used to express a humble opinion, with its help people put an end to the brewing dispute. I do not exclude that the phrase is used by self-confident individuals who do not like criticism.

IMHO is often used to name public pages and groups in which funny images, jokes, memes are published. The popular project "Imhonet" invites users to share their opinions on certain topics.

In conclusion, I will add that the Internet environment is an independent world in which its designations and names reign. The peculiarity of this unusual language is reduced to the fusion of linguistic layers, the transformation of which leads to a distortion of the original meaning. Therefore, the meaning of the English phrase IMHO after translation has changed in the opposite direction.

IMHO (IMHO, IMHO) - a word that is often found in forums and Internet conferences, causing confusion and vague associations for an unprepared user. In fact, IMHO is the English abbreviation IMHO written in Russian letters, which stands for the phrase "In my humble opinion" - "In my humble opinion." Typing on the keyboard "IMHO" is easier than "I think" or "I think"; here lies the secret of the popularity of this word. Meanwhile, the great and mighty Russian language has long allowed Runet users to decipher "IMHO" in their own way: "I have an opinion - you can dispute the hell." Perhaps this is more correct ... (IMHO.)

But the glorious path of this word does not end there. "IMHO" has already become a noun, which usually means "personal opinion", "representation, view, belief" or "guess".

Slightly less often, you can come across another meaning of "IMHO": a computer acronym. That is, "IMHO" is a synonym for the very definition of "acronym, abbreviation", a generic word for all abbreviations of this type. What is BTB? Answer: by the way - "by the way", that is, an acronym. Abbreviation. Another IMHO from many imh.

The stress is on the second syllable, the noun "IMHO" refers to the neuter gender and freely declines ("without IMH", "by IMHO"). There is also a plural - "imkhi". In the composition of complex words, this component is almost not observed: fans of experiments have not yet thought of calling a referendum or a poll-vote “imhomer” or “imhometer”. But there is already "imkhoism". A new philosophical trend, not otherwise. In online disputes, the adjectives "imkhoshny" and "imkhovy" - "subjective", "personal", "based on their own experience" also flicker. It should be noted that these epithets are not devoid of self-confidence and aplomb (note how far we have gone from the originally modest English I.M.H.O.). And the "imkhoshnik" will probably be a person on his own mind, a debater who is difficult to convince. And finally, computer pirates, working in their gloomy lairs to hack the next megaportal or supertoy, mechanically purr under their breath: "Imho-ho and a bottle of rum ...". In this case, "IMHO-ho" is an interjection.

Along with the correct literary version of "IMHO", the colloquial "imkha" (noun) is used. Less often comes the unchangeable form "imkhu" (introductory word), clearly reduced from the expression "in my humble imkhu".

It is impossible to recognize "IMHO" exclusively as an attribute of written speech. I have heard how people use it in conversation (again, as an introductory word). Moreover, before our very eyes, a certain sworn fidoshnik "infected" with this "imkhom" interlocutor, who did not have not only access to web networks, but also a personal computer in general.