Plastic bottles are not only a container for liquid, but also a good basis for creativity and needlework. Some craftsmen surprise with unusual crafts that are hard to imagine, made from old things, plastic, rubber leftovers from wheels. All this will require the material itself, scissors, paint, glue and some free time. Don't forget to use creative thinking. Let's look at ideas for giving with your own hands from a variety of materials.

plastic crafts

How often do you buy water in plastic bottles? If the answer is yes, then for sure you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary capacity, you can create unusual and useful products for giving from it.

Let's start with a strange version of the product on the topic "What can be created from a huge bottle" - a watering can using new technologies:

The following option for using conventional containers for good watering of vegetables that love moisture:

For your country house or cottage, which is surrounded by an inconspicuous and simple fence - it is possible to decorate it cheaply and very beautifully with flowers, as in the photo:

There is also no need to hang vases, it is also possible to create outdoor flower beds in the form of different animals from large containers:

Such unusual animals, people, houses, candlesticks and other plastic bottle figures will serve as a good garden decor for you:

Also, flowers can be made directly from plastic containers, take a look at this beauty - it can make any fence very beautiful, but it seems to be created from unnecessary things:

Even if the container is not made of plastic, you can create very beautiful crafts from it:

A game of small plastic bottles - bowling, made with his own hands from improvised materials.

Related article: Crochet toys - teddy bear and rattle

And also a cool basket:

Rubber products

The first place on our list is occupied by a non-slip road made of tires. For starters, you do not need to suffer with constantly growing grass on the paths. Then, the tire tread will keep you from slipping on the track. In addition, they allow you not to bring dirt home.

Roads made of tires will last a very long time and are not difficult to manufacture: you just need to cut off the pattern on the tires and attach them to a pair of cross beams using nails or self-tapping screws.

Ground vases. From the surface of the tire, you can cut a camomile. Then turn it out. Now it remains to color, and the place for the flowers will be done. And if the tire is left on the base, it will turn out to make a flowerpot on a leg.

The most difficult procedure is to unscrew the tire. But there is a little trick: at the moment when about half is turned out, you should press on it to get an oval, then it will become easier to work.

Use different tires, be creative in the shape of petals and color, then your products - flowerpots from tires - will become original.

Swans are a classic of tire products. The procedure is almost the same. The photo-instructions for this product from tires for summer cottages show how to make it yourself.

Work progress:

  1. On the tire depict a cutting diagram.
  2. Cut it according to the scheme (first the head, then the tail and feathers).
  3. Unscrew the cover.
  4. Complete the beak and color it red.
  5. Fold the two halves of the head together, insert the beak fastened with screws between them.
  6. Raise your head and gently press down on it. Fix the resulting fold with screws.
  7. Decorate the swan, decorate the eyes so that the screws are not noticeable.

There are several options for cutting a swan. Pick the one that suits your taste.

Related article: The sun from the balls: a master class with photos and videos

Exotic birds from tires. These are also flower beds, only they can be hung. They are created by analogy with swans, unless a much greater variety of colors is required. When you color the parrot, keep a photo in front of your eyes, the coloring will turn out more realistic. This idea can be used as an unusual swing for children.

Second Life

Those things with which we spent some part of our lives are hard to part with. They are addictive and give the impression that they can still come in handy. Perhaps some things that are dear to you, and you should not say goodbye? Postponing a decision about their fate, you send them to garages or cottages. So that they do not become a place for storing various rubbish, we recommend giving them a second life. We offer some options for your attention.

Jeans fall into disrepair very unexpectedly, despite the fact that the main part of them can look very good. But a slight wear or other defects indicate that their intended use is no longer possible.

A fan of this thing must have accumulated a lot of unnecessary pairs. The first option for the future life of this item is to create a hammock.

A good option would be to upgrade an existing hammock. But remember that you will need very strong things, it is a pity to make rags out of which. We use fastening material, ropes and other items from an old hammock, as they wear out less than the canvas itself. We sew several pairs with a thick and fairly strong thread. Guides and ropes must be attached exactly as they were with the old product. The rest of the pants can be used by creating something in the form of a pocket or bag from them. Having fixed them on the sides, they will shelter a bottle of water, a book, glasses, sun cream and a number of other little things that will be useful for vacationers in a hammock.

Let's see how you can creatively decorate flower beds and flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials. Let's see a photo of design ideas. We always, everywhere strive to surround ourselves with beauty. Flowers themselves are the decoration of our cottages, garden plots. Even the garden wants to be beautiful! An interesting frame - the design of flower beds, flower beds only emphasizes this beauty. We will not now consider those cases when a certified specialist in landscape design has a hand in the design of the site.

Using your imagination and, sometimes, things that are completely incompatible with the floral theme, you can not only decorate your site, but also give it personality. Flower beds complete flower plantings, and also perform a protective function. Thus, the roots of ground cover plants are held back by the sides of the original fences, and do not spread over the site. In addition, flower beds act as limiters for curious pets who are not averse to frolic in your flower garden. Even a chipped jar, a sawn log or used car tires can be used as an option for new design solutions. Consider some of the creative techniques of gardeners-summer residents.

Tires or car tires are ready-made small flower beds that are painted in the desired color, and then set on level ground. Fertile soil is poured inside the tires, flowers are planted. You can also figuratively cut out the top of the tire or even give it an intricate shape.

Tires in general represent an extensive field of activity for a creative gardener: they are hung on a fence (for ampelous plants), mounted on top of each other (for vertical gardening), stylized under various shapes.

An old bicycle can also be given new life by first updating it with paint. Drawers, containers with soil are installed or hung on the trunk, frame, seat, even on the pedals, in which flowers will then grow. In this case, the main thing is to securely fasten the bike and its moving parts. A metal pin is usually used, which is buried in the ground, and then the former mobile vehicle is tied or welded to it.

Such a mobile flower bed looks very unusual, while saving space. You can also lean the bike against the fence and tie it well.

It will be interesting to look at a garden wheelbarrow in the form of a flower bed. It is better to pre-sand the old metal structure and renew it with spray paint, the wooden one will look good on its own. Wheelbarrow elements can be partially dug into the ground to give it stability.

Old chairs with and without seats can act as stands for small flower containers. Such a flower bed can be moved anywhere or installed permanently, partially digging the legs into the ground.

A durable option is a flower bed made of stones. Cobblestones, bricks, ordinary stones are used. Such flower beds can be multi-tiered.

You can also arrange fences for flower beds from plastic bottles half dug into the ground. They are placed one after another, the shape of the flower garden can be absolutely any.

Separate containers are used as hanging planters, for example, on a fence - ampelous petunias look good in such a frame. From large five-liter containers, you can make mini-flower beds in the form of animals.

Glass bottle fences are the oldest way to decorate flower beds and flower beds with your own hands.

Often, champagne bottles are used for this - they are thick-walled, they have a powerful bottom. Such a flower bed will serve you for more than one year.

With imagination, a garden saw and an ax, you can make amazing flower beds from the trunks of sawn trees, stumps. The log is usually used as a whole or sawn into fragments that are used to decorate miniature flower beds. The bark is either removed or left untouched - this gives even more "naturalness", decorativeness.

The flower garden from previously sawn and peeled logs looks interesting. In the photo below, the flower bed is stylized as a well.

Even from a sawn trunk of a medium-sized tree, you can make a decorative fence and enclose a flower garden.

Even ordinary wooden boards or fragments of timber can be used to fence flower beds.

You can make a multi-tiered flower garden with your own hands from several pots put on an iron pin, which is dug into the ground. And if the pots differ in size, it will be even more interesting.

If you still have an old bath after the repair, why not use it as a flower bed, moreover, it is almost ready. You can dig it into the ground to any depth or leave it in its original form. If you paint it in the color you like, the newly appeared flower bed will only become more attractive.

Anything is used to create flower beds, quite neat fences and fences are obtained from the remnants of building materials.

If you approach the matter creatively, then you can beat any more or less suitable material and give it a new life. For example, from a vine and suitable twigs, you can arrange flower beds-baskets that will look unusual, but symbolic.

You can also give a second life to things that have long served their purpose. For example, children's balls, if carefully cut into halves and filled with soil, turn into pretty flowerpots.

An old basket, a household container, and even children's toys can become a new home for flowers. The photos below clearly demonstrate this.

The option presented below rather decorates an already formed flower bed, but the author's creativity deserves attention. It is possible to single out a zone of flower plantations even with the help of disposable spoons, approaching this matter creatively.

Whatever the flower bed is made of, it must have good drainage. Excessive moisture and stagnant water are detrimental to plants.

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To flower beds are created by people as small works of landscape art. Their only purpose is decoration. Gardeners and flower growers are ready to spend hours and days on end in them, decorating and transforming small areas. Practice shows that flowerbeds and flower bedsdecorated with the help of improvised means are in no way inferior to decorations from the store. DIY flower beds and flower beds from improvised materials, the photos of which are in this article, are a great occasion to show ingenuity and creative ingenuity.

In the flowerbed - an installation of unnecessary things in the house

There are many types of flower beds. Their division into types is very conditional, but in the terminology of landscape designers there are pronounced types:

  • flower garden without decoration in free form, imitation of wild thickets;
  • flower bed - a flower garden with a pronounced design, a clear geometric shape, clear boundaries;

  • a mixborder is a rabatka of different types of flowers with different heights, they can have a rhythmic pattern or imitate wild thickets;

  • mini-format flower beds are free-standing low flowerpots with plants;

  • three-dimensional 3D compositions are flower beds, before planting which three-dimensional figures are formed from the soil, a variant of such a flower garden is an alpine hill.

Of course, in practice, most often there is a mixture of styles and a creative approach.

Video: beautiful and unusual flower bed ideas

Flower bed layout

The flower bed is not made for one season, so it must be carefully planned, taking into account possible work on the site or future redevelopment. Another criterion that must be taken into account at the stage of developing a flower bed is the presence of children. If access to the flower garden is open to them, it is better to refuse materials such as metal, as the child can be seriously injured.

Flowerbeds in car tires

The most popular material for decoration is old tires. With some imagination, you can turn a rough source material into an unusually beautiful composition. You should not be limited to the banal painting of tires in different colors. Stylish sculptures can be made from this plastic material, stone and moss can be imitated on its surface.

Plastic bottle fences

Hundreds of plastic bottles accumulate in houses, and if desired, they can be used to build beautiful building envelopes or entire sculptural groups. DIY flowerbeds and flower beds from improvised materials - photo with plastic bottles:

Logs, logs and stumps

A tree is better than anything to fit into a plant composition. In the summer cottage there are always unnecessary logs, stumps or logs sticking out in inconvenient places, which are unlikely to be useful. These things can be included in the composition in the flower bed and get truly fabulous results. DIY flowerbeds from improvised materials photo with logs and stumps:

Stone decor

Sometimes, after the construction or dismantling of buildings, stones remain, conglomerates of cement and brick, which are suitable only for throwing them out. Such items make very beautiful decorations that look natural and allow you to imitate alpine meadows. They can be laid out, but in any case, it is better to paint first to give a more natural look.

Paths and paths

Flat compositions can be decorated by pouring tracks and making an expressive border. there may be sawdust, construction debris, broken bricks, sand. Enclosing elements can be created from any materials at hand - pieces of polycarbonate, slate, even from glass bottles.

Flowerbeds in pipes

The remains and cuttings of pipes with a diameter of more than 10 cm are excellent materials for decoration. With their help, expressive volumetric compositions, ladders and spirals of flowers are created.

Flower beds from unnecessary things

A do-it-yourself flowerbed from unnecessary improvised materials, the photo of which below is a real masterpiece of design thought. These compositions are charming, it is difficult to take your eyes off them, especially if the original purpose of the thing is played out in a flower garden, as in the photo below:


Wattle is a traditional form of building envelope. In addition to being beautiful and stylish, braid is extremely durable and long lasting. It is made from willow twigs. The manufacturing process is simple and the technology resembles weaving. You should not be limited to traditional forms, because you can create real sculptures from a rod.

We create a flower bed with our own hands

So, the planning stage is passed, the idea is framed and the material is prepared. There are two approaches when arranging flower beds. You can decorate existing plantings, or you can first install the elements, and only then plant the plants. The second stage is used to create three-dimensional compositions, and decor on a plane can be performed at any stage of plant life.

When arranging a flower bed, multi-colored details and bright colors are used. If there are flowering plants and annuals, or you need to attract bees to the site, preference should be given to light colors - yellow and white. For painting, it is better to use building paints for outdoor use, they are not washed off with water, dry instantly and do not smell.

Landscape Design Principles

In order for the created flowerbed in the country house with your own hands, the photo of which in several versions is given in this article, to please the eye throughout the summer season, you must simultaneously take into account the features of agricultural technology and architectural principles:

  • The growing season for all plants should have the same duration. At the same time, the flowering periods may not coincide, but from April to October, the stems and shoots must be kept intact, otherwise bald spots will be visible on the flower bed.

The design of various flower beds in the suburban area must be approached thoughtfully. It is advisable at the preparation stage to develop a site plan and select the most advantageous options for the configuration of future plantings with the distribution of color spots. This will prevent mistakes when buying seeds of ornamental plants.

Flower bed design - the basic principles of creating a flower garden (photo)

When developing a picturesque flower bed, one should be guided by a number of rules for its rational design and understand the terminology. Basically there are two groups:

  1. Flower beds that have a regular shape with strict geometric parameters;
  2. Varieties of flower beds of any, sometimes the most unexpected configuration.

Flowerbeds in geometric shapes - simple and beautiful

Development of a flower bed project in the country

At the stage of project development are guided by specific principles:

  • Integrity. To create a harmonious image of the future design of a summer cottage with the help of plants, you should consider the shape, color combinations, and the need for fencing.
  • multi-tiered. The dominant role in decoration belongs to flowers, so it is important to ensure an overview of each plant. Low-growing varieties are located from the front edge or around the perimeter.
  • Thoughtful scheme. There are many options for creating flower beds. It is important to organically fit the selected type of flower bed into the surrounding landscape.

Flower beds and flower beds in the country (photo)

When planning the design of a summer cottage on your own by placing flower beds on it, you should analyze information about the dominant varieties of such a landscape element.

flower border

A flower border is a picturesque narrow ribbon of beautiful plants. It is placed along the tracks or serves as the boundary of functional areas. Not infrequently used to mark borders or large flower beds.

Most often, low compact plants are used for planting, which are great for this purpose. In addition, they take root better in the ground, without requiring special care.


The flower bed of the rabatka is a traditional variety of a flower bed of a strict rectangular shape. Plants are selected in different shades or prefer a single-color background. Planted varieties can have different variations both in shape and in height.


It is used to decorate the space along the walls of structures. A well-chosen floral ornament will give a charming look to even the most inconspicuous building. In this case, it is allowed to plant different varieties of flowers and plants, the care of which is not particularly difficult.

The dominant option for mixborder beds is the selection of ornamental crops that provide continuous flowering. Making such flower beds in the country with your own hands is very simple, since this does not require any special skills.

Do-it-yourself mixborder - fast, simple, beautiful

vertical flower bed

A vertical flower garden allows you to beautifully and rationally arrange small areas. Attracts a vertical flower bed in the country with original design and many options for compositional solutions.

Interesting shapes can be obtained using wire mesh frames covered with film and filled with a soil mixture. These flower beds look good up close.

Another simple, but quite interesting option for creating a vertical flower bed is obtained using pots of different sizes.

To fix the pots in a vertical position, a metal rod (reinforcement) is used, which is threaded through holes pre-drilled in the bottom.

carpet bed

Usually, such flower beds are located against the background of pebbles, lawns, sandy areas, but they can be placed in any other place, the main thing is that the carpet bed in the country house harmoniously fits into the general one.

Guided by the ideas of experienced designers, it is possible to create interesting ornamental twists that create the feeling of an expensive carpet spread out in the yard.

Fences for flower beds - the best options

A simple technique for enhancing the decorativeness of flower beds is the installation of a fence around the perimeter, which allows you to accurately emphasize the configuration of the flower garden, keeping the soil from slumping throughout the growing season.

stone fence

To get an aesthetic fence, the simplest option is to lay out sufficiently large cobblestones of various shapes in a shallow groove dug along the perimeter of the flower bed. It turns out a finished design of the flower garden, which retains an aesthetic neat appearance for a long time.

Stone walls look spectacular, allowing you to raise the flower beds above the surface. For their implementation, stones with the largest dimensions are placed in the trench, filling the voids with soil. Then lay out several layers of smaller cobblestones, fastening them with cement.

Advice! Of particular expressiveness are stone placers enclosed in a mesh structure made of wire. They need to be performed at heights and arranged along the edge of the rabatka. Such a composition looks elegant and serves as an additional decorative element that does not lose its attractiveness even in the absence of vegetation.

Flowerbeds of stones of different shapes and sizes go well together

Interesting ideas for a flower bed with your favorite plants

Wooden fences for flower beds

Wooden fences do not require special efforts during installation. Such a decorative fence looks beautiful and modern, but there is also a drawback, in our climatic conditions it is not durable.

Ideas to inspire you

  • You can get an interesting fence by digging dies of different widths around the perimeter of the flower bed. For these purposes, round chocks will also fit.
  • An interesting effect is created by mugs dug up to half the diameter, sawn from a log.
  • To create a decorative fence, pegs and trimming boards are often used. If desired, wood elements are sanded, varnished or painted.
  • You can find application for long edged boards. They are attached to the sides of rectangular, triangular, trapezoidal or square laconic flower beds.

It is easy to put together a fence from the remains of the picket fence, creating a variety of smooth or pointed lines along the upper cut. Willow wicker railings add a retro touch.

plastic fencing

Well-preserved plastic has gained recognition in the implementation of enclosing structures around flower beds. They are easy to install, and the color variety allows you to choose the right shade.

More often they use tape options - they are flexible and easily repeat the bends of the created flower garden. Fix curbs in shallow trenches. You can pick up interesting textures that imitate brick, stone, wood.

Metal fences for flower beds

A special color is created by openwork forged structures. Such fences perfectly set off the greenery of vegetation, enhancing the decorative effect of flower beds.

It is important to think over the overall compositional solution, providing for lanterns, bench legs or veranda railings that match the style.

Do-it-yourself concrete fences

When creating a flower bed at the dacha with your own hands, assuming its long-term use on the site, a concrete fence is created.

For him, a formwork made of a flexible hardboard tape of the desired height is installed on the sides in a shallow trench dug around the perimeter. The width is supported by spacers. It remains to pour concrete and wait for it to harden.

Flowerbeds without fencing

The simplest option is a flower bed, performed without additional fences around the perimeter. The dug up soil is laid, creating the desired shape, so that it rises above the surface. You can make the center or background more elevated.

For such structures, it is difficult to form a straight line, as the soil crumbles, begins to fall off after watering. A flexible curb tape, which is placed in a groove dug along the perimeter of the flower garden, allows to solve the problem and covered with soil. The line is clear and stable.

Flowerbed of tires

Durable mobile flower beds are easily created in old tires. They are arranged in a different order, creating interesting multi-row flowering structures.

Craftsmen carve original figurines, flower pots from obsolete tires, which are painted or painted with ornamental patterns. Such options become a magnificent decoration of the site.

A simple idea for a bright mood

Hanging flowerbed-planter from tires

Bottle flower beds

Waste material becomes a source of incredible ideas for decorating the landscape. Let's learn how to make a flower bed out of bottles.

  1. A variety of bottles - glass, plastic, are simply instilled upside down, getting a flower garden fence reflecting the sun's rays of any, the most extravagant form.
  2. An interesting line is obtained from plastic bottles with cut off tops. They are put into each other and placed on their side in a shallow groove.
  3. If it is possible to collect the required number of plastic bottles of the same diameter, then, after cutting off the upper part, the soil mixture is poured into them and compact plants are planted. Such stylized pots, slightly deepening into the soil, are placed close to each other along the perimeter of a flower bed raised above the surface.

Advice! When creating flower beds from bottles with your own hands, choose brightly flowering or herbaceous varieties of plants.

Beautiful flower beds with your own hands + photo

Modern design options for flowerbeds of unusual shapes give the landscape an individuality, enliven it, fill it with a feeling of comfort and celebration. Let's consider what flower beds from improvised material can be organized in the country with your own hands.

floating flower beds

Among the hits of landscape design in recent years, floating flower beds stand out. Their equipment needs a pond. If desired, its role can be played by a bathtub filled with water or a children's pool.

  1. A floating flower bed will require a lightweight material, such as polystyrene foam, that can not sink along with flower pots attached to its surface.
  2. It is possible to make recesses on a floating island, where soil is poured, and low compact plants are planted.
  3. The banks of the reservoir are covered with pebbles. This material looks especially impressive after staining.
  4. Complement the overall picture with plant groups, a comfortable bench and an elegant table.

Flowerbeds on the water do not require special care

Flower garden on the water

Advice! A bath or other container of water can be decorated with aquatic plants grown in pots. They are installed directly into the water, creating interesting compositions.

Flowerbed Design - Butterfly

With a little effort, you can place a magnificent multi-colored butterfly on the lawn.

  1. Pre-develop a scheme that allows you to maintain the clarity of the lines and the symmetry of the pattern being created.
  2. The butterfly configuration is marked on the surface with a wire, and then soil is poured and flowers are planted.
  3. A flower bed imitating a flying butterfly looks unusual. It will require a special design, which is lifted onto a support from the front side. Usually pots with already blooming plants are installed inside.

flower streams

Fantasy and stunningly beautiful flower streams captivate with graceful weaves and curves, fascinate with a rich palette of shades.

  1. To create a stream of plants, any elongated containers are used - pots, tubs, small barrels. They are laid on their side, dropping if necessary, so that the neck touches the earth's surface.
  2. Pour the soil mixture inside. The windings of the future brook are marked from the neck. Dig it up, adding soil if necessary.
  3. Plants pick one color or create a riot of different shades. They are planted directly in the container, and also fill the channel.

At the flowering stage, an incredibly wonderful decorative element appears, attracting attention and decorating the surrounding landscape.

Incredibly beautiful and picturesque look bright undersized varieties of flowers

Surprise and please with its beauty such a flower bed - a stream

wood aesthetics

Original compositions are created from a thick log laid on its side.

  1. To do this, a part of the wood is selected from him, making a deepening sufficient for planting flowers.
  2. The bottom of the log is covered with a film, on top of which the soil is poured.
  3. It remains to plant the plants in the soil abundantly watered before this. A flower bed from a log with your own hands is ready.

Stumps or vertically thick logs will serve well. A recess is made at the top in the center, where a container with your favorite flowers will be placed. Climbing plants look especially impressive.

Flower beds from old things (photo)

It is possible to give an unexpected fresh look to the site with the help of obsolete things. They are inspected, if necessary, polished, varnished or painted. You can apply interesting patterns, ornate inscriptions, draw images of animals, butterflies, insects.

What can you make a flower bed in the country (photo)

  1. They use old suitcases, chests of drawers, wheelbarrows. It remains to cover the bottom with a film, and fill the soil.
  2. It's even easier to set up pots of flowering plants that can be changed to create new color vibes all the time.
  3. Chairs, open umbrellas, pots, buckets, watering cans, shoes will be useful for exclusive flower beds.
  4. They are used after a small restoration of beds, bicycles, baskets, bathtubs, tubs and barrels.

An interesting idea - a palette with beautiful annual flowers of different colors

The activity to develop the image of a future flower bed in the country, designed to decorate the summer cottage, allows you to put into practice your own creative ideas. The result is the creation of an unusual design of flower beds that transform the most modest landscape.

We hope that our ideas, tips, real photos of flower beds in the country have helped you. And remember, if you want your garden to be beautiful, it is important to invest in its design not only strength, but also soul.

Any owner of a land plot seeks to improve its territory, to make the surrounding space not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Do-it-yourself flower beds and flower beds from improvised materials: photos and descriptions of compositions are the best way to achieve originality and fill the area with bright colors. Great opportunities open up a huge selection of designs and materials for manufacturing, as well as a variety of plant species.

Flowerbeds from improvised materials will become an original decoration of the backyard

Where to get inspiration for decorating flower beds and flower beds with your own hands

The landscaping process begins with planning. Any designer will tell you that you cannot start work without a preliminary draft. To do this, you can use the services of a specialist who will provide a solution to all problems with planning.

These tasks include:

  • drawing up ideal landing schemes;
  • selection of plants for flower beds;
  • design choice.

The procedure for creating a flower garden with your own hands

If you do not have the opportunity to hire a professional landscape designer, you can save money and take care of this issue yourself. On the net you can find photos of simple flower beds and flower beds with your own hands that can fit into the space of your backyard. Most of them are supported by descriptions of suitable plants and detailed diagrams that will allow you to plant flowers so that the flower bed harmoniously fits into the design of your backyard.

Graceful flower bed in the courtyard of a country house

Helpful advice! It is also recommended that you look to specialized gardening magazines for inspiration. Many interior design publications contain extensive attachments with recommendations for the design of the local area.

Scheme of a flower garden with honey plants that attract butterflies: 1 - tuberous milkweed (or yarrow "Anthea"); 2 - New England aster "Purple Dome" (or "Red Star"); 3 - buddley of David; 4 - echinacea purple "Bright Star" (or panicled phlox "Eva Cullum'l"); 5 - spikelet liatris "Floristan Violet"; 6 - double monarda; 7 - brilliant rudbeckia "Goldsturm" (or coreopsis large-flowered "Sunray"); 8 - stonecrop "Matrona" (or iris "Bandury Ruffles"); 9 - goldenrod "Golde Fleece" (or scabiosa "Butterfly"); 10 - gray fescue "Elijah Blue" (or multicolor spurge); 11 - marine lobularia; 12 - curly parsley; 13 - elegant zinnia

Don't be afraid to experiment. Most often, unique and spectacular compositions are obtained from those who are engaged in an independent search for information, study the topic and view numerous examples. Self-made flower beds and flower beds can be a real source of pride.

DIY flower beds and flower beds from improvised materials: photo and general classification

As part of the general classification, flower beds and flower beds of the following types are distinguished:

  • traditional flowerbed - looks like an ordinary garden bed, which is dotted with flowers that replace each other during the summer season. Due to the different flowering times, the flower bed pleases the eye with flowering plants throughout the warm period of the year;

Flower garden in front of the entrance to the house, arranged in concrete flowerpots of different sizes

  • chameleon - created on the basis of the same principle as a traditional flower bed, but at the same time the plants contrast with each other: one shade of flowers is abruptly replaced by another;
  • irregular flower garden - plants are grouped in a certain sequence. During the summer period, there is a uniform and natural change in flowering;
  • regular flower garden - the flowering of plants begins at the same time, while the filling of the flower bed is diverse and large;

Wooden pergola and rose garden form a single composition

  • carpet flower garden - a quality result requires patience and careful selection of the components of the composition. The end result is a kind of floral carpet that spreads across the ground in unique living patterns.

Note! Here are only the standard design options for flower arrangements on the site. However, photos of flower beds and flower beds even in this design look great.

An ordinary basket was used as a planter for a container with flowers.

Additional ideas for flower beds and flower beds with your own hands near the house

The list of the main varieties of flower beds and flower beds can be supplemented with several more options. These compositions are considered the most popular among summer residents and gardeners:

  • a mono-flower consists of flowers of the same type or of the same color, which are planted together;
  • vertical flowerbed - used to decorate vertical objects. For example, garden structures (arbors, awnings, arches), screens, walls and partitions;
  • ring - a composition framing certain objects (statues, fountains, bushes, trees);

A vertical flower bed of colorful pots adorns a wooden fence

  • alpine hill - a flower bed dotted with perennial flowers of small size. Their landing is carried out over small hills, which form a hill. Driftwood and stones can be used as the basis for planting;
  • border - used as a frame for playgrounds, lawns and paths on the territory of a suburban area;

Rose flower garden in the courtyard of a private house

  • flowerpot - a specific flower bed that allows you to perform landscaping in those areas of the local area where it is not possible to arrange a flower garden in a standard way. Such areas include alleys, squares, courtyards and other areas with asphalt or other similar surface. The flowerpot looks like a wide container with earth, where plants are planted;
  • multidimensional composition - additional objects are used to create this volumetric flower garden. The multi-dimensional flower bed is characterized by specific concepts that guide the landscape designer when planting plants.

An example of a flower bed in wooden barrels

A guide to creating flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials: tips for beginners

Numerous photos of flowerbeds and flower beds with their own hands, which can be found on the net, once again prove that it is not necessary to have a special education in order to create beauty near your home. This will require a little imagination, as well as plants.

Helpful advice! Before you get down to business, you should draw up a clear plan of action. It will allow you to achieve perfect results, as well as avoid many mistakes.

Scheme of a flower garden, in which yellow-red shades predominate: 1 - viburnum vesicle; 2 - Houston ageratum; 3 - hybrid glazing; 4 - stock-rose; 5 - maned barley; 6 - blue cornflower; 7 - white derain; 8 - hybrid day lily; 9 - evening primrose Drummond; 10 - Fortune's host; 11 - sedum caustic

At the first stage, you should take care of the following things:

  • the choice of flowers is carried out not only on the basis of their colors. It is worth considering the flowering time of plants, as well as the conditions that are required for their growth;
  • choosing a place to create flower beds is one of the determining factors for success. It is recommended to plant flowers on the east or west side of the site. It is important to provide them with wind protection and protect them from direct sunlight;

Thanks to a flowering flower bed, the local area will look bright and festive

  • soil preparation needs special attention. Most garden plants take root well on leafy soil mixed with sand and turf. To improve soil properties, complex fertilizers can be introduced into this mixture or spilled. The area where the flower bed will be placed is carefully weeded. The soil needs to be loosened well, and it is better to install drainage;
  • the shape and size of the flower beds must be determined in advance. It can be one large composition or a collection of small flower beds.

The choice of plants depends not only on their color and flowering time, but also on growing conditions.

Photos of flower beds with your own hands from improvised means near the house and recommendations for choosing plants

At the heart of an ideal design is a thorough concept development. You should know that plants are grouped according to flowering time. A composition with continuous flowering will be able to maintain its attractiveness throughout the season if the design of the flower garden will be based on perennials (as a base) and annuals, which will bring a touch of freshness to the overall look. When choosing plants according to their flowering time, you can create a composition that will be updated all the time.

A well-thought-out concept is at the heart of the perfect design

Helpful advice! Use photos and descriptions of those flowers that you liked. This will allow you to make your selection more accurate regarding the design and compatibility of plants with each other.

When choosing a color scheme for a future flower bed, you should take care of the presence of several color spots of bright color. The rest of the array of garden plants will form the main background. The remaining plants should not distract attention.

Scheme of a lush flower bed that adorns the facade of the house (flower garden dimensions - 4 x 3.5 m): 1 - ordinary muzzle; 2 - veronicstrum virginian; 3 - sandy grate; 4 - space doubly pinnate; 5 - cultural dahlia; 6 - alpine eryngium; 7 - panicled phlox; 8 - wormwood Louis; 9 - large antirrinum; 10 - Houston ageratum (tall varieties); 11 - Fassen's catnip; 12 - ageratum Houston (undersized variety); 13 - upright marigolds; 14 - white derain; 15 - Peruvian heliotrope; 16 - garden petunia

Plant height also plays an important role. The highest of them should be placed in the central part of the flower bed or shifted to the opposite edge. Low flowers are placed in the area of ​​​​the outer edges or near garden paths.

Plants with different flowering periods will avoid excessive variegation. The best option is the one in which the change of colors is carried out starting from spring and ending in late autumn.

The flower bed should be in harmony with the overall design of the local area.

It is better if the coloring will gradually flow. To successfully place accents, it is enough to choose flowers of warm shades and a background made in cold colors.

Features of creating original flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials

Flowerbeds are created on the basis of earth embankments. Additional objects can be used to form interesting compositions.

These objects include:

  • trolleys;
  • car tires;
  • flowerpots;
  • bottles;

The basis of the original flower bed is an old bicycle

  • elements for multi-tiered flower beds;
  • interior furnishings, such as a bed, chest of drawers, shoe racks, chairs, etc.

The original appearance can be achieved in many ways. To place a flower bed, it is permissible to use shoes, stumps located on the site, sinks and other components of plumbing equipment. The flower garden, broken around a fountain or pond, looks spectacular. The design stage of any composition includes choosing a place to place plants and drawing up a planting plan.

Mini flowerbeds arranged in bags of bright colors

Helpful advice! Having marked the boundaries of the flower bed, it is recommended to clear the cultivated area from sod. A layer of at least 10 cm thick should be cut.

Arrangement of drainage will not cause any difficulties. To do this, you need gravel or expanded clay. After that, the area under the flower bed is covered with pre-prepared soil.

The next step is the preparation of a flower bed fence with your own hands from improvised materials.

Unused things used to create unusual flower beds

For these purposes, you can use:

  • ceramic or stone tiles;
  • plastic;
  • bottles;
  • wood;
  • brick;
  • car tires.

For the basis of the composition of a mini-flower bed, any container is suitable - from a sea shell to a plastic bucket

Photo of flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials with different types of placement on the site

After the area cleared of sod with drainage is covered with soil, you should wait at least two weeks before the soil settles and sags. This is a prerequisite for planting flowers. If necessary, you can add soil.

The optimal area for the location of flower beds is the edge of the territory. In this case, the composition will gradually move into the lawn. But at the same time, the flower garden is separated from the rest of the infield by a fence made of plastic or any other material. Thanks to this fence, weeds will not be able to go to the flower bed.

Bricks painted in various colors were used as a fence for the flower bed.

The simplest flower garden to perform is a monoklumba. A prime example of this is the rosary. Unlike standard flower beds, flower beds do not have clear spatial restrictions. It is worth spending much more time to develop a flower bed consisting of perennials.

This takes into account various factors:

  • plant size;
  • compatibility;
  • color spectrum.

The space under the wooden canopy is decorated with vertical flower beds and various flowerpots with plants.

Helpful advice! If there is a gazebo on the site, it is worth equipping vertical flower beds next to it. With their help, you can create a green environment that looks like living walls. The category of vertical flower beds also includes hanging-type compositions consisting of baskets.

Annual plants are added to perennials. This will give a certain variety, which will manifest itself every year in a new way.

Rosary arranged in the courtyard of a private house

Do-it-yourself features and photos of vertical flower beds and flower beds

The arrangement of vertical flower beds requires skill and certain skills. As an example, you can take the popular design option for this type of flower beds using pots. These products must have a different diameter. The flower filling is selected in one size. It is desirable that the plants have a similar shape. Flower pots are hung in the ceiling area of ​​the veranda or along the walls of the building.

Vertical flower bed made of wooden pallets

To create flower beds with a vertical placement option, you can use a chain-link mesh. As a decorative decoration, laying out of stone is performed. Using the specified materials, a wall is created. It should be shaped like a mountain serpentine. Delicate plants of small size are suitable for flower filling.

The ideal option would be:

  • primrose;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • violas.

An original flower garden created using old buckets

Vertical flower beds can be created from the following materials:

  • old barrels;
  • pockets made of felt or film;
  • plastic bottles and pipes;
  • wooden boxes;
  • car tires.

Mini-flower beds, arranged in containers, and vertical versions of flower beds need frequent watering and regular maintenance.

This type of flower arrangements has disadvantages. They manifest themselves in the need for frequent watering and regular feeding with fertilizers.

Creation of original flower beds and flower beds from tires

For the design of flower beds, you can use improvised materials. Car tires can be an excellent base that does not require special financial investments. This type of material is excellent for processing.

Tires can be made from:

  • borders (the outer part of the material is covered with paint with waterproof properties);
  • elegant flowerpots;
  • animals and birds.

A worn out car tire can become a unique decorative object that decorates a garden.

Helpful advice! When creating a fence from tires for a flower bed, you need to carefully calculate its height. Too high a fence will obscure small plants.

To create flower beds from car tires, it is better to take tires belonging to foreign-made cars. It is recommended to use winter tires as they are easy to work with and easy to cut. To draw a picture on the surface, you must use a marker or chalk. Cutting is carried out with a sharply sharpened knife, pre-lubricated with soap. After the product is cut out, the tire is turned inside out, painted on the inside and outside.

Car tires are easy to process

Figured cuts and finishing with other materials will give the flower beds a finished and beautiful appearance. The cavity inside is filled with soil, where plants are planted.

Tools and materials for working with tires

Domestic tires are suitable for creating compositions of simple shapes. For flowerbeds with complex design, imported tires are suitable. The more worn out the tread on winter tires, the better. This will facilitate the process of turning the material.

The layout of plants in a flower bed of car tires

The list of tools and materials necessary for working with tires includes:

  • gloves - used as a protective agent for hands, because rubber leaves marks when cut;
  • knife with a sharp sharpening - is used as the main tool for creating cuts on tires. When working with it, accuracy and accuracy should be observed, hand movements should be firm. Instead of a knife, a hacksaw or jigsaw can be used;

Flowerbed in the form of a teapot, made from old tires

  • soap for marking or marker, chalk;
  • coloring composition - plays the role of a finishing coating. Be sure to use paint designed for outdoor use, as it is more resistant to the adverse effects of external factors such as ultraviolet radiation, wind, moisture, low and high temperatures;
  • decorative elements (as an additional decoration, for example, pebbles).

Bunk bed of car tires

Instructions for creating flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials using car tires

Before starting work, the tires are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, washed and dried.

Important! After the material has dried, the tire should be carefully inspected for the presence of foreign objects: wire, nails, small stones.

Flowerbeds in the form of flowerpots are created exclusively from tires equipped with discs. The presence of the disk will provide the structure with a reliable bottom, and also eliminate the need to do drainage. Ordinary tires are suitable for decorating flower beds and group beds.

Tire, painted in bright color, decorates the wall of the building

On the outside of the tire, markings are applied in the form of an even circle. It will be cut across. The depth should not exceed a third of the product. The remaining two-thirds will be the container for the flower bed. At this stage of manufacturing, the appearance is set, which can become a flower, an animal or a bird. To decorate a flower, you can create large or vice versa small petals. The optimal size is 12 cm. If you go too far with the size, you will not be able to give the desired shape.

A flowerbed of tires is simple to implement and does not require large financial investments.

When making cuts, you do not need to remove the disc. The use of a jigsaw will greatly simplify the work. Working with a knife will require additional actions - treatment with soap and water.

Photo of flower beds with your own hands from improvised materials: options for using tires

You can decorate flower beds from car tires in different ways. There are many options for arranging such structures.

A variant of a vertical flower bed made of tires

The most popular ways:

  • vertical laying of tires with different diameters. Each tier is painted with paint of a certain color, after which it is planted with plants;
  • tires with the same diameter are stacked one on top of the other. Each detail of the structure is painted in some color. It is possible to use a variety of ornaments. It is also possible to group the tires in a vertical direction to obtain various pattern options, for example, a structure painted in a special way can imitate a snake;

With the help of tires you can create flower beds with a unique design

  • solid tires are good for arranging long flower beds. Tires can be combined in vertical or horizontal direction;
  • flower beds are cut into petals for half a tire. A one-piece version of the tire is placed in the center;
  • one-piece covered bottom (disk) tires are hung on chains or ropes with a large thickness. To cover the bottom, instead of a disk, you can use plugs made of plywood.

Tires can be combined in vertical or horizontal direction

Important! Remember that the suspension version of the tire has a lot of weight. It is recommended to fix the tires on the chains with the help of long bolts. They are placed on the inside of the tire through the washers, and the upper part is folded over with a hook. It is imperative to use washers, because these elements evenly distribute the load.

A flower bed from a tire in the form of a cockerel

Interesting diagrams describing flower beds and flower beds

When choosing plants, remember that the end result even depends on such nuances as the shape and color of the buds. Plants with yellow and pink flowers can create a romantic atmosphere. An orange tint sets you up for a cheerful mood, red is intriguing, purple is perceived as unusual and expressive.

Scheme of a flower bed for penumbra in white and pink tones

One type of plants is grown as seedlings, the other is accompanied by rapid flowering, the third type is vulnerable to frost. This is worth considering. Based on the size of the future flower garden, you can accurately calculate the number of plants, choose the type of flowers and how to care for them.

The ideal result even depends on such nuances as the shape and color of the buds.

When drawing up schemes, the factor of possible shading is necessarily taken into account, as well as the convenient placement of the flower garden in relation to irrigation, etc. The development of the project can be started in the winter, so that with the onset of spring, work can begin immediately. To draw up diagrams, special patterns, colored pencils or felt-tip pens, rulers are used.

Flower bed of continuous flowering (flower bed size - 1.5 x 2 m): 1 - hosta; 2 - excellent dicentra; 3 - red epimedium; 4 - liriope muscaris; 5 - geranium; 6 - white-flowered lungwort; 7 - spring umbilicus; 8 - violet

They are used to:

  • breakdown of flower beds by shades and sizes;
  • marking for placement of annual and perennial shrubs;
  • markup for additional decorative elements;
  • designation of plant height.

The choice of the number of plants, their species depends on the size and location of the future flower garden.

The edging of the flower bed is done with the help of undersized varieties of plants. Shrubs and tall plants should be placed in the center. You should pay attention to irises (dwarf version), primrose. In the middle, jasmine, garden roses and lilacs will come in handy. Hyacinths, begonias and zinnias are suitable for the zone between low and tall plants.

A flower garden suitable for an open sunny place, with a drinking bowl for birds: 1 - cultural delphinium; 2 - astilba Arends; 3 - buzulnik of Przhevalsky; 4 - hairy hairy; 5 - plantain hosta; 6 - hosta lanceolate

Other types of flower beds from improvised materials

One of the new areas of landscape design for domestic latitudes is the use of old furniture. Unnecessary beds are dug into the ground to the level of the backs. Such a flower bed will be an excellent home for climbing plants: ivy and loaches.

Helpful advice! The surface of the lounger, planted with lush flowering vegetation, will hide the unsightly surface. For framing, it is recommended to use flowers that cover the soil. As a spectacular addition, sea pebbles or colored dumping can be used.

Ground cover plants are perfect for decorating a flower garden from an old bed.

Similar manipulations can be done with an old chair, table or sofa. A good option would be an unusable car. The vehicle can be painted in a bright color, a pallet with soil can be placed on the roof, where climbing greens will grow. In the end, the falling plants will look like a green waterfall.

A car that has become unusable is a great option for creating a flower bed

The trunk is filled with soil and undersized flower options (boudra, periwinkle). You can do the opposite, by placing tall plants on the roof, and curly plants in the trunk.

Bicycles are often used to decorate flower beds, for example, the following methods are suitable:

  • creating hanging planters on the steering wheel (an old lampshade, bag or hat is suitable for planters);

Old bicycle decorated with flower containers

  • decorating the frame and seat with baskets, decorating the trunk with a box with growing bright flowers;
  • painting metal elements in bright colors and filling them with climbing plants.

In flower beds and flower beds, the good thing is that the imagination and choice of materials are practically unlimited. Everything can be used: from broken vases to logs and old trees, the cleaning of which from the site can be accompanied by difficulties. It is much easier to break a picturesque flower garden in them, which will delight the eye during the warm season.

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