Title of the work: “Yes, our life flowed rebelliously, full of worries, full of losses…” “Panaevsky cycle” by N. A. Nekrasov.

Subject area: literature

Participants: 10th grade


To get acquainted with the history of the complex relationship between N.A. Nekrasov and A.Ya. Panaeva;

To create conditions for the education of high moral qualities of students, a sense of beauty;

Annotation: This lesson is a lesson in learning new material. Acquaintance with biographical information, the writer's work occurs with the help of messages from trained students. The lesson was conducted using ICT. One of the advantages of using ICT in literature lessons is the possibility of figurative presentation of the studied material.

The lesson uses the technology of critical thinking to achieve conscious reading and the ability to analyze what has been read.

Problematic and partially search methods of teaching, frontal and individual forms of organization of educational activities are used.

Topic: “Yes, our life flowed rebelliously, full of worries, full of losses…” “Panaevsky cycle” by N.A. Nekrasov.

Lesson Objectives :

Get acquainted with the history of complex relationships N.A. Nekrasov and

AND I. Panaeva;

To get acquainted with some poems of the beautiful cycle of poems by N. Nekrasov;

To consolidate the skills of independent analysis of a poetic work;

Continue learning the ability to highlight the main thing, compare, generalize and draw conclusions;

Create conditions for the development of monologue speech of students, figurative thinking;

To create conditions for the education of high moral qualities of students,

feelings of beauty;

Create conditions for instilling interest in the study of Russian classical literature, in the work of N.A. Nekrasov.

Lesson type : learning a new topic.

Equipment for the lesson : poetic texts by N. Nekrasov; memoirs of the poet's contemporaries; quotes from A. Panaeva's letters; presentation for the lesson; mp 3 "Forgive me" (lyrical miniature by Tchaikovsky to the words of N. Nekrasov, performed by Tamara Milashkina).

Epigraph : “Why are you indestructible in your soul,

A dream of love that knows no end ... "
ON THE. Nekrasov

During the classes.

    Organizing time.

    Introduction by the teacher.

A person dreams of being happy, cannot imagine his life without happiness, and considers love to be one of its components.

Art is a mirror of life, so the theme of love is one of its main themes. The beauty of a beloved or beloved, the state of a person engulfed by “rebellious passions”, the psychological truth of love experiences, the ups and downs of a soul engulfed by this feeling, were captured on the pages of their works by brilliant Russian poetsXIXcentury.

At home, you should have remembered how you wrote about love A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov, and to make an associative series of love lyrics of these poets. Before the lesson, I collected your syncwines, summarized them, and this is what happened (on the board):


    selfless, poetic

    inspire, uplift, inspire

    feeling not between bodies, but between souls


Today in the lesson we will read with you Nekrasov's novel about love, compiled from his poems, and at the end of the lesson you will do the same work: compose an associative series of Nekrasov's love lyrics.

So what is the topic of our today's lesson? (Write down the topic in your notebook). Slide number 1.

Communication of the objectives of the lesson. Slide #2

The epigraph to the lesson are lines from a poem by N. Nekrasov (we write it down in a notebook). Slide number 3.

    Acquaintance with the history of the relationship between N. Nekrasov and A. Panaeva.

    Teacher's word. Slide number 4. “A woman’s heart, won with difficulty from a crowd of admirers, from the opinion of the world, from her own husband, breaks more painfully. But more effective. Nekrasov's love lyrics are an official document for this.

In poems devoted not to civil, but to intimate personal feelings, Nekrasov remains true to himself, to his narrative style. There is a fairly clear plot, characters ... like in prose. Almost every poem is not just a lyric, but a rhymed paraphrase. Nekrasov was repeatedly reproached for being too simple and prosaic.

"Prose in love" by Nekrasov with constant quarrels, quarrels, with mutual torment, with infrequent joys.

In Nekrasov's poetry, something like a psychological novel is created, which forms a group of poems of the so-called "Panaevsky cycle". The prototype of the lyrical heroine was Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva.

“... Petersburg, 1842. In the house at the Five Corners, the writer Ivan Panaev, as a hospitable host, treated all Russian literature to tea. Here Turgenev and Granovsky converged in disputes, Goncharov and Herzen praised dinners, Belinsky stayed up late, Chernyshevsky dozed, Dostoevsky, who had just stepped into print, timidly burned with his eyes the hostess of the house ... Of course, he, embarrassed and so far "promising", had no chance. Slide number 5.

Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva, the famous beauty of St. Petersburg, only shook his hand in a friendly way and poured tea. But what she was ... dazzling! Artistic, friendly, generous and so wise - beyond her years! A true goddess!"

b) The student's speech about the family of A.Ya. Panaeva.

Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva was born in St. Petersburg on July 31, 1820. Her parents served as actors on the Imperial stage: her father acted in tragic roles, her mother played various roles in drama, comedy and operetta. A far from ideal atmosphere reigned in the house, which was created by a despotic gambler mother and an avid billiard player, a cruel, eccentric father. “No one caressed me,” Avdotya Yakovlevna recalled, “and therefore I was very sensitive to caresses.” But, apparently, the character still inherited her mother's - imperious and decisive.

Life in the parental home seemed to the girl a torment, and therefore, before reaching the age of nineteen, she married the writer Ivan Panaev. He came from a noble family rich and glorious in literary traditions (by his father, he is the great-nephew of G. R. Derzhavin; his uncle was a major government official and a well-known idyllic poet). Having lost his father early, who was also not alien to literary creativity, Panaev grew up in his grandmother's house. The mother practically did not engage in raising her son, preferring to live for her own pleasure - widely and without counting money. This passion for a carefree, luxurious life was then passed on to her son ...

Beauty Avdotya went to a fanfaron, an incorrigible reveler, a man whose emptiness, as Belinsky lamented, "cannot be measured with any tools." Having boasted about his beautiful wife to his friends, Ivan Panaev lost interest in her already in the first year of his marriage and rushed for new frivolous skirts. And Avdotya assigned the role of decorating the living room. And he did not seek to protect from the outright harassment of some friends.

Avdotya herself, as best she could, restrained their ardor. Love wanted greedily, but did her feelings offer her numerous lustful glances? Therefore, the 22-year-old Nikolai Nekrasov, introduced into their house by Belinsky, received a decisive refusal - as soon as, following the example of many, he hotly clung to her hand.

c) Storyprepared studentabout difficult relationships

N. Nekrasov and A. Panaeva.

In the early 1840s, N. A. Nekrasov appeared in the Panaevs' salon. Avdotya Yakovlevna made a great impression on the beginning and still unknown poet (he was a year younger than the mistress who charmed him). The young man long and stubbornly sought her love, but she rejected him, not daring to leave her husband. But the newly-minted poet, who had barely dawned on the horizon of Russian poetry and hardened by a three-year half-starved life, turned out to be more persistent than the others. A brunette with matte skin and bewitching eyes instantly took possession of his heart - he did not notice. And having discovered the “loss”, he decided that it would be foolish to retreat.

Nekrasov was just starting to get lucky: he was actively publishing, he was noticed by critics, Belinsky, a master of finding talents, took him under his wing and brought him to the heart of Russian culture, where this incredible woman shone ... Convinced that everything can be achieved with perseverance, Nikolai rushed to the battle.

However, the fight dragged on. Panaeva did not believe the eloquent admirer. In every possible way removed from herself, thereby only kindling his passion. Once Nekrasov was taking Avdotya in a boat along the Neva and suddenly, far from the shore, he resumed his daring courtship, threatening that if he refused, he would jump into the water. The impregnable beauty grunted, and he take it ... yes, jump! And, you can be sure, he would have gone to the bottom - after all, he did not know how to swim!

Panaeva raised a cry throughout the river. The distraught poet was caught and somehow brought to his senses. And he immediately sang his own: if you don’t agree, they say, adored, to answer my feelings, I’ll go and jump again. Yes, so that, be calm, they will not be in time to pull it out. And the icy crust, squeezing Avdotya Yakovlevna's heart, crunched ...

In 1846, the Panaevs, in company with Nekrasov, spent the summer months on their estate in the Kazan province. Here the poet discussed in detail with Panaev the plan for the purchase and joint revival of the Sovremennik magazine. And here he finally became close to his wife - as he dreamed.

Returning to St. Petersburg, the bohemian trinity settled in the same apartment. And a strange life began ... Ivan Panaev - a husband without a wife, an editor without a magazine (Nekrasov ran all the affairs of a prosperous publication), a cuckold without deceit ... And Avdotya is a wife before God and the people of one, in fact and at the behest of the heart - another. Avdotya Yakovlevna became the common-law wife of Nekrasov - in those days it was almost impossible to get permission for a divorce. Rumors and gossip about their "indecent" relationship did not stop for a very long time.

Nekrasov poured out all the flood of his feelings on paper. Thus was born the poetic "Panaevsky cycle" - the story of uneven, stormy, painful love.

    Let's open chapter 1 of this novel.

Reading by heart the poem "You are always good incomparably" (1847).

What is the mood of the poem? (Joy, pleasure)

Pay attention to the antithesis in the characterization of the hero (wise - stupid). What does she mean? (Hero Controversy)

Is the lyrical hero sincere in expressing his feelings? (Yes)

In what situations is a person extremely sincere? (When he makes a confession. Nekrasov's lyrics are very confessional.)

What word stands out from the row lined up for the lyrical heroine? (Sly)

Why? (Cunning - cunning, treacherous)

How do we readers feel? (Alertness)

So, even when the romance of Nekrasov and Panaeva was just beginning, some kind of inconsistency and wariness are felt in the poet's world. Everything seems to be fine, but...

5. Years passed. Relations between N. Nekrasov and A. Panaeva became dramatic, ambiguous: sometimes sincere and close, sometimes alienated and ironic. Rarely did a day go by without a scandal. Nekrasov was pathologically jealous. And as passionate as it is fickle. Accusing and suspecting, hot and undeservedly insulting, he cooled down and rushed to Avdotya to put up.

This is the second chapter of the novel by N. Nekrasov and A. Panaeva.

Reading by heart the poem "You and I are stupid people" (1851)

What is the mood of the poem? (irritation, resentment)

What caused the quarrel?

What do we see the lyrical heroine in this poem? (Clueless, quick-tempered, impulsive, unrestrained, tormentor)

And the lyrical hero? (Jealous man, his soul is anxious, but he accepts her like that and is ready for reconciliation)

Do you think the poet's view of love is the same? (Not)

What is love in this poem? (She is not romantic, but prosaic, ordinary, with problems, limitations, jealousy, contradictory, she has a whole range of feelings)

And what kind of love does a person dream of? (Oh romantic)

Nekrasov loved this woman with a jealous, gloomy, exhaustingly difficult love. Their life together was hell. But as soon as they parted, he fell in love with her again. It seems that he loved Panaeva only when she was not with him: all those tender love poems that he dedicated to her were written in her absence, in absentia.

Expressive reading of the poem "Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ..." (1850)

What are the first 2 lines of this poem? (Synopsis of a story or novel, tense, dynamic. Love depends on the influence of the world)

Did the lovers part for a while or forever? (For a while. Their life apart is portrayed as patiently waiting for a new meeting)

6. However, as soon as they reunite, his poems reflect not affection, but stormy family scenes, insults, reproaches and quarrels. In general, Nekrasov's love lyrics are more willing to dwell on love tyranny. “Tears and nerves” - this is most often with him, therefore, in a moment of repentance, the lyrical hero calls himself the executioner of this woman and prays for her forgiveness.

And this is the third chapter of the novel.

Amazing lyrical miniature "Forgive me" (1856) (Listenmp3; slide number 7 with the text of the poem)

Interpretation of the poem (independent work of the student)

- What is the relationship between the lyrical heroes? (They lead to a break).

No, it is not so easy to be the wife of a famous poet. Nekrasov himself understands this.

Expressive reading of the poem “She got a heavy cross” (1856) (Interpretation and comparative analysis with F. Tyutchev’s poem “Do not say: he loves me, as before ...” (1854); “Panaevsky” and “Denisevsky cycles” - independent work of the student).

Conclusion: N. Nekrasov's "Panaevsky cycle" and F. Tyutchev's "Denisevsky cycle" have much in common: nervousness of intonation, fragmentation, indicated in writing by dots that end many poems. Motifs of suffering, illegality of love, rebelliousness permeate both cycles and thus unite in intimate lyrics.

But: the relationship between lovers in Nekrasov's lyrics has become more complex: spiritual intimacy is replaced by a quarrel and quarrel, the characters often do not understand each other, and this misunderstanding overshadows their love.

7. Before you lie the texts of Nekrasov's poems. See what punctuation mark is at the end of most of his love poems? What does it say? (On incompleteness; to be continued).

The final break between Nekrasov and Panaeva occurred in 1863. Their romance lasted 15 years.

Love for Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva Nekrasov kept until the end of his life.

8. Stage of reflection.

Let's return to the associative series, which we talked about at the beginning of the lesson. What is it, love in the lyrics of N. Nekrasov? (Miscellaneous: struggle, contradictions, jealousy, suffering, happiness, torment, quarrel, peace)

If Pushkin's beloved is a deity, then who is she for the lyrical hero Nekrasov? (This is an ordinary woman, with advantages and disadvantages, equal to him in everything. Love for her is both happiness and grief).

Let's return to the epigraph. How do you understand it? (Slide number 9)

(Whatever she, beloved, may be, love is a desired feeling for the poet, I don’t want to part with him)

9. Grading, recording d / z: learn your favorite poem by heart; formulate and write down in a notebook the features of Nekrasov's love lyrics; compose a syncwine on the theme "Love in the lyrics of N. Nekrasov."

Nikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov
"Yes, our life flowed rebelliously..."

Yes, our life flowed rebelliously,
Full of worries, full of loss
Breaking up was inevitable
And now I'm happy for you!
But since then, everything around me is deserted!
I can't give myself to anything with love
And life is boring and time is long
And I am cold to my work.
I wouldn't know why I get out of bed
If it were not for the thought: maybe they flew
Today, finally, the cherished sheets,
In which you tell me:
Are you healthy? what do you think? is it easy
Do you breathe under the distant sky?
Are you sad, regretting the former share,
Are you willing to obey fate?
I wish that sleepy oblivion
For a long time it came to my soul,
Whenever my imagination
Wandering in the past could not...
Past! his magical power
Subduing, I experience again
And the first movement of passion
So violently agitated blood,
And a long struggle with myself
And not killed by the struggle,
But every day stronger seething love.
How long have you been harsh
How you wanted to believe me
And as I believed, and hesitated again,
And how I fully believed!
(Happy day! I distinguish it
In a family of ordinary days;
From him I count my life
I celebrate it in my soul!)
I remembered everything ... with one memory,
One past I live -
And what seemed to us suffering in it,
And now I call happiness ...

And you?.. are you just as devoted to sadness?..
And is it the same in some memories
In the midst of voluntary exile
Is your soul submerged?
Or a new luxurious nature,
And life is boiling, and complete freedom
You've been taken forever
And you fell out of love away
Everything that is painful and sweet so sometimes
We were happy with you?
Tell! I must know... How strange I love!
I wish you happiness and pray
But the thought that the longing of separation oppresses you,
My soul softens the torment ...

“He was a man of high nobility of soul,” N. G. Chernyshevsky said about Nekrasov. These words are remembered when you read Nekrasov's poems about love, leaving an indelible mark on the soul.

An innovator in poetry, Nekrasov opened new pages in Russian love

Lyrica showed her new possibilities. If the great poets of the first half of the 19th century sang about their beloved as a miracle, perfection, if for them she was a “genius of pure beauty”, an unattainable ideal, a dream far from the prose of life, then the heroine of Nekrasov’s intimate lyrics is a living woman with a difficult, and sometimes tragic fate, with a difficult character. She has a “cheerful, mocking mind”, she is sharp, ironic and at the same time capable of a great, deep feeling.

Many poems of Nekrasov's love lyrics are autobiographical, their heroine is recognizable. This is A. Ya. Panaeva - a bright, talented person, friend, colleague,

The civil wife of the poet. Why did Nekrasov not hide who the addressee of his love poems was? Probably because these verses are confessional: they contain reflections on the past, a bitter confession of one’s guilt (and after all, everyone is probably guilty of something before his beloved, loved ones, and this guilt is especially bitterly felt when they leave forever), an attempt to explain the inexplicable, to justify something ...

“When out of the darkness of delusion…”, “For a long time - rejected by you…”, “I visited your cemetery…”, “Oh, passion, fatal, fruitless…”, etc. literally make me sob,” wrote the poet N G. Chernyshevsky.

Revealing the complex relationships of lovers, Nekrasov takes a new path: “prose of love” appears in his lyrics, the poet allows the reader to enter the world of conflicting feelings and relationships of lovers. He creates a kind of lyrical novel-diary, which includes a number of poems from the “Panaev cycle”.

The heroine of Nekrasov is not at all a “heavenly creature”: she can be selfless and implacable, loving and jealous, kind and cruel.

“I don’t like your irony” - already in this first line, the introduction to the poem, there are both the characters of two people and the exciting complexity of their relationship. It is interesting that almost all works of the poet's love lyrics end with dots, as if the dialogue continues, the argument is not over. But behind external conflicts there is always high humanity, understanding and empathy, compassion and respect.

Here is the poem “The heavy cross went to her share” - one of the most tragic of Nekrasov. It brilliantly found the main image - the image of the cross - as a symbol of suffering and sacrifice: a heavy cross is both fate and a tombstone.

And what a complex and beautiful world of difficult love is sung in a short poem “Forgive me”:

Sorry! Do not remember the days of falling, Longing, despondency, bitterness - Do not remember the storms, do not remember the tears, Do not remember the jealousy of threats! But the days when love shone Above us tenderly ascended And cheerfully we made the way - Bless and do not forget!

In Nekrasov's antithesis - all life with its ups and downs, storms, tears and the luminary of happiness. So "Prose of Love" becomes the theme of high poetry.

And how wise and humane are the poems of the same name “Zine” (“You still have the right to life ...” and “Two hundred days already ...”), created by terminally ill, painfully suffering poets who bless young life.

I don’t know if the poem “I’m driving along a dark street at night” can be attributed to love lyrics, but for me this is indisputable. The life of an unfortunate prostitute became the subject of a lyric poem. The story of the tragic story of the “fallen” woman is imbued with such sympathy and understanding that her real story becomes a fact of high poetry.

In this lyrical poem, Nekrasov seems to predict the discoveries of the brilliant Dostoevsky. The situation will be repeated in Crime and Punishment, in the story of the “eternal Sonechka Marmeladova”, perhaps the most highly moral heroine of Russian literature, forced to “go to the panel” in order to save her family.

There were no “low” topics for Nekrasov. In his lyrics, he revealed the inner world of his contemporaries, people of different social strata. The high nobility of his soul was manifested in the ability to understand both those close and distant, to lend a helping hand to the suffering, to be not a judge, but a friend and protector of the disadvantaged, to sing the feelings that make a person a Man.

Essays on topics:

  1. Nikolai Nekrasov, having experienced a stormy and long romance with a married woman, Avdotya Panaeva, decided to tie the knot only at 50 ...
  2. The poem, written in 1875-1877, belongs to the late period of P. A. Vyazemsky’s work and is philosophical in nature. Vyazemsky built...

"Yes, our life flowed rebelliously..."

Yes, our life flowed rebelliously,
Full of worries, full of loss
Breaking up was inevitable
And now I'm happy for you!
But since then, everything around me is deserted!
I can't give myself to anything with love
And life is boring and time is long
And I am cold to my work.
I wouldn't know why I get out of bed
If it were not for the thought: maybe they flew
Today, finally, the cherished sheets,
In which you tell me:
Are you healthy? what do you think? is it easy
Do you breathe under the distant sky?
Are you sad, regretting the former share,
Are you willing to obey fate?
I wish that sleepy oblivion
For a long time it came to my soul,
Whenever my imagination
Wandering in the past could not...
Past! his magical power
Subduing, I experience again
And the first movement of passion
So violently agitated blood,
And a long struggle with myself
And not killed by the struggle,
But every day stronger seething love.
How long have you been harsh
How you wanted to believe me
And as I believed, and hesitated again,
And how I fully believed!
(Happy day! I distinguish it
In a family of ordinary days;
From him I count my life
I celebrate it in my soul!)
I remembered everything ... with one memory,
One past I live -
And what seemed to us suffering in it,
And now I call happiness ...

And you?.. are you just as devoted to sadness?..
And is it the same in some memories
In the midst of voluntary exile
Is your soul submerged?
Or a new luxurious nature,
And life is boiling, and complete freedom
You've been taken forever
And you fell out of love away
Everything that is painful and sweet so sometimes
We were happy with you?
Tell! I must know... How strange I love!
I wish you happiness and pray
But the thought that the longing of separation oppresses you,
My soul softens the torment ...

Poem by Nekrasov N.A. - Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ...

In "Panaevsky cycle" N.A. Nekrasov includes the following works:
- Yes, our life flowed rebelliously ...
- Long ago - rejected by you ...
- The heavy cross went to her share ...
- Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall
We are stupid people...
– Farewell
- So this is a joke? My darling
- You are always good incomparably
I don't like your irony
- A difficult year - an illness broke me
When it burns in your blood...
- Struck by the loss of an irretrievable ...

This is not a complete list. According to critics and literary critics, many poems dedicated to Panaeva were never published. Another part perished irretrievably in the letters burned by Avdotya. However, those that survived convey the overall picture and atmosphere of the entire cycle.

Yes, our life flowed rebelliously,
Full of worries, full of loss
Breaking up was inevitable
And now I'm happy for you!
But since then, everything around me is deserted!
I can't give myself to anything with love
And life is boring and time is long
And I am cold to my work.
I wouldn't know why I get out of bed
If it were not for the thought: maybe they flew
Today, finally, the cherished sheets,
In which you tell me:
Are you healthy? what do you think? is it easy
Do you breathe under the distant sky?
Are you sad, regretting the former share,
Are you willing to obey fate?
I wish that sleepy oblivion
For a long time it came to my soul,
Whenever my imagination
Wandering in the past could not...
Past! his magical power
Subduing, I experience again
And the first movement of passion
So violently agitated blood,
And a long struggle with myself
And not killed by the struggle,
But every day stronger seething love.
How long have you been harsh
How you wanted to believe me
And as I believed, and hesitated again,
And how I fully believed!
(Happy day! I distinguish it
In a family of ordinary days;
From him I count my life
I celebrate it in my soul!)
I remembered everything ... with one memory,
One past I live -
And what seemed to us suffering in it,
And now I call happiness ...

And you?.. are you just as devoted to sadness?..
And is it the same in some memories
In the midst of voluntary exile
Is your soul submerged?
Or a new luxurious nature,
And life is boiling, and complete freedom
You've been taken forever
And you fell out of love away
Everything that is painful and sweet so sometimes
We were happy with you?
Tell! I must know... How strange I love!
I wish you happiness and pray
But the thought that the longing of separation oppresses you,
My soul softens the torment ...

For a long time - rejected by you,
I've walked these shores
And, full of fatal thought,
Immediately rushed to the waves.
They kindly explained.
I stepped on the edge of the cliff -
Suddenly the waves darkened menacingly,
And fear stopped me!
Late - full of love and happiness,
We used to go here often
And you blessed the waves
They rejected me then.
Now - alone, forgotten by you,
Through many fateful years,
I wander with a dead soul
Again on these shores.
And the same thought comes again -
And I'm standing on the edge
But the waves do not threaten severely,
And they beckon into their depths ...

The heavy cross went to her share:
Suffer, be silent, pretend and do not cry;
To whom and passion, and youth, and will -
She gave everything - he became her executioner!

For a long time she has not known a meeting with anyone;
Depressed, timid and sad,
Crazy, snarky speeches
Must listen without complaint:

"Do not say that youth ruined
You, tormented by my jealousy;
Don't speak!.. my grave is near,
And you are a fresh spring flower!

The day you loved me
And I heard from me: I love -
Don't curse! my grave is near
I'll fix everything, I'll atone for everything with death!

Don't say your days are sad
Do not call the patient a jailer:
Before me is the cold darkness of the grave,
In front of you are the arms of love!

I know you love someone else
Sparing and waiting bored you ...
Oh wait! my grave is near
Started and finish let fate! .. "

Horrible, murderous sounds!
Like a statue beautiful and pale,
She is silent, wringing her hands...
And what could she say to him?

Sorry! Do not remember the days of the fall,
Anguish, despondency, anger, -
Don't remember the storms, don't remember the tears
Do not remember the jealousy of threats!

But the days when love shone
Above us gently rose
And cheerfully we made the way, -
Bless and don't forget!

You and I are stupid people:
What a minute, the flash is ready!
Relief of an agitated chest,
An unreasonable, harsh word.

Speak up when you're angry
Everything that excites and torments the soul!
Let us, my friend, be angry openly:
The world is easier - and more likely to get bored.
If prose in love is inevitable,
So let's take a share of happiness from her:
After a quarrel so full, so tender
The return of love and participation ...


We parted ways,
We parted before separation
And they thought: there will be no flour
In the last fatal "I'm sorry."
But I don't even have the strength to cry.
Write - I ask one ...
These letters will be nice to me
And holy as flowers from the grave -
From the grave of my heart!

So is this a joke? My darling,
How timid, how slow-witted I am!
I cried over your calculated harsh
Short and dry letter;
Neither a friendly caress, nor a frank word
You did not please his heart.
I asked if it was a demon of discord
With your hand mockingly drove?
I said: "When a quarrel would separate us -
But so heavy, so bitter, so dull,
So tender was the last hour of parting...
Even your friend could not forget him,
And again you send him torment
Doubts, conjectures and anxieties -
Tell me why? .. Is it not an empty lie,
Scattered idle slander
Was your soul outraged?
And, tormented by a tormenting illness,
You're over your absent friend
Did the court pronounce without justification?
Or was it one random whim,
Or old anger? .. "Insoluble mystery
I suffered: I cried and suffered,
In conjectures, the frightened mind wandered,
I was miserable in severe despair ...

All the end! With one word
You returned my soul again
And the old world, and the old love;
And my heart sends blessings to you
As a messenger of unexpected salvation...

So the nanny will lead the child into the forest
And hide herself behind a tall bush;
Alarmed, he seeks and calls,
And rushes about in cruel anguish,
And falls, powerless, on the grass...
And the nanny suddenly: ay! ay!
In it, with a sudden joy, the heart beats,
He forgot everything: he cries and laughs,
And jumps and runs merrily,
And falls - and does not scold the nanny,
But the culprit of fright presses to the heart,
Like a friend who saved me from misfortune ...

You are always good incomparably,
But when I'm sad and gloomy
Lives up so inspiring
Your cheerful, mocking mind;

You laugh so smartly and sweetly,
So you scold my stupid enemies,
Then, bowing his head dejectedly,
So slyly you make me laugh;

You are so kind, buying up on caresses,
Your kiss is so full of fire
And your darling eyes
So they dove and stroke me, -

What is the real grief with you
I wisely and meekly bear
And forward - into this dark sea -
Without the usual fear I look ...

I don't like your irony.
Leave her obsolete and not alive
And you and I, who loved so dearly,
Still the rest of the feeling preserved, -
It's too early for us to indulge in it!

While still shy and gentle
Do you want to extend the date?
While still seething in me rebelliously
Jealous anxieties and dreams
Do not rush the inevitable denouement!

And without that, she is not far away:
We boil stronger, full of last thirst,
But in the heart there is a secret coldness and longing...
So in autumn the river is more turbulent,
But the raging waves are colder...

A difficult year - the illness broke me,
Trouble overtook, happiness changed,
And neither enemy nor friend spares me,
And you didn't even spare me!
Tortured, embittered by the struggle,
With their blood enemies!
Sufferer! you are standing in front of me
A beautiful ghost with crazy eyes!
Hair fell to the shoulders
Mouths burn, cheeks blush,
And unbridled speech
Merges into terrible reproaches,
Cruel, wrong. . . Wait!
I didn't doom your youth
To a life without happiness and freedom,
I am a friend, I am not your destroyer!
But you don't listen. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

When it burns in your blood
The fire of true love
When you are deeply aware
Your legal rights -
Believe: the rumor will not kill you
With his cruel slander!

Shameful, hateful ties
Let go of the violent burden
And conclude - while there is time -
Free, heartfelt union.

But if your passion is weak
And the conviction is not deep,
Be an eternal slave to your husband
Not that - you will repent cruelly! ..

Struck by an irretrievable loss,
My soul is despondent and weak:
No pride, no gracious faith -
The shameful impotence of a slave!

She doesn't care - the cold twilight of the coffin,
Shame, glory, hatred, love, -
And the saving malice went out,
That warmed up the blood for a long time.

I'm waiting... but the night doesn't come to dawn
And the dead darkness is all around... and the one
Which could call to the light, -
As if death had bound her mouth!

A face without thought, full of confusion,
Dry, strained eyes
And, it seems, the dawn of renewal
They never shed a tear.