Thursday, September 03, 2015 21:30 + to quote pad

Why is sweet pepper bitter?

They write that sweet and hot pepper bushes should be planted at a distance of at least 5 m from each other, because they are very successfully pollinated. It also happens that sweet and bitter peppers are pollinated this year, and peppers will have an uncharacteristic taste next season if you sow the collected seeds from pollinated peppers.

It's all about the seeds. Or you planted seeds already pollinated with bitter pepper, or you have such a variety. Now on sale there are several varieties with a mixed taste. The pepper itself is sweet, but the partitions are bitter. Try cutting off the partitions and taste the pepper itself, whether it is bitter or not.

Perhaps the seeds were stale, the reason may also be in the soil. Let's say that when you were digging, you brought manure to the bed, and there may also be an overdose of mineral fertilizers.

It was cold for a long time for peppers, so unripe peppers are bitter. Now it will be warm and dry and everything will go fine. With high humidity and coolness, few sugars are formed. Some varieties behave this way in bad weather. In biological maturity, this will disappear. And what is the shape of the pepper? If the fruits are narrow and long, then perhaps really sharp.

Any peppers, whether red or green, must be poured with boiling water and left to cool completely, then drain the water and stuff.

Pepper pollen is heavy and sticky. It is transferred to other varieties mainly by insects, sticking to their paws and abdomen. It is not even necessary to have bitter pepper varieties in your garden or near your nearest neighbors for vegetable varieties to be pollinated bitter. Even a distance of hundreds of meters from them will not save the landing from their influence. As you know, bees, for example, can fly from their hives at a distance of up to 7 km and easily transfer a variety of pollen to other plants.

For those who are trying to get their own pepper seeds in our conditions, it can be recommended to isolate the flowers before opening the buds with cotton wool to prevent foreign pollen from entering.

You need to put the pepper in some kind of container, for example, a wooden box, lining the bottom and walls with newspapers. And put in each row of green pepper, red ripe pepper, or a ripe tomato, or a ripe apple, well, what is at hand. Cover the top with newspaper too. If the peppers are harvested at the stage of milky ripeness, then in a week they will ripen. If in technical ripeness, then they should also (theoretically) ripen, but a little later.

The meaning of this procedure is that ripe vegetables and fruits emit ethylene gas, and under its influence, green vegetables and fruits begin to ripen rapidly. The main thing is that both of them lie together in the same container, and the gas cannot diverge anywhere. If you wrap each separately, then ethylene will not be able to spread throughout the entire volume and, on the contrary, the ripening of peppers will slow down.

Anyone who watches Malysheva's program knows that fruits and vegetables cannot be stored together with apples, apples act on everything, spurring overripeness, so feel free to put apples in a container with pepper and it will turn red in an instant.

Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 30 -
Part 31 -
Part 32 - Why sweet peppers are bitter? How to remove bitterness. What can be done to turn green bell peppers red?
Part 33 -

Food is the basis of all life of any living being and what we eat reflects ourselves, but do we know enough about the products that make up our daily diet? For example, do you know what substance gives peppers a burning taste and why fresh fish has such a pungent smell? How did it turn out to bring seedless grapes and why at moments when we are sad we want carbohydrates so much? The answers to these and many other questions are waiting for you in the continuation of the article.

Why is pepper hot?

Capsaicin, which is contained in it, gives spiciness to pepper - it acts on the nerve endings responsible for temperature changes, sending nerve impulses. Thus, it's all about the brain, which receives pain signals from the body.

To some, cilantro actually tastes like soap. It's all about the OR6A2 gene, which is very sensitive to aldehydes, which give cilantro its characteristic taste and smell and smell of soap.

Why does fish have a strong odor?

The fishy smell is caused by a substance called trimethylamine. Trimethylamine is essential for fish to survive in lower temperature environments. In addition, it is involved in the processes of decomposition of plants and animals. By the way, trimethylamine is the cause of bad breath.

Why does an egg harden when boiled?

Can a boiled egg be turned into a liquid?

Theoretically yes, practically no. Scientists have come up with a way to return the molecules to their original position. But this process requires the use of chemicals that should not be eaten. But technically, it's possible.

How are seedless grapes made?

In fact, seedless grapes are clones of genetically mutated grapes that were seedless, or varieties that have been bred to have fewer seeds than normal. Unlike animals, some plants are asexual and therefore easy to clone. Under certain conditions, plant cells are easily cloned.

Why does alcohol affect mental clarity?

There are several reasons for this. First, alcohol promotes the formation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is the most important inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Second, it blocks access to glutamate, another important chemical responsible for memory and learning. Without it, the brain has a hard time.

Why is it undesirable to mix alcoholic beverages?

It's not about mixing different types of alcohol, but in the order in which they are consumed. When you drink low-alcohol drinks, you get drunk gradually and slowly. If, after low-alcohol drinks, you switch to drinks with a high degree, then, as a rule, the portion remains the same and you can get drunk much faster.

Why do we crave carbs in times of sadness and sadness?

Carbohydrates promote the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone that plays a big role in mood regulation. If you are sad, eat a piece of chocolate - and life will become more fun. But even if everything is so good, a couple of sweets also do not hurt.

Why is the bad always better than the good?

It so happened that high-calorie food increases the chances of survival. Now calories are readily available, we do not burn how much, how much we consume. However, nature has it that whenever we get a chance, we should eat.

Sharp, but does not cut, burns, but does not shine ... The bitter truth about hot pepper. Almost every person will answer the question about the popular spice - hot pepper. It is called differently - sharp, capsicum,. In the world, pepper is famous as a spice that complements any dish, giving it a sharpness and piquancy. Hot pepper is worthy of devoting an article to it.

Bitter capsicum is a plant, 50-60 cm high, with small oval leaves and large flowers. Did you know that peppers are berries. Berries grow in various sizes: large, oblong, round, rectangular, red or green.

Inside the pods are hollow, and the flat seeds in them are the source of the burning power of the pepper.

America and India are considered to be native countries of bitter pepper. Columbus introduced the spice to Europe. He brought pepper first. This spice quickly gained popularity. "Pepper bag" - so called the rich people of Europe in the Middle Ages.

In England, even an association of pepper merchants was formed. Merchants, who, due to the high demand for the spice, quickly made a fortune for themselves. And the family coats of arms of merchants were necessarily supplemented with a pepper pod.

A bright representative of the "sharp" has properties that can work wonders. A small pod of pepper is a storehouse of nutrients.

In addition to carbohydrates and proteins, pepper contains:

  • fatty acid
  • essential oils
  • lycopene - an antioxidant that slows down the development of malignant cells
  • vitamins - beta-carotene of group A, vitamins of groups B, E, C, K, PP
  • minerals - magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium. As well as zinc, iron, selenium, potassium manganese

The content of vitamin C in pepper is 4-6 times higher than that in citrus fruits. For example, 100 g of lemon contains 40 mg of vitamin, and 100 g of hot pepper contains 145 mg. Due to its hotness, bitter spice successfully fights microbes and harmful bacteria, therefore it is recommended for use during colds. The capsaicin contained in pepper juice promotes active hair growth.

In addition, hot pepper stimulates the production of endorphins - these are hormones responsible for reducing stress and pain. Endorphins have a beneficial effect on the human circulatory system. The union of vitamin C and P strengthens and cleanses blood vessels. Doctors advise pepper to patients suffering from atherosclerosis, rheumatism and gout.

Scientists have proven that the use of hot pepper leads to the normalization of sleep and weight retention.

Metabolic processes are stimulated, the human body gets rid of toxins and harmful substances. Many researchers claim hot peppers fight cancer cells. Its substances interfere with the production of energy in cells affected by cancer, which leads to their death. This is not about treating cancer with pepper, but about the fact that its use is a prevention of the development of this disease.

Hot peppers are respected in the cuisines of countries such as Italy, France, Hungary, India, Mexico. Most often it is added to meat and fish dishes, soups and side dishes. Capsicum is appropriate in vegetable dishes and canning.

Dry crushed pepper fruits are used as a spice.

The spice is part of many seasonings, and is also combined with spices - basil, and others. Hot pepper is an excellent remedy for many diseases. It is widely practiced in folk and official medicine - pepper patch and pepper tincture are well known to everyone. External application of the warming properties of pepper helps with sciatica, joint pain and frostbite.

Hot pepper is also used in cosmetology: it is added to oils and lotions, they rejuvenate the skin of the body and make it more elastic. Quite often, pepper is part of anti-cellulite creams. Adding juice to hair care products will increase blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles.

Along with a lot of positive qualities, you need to be careful when using hot pepper. It is strictly forbidden to use this product for people who are prone to or have gastrointestinal diseases, such as

  • gastritis
  • colitis
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer

With such diseases, spicy lovers easily acquire heartburn, mucosal burns or bleeding. Pepper is undesirable for people who are diagnosed with hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmia. Its use disturbs the heart rhythm provokes a heart attack.

It is highly undesirable to eat food seasoned with pepper suffering from liver and kidney failure.

It is difficult for the kidneys and liver to cope with the function of cleaning the body, in conditions of eating spicy food. You can not use pepper for women at the time of pregnancy, during lactation, for children if there are open wounds or scratches on the skin, so as not to get burned.

Healthy people should also be careful, because when hot pepper is abused, side effects occur: increased sweating, burning in the stomach, discomfort, an allergic reaction and the development of gastritis. When working with hot peppers, it is better to use rubber gloves so that there is no burn of the hands and accidental contact of the juice with the eyes or mouth.

With a variety of positive and negative properties and qualities of pepper, it is worthy of attention. And thus it causes excitement to try to grow this marvelous berry on your own. The key to a good harvest lies in the correct choice of plant variety and care for it.

Before you start choosing a variety, decide where you will grow it - in the garden, in the greenhouse or on the window in the apartment? How fast do you want to harvest? Some varieties ripen quickly, while others "pull to the last." What yield do you want?

Many varieties produce a large number of fruits and do not have to plant a pepper plantation. Basically, varieties of hot peppers are divided into two types - savory and shrubby:

  • The spicy look has a sharp and bright taste. It is usually used raw, since the peppercorns are long and it is inconvenient to dry them.
  • Shrubs, on the other hand, will take root remarkably at home as an ornamental plant. Its fruits are edible, dried and added to seasonings.

Popular varieties of hot pepper:

  • Cayenne pepper. A common variety of hot pepper. It is used dry and fresh in soups, vegetable or meat dishes. Let's apply in production of ketchup.
  • Jalapeno. Mexican variety. Medium sharpness. The plant is thermophilic, therefore a greenhouse and a greenhouse are the best place for growing. The fruits are harvested green. Add to salads.
  • Hungarian Wax Yellow. The variety is not spicy and not demanding. Suitable for marinating and stuffing.
  • Chinese fire. The fruits of this pepper are both pickled and eaten raw. Peppercorns reach a length of 25 cm, unpretentious to growing conditions.

Let's start landing. Experts believe that the best way to grow peppers is from seeds. Their germination, with proper care, lasts up to 3-4 years. It is advisable to start the process of growing seedlings in February, in order to plant peppers in open ground in the spring.

  1. Soak the seeds in water for a while. This is necessary for their best germination.
  2. We prepare the soil and fill it with containers for planting
  3. We make holes in the soil with a match or a toothpick.
  4. Prepared seeds are planted in containers. The desired room temperature is at least 25 degrees.
  5. The containers are closed with a bar and cleaned in a bright and warm place.
  6. When the sprouts hatch, it is desirable to reduce the temperature in the room by 2-4 degrees.
  7. Young seedlings require regular watering. Drying and waterlogging should not be allowed.
  8. Bushes that have grown up to 25-30 centimeters are recommended to be planted in open ground, where onions or carrots previously grew.
  9. The desired temperature by the time of disembarkation is 15-17 degrees. It is better to do this on a cloudy day, or in the evening, avoiding direct sunlight.
  10. The seedlings are removed from the containers along with the soil and the holes are planted. The wells are watered abundantly. The size of the hole should roughly match the size of the container. Preferably not seedlings with bare roots.
  11. The landing scheme corresponds to the size of 40cmx50cm. These distances increase or decrease, depending on the variety of pepper, the larger the bush, the wider the distance between the seedlings.

The first few days after planting the seedlings in the ground, the pepper looks sluggish. This is because the root system suffers during transplantation and the plant is stressed. It takes some time to adapt. During this period of time, the main thing is not to overdo it with watering. Waterlogging is not permissible, as the thin roots will rot. The first abundant watering is necessary a week after planting. Further care of the plant consists in periodic watering, fertilizing and weeding.

More information can be found in the video:

Watering should be done regularly. Until fruiting - once a week, during fruiting - twice. Watering is carried out under the root, without touching the leaves. More often, watering is combined with top dressing. First water the plant with water, then with fertilizer, then again with water. This will make top dressing gentle for seedlings.

If the pepper grows well and blooms, then it needs pinching.

Pin the top of the plant, then the shoots will begin to grow on the sides. This ensures a good harvest. It is realistic to collect up to 25 peppers from one bush. If the fruits have begun to be tied, leave the amount you need - remove the excess. And the plant will give its strength to the remaining fruits.

Pepper harvest time is from mid-July to October inclusive. Surprisingly, you can collect pepper without waiting for it to fully ripen. At home, the fruits will ripen and this will not affect their properties in any way. The main thing is to remove the fruits from the bush carefully and together with the stalk. You can store bitter pepper all year round, it will not lose its sharpness and pungency. And there are many storage options - the pepper is dried, ground in a coffee grinder and added during the cooking process. You can pickle peppers and freeze for the winter. Frozen pepper retains all its properties and flavor

Capsicum pepper is called red, sharp, bitter and Chile. In fact, hot chili peppers are not always red, and the sharpness depends on the variety and stage of maturity. Hot chili is a tasty and healthy vegetable, culinary spice and medicinal plant, but it must be eaten with care. Read about the properties, pungency, benefits and harms of bitter red chili pepper

Red hot (bitter) capsicum called chili pepper. Word Chile (chili, chilli, chillie, chile) comes from the Aztec language (it is spoken by a group of tribes inhabiting the territory of modern central Mexico), has nothing to do with the country of Chile and does not indicate the degree hot pepper spiciness.

Hot peppers has been part of the American Indian diet for thousands of years. Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans to try chilli. In the 15th century, after the second expedition of Columbus to the West Indies, hot peppers appeared in Europe.

Hot chilli pepper (capsaicin)

The spiciness of red chili peppers (capsaicin content) measured by Scoville scale (SHU - Scoville heat units). The scale is named after the American chemist Wilbur Scoville, who first proposed using this method. The number of SHU indicates how many times the pomace should be diluted chili pepper until it loses its spiciness.

The hottest pepper in the world officially for 2012 — Carolina Reaper(1.6 million SHU). This title he took from the red pepper Trinidad Moruga Scorpion(1.2 million SHU), named champion a little earlier, in February 2012. Both peppers are varieties of Chinese Capsicum ( capsicum chinense).

What parts hot peppers are the hottest

The internal septum (placenta) and seeds, which are often exposed to caustic matter from the placenta. If you remove the inner partition and seeds hot pepper(this is often done, for example, when canning for the winter), then the sharpness and bitterness chili pepper decrease significantly.

Properties of hot chili pepper

burning substances hot chili pepper- capsaicins, or capsaicinoids, act on pain receptors on the mucous membrane, and they in turn transmit signals to the brain. In response, a person's pulse quickens, sweating increases and endorphins(complex chemical compounds that relieve pain and cause a feeling of emotional uplift). That is why it is recommended to use red hot pepper in winter to make it easier to carry winter longing.

spicy lovers note that food flavored with red hot peppers is addictive and over time a person becomes less sensitive and can consume chili peppers in much higher quantities. Acute addiction, however, is not as destructive as other "bad habits" because it does not cause "withdrawal" syndrome.

Hot pepper: benefits and harms

In consumption hot red chili pepper you should still know when to stop: scientists suspect that in high doses red hot pepper can provoke stomach cancer and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. As positive influencing factors hot pepper on the body (however, not yet confirmed by serious studies) is called, in particular, the ability Chile kill certain types of cancer cells, lower blood sugar levels, help people with insulin-dependent diabetes, lower "bad" cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, or LDL) in the blood. Capsaicin from hot red pepper used in pharmacology for the manufacture of analgesics.

Hot pepper is beautiful, tasty and healthy. Only once in room conditions, it gives fruits much less than in open ground. But there are a couple of tricks that will allow you to get larger peppercorns.

First of all, landing time. Our gardeners sow hot peppers at the beginning of winter. As a result, fruiting occurs in February frosts, when the plants do not really receive light. Because of this, the harvest is less, and the fruits are smaller. Personally, I prefer to wait until March and sow only in March, as a result, the fruits are especially large, as they ripen literally in the summer, when there is an abundance of sun.

And what about in winter? In winter, we also do not remain without fruits, since at this time we transplant bitter pepper from the garden to the windowsill. Of all the varieties that I tried to grow, I like the Aladdin variety the most. Having moved to the windowsill, it becomes smaller, but otherwise it feels good and bears fruit until spring.

It does not hurt to plant the Tabasco variety, it is from it that the famous sauce is made. Its fruits up to 5 cm long on the bush are collected in bunches. The yield is very high. Two in one yields the variety Bell. It is sweet on top and spicy in the middle... perfect for meat dishes.

A very rare and productive variety Finger Peter. Its fruits are up to 10 cm, yellow, really remotely resembling a finger. In general, there are a lot of interesting varieties, you can’t remember all of them. Therefore, it makes sense to go shopping, look after something to your taste.

Their seeds are taken from ripened fruits. The soil for pepper is prepared fertile and loose. You can sow pepper seeds at any time, and not just in autumn and spring. After sowing pepper, after all, before winter, it is not necessary to treat it with stimulants and feed it. And watering should also be kept to a minimum, just not letting the soil dry out. That is, no more than once a week.

When the sprouts reach 5 cm, they must be planted from a common box into separate pots. If this is not done or the move is delayed, the plants will turn out to be weak and will not bear fruit well.

After that, it is only necessary to transplant peppers by transshipment, trying not to damage the roots, removing only the top layer to the roots and adding fresh soil. Plant peppers only on a sunny windowsill. The optimum temperature for it is from +18 to +22 ° C, that is, in room conditions, the pepper feels great.

When the pepper begins to grow actively, it should be watered often. He loves moisture. But while there is no growth, the pepper forms a root system, and it needs to be watered less often. After transplantation, once a week, the pepper is fed with a solution of nitrophoska, 1 match. boxes of 10 liters of water. When the first fruits appear, feeding should be stopped.

Every day, the plants must be sprayed with a spray bottle, as the pepper may suffer from dry air in the apartment.

Pepper is not only useful (two or three pods are enough for a jar of twists), but also beauty. It is especially beautiful when there are flowers and yellow and red pods on the bushes in winter. So plant pepper - you will not regret it. By the way, most bitter varieties grow well in a room on the windowsill, only the fruits are smaller than in the wild.

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