Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 36"

Business game

with parents of the middle group

Topic: We are so different

Developer: Aksyutova Svetlana Nikolaevna

educator of the highest qualification category


Meeting of parents and educators.

Topic:We are so different…

Purpose: to promote the formation of a sense of responsibility in parents

for their children and carry out close cooperation with the preschool educational institution.

Having a baby is a very important step.

in the life of every person.

Raising children, current parents

educate future history

of our country, and hence the history of the world .

1. Speech by the head O. V. Fuchs.

2 ... Made a speech education of the educator from the activity I.V. Veremey

3. Introductory remarks by the educator. Slide 1

The child's right to a family. (Convention on the Rights of the Child) Slide 2

Family Is a separate world that exists according to its own rules and has certain traditions. Any norms established within the family affect its members, and especially children. So, there are a number of difficulties that prevent the family from fulfilling its educational functions. If a woman not only cares about home comfort, but also works, a double burden falls on her, and this affects the members of this small world. Material difficulties, housing problems, breakdown of family ties and lack of time for raising children and communicating with the closest people - all this prevents the family from developing normally.

Every parent dreams of raising a healthy, happy, smart and kind child, to be in his eyes both a friend and an authority. Family education can be called the foundation on which the whole future life of the baby is built. And how high-quality and solid this foundation will be depends on what set of values ​​your little one will grow up with.

4. Business game.

“Upbringing is the assimilation of good habits,” - almost everyone will begin to interpret this short phrase in their own way. Someone will understand its narrow meaning and begin to fight the bad habits of the child, and someone will reconsider their lifestyle, their behavior and this will begin to set the right example, thereby raising their children. Slide 3

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy,” - with these words Oscar Wilde says that the most important thing in raising children is to love them. But love is reasonable when the child feels that you respect him, support, advise, and not order. In response, the children will listen to you, which means that there will be fewer conflicts, and the upbringing process will bring results.

Slide4 "We are all born sweet, pure and spontaneous: therefore we must be raised to become full members of society."

Parents should argue among themselves in a calm, respectful tone and in a foreign language. You will simply be amazed at how beneficial this will be for the education of your children. If you don’t want your children to behave or do the wrong thing in a situation, don’t do it yourself.

The more attention is paid to raising children, the more cultured the society. Slide5

Children do not need teachings, but examples from adults.

Before raising a baby, train yourself first. You will understand how difficult it is and how carefully you need to try, giving new life to this world.


THE EXERCISE "Kind word ”, Helped to get feedback, increase self-esteem. Those present wrote on a sheet of palm the attractive, kind qualities that they possess. Then all the palms were decorated with rays, and it turned out "THE SUN OF GOOD".

This is the way you would like to see your children. with qualities inherent like you.

Respect and listen to him, this will undoubtedly help to reveal his unique or hidden abilities and increase the chances of achieving great success in life. But it is worth considering the type of temperament, since a quiet one will never become too active, and a shy child will not become a great orator.

You can easily harm a child by punishing him without explaining the true reason. In the event of physical punishment, the child will think it is natural to hit someone who is weaker than you. This turn of events can increase anxiety and provoke aggression in the future. That is why must be harmonious and mature, otherwise serious harm can be caused. Slide 6

Remember that the child is a person just like you. You can not use forceful methods of education, for example, "because I said so and that's it," "go to the corner" or physical violence. You will form only a weak, aggressive personality who will not be able to take responsibility for his actions, will not be able to achieve success in life and will remain on the margins of a progressive society. Slide 7

How can parents raise a child?

Today's children are more different from previous generations than ever. In the past, the child was treated quite harshly and harshly. The rules of the game have not changed for centuries, they were clear and precise. Today, unlike in the past, neither young parents, nor wise grandparents, nor highly qualified specialists have any idea how to cope with a baby born in the era of high technology. Parents are given a lot of advice, and it confuses them.

Dramatic changes are taking place today in all spheres of life. The way of life of people has changed, their perception of the world is no longer the same as it was before. The rapid development of information technology has influenced not only us, but also our children. A modern child has already been born in a new era, he is more intellectually developed and increasingly prefers a computer to outdoor recreation or sports.

Be that as it may, parents must raise a child from birth. Problems in raising children can arise if mom and dad do not understand the role of their personal example. After all, this process is mutual and not one-sided. And while you are raising a toddler, he is raising you.

The relationship between adults and children should be educational in nature, and we, unfortunately, often forget about this.After analyzing intrafamily relationships, psychologists have identified ways to emotionally approach children and control their behavior. If the interaction of the two parties is disturbed in one of the dimensions or in both, this leads to an incorrect development of the personality. So, if a child is heavily patronized and little controlled, hysterical character traits develop in him. The same happens when the younger generation is rejected.

At the same time, too persistent control, strict requirements and suppression of the child's initiative lead to the formation of a cruel character. In extreme cases, this can lead to suicide. Very often, children run away from home and commit antisocial acts when the family lacks any control and warm relations with their parents.

Parenting methods

Most often, parents are faced with the problem of choosing which path is best to take in raising a baby? Someone likes democracy, others like the carrot and stick method, someone thinks the authoritarian line of communication is the best for a child ... Mom may not cherish his little one, pamper him, but dad is almost always strict and demanding. It also happens vice versa.

In modern family pedagogy, you can find information about a variety of methods of raising children. Here are some of the more popular tactics:

The child borrows the first experience of behavior from his parents. Therefore, you need to set the right example so that the baby can assimilate it and accept it as the norm. More often, parents demand from their children what they cannot do themselves. This attitude forms disrespect for adults and protest towards them.

What mistakes do parents make when raising children?

Every normal parent dreams of raising their child as a strong, self-confident person and just a good, kind person. However, these desires do not always come true, and the reason for everything is the lack of soil for the cultivation of the child's individuality - proper parenting. Today we will talk about commonmistakes of parents in raising children .

Often moms and dads, building relationships with a child, make many mistakes. This usually happens due to the parents' ignorance of the pedagogical principles of upbringing.

The result of making mistakes in the upbringing process may be the child's unwillingness to make contact with the parents, the manifestation of negative character traits.

The main mistakes of parents in raising children Slide 8

1. Permanent custody. This is the most common mistake parents make. If the newborn baby was desired, adults begin to show excessive concern towards him. Sometimes the desire to fulfill every whim of the child goes beyond all possible boundaries. It must be remembered that overprotection is not a desire to love a child, but a desire to protect him from independence. Such care is bad in that it does not give the baby a chance to explore the world on his own. The excessive presence of parents in the life of a young child often leads to the formation of shyness, inability to protect oneself, and helplessness.

2. Raising children solely by the "carrot" method. This is the parental mistake in upbringing, for which there is no excuse and cannot be. Only adults can be blamed for this, not the child. Not perceiving the personality and disregarding the opinion of the child, parents show excessive authoritarianism towards him. And this is also violent behavior. This attitude makes the child act in a way that is beneficial to him. And this means that another tyrant is growing. Here you need to remember that children do not forget and often do not forgive such an attitude towards themselves, therefore they can take revenge on their own parents. Such families, as a rule, are not happy.

This approach will lead to the development of selfishness. It is unlikely that it will be possible to instill in a child a sense of gratitude, to teach him to respect other people's needs, if all his whims are constantly encouraged. This is one of the main mistakes parents make in raising a child.

3. Insufficient attention to children. This is one of the most serious mistakes parents make in their upbringing. Adults may not devote time to their child due to the arrangement of their own personal life. This behavior of parents can be explained by being busy at work or by a misunderstanding between the older and younger generations. Often neglect of children is observed in difficult families, where alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. reign. But this is not an excuse not to pay any attention to your baby. A child who grows up in a family with neglect suffers greatly, feeling that he is not needed. It seems to him that he is superfluous in this family. In some cases, neglect is expressed in certain moments, in others it is a complete disinterest in the fate of the baby. But in any situation, such an attitude of parents towards a child can lead to a violation of his psyche. Children left to themselves most often grow up with the attitude “nobody needs me”, they do not want to learn, they can fall under the influence of bad companies.

4. Excessive severity. A child who listens exclusively to discontent and prohibitions in his address grows up notorious and embittered. Not receiving affection and approval for his actions, he can subsequently become cruel towards other people.

5. Mismatch in family behaviorwith the requirements of the parents to the child. This means that the actions of the parents must exactly coincide with the rules that they are trying to teach the child. Otherwise, it will be simply impossible to achieve your goal, because the family is the main example of building relationships and adhering to the norms of behavior for a child.

6. Excessive demands on the child. The unwillingness of parents to see a personality, individuality in their child, to take into account his needs and desires can lead to two negative consequences:

the child will simply refuse to fulfill all the requirements and will do everything possible to anger the parents;
a child, constantly pleasing others, will never be able to learn to listen to his desires. This will not lead to anything good - the person will constantly experience a feeling of dissatisfaction with life.

7. Inconsistencyactions of the educational process. In other words, any established rule must be unshakable and followed under all circumstances. If this condition is not met, the child develops a feeling of impunity, he develops the belief that there are exceptions to all the rules.

8. Unpredictability in the expression of emotionsto the actions of the child. This causes the development of insecurity and instability in relationships with other people. Yes, there are such parents. Their mood often changes, which leads to a change in attitudes towards children. The child cannot foresee what mom or dad will give the next moment. Most often, for the same act, parents can both praise the child and punish him.

What happens to children? They are already unsure of anything. Kids do not know whether to hope for parental love or not. A frequent companion of a child is self-doubt. In adulthood, such people lack a sense of stability. It is probably impossible to never make mistakes in raising children. Slide 9Remember that the main task of parents - to love your child, accept him with all his shortcomings and encourage dignity, then it will be much easier to avoid possible mistakes! Now you know about common mistakes made by a parent.yami in raising children.


The nature of human (parental) relationships.

What will this boy be like in ten years? Perhaps he will not want to take the initiative, he will experience difficulties in communication and feel insecure, it will be difficult for him to have and defend his opinion ...
Or maybe he, on the contrary, will attract attention to himself in various non-constructive ways, go ahead, proving to himself and others that he can, has the right to self-expression ...
In any case, such behavior of the child is the result of the conniving attitude of the parents.

Situations 1

1. At the exhibition in the museum, the father loudly and unceremoniously pointed out to his preschool son which product to approach, confidently commented on their advantages and disadvantages, he constantly made remarks to the child, such as “stand up straight,” “take your hands out of your pockets,” etc. - communication style, what mistakes?

1 ) An authoritarian parent, making all decisions and subordinating the child to his will and authority, accompanying them with strict control, severe prohibitions, reprimands and physical punishment, limits his independence. If a child is strong in spirit and socially active, then, perhaps, in adolescence, he will resist and show aggression. Timid, insecure adolescents learn to obey their parents in everything, without trying to decide anything on their own.
AtSuch upbringing in children is formed only by a mechanism of external control based on a sense of guilt or fear of punishment, and as soon as the threat of punishment from the outside disappears, the adolescent's behavior can become potentially antisocial. Authoritarian relationships exclude spiritual closeness with children, therefore, a feeling of affection rarely arises between them and their parents, but, on the contrary, suspicion is manifested, constant alertness and even hostility towards others.

2. Mom and her little daughter are walking in the playground. "Just what kind of party is this?" - the baby would be surprised if she could speak. “Don't go through the puddles, you're a girl! Do not throw sand - you will get dirty! I fell again, and I told you: you have to walk with your mother by the hand. Do you want an ice cream? Come on, I'll buy you ... "

2) . Mom is overprotective, i.e. strives to constantly be close to the child, solves all problems for him, constantly worries that something might happen to the child. Despite the external concern, the caring style of upbringing leads, on the one hand, to an excessive exaggeration of the child's own significance, on the other, to the formation of anxiety, infantilism, helplessness, and a delay in social maturity in him.

3 . The baby is climbing the rainbow, not without the help of his mother. He firmly holds his hands to the cold iron, leaning confidently with his feet on the crossbar. Of course, why should he be afraid, because his mother supports him with her hands. The kid rises higher with each crossbar, and the mother can barely reach him. And there comes a moment when a short mother can no longer help her son, and the little one can no longer go up or down. And they start laughing together! Priceless moments of the deepest unity of an adult and a child, when they are united by the joy of knowing the living space and their capabilities. You don't often see such genuinely happy family members. I asked permission to help in their difficult situation and, having received the go-ahead, I helped the baby to go down to a safe place. The child's eyes glittered with the experiences he had experienced.

3) Thus, perhaps unconsciously, the mother teaches the child to trust all his surroundings, increases his constructive activity in mastering the world. It is at such moments that emotional contact is strengthened, which cannot be bought for any money. Humane treatment of other people in , is promoted by a warm close bond between parents and children. This is a prime exampleharmonious family relationships, where the desires and needs of each other are taken into account, where unconditional love and respect are shown to the child.

The incident on the bus. At this time, the "front" child happily fiddled with the newly purchased package of felt-tip pens and asked his mother: "When we get home, will we draw a rainbow?" Mom answered with a warm smile: "Of course, we will draw. Do you remember what colors the rainbow has? Well, let's repeat it. What is the first color? Kra ..." "Red!" "And after him comes about ..." "Orange! Maam, can I draw a rainbow in other colors?" "Of course you can! What colors will you paint it with?"

The kid began to list the colors ...

HOW WOULD YOU DO?Situation 2

1) Once I was driving in a minibus, there was a mother with a child who was sobbing, and rather feignedly, for the whole minibus. As I understood from the exhausted patience of the conductor and passengers, this has been happening for quite a long time. At the same time, my mother sat quietly and talked to her friend, sometimes shouting at the child. All the way, while I was driving with them, the child was tormenting heart-rendingly, even the conductor and people around began to comment on her, but she did not really react.

2) Another case in the minibus. Mom and the child were sitting, and dad was standing by. Suddenly the child began to cry, dad took him in his arms and began to distract him. Do not lisp, but just talk to him, ask what happened, show something on the street and the child calmed down. The girl wanted to give them a place, but he refused, and then began to ask the child to thank her aunt, as a result, the baby began to say thank you to everyone who was nearby, for smiling the whole minibus.

3) B a mother with a child (4-5 years old) travels on the bus. The child asked his mother something, but she was silent. Then he, like all children, began to seek her attention, holding out in an insistent and disgusting voice: "Maaam!" So he repeated several times, until his mother freaked out, yelled at him, and then, accusing the child that they almost missed their stop because of him, grabbed him by the hand and dragged him to the exit.

In general, I can directly see what these children will become when they grow up, for children are still mostly mirrors of their parents.

M You can give endless examples of the manifestations of such different us, parents. It is important to understand what our children will be like after our influence on them.

The most important thing a baby needs for normal development is happy parents. And, as the famous writer Oscar Wilde said, the best way to raise children correctly is to make them happy.


I invite one of you to tell a poem to people who do not hear anything, but understand the language of signs and facial expressions well. Remember that while translating it is important to monitor the expressiveness of movements and facial expressions.

Suggested poems by A. Barto "I love my horse."

"Ball", "Bunny".

Parenting Is not an easy task. It must be remembered that you are responsible for preparing children for the “big life”. The time and patience you spend with your child today will be put to use in their adult life. Slide 10

Let there always be a common idea in your striving to become good parents - love for children, trust and respect, respect for the world of childhood.

Presentation: "10 Most Valuable Tips" (for genus participants) Slide11

Today, the active involvement of parents in the life of a preschool institution requires modern forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family.

The forms of interaction between kindergarten and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. The main goal of all types of forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is to establish trusting relationships with children, parents and teachers, unite them into one team, foster the need to share their problems with each other and actively solve them. Well, in our opinion, such forms as a round table and a business game help to increase the competence of parents in matters of development, upbringing and education of children. So, in our preschool educational institution with the parents of the middle group, a business game "The ABC of communication with children" was held, during which the following tasks were solved:

1. To help parents realize their own upbringing position in different situations with children.

2. Lead parents to understand the reasons for the difficult situations that have arisen.

3. Provide an opportunity for parents to discuss and choose acceptable methods of prevention and exit from difficult situations.



Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten" Parus "

Uren, Nizhny Novgorod region

Abstract of a business game with parents

"The ABC of communication with a child."

Prepared and conducted:

Educator of the 1st category

Lebedeva O. N.

April 2016

Business game with parents on the topic "The ABC of communication with a child."

Target : To contribute to increasing the competence of parents in matters of development, upbringing and education of children, to improve mutual understanding between parents and children. Tasks: 1. To help parents realize their own upbringing position in different situations with children. 2. Lead parents to understand the reasons for the difficult situations that have arisen. 3. Provide an opportunity for parents to discuss and choose acceptable methods of prevention and exit from difficult situations. Form of conduct: business game.

Game progress

1. Greetings.

I am glad to meet you again, dear parents. Today we will discuss the problem of mutual understanding between parents and children.

Business game rules:

Express your thoughts frankly and truthfully;

- every opinion has a right to exist;

Nobody argues, does not try to convince someone, but simply shares his thoughts;

Nobody forcibly forces to speak: only those who wish speak. (Slide number 1)

2. Game - warm-up "Let's change places".

In order to get to know each other better, we will play the game "Swap places".

Those who love their children have changed places;

Those who have a son have changed places;

Those who have a daughter have changed places;

Those who want to learn to better understand their child have changed places

3. I propose to listen to a fairy tale.

A small pencil was born in one box with pencils. The adult pencils - mom, dad, grandparents - were colored. And each of them had its own color. The small pencil did not yet have its own color, it was to become colored. Every day the blue mom taught him how to become blue. Red dad - how to paint red, because he is chosen most often when painting beautiful pictures. The yellow grandfather argued with everyone, talking about the importance of yellow, and the green grandmother took her grandson by the hand, and for a moment he turned green. So day after day passed, and now ... What happened next? What a fairy tale without end?

This is because each family has its own story, its own ending to the tale. Have you already imagined your ending to this tale? Each family decides for itself how to raise their child. There is no consensus on this issue. Every adult can play a huge role in a child's life - creative or destructive. We are used to justifying all the problems of our children by the influence of the street, peers, the lack of time for parents to communicate with children, etc. And they began to forget that in many ways it is we who are the creators of our "problems".

4. Exercise "Draw a flower"

Parents receive crayons and a sketchbook. Setting is given: to draw a favorite flower. After the drawings are collected and hung out on the board-stand. Summarize the drawing (approximate conclusion: a child is a flower, and how it grows depends on the attention and care of the parents).

Let's rememberparenting functions:Creation of optimal conditions for the full-fledged personal development of the child; Preservation of health; Ensuring a comfortable existence and security; Ensuring adaptation to life.

The child observes how the parents treat him, each other, and other people. In the course of such interactions, parents show their child their attitude towards him and the world around him not so much at the level of words as at the level of actions and expressed emotions. Based on this, he begins to build his ideas about himself and the world in which he lives. If the relationship between parents and children is based on goodness, mutual understanding, love and respect; then happiness can reign in every family.5. Projection method.Every person we meet on our way is our mirror. The child builds his opinion of himself on the basis of the opinions of others. What do mirrors do? Reflect our way of life, our beliefs, our freedom or limitations, our joys and our sorrows. Psychologists call this "projection." And what do we see in these mirrors? Your reflection, reflection of your life. If you constantly scold and punish your reflection, you can thus scold and punish yourself. You can ignore the child, you can instill love or dislike in different ways. Or you can accept yourself and your partner, and the child has the opportunity to see his essence behind reflections. For instance: Mom severely scolds the child for an ugly word spoken to a peer. And after a couple of minutes he was already chatting with his girlfriend on the phone and was washing the bones of his superiors with the same "ugly" words.

Every day we can be annoyed with a child and annoy with a chronic lack of money, bad luck, evil bosses, unlucky government. And then be surprised that our child has become angry and aggressive and unhappy with everything. Each parent can give many examples of such, only after observing himself for one day. 6 . Rule List Exercise1. Write on a piece of paper the rules you require your child to follow. 2. Now honestly and frankly admit to yourself which of these requirements you do not fulfill in your life. Cross them out. 3. Check what's left again. If you can show your child an example in the “uncrossed” rules, then you can boldly, with a clear conscience, demand their implementation. How many requirements did you have to delete? What do you think is the purpose of such exercises?

What does the child expect from the parents?One of the main conditionscreating an atmosphere of trust in relationships with childrenis their unconditional acceptance by adults, as well as their ability to use communication skills, thanks to which children could feel that they are not only understood, but also respected. Experts believe thatany communication contains eight different meanings: what we wanted to say, what we said, what the interlocutor heard, what he understood, what he wanted to say in response, what he said, what we heard and how he was understood.

Even the simplest question: "How are you?"which all parents, without exception, ask their children almost every day,a lot of meanings... Someone is really interested in how the child's day went. Someone so reconciles and apologizes for hurting the child in a hurry in the morning. And for some, this question is like an interrogation. How we listen to children and talk to them depends entirely on our intentions, goals, mood, fatigue, desire to really understand and accept them.7. Game "Pass to another".The leader passes the imaginary object to the neighbor, the neighbor passes it to the next, etc. At the end, the host asks the players who received and transmitted what. The answers are very diverse. The game clearly shows how the essence of information can be distorted during the transmission process.

Difficulties in communication between parents and children usually arise due to the fact thatadults perceive information much faster than the child has time to finish... Instead of concentrating, our consciousness wanders freely in anticipation of a new portion of information.
And also
adults only hear what they want to hear... And this is another serious barrier that prevents you from perceiving the words of children.How can these barriers be overcome?

8. A minute of active rest.

a) Exercise "Compliment". The players stand in a circle. The host invites each other to compliment. b) Exercise "Guess what is drawn." One participant of the game is called. He is offered with the help of facial expressions, emotions, gestures to depict what is drawn in the picture. The rest of the participants guess. 9. The parable of understanding.Once young people came to a sage from a distant village. - Sage, we heard that you give everyone wise advice, show the right path, reveal the truth. Help us! The older generation in our village has ceased to understand us, and this is very difficult for us to live with. What should we do? The sage looked at them and asked: - What language do you speak? - All the young generation speaks gibberish. - And the older residents? Young people thought and confessed: - We did not ask them. - That is why you can only listen to them, but not hear them 10. Game "Understand me"I suggest you relax a little and play the game "Understand me." Your task is to determine how the child feels when pronouncing the proposed phrases.

The child says

The child feels

Look, dad, I made a plane from a new constructor!

Pride. Satisfaction.

I'm not happy. I do not know what to do.

Boredom, stumped.

All the children play, but I have no one.

Loneliness, abandonment.

I can do it. I don’t need any help.

Confidence, independence.

Go away, leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone.

Pain, anger, resentment, feelings of dislike.

I can not. I try, but it doesn't work. Should you try?

Disappointment, desire to quit.

I am glad that my parents are you and dad, and not others.

Approval, gratitude, joy.

Express a positive attitude towards the child, show him that he is heard and understood, adults can, using in communicationrules for effective hearing,formulated by Yu.B. Gippenreiter. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Spend time with your child.Listen to it carefully, without being distracted by extraneous matters, react to one or another information that the child communicates (with gestures, facial expressions, questions). Put your business aside, disconnect from all strangers, and pay attention to the child.Be patient when the kids are having trouble saying something right away.Since their heads are overwhelmed with new thoughts and words, they always need more time to put them into phrases. And when children are overwhelmed with emotions, then the processit gets even more difficult.Remember how your words can impress and influence the child.Children are very sensitivereact to comments, including non-verbal expressions of emotion. Voice tone, facial expression, frowningeyebrows or smiles - everything affects how the child perceivesadult reaction.Ask questions to show your interest and involvement.Keep them simple and short.Questions asked by adults also help children develop their listening skills.Use the "I Messages" formula.When you… (child's actions), I feel… (my feelings), because… (an explanation of why the child’s actions cause the described feelings). I would like to ... (description of the desired course of development of events, designation of their role and the role of the child). For example: “When you interrupt me while talking to my dad, I get angry because your questions prevent me from concentrating and explaining to him what we need to do. I wish I could ask questions after I finish the conversation. "

11. Mastering the technique of "I-statement"When we communicate with a child, he naturally pays attention to our words, giving special meaning to the way they are spoken. Indeed, just in those cases when something really excites us, we are least able to take care of ourselves. At such moments, we do not always manage to control facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, we throw out our emotions on the child. I want to introduce you to the technique of "I-utterance". To do this, consider a rather familiar situation: if some household chores are not fulfilled from us, from our parents, you can hear: “You haven't put your toys away again! You have completely stopped helping me! " This is "you are a statement." With such a “you-statement”, we will immediately create a barrier in communication with the child. "I-utterance" is a technique by which the interlocutor (child) is informed about his feelings and experiences, and not about him and his behavior, which this experience caused. It rarely provokes protest. "I-statement" always begins with personal pronouns: "I", "me", "me".Let's play translators... Let's try to turn “you-statement” into “I-statement. In order for us to succeed, it is necessary to accurately define our feeling in this situation and indicate the reason that caused it.

"You are the saying"

"I am the statement"

Why should I do everything? (Insult.)

I feel so tired. I need your help ... (No offense.)

You always behave badly!

I am offended by this behavior. You know how to be different, so please be more restrained next time.

Do you have two convolutions in your head? You seem to be teachable, but you speak absurdities.

Maybe you are tired, can I help you with something?

You always take my things without permission!

When things are taken from my table without permission, it is unpleasant for me. Ask me first if you can take it.

You never listen to me!

When I see that you are not listening to me, I feel uncomfortable. Your attention is very important to me, so please be attentive to what I am saying.

Applying the rules of effective communication promotes an open, trusting relationship with children and allows them to feel understood and accepted by adults.

But, in addition to verbal communication, the child needs tactile communication.

Let's answer the questions for ourselves:

  • How many times a day do you stroke his head?
  • How many times do you hug?
  • When was the last time you said you love your child?
  • When you looked your child in the eyes with love and tenderness?
  • When was the last time you had a heart-to-heart talk with your child?

The famous American psychologist Virginia Satir claims that a child needs four hugs a day to survive; to make him feel good - eight; and in order for him to grow and develop as a person - twelve. Children of any age need to feel the power of your love. Agree that even at thirty you would not refuse a "portion" of hugs from your mom or dad. Of course, children can sometimes ask you not to kiss them in front of their friends (especially boys are shy about this), but this does not mean that they do not want to receive such manifestations of love from you - just demonstrate it at home. Lyubov Terekhova said well about this:"... Hug seventeen times, kiss ten times ... Only this way our children will be able to become happier"

12. Summing up. "Parable".

And I wish your families happiness and success in raising children, because children are not only our future, but also our present. I hope that the knowledge gained today will help you understand your child even better! You will succeed! Thanks!

Annex 1.

Memo for parents "Ten rules of communication with a child

1) talk to each other

Every person has a need to talk to others and listen to what they have to say. Normal full-fledged communication with each other is necessary for both children and parents.

2. Learn to listen to your child

Listening is the key to understanding. Your child wants to be listened to, not interrupted, not to argue with him, to be interested in his feelings, views, thoughts, ideas, not to insist that he listen only to an adult.

3. Tell the children about yourself

4. Be able to put yourself in the shoes of a child

Look at the world through the eyes of your child, remember how, perhaps, your parents criticized your "bells", long hair, "Beatles" and Vysotsky. Make the children feel like you understand them.

5. Be near

It is important that the children know that the door is always open to you, that they have the opportunity to talk or just be with you.

6. Be firm and consistent

Hardness does not mean aggression. This means that children know your outlook on life and your natural desire to be respected. Do not change your positions under the influence of situations. It is good if the family has certain rules and restrictions that change with the age of the child. For example, a useful family rule is to call if you are late. It should be followed by both children and adults.

7. Try to do everything together.

It is necessary to develop the circle of interests of children as actively as possible in order to show them an alternative, if suddenly they are presented with a choice, where one of the proposed options will be a drug.

8. Make friends with your child's friends

Let them come to your house, or you must know the place where they gather.

9. Remember that every child is special.

Help him to believe in himself, to decide to do what he has not been able to do before.

10. Lead by example

You are an example for your child. Remember this, and try to meet the strict requirements that you place on your child yourself.

Memo for parents "ABC of Communication"

1. While outdoors, try to use everything that contributes to the development of a sense of balance, general coordination, dexterity and consistency of movements (curbs, railings, stumps and benches). Do not forget to include in your work the imagination, attention and thinking of the baby. And your child's development will go steadily forward without much effort on your part, and the time spent together will bring joy to both of you.

2. There is an opinion that a person in his life repeats the scenario of his favorite fairy tale. Which fairy tale will become your child's favorite - you can decide with him. Just try to have the fairy tale with a happy ending and carry the same values ​​that you yourself would like to form in your baby.

3. Behind the day, full of important matters and everyday worries, worries and griefs, inevitable in any work. However, in almost every of them there are wonderful moments when we communicate with children, read to them. This communication usually arises unexpectedly and sometimes ends unexpectedly, but some conversations with children remain in the memory for a long time, and after them there is an amazing feeling of kinship, closeness with your child, a feeling of mutual understanding and trust.

4. It is not at all necessary to allocate special hours for communication with the child: doing household chores, on the way to kindergarten or to the dentist, on the road, transport, store, you can come up with a special game during which the child will learn the world around him and get the necessary sensory experience ...

5. In their dreams, children create models of life, like a script written with the help of adults. Therefore, dear mothers and fathers, remember: there are no problem children, there are problem parents.

Memo for parents "10 MAGIC WORDSwhen communicating with a child "

1. Instead of the irritated: "Come on, how long to wait for you!"

Command: “Ready to start, attention… march! Let's run! "

2. Instead of threatening: "Eat, otherwise you won't get dessert."

Please: "After this tiny-hunting cutlet disappears, something delicious will fly to you."

3. Instead of being rude: “Clean up after yourself”

4. Instead of an angry one: “Don't bother me!”

Say, “Go play a little yourself. And when I’m free, we’ll have a mini-party. ”

5. Instead of the dissatisfied: “Don't be capricious, the pirate T-shirt is in the wash, put on the one you have.”

Reconcile with the trouble: “Look, here is a relative of your pirate T-shirt. Let's put it on? "

6. Instead of rhetorical: "You finally go to sleep!"

Ask: "Show you a clever way to cover with a blanket?"

7. Instead of an evil one: "Did you want to do it in the pope?"

Let off some steam: “I wonder who am I going to tear off the fish soup and lather my neck?”

8. Instead of the powerless: "So that I don't want to hear any!"

Suddenly screaming: “Oh, look, the whim has come running. Catch, catch him so that he doesn't spoil our mood! ”

9. Instead of boring: "How many times to repeat"

Say in a mysterious whisper: "One-two-three, I am passing on secret information ... Repeat as you heard."

10. Instead of mentoring: "Have you washed your hands?"

Suggest: "We bet the water comes from your hands black?"

Surprisingly, it is worth replacing familiar remarks with new words.and everything changes - intonation, your mood, and most importantly - the child's reaction.

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire for parents "Your relationship with children"Dear Parents! We are conducting a survey in order to identify the peculiarities of communication between you and your children, as well as to help you in raising children.

Your sincere and thoughtful answers will allow us to obtain reliable data and provide you with useful recommendations.

1. How much time per day do you communicate with your child?

From half an hour to two hours

Two to four hours

Four to eight hours

Eight hours or more

Do you find it difficult to answer?

2. In what tone do you communicate with your child?

Calm and trusting tone

I try to communicate calmly, but it doesn't always work out.

The child perceives only communication in a raised tone

Do you find it difficult to answer?

3. What communication style dominates between you and your child??

Communicate as equals

When communicating, your opinion is more influential than the opinion of the child

Give your child complete freedom of communication

Do you find it difficult to answer?

4. Do you always listen to your child?

Yes, I can always listen to my baby

I try to listen to him, but not always enough time

I pretend to listen

5. What are the reasons that prevent you from fully communicating with your child?

There are no such reasons

Employment at work

Your option ___

6. Are your opinions about raising a child similar to those of your family members?

All are similar

Similar, but not in everything

Absolutely not similar

Do you find it difficult to answer?

I consider it very important

I don't think it's very important

I do not consider it important at all

Do you find it difficult to answer?

8. What problems of raising your child would you like to receive help from specialists? ___

Thanks! I wish you success in raising your child!

Parents' meeting in the form of a business game "The role of the family in raising children" Where to look for kindness? "

Business game progress

(Greetings from the teacher to the participants in the business game)
1. Speech by the teacher on the topic "The role of the family in raising children"
Currently, the topic of the family in the upbringing of children is very relevant, since the family is a world where the foundations of morality and attitude towards people are laid. The role of the family in fostering a culture of behavior, discipline, organization, honesty, truthfulness and modesty in a child is great.

The attitude of children and adults in the family should be trusting, benevolent, but not equal. In the family, the child learns to express his opinion, has the right to argue, prove, reason. The family should support any manifestation of creativity, initiative, independence by the child. Whatever the child is, he needs the recognition of his individuality and the support of loving parents. “Children are the mirror of the family” - this expression surprisingly accurately conveys the meaning of a child's orientation towards the spiritual and moral values ​​of his family. Therefore, adults who love and understand him should be near the child. Such close and intimate contact is only possible in the family. In those families where there is a close and warm relationship between mother and child, children grow up independent and active, and where there is no such contact, children are distinguished by isolation and aggressiveness.
The upbringing of a child begins in the family, and the relationship between the parents will determine how the child will grow up. Habits, tastes, preferences, preferences are deposited in the minds of children long before the process of realizing what is happening begins. After all, the construction of children's behavior follows the example of copying. It is the family that gives rise to a sense of the continuity of generations, and through this, involvement in the history of a kind, and the development of the ideals of patriotism. And when raising children, no other institution can replace the family, it is she who plays the main role in the formation of the child's personality.
In the family, the foundations of the child's personal qualities are laid. For a child, a family is an environment in which the conditions for his physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development are formed. The atmosphere of the family influences the formation of the child's mental disposition, determines the development of feelings and thinking.
2. Game "How would you like to see your child?"
Purpose of the game: help parents express their vision out loud in their child: a harmonious combination of external, physical and internal spiritual merits and achieve the desired vision without missing the germs of the most valuable character traits in the formation of the child's personality.
The rules of the game: parents stand in a circle, the teacher passes the ball to a nearby parent and invites each parent to express their opinion about how they want their child to be. The ball must reach each parent. At the end, the teacher summarizes everything that has been said.
3. Exchange of views "Life situations"
Purpose: to help parents see the problems of adults in raising children and learn from the examples of others, avoid mistakes, find the right path in different life situations.
Parents sit on chairs in a circle. Under the chairs, the teacher puts 3 leaves under different chairs in advance. Situations 1, 2, 3 are written on the sheets of paper. In turn, the parents read the situational moments, first they themselves tell their point of view, how they would act in this situation, and then they all discuss this situation together and come to the correct opinion. At the end, the teacher summarizes what has been said, adding that the children really want to see us always in a good mood. Our actions, deeds, behavior largely depend on us adults, on our state of mind. One must be able to cope with moments of irritation and anger.
1 situation“A parent is late for work and is running by the hand and leading the child to kindergarten. The child is capricious, almost crying, shows his displeasure. In the locker room, the parent begins to take off his clothes by force, the child cries and resists. "
2 situation"Evening. A parent came to pick up the child from kindergarten. A child with a smile, joyful leaves the group and begins to tell how interesting he spent today, read an interesting work, played, walked, drew. The child shows his drawing. The parent silently reacts to the child, not paying attention to the drawing. "
3 situation“On a day off, the parents decided to take their child for a walk in the mall. A lot of interesting things around, the child's eyes run up. The parents decided to look into the toy department. The child saw a bright, beautiful, large car and asks to buy it. Young parents do not have a budget to buy an expensive typewriter. The child throws a tantrum, starts screaming, crying. People around turn around, the child does not agree to any persuasion. "
4. Game "Add a word"
Purpose of the game: ask the parents to finish the sentence with the addition of words - the child learns ... (What to be?)
The rule of the game: the teacher reads, and the parents choose the words. In the end, the teacher summarizes, concluding that parents should think about upbringing and how each child's childhood goes, who leads the child by the hand, it depends on what kind of person today's child will become.
- The child is constantly criticized - the parents' answers (he learns to hate)
- The child grows up in reproaches - the parents' answers (he learns to be aggressive)
- The child is constantly supported - the answers of the parents (he learns to value himself)
- The child is constantly ridiculed - the answers of the parents (he becomes withdrawn)
5. Reading the proverbs "About good"
The purpose of reading proverbs is to help parents, at the right time, “find the right words” for their child.
Rules for reading proverbs: parents read proverbs about good, which are prepared in advance on pieces of paper by the teacher. In the end, the educator generalizes that kindness is the ability to do something kind, good to other people. Children respond to all that is good and beautiful. The challenge for adults is to help children become empathetic, generous, merciful, and kind. In time you need to find words that can comfort the child, cheer up in difficult times.
- Good is good everywhere;
- A kind word is half of happiness;
- Goodness is paid for;
- Life is given for good deeds;
- A good person lives in goodness for a century.
6. The game "Affectionate word"
Purpose of the game: develop a supportive relationship between parents. Help parents see the basis of good relationships, often use words of tenderness, love, care, respect, kindness in their speech towards a child.
The rules of the game: the participants of the game affectionately address the person standing next to them, make compliments, smile at each other. In the end, the teacher generalizes that the affectionate, kind attitude of adults helps children to comprehend the lessons of kindness and to settle them in their souls for life.
7. Competition "My mood"
The purpose of the competition: help parents feel their mood and draw on a piece of paper.
Competition rules: on 3 tables, the teacher prepares A-4 sheets of paper in advance, felt-tip pens of different colors in sufficient quantity. Parents are invited to take part in the competition "My mood", if they wish, to draw their mood in emoticons. Not copying from each other. At the end, according to the finished drawings, each parent, guessing what mood the contestants have drawn.
8. "Ball game".
Purpose of the game: to help parents feel the joy of the game, radiating kindness to everyone who plays in the circle, like a smiling sun giving warmth to everyone.
The rule of the game: parents, standing in a circle, play with an inflatable yellow ball, passing to each other from above, each parent should try to keep the ball in the air for as long as possible.
The teacher thanks all the participants in the business game for their active participation and wishes them success in raising children.

Business game


Ensure the safety and healthy lifestyle of preschool children; help preschoolers to master basic skills of safe behavior at home and on the street; develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers; show parents how to introduce children to safety rules, find gaps in their knowledge.



"Safety of life of children"

Business game with parents


Ensure the safety and healthy lifestyle of preschool children; help preschoolers to master basic skills of safe behavior at home and on the street; develop independence and responsibility in preschoolers; show parents how to introduce children to safety rules, find gaps in their knowledge.

Description of the game

Leading. Hello dear friends! Hello moms and dads, dear guys! Today both adults and children will become participants in the business game. Why "game", I think, is clear to everyone. After all, the game is the most favorite pastime of preschoolers. Why "business"? Because its name is serious, important and very impressive."Safety of life of children".Many safety rules originated in ancient times, when people tried to protect themselves from wild animals and natural phenomena. With timethe living conditions of a person have changed, of course, the safety rules have also changed. Now we will all become participants in the game, during which we will find out what children know about the safety of behavior, and what else needs to be taught. In order for our training to be more successful and enjoyable, let's get to know the participants in the game. The guys will introduce themselves, introduce their parents and tell a little about themselves.

(For this, preliminary work has been done - to come up with a family business card)

The world around us is so beautiful, but at the same time it is fraught with surprises. And today we will talk about how to behave at home when you are alone, about the dangerous objects that are in every house, we will find out with you during the game why a fire occurs and how to behave if it happened; how to call for help, as well as who the strangers are and how to behave with them, and also clarify why you need to know your address and phone number. This is what we will be doing in our business game.

So, the first thing we'll talk about is how to behave in the most familiar place, in your own home. What is dangerous at home? What items, things can be dangerous?

1 task

10-15 objects are depicted on a sheet of Whatman paper (a ball, a knife, a saw, a comb, a needle, a button, matches, a doll, a nail, sparklers, etc.). Nearby in the box are mugs cut out of cardboard and glued to magnets.

Leading. Children, look at these pictures and mark with a circle the objects that seem dangerous to you.

Children take turns completing the task, and the leader corrects, complements and summarizes the answers.

Now let's talk about electricity. This word has been familiar to us since childhood. When a person comes home from work, the first thing they do is turn on the light, turn on the TV. Whenever something needs to be fixed, Daddy uses an electric soldering iron. An electric stove and a washing machine help my mom a lot. What other electrical appliances do you know? Why are they necessary and how are they dangerous?

Leading. They are dangerous for two reasons.

Firstly, they can cause a fire, and secondly, an electric current passes through them, and they can shock. All modern household appliances are very convenient. But all these devices can become a source of danger if you do not follow the rules for handling them.

Let's sum up the conversation about electrical appliances.

When leaving the house or even the room, be sure to turn off the TV, light, iron. It is better to ask adults about it. Never pull on the power cord. Do not touch electrical appliances with wet hands. A short circuit may occur. If you notice any exposed areas or smell burning or wiring, notify an adult immediately. Such things are in need of repair.

2 task

Now let's guess riddles about dangerous objects and electrical appliances.

Leading. Now I'm going to ask you guys to stand up and make a big circle. Long ago people learned how to make fire. Fire serves man faithfully. And today one cannot do without fire: it warms and feeds us, but when they forget about careful handling of fire, it becomes deadly. Fire, breaking out of obedience, does not spare anyone or anything. A fire breaks out. Fire by accident, but the result of misbehavior. What causes fires? What troubles do fires bring? Why is it strictly forbidden for children to play with matches, lighters? How to call a fire truck if there is a fire?

(Answers of children, parents help)

3 task

Game "If there is a fire"

Leading. We played nicely, and at the same time found out why fires can occur, and what number can be used to call the fire brigade. Make yourself comfortable.

Let's clarify, if you are at home alone and you smell smoke, there is a fire, what needs to be done first? Is it okay to hide under the bed or do you need to run away to another room? Can a Christmas tree light up?

If you are left at home alone, you need to call the firemen by phone 01, provide the address or contact your neighbors in the apartment. You cannot hide under the bed, under the table, run away to another room - it is better to completely run away from the apartment. Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. Therefore, if you still did not manage to leave the apartment, then you need to breathe through a wet rag or handkerchief, and also sit down or lie on the floor, since there is less smoke below, and cover your head with a wet rag. Misfortune can happen at the New Year's tree if, instead of an electric garland, you use candles or sparklers, or arrange fireworks in the apartment on a holiday.

And now I will give you safe behavior leaflets that you and your parents should learn and know.

Application to the game


Two rings, two ends

And in the middle there are carnations.(Scissors)

If the tip rests -

There is a hole right away.(Awl)

My Antoshka has

Only a hat and an iron leg.(Nail)

I do not want to be silent -

Give plenty of knock

And knocks day after day

He's an iron head.(Hammer)

Here is an iron cheat

She holds the sheets very dexterously,

Squeezes them tightly together

Will never get lost.(Clip)

I'm a needle girlfriend

Only I don’t have an ear.(Pin)

Long-legged walks along the road,

One leg runs in a circle

The other is on the sheet.(Compass)

How they grab a nail, how they pull it -

They will certainly pull out.(Pliers)

Steel horse, linen tail,

Make friends with me.(Needle)

Bows, bows

When he comes home, it stretches out.(Axe)

I'm sitting in my house

Don't make me angry, boy

Handle with care -

You can cut yourself with me!(Penknife)

I sit at the window

I look at the whole world at him.(TV set)

An electric ship is sailing

Back and forth.(Iron)

He is alone in the whole world

I am very glad to meet the dust.(A vacuum cleaner)

On the table, in a cap,

Yes in a glass vial

A friend settled -

Cheerful light.(Desk lamp)

Only me, only me

I'm in charge of the kitchen.

Without me, no matter how hard you work,

Sit back without lunch.(Plate)

Look at my barrel

A top is spinning in me.

He won't beat anyone

But then the whole cream will knock down.(Mixer)

I'm pot-bellied and puffing

I'm big and shiny

If I just want to

I'll boil the boiling water.(Samovar)

Two neighbors - wheels

They pull themselves apart from each other

Game "If there is a fire"

Description of the game

Children stand in a circle. The leader is holding a red balloon. The player must quickly say the last word in rhyme and pass the ball to another. Whoever does not name a word is eliminated from the game.

Leading. This ball is not in vain.

Before, if there was a fire,

The signal ball soared skyward -

Summoned firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire,

There a ball will rise to the sky,

There will always threaten us


Child. Fire!

Leading. One two three four -

Who has a fire ...

Child. In the apartment.

Leading. A column of smoke rose suddenly,

Who did not turn off ...

Child. Iron.

Leading. A red glow flickered.

Someone with matches ...

Child. Played.

Leading. The table and cupboard burned down at once.

Who dried the clothes over ...

Child. Gas.

Leading. The flames jumped into the foliage.

Who burned at home ...

Child. Grass.

Leading. Who threw into the fire at the same time

Strangers ...

Child. Items.

Leading. Remember every citizen

This number…

Child. Zero one.

Leading. I saw smoke - don't yawn

And firefighters ...

Child. Call!

Business game with parents "Development of creative abilities of preschoolers"

Purpose: theoretical and practical familiarization of parents with the peculiarities of the development of creative abilities of preschoolers in kindergarten, demonstration to parents of the features of the traditional and innovative system of working with preschoolers. Expanding the ideas of parents about the ways of developing creative abilities in children in kindergarten. Familiarizing parents with ways to develop creativity in a family setting.

Description of the game

Host: Let me remind you the rules of the game. Parents, you will play the role of preschoolers. We will conduct classes for you, then we will discuss them. I propose to split into three groups, sit down at three round tables. For the game, please come up with a name for your group. Let's get acquainted! (Word to introduce to Group 1, Group 2, Group 3).

Parents present their teams, then take turns answering the facilitator's questions.

Host: games first.

1. Game "Name yourself". The "child" is invited to introduce himself, giving his name as he likes, or at home, as he would like to be called.

2. "Speech warm-up". Pronunciation of tongue twisters with different intonation.

The parrot says to the parrot:

I'm a parrot, a parrot!

I will parrot the parrot in response:

Parrot, parrot, parrot!

Host: I invite everyone to sit down. I am very glad to see your smiling faces, to feel your high spirits. Today we have an unusual activity (takes out the box).

So, let's find out what kind of item is hidden in this box.

3. The game “Yes, no! ". The teacher invites the players to guess what could be inside the box, asking only questions that can be answered "yes" or "no". (In the box there are toys of an ant and a dragonfly).

Host: so the main characters for us today will be an ant and a dragonfly.

4. Acquaintance with IA Krylov's fable "The dragonfly and the ant".

Host: Let's remember what this genre is? (Fable). Right. This is a little moralizing satirical poem. Who is meant by the protagonists of the fable (People, animals, plants, insects).

Listen to the Dragonfly and the Ant fable. Listen carefully, do not be distracted, you must remember it, I will ask.

The facilitator reads the text of the fable and then asks questions to the players.

Host: What dragonfly is in the fable? What kind of ant? Do you think the ant did the right thing? How do you understand the words and expressions: "winter rolls into the eyes", "the field is dead," "depressed"?

Host: let's try to read the fable together. And to the music to stage the behavior of the heroes.

Dramatization of an excerpt from a fable to music. After him, they conduct a conversation.

5. Assessment of the teams' participation in the game. Players - teachers of each of the teams in turn come to the board with colored cardboard circles and mark on it the degree of their participation in the game.

High activity - red circle

Interesting, exciting - with a green circle.

It was interesting, but not everything worked out - in a blue circle.

6. Summing up the results of the game. The host summarizes the results of the game and names the winning team.

Host: So, today we got acquainted with the fable of I.A.Krylov, and musically staged it. Using an innovative approach with original ideas, various ways and methods of solving the assigned tasks, you can hope that your child will develop at an accelerated pace, show high performance and creative growth.

You and I realized how important it is to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers. It remains to answer the question: how to develop them? Thinking is characterized by the following qualities:

1. Fluency - the ability to quickly select the desired idea from all possible.

2. Flexibility - the ability to apply a variety of approaches and strategies when solving problems.

3. Originality - the ability to create smart, unique, unusual ideas and solutions.

4. Ability to develop in detail - the ability to expand, develop and elaborate on some ideas.

Host: And now I want to go directly to the tasks that will help develop all these skills.

Tasks for the development of thinking and creativity.

Prepare answers to the question of how you can use unnecessary things. For example, an old glove, beverage cans, a plastic notebook spiral, etc.

Finish drawing, indicated on paper with only one element. Each of the participants in turn adds their own strokes to the picture. On command, the work stops, after which the participants come up with a name for the resulting object, describe its properties and qualities.

On a sheet of paper, identical circles are depicted, under them the signatures: "Cheerful", "Sad", "Surprised", etc. The task of the players is to finish drawing the faces by adding images of eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth.

Finish the sentences started by the presenter: "Green Christmas tree, like (cucumber)", "Yellow chicken, like ... (Sunny)", "Round ball, like ... (apple)", etc.

Host: Dear parents!

You have completed the tasks that we offer your children.

How do you assess your participation in this work? Did you succeed in everything? Those who wish can express their opinion. We invite everyone to rate themselves on the “max - min” scale.

Have you been at the pinnacle of excellence or are there still untapped reserves? (Those who wish to put a mark on a piece of paper).

Host: Let's sum up the results of the joint work done. we have identified the importance of developing creativity. We suggest using these exercises and many others that can be used from specialized literature at home, organizing joint leisure activities with children.