This article will help you figure out which calcium preparation is better to choose, answer the question of why calcium is needed at all, and what forms it exists. In the end, we will figure out which calcium preparation is most effective and beneficial for our health, and why. So, the best preparation of calcium.

The best calcium preparation. What is calcium for?

Calcium is a macro mineral. A person can get calcium only from the outside, with food.

Without calcium, many metabolic processes in the body of both children and adults cannot occur. First of all, it maintains the acid-base balance. We constantly acidify our body: we drink coffee, eat junk food, eat few vegetables and fruits. To make up for the disturbed balance after this, we need calcium.

Secondly, calcium helps to cleanse our body. It removes toxins from the body. Calcium deficiency very often leads to allergies, dermatosis, psoriasis, etc., especially in children.

Thirdly, calcium is a building material for teeth and bones. It is also responsible for the beauty and condition of nails, skin and hair. The main cause of problems with teeth and bones is almost always calcium deficiency.

This is especially true for pregnant women and nursing mothers. During pregnancy, the mother's body gives a huge amount of calcium to the developing child, because of this, the expectant mother's hair begins to fall out, her nails peel off and, of course, her teeth deteriorate, bringing great joy to dentists! Therefore, the importance of calcium for women cannot be overestimated.

In addition to all of the above, with calcium deficiency, blood pressure rises (especially in the elderly), headache occurs, diseases such as hyperplasia, pancreatitis, rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, kidney and liver failure, thyroid disease, and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract develop. , dysbacteriosis, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

To protect yourself from such serious problems, you need to eat calcium. But how?

The average daily requirement for calcium in humans is approximately 1000 mg (in children - 1200 mg, in pregnant women - from 1600 to 2000 mg). Is it possible to get this amount of calcium from food? Let's get a look.

Like, now everything became clear. You need to eat cheese, cottage cheese, eggs and drink milk, and your teeth and bones will be healthy ... However, this is not so.

The thing is that the amount of calcium in the products in the picture is purely approximate. The percentage of calcium in food depends on many factors: what soil did the raw material grow on, was it depleted, how many times was the product processed before it hit the store shelf? Did the cow that gave milk eat right? What were the plants sprayed with? Were these products properly transported, etc…

It is quite difficult to find answers to all these questions and track how much calcium will remain in this or that product in the end! Therefore, you can try to eat a kilo of cottage cheese every day and hope that there was the amount of calcium that you expected. And if you don’t want to hope for a chance, then what to do?

The answer is simple - you can get calcium from the outside in a concentrated form, that is, drink vitamins, on a jar with which the calcium content in each tablet is clearly indicated. However, everything is not so simple here either.

The best calcium preparation. Problem of choice

So, vitamins with calcium must be taken, and daily. But what are they, these calcium preparations, are there? And how to choose them?

Many people are not accustomed to understand the composition of drugs that they buy at the pharmacy. The doctor has written out - I buy. Or maybe there is a cheaper one? I take!

Even better, if Baba Valya told Aunt Masha that her legs stopped hurting after the red pill for five rubles. Then you should definitely take it. For five rubles something.

For some reason, the only important criterion when buying pharmacy drugs for many is the price. But what about the quality?

If we decide to read the composition of medicines or vitamins, we are unlikely to understand anything. Unless, of course, we have not previously shone with knowledge in chemistry. As part of medical preparations, the weight of the substance containing calcium is usually indicated. But to understand how many of these tablets you need to drink in order to gain 1000 mg, we need the weight of pure calcium, that is, the content of calcium ions in the tablet. But the active substances can be completely different, which complicates the solution of the problem.

So how do we, ordinary people, understand the composition of the medicine? What to look for when buying calcium supplements? Everything is described below in the simplest terms possible.

The best calcium preparation. Selection criteria

Well, we need to determine which calcium preparation is the best. The main criteria for comparison are the manufacturer (the quality of the vitamin significantly depends on it), the active ingredient in the preparation, the amount of calcium contained in each tablet and, of course, the price.

1. Manufacturer
2. Active ingredient
3. The amount of calcium
4. Price

Separately, you need to deal with the active substance, that is, the form of calcium in which it was put in a tablet.

The best calcium preparation. Forms of calcium and composition of preparations

So, the best calcium preparation is the one in which price and quality are ideally correlated. Therefore, we first consider the forms in which calcium is most often used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Calcium form and absorption percentage Description
The natural form of minerals with a protein molecule, thanks to which it penetrates through the cell membrane and works in the cell itself. Calcium in this form is not deposited either in the vessels or in the kidneys.
Citrate (calcium citrate)
Calcium salt of citric acid. It is quickly absorbed, but provokes an increase in acidity in the body.
The synthesized form of minerals (inorganic) is ordinary chalk. May contain hazardous impurities. In case of an overdose, it is deposited in the vessels and kidneys.
Inorganic calcium salt. It has an additional undesirable phosphorus load on the body.
It is widely used in pharmacology due to its low cost. Often leads to the formation of kidney stones and gallbladder.

The chelated form of calcium is best absorbed. It has the highest bioavailability. However, not every manufacturer can afford to produce a calcium chelate formula, since this is a very difficult and expensive process. Therefore, it is quite difficult or almost impossible to find a calcium preparation with a chelated formula on the shelves of pharmacies ...

The best calcium preparation. comparison table

We have considered all selection criteria. It's time for the most interesting part - the ranking among the most famous and easily available in pharmacies and stores of calcium preparations.

Name of the drug Substance form The amount of ionic calcium Number of tablets needed to get 1000 mg The cost of daily admission in $
(USA) Chelate 250 mg 4 0,55$
Citrate 250 mg 4 0,80$
Calcium Plus D3 Expert Citrate 172 mg 6 0,6$
Calcium-Active Citrate (Russia) Citrate 50 mg 20 3,9$
CalceminAdvance (Switzerland) Citrate + carbonate 500 mg 2 0,25$
Osteogenon (France) Phosphate 178 mg 6 7,5$
Calcium-D3 Nycomed (Norway) Carbonate 500 mg 2 0,22$
Calcium-D3 Nycomed Plus (Norway) Carbonate 500 mg 2 0,60$
Calcium-D3 Nycomed Forte (Norway) Carbonate 500 mg 2 0,52$
Alfadol-Sa (India) Carbonate 200 mg 5 1,85$
Vitrum Calcium with Vitamin D3 Carbonate 500 mg 2 1,2$
Calcium D3 Mick Forte (Belarus) Carbonate 166.7 mg 6 2,4$

The best calcium preparation. Summing up

It is located first in the comparison table, because of the options presented, it has one declared chelate form of calcium.

In addition, its manufacturer is the American company NSP, which has been successfully operating on the market for more than 45 years and has vast experience in the production of dietary supplements.

All products are made from high-quality raw materials of plant origin, which is confirmed by many certificates, including the globally recognized GMP quality standard.

And most importantly, the company uses forms of magnesium with the highest possible bioavailability - chelated, which, against the backdrop of a loyal price, is an important reason for an informed choice.

Take care of your health every day and be healthy!


As you know, the neutralization of excess acids in our blood occurs in two ways: either due to the work of buffer systems, or due to alkali metals.

Ideally, this neutralization should be carried out ONLY at the expense of blood buffer systems.(actually, for this purpose they are created).
First of all, of course, this is the task of the bicarbonate buffer of the blood (or, more simply, the soda that is dissolved in our blood and is part of our blood). This is the largest and fastest blood buffer, accounting for as much as 82% of our entire blood buffer capacity.

But as the reality of our life shows, we categorically lack negatively charged ions, which make up the bicarbonate buffer, with a normal, standard, average statistical lifestyle.

Let's look around:

- Do people drink a lot of FRESH water?
- how many people eat FRESH greens, vegetables, fruits (and also in the right combination, because if you eat all this, combining them incorrectly, then there will be no intake of negatively charged ions)
- How many people drink freshly squeezed juices?
- Do people breathe FRESH air a lot?
- Do people often breathe deeply, with the inclusion of the entire volume of the lungs?
- Do we sleep enough for a good rest of the nervous system?
- Do we live in spiritual comfort and gramony?

Unfortunately, we don't have enough of this.
And if we take into account that people, with all this, are also actively poisoning themselves with malnutrition, smoking, alcohol, and stress, it becomes clear that the situation with our buffer systems is, on average, very deplorable.

And then, this flurry of acids that continuously enter the blood is neutralized in the second way - due to alkali metals.
And the logic here is simple - if there is no free alkali (bicarbonate buffer), then the body donates alkali from its structures, tissues, which, as you know, consist of some microelements.

What trace elements are the most important for our life?
Almost any educated modern person can easily, offhand, be able to list these trace elements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium ...

If we look at the good old, familiar from school (but by most already pretty forgotten :)) periodic table, we will see that all these vital microelements listed by us ALL belong to the group, which is called "ALKALI METALS"

Here they are all - in the first two columns of the table:

Alkali metals are able to react with dilute acids to release hydrogen. That's how magnesium does it, for example.

Let's say a person is under a lot of stress. The boss there "called me on the carpet", the child did a trick at school, someone stepped on a pet callus in transport, the salary was sharply reduced ...
Stress generates the release of hydrochloric acid.
And so, if a person's blood bicarbonate buffer is in its "average" state, then the body neutralizes this acid exactly like this, according to this scheme, REMOVING such valuable magnesium from its structures.

And here is the same thing, but with sodium:

Calcium, on the other hand, works in a slightly different way (since it is not purely alkaline, but alkaline earth metal)


The formula looks complicated. I will not explain it, because here we need to understand a simple essence: alkali metals are SACRIFICED by the body.
And they are FORCED to sacrifice.

That is why in the Alkaline System of Healing such importance is attached to the replenishment of microelements.

For with calcium, we are doing very badly :(
Civilization has reached the point where osteoporosis has become a mass phenomenon...
Already "World Osteoporosis Day"" had to enter. How!

First of all, such a trouble with calcium, strange as it may sound for the "average statistical ear", is associated with the active use of dairy products.

From childhood, we are inspired by the myth that cow's milk and dairy products based on cow's milk are like a storehouse of calcium.
We actively consume these dairy products and ... and we have exactly what we have - "World Osteoporosis Day".

The reasons for this myth about "they say O chke" are understandable to anyone whose head serves not only to eat in it :)
The reason is simple: very good business.
Milk is not that difficult to produce.
Cows produce it in large quantities.
Production technologies for the entire line of dairy products are not so complicated. No special investment is required here.
But the profit is huge.

This myth about dairy products lives on, destroying our bodies from childhood ...

In fact, the calcium contained in dairy products not only does not work in the body itself, but also binds other trace elements, removing them.
Alexander Timofeevich Ogulov talks about this literally at the very first lecture of his course, because it is really a disaster - what dairy products are doing to us.

For many years now, since I began practicing the Alkaline System of Healing, I constantly talk and talk about the need to give up dairy products. And almost always I hear a concerned question: what about calcium? Where can I get it? :)

Well, and now, finally got around to putting together all the material that has accumulated on calcium - fortunately, my students wrote very informative and visual materials on this topic

Firstly, post about sesame

Secondly, a post about how to cook at home is absolutely wonderful in terms of clarity and informativeness. :

And finally, I have collected a number of materials about calcium here, below.
And here, in particular, the differences and advantages of two options for replenishing calcium are well analyzed - through calcium carbonate (just ground eggshells) and calcium citrate (ground shells and quenched with lemon juice).
Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Depending on the acidity of the gastric juice, you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

calcium carbonate and calcium citrate

Since ancient times, it has been known that eating chicken egg shells helps strengthen nails and bones.
In modern terms, this shell is rich in calcium.

But there are nuances...

Calcium carbonate CaCO3 (it is in this form that calcium is found in eggshells) is insoluble in water and alcohol, but aboutA prerequisite for the absorption of calcium is its solubility in water.

But at the same time, digestion in the stomach occurs due to hydrochloric acid.
And this is what happens in our stomach:
СaCO3 + 2HCl(hydrochloric acid) = CaCl2(calcium chloride) + Co2 + H20

And the calcium chloride formed as a result of this reaction is perfectly soluble in water !!! And it is in this form that calcium is absorbed!
Is this doctors don't know
Or are they just lying and selling us medicines???

Further: during this reaction, there is a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, which is important for people suffering from high acidity.

So, for those who suffer from hyperacidity of the stomach, you can safely use ground egg acid and you will have a double benefit: acid reduction and additional calcium.

But eggshell powder quenched with lemon juice will not work for such people - usually nausea immediately arises here, since lemon juice increases the acidity of the stomach.

So, the absorption of calcium from calcium carbonate requires gastric juice with high acidity.
In real life, a situation very often happens when the acidity of the stomach is low or zero. This situation is especially typical for older people, when the need for calcium is especially high to prevent osteoporosis. For example, after 50 years, low acidity is observed in about 40% of people. Under these conditions, the absorption of calcium carbonate, which requires hydrochloric acid to dissolve in the stomach, drops to 2%.
Perhaps this is the answer why older people are more likely to suffer from diseases associated with a lack of calcium - they simply cannot absorb it in its usual form.

Now consider why many recipes for taking crushed eggshells are advised to repay it with lemon juice.

When we add lemon juice to crushed citric acid, calcium carbonate (CaCo3) reacts with citric acid (C6H8O7) and we getcalcium citrate(Ca3(C6H5O7)2) :

2C6H8O7 + 3CaCO3 = Ca3(C6H5O7)2 + 3CO2 + 3H2O

Here. And the absorption of calcium citrate, which does not require hydrochloric acid to dissolve in the stomach, is 44%. As a result, under conditions of low acidity, 11 times more calcium enters the body from calcium citrate than from carbonate!

Conclusion, if you have high acidity - it is better to use just crushed eggshells, if the acidity is low, it is better to quench eggshell powder with lemon juice.


At night, there is an accelerated release of mineral salts from the body (circadian acceleration of resorptive processes in the bone).Therefore, it is advisable to take calcium supplements after lunch and in the evening., which will prevent an accelerated loss of calcium in the second half of the night, especially with a reduced level (or absence) in the intestine. There is also a negative dose-dependent effect of the pharmacotherapeutic activity of calcium:in low doses, this biometal is absorbed better than in high doses.

Due to this it is more rational to take the drug several times a day.


calcium citrate vs calcium carbonate

In vitamin-mineral complexes, calcium carbonate is most often used.
Often calcium carbonate is positioned as calcium from natural sources: from dolomite, limestone, animal bones, oyster shells, eggshells and other natural products.
Manufacturers claim the advantage of this calcium due to its "natural origin".

Compare the bioavailability of calcium carbonate with calcium citrate.

So, calcium citrate has compelling advantages over calcium carbonate.
It is no coincidence that a number of manufacturers resort to such a trick: they add calcium citrate in small quantities to calcium carbonate and then tout their product as the most bioavailable.
The only exception is the category of people with high acidity of the stomach.

Source< >

Calcium citrate is an excellent source of absorbable calcium, which plays a very important role in the body, as it affects many enzymatic processes and blood clotting.

Calcium deficiency leads to brittle bones and osteoporosis.

For young children, it is good for dental health, adults need regular intake of calcium to stabilize blood pressure.

According to the National Cancer Institute (USA), E-333 has the potential to prevent colon cancer and other types of cancer. In addition, calcium citrates are used in medicine to remove heavy metals from the body.

Since calcium citrate is one of the most important transport forms of calcium in the human body, it is used in medicine along with less effective calcium carbonate (addition E-170 ) to replenish calcium stores in the body. For the same reason, calcium citrate is also used in the form of dietary supplements (BAA).

In the food industry, the additive E-333 is used as a stabilizer, preservative, acidity regulator, color fixer.As a stabilizer, food additive E-333 is used in the manufacture of condensed milk, dried cream, processed cheese. In jams, jellies and fruit preserves, E-333 is used as an acidity regulator. Also, calcium citrates are widely used for calcium enrichment of milk and fermented milk products, bakery and flour products, soft drinks.

In appearance, calcium citrate is a white powder with a pronounced sour taste. Soluble in water. Molecular formula of calcium citrate: Ca3(C6H5O7)2.
Get E-333 by reacting citric acid with calcium hydroxide.

Properties and technological functions:

Stabilizer: A special group of additives, the main purpose of which is the formation and preservation of the consistency, texture and shape of food products
Acidity regulator: Substances that establish and maintain a certain pH value in a food product. The addition of acids lowers the pH of the product, the addition of bases increases it, and the addition of buffers maintains the pH at a certain level.
Preservative: Preservatives significantly increase the shelf life of products. The safety of some preservatives is questionable.

Possible food supplement names:
  • E-333
  • E-333
  • Calcium citrates
  • Calcium Citrates
  • Monocalcium Citrate
  • Dicalcium Citrate
  • Tricalcium Citrate

Source< >

In the middle of the twentieth century. a kind of "boom" began: biochemists, physiologists, biophysicists, pharmacologists and clinicians began to show increased interest in studying the role of calcium in regulating the activity of organs and body systems. It has been established that calcium ions take part in the excitation and contraction of muscle cells, regulation of cell membrane permeability, intercellular interactions, blood coagulation, secretion of hormones, mediators, enzymes; perform the function of a converter of signals entering the cell, participate in the regulation of intracellular metabolism, including energy metabolism. There are 1000 times more free calcium ions on the surface of the membrane of cardiomyocytes and blood vessels than in the cytosol of cells. From the extracellular space, they penetrate into the cytoplasm through special calcium channels, influencing various physiological processes and functions of the cells of all organs, vascular tone, intensity of systole, diastole.
Calcium plays an important role in the formation of bone tissue and maintaining its normal structure and function. Along with special proteins, calcium ions provide bone hardness and elasticity.
All this served as a theoretical foundation for the development and introduction into medical practice of calcium preparations based on its salts. Currently, calcium salts such as glycerophosphate, gluconate, carbonate, lactate, citrate, chloride, phosphate and many others are used in medical practice.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug CALCIUM CITRATE has its own characteristics. Calcium is absorbed from the intestine in a soluble ionized form. The dissolution of the drug occurs better in the acidic environment of the stomach. Dissolved ionized calcium penetrates well into all tissues, penetrates the placental barrier, enters breast milk. It is excreted from the body mainly with feces, about 20% - with urine. An important feature of CALCIUM CITRATE is its low ability to form kidney stones, which is important for long-term use of this salt. This is due to the fact that the citrate salt reduces the amount of oxalates in the urine.
Bioavailability is determined by the rate and degree with which the active substance is absorbed from the dosage form, becomes available at the site of the intended therapeutic effect.
At night, there is an accelerated release of mineral salts from the body (circadian acceleration of resorptive processes in the bone). Therefore, it is advisable to take calcium supplements after lunch and in the evening, which will prevent an accelerated loss of calcium in the second half of the night, especially with a reduced level (or absence) in the intestines. There is a negative dose-dependent effect of the pharmacotherapeutic activity of calcium: in low doses, this biometal is absorbed better than in high doses. In this regard, it is more rational to take the drug several times a day. For different age groups, there are different physiological norms of calcium intake (table).
Recommended intake of calcium in people of different ages
(according to the Canadian Osteoporosis Society)

Age, years Physiological norms of calcium intake, mg/day
4-8 800
9-18 1300
19-50 1000
50 and older 1500
Pregnant and breastfeeding (18 and older) 1000

The absorption of calcium ions is facilitated by vitamin D, hydrochloric acid, lactose, citric acid, the presence of protein in food, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as some foods: vegetable butter, eggs, fish, cod fat, cabbage, etc.
Deteriorate the absorption of calcium: lack of protein in food, lack of magnesium, phosphorus, foods rich in oxalic acid (sorrel, rhubarb, spinach).
Calcium absorption slows down in diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, enteritis, colitis, peptic ulcer), pancreas (diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis), pathology of other endocrine organs.
It should be emphasized that some drugs, especially glucocorticoids, hormonal contraceptives for systemic use, levothyroxine also impair the absorption of calcium ions.
According to the results of scientific studies (data from the Canadian Society for Osteoporosis), there is no convincing evidence on the basis of which it is possible to recommend the additional consumption of other minerals (magnesium, zinc, copper, etc.) in order to prevent or treat osteoporosis.
The results of clinical studies conducted in Ukraine and other countries have confirmed the high efficiency of this drug in the treatment of many diseases. CALCIUM CITRATE is also used for prophylactic purposes in various diseases.
In osteoporosis in the elderly, osteomalacia CALCIUM CITRATE is prescribed 2-6 tablets per day, dividing the daily dose into 3-4 doses. The drug is taken before meals or 1-1.5 hours after meals, for 3 months. Such patients should also be prescribed vitamin D3 at 400–800 IU per day, as well as include oil, milk, fish, and eggs in the diet.
CALCIUM CITRATE is the optimal dosage form for providing calcium not only to adults, but also to children and adolescents, as it helps to increase bone mineral density, increase bone mass, strengthen dentin and tooth enamel. Children under the age of 6 months are prescribed 1/2 tablet (250 mg) (crushed, dissolved in a small amount of milk), at the age of 6–12 months - also 1/2 tablet 2 times a day, at the age of 1–10 years - 1-2 tablets, 10-18 years - 2-3 tablets per day.
Indications for the appointment of CALCIUM CITRATE are:
hypocalcemia due to bleeding of various origins, as well as during pregnancy and lactation, with injuries - to compensate for the increased need of the body for calcium ions;
violation of calcium absorption in diseases of the digestive tract and an increased level of excretion of calcium through the kidneys and intestines;
hypoparathyroidism, dehydration of the body of various origins, allergic diseases and allergic complications when taking medications, increased permeability of the vascular wall, reduced blood clotting.
CALCIUM CITRATE should be prescribed when taking glucocorticoids, oral contraceptives, levothyroxine. In the last three cases, the drug is taken 1 tablet 6 times a day after meals.
CALCIUM CITRATE is usually well tolerated, sometimes there may be dyspeptic symptoms (constipation or diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain), polyuria.
The concomitant administration of CALCIUM CITRATE with antacids containing aluminum is not recommended due to a decrease in their effectiveness. It is undesirable to prescribe it simultaneously with other calcium preparations.
In conclusion, the positive pharmacological properties of CALCIUM CITRATE can be noted:
calcium citrate salt dissolves well and is absorbed in the digestive tract, which determines the good absorption of calcium in the body and, accordingly, the effectiveness of the drug in its prophylactic or therapeutic use, which is confirmed by the results of many clinical studies.
The low risk of kidney stone formation when taking the drug increases the value of CALCIUM CITRATE with long-term use.

Source< >

Where to take the notorious calcium?

Almost all of the calcium in the human body is found in the bones and teeth. A small amount of calcium is present in the circulatory system, and important functions such as muscle contraction, maintenance of the heartbeat process and transmission of nerve impulses depend on it.

The human body constantly loses calcium from the circulatory system through the excretion of urine, sweat and bowel movements. The supply of calcium is reproduced from the bones or from the food consumed by a person.

Bones are in a constant process of decomposition and repair. Until the age of 30, we build more bone tissue than we lose it, later the processes change places. The rate of calcium loss depends on the composition of the protein we eat, as well as other aspects of diet and lifestyle.

Reduced loss of calcium from the body

A number of factors contribute to these losses:

Protein-rich diets stimulate the loss of calcium from the body through the urine. The protein of animal products affects the greater leaching of calcium. This may explain the fact that vegans have denser bones than meat eaters.

Foods high in sodium (like table salt, soda, baked goods with baking soda) also help calcium to bind and be flushed out in the urine.

Caffeine speeds up the excretion of calcium through the urine.

Smoking increases the loss of calcium in the body.

Factors affecting bone density:

Physical exercise is the most important condition for maintaining healthy bone tissue.

Exposure to sunlight allows the body to produce the bone-building hormone vitamin D.

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables - this helps to maintain calcium in the skeletal system.

Eating plant foods rich in calcium, especially green leafy vegetables and beans, which provide one of the building blocks of bones.

Exercising and following a moderate protein diet will help keep your skeletal system in shape. People who live on a plant-based diet and engage in physical activity may need less calcium in the body.

However, it is important to remember the importance of including calcium-rich foods in your daily diet.

Based on materials from the site

“Contrary to popular belief that milk is supposedly healthy and carries calcium, the effect of taking milk is just the opposite: calcium is washed out of the joints, providing osteoporosis to milk-drinking citizens.

Moreover, milk contributes to diabetes (Finland and India, as the most dairy-consuming countries, lead in diabetes in the world). Simply put, vegans get their calcium from plants and are therefore healthy and alert.

Calcium, the amount of which you can get in one glass of cow's milk, you will find (only without harm)) in 100 grams of young cabbage or lettuce. In addition, greens contain boron, which retains calcium in the body. It is also important to proportionally combine with phosphorus and magnesium, which is not found in animal meat, and which is balanced in plants.

Poppy and sesame (aka sim-sim, sesame) are champions in calcium content. In general, all plants are rich in them. Especially - rapeseed, sunflower, soybeans, almonds, parsley, dill, hazelnuts, garlic, hazelnuts, beans, figs, persimmons, horseradish, oats, peas, spinach, green onions, etc. Eat them outdoors - calcium is well absorbed with vitamin D (which is synthesized in you under the influence of the sun).

(for comparison - in cow's milk 120, in cottage cheese - 95):

Poppy - 1667

Sesame - 1474

Wheat bran - 950

Nettle - 713

Plum-core - 600

Rape seed - 454

Sunflower seed - 367

Soy, grain - 348

Cherry-kernel - 309

Almond - 273

Mustard seed - 254

Nutmeg - 250

Parsley - 245

Dill - 223

Chickpeas - 193

Mash - 192

Hazel - 188

Garlic - 180

Hazelnut - 170

Beans, grain - 150

Dried figs - 144

Garden cabbage - 135

Persimmon - 127

Watercress - 120

Horseradish - 119

Beets, greens - 119

Oats, food grain - 117

Peas, grain - 115

Spinach - 106

Chinese cabbage - 105

Green onion - 100

Chicory, greens - 100

Food barley grain - 93

Peas, shelled - 89

Walnut - 89

Leek - 87

Lentils, grain - 83

Okra (okra, gombo) - 81

Raisins (quiche-mish) - 80

Barley groats, barley - 80

Salad - 77

Turnip - 77

Peanut - 76

Celery - 72

Olives (pulp) - 70

Buckwheat grain food - 70

Dates - 65

Beans (pod) - 65

Oatmeal - 64

Celery (root) - 63

Parsley (root) - 57

Red cabbage - 53

Food grain, millet - 51

Chard - 51

White cabbage - 48

Sauerkraut - 48

Sorrel - 47

Brussels sprouts - 42

Oranges - 40

Of course, we mean non-thermally processed products! During heat treatment, calcium passes into another, very poorly digestible form)

To avoid any more doubts, by clicking on the link, you can read the article “The bones of vegans are as strong as the bones of meat eaters”

Of course, someone can say why scoff at the products and cook something else there. First, I think it's stupid to eat a raw food diet for the sake of a raw food diet. Secondly, I do not advise you to eat sesame and poppy seeds as a whole quite often, because. they are not absorbed in this way, and at best they will simply come out of you in their original form into the toilet. And at worst - clog the appendix. Thirdly, such milk is an excellent healthy treat for children, and for you - for a change, but, of course, only you decide and cook.

And one more little addition: calcium is best absorbed, i.e. will reach the right place in the first half of the day, so it is better to eat all calcium-containing foods in the first half of the day.

Some recipes for making milk can be found on the Internet and / or found at Butenko.

I want to bring to your attention an article about nut milk:

Nut milk - get only the benefits!

Nut milk is a very healthy substitute for animal milk.

For many reasons, for example, cow's milk is not very healthy.

I will try to list many of them (I just can’t claim to know all the reasons why cow’s milk can be harmful).

1. Complete digestion of milk is possible only in the presence of certain enzymes that are in the human body only up to 3 years of age. When these enzymes are absent, milk is broken down only to uric acid, which poisons the body and contributes to the accumulation of mucus in it, the formation of cysts and polyps.

2. Milk is valuable and healthy when it is consumed fresh or raw. City dwellers can hardly boast of drinking such milk. Most often, reconstituted pasteurized or sterilized milk is available to us. When milk is heated to 60 degrees, and even more so when sterilized, its composition changes, vitamins are destroyed.

3. Powdered milk and condensed milk are especially harmful.

4. Cow's milk is intended primarily for feeding calves and its composition is balanced in such a way as to ensure the rapid growth of the calf. There is 4 times more calcium and 3 times more protein than in breast milk. The child needs minerals and carbohydrates for the formation of the brain and nervous system. In other words, cow's milk is the food of a rapidly growing organism. Figuratively speaking, this is cement, so necessary for building a house. But when the house is already built, cement is no longer needed. And it is very foolish to continue to fill the house with cement, just because cement is good as a building material.

Given the above reasons. I suggest you try such a healthy alternative as nut milk.

Nut milk is a drink obtained from crushed nuts and/or seeds mixed with water by long-term whipping in a mixer (blender, food processor).

What are good nuts and dishes from them?

The nutritional value of nuts is provided by a favorable combination of fats and proteins in them. Nut protein contains many essential amino acids and lysine, which is very important for a growing organism (they contain more of it than, for example, chicken eggs).

400 g of peeled walnuts are equivalent in everything to meat and milk proteins, but, unlike them, do not contain any harmful substances. A 100 g serving of nuts provides the body's daily need for a complete protein.

Indeed, milk is very unusual. The concept of "nut milk (almond, etc.), poppy" is associated with monastic nutrition. This is a lean version of milk.

It is very tasty and healthy. It contains amino acids, calcium, iron, vitamins and, most importantly, all trace elements of such milk are absorbed by the body, unlike animal milk.

Based on the above, we can conclude that milk from nuts and seeds is healthier than milk of animal origin.

You can use nut milk both on its own and use it for making yogurts, kefir, cocktails, sauces. That is, nut milk can be used to prepare the same dishes as regular milk.

For those who adhere to a separate diet, it should be noted that nut milk, unlike cow's milk, can be combined with other products: vegetables (except potatoes), fruits (except bananas), gourds (except melons), berries, juices.

Basic nut milk recipe:

Ingredients: 1 cup of any nuts or seeds soaked overnight, 2 cups of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey or 2-3 dates (pitted).

Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a blender. Strain through cheesecloth or sieve. Pour into a jar.

A by-product in the preparation of nut milk is nut paste, which remains when the nut suspension is strained through cheesecloth or a sieve. This paste can be used as an addition to salads, vegetable dishes, etc. The paste can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

You will get a delicious drink - an ingredient for cocktails and sauces, and a nut butter that can be used as an addition to other dishes.

Calcium, obtained by our body naturally from food, is extremely beneficial, but due to the deterioration in the quality of food, we do not receive even half of the daily allowance, which can lead to more than 150 different diseases.

Calcium is not only about the health of our bones, teeth, hair and nails. 1% of calcium is found in the blood and is involved in various processes that allow our body to function properly. If calcium is not enough, our body begins to malfunction and often quite serious. Since the majority of people do not get the proper amount of calcium from food, we come to the understanding that it is necessary to add it to your diet. So, let's look at the various forms of calcium, their advantages and disadvantages, and finally choose the best for ourselves.

Forms of calcium

This form of calcium has the lowest percentage of absorption - about 3% and has a number of contraindications and side effects. Calcium gluconate preparations are produced without the addition of vitamin D3, which practically reduces the degree of its absorption to zero. One of the worst effects of prolonged use of this form of calcium is the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones.

Should be the only advantage of calcium gluconate is its low price, but due to the extremely low degree of absorption and the large number of negative consequences from its use, even a low price is not able to attract a knowledgeable client.

Calcium Carbonate (Calcium Carbonate)

This is a much more attractive form of calcium than the previous one. Such calcium is assimilated by the body by 17 - 22% with normal acidity of gastric juice, while with reduced acidity, the degree of its absorption drops so much that it is practically equal to zero. You should not get carried away with preparations based on calcium carbonate, because. it is also fraught with the formation of calcium stones in the kidneys. A large amount of this type of calcium taken at a time can significantly reduce the acidity of the gastric juice and cause side effects such as flatulence, constipation, nausea, allergic reactions and abdominal pain.

This form of calcium is quite widespread and is in great demand due to its greater bioavailability than calcium gluconate. However, there is a more interesting variation on the form of calcium, which we'll look at below.

Calcium citrate (Calcium citrate)

This form of calcium is absorbed by the body 2.5 times better than calcium carbonate, naturally in combination with vitamin D3. The degree of absorption of calcium citrate is 44%. Due to the fact that hydrochloric acid of gastric juice is not required for its absorption, preparations based on calcium citrate can be taken on an empty stomach. The use of calcium citrate does not cause deposits in the kidneys in the form of stones, so this form of calcium is safe for health. People with low stomach acidity and those who are already over 50 should stop at calcium citrate, because the degree of absorption in this case will be 11 times higher than calcium carbonate.

Calcium citrate is good for diseases of the urinary tract. It shifts the pH of urine to the alkaline side, thereby creating an unfavorable environment for the development of genital infections and inflammation.

Calcium amino acid chelates are by far the best form of calcium products on the market today. Often this form of calcium can still be found under the name "Ionic calcium". Although its price is really high, this is justified by the high degree of digestibility and the absence of side effects, in particular, it does not allow the formation of kidney and gallbladder stones. Calcium chelates are able to be absorbed by 90 - 98%, while there is no need to add vitamin D3 to preparations of this type.

Calcium amino acid chelates do not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and do not require stomach acid for absorption. They are 100% soluble in water, which is 400 times higher than the dissolution of calcium carbonate. Another advantage of calcium chelate is the ability to quickly release calcium ions, which prevents calcium supersaturation of the blood, thereby eliminating the possibility of its increased clotting, which is fraught with the formation of blood clots. One of the best calcium products of this form is Forever Calcium, USA.

So let's sum it up

Of the many forms of calcium on the world market, Calcium Citrate and Calcium Chelate proved to be the best in terms of absorption and lack of side effects. The latter has twice the percentage of digestibility compared to calcium citrate. But due to the fact that the price of calcium chelate is usually three times higher than the price of calcium citrate, not everyone can afford it. After a brief review, the question of which calcium is better to answer is still up to you.

If there is a decrease in bone mass in the body, it loses the ability to retain calcium and excessive excretion of calcium from the tissues occurs, then a person will be diagnosed with osteoporosis. The disease affects both young and old people. The disease increases the likelihood of fractures and can significantly reduce the quality of life.

There are various ways to get rid of osteoporosis and relieve its symptoms. Usually, doctors recommend complex treatment to their patients. These can be means in the form of injections, tablets, special vitamin complexes, and an ointment can also be used.

This approach allows you to act on the affected bone, slowing down the rapid decay, and promotes the formation of new tissue. At the same time, drugs can significantly increase bone density, and reduce the likelihood of injuries and fractures.

If osteoporosis has developed in a woman due to a lack of the hormone estrogen, then in this case, replacement therapy will be based on the regular use of an agent containing female sex hormones.

Treatment should be carried out for several years in a row. This is the only way to slow down bone loss and eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

Drugs for osteoporosis are usually divided into three groups depending on the mechanism of their effect on the body:

  • slowing down bone destruction;
  • stimulating bone formation;
  • means of multifaceted influence.

calcium and calcitonin

The basis of therapy for osteoporosis will be calcium and vitamin D. The effect of their correct combination will remain only with regular use and adequate dosing.

They are shown to the elderly and those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, especially against the background of poor nutrition.

In this case, calcium should be consumed at least 1200 g per day. You can get it from special preparations or foods rich in this mineral.

Calcium will help:

  1. improve the absorption of vitamin D in the intestine;
  2. restore the normal balance of minerals.

With the systematic intake of these substances, after a few years, it is possible to reduce the risk of frequent fractures of the limbs. The treatment will be especially effective if it is supplemented with recipes based on mummy.

Calcitonin is able to suppress bone resorption. Preparations with this substance can be prescribed both in the form of injections and a special spray. It is the nasal spray that is more convenient to use, especially since it gives side effects several times less often.

Calcitonin is usually prescribed in combination with minerals, vitamin complexes and mummy. It works effectively, but it is very quickly excreted from the body. It is good to take such remedies for osteoporosis:

  • steroid;
  • postmenopausal;
  • senile.

If there was a compression fracture in osteoporosis, then the drug has an analgesic effect, especially if the treatment is supported by the use of mummy.

The most popular drugs for osteoporosis are bisphosphonates. They can increase bone density and reduce the likelihood of fracture. These preparations are produced in the form of tablets, liquid ampoules for intravenous and oral administration.

There may be unpleasant side effects after using the drug:

  1. vomit;
  2. nausea;
  3. headaches and muscle pain;
  4. skin rashes;

When administered intravenously, kidney damage may occur. With simultaneous use with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, side effects are likely to worsen.

Bisphosphonates are taken with mandatory control by a doctor.

Often, bisphosphonates are prescribed in advanced cases, when the symptoms of the pathology torment the patient even at night. Similarly, the patient's body will be affected by the mummy, which is part of many folk recipes for the treatment of osteoporosis.

The selective effect is explained by the fact that bisphosphonates are similar in composition to bone tissue. Due to this, they can accumulate in places where new bone is formed, remaining there until it replaces the old one. These drugs help bone mass build up. The group includes funds:

  • Xidiphon;
  • Skelid;
  • Bonefos;
  • Actonel;
  • Osteotab.

All of them are absorbed to a greater extent in the small intestine, and only partially in the stomach. With regard to contraindications, bisphosphonates should not be used to treat pregnant women. These substances can cross the placental barrier and harm the fetus.

In order for the process of getting rid of osteoporosis to be successful, and its symptoms not to appear, it is important to take calcium salts, mummy and vitamin D along with bisphosphonates. The interval between taking these drugs should be at least 60 minutes.

Anabolics and hormones

Anabolic steroids have been used for many years for the long-term treatment of osteoporosis. Such funds stimulate the formation of bones and slow down their metabolism. Typically, drugs are indicated for the treatment of men whose osteoporosis was provoked by the use of glucocorticosteroids.

If the patient is treated with anabolics, then he should be aware that such drugs give many side effects, especially in women. So, with a high probability, the patient will suffer from:

  • male pattern hair;
  • voice changes;
  • changes in the volume of subcutaneous adipose tissue.

For this reason, anabolics are rarely prescribed to young girls. At an older age, women are shown the use of estrogens. Most often, they are recommended for use during menopause, when the symptoms of osteoporosis increase, but not always hormone therapy will be effective. It is more suitable for the prevention of pathology, just like mummy.

It is important to note right away that hormone replacement therapy can have serious side effects, for example, the development of neoplasms in the uterine cavity and mammary glands. Therefore, treatment should be prescribed only to those women who are at risk of frequent fractures of the limbs and only after consultation with a gynecologist.

If such treatment is suitable for the patient's body, then with long-term use of estrogen, the risks of compression fractures of the femoral neck are reduced. However, after the age of 70 years, the expected therapeutic effect will no longer be.

To speed up recovery, you can use a piece of mummy every morning along with the main drugs.

Fluorine and calcium salts

Fluorine preparations are able to increase the mass of the skeleton. They help to improve the bone tissue of the spine, but far from always fluoride is adequately tolerated by the patient's body, causing problems with the digestive tract.

Under the influence of drugs of this group, an inferior bone matrix is ​​formed, which poorly absorbs minerals. In view of this, the symptoms of pathology should also be removed with calcium, vitamin D.

Calcium salts and mummy can improve metabolism. Pharmacology offers these drugs in the form of carbonates and citrates. It is better to take calcium citrates for osteoporosis, because carbonates cause the formation of stones in the urinary tract. Most often, calcium salts are indicated for senile osteoporosis in combination with:

  • bisphosphonates;
  • vitamin D;
  • fluorine preparations;
  • estrogen.

What to choose?

Drug treatment of osteoporosis recently involves complex therapy with drugs of various groups. If we talk about men, then the doctor will treat them with testosterone drugs, fluorides and bisphosphonates. Such therapy will primarily be aimed at eliminating the cause of osteoporosis and eliminating the pathological process.

Shilajit and biologically active additives (BAA) will help to cope with the problems of bone tissue. They usually include:

  • glucosamine;
  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • vitamin C;
  • biotin;
  • beta carotene;
  • calcium.

Dietary supplements relieve symptoms of the disease, help tissues recover from injuries, fractures, and are effective in systemic bone lesions. Such drugs have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and eliminate the symptoms of osteoporosis.

One of the most effective and popular supplements is Collagen Ultra. It can be a powder, ointment or gel. The drug will be an excellent assistant under the condition of complex therapy. To obtain a better result, all Collagen preparations should be used simultaneously.

To date, there is no universal medicine that can guarantee and in a short time to save the patient from osteoporosis. However, in the hands of doctors there are many medicines that help prevent the disease and strengthen the bones of patients.

If a person is at risk or is already suffering from an ailment, then he should additionally take vitamin complexes, follow a diet, eat foods that are especially rich in calcium and practice traditional medicine recipes that involve the use of mummy.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. It can cause unpredictable side effects. Even an ordinary ointment can be hazardous to health if it is used without the permission of a doctor.

During menopause, older women purchase Calcemin Advance or Calcium-D3 Nycomed. What is better to take for the treatment of osteoporosis, they find out by examining the composition and properties of the drugs, because each of them has its own characteristics and indications for use.

Calcemin Advance

The drug is used to treat osteopenia in women over 45 years of age. It contains the following ingredients:

  • calcium citrate or carbonate;
  • vitamin D (calciferol);
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • zinc.

Copper provides the process of collagen synthesis, takes part in the formation of red blood cells and skin pigments. With osteoporosis, the body needs to get enough zinc to produce hormones:

  • insulin;
  • growth hormone;
  • corticotropin.

The lack of copper and manganese leads to deterioration of the bone tissue. Vitamin D is essential for strengthening the immune system, reducing the risk of hip fracture, and preventing the development of cancer and heart disease.

Who and when is the drug prescribed

  • postmenopausal;
  • senile;
  • juvenile.

A diet rich in phosphorus-rich foods leads to the development of osteoporosis in old age. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in time and undergo an examination.

Calcemin Advance is prescribed for the treatment of patients with atrophic gastritis, regardless of the acidity of gastric juice. The drug is recommended for patients suffering from hypocalcemia, Graves' disease or thyrotoxicosis.

Contraindications for admission

The diagnosis is final, but the patient cannot take Calcemin Advance for certain reasons.

Treatment with the drug is not carried out in the event of the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • fracture of the femoral neck with immobilization;
  • allergic reaction;
  • renal failure;
  • circulatory disorders.

The patient should not self-medicate, so as not to harm health. In the early stages of the disease, it is necessary to adjust the therapy by replacing drugs that are hazardous to health with similar drugs.

Admission rules and side effects

For proper absorption of calcium, the medicine is taken according to the doctor's recommendation. Adults drink a tablet with meals 1 time per day. It is not recommended to exceed a single dose, because a large amount of the active substance affects the absorption of iron and zinc in the intestine.

At the time of taking the drug, you must stop smoking. The taken tablet is washed down with a large amount of water or milk. During treatment, they follow a diet, eat foods rich in phytoestrogens.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed or Calcemin Advance is well tolerated by elderly patients if the instructions are strictly followed during treatment and the recommended dose is not exceeded.

In some cases, the patient develops side effects:

  • allergic reaction;
  • headache;
  • heartburn;
  • constipation;
  • fever.

If dizziness occurs during treatment, anti-vertigo medications are prescribed to reduce the chance of falling.

Sometimes after taking Calcemin, the patient develops swelling, redness and itching of the skin. In this case, you must stop treatment and seek medical help.

  • Osteogenon;
  • Ostalon Calcium-D3;
  • Alpha D3-Teva.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed

Patients often ask the question of which medicine is effective in the fight against osteoporosis. In the early stages of the disease, the process of bone tissue restoration is provided by Calcium-D3 Nycomed. In patients over 65 years of age, after a course of treatment, bone mineral density increases, and the likelihood of fractures decreases.

Indications for admission

The drug prevents osteopenia in the event that the patient has given up smoking, corrected body weight. The treatment provided prevents deformity of the lumbar spine. The drug is well tolerated by patients, with prolonged use does not cause the development of hypercalcemia.

In more complex cases, Calcium-D3 Nycomed is prescribed for the prevention of osteoporosis during hormone therapy. With long-term treatment, the calcium content in the urine is monitored.

If the disease is too advanced, phosphorus-calcium metabolism changes. The drug is recommended for the treatment of patients with impaired bone density. The drug reduces the level of alkaline phosphatase within six months after the start of treatment.

The drug reduces pain in the spine, prevents a sudden fracture of the femoral neck in older women. Calcium-D3 Nycomed is recommended for the treatment of juvenile osteoporosis, pain in the lower extremities.


The drug is prescribed with caution to people with renal insufficiency. The drug is not recommended for patients suffering from phenylketonuria or urolithiasis.

In some patients, an individual course of the disease is noted, however, with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug, its administration is not recommended. Patients with active tuberculosis during treatment with Calcium-D3 Nycomed develop side effects that worsen the course of the underlying disease.

The patient needs to study the rules for taking the drug and pay attention to the peculiarity that the tablet should be kept in the oral cavity until completely dissolved.

The dose of the drug depends on the age of the patient, individual sensitivity to the active substance, hereditary factors that determine unusual reactions to taking Calcium-D3 Nycomed.

Side effect

In addition to the positive therapeutic effect, the drug causes the appearance of unwanted symptoms:

  • anorexia;
  • arrhythmias;
  • thirst;
  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • constipation
  • weaknesses;
  • mental disorder.

Adverse reactions develop after a single dose of the entire daily dose of the drug. The patient develops dry mouth, constipation, heart rhythm disturbance.

The drug, taken in large doses, has a toxic effect on the nervous system.

Comparative characteristics of drugs

By comparing two drugs, the patient learns that Calcemin tablets are film-coated, which includes the following substances:

  • glycerol triacetate;
  • mineral oil;
  • dye "Red No. 40";
  • aluminum lacquer.

In 1 tablet of the drug Calcium-D3 Nycomed, there are less excipients:

  • sorbitol-390 mg;
  • povidone-36.4 mg.

The chewable tablets are available in mint, orange and strawberry-watermelon flavors. As can be seen from the table, the Calcemin Advance medicine contains minerals in its composition, and they are completely absent in Calcium-D3 Nycomed tablets.

The price of the drugs differs slightly, both drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Calcemin Advance is manufactured by SAGMEL, Inc. (USA), in a package of 50, 60 or 120 tablets. Calcium-D3 Nycomed is manufactured by Nycomed Pharma AS (Norway).

Criterias of choice

Considering the question of which drug is better, it should be noted that it is not difficult to restore youth to the skeletal system, and Calcemin Advance and Calcium-D3 Nycomed tablets have fully proved this fact. The original, convenient packaging design is liked by all consumers. 90% of patients note that after several courses of therapy, the symptoms of osteoporosis disappeared, the joints and ligaments strengthened.

Another important point to remember: both drugs are not completely harmless. In order for Calcemin Advance or Calcium-D3 Nycomed to show their effectiveness, it is necessary to take them under the supervision of a doctor, without increasing the dose of the drug on your own.

Before starting therapy, the patient needs to undergo a complete examination to identify comorbidities. A visit to the doctor is necessary if the medicine is taken by an elderly person, because. self-medication can harm his health.

Effective treatment of the disease that leads to thinning of the bones in women and men with age is important for the proper functioning of the body and its protection against fractures. The most important thing is to take a holistic approach that combines osteoporosis medications and lifestyle changes, including nutrition and physical activity.


Medicines used for osteoporosis serve both therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Under the influence of such drugs in women and men suffering from this disorder, the processes of bone remodeling become more balanced. Medicines for osteoporosis are divided into the following groups:

  • Means, the action of which is aimed at slowing down the processes of bone tissue degeneration.
  • Drugs to enhance bone synthesis.
  • Means of combined action (restraint of degeneration processes and stimulation of bone growth).

Calcium preparations

Ca-based drugs are classified according to composition. On the market, they are represented by monopreparations, combined products and vitamin-mineral complexes. Each type can be used with varying degrees of effectiveness to prevent and treat osteoporosis in women and men.

Monopreparations contain only one component in the composition: calcium or its salts. The main disadvantage is low digestibility. Therefore, even taking into account the low cost and prevalence, it is ineffective to treat osteoporosis with their help. The highest content of calcium differ carbonate, triphosphate and citrate. In glycerophosphate, its level is low, but the bioavailability is better.

Most calcium compared to other drugs for treatment and prevention in combined preparations. In addition to it, vitamin D is included to improve the absorption of Ca. This species is represented by common and relatively affordable calcium-D3 Nycomed, Natekal, Vitrum calcium.

Vitamin and mineral preparations are similar to those combined, but include other trace elements. So, drugs for osteoporosis, in addition to the combination of Ca + D3, contain vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus. Examples include Complivit, Calcinova, Calcimin, Calcid. As a rule, therapy lasts 1 month, followed by the same break.

Vitamin D

Under the influence of this substance in the gastrointestinal tract, calcium absorption is enhanced. Vitamin D products that can be used to treat osteoporosis are available in native form or as active metabolites.

The first group is such means as Aquadetrim, Videhol, Osteokea, Complivit, Calcium-d3 nycomed forte, Revital Calcium D3. The active metabolites are calcitriol and alpha-calcidol variants. They are characterized by rapid action with a narrow therapeutic range. Examples: Silkis, Osteotriol.

Alpha-calcidol is characterized by rapid action and excretion from the body. In his case, calcium supplements are not required. Among such funds are Oxidevit, Etalfa, Alfadol-Ca.


This drug is also available under the trade names Prolia and Ixgeva. Denosumab is a human monoclonal antibody. Its action is aimed at reducing markers of bone resorption. An effective osteoporosis drug is also used in the treatment of certain bone tumors. In post-menopausal women, it reduces the risk of fractures but increases the risk of infections.

Denosumab is not suitable for the treatment of hypocalcemia. It is active in the body for six months. In this regard, the drug in the form of a solution is administered subcutaneously twice a year.

Side effects include pain in the joints and muscles of the limbs. The drug increases the risk of infections, hypocalcemia, hypersensitivity reactions, atypical hip fractures.


It is a recombinant form of parathyroid hormone. Teriparatide is an effective anabolic (bone growth stimulant) used in the treatment of certain forms of osteoporosis. It is often used to speed up recovery after fractures. Teriparatide is identical to a portion of human parathyroid hormone and intermittent use increases osteoblast activity. As a result, bone tissue increases.

Teriparatide is prescribed for postmenopausal women at high risk of fractures. This osteoporosis medicine effectively stimulates bone growth. It significantly reduces the risk of osteoporotic fractures.

In general, the drug is quite safe, but possible side effects include headaches, nausea, dizziness, and pain in the extremities.

On sale is represented by such means as Miacalcic, Alostin. Calcitonin is a man-made form of a hormone normally produced by the thyroid gland. It is involved in the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in the body. Allows you to treat osteoporosis in women who are not the first year in menopause. These drugs must be combined with a sufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D.

Calcitonins help patients who are not suitable for alternative treatments for osteoporosis. Given the threat to the gastrointestinal tract, the nasal spray form is the safest. Treatment is carried out in a course of 10-12 days per month. In this form, calcitonins are contraindicated for any problems in the nasal passages (infections, pain, deformities). Possible side effects: dizziness, nasal discomfort (itching, bleeding, dryness, soreness), runny nose.

Strontium ranelate

This drug for the treatment of osteoporosis is commercially represented by the trade names Protelos or Protos in the form of granules for the preparation of a suspension for oral administration. Strontium ranelate is different in that it increases the deposition of new bone by osteoblasts while reducing resorption by osteoclasts. Therefore, it is called a double acting agent.

In postmenopausal women, it is used to reduce the risk of vertebral and hip fractures. It is prescribed if other methods have not been beneficial. Strontium ranelate is also effective in preventing fractures in very elderly patients with osteopenia.

Strontium ranelate increases the risk of venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism and serious cardiovascular disorders, including myocardial infarction. The most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, headaches and eczema. Allergic reactions are possible.

The most modern and efficient

As the most effective, drugs from the group of bisphosphonates have now proven themselves. They are used in the first line therapy in the fight against osteoporosis. This group includes agents such as Alendronate, Risedronate, Xidifon and Ibandronate.

Bisphosphonates are antiresorptive drugs. Under their action, the natural process of bone tissue dissolution slows down or stops. As a result, its density and strength are maintained or even increased. Bisphosphonate drugs for osteoporosis prevent its development, and slowing the rate of bone thinning reduces the risk of fractures in women.

They are available in different forms:

  • Tablets for daily use.
  • Solutions for injection, which are administered approximately 2 times a year.
  • Dropper solutions. They are administered less frequently - once a year. In the case of bonviv (ibandronate acid), once a month.

Among the undesirable effects of bisphosphonates are muscle pain and spasms, allergic reactions, heartburn, migraines, constipation, diarrhea. They occur quite rarely, the benefits of taking these drugs far outweigh them.

Contraindications to taking bisphosphonates are kidney disease and any problems of the esophagus. A doctor may also recommend calcium and vitamin D supplements at the same time. However, Ca can interfere with the absorption of bisphosphonates, so there should be at least an hour between doses of the two agents.


An effective program to protect against the complications of osteoporosis must be comprehensive. Thus, no matter how powerful drugs are, modern treatment must include changes in diet and lifestyle.


The main "friend" of the skeleton, calcium, is found in dairy products (kefir, yogurt cheese), cabbage, leafy greens, and cereals. In addition to vitamin D and vitamin D, a number of foods and nutrients are needed to prevent osteoporosis. They have a beneficial effect on bones, muscles and joints.

For example, a sufficient level of protein in the diet is very important during childhood and adolescence. It also helps maintain bone mass during aging. Its deficiency deprives muscles of strength and slows down rehabilitation after fractures. Lean red meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and low-fat dairy products are excellent animal sources. Plant proteins are legumes, soybeans, grains, seeds, nuts.

Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, alkaline salts, everything you need for bone health. Researchers have long linked their density in older men and women to the consumption of plant foods.

Vitamins and minerals:

  • Magnesium is important for the formation of bone minerals. With age, its absorption decreases, and older people are at high risk of its deficiency. Excellent sources of magnesium are green vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and fish.
  • The mineralization of bones is not complete without vitamin K. Its low level can lead to their reduced density and threatens with fractures with age. Eat spinach, lettuce, kale, liver, and soy to avoid deficiency.
  • Zinc contributes to the renewal and mineralization of bone tissue. Severe mineral deficiency is associated with poor nutrition. Sources of zinc are lean meats, poultry, whole grains, legumes.


Osteoporosis can be treated with exercise focused on maintaining bone density. Weight-bearing training (which can be high or low) includes activities in which you need to resist gravity while maintaining an upright position:

  • The first group includes activities such as dancing, aerobics, walking, running, tennis, rope buckles. But they are contraindicated in case of the threat of fractures or during the recovery period after them.
  • The second group is low-load exercises. They help keep bones strong, but safer. This includes classes on elliptical and step trainers, brisk walking on a treadmill.
  • The third type of training is aimed at strengthening the muscles. For this purpose, weight simulators, expanders are used. As an option, functional movements are carried out - to stand and rise on toes.

Alternative methods are yoga and Pilates. They can also improve strength, balance, and flexibility. However, some positions may not be safe for people with osteoporosis. A physical therapist can help you choose the right exercises.

Prevention of fractures

In women, bone loss occurs faster, so injuries and falls are especially dangerous for them. Unforeseen situations cannot be avoided, but fractures can be prevented by taking simple but effective measures:

  • Choose your shoes carefully. It should be comfortable, securely fix the foot.
  • When outside in the rain or snow, walk on the side of the road, on the grass. If walking is difficult due to an underlying condition, such as arthritis, use a cane.
  • Side effects that other drugs produce should also be considered. This applies to the elderly, who often suffer from various health problems. Sleeping pills, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, medicines for high blood pressure and for certain heart disorders can cause incoordination. It is fraught with falls.

Calcium citrate Ca3(C6H5O7)2 is a chemical compound of calcium salts and citric acid. White crystalline powder, soluble in water, used in medicine and food production (E 333).

Calcium citrate is used to prevent calcium deficiency and various diseases.

The role of calcium ions

Calcium is a vital mineral that performs a number of functions in the body:

  • Enzymatic function- participation in the processes of blood clotting;
  • Neuromuscular function- transmission of neuromuscular impulses, contraction of the heart muscle, movement of smooth muscles of the digestive tract.
  • Structural- acts as a building material for teeth and bones.
  • Signal transmission of information within cells.

Ionized calcium is a cation involved in many biological reactions at the cellular level. Calcium ions activate and regulate bioenergetic processes inside cells. The answer to the question: What to choose - - read here.

Pharmacokinetics of calcium citrate

Calcium citrate salts dissolve well, which increases the bioavailability of the substance. Calcium absorption depends on its interaction with food components, parathyroid hormones and calcitonin.

From the small intestine, calcium passes to all tissues and cells through the blood. There is a daily not only intake, but also the excretion of calcium from the body with urine, feces and sweat.

In the body, 99% of calcium is found in bone tissue. The rest is in the blood plasma.

Forms of calcium in blood plasma:

  • ionized form;
  • protein compounds with calcium (albumin);
  • phosphate and citrate salts.

Ionized calcium is the active form of the element, it plays a major functional role in the body.

Use of calcium citrate: instruction

The most effective drug for replenishing the body with calcium is calcium citrate. It is absorbed regardless of the level of stomach acidity. It is available both in independent form and in combination with minerals or vitamin D.

The presence of additional components in the composition of the product increases the biological activity of calcium ions. Vitamin D, metals, lactose, citric and hydrochloric acid contribute to the absorption of the element.

During the reception in the diet, you need to use foods rich in protein and trace elements: phosphorus, magnesium. For example, such as fish, milk, butter, eggs, cottage cheese, greens, whole grain bread, sesame.

They are rich in oxalic acid, which blocks the flow of ionized calcium. As a result of the interaction of calcium and oxalic acid, insoluble salts are formed - oxalates, which can accumulate in the kidneys.

It is worth noting that calcium citrate is the safest form of calcium. The fact that citrate salt reduces the amount of oxalates helps to avoid the process of stone formation.

Salt and coffee provoke the removal of fluid from the body, which contributes to the "washout" of calcium.

Medicines that reduce the absorption of calcium: anticonvulsants, laxatives, diuretics, steroids. The intake of the element into the body also slows down the intake of calcium antagonists.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver can be the cause of low absorption of calcium ions.

To prevent calcium deficiency, take 1-2 tablets of calcium citrate 2-3 times a day. The active components of the drug are better absorbed in smaller amounts with frequent use. From this it follows that the recommended dose should be divided into 3 doses per day.

Take after or before meals with water or juice. The duration of the course depends on the degree of the disease or calcium deficiency.

About read here.

Calcium citrate preparations

Let's list them:

  1. Calcemin- calcium citrate preparation in combination with other components.
  2. Calcemin Advance vitamin and mineral complex based on calcium citrate. One tablet contains 500 mg of ionized calcium.
  3. Calcium Magnesium Citrate with Vitamin D3 Solgar used as a dietary supplement to increase calcium, magnesium and cholecalciferol levels. It is used to prevent osteoporosis, strengthen the nervous and musculoskeletal systems. It is produced in the form of tablets and syrup.
  4. D3 citrate- Tablets consisting of vitamin D3 and calcium citrate.
  5. Calcium-Osteovit capsules include vitamins and minerals: D3, A, B6, C, calcium citrate and hydrogen phosphate. This is a combination drug that replenishes the deficiency of calcium, phosphorus and other vitamins.
  6. Kaltsinova- tablets with fruit flavor, intended for children. Multivitamin-mineral complex of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins C, B6, retinol, cholecalciferol. Recommended during periods of active growth, to strengthen the bones of the skeleton and teeth.
  7. Kalsil -T a complex remedy for the prevention of osteoporosis and the restoration of the body's immune systems. Contains magnesium, citrate and calcium carbonate salts, A, D, E. High degree of absorption of calcium.

Forms of release of preparations with calcium citrate

Forms of release of calcium citrate preparations are different - these are tablets of large or small size, capsules, syrups and powders.

Types of calcium preparations

Calcium gluconate
is the calcium salt of gluconic acid. Replenishes calcium deficiency in hypocalcemia. It has a low degree of absorption.

It is also available as a solution for injection - which is undoubtedly its advantage. Effective in therapy to increase the density of the skeleton of newborns, as well as in the postoperative period.

Calcium carbonate widespread drug, has a low cost. It is insoluble in water, and is absorbed only with the help of gastric juice.

Poorly absorbed with low acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. When ingested, it neutralizes hydrochloric acid and reduces the level of acidity.

In addition to increasing calcium levels, carbonate is used to regulate acid-base balance and treat diseases of the digestive tract.

calcium citrate is a more effective drug for increasing calcium balance. It is characterized by a high degree of absorption. The advantage is the absence of adverse reactions with prolonged use.

Calcium preparations:

  1. Calcium-sandoz forte in the form of white effervescent tablets, soluble in water.

The composition contains three calcium salts: lactate, gluconate and carbonate. It has a small amount of citric acid.

This drug is prescribed for an increased need for calcium during pregnancy, lactation, the active period of the child's growth. Also prescribed for the treatment of pathological diseases of bone tissue.

  1. Calcium-D syrup

Syrup, which contains: cholecalciferol calcium carbonate (vitamin D3) It is mainly used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation in women.

  1. Fruit calcium gluconate(calcium salt of gluconic acid)

Tablets are white, with a fragrant fruity odor. Ingredients: calcium gluconate monohydrate and other components: sucrose, aspartame, citric acid, magnesium stearate. Chewable tablets.

  1. calcium lactate

Calcium lactate is available as tablets and powder. The drug is well absorbed, without irritating the walls of the stomach.

Indications for use

The multifunctionality of calcium ions in the body contributes to the use of drugs based on it in the treatment of various pathological processes:

There are many factors in the development of osteoporosis. One of them is insufficient intake of calcium in the human body.

The risk of osteoporosis in women is higher than in men. Calcium levels decrease during pregnancy, lactation and menopause.

With age, the need for additional calcium intake increases. For the prevention of bone fragility in adulthood, it is imperative to take vitamin-calcium complexes.

  1. Periods of growth and formation of teeth and skeleton in children.
  2. hypocalcemia- a pathological condition in which the level of calcium is significantly below normal. During treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease and provide the body with additional calcium.
  3. Hypoparathyroidism- This is a disease of the thyroid gland, which leads to a violation of the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus. It is divided into types:
  • post-traumatic;
  • postoperative;
  • autoimmune;
  • idiopathic;
  • congenital.
  1. Taking medication that inhibit the absorption of calcium: contraceptives, diuretics, glucocorticoids, L-thyroxine and calcium antagonist drugs.
  2. Regular high-intensity exercise- Sweating removes calcium from the body.
  3. Dehydration.
  4. Osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, tetany, rickets.
  5. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diabetes.

Side effects

A significant intake of calcium in the body (up to 2000 mg) daily is not harmful to health. This is due to an increase or decrease in the level of absorption of calcium by the body, based on its need for this element.

But in some cases, taking calcium preparations can cause individual allergic reactions - rash, itching, urticaria. From the digestive tract - nausea, constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, stomach pain.

Interaction with other drugs:

  • Calcium absorption is increased by exposure to vitamin D, gastric hydrochloric acid, citric acid, lactose and trace elements.
  • The process of absorption of calcium salts decreases from simultaneous administration with phosphates, phytates, glucocorticoids, oxalates, sulfates. As a result of the interaction, insoluble calcium salts are formed.
  • It is not recommended to take calcium preparations of verapamil and thiazide, they are incompatible with each other. Also, calcium blocks the absorption of iron, digoxin, tetracycline, fluorine.

Possible harm

With long-term intake of calcium carbonate, there is a risk of accumulation of kidney stones. It is important to regularly examine the level of calcium in the body in order to avoid its overabundance.

As you can see, the possible harm from the use of calcium preparations can be completely eliminated by taking calcium citrate and controlling its level in the body. Self-administration of the drug is excluded.

A doctor's consultation and an analysis of the body's need for calcium will help prescribe an effective treatment. Mandatory prophylactic intake of calcium after 40 years and during periods of increased demand for the element is recommended.