Today, brickwork is back in trend! The loft is the very feature that makes the living space fashionable.

The brick wall in the interior is a fashion trend of European and American designers. Raw brick walls in the interior of the living space were not originally a cool style. Everything is very prosaic, this style arose due to poverty. Students, young families and just people with little income rented former factory premises and lived in them without making repairs. Such a space, gradually thanks to noisy and bohemian parties, gained popularity.

Brickwork should not be done on all walls. With such a finishing material, you can arrange separate zones, for example, an arch, columns or a separate wall, and place accents. By itself, this design does not require additions. He himself is a decoration and a bright accent for any space. But before you design your home in this way, it is worth analyzing the pros and cons.


Such an interest in such a finishing material is due to exceptional sophistication, originality and the possibility of creating a purely individual, brutal interior in your own house or apartment.

  • Brick is a natural material.
  • This solution does not require large financial investments.
  • Moisture resistance of the material.
  • High soundproofing characteristics
  • Wear resistance of bricks.
  • Excellent thermal insulation qualities.
  • Easy to use (no special installation skills required).
  • Allows you to mask the defects of the walls.
  • Unusual design.
  • Additional processing of the walls is not required.


  • Rough brick walls need high-quality lighting.
  • Rough textured walls are harder to keep clean.
  • When too much brick is present in the design of a living space, the interior may seem uncomfortable. Therefore, it is very important to choose the "proportions" correctly.

Wall decoration with brickwork can be made from different materials.

Tile imitating brick

Brick-like ceramic tiles are available in a fairly wide range of colors. Brick veneer, different masonry evenness. It's easy to install. It's also easy to take care of.

When decorating a room with such material, you should initially arrange the corners, then the window and door openings, and only after that proceed with laying all the other rows of tiles. Another positive quality of brick tiles can be considered that it does not require special surface care. It is enough to cover the masonry with a water-repellent solution and then simply wipe the walls with a damp cloth.

Wallpaper under brickwork

The coating imitates brickwork. However, no matter how high-quality the wallpaper was, they do not carry the expressiveness of the texture of a real brick. Textured wallpapers are presented in a wide range of colors. They are easy to glue, not whimsical in care.

real brick

This cladding is ideal for those who live in brick houses. It is enough just to clean the surface of the wall to the brickwork and sand it, remove dirt from the surface. This solution looks very original, but you need to remember that the wall is quite difficult to care for.

If you make brickwork as a decor, then it will steal the usable volume of the room.

Facing brick

This type of brick is thinner than building brick. It steals less space. The material is available in a variety of colors. The texture can vary from smooth to aged.

With ceramic tiles, with certain preparatory work, even wooden walls can be decorated, only you first need to lay a moisture-proof layer and a special crate, which can be a metal mesh. The tile is glued to a special glue or cement mortar.

It is necessary to maintain a certain distance between the tiles, and after the installation work is completed, the gaps are rubbed with a plaster mixture.

The main feature of the facing brick is that it is durable, strong, non-combustible, actively resists various aggressive conditions, retains heat well in winter and cool in summer.

In addition, it should be noted that the facing brick is distinguished by high aesthetic qualities and high resistance to abrasion. Brick is suitable for decorating bedrooms, living rooms, offices, kitchens, bathroom corridors and dining rooms. Fireplaces and stoves lined with brick look very elegant.

The use of brickwork in various styles

Brickwork often becomes a highlight of the decor, which harmoniously fits into any room.

romantic style

The transformation of an industrial style into a romantic one seems impossible. But it's not. Proper lighting, well-chosen color of facing material and textiles change the space. Arches, doorways or columns in a living room that are finished with brick look very stylish.

Pop Art

Here it is combined as it would seem, incompatible. Designers recommend not to experiment with color. Play with contrasts. Combine brightly colored furniture and whitewashed bricks. Enhance the feeling with texture play. For example, make rough brickwork and a sofa or chair that you can throw a velor or fleece blanket over.

Gothic style

Rather gloomy medieval style. Creating a space in this style, you can combine several styling methods. This will give the impression that the wall was built on for several centuries. Add stained glass or antique furniture, tapestries and ceiling beams here, and the interior will look elegant.

Scandinavian style

Brick walls in the Scandinavian style are a common sight. This style uses brick painted in dark and gray colors or light colors. There is a slight emphasis on the walls, but the transitions should be smooth. The interior is complemented by accessories with rough shapes and skins.

Ethnic style

This style transforms the cold and rough industrial style. The atmosphere of the room becomes warmer and softer. The masonry is made mainly of ocher bricks. The space is decorated with textiles, ceramics, carpets in ethnic style.

How do you find the idea to use brick in wall decoration?

Brick wall in the interior. A photo

See our photo selection of rooms and write your opinion. We will be very grateful for your comments!

Brick wall in the kitchen

Brick wall in the bedroom

Brick wall in the living room

Brick wall for the nursery

Brick wall in the bathroom

Brick for interior decoration - photo

The original color and texture of bricks make it possible to create a unique coziness, and filling the interior with various accessories that are ideal for masonry will make the atmosphere unique. Good luck with your design ideas!

Modern designers claim that the brick wall in the interior is returning to fashion again - photos and videos abound with interesting ideas. In this case, it is not necessary to make solid brickwork in a house or apartment, you can stick photo wallpaper or make a beautiful decoration with your own hands from foam.

We are accustomed to the fact that the walls must be necessarily smooth, even, that wallpaper must be pasted on them, and rarely do we dare to realize bold ideas and fantasies. And sometimes we even get an old house with uneven brick walls already in the hallway or living room, and we spend fabulous money to put it in order - this is new plaster, primer, grout or the need to paint. As a result, complete finishing costs us too much. At the same time, we miss a unique opportunity not only to save on repairs, but also to realize the original design with our own hands, leaving a good part of the wall in its original form, slightly correcting the texture.

Advice! A brick wall is a great alternative to paneling, tiles, it is more interesting than wallpaper or even photo wallpaper, it is loved to be used as part of a kitchen or living room.

Where is it appropriate to apply a brick wall

Previously, a brick wall was used as an organic decoration. lofts- apartments that were arranged in abandoned buildings of former factories, many unique photos have been preserved in history that reflect the style of those times. The authorities gave them to the tenants on the condition that they themselves repair them, the tenants, as a rule, became poor families or students who decided that a brick wall could exist anyway, they didn’t really need plaster, wallpaper, and any decoration, just a little sand the surface and paint the walls.

The students organized parties, where representatives of the wealthy segments of the population also came, they drew attention to the interesting walls of the living room, took photos, showed them to friends, even considered that it was a unique design, and began to copy it in their homes. This is how a specific style appeared, combining incompatible things - bohemianism and poverty, as a result, this design fell in love with many city dwellers for many years. Today it fits into many modern trends.

Styles to Match with Brick Finishes

Such a decor element will look great in the following styles:

  • grunge - in fact, it is a mixture of many directions, the main point of which is "time slowdown". It is the brick wall that perfectly reflects this nuance, and it does not matter whether it is natural brick or wallpaper for brickwork. Such an attitude is characteristic of special people who live "in their own world";
  • provence, country - this style involves unity with nature, the style of a cozy rural house, a warm stove, etc.

Advice! For lovers of rustic motifs, wallpaper with a painted fireplace in the living room or brick apron for the kitchen;

  • english interior- not a single medieval castle could do without brickwork, many people found the combination of a brick wall and a huge wrought-iron bed for the bedroom to be a special charm. Many apartment owners who love medieval themes from the Game of Thrones series even use specific wall murals with traced bricks and antique candelabra for the living room and kitchen. Such imitation allows them to feel like the heroes of films about old England;
  • gothic - the “a la brick wall” style is loved by artists in the design of their studios and people with informal notes in their souls who prefer dark colors, gloomy castles, crosses, heavy forging, etc., they are ready to see this element in any room - from the bedroom to the kitchen. Decorating the walls with bricks with their own hands will be a joy for them, they are happy to study the technique and decide on brickwork, or, if they come to the conclusion that imitation will be a more meaningful move, they build decorations from foam.

In order to ennoble a brick wall today, just like in the old days, wallpaper, plaster or sanding is not required, it just needs to be cleaned and varnished or painted. But what if the soul demands to make a brick wall the heart of the kitchen or living room, but it is not? There is a way out of this situation - imitation, for this you simply need to purchase wallpaper or make walls according to photo or video instructions from foam.

In decorating a room, this is one of the most original and striking ways, and few dare to change the familiar interior so radically. But this technique is quite variable and flexible in the implementation of the conceived idea. In addition, material costs and lead time in this case will be minimal.

Advantages of a brick wall: minimum costs, production time, exquisite design.

Room decoration

Sometimes during a major overhaul in a house under an old layer of plaster, wonderful ones are found that can be used as the main or auxiliary decor in the room. However, it is not always worth chasing the fashion trend of the season. Sometimes it would be wiser to really evaluate the overall appearance of the room and the final result of the decor. Maybe it will be enough to make a small accent and decorate only a small element of the interior with brickwork. It can be a fireplace chimney in the living room, and only a working area in the kitchen.

There are times when it would be appropriate to highlight a large fragment of the wall with brickwork. This option is suitable for a house that has a long history, where the romance of the past is literally in the air: thick walls, arched vaults, high ceilings. Complementing the interior with expensive antique furniture, brickwork decor will only emphasize its status.

The first way to decorate a wall is to restore the brick already on it.

You can use brick as a decor not only in the living room on the walls, it is perfect for facing the fireplace. In this case, not only its aesthetic properties will be important. When exposed to high temperatures, the material is not subject to cracking and the release of harmful substances into the air. It is not necessary to clad the fireplace stove completely. It will be enough to decorate only part of the portal with brickwork.

It will help to complete the interior of the room in a vintage style, which will give the room a deliberate negligence, a kind of unpretentiousness, bordering on primitiveness. This decor harmoniously connects a simplistic setting with a modern finish.

There are two ways to decorate walls in this way.

The first is to restore the brick already on the wall, and the second is to make a new masonry or imitate its rows.

In this case, you can either use ready-made brick tiles or finish using decorative plaster.

Masonry restoration

By itself, brickwork wall decor can look primitive, artsy, restrained or solid. It has many expressive effects and artistic means. These include the texture of the brick face, the color scheme of the wall, the decoration of the seams. As a composer, using only seven notes, writes masterpieces of world classics, so a designer, having these techniques in his arsenal, can create any mood in the room.

After you have found a wall with brickwork and have a burning desire to use it as decor, you will need to examine the brick and all the masonry for suitability. Not every surface can become a decoration. Perhaps the rows were not laid out neatly enough, and the material itself was not of the best quality.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of masonry. If it is made with alternating bonding and, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​​​decorating. Since in the spoon row the brick is laid on the narrow side, and in the bonder row it is located on the short side, such a wall has a sloppy appearance.

Restoration of the wall is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the old plaster. The brick is checked for strength in the wall. Using a hammer and chisel, it is necessary to deepen the seams.
  2. If there are stains of cement or efflorescence on the wall, they must be removed with special acid-containing solutions.
  3. filled with colored mastic using a spatula. If it is impossible to choose a color, then a mixture of putty and crushed brick powder can be used as a mastic. Cracks up to 1 mm do not need to be sealed.
  4. In order for the restored wall to show the color and texture of the material, it must be treated with a special impregnation designed for ceramic surfaces. Such a composition will help the masonry for a long time not to fade and not get dirty. To improve the water-repellent properties, the brick can additionally be treated with a water repellent.

Wall painting

To prepare the wall for painting, you need to clean the surface of dust and old layers of finishing materials.

Another way to decorate a room using bricks is to paint the wall or part of it in the desired color. For example, when white tones or its shades predominate in the interior, brick decor can dilute the monotonous sound. Even if the wall is painted in the same color, it draws attention to itself due to the texture of the material.

To prepare the wall for painting, you must:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and old layers of finishing materials. Old paint is removed with a solvent. If it is necessary to remove dirt and greasy stains from the wall, special detergents are used to clean the brick surface.
  2. If you want to make the masonry smoother, you can use metal brushes or washcloths. After that, treat the surface with a special deep penetrating primer.
  3. After complete cleaning, scratches and small cracks are sealed with a thin layer of putty. This operation is completed by priming.
  4. Next, latex paint for bricks is applied, the choice of which is provided in a large assortment on supermarket shelves. The coloring composition on the brick is applied optionally with even strokes. It will be enough to overlap the surface with strips of 1-2 m.

For use rollers and brushes with thick and stiff bristles. It is better to purchase tools in several copies, since the rough surface of the brickwork contributes to their rapid wear.

Masonry and imitation

The effect of brickwork can be obtained using brick-like ceramic or clinker tiles.

New masonry is not the best option for finishing the room, as it eats up the living space of the room. But if you want to decorate individual elements of the interior, then it is simply irreplaceable. These can be niches, arches, ledges or corners. A wide range of materials allows you to create an exclusive decor. The bricks are held together with cement mortar. The seams are left unfilled and subsequently rubbed with putty. An important role in decorating the interior is played by the color of the grout and the shape of the seam.

The effect of brickwork can be obtained using brick-like ceramic or clinker tiles. To fix it on the wall, use cement mortar or tile adhesive. To achieve the naturalness of the masonry, it is better to use not crosses during installation on the wall, but replace them with glazing beads. New masonry or being finished. In this case, you can apply a water repellent or other protective coating.

A brick wall in the interior can be combined with wood, fabric or metal. It is this combination that will help move away from the urban focus and enliven the space, which will give it lightness and warmth.

Design projects are getting bolder every year. The loft style is gaining more and more popularity and its main feature is a brick wall in the interior of various residential premises. The ability to transform in different directions, unsurpassed compatibility with furniture, modern appliances, exclusive decor items, allow you to turn an ordinary design into a real masterpiece. The variety of variations that allows you to create design projects with imitation can inspire, find your way in changing the old or creating a new interior, it is enough to take into account some important points.


Sometimes it is impossible to use the natural way of finishing when a real, already existing brick wall is used.

Modern materials will come to the rescue, allowing you to recreate a reliable imitation directly in the place provided for by the project:

  • Wallpaper - budget. Modern technologies make it possible to imitate the appearance, texture, rhythm of masonry, but not the volume, uneven surface. The use is completely justified if the surface area has a semicircular shape (a design feature of the living area). Doubters: it is easy to replace the photo wallpaper with others, if you absolutely do not like it, without prejudice to the repairs made.
  • Styrofoam. An excellent way out if it is technically impossible to use heavy clay bricks -.
  • Tile. Ceramic looks very authentic. Easy, simple care is the main plus of the design of the kitchen, hallway, bathroom.
  • Fake diamond. Fairly light, imitates a rough texture, durable. The most expensive is clinker made from burnt clay.

Facing clinker, in addition to visual aesthetics, clarity of docking, has a number of advantages for human comfort:

  • hypoallergenicity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • ease of care;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lack of dust;
  • immunity to ultraviolet.

50 shades of "brick" (Color palette)

The brick in the interior of the apartment can be anything, in the end, it can be painted, but then only the texture will remain.

Masters of the fine art of “combining the incongruous” value natural, original options:

  • , minimalism. Coloring is possible for an ideal perception of pure color, giving additional volume.
  • Beige, gray are considered neutral, fully consistent with the classic style.
  • Red antique, from unbaked clay, typical of classics, gothic.

Decorative brick for living room

The most popular way to use brick in a living room interior is to decorate the only wall that comes into view most often, for example, the TV area. You can vice versa - the territory of the sofa, then the soft velor upholstery will play in contrast with the "brutal" finish. Paradox: luxurious crystal chandeliers, classic curtains look appropriate. Good zonal lighting will emphasize the texture.

White brick in the interior of the living room is a phenomenon that is gaining polarity, like eco-style in general. Together they are able to give the room space, cleanliness. Actual directions: loft, minimalism, hi-tech.
In the latter case, supplementing the idea with drywall constructions, a special place of power for high-tech office equipment is created.

Red brick walls are the most common living room design option. This modification goes well with white plaster. It should be noted: furniture against their background should look quite bright, contrasting. The combination with wood is a natural combination for the living room, supported by glass and metal accessories.

Often the design features of the premises involuntarily push for bolder decisions. In monolithic houses, the presence of load-bearing columns is a given, from which there is nowhere to go and must be beaten. Duplicate - just a way out, a bright accent. If the volume of the room allows (the living room of a country house), you can enhance the effect with a ceiling made in the same solution. Wooden beams and ceilings are a great addition to the Mediterranean style. Practical: when the need to separate adjacent interiors is a top priority.

Hard and soft: decorating the bedroom

For more than a century of existence of the loft style, the brick in the bedroom has ceased to seem too defiant, brutal and “hard” design material. Designers offer this style of decoration mainly to young men. To avoid the battle of the sexes, the design of one vertical plane, mainly located at the head of the bed, is ideal for couples. Possible style: classic, minimalism, vintage.

Tranquility, relaxation is best conveyed, then the dark brick will become a color spot, bring a textural feature. A white brick wall in the interior of a Scandinavian-style bedroom will add charm and sophistication. A soft reddish tint will emphasize the natural pattern of wood flooring, furniture. Coloring in one tone with the rest of the vertical surfaces of the room will help eliminate unwanted dissonance. Coloring will help out from a practical point of view - no dust, easy cleaning.

A large number of textiles, characteristic of the bedroom: pillows, blankets, bedside rug, does not allow this corner of the house to look too rough, uncomfortable, even if the most textured type of bricks is chosen.

Ideas for the kitchen

The kitchen is a modern version of the hearth. The use of masonry is especially appropriate here. But designers warn: the selected furniture, equipment and decorative elements should become part of this style.

Benefits of using:

  • Clear zoning;
  • No need for additional finishing;
  • The most spectacular appearance of kitchen equipment made of plastic, metal, glass.

Brick in the interior of the kitchen is easily combined with other materials: wood panels, tiles of any style direction - classic, modern, country. The kitchen space allows you to highlight the window opening with an industrial motif, making an expressive accent. It is good to support the presence of a brick wall with a similar finish of the apron, kitchen island,. You can highlight the location of the dining table, and if the area allows, the arched partition will divide the space into two zones, increasing the degree of uniqueness.

The brick surface, as close as possible to the working area, must be protected from grease and dirt - treated with a special protective varnish.

The most diverse colors are appropriate in the kitchen: it awakens the appetite; gray color fits perfectly into the hi-tech style. White brick in the interior of the kitchen will make the space more airy, add light, which is very important for small volumes. Even completely white furniture will not be visually lost due to the numerous fittings of drawers, various kitchen devices, and the grouting should be done in a contrasting color.

Improving the hallway

For the hallway area, it is very logical to bring a “street” accent. Functional solution: imitation tiles are chosen as the second material. Artificial stone is difficult to damage, the beauty of the hall will remain intact for a long time, even with active use.

So that the hall does not look too gloomy (the bulk of the apartment hallways are devoid of windows), use additional lighting or white color. As a budget option, instead of clinker, use textured plaster: damage that is inevitable during heavy use can be easily repaired.

Unusual: custom design options

Analyzing the latest design solutions, one cannot fail to note the wide scope of this type of surface decoration. A brick wall in the bathroom is a very bold, underused move. More suitable for spacious rooms. Quite a costly step - you have to spend money on moisture-resistant types of clinker.

fireplace zone

Fireplaces are associated with countryside recreation, and now they are being boldly erected in city apartments, giving additional comfort. It does not matter in which zone the fireplace is located: a bedroom, living room, kitchen-dining room, brickwork will fit in organically, enhance the local effect of the presence of a fireplace. Natural colors and textures will emphasize the brightness and naturalness of the flame if the fireplace is electric.

Combining a fireplace and a brick wall is acceptable within a single style, such as country. The decorative finishing of the portals can be played up in contrast or performed in the same scale, for example, against the background of light clinker, a hearth decorated with black marble looks impressive. The central decoration of any room will be a fireplace portal, lined up to the very ceiling, against the background of a vertical plane of snow-white brick in the Provence style. Brickwork is ideally combined with forged products, which decorate the fireplace area in abundance.


As an independent decor, a drawing applied to the completed masonry will serve. Large graphic letters, contrasting stylized pictures - for the young and the daring. A self-application option is possible to express a creative impulse (you will need photo wallpapers, stencils, paint, fantasy). Particular attention should be focused on grouting seams - they also carry a design message. Carrot color has amazing clarity when dubbed with white grout. Add posters or paintings - the Museum of Contemporary Art is already in your home.

The technique of the “destroyed edge” of masonry is widely used in zoning and is simply created for placing small decorative gizmos on protruding bricks, for example, candles, small unusual lamps. Any vintage, rare items look harmoniously against the background of expressive rectangles. The characteristic shape and size will emphasize any hanging decor, paintings, but do not overdo it with the quantity.

Need to do

Such an interior item as a brick wall will help move away from outdated patterns. Taking into account all the technical nuances, you can decide how to implement this design, which can delight with its usual "unusualness".

After all, a brick, unlike any other material, is able to combine interior decoration and construction, even if it is just an imitation. Using elements of the loft style, it is possible to create a cozy and kind atmosphere.