The design of various flower beds in the suburban area must be approached thoughtfully. It is advisable at the preparation stage to develop a site plan and select the most advantageous options for the configuration of future plantings with the distribution of color spots. This will prevent mistakes when buying seeds of ornamental plants.

Flower bed design - the basic principles of creating a flower garden (photo)

When developing a picturesque flower bed, one should be guided by a number of rules for its rational design and understand the terminology. Basically there are two groups:

  1. Flower beds that have a regular shape with strict geometric parameters;
  2. Varieties of flower beds of any, sometimes the most unexpected configuration.

Flowerbeds in geometric shapes - simple and beautiful

Development of a flower bed project in the country

At the stage of project development are guided by specific principles:

  • Integrity. To create a harmonious image of the future design of a summer cottage with the help of plants, you should consider the shape, color combinations, and the need for fencing.
  • multi-tiered. The dominant role in decoration belongs to flowers, so it is important to ensure an overview of each plant. Low-growing varieties are located from the front edge or around the perimeter.
  • Thoughtful scheme. There are many options for creating flower beds. It is important to organically fit the selected type of flower bed into the surrounding landscape.

Flower beds and flower beds in the country (photo)

When planning the design of a summer cottage on your own by placing flower beds on it, you should analyze information about the dominant varieties of such a landscape element.

flower border

A flower border is a picturesque narrow ribbon of beautiful plants. It is placed along the tracks or serves as the boundary of functional areas. Not infrequently used to mark borders or large flower beds.

Most often, low compact plants are used for planting, which are great for this purpose. In addition, they take root better in the ground, without requiring special care.


The flower bed of the rabatka is a traditional variety of a flower bed of a strict rectangular shape. Plants are selected in different shades or prefer a single-color background. Planted varieties can have different variations both in shape and in height.


It is used to decorate the space along the walls of structures. A well-chosen floral ornament will give a charming look to even the most inconspicuous building. In this case, it is allowed to plant different varieties of flowers and plants, the care of which is not particularly difficult.

The dominant option for mixborder beds is the selection of ornamental crops that provide continuous flowering. Making such flower beds in the country with your own hands is very simple, since this does not require any special skills.

Do-it-yourself mixborder - fast, simple, beautiful

vertical flower bed

A vertical flower garden allows you to beautifully and rationally arrange small areas. Attracts a vertical flower bed in the country with original design and many options for compositional solutions.

Interesting shapes can be obtained using wire mesh frames covered with film and filled with a soil mixture. These flower beds look good up close.

Another simple, but quite interesting option for creating a vertical flower bed is obtained using pots of different sizes.

To fix the pots in a vertical position, a metal rod (reinforcement) is used, which is threaded through holes pre-drilled in the bottom.

carpet bed

Usually, such flower beds are located against the background of pebbles, lawns, sandy areas, but they can be placed in any other place, the main thing is that the carpet bed in the country house harmoniously fits into the general one.

Guided by the ideas of experienced designers, it is possible to create interesting ornamental twists that create the feeling of an expensive carpet spread out in the yard.

Fences for flower beds - the best options

A simple technique for enhancing the decorativeness of flower beds is the installation of a fence around the perimeter, which allows you to accurately emphasize the configuration of the flower garden, keeping the soil from slumping throughout the growing season.

stone fence

To get an aesthetic fence, the simplest option is to lay out sufficiently large cobblestones of various shapes in a shallow groove dug along the perimeter of the flower bed. It turns out a finished design of the flower garden, which retains an aesthetic neat appearance for a long time.

Stone walls look spectacular, allowing you to raise the flower beds above the surface. For their implementation, stones with the largest dimensions are placed in the trench, filling the voids with soil. Then lay out several layers of smaller cobblestones, fastening them with cement.

Advice! Of particular expressiveness are stone placers enclosed in a mesh structure made of wire. They need to be performed at heights and arranged along the edge of the rabatka. Such a composition looks elegant and serves as an additional decorative element that does not lose its attractiveness even in the absence of vegetation.

Flowerbeds of stones of different shapes and sizes go well together

Interesting ideas for a flower bed with your favorite plants

Wooden fences for flower beds

Wooden fences do not require special efforts during installation. Such a decorative fence looks beautiful and modern, but there is also a drawback, in our climatic conditions it is not durable.

Ideas to inspire you

  • You can get an interesting fence by digging dies of different widths around the perimeter of the flower bed. For these purposes, round chocks will also fit.
  • An interesting effect is created by mugs dug up to half the diameter, sawn from a log.
  • To create a decorative fence, pegs and trimming boards are often used. If desired, wood elements are sanded, varnished or painted.
  • You can find application for long edged boards. They are attached to the sides of flower beds of a rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal or square laconic shape.

It is easy to put together a fence from the remains of the picket fence, creating a variety of smooth or pointed lines along the upper cut. Willow wicker railings add a retro touch.

plastic fencing

Well-preserved plastic has gained recognition in the implementation of enclosing structures around flower beds. They are easy to install, and the color variety allows you to choose the right shade.

More often they use tape options - they are flexible and easily repeat the bends of the created flower garden. Fix curbs in shallow trenches. You can pick up interesting textures that imitate brick, stone, wood.

Metal fences for flower beds

A special color is created by openwork forged structures. Such fences perfectly set off the greenery of vegetation, enhancing the decorative effect of flower beds.

It is important to think over the overall compositional solution, providing for lanterns, bench legs or veranda railings that match the style.

Do-it-yourself concrete fences

When creating a flower bed at the dacha with your own hands, assuming its long-term use on the site, a concrete fence is created.

For him, a formwork made of a flexible hardboard tape of the desired height is installed on the sides in a shallow trench dug around the perimeter. The width is supported by spacers. It remains to pour concrete and wait for it to harden.

Flowerbeds without fencing

The simplest option is a flower bed, performed without additional fences around the perimeter. The dug up soil is laid, creating the desired shape, so that it rises above the surface. You can make the center or background more elevated.

For such structures, it is difficult to form a straight line, as the soil crumbles, begins to fall off after watering. A flexible curb tape, which is placed in a groove dug along the perimeter of the flower garden, allows to solve the problem and covered with soil. The line is clear and stable.

Flowerbed of tires

Durable mobile flower beds are easily created in old tires. They are arranged in a different order, creating interesting multi-row flowering structures.

Craftsmen carve original figurines, flower pots from obsolete tires, which are painted or painted with ornamental patterns. Such options become a magnificent decoration of the site.

A simple idea for a bright mood

Hanging flowerbed-planter from tires

Bottle flower beds

Waste material becomes a source of incredible ideas for decorating the landscape. Let's learn how to make a flower bed out of bottles.

  1. A variety of bottles - glass, plastic, are simply instilled upside down, getting a flower garden fence reflecting the sun's rays of any, the most extravagant form.
  2. An interesting line is obtained from plastic bottles with cut off tops. They are put into each other and placed on their side in a shallow groove.
  3. If it is possible to collect the required number of plastic bottles of the same diameter, then, after cutting off the upper part, the soil mixture is poured into them and compact plants are planted. Such stylized pots, slightly deepening into the soil, are placed close to each other along the perimeter of a flower bed raised above the surface.

Advice! When creating flower beds from bottles with your own hands, choose brightly flowering or herbaceous varieties of plants.

Beautiful flower beds with your own hands + photo

Modern design options for flowerbeds of unusual shapes give the landscape an individuality, enliven it, fill it with a feeling of comfort and celebration. Let's consider what flower beds from improvised material can be organized in the country with your own hands.

floating flower beds

Among the hits of landscape design in recent years, floating flower beds stand out. Their equipment needs a pond. If desired, its role can be played by a bathtub filled with water or a children's pool.

  1. A floating flower bed will require a lightweight material, such as polystyrene foam, that can not sink along with flower pots attached to its surface.
  2. It is possible to make recesses on a floating island, where soil is poured, and low compact plants are planted.
  3. The banks of the reservoir are covered with pebbles. This material looks especially impressive after staining.
  4. Complement the overall picture with plant groups, a comfortable bench and an elegant table.

Flowerbeds on the water do not require special care

Flower garden on the water

Advice! A bath or other container of water can be decorated with aquatic plants grown in pots. They are installed directly into the water, creating interesting compositions.

Flowerbed Design - Butterfly

With a little effort, you can place a magnificent multi-colored butterfly on the lawn.

  1. Pre-develop a scheme that allows you to maintain the clarity of the lines and the symmetry of the pattern being created.
  2. The butterfly configuration is marked on the surface with a wire, and then soil is poured and flowers are planted.
  3. A flower bed imitating a flying butterfly looks unusual. It will require a special design, which is lifted onto a support from the front side. Usually pots with already blooming plants are installed inside.

flower streams

Fantasy and stunningly beautiful flower streams captivate with graceful weaves and curves, fascinate with a rich palette of shades.

  1. To create a stream of plants, any elongated containers are used - pots, tubs, small barrels. They are laid on their side, dropping if necessary, so that the neck touches the earth's surface.
  2. Pour the soil mixture inside. The windings of the future brook are marked from the neck. Dig it up, adding soil if necessary.
  3. Plants pick one color or create a riot of different shades. They are planted directly in the container, and also fill the channel.

At the flowering stage, an incredibly wonderful decorative element appears, attracting attention and decorating the surrounding landscape.

Incredibly beautiful and picturesque look bright undersized varieties of flowers

Surprise and please with its beauty such a flower bed - a stream

wood aesthetics

Original compositions are created from a thick log laid on its side.

  1. To do this, a part of the wood is selected from him, making a deepening sufficient for planting flowers.
  2. The bottom of the log is covered with a film, on top of which the soil is poured.
  3. It remains to plant the plants in the soil abundantly watered before this. A flower bed from a log with your own hands is ready.

Stumps or vertically thick logs will serve well. A recess is made at the top in the center, where a container with your favorite flowers will be placed. Climbing plants look especially impressive.

Flower beds from old things (photo)

It is possible to give an unexpected fresh look to the site with the help of obsolete things. They are inspected, if necessary, polished, varnished or painted. You can apply interesting patterns, ornate inscriptions, draw images of animals, butterflies, insects.

What can you make a flower bed in the country (photo)

  1. They use old suitcases, chests of drawers, wheelbarrows. It remains to cover the bottom with a film, and fill the soil.
  2. It's even easier to set up pots of flowering plants that can be changed to create new color vibes all the time.
  3. Chairs, open umbrellas, pots, buckets, watering cans, shoes will be useful for exclusive flower beds.
  4. They are used after a small restoration of beds, bicycles, baskets, bathtubs, tubs and barrels.

An interesting idea - a palette with beautiful annual flowers of different colors

The activity to develop the image of a future flower bed in the country, designed to decorate the summer cottage, allows you to put into practice your own creative ideas. The result is the creation of an unusual design of flower beds that transform the most modest landscape.

We hope that our ideas, tips, real photos of flower beds in the country have helped you. And remember, if you want your garden to be beautiful, it is important to invest in its design not only strength, but also soul.

Many gardeners and gardeners have long ceased to concentrate all their attention exclusively on the cultivation of agricultural and vegetable crops and turned their eyes towards flowers. , created by one's own hands - this is the observance of certain principles and rules, this is painstaking work, the result of which is an ideal flower garden.

At the same time, the question naturally arises - how to properly form a flower bed so that it looks harmonious and what flowers to choose for it?

Perennial flowers - the basis for creating a flower bed

There are two major varieties of flowers. The first group is those that are planted with seeds and grow within just one season. The second group is perennials, plants that require more care, but at the same time are able to please the gardener for several years.

Perennial plants have a number of advantages that are valued among lovers of growing flowers on the site:

  • a large species diversity, which is very important when a flower bed is created;
  • long life of the plant. Only the upper part dies off, and the roots are able to exist for more than 6 years in some plants;
  • reproduction using rhizomes, shoots or seeds, which allows you to later transplant flowers into other flower beds and create additional flower beds;
  • a large number of medicinal plants among perennial species, which makes it possible to get a real "green" pharmacy in the country.

Rules for creating a flower bed

The very process of developing and creating a flowering flower bed on the site can be compared to art, since even at the design stage it is necessary to take into account how the flower garden will look at different times of the year. A properly created flower garden is when new species of plants replace the fading plant species and so it persists throughout the summer.

Planning for the creation of a flowering site is required upon completion of the general zoning of the backyard territory, when the locations of the beds, paths are distributed, shrubs and trees are planted.

When creating a flower bed, you should pay attention to:

  1. climate. When choosing plants, you should focus on species that will feel comfortable in the selected climate zone;
  2. site features. Using the terrain will help not only to correctly use the free space, but also allow you to create interesting design options;
  3. the nature of the soil. Another important parameter that will influence the choice of perennials. Fertile soil is ideal for, mallow, bluebell. Loam, sand or rocky soil will be convenient for growing flax, valerine,. Marshy soil is suitable for, nivyanik, yarrow. Too dry land - a place for cultivation, cosmea, carnations or gaillardia;
  4. site illumination. Where the sun is more than 6 hours during the day, you can grow peony, poppy, aster, phlox. If light access is limited to an interval of 4 to 6 hours, then it is best to choose plants such as astilba, iris, aquilenia, primrose. Ferns, lily of the valley, hosta are suitable for shady flower beds.
  5. planting density and flowering time. You should not unnecessarily part when planting plants, as they can simply "clog" each other.

Hostas and geyhers are an amazing option for creating a shady flower bed. You can get by with only varieties of these two crops - they are so diverse that they are enough to create a colorful canvas.

The combination of colors is an important factor when creating a flower bed

Psychologists have long established that color greatly affects the human condition and this applies to all spheres of life. That is why, when creating a flower garden from perennial plants, increased attention is paid to this parameter. A competent combination of colors will achieve aesthetics in the flower bed. When distributing color, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the general principles of creating a palette and mixing shades:

  1. the color combination largely depends on the play of light and shadow, so the presence of smooth leaves in plants will reflect light, and dull ones will absorb;
  2. when choosing the unity of the brightness of colors, it is necessary to apply only one color palette, either warm or cold;
  3. in order to visually increase the size of a small flower bed, it is necessary minimize the number of colors on it and get rid of excessive contrast;
  4. to visually increase the size of the flower garden, you can arrange blue flowers in the background, and yellow or red species in the front;
  5. the more saturated the foreground of the flower bed, the more calm the back should be;
  6. when creating not a single flower bed, but a whole flower garden, it is recommended to use desaturated shades as a background, such as white, pink or blue. Contrasting flowers should be placed in small groups that will occupy no more than a sixth of the total space;
  7. according to the rules of floristry in the territory of one garden no more than one flower bed with bright colors is allowed. You should also avoid excessive contrasts in the design;
  8. with its own saturated color of the main plant at the club, it can be diluted with more neutral shades;
  9. landing the areas of different colors should be measured. On a blue background, a small red spot will look appropriate, and an enlarged one will simply annoy;
  10. the main color of the composition is advised to choose in accordance with the purpose of the flower garden and its location, namely the climatic zone. It has also been noticed that the urban dweller is more prone to natural shades, while the rural one prefers bright colors that are almost impossible to find in nature.

A small flower bed with tall delphiniums is a rare and complex option, in this case it does not look bulky due to the surroundings (tall trees, borders, building).

Schemes of simple flower beds for beginners

Modern flower beds can have various geometric shapes, while there is a difference in two large groups - flower beds with regular and irregular compositions.

  1. Regular Composition suggests the presence of a clear geometric pattern, while all the plants in such a flower garden bloom at the same time and there are clear boundaries between them.
  2. irregular composition differs in grouping plants and inscribing a flower garden into the landscape. It is for flowerbeds with irregular compositions that perennial plants that can bloom alternately will be the most optimal, which will increase the flowering time.

Ready-made schemes will help you create the right flower bed that will please the eye and allow you to choose the best choice of plants for it. At the same time, regardless of the chosen form, there is a general pattern of planting flowers in a flower bed. In the center are the brightest and tallest specimens, the middle part is a place for plants of medium height, and at the edges there should be low-growing perennials, long-flowering or just ornamental grass.

  1. Rectangle. A flower bed that has a clear rectangular shape. At the same time, a pattern can be created inside from a combination of various plants.

  1. Oval. The next simple option is an oval flower bed. In this type of scheme, the center of the flower garden and zonal division are very clearly visible.

  1. A circle. The third simple shape that can become a form for a flower bed. Round flower beds are most often used in garden plots, since with this form access to all plants is facilitated, which simplifies care.

  1. Triangle. An unusual and not the most standard form for a flower bed, which can be used if necessary to “fit” a flower garden into a certain limited space.

In addition to the four basic geometric shapes that can be easily mastered by beginners, there are specific examples of flower garden schemes:

  1. Round flower bed "Spring Symphony". At number 1 - pink mattiola, 2 - red zinnia, 3 - white verbena. In this version, there are only three shades - red, pink and white, which in no way affects the appearance.

  1. concentric flower bed, consisting of regular concentric circles that are easy to draw on your own. In this variant, the following flowers are present: 1 - dark-leaved cannes, 2 - fluffy gnafalium, 3 - perilla nankinensis.

  1. Contrasting flowerbed "White and pink". A simple square flower bed, which will be dominated by white and red shades. Among the flowers there will be the following representatives of perennials: 1 - leucanthemum, 2 -, 3 - white delphinium, 4 - physostegia, 5 - phlox, 6 - arabis, 7 - clematis, 8 - armeria, 9 - daylily, 10 - irises, 11 - lupine , 12 - obrietta.

  1. Shade-loving flowerbed "Colors of summer". A feature of this flower garden is the predominance of shade-loving plants. To design a flower bed you will need: 1 - common primrose, 2 - Arends' astilbe, 3 - periwinkle, 4 - bell, 5 - badan, 6 - large-leaved brunner, 7 - toothed buzulnik, 8 - purple foxglove.

Recently, high flower beds have become widespread, which are created in specially made boxes just below a meter high. Such a flower bed is easy to care for, fewer weeds grow on it, but at the same time the process of its creation is more complex and troublesome.

Sometimes there is a need to create a flower bed in low light conditions, for example, in the shade of a fence or along the wall of a house. In this case, you should select plants that can grow with a small amount of natural color. You can create flower beds in accordance with the following schemes:

  1. shady flowerbed. It includes: 1 - badan; 2 - thimble, 3 -, 4 - soft cuff; 5 - variegated, 6 -.

  1. flower garden located along the north side of the house. The following plants will be present on such a flower bed: 1, 2, 3 - hosta of different varieties, 4.5 - western thuja, 6 -, 7 -, 8 -, 9 - hosta, 10 - badan, 11 - black spruce, 12 - citrine .

Types of perennials for a small garden

Among the most acceptable perennials for planting in small flower beds are:

  • . The plant is popularly known as a wrestler. Blooms in July to August;
  • Geranium Endress. An unpretentious plant that tolerates the absence of moisture well. Flowering time June-August;
  • scarlet. One of the primroses in the flower bed, the first buds appear in May. May re-bloom in September;
  • . A plant that is widespread in the middle lane. It blooms from June to July, while in the case of pruning at a small distance from the ground it is able to re-color;
  • . Also a popular perennial that blooms from April to May;
  • doronicum plantain. A plant ideal for damp and shady places. Also applies to primroses;
  • the bell is crowded. A flower that also grows well in the shade. Color appears in June;
  • meconopsis. A plant that requires a minimum of care, consisting in the removal of fading buds. Blooms from May to June;
  • hellebore. A flower that feels best in conditions of fertile soil and shade;
  • musky mallow. A perennial that is not susceptible to growing conditions and feels good even in the shade. Blooms from early summer to September;
  • . Ground cover plant of the succulent family. Flowering period from July to September;
  • function. A decorative leafy plant that can be used in a flower bed as a green mass;
  • . A plant known to many, capable of gaining color again when pruned. Blooms from June to late August

Shady flowerbed-border with meconopsis, primrose, hostas.

The selection of a plant in the space of one flower bed will allow you to get a flower garden that will delight with a riot of colors throughout the summer season.

Labor-intensive perennial flowers for growing in a flower bed

Labor-intensive crops include those that will require regular care, the creation of special conditions for growth. Also, plants in this category often get sick, are unstable to changes in climatic conditions, and are prone to disease. This group includes most representatives of bulbous plants, lilies, roses, gladiolus, dahlias, hyacinth, kaempfera, evening primrose, begonia.

Mixed rose garden - a variant of the perfect combination of roses and perennials

The term "" is commonly understood as a flower bed where only roses are grown. But in central Russia, where summer does not differ in duration, it is customary to create mixed rose gardens, where various perennial plants find their place in the flower garden, which allows you to structure the flower bed. There are several simple design schemes for a mixed rose garden:

  1. rose garden in cold colors. The whole flower bed is made in cold pink and lilac tones, which evokes a feeling of freshness and coolness. The following flowers are present on the diagram: 1 - chistets, 2 - gerhera, 3 -, 4 - William Shakespeare rose, 5 - Queen of Sweden rose, 6 - clematis, 7 - Gertrude Jekyll rose, 8 - Mary Rose rose.

  1. contrasting rosary. A flower bed built on the use of red and white with a background of a shrub that blooms throughout the summer. When decorating, the following plants are used: 1 - hosta, 2 - rose Gartnerfreunde , 3 - verbascum, 4 - Aspirin Rose rose, 5 - Hansaland rose, 6 - panicled hydrangea, 7 - Amadeus rose, 8 - Schneewittchen rose, 9 - horizontal, 10 - dwarf spruce.

Flowerbed for the lazy - what is it

For those who wish to enjoy passive recreation on their personal plot, but at the same time receive aesthetic pleasure, there is a concept - “a flower bed for the lazy”. In such a flower garden, plants are collected that practically do not require care and are not demanding on watering or top dressing. In this case, the duration of flowering can last from early spring to autumn.

Most often, online stores selling flowers are ready to offer customers who do not have time to get acquainted with the nuances of growing plants, ready-made options, including flower bed layouts with descriptions of flowers.

A specific option could be an oval-shaped flower garden, in which they will be located: in the center - peonies, astilbe in front of them, stonecrop on the right edge, geraniums on the left, and all this will be bordered by a hosta or badan. You can also plant an aster or phlox on this flower bed, which will only add color brightness.

The cost of such a project will cost about 600-700 rubles, while the most expensive will be peonies, which are best purchased in the form of seedlings.

A feature of the variant is the continuous flowering of a particular plant species. At the same time, the flowerbed itself will not differ in particular brightness, but the stability of the appearance of flowering plants will be observed.

Plants that are also suitable for a lazy flower bed include irises, daffodils, phloxes, daylilies, clematis, lupins, or leucanthemums. At the same time, in this case, it is not required to create a variety of planted varieties or species, since the greater the number of flowers, the more care will be required.

The photo below shows an example of a corner flower bed with.

video consultation

The layout scheme and the desired image are well thought out. Now it is important to choose the plants correctly, having previously familiarized yourself with their care requirements. The video below is an overview of the most spectacular and unpretentious perennials, with recommendations for their successful cultivation.

Nowadays, many people have a dacha, and it doesn’t matter whether it is close to the city, or several hundred kilometers away, in the summer people still willingly go there to relax. After all, a house outside the city is not only a place where you can hide from the bustle of the city.

A dacha is an occasion to relax, fry a barbecue, forget about problems at work and enjoy nature and clean air. It is not enough just to buy a house and come there from time to time. It is important to make this space comfortable, and what can give more aesthetic pleasure than flowers?

Arranging and planning a flower bed is not an easy task, which requires a special approach and effort. In this article, you will learn how to make the space in the country house even more pleasant and create your own oasis in front of the window.

Types of flower garden layouts

Now the most popular layout is called the "border". It is a line, the dimensions of which vary depending on your desire. You can make a short border that covers the area near the porch, you can thus draw it around the whole house, creating a beautiful effect of "a house drowning in flowers."

Also, borders are good for enclosing space on the site: for example, you need to separate the gazebo and garden, or make garden paths more interesting. Gardeners are happy to make a curb line along the fence, especially if it is wooden and low.

Near the window, you can make a curly flower bed: round, oval, rectangular, or even of any shape at all - it all depends on your imagination.

It is better to make such flower beds on small hills, which can be created artificially (a mound of crushed stone, stones, peat or just earth).

Various decorations are often placed among the flowers, ranging from lanterns to garden sculptures.

Quite impressive look flower beds, fit in vases or any household items that no one needs for a long time. For example, it can be tires, wooden fruit boxes, oak barrels with rims, where wine was once poured and stored. Large majestic flowerpots will look chic and rich at the entrance if you put them on the sides of the porch. Such a layout of the flower garden is suitable for those places where there is no open land (the space next to the gazebo or under the windows of houses is often concreted).

Now the style that conquered France in the 19th century is gaining popularity. These are the so-called "flower gardens", a type of flower beds in which flowers are planted instead of fences, creating a border and giving the flower bed a shape.

With the help of things that you dig out in your attic or in an old barn, you can create a country-style flower garden on your site (translated from English - “village”). Thus, you can put a cart right in front of the window, from which clematis or honeysuckle shoots will picturesquely descend.

Maybe someone will dig up a car body or an old boat with a rotten bottom. In any case, do not rush to throw away all these things, but rather use them to fulfill your design ideas and fantasies.

You can also cover the wall of the house with a chain-link mesh or put long sticks along which sweet peas or morning glory will curl in the future. Many people create a living wall of Bzabella grapes, which look very attractive during its flowering period.

A good idea to create a flower garden in front of the house is a front garden in which various types of flowers and plants will be grouped.

The design of the flower garden in front of the house photo will help you decide which layout you will choose for yourself.

Important points when planning a flower garden in front of the house

So, if you decide to create a beautiful flower bed full of fragrant flowers, it is important to consider some points that will make your task easier and help you not get confused when planning.

If you have no ideas at all, you can look at the design of the flower garden in front of the photo house and adopt the layout proposed by experienced gardeners and designers for your summer cottage.

In fact, it is not so easy to create from scratch the perfect flower garden that will meet all your requirements.

Advice! A good solution would be to look at different layouts and partially select the details you like from each. And then, like puzzles, collect your flower garden.

How to keep the flower garden in beauty and order?

Caring for a flower garden in the future is no less complicated than its creation. You need to follow some tips, and then your flower bed will be in perfect condition.

After planting flowers in the soil of the flower bed, fertilizer must be applied. The most common and cheapest option (but very effective) is cow or horse manure.

It is bred at the rate of 1:3. It is very important to prepare the mixture correctly, otherwise concentrated or diluted manure in too small a proportion can harm the flowers, burn their leaves and roots. You can get it on farms or in places where cows graze.

No less common fertilizers are phosphorus, potash, nitrogen. They can be purchased at gardening stores.

You can also find fertilizers at home:

  1. Ash that remains in the oven. In many cottages, the heating system is precisely the traditional stove. After several times of burning, collect the ashes in a container and sprinkle a thin layer on the surface of the flower bed.
  2. Tea brewing, which can be poured into a separate container after each tea party, and then, when you have accumulated enough of it, sprinkle the ground in a flower bed.

It is important to weed the flower garden in time.

Weeds not only spoil the appearance of the flower bed, but also take away a lot of nutrients from the soil, which are subsequently lacking in the cultivated plants that you planted.

Pay attention to watering, consider the moisture-loving plants. Drip irrigation is a great option.

Sprayer on site

During frosts and cold nights, the flower garden should be covered with a film or non-woven covering material so that heat-loving plants do not die.

The design of the flower garden in front of the house photo can also help you decide on the color scheme. Beautiful combinations recommended by designers:

  1. Yellow - cold green - red (hosta, rudbeckia, nasturtium).
  2. Purple - red - pink (sedum, lavender, sage, carnation).
  3. Burgundy - yellow - blue (primrose, yellow calendula, forget-me-not, bell).

It is worth knowing that if you are going to make a flower garden in a shady place, you should not risk planting anthuriums, coreopsis, geleniums, monards and rudbeckias there.

You run the risk of not getting the desired flowering and creating uncomfortable conditions for the plant, it will only suffer and twist the stem in the hope of finding more sunlight. The same is true for shade-loving plants. These are hosta, cladium, geranium, balsam, arizema, hellebore and tiarella. Their leaves and flowers will wither very strongly under the brightly scorching sun.

If you're unsure about getting enough shade or light in your yard, it's best to choose low maintenance plants such as:

  • yarrows of different varieties;
  • colchicum ordinary;
  • calendula;
  • muscari;
  • daffodils;
  • aquilegia;
  • astilba.

I like

To break a flower bed of perennials in the country, you do not need to get a higher education or be a certified landscape design specialist.

What to plant - onions or perennial flowers?

Not everything in the garden should be for the stomach, you need to leave room for "beauty" - just for the soul. A flowerbed of continuous flowering of perennials is easy to decorate even the most nondescript area, giving it a unique charm. Roses, geraniums, carnations, poppies and asters will grow in the same place season after season, without requiring special attention.

The question that every novice gardener should understand is the choice of plants for a perennial flower garden. From practical experience, the first flower bed should be made small and planted with unpretentious flowers that grow well under the bright sun.

A flower bed is a bright element of the garden, so it makes no sense to break it in the far corner of the site or hide it under the shade of trees. The best solution for creating a perennial flower bed will be a place that is clearly visible from all sides.

Multi-level flower beds (with tall exhibits in the background and short ones in the front) are usually placed near the walls of a house, fence or hedge. Whereas in the center of the site, a constantly flowering flower bed of perennials can either form all kinds of combinations of plants, or be decorated with only one species.

Flowerbed of perennials for beginners

Flower garden-puzzle of the most popular flowers - assemble it yourself!

  • Tall representatives of the flora for the center of the composition:

Roses, astilbe, lilies, asters, clarikia, peonies, black cohosh, Hassler's cleoma, delphinium, ornamental onions, phloxes, gelenium, Ruselovsky's gooseberry, multi-leaved lupine, clematis, hosta, hydrangea, rudbeckia, liatris spiky, poppy, meadow bells, columnar ratibida , echinacea, daylily and many others.

  • Medium-sized perennials for a modest addition:

Tulips, anemone, irises, fragrant rue, dyeing navel, aquilegia, beautiful small-flowered, mountain cornflower, hybrid catnip, magnificent dicentra, oak sage, gravel, yarrow ptarmica, geyhera, bergenia, narrow-leaved lavender, primrose, fern, quadrangular primrose, etc.

  • Ground cover plants for edging flower beds and filling gaps:

Byzantine chistets, acena, small periwinkle, creeping tenacious, Renard's geranium, obrieta, Carpathian bell, carnation-grass, lobularia, spring umbilical, waldsteinia, lungwort, small periwinkle, veronica and others.

Tall soloists are recommended to be planted separately, but it is better to plant small flowers in groups, several copies at once. At the same time, in a flower bed viewed from different angles, higher individuals should be planted closer to the center, and low ones along the edges.

Advice. So that bald spots do not gape in the flower bed and weeds do not grow, plant the plants as close to each other as possible, but not too crowded.

Do you want to achieve continuous flowering? Learn about the features of each flower, write down the flowering time on a piece of paper and make your own combination scheme of a beautiful club of perennials, in which some plants will bloom in early spring, others in the middle of summer, and still others will bloom until late autumn.

Of course, to think over the ideal design of a luxurious flower garden is a special task. But, fortunately, there are proven schemes for perennial flower beds.

Perennial flower beds - the best planting patterns

Several options for the location of plants in flower beds - schematic symbols with the names of perennials.

Scheme No. 1 "The most uncomplicated"

In this simple and attractive composition of long flowering, such unpretentious perennials were used as:

  1. panicled pink or purple phlox. The best time for planting is September or mid-March, grows well in well-drained, sandy soil, blooms from mid-July to autumn;
  2. pink astilba. Flowering of different varieties lasts, as a rule, from the end of June to mid-August, the plant is responsive to regular feeding and loosening;
  3. purple-silvery daylily. The plants are planted in the spring in a rich in organic matter and well-drained, loose loam with an optimal acidity of 6-6.5 pH;
  4. geyhera with leaves of silver gray and lavender shade. Prefers light soils without stagnant water, blooms from May to July;
  5. geranium splendid. It blooms luxuriantly from mid-summer to the end of the season, forming a lush bush with light purple flowers).

Scheme No. 2 "An example of a flower bed of perennials that bloom in the first year"

  1. stock-rose "Pleniflora" with dense double corollas of yellow, salmon-pink and red-purple flowers (“Pleniflora” is not a rose, but a giant mallow that blooms profusely in sunny and moist areas of the garden from mid-summer to the first cold weather);
  2. ten-petalled sunflower(a very valuable variety that blooms from mid-August to mid-October, grows well and has healing properties);
  3. Icelandic poppy(Ideal for an ever-flowering perennial bed due to continuous flowering from May until autumn);
  4. Hypericum "Hidcote"("An odorless" species of St. John's wort pleases with yellow inflorescences in a flower bed from June to September);
  5. lobelia cardinalis(a plant with a beautiful leaf plate, blood-red flowers adorn from July to October);
  6. catnip "Nepeta faassenii"(blooms for a long time with lavender-like flowers, starting in May);
  7. bluebell "Campanula poscharskyana"(the crystal ringing of these delicate and fragile lilac-blue flowers can be heard from June to September);
  8. katananche "Blue Cupid"(inflorescences-baskets of a muted sky shade can be observed all summer long);
  9. perennial gravel(in the composition of a long-flowering flower bed, the herbaceous plant of the Feuerbal variety does not solo, but rather complements the flower garden from May to July);
  10. sedum "Matrona"(strong bush with beautiful flowers remains decorative until the first snowfall);
  11. Heuchera "Miracle"(a spectacular bush with an unusual shade of foliage is decorated with pink flowers from June to mid-summer).

Scheme No. 3 "Pink-purple beautiful flower bed"

  1. mountaineer changeable with bluish-green delicate leaves, this large perennial shrub blooms with a "white cloud" in late June and remains in bloom until the end of summer;
  2. monarda hybrid creates a romantic mood in the country when, during flowering, its pink flowers begin to exude a divine aroma;
  3. astrantia "Claret", its small, numerous flowers-umbrellas of rich red-wine color, blooming in mid-summer, look luxurious against the background of dark purple leaves;
  4. Bergenia(saxifrage tolstolitsnaya) pleases the eye from May to July with paniculate-thyroid inflorescences on long pedicels .;
  5. Phlox "Dragon" with its smoky silver-violet petals, it looks especially attractive in the composition of a sunny flower bed;
  6. Heuchera "Obsidian" hybrid with dark purple-violet, almost black leaves blooms in June;
  7. geranium "Compactum" grows very luxuriantly, adding blood-red tones to the flower garden;
  8. Sedum telephium or hare cabbage, varieties "Matrona" blooms in mid-summer with pale pink inflorescences;
  9. bell "Loddon Anna" with pale purple broad-pyramidal inflorescences fill the garden with a delicate aroma from July to September.

The material was prepared for the site

Creating a flower bed from perennials: land preparation and planting

Having decided on the ingredients for the flower bed, it's time to start preparing the soil for the flower garden. This is the most uncreative and time-consuming business in creating a perennial flower bed. But, at the same time, the most necessary thing, because well-prepared land is the foundation of a future flower bed.

You need to prepare the ground after you draw a sketch of the future flower garden. It is necessary to choose plants not only according to the timing of flowering, but also according to their similar requirements for light, moisture and soil - this will greatly facilitate the care of the flower bed. (For example, in the shade and semi-shady areas in dry areas with fertile and loose soil, they grow well: geyher and Goryanka, lilies of the valley and cuffs, primroses and phloxes, irises and geraniums, periwinkles and anemones).

How to make a beautiful flower bed of perennials?

Start by removing the old sod with a shovel. Remove all weeds with roots and reanimate the soil by diluting clay soil with sand, and light soil with clay soil or concrete. Then add compost (this will make the soil more fertile) and loosen the soil as deep as possible with a pitchfork, mixing clay, sand and compost. Add the necessary fertilizers and start planting seedlings.

Please note that in a flower bed of any scheme, approximately 1 sq. M is planted:

  • 10 pieces of ground cover plants;
  • 7 pieces undersized;
  • 5 pieces of medium height;
  • and 1-3 tall plants.

Now you know how to arrange a flower bed of perennials.

Flowerbeds of classical forms are less and less common in landscape design. In the landscape gardens of our days, island flower beds with plant species that are asymmetrical in height and planting, arranged on lawns and lawns, are more appropriate. No less popular are multi-level vertical plantings. Raised flower beds planted in flower beds of original forms, mini-flower beds in old stumps and cascades of rectangular stands bordered by broken bricks also look interesting.

Tip: If possible, the shape of the flower bed should be combined with the shape of the nearest building, such as a gazebo or porch.

Round flower bed of perennials

If we talk about the simplest method of flower decoration of the site, then this is, of course, a round flower bed of perennials, which is very easy to do with your own hands. It is very important to choose the right size. Since on a large area a small flower garden will look ridiculous, and a flower bed that is too voluminous within a limited space will be poorly visible.

Important! When decorating a garden with a perennial flower bed (for a harmonious combination of all elements), be sure to take into account the surrounding situation.

The place for the flower bed should be cleared of weeds, debris and stones. Break large clods of earth, dig the earth and level it with a rake.

To accurately draw a circle, you need to take a peg, drive it into the center of the future flower bed and tie a rope to it, at the other end of which there will be a peg. They need to draw the correct circle of the required size.

The scheme of a round flower bed of perennials and annuals do it yourself

with large white flowers, compactly collected in inflorescences;

, often used to decorate borders;

with characteristically narrow, linearly elongated leaves, which, intertwined, form a continuous bright green carpet;

4. (Viola) pansies, specifically the variety "V. t. Maxima "- tricolor violet, blooming all summer;

- an unpretentious plant that blooms in spring with yellow fragrant flowers;

Many summer residents, starting to cultivate the land, think first of all about those crops that can be called useful, that is, intended for human consumption. But for some reason it comes to flowers in the last place. They are often allocated such plots of land where the sun's rays do not get well, planted close to the fences, walls of the building, and so on. But without flowers, the dacha looks very dull, despite the red tomatoes, yellow zucchini and scarlet cherries. How to arrange a flower garden in the country. 65 photos of design ideas for your site. Still, flowers are flowers. In addition to their aesthetic appeal, they sometimes also allow you to fight pests. Some decoctions from inflorescences contribute to the destruction of cockroaches. Such cockroach control measures are not always effective, of course, but they are absolutely environmentally friendly, that is, there are no harmful synthetic components that your head hurts about.

Flower garden in the country - beauty, as much as the soul sings!

A beautifully decorated flower garden in the country, when planting flowers in a summer cottage, one should take into account the period of their flowering. If you don’t want all the flowers to bloom at the same time, then we pause - we plant some on the same day, wait a bit and then plant others. When planting plants, you need to know what is related to what. The fact is that some flowers can have a depressing effect on others. And this is a very important point.

Should flowers be planted in flower beds? This question is often asked by those who have recently acquired a dacha and are accustomed to seeing that they grow in the city in this way. In fact, there is no need to plant like this, because a dacha is not a city. Here colors need space. The original flower garden in the country photo:

Flowers, like any other plant, get sick. Sometimes they are even spoiled by rodents. Therefore, the periodic struggle with mice also does not hurt. At the same time, protect the harvest. In general, plant healthy plants, try to avoid sick ones, despite the fact that you may have already paid for them. Most often, a flower garden is created in the country from improvised materials.

Decoration of a summer cottage with flowers

Today, almost a third of Russian families have summer cottages outside the city. At least that's what the statistics tell us. In fact, people abandoned a lot of land plots, because they do not want to work for them. Even building organizations that receive SRO approval are seriously considering buying up such dachas and building cottages in their place. The same people who are not going to leave their dachas are striving in every possible way to ennoble the land. At the peak of popularity now planting flowers. Beautiful flower garden in the country photo:

When the cottage is decorated with flowers, then you look at it in a completely different way. The soul seems to come to life, because in each bud one feels the power and energy of nature. And, of course, one wants to work on such land. So it's not just about beauty, but also about the emotional component.

How to arrange a flower garden in the country? What flowers are best planted in the country? Gladiolus, chamomile, spray roses, chrysanthemums are well suited. Be sure to pick up cultivated plants, otherwise your flowers will soon turn into real weeds, as they will flood the entire garden.

If the developer carries out the construction of cottage settlements, then he has probably not only received the approval of the SRO in design, but also prepared a plan for the development of the territory. And often in it you can read that it is precisely those flowers that are planted in the country that are being prepared for planting. This is all explained very simply - such plants have proven themselves well for decades, which means there is no doubt that after planting in the ground they will not die. Beautifully decorated flower garden in the country:

In the country there is no need to grow those flowers that grow in the forest. More precisely, they still will not take root. And it happens that many people go out into nature, see a beautiful flower, dig it up and plant it in their summer cottage. The likelihood that the plant will survive after such a migration is not very high. Do-it-yourself flower garden diagram in the country house, see below:

What kind of misfortune is this - lawn moss?

How to arrange a flower garden in the country, the scheme of the flower garden in the country has already been drawn up with your own hands? Quite often, people who have broken the lawn in their garden have to deal with damage to it. It can be weeds that change the texture of the green carpet, and plants affected by diseases, due to which earthen bald spots appear, and moss, which nullifies all the work done before.

It does not appear by chance. This means that the gardener has violated some lawn care rules. For example, the grass litter lacks drainage, there are no drains that drain water during and after rains, the ground is excessively dense and cannot breathe. The lawn suffers from moss even if the grass is cut too short with a mower. But, fortunately, it is quite easy to determine what the owner of the "green carpet" miscalculated. You just need to take a closer look at the appearance of moss, as it comes in different types. The original flower garden in the country photo:

When the moss, which is gradually spreading in the area, shoots reach for the sun, have a green top, and a dark brown rim is visible closer to the roots, it means that the land allocated for the lawn is not watered actively enough, the soil has oxidized. In turn, when the moss spreads over the lawn and does not have apical shoots, this is a clear sign that the lawn is not properly processed during mowing.

How to get rid of this scourge - moss? First, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of what is happening, and then resort to various chemical solutions. They will be required when the moss has seriously spoiled the lawn in many places. The mixtures help the lawn develop faster, along the way, killing moss spores under the earth and shoots that have already crawled out. Sand compositions, ferrous sulfate and other agrochemicals will serve as top dressing. Without them, in this case, the problem of the spread of moss on the site cannot be dealt with. Beautiful flower garden in the country photo of different ideas: