Sergey Petukhov, columnist for RIA Novosti.

A random check in a number of regions of about 1.36 thousand USE papers (approximately 0.17% of all in the country) with grades of 80 points and above.

Whether this will be followed by a total check of high-scoring USE works throughout Russia is not yet clear, most likely not. But it is very clear that exactly the same violations were in previous years, but Rosobrnadzor did not seem to care much about them. The department was alarmed only this year, when the long-term USE-abscess finally burst.

But anomalies in the USE statistics have existed for a long time, including geographical ones.

Local resistance?

By law, the decision to change the USE scores is made by a specific regional examination board. According to media reports, Rosobrnadzor fears that the results of these spot checks will simply be ignored in the regions.

The exam in history, biology and computer science was held on May 30, but the answers to it reappeared on the Web the day before. Watch the RIA Novosti video to see how exam tickets get on the Internet and whether it is difficult to buy them.

Such fears cause surprise and even suspicion (perhaps unfairly) that by announcing in advance the disobedience of local commissions, the federal department is trying to distance itself from the regional USE-outrages. Although no obvious attempts of resistance on the ground have been observed so far - and why would the regional commissions suddenly go into open conflict with their Moscow authorities?

Now the risks of both scenarios are probably being assessed by the Ministry of Education and Science, and possibly even higher authorities.

On one side of the scale lies the determination to bring the transparency and honesty of the USE-2013 to its logical conclusion. On the other hand, the most severe time trouble for inspectors (since June 20, the acceptance of documents, including USE certificates to universities), the predicted ninth wave of appeals from those who will have their USE scores lowered, the grandiose scale of shifting applicants' applications from one university to another due to changes the results of their USE, which, in turn, will cause no less grandiose confusion in the work of the selection committees, and as a result, the collapse of the entire admissions campaign in 2013.

You can decide for yourself which will outweigh. If we confine ourselves to random checks and correction of the results of high-grade work in the 18 regions already declared by Rosobrnadzor (this is 21% of all 83 regions of the Russian Federation, three more can be added to them so that there are - for good measure - 25% of the regions), then it turns out that and measures have been taken, and justice has been restored, and it is possible to survive this without a grandiose scandal during the admissions campaign.

In addition, it is very likely that the USE procedure itself and its legislative regulation will be changed this fall, and thus the Ministry of Education and Science will secure itself, at least for the duration of the USE-2014. Whatever its results, there will always be an argument: the exam follows the new rules, there is no need to rush to conclusions, you should wait a year or two.

Scandals related to the publication of USE results on the InternetOn May 27, the Unified State Examination started in Russia. The day before, photographs of completed forms of examination sheets with answers to the Russian language exam appeared on the Internet.

In a word, everything suggests that the revision of the Unified State Exam-2013 will remain selective, and four-fifths of those who passed it this year will remain with their scores.

For 2013 applicants, this reassuring note can be put an end to, but one question remains for Rosobrnadzor: have their eyes opened just now? They really didn’t know that the same situation with the USE in the same regions was last year, the year before last, the year before last, and so on?

Do we round everything in the USE statistics?

Official statistics on the exam can be found only on two sites. On the "Official Information Portal of the Unified State Examination", which, judging by the copyright icon, belongs to the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, and on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, which is also part of the Rosobrnadzor. There are no other official statistics on the Unified State Examination in nature, all other data, if you meet them on the Internet, are just derivatives of the statistics of these two scientific and methodological institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science.

On the "Official Information Portal of the Unified State Exam" you can easily find data on "the number of participants in the Unified State Examination in the regions of Russia who received 100 points in the Unified State Examination in 2012." This statistic is impressive in itself, do not be lazy, go to it at the link provided, and you will have a lot of questions.

For example, why in Dagestan last year there were only seven hundred points, and in the neighboring Stavropol Territory - 143? Why are there 28 hundred-point students in chemistry in the Bryansk region (every fourth of all Bryansk hundred-point students), and in Tatarstan there are 10 of them? Why not vice versa? After all, the highest level of the Kazan chemical school has been known all over the world for a century and a half, but the Bryansk chemical school is not suspected, probably even in Bryansk itself. Why in the same Tatarstan there were 66 hundred-point students in the Russian language, in neighboring Chuvashia - 57, and in Primorye there were only five of them, is there, Koreans spoil the statistics?

There are too many mysteries in these numbers. For example, if you add up the number of 100 points in 2012 for all subjects in each region, you get a series of numbers in which a disproportionately large proportion of numbers ending in 0 or 5, for example, 5, 10, 25, 30, 40, 50 and so on. Agree that this is very similar to the order by region.

For example, Komi is supposed to have five hundred points, and she has exactly five of them. A target figure of 20 hundred points for the Kurgan region is indicated, and there are exactly 20 of them. In the Republic of Mari El, the Volgograd region and the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, there are exactly 30 of them as if by order. You look at this and think: well, why aren’t there 14 in the Irkutsk region or 16 hundred points, and in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug not 9 or 11, but 15 and 10, respectively?

Of course, this could have been an accident, a game of numbers. But against the will, memories of round numbers in the protocols of some precinct election commissions come to mind. Is the magic of check digits irresistible?

Bryansk USE-phenomenon

You can admire the bizarre forms of regional USE anomalies ad infinitum. But it is better to try to find in them some kind of ethnogeographic pattern. For example, let's divide the number of stobalniks-2012 by the number of "man-exams" (the term was not invented by me, but by Rosobrnadzor).

In total, 892,561 people passed the USE last year. Each of them took at least two mandatory exams (in mathematics and Russian), and then chose the Unified State Exam in other subjects, and a total of 3,032,121 exams were passed. In 3,599 of them, the score was 100 points. If we divide the second number by the first, we get the average share of hundred-point USE in the country - 0.12%.

And now we will perform the same arithmetic operation for the regions. Based on the statistics of the Rosobrnazdor portal, this is easy to do. As a result, the Bryansk region turned out to be the absolute champion in the 100-point USE last year - 0.38%, that is, more than three times more than the average for Russia.

In general, the Bryansk USE phenomenon is akin to the Chelyabinsk meteorite. The phenomenon exists, but there is no intelligible explanation for it. Natural anomaly, in general.

Moscow was in second place with 0.3%, Stavropol Territory was in third (0.26%), Chuvashia was in fourth (0.25%), and the Kirov region (0.21%) closed the top five.

In Dagestan, by the way, the percentage of hundred-point USE was only 0.008% (the same was in Chechnya). Worse indicators were only in Yakutia (Sakha) - 0.006%, Tyva - 0.003%, as well as Karachay-Cherkessia, the Amur Region and the Jewish Autonomous Region, where no one scored 100 points in any single exam. How to take the exam in one of the most problematic regions of the country in this part of the country, look at the RIA Novosti video. Rosobrnadzor reported 30 cases of placing USE assignments in mathematics on the Internet.

This year, the television crews of the central channels, not yet knowing the results of the current exam, rushed in advance to Dagestan to film the local "flagrant violations" when passing the exam. And on the talk shows on the same central channels, only Dagestan Unified State Examination tourism and other Dagestan Unified State Examinations were heard. The amazing Bryansk Unified State Exam phenomenon has remained unexplored. As, however, and Moscow.

At first glance, there is nothing special about the fact that in Moscow the percentage of hundred-point students in the USE is exactly 2.5 times higher than the national average. You can always say that the teachers here are better, and the students are more developed and more focused on high results. But how then to understand that the same indicator in St. Petersburg was equal to 0.12%, that is, there were exactly the same number of hundred points as the average in Russia?

I would very much like to see a talk show on TV on the topic: why St. Petersburg graduates are two and a half times more stupid than Moscow ones. But on TV they showed and discussed mainly the Dagestan USE disgrace.

Is it because they are naively simple and so obvious that branding them is much easier than looking for who so famously bit the USE bit in the Bryansk province, and much safer than trying to figure out what kind of secret USE methods are used in Moscow to so defiantly, against all the laws of probability theory to get ahead of Peter?

In the near future, full USE statistics by regions will appear on the Rosobrnadzor portal, and then any of us will be able, without waiting for the conclusions, to independently conduct a "simple comparison of numbers" and personally see in which regions there was a "violation of obvious proportions" during the USE-2013.

Thank you for this opportunity to the exam. Let it compromise itself as a tool for assessing the knowledge of graduates. But it turned out to be a very accurate instrument for measuring regional child love. It is a pity to throw away such a valuable instrument.

Now the early stage of the Unified State Examination has startedPayments to academicians will be increased from January 1, 2017The Unified State Examination-2016 schedule has been published
How long does the exam function after receiving the results? Having received an answer to this question, you can find out how long after graduation you can get into universities without re-examination.
What is the validity period of USE certificates acquired in 2013-2014 and later

What is the validity period of certificates purchased in 2013-2014 and later
So, in Art. 70 of the provided NPA defines the norms that universities are required to use when organizing the method of applicants who want to study under the bachelor's or specialist's programs. With the introduction of the new Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, the rules that establish how long the USE results work have also changed.
After reading these generally accepted measures, it becomes clear how many years the USE results work - 4 years. It turns out that a school graduate has the opportunity to postpone his admission to the institute for several years, and he will not need to pass the final certification again. In practice, applicants are required to calculate how long the results of the USE in 2015 are valid, for example: their results will be valid until 2019.
Now the term of service in the army is 1 year. And since the results of the Unified State Exam are valid for a whole 4 years, then after such a serviceman returns from service, it will probably be easy to use them. Separately, it is worth considering how long the USE-2015 functions for recruits.
Their 1st contract can be for 2 or 3 years. And if a graduate did not leave for the army immediately after school, then at the end of his service life, the question arises of how long the USE, passed before the army, functions, and whether it is still possible to use it. Another thing is contractors. In accordance with the norms, the validity of the Unified State Examination for the military can be extended for 1 year, which is appropriate after returning from the army.
How old was the Unified State Exam, which was taken until 2011 inclusive

Download the certificate form
In view of the change in the rules for entering universities, which occurred simultaneously with the adoption of the new law No. 273-FZ, graduates who graduated from a secondary educational institution before its adoption, especially in 2012, began to ask the burning question of how long the results of the Unified State Examination in 2012 and more earlier are valid. It is due to the fact that, according to the new law, the results of the USE can be applied for 4 years.
For example, here, this certificate was valid in the direction of the year when the exams were taken, and the proper year until December 31st inclusive. From 2009 until the entry into force of the new rules, graduates were issued a certificate, which recorded the results of their passing the final certification at the end of the school. Thus, previously a graduate could enter the institute only 2 years in a row after passing the Unified State Examination (this was established in the ancient Federal Law “On Education” dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1), and now 4.
The most problematic was to qualify how long the USE of 2012 has been valid as the year in which the new rules were adopted. But in the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 No. DL-344/17, to the question of how long the Unified State Examination-2012 functions, the proper answer is given: until 2016. Since the new law came into force in September 2013, already after the final certification was passed, the new rules, in fact, must apply only to 2013 graduates. The agency explains this by the fact that at the time of the adoption of the new law, certificates issued in 2012 and 2013 were in use.
In fact, it extended the validity of the results of the final certification in schools from 1.5 to 4 years. Now graduates of 2015 have every chance to take the exam until 2019 inclusive. In order to understand how long the USE of 2015 is valid, one must refer to Law No. 273-FZ.
in fact, most importantly, the answer to the question of how long the USE-2015 has been functioning, most likely, will not change. Even if there is a new law, it is unlikely that it will undoubtedly have retroactive effect.

The USE is a unified state exam conducted in Russia in secondary educational institutions: schools, lyceums, gymnasiums. It is mandatory for all graduates. Therefore, many schoolchildren are interested in how valid the USE result is.

A bit of history

For the first time, the USE began to be held in the early 2000s, when the exam was organized in several republics, as well as in 2 regions. In 2006, the event was held with 900,000 students in 80 regions of the country. Now schoolchildren take the exam in every region.

You must pass an exam in Russian language and mathematics, and the rest of the subjects are optional. After graduation, a certificate is issued, which serves as confirmation of passing the exams. Many graduates are interested in how long the results of the exam are valid. In 2012, the duration of the document was 1.5 years.

There have been changes since 2013. How valid is the USE result now? This period is 4 years. It turns out that during this time the graduate can provide a document as confirmation of passing the exam.

Certificates from 2013 - 2014

The introduced norms of legislation establish how long the results of the exam are valid. It also spelled out the norms that universities should apply to admit applicants who want to receive education in undergraduate and specialist degrees.

After reviewing these rules, you can find out how many years the USE results are valid. This period is 4 years. This greatly facilitates the enrollment of applicants, since admission to an educational institution can be postponed a little, and re-certification is not required.

Conscripts constitute a separate category. How valid is the USE result for them? The service period is 1 year. And since the certificate is valid for 4 years, after returning from service, you can use the document for admission to study.

A special category is represented by contractors. They can serve 2 or 3 years. If the graduate was not enrolled in the army after graduation, then after the service the question arises of how long the USE results are valid. Would such a document be legal? The validity of the certificate for military personnel is extended for 1 year following the year of return from the army.

Certificate until 2011

Due to the changes, it is not clear to everyone how valid the USE result, issued before 2011, is. From 2009, until the new rules were introduced, graduates received a certificate, which included the results of passing the final certification. The document was valid for 2 years, during which it could be submitted to universities.

Now there are new regulations, and therefore the certificate is valid for 4 years. For example, a certificate issued in 2015 will no longer be valid in 2020. Only the issuance of a new law will allow to change the term.

If multiple certificates

Some graduates have 2 USE certificates. For admission, you can choose any document, it all depends on the desire. This situation develops in the event that it was not possible to enter, and the next year the exam was retaken.

The certificate of results can be used in case of successful completion of compulsory subjects. The rest of the disciplines will be included in the document if the score is above the minimum.

Cancellation of paper documents

Since 2014, applicants do not need to provide certificates in paper form, since the results are available in electronic form. The participant will be given information to access the Federal USE website. There he can easily find his data. In universities, the results can also be checked through electronic systems. The applicant only needs to submit a standard list of documents.

The Ministry of Education approved that from 2017 new standards for passing the exam will be in effect. The number of attempts to retake exams in the main disciplines is increasing - up to 3 times a year. Questions that require a clear answer will be removed from exams in many subjects. History will have to be taken not in tests, but in the form of an essay.

Universities have the right to increase the passing scores for admission, but the indicators cannot be less than the minimum approved in the region. Thanks to such changes, according to psychologists, the psychological pressure on graduates is reduced.

How long is the examafter receiving the results? Having received an answer to this question, you can find out how long after graduation you can enter universities without re-examination.

What is the validity period of certificates received in 2017-2018 and later?

With the introduction of the new Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, the rules that establish how long the USE results are valid have also changed. So, in Art. 70 of this NPA defines the norms that universities should use when organizing the admission of applicants wishing to study under the bachelor's or specialist's programs.

After reading these norms, it becomes clear how many years the USE results are valid: 4 years, starting from the next one after passing the USE. In practice, applicants must calculate how long the results of the USE in 2017 are valid, as follows: their results will be valid until 2021. It turns out that a school graduate can postpone his admission to a university for several years, and he will not have to pass the final certification again.

Separately, it is worth considering how long the USE-2017 is valid for recruits. Now the term of service in the army is 1 year. And since the results of the exam are valid for 4 whole years, after the serviceman returns from service, you can safely use them.

Don't know your rights?

Interesting: the answer to the question: “How long is the USE valid?” - in one case may have a different answer. In accordance with paragraph 4.5 of Art. 15 of Law No. 273-FZ, conscripts within a year after their dismissal have the right to use the USE results obtained 12 months before the call. Additional conditions for granting such authorization is admission to study on a budgetary basis in an accredited institution of higher or secondary special education.

How old was the Unified State Examination valid until 2011 inclusive

Download the certificate form

In view of the change in the rules for entering universities, which occurred simultaneously with the adoption of the new law No. 273-FZ, graduates who graduated from school before its adoption, especially in 2012, began to ask themselves the actual question of how long the results of the USE in 2012 and earlier are valid. It is due to the fact that, according to the new law, the results of the USE can be applied for 4 years.

From 2009 until the entry into force of the new rules, graduates were issued a certificate, which recorded the results of their passing the final certification at the end of the school. So, this certificate was valid during the year when the exams were taken, and the next year until December 31 inclusive. Thus, earlier a graduate could enter a university only 2 years in a row after passing the Unified State Examination (this was established in the old Federal Law “On Education” dated 10.07.1992 No. 3266-1), and now 4.

The most problematic was to determine how long the USE of 2012 is valid as the year in which the new rules were adopted. Since the law came into force in September 2013, after the final certification was passed, the new rules, in fact, should only apply to 2013 graduates. But in the letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated November 20, 2013 No. DL-344/17, the following answer was given to the question of how long the USE-2012 is valid: until 2016. The agency explains this by the fact that at the time of the adoption of the new law, certificates issued in 2012 and 2013 were in use.

To understand how long the USE of 2017 is valid, you need to refer to Law No. 273-FZ. It is in it that the validity of the results of the final certification in schools has been extended from 1.5 to 4 years. Now graduates of 2017 can use the USE until 2021 inclusive.

Most importantly, the answer to the question of how long the USE-2017 is valid, most likely, will not change. Even if there is a new law, it is unlikely that it will be retroactive.