Competitions can also be included in the program of the New Year scenario or any other holidays for adults.

5 seconds to think

The participants of the game are asked questions, the time for thinking is 5 seconds. For each correct answer, a bonus point is given.

Girl's daughter. (Doll)

Not having bad weather. (Nature)

The green one that kills the flies. (Yearning)

Savrasov-style flyers and Nekrasov-style flyaways. (Rooks)

Jacket for a diaper. (Vest)

Letters lined up for roll call. (Alphabet)

Grandma's audio system. (Gramophone)

The epicenter of the donut. (Hole)

Fur hunter. (Moth)

Fair fixture, from which the head is spinning. (Carousel)

Folklore intelligence test. (Mystery)

Latest trendy sound. (Squeak)

Part of the body, which is offered complete with a heart. (Hand)

A new building for a thoughtful ram. (Gates)

Pasta dispenser. (Colander)

Office junk. (Button)

The word against which there is no judgment. (No)

Hazel grouse neighbor in the bourgeois's mouth. (A pineapple)

Reverse side of the neck. (Face)

An institution that admits the illiterate. (School)

If unbearable, then unrequited. (Task)

The part of the leg with which baldness is often compared. (Knee)

Blue, crashed at Gaidar-grandfather. (Cup)

Sheepskin coat, which skaters often have triple. (Sheepskin coat)

Home porthole. (Window)

Part of the face that is sometimes hung. (Nose)

A karate attribute that gradually turns black. (Belt)

An arthropod that dragged Tsokotukha into a corner. (Spider)

Hostel for horses. (Stable)

Unit of account for autumn. (Chick)

A note that is a sin to pour on a wound. (Salt)

Decoration on the side of the devil-the-what. (Bow)

Lover of oil riding. (Cheese)

Egg in geometry. (Oval)

An occasion to publicly hug with your own or someone else's gentleman. (Dance)

Anniversary, it is round. (Date of)

Damn racketeer. (Balda)

It's time, which in September is a woman's. (Summer)

Wise time of day. (Morning)

Ostrovsky's favorite atmospheric phenomenon. (Storm)

A photograph in which only the ribs stick out in the picture. (Fluorography)

Light after bath. (Steam)

Fallen water. (Puddle)

A cool tool to roll Sivka. (Gorki)

Bedroom for Hen Ryaba. (Perch)

Small change green, which is a dime a dozen. (Duckweed)

Damn scientifically. (Poltergeist)

Unit of measure for sausage. (Stick)

Wood house. (Barn)

A dizzying companion of a lady. (Fragrance)


A feature of the quiz are answers that begin and end with one letter. Carrying out options:

It is necessary to make cards with letters of the alphabet. The player (or team representative) takes a card from the envelope, thus determining the letter for the question-interpretation of the word. The facilitator asks 1-2 questions and fixes the correct answers. You can (by agreement) take but 3-5 cards and answer questions of different letters. Cards can be drawn by a representative from another team.

Two teams are playing. The leader, using the principle of the alphabet, announces the letter and asks a question for both teams. The guys write their answers on pieces of paper and pass them on to the jury.

blood vessel (aorta)

Musical instrument (harp)

Classical opera ("Aida")

Tropical tree (baobab)

garden plant (bean)

Dog breed (wolfhound)

Russian artist (Vasnetsov)

Russian actor (Volkov)

Composer (Grig)

River in India (Ganges)

Hot drink (grog)

Signaling (gong)

Reason, motive (argument)

Profit from the enterprise (income)

Oral presentation (report)

Male name (David)

Divine Book (Gospel)

Name of master detective (Georges)

Order for execution (order)

River in Kazakhstan (Ili)

The name of the lemonade drink ("Isindi")

City (Kursk)

Polish dance (krakowiak)

English Traveler (Cook)

Camping pan (pot)

Headdress (cap)

Cook on the ship (cook)

Flower (bell)

Sleeping pills (luminal)

Type of ship (icebreaker)

Ancient Russian city (Murom)

Unit of weight (milligram)

Male name (Maxim)

Gas (neon)

Great physicist (Newton)

Mineral water ("Narzan")

Part of the room (window)

City in Norway (Oslo)

Shakespeare's tragedy (Othello)

Optical instrument (periscope)

Natural disaster (flood)

Vehicle type (pickup)

Part of the engine (radiator)

Conversation (talk)

Nuclear boiler (reactor)

Gogol's comedy ("The Government Inspector")

Large bird (ostrich)

Help signal (SOS)

Confectionery (cake)

Road (tract)

Gift (talent)

Profession (photographer)

Thinking scientist (philosopher)

Temporary makeshift dwelling (hut)

Tree (apple tree)

State (Japan)


Hint game. The facilitator pronounces a question-interpretation of the word. For a quick answer, the participant receives 3 points, after the first hint - 2, after the second - 1 point.

Sometimes mountain ... Sometimes golden ... Sometimes anchor ... (Chain)

There is such a metal... A mythical giant... A tank for boiling water... (Titanium)

There is in the watch ... Sugar - ... happens in tea ... (Sand)

There is such an old female name ... This is how a fake is often called ... There is such a tree ... (Linden)

In the Far Eastern bay, it is Golden ... It was often used on a big hunt ... But God does not give it to a vigorous cow ... (Horn)

Sometimes from above ... Sometimes the last one ... Sometimes a telephone ... (Call)

This is the name of a motor boat ... This is the name of a spaceship ... Sometimes a technical one ... (Progress)

Lives in the sea ... Sometimes on the stage ... Visible in the night sky ... (Star)

There was such a composer ... Grows on a tree ... Fell out of a notebook ... (Sheet)

A musical term... Several buildings combined into a single whole... Sometimes... songs and dances. (Ensemble)

There are cast-iron, wooden, golden ones ... A favorite sight of rams ... In football and hockey, they must be stormed ... (Gate)

Sometimes the Middle ... A delicate matter ... The side of the horizon ... (East)

You can take it... Everyone has their own... Everest has the largest. .. (Height)

There is such furniture ... Pensioners work there more often ... You need to hand over things there before the disco ... (Closet)

It happens big and small ... You can crawl through it ... You can sew it up ... (Hole)

Sometimes thick and thin ... Sometimes scientific, childish, cool ... There is such ... "Crocodile". (Magazine)

It happens high and low ... Women cannot do without them ... Men try not to fall under them ... (Heel)

It happens big and new ... According to A. Gaidar: everyone understands it in their own way ... You can bring it, wish it, you can fight for it, you can strive for it ... (Happiness)

The smallest part of any living organism... It happens in a notebook. .. In the zoo, animals and birds live in them ... (Cage)

Agricultural tool... Narrow sandbar. .. Maiden beauty... (Scythe)

This is the main thing that we need to find when solving a problem or on the way to success ... With its help, they tighten the screws and record songs ... It beats out of the ground ... (Key)

As the crocodile Gena sang in the Soviet cartoon, “Unfortunately, a birthday is only once a year!”, Therefore, it is simply necessary to make this event fun and bright.

Buying a cake and inviting guests is only half the battle. Organize a holiday that will be remembered by everyone, that's what you need. The atmosphere should not only be solemn, this day should be filled with fun and joy.

Incendiary contests will help to cheer up at a birthday party for both the birthday man and his guests.

Fun contests for an adult company

Competitions mean entertainment not only for participants, but also for observers. It is important that people approach the tasks with humor and feel relaxed. The facilitator gives an example of how to behave.
A positive attitude, smiles, dancing and humor and fun contests are all you need for an unforgettable birthday party for adults: friends, relatives, relatives and colleagues.

"Gifts for guests"

It's no secret that the birthday boy will be given a lot of gifts. Why not take care of your guests? The competition "Gifts for guests" is quite fun and interesting. The main thing is that he will leave a present for each participant in memory of this day.

Various gifts are tied on threads. The task of the blindfolded guests is to cut the thread and receive their gift.

Required Attributes: small gifts, threads, scissors, blindfolds.

Each guest will receive prizes already during the participation, if he tries hard.


Several couples must participate in the competition, which will fight against each other. Opponents will have to get on all fours facing each other. On the backs of the participants you need to attach sheets with words. The task of the opponent is to read someone else's inscription and save his own from someone else's gaze.

The winner will be the one who completes the task faster. Lifting your hands and knees off the floor is strictly prohibited. The person who will conduct the competition must monitor compliance with the rules and determine the winners.

Required Attributes: a sheet of paper and felt-tip pens with which you can write a word.

As prizes, you can make themed gifts - a bell, a horseshoe or something like that.

"Farm Frenzy"

The competition is designed for teams with a large number of participants. The minimum number of teams is two. There must be at least four players on each team.

Each of the teams gets a name - the name of an animal that usually lives on the farm. It can be pigs, horses, cows, sheep, goats, chickens or pets - cats, dogs. Team members must remember their name and the sound these animals make.

The host will have to blindfold the participants, and mix them with each other. The task of each team is to get together faster than others. They can only do it by ear. Everyone should bark or meow. Depending on belonging to a particular team, to make themselves known and find other members. The team whose players quickly gather and take each other's hands wins.

Required Attributes: tight blindfolds, preferably black.

As prizes, it is better to choose animal figures or small soft toys. You can also distribute sweets or cookies in the form of animals. A low-budget option is Korovka sweets for the winners.

"Dance Booty"

A fun contest for the birthday "Dance of the booty" will cheer up not only the participants, but also the audience. Cheerful music is turned on, and sheets with numbers are distributed to the participants. The maximum number of players is ten.

To the music, the participants will have to draw the figure that they have come across with the fifth point, constantly repeating it. The winner is the participant whose “dance” will amuse the audience the most.

Required Attributes: sheets of paper on which numbers are written, music to be played.

Anything goes as a prize. You can present a diploma to the dance priest herself.


The "Obzhorka" competition is not low-budget, but it's worth it. You need to purchase cream cakes equal to the number of participants. A key or any other thing that needs to be found is placed under the bottom of the cake.

The players' hands are tied behind their backs. Their task is to get the thing hidden in the cake with their mouths.

Required Attributes: light cakes (cream or whipped cream), armband.

As a prize, you can give another cake or pastry.

"Alien Thoughts"

This competition was appropriated by many leading weddings and corporate parties, as it always goes with a bang and causes a storm of positive emotions.

The presenter should prepare cuts of songs in Russian in advance. They will reflect the thoughts of the participants. It is best to alternate male vocals with female vocals so as not to get confused.

The host holds his palm over the head of one of the guests, the music immediately turns on, and everyone hears “what the participant is thinking about”.

Required Attributes: musical cuts with words.

Pay attention to the fact that the fragments of the songs are chosen correctly.

Prizes are not needed, since almost everyone will participate and there will be no need to determine the winner.

"With replenishment!"

Couples are required to participate: men and women. The task of this competition is not to find winners, but to cheer the guests.

A man and a woman supposedly get into a situation where they become parents. The newly-made daddy really wants to know who was born to him, ask a lot of questions. With his wife there is an opportunity to communicate only through thick soundproof glass. The woman's task is to answer the man's questions with gestures.

Prizes can be awarded not for victory, but for participation.


Two girls must be attracted to participate in the competition. Pre-prepared and already inflated balloons should be scattered around the hall. For each girl, it is best to assign a mentor who will monitor success and achievements.

The task of the girls is to burst as many balloons as possible to the music, however, according to the rules of the competition, it is forbidden to do this with their hands. The winner is the one that bursts more balloons in a certain time.

Required Attributes: bandages to tie hands, balloons.

The prize for the winning girl can be any little thing: hygienic lipstick, comb, mug or plate.

"Birthday congratulations"

The competition is held for all those sitting at the table. Everyone in turn should wish the birthday man one thing. You can't repeat.

The participant who says the most congratulations wins. The rest drop out one at a time if they can't remember anything new and original.

"While the match is burning"

While the match is burning, the participant must tell his story of meeting the birthday man as colorfully as possible. All guests are welcome to participate.

Matches are lit in turn: one goes out, another lights up. When everyone is in a hurry, stammering and stuttering will be extremely fun. Or maybe someone will stir up something extra? Interesting to listen and have fun.

"Flying Walk"

The birthday boy is taken to one end of the hall, and the guests go to the other. Each of the guests includes different music, to which they must demonstrate their gait.

Heading to the birthday man with a flying gait, the task of the guest is to kiss the hero of the occasion and return back. The competition implies maximum attention to the person who will have a birthday, and the musical walk of the participants will cheer everyone up.

"Defective Congratulation"

In advance, you need to prepare a lot of postcards on which there are congratulations in verse. The more complex the rhyme, the better.

Each participant is given two sweets, which, according to the rules of the competition, must be placed on both cheeks. The task of the participant is to read the congratulation with the expression. The prize will be given to the person who makes the guests laugh the most.

Chupa Chups is perfect as a prize for participation.

"Poison Bite"

All contestants are allegedly bitten by a venomous snake in the leg. Since life is full of fun, they should not despair, but dance.

Dancing participants first learn that their legs are numb. You can’t move the numb parts of the body, but you need to continue to dance. And so from toe to head. The winner is the one whose dance was the most incendiary no matter what.

Incentive prizes and the main present for the victory must be made unequal. For example, for participation - mugs, and for the victory - a bottle of champagne.

"Learn by ear"

It's time to test the birthday boy on how well he knows his guests. The voices of relatives and friends can be recognized from thousands. Shall we try? The birthday boy is turned back to the guests.

Each guest calls the name of the hero of the day in turn. We need to know whose voice it is. Since the members will be changing their voices, it will be a lot of fun.

Now you understand what kind of entertainment will make your birthday unforgettable?

In advance, you need to choose more favorite contests. Prepare all the necessary attributes, as well as prizes.

Decide who will run the competition. It is best to choose the most cheerful person from the whole company, who can provoke people and attract the attention of the public. The birthday will be great if everyone takes part in the ongoing games and competitions.

Do not forget to come in a great mood, it will surely be passed on to everyone around you. Give a smile to people and get them in return. The exchange of positive energy will set everyone on the right track.

Follow some simple but helpful tips:

  • Clearly formulate the conditions, explain the tasks to the participants, ask again if they understood you.
  • Write down all competitions on paper. So you will not forget their sequence, what they are, what presentations are prepared for them, as well as attributes. This will provide convenience to you personally.
  • Don't force people who don't want to participate. Everyone may have their own reasons for this, perhaps a person is shy, or maybe his mood has not yet reached that high level when he wants to rejoice himself and share this joy, win and be involved in everything.
  • Decide in advance on the budget that will be directed to the purchase of prizes. It is better to buy more than less. It is impossible to allow the possibility of leaving someone without a well-deserved prize.
  • Between each competition, do not forget to pay attention to the birthday man. Dilute the evening with jokes, congratulations and dancing.
  • Alternate outdoor competitions with mental ones, give the participants time to rest. You can first hold a dance, and then a competition at the table.
  • Feel confident while doing it. If the leader has a fear of speaking, then what can we say about the participants.
  • Support the participants and ask the observing guests to do the same. The unity of those invited will benefit everyone, especially if not everyone knows each other well.
  • If you have such an opportunity, then participate yourself. You set an example for all guests. Have fun to the fullest.
  • Praise and thank you for participating.

No matter how old you are, birthday is a holiday that remains a favorite at any age. Spend it, breaking away in full, because it is with such bright moments that our life is entertaining and beautiful.

Drop rules like “The main thing is not winning - the main thing is participation”, go to the end, win, get prizes. Let them not be too valuable, but very pleasant. It is from such small victories that big ones begin.

And in conclusion, we invite you to watch a test for real men called "Earth in the porthole" as well as other fun birthday contests for adults on video:

Fascinating, funny, funny contests and games are a must at a modern celebration for children. Children should have fun, take part in various active competitions, for which they will receive memorable prizes and gifts. Many parents invite their comrades and classmates to the birthday boy and want the celebration to be bright and colorful, joyful and exciting. To help moms and dads, we offer various competitions and games for children of different ages, as well as recommendations on how to prepare birthday contests for children of different interests and temperaments.

The content of the article:

How to prepare competitions for children's birthdays?

Be sure to take care of the decoration for the festive event. The room can be decorated:

  • colorful balloons;
  • paper garlands;
  • flags;
  • posters;
  • photographs of the child;
  • pictures.

The panoramic wall can be decorated with a congratulatory poster, to which is attached, meaning how old the child is. It can be made with your own hands from thick paper, painted with paints, decorated with rain, garlands, pompoms, sparkles.

Be sure to prepare leaflets on which the names of all invitees will be written. For rewarding, be sure to stock up on prizes, souvenirs, sweets and fruits. It can also be key rings and badges, felt-tip pens, pens, calendars, school supplies, lollipops, sketchbooks, notepads.

The solemn event should begin with simple uncomplicated warm-up games. Before the holiday, you can write a rough plan for maintaining a birthday.

All contests for a child's birthday should be different so that no one gets bored. Games can be mobile and musical, for intelligence, ingenuity, in the form of quizzes and puzzles, competitions. It is important that none of the guests invited to the celebration feel superfluous.

Friends are invited to the role of leader. It can also be performed by parents, older brothers or sisters, friends. All competitions should be exciting so that guests are not bored. Be sure to prepare funny stories, charades, anecdotes, jokes and poems that you can use to entertain guests in between competitions.

Birthday contests for preschool children

We offer games designed for kids from 3 to 6 years old. They are not only funny and exciting, but also entertaining, developing, intricate.

The children are waiting for the holiday, for them it is a real miracle and magic, on which, by blowing out the candles, they can make a cherished wish. Contests for which they will receive sweets and gifts will help to interest the children.

Find the treasure

Guests who came to the celebration should be divided into several teams. Tasks are laid out in advance. The kids have to do them to get to the treasure. In each note, a place should be drawn where to look for the next task.


Incredibly funny contest. The main goal of the relay race is to reach the finish line as slowly as possible. On command, all the children walk very slowly to the indicated place. The loser is the one who gets to it the fastest. Who stops - no longer takes part in the game. The winner receives a prize, and all participants receive souvenirs, sweets.

Blind candy rain

Several children are invited to play, they are blindfolded. Sweets should be scattered on the floor. The child with the most candies is the winner. Make sure that children do not cheat and do not peep.


You can come up with some fun contests with this props:

  • Participants must be divided into 3 groups. Between the legs, each player clamps an inflated ball, with which he must reach the finish line, passing the ball to the next participant. The team that manages to complete the task first will win. Encouragement prizes are welcome.
  • Competition for the drawing depicted on the ball. Children are given markers and balloons. On it, the child draws the face of a friend or other image. You can play solo or as a team.
  • At speed, guests must inflate balloons: whoever inflates it faster is the winner.

The most accurate

Everyone lines up in a row, in front of each child there is an adult who holds a bucket in his hands. Each child is given a ball. Participants have 3 attempts to throw. Who will have more accurate hits, he will receive a prize.

candy soup

Observant Parrot

Children participating in the competition must repeat all the words after the leader. The exception is the word "parrot". Music plays, various words are called, including the regular pronunciation of "parrot". Whoever repeats the word is out. The leader must be cunning and after each dropout, speak faster, confusing the children. The winner is the last remaining participant.


Under the terms of the competition, the presenter must say the color and turn on any melody for 10 seconds. During this time, the children should find some object of this shade in the room and put their hands on it. A participant who fails to find a suitable color is eliminated from the game. Then another color is pronounced and so on until only one participant remains - the winner.

Name day entertainment for children from 6 to 10 years old

Who eats faster

For entertainment, 2 plates are needed. In each you need to put:

  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • raisin;
  • peeled nuts;
  • sweets without a wrapper;
  • marmalade;
  • fruits.

2 people take part. The host gives the command, the players must eat everything that is on the plate. An important condition is not to use your hands. Whoever eats everything faster will be the winner. The game provides an opportunity to develop reaction and speed.

Winding up faster

2 children take part in the competition. Players must stand opposite each other. The host prepares a long thread in advance, you can also use a cord. Its length should be 5-6 meters. Tie a knot in the center of the thread. Each participant is given the end of the thread, which he will wind on the reel. The winner is the one who will be able to reach the middle faster than the opponent. The loser is also given a souvenir.


The leader can be chosen from the guests. All participants turn away for 30-40 seconds. The leader must fasten clothespins everywhere: he can attach them to toys, clothes, curtains, blankets, bedspreads. On command, the guys should turn around and collect clothespins. Whoever has the most pins wins. The winner can become the new leader.

Fighting in the air

For the game, you need to prepare inflated balloons. Players should be divided into 2 teams, standing opposite each other. The task of the guys is to transfer their balls to the side of the other competing team during the time when the melody will play. Players must repel the attack. The music ends, the kids freeze. The group of kids with the fewest balloons on their side wins.

chain of words

The leader, having gathered children around him, must say any word, for example, a chair. Children, divided into teams, take a piece of paper. On a piece of paper, the first participant needs to write a word, and the other players will make up a word chain. The paper must be fed one at a time. The next word will begin with the last letter of the previous word. Let's say a chair - gourmet - orange - mood - raccoon - plate - alligator - curtsey - baby elephant. The team that can come up with as many words as possible wins.

Passing the orange

Children need to break into 2 teams that line up. All players must pass each other an apple or an orange. The essence of the game is that they do it not with their hands, but with the help of their chin. If an orange is dropped, the baton must be started from the very beginning. The winner is the team that managed to pass the fruit from the first to the last player.

The cat that hid in the bag

It is necessary to put various objects, toys, sweets in the bag. The guys must choose a leader who will hold the bag. Players must recognize the object by touch, and then pull it out. The one who can guess as many items as possible wins.


Objects are laid out in front of the children. They can be clothes, toys, various utensils, as well as fruits and vegetables. Contestants must be able to pick up as many things as possible and try to hold them without dropping them. The prize is given to the participant who did the best job.

Collecting the scarecrow

Children should be divided into two teams. In front of each of them, different clothes are laid out. It can be hats and scarves, sweaters, trousers, shirts, dresses, shorts. The task of the team is to dress up the funniest and most amusing scarecrow. The team with the most original scarecrow will win.


The competition is held for the most fashionable girls. It is necessary to prepare for it in advance. Hats, scarves, scarves, skirts, glasses, jewelry are laid out in front of the girls. Every girl should decorate herself. And the boys who will sit on the jury must choose the most attractive fashionista and give her a prize.

funny competition

Everyone who wants to take part in the competition is tied to the foot of the ball. Participants to the music must burst the friend's balloon in the dance, and the opponent must try to prevent the competitor from doing this. The one who managed to keep his ball intact is the winner. He will get a valuable prize.

Taste qualities

The host puts pieces of various vegetables and fruits on the dish. The participant, who is blindfolded, must try the pieces and guess what he ate.

Dance with an apple

The host chooses two contestants. Children must squeeze an apple between their bodies. Everyone can try to dance with an apple. The competition cheers up, amuses the guests.

funny orange

In the room, you need to put 2 plates in one corner with 10 fruits, and empty plates are placed on the opposite side. Participants in the race must carry fruit from one plate to another, not with their hands, but with their chin. The team that completes the task faster will receive the award.


This is a fun competition that all the kids will love. To play a game for 2-4 people, you will need equipment. Children describe the situation, and they must show it without words. The rest of the guests must guess what the child is showing.

Children's birthday contests for teenagers

It is not easy for teenagers to find entertainment so that they can interest and captivate them. Fun should be funny, fun, entertaining - so that the guys do not try to quickly leave the holiday, which has become boring, or do not bury themselves in smartphones.

Birds in the market

This is an Italian competition. The game can be played from 6 to 8 participants.

One participant plays the role of the seller, the other must cope with the role of the buyer. The rest of the children squat down and wrap their arms around their knees. They will play chickens.

The buyer comes to the market, is interested: “Do you sell chickens?”. The seller replies: "I sell." Customer: Can I see them? Seller: I agree.

The buyer begins to walk behind the chickens, talking with displeasure - "This one is thin, and this one is plump, this one is not young, but this one is dry, this one is too wiry and frail." Then he grumbles with displeasure and chooses a chicken. The seller and the buyer raise the purchase, shake it and say - "You are beautiful, do not unclasp your hands and do not smile." If the participant starts laughing or smiling, he is out.

Pushing the cores

This is an exciting competition for teenage children. Place balloons on the edge of the table. The one who drives needs to be blindfolded and put with his back to the balloons that lie on the table. The player must take five steps forward, and then turn around 3 times in one place. Then he turns around and tries to deflate the balloon. Quite often, the guys lose the right direction and try to blow the balls out of where they were not. It's funny and funny.

Goose of gold

The host can remind the children of the old fairy tale, where everyone was glued to each other, and a magical golden goose led the procession. All players must stand in a circle, each can name one of the body parts. On the count of three, you need to stick to the neighbor with exactly the part that was named by the player. It is important to walk confidently and not fall. In such an unusual form, the children should shout loudly “Congratulations!” Three times.

Dancing with Obstacles

The competition consists of several stages:

  1. You will need to stock up on ropes. One must be pulled at a height of 1 meter, the second 50 centimeters from the floor. If there is nowhere to tie the ropes, the guys can hold it. The music turns on, we cross the lower rope, and crawl under the upper one.
  2. Two participants who take part in the game are blindfolded. They have to overcome obstacles to Latin melodies. The ropes are carefully removed, and the guys watch how the dancers try to carefully squat and step over.

Stationary artist

The host invites 2 people who can boast of the talent of an artist to participate in the game. Guests are given a felt-tip pen. The host says that you don’t have to draw today, because he has a magical gift and will enchant the participants. Children should imagine an invisible easel in front of them and freeze in front of it with a felt-tip pen.

Two more children are invited to participate in the game. They are given a sheet from the album in their hands, which is recommended to be attached to a solid base. The meaning of the competition is that the artists do not move, and the players with paper drive the sheet along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to depict a drawing. The winner is the one whose drawing is more original.

Facial expression or pantomime

To conduct the competition, you will need to prepare cards. They need to write a word on them. This is an item that the participants in the game will have to portray using pantomime. Those invited will have to guess what they are shown. If no one could guess within 2-3 minutes, the participant loses and performs a penalty task. He can crow, meow, grunt, cackle.

It is important that the entertainment that will be at the children's birthday party is not boring, ordinary or banal. In many ways, the holiday will depend on the host, his talent and ability to attract attention, interest and organize guests. Games don't have to be the same. The main requirement is attention to everyone, variety and fun. Do not forget that contests must be safe. Do not use low-quality pyrotechnics and do not trust children (especially small ones) to use candles, sparklers and other dangerous objects on their own.

Having prepared in advance, you can be sure that the child's birthday will be held in a fun and friendly atmosphere with exciting contests and prizes.

You can celebrate name days in a cafe, in a children's room or at home. When there is an animator at a children's party, you don't have to think about the plans for the event.

Even the birthday of an adult will not do without an entertainment program. Read how to make birthday contests.

For adults

An adult holiday can be planned in different ways. Hold a meeting of friends outside in the summer, in winter it is better to have a feast indoors.

You need to arrange a birthday and an entertainment program based on the criteria:

  1. Birthday age.
  2. The nature and preferences of the guests.

For an adult, alcoholic drinks may already be present on the table. Secretive people who do not accept jokes and practical jokes will not understand ironic jokes.

Women's and men's preferences are different: girls like quiet gatherings, guys will turn the music up louder.

It is difficult to get out of the situation if the company of friends is motley. You will have to prepare an event, adjusting to each guest. The birthday boy should not forget to take care of the comfort of each person.

Check out the memo for successful scripting:

Criterion Description
Scenario Make a plan according to which competitions will be held. Consider the location, available attributes and the desire of guests to participate in the celebration
Props Things you need for a successful celebration. Masks, crowns, costumes and a camera that captures every moment
Prizes When holding competitions, awards will be needed. Buy candy, small souvenirs or badges
Leading Hire a special person or become your own unique birthday host
Style Don't deviate from the topic. Do not forget that the main person at the holiday is the birthday boy. Come up with a theme, questions and contests related to the life and character of a person

The simplest version of the holiday is a feast. So that guests have something to talk about, hold the event seated. Add a twist to a traditional feast.

Several game elements will stir up the company:

  1. Congratulations. Let everyone present stand up, everyone will say a few pleasant words to the hero of the occasion, wish good luck or tell a poem.

    Such an introduction will melt the tense atmosphere, and the holiday will become more fun. It is possible to cast lots on the order in which those present will speak the toast.

  2. Contest "Who am I" Each guest writes to his neighbor on a piece of Velcro a word characterizing a person, object or feeling.

    The leaf is glued to the forehead, the participants take turns asking questions at the table to find out what word is written on the forehead.

    The one who guesses first wins. The game continues until the last word.

  3. Contest "Pregnancy" Large balloons are inflated, which guests hide under their T-shirts.

    The task is to collect matches or other small objects from the floor so that the ball does not burst under the clothes. The winner is the one who collected the most items.

For noisy companies, you can make an event of 10-15 contests. Inactive intellectuals prefer quieter games.

Bring a board game like "Consciousness", "Jenga" to the party to eat treats and be in the process of playing at the same time.

Advice! As prizes, print funny certificates with the award of the title of "Know-It-All", "Best Pregnant" or "Miss Logic".

For children

It's easier to write a script for children. But participants of different ages may not want to participate in a common holiday. A professional animator will gather the company into the game.

Spend your child's home birthday with fun contests:

Important! Develop a holiday scenario based on the age of the birthday person and guests.

Babies under 3 years old are rarely interested in active relay races, but you can play a children's fairy tale at a two-year-old holiday.

Turn off cartoons for the duration of the activity so that children can interact and play with each other more. Spend an unforgettable holiday for your child!

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Birthday is the brightest holiday for children and adults. It's nice when guests are happy and cheerful during the celebration. In order for the holiday to be a success, it is necessary to prepare for it in advance, especially if it is. Preparations include not only the decoration of the hall and the festive table, but also the approval of the entertainment program, without which it will be difficult to keep the attention of the guests.
There are many birthday contests offered on the Internet, but when it comes to writing a script, nothing can be found. In order to help solve this problem, we have selected the most suitable for adults and children. There are many such competitions on our list that you have not heard of before, but they have such a powerful energy that they can handle any company. They will give a charge of vivacity and positive.

Most importantly, during the organization of the competition program, do not forget to add our page to your bookmarks. You can quickly find everything you need. We will be glad if you like the contests and your guests are satisfied with an interesting pastime, regardless of the season, whether it is a birthday in summer, spring or even.

In order to hold a competition, you will need balloons, with which the hall for the name day is decorated, and large pants or bloomers. The task of the participants is to stuff more balls into trousers. It is recommended to play this game when all the guests have already warmed up enough at the table.

The most greedy

Balloons are scattered across the floor, players must pick up as many of them as possible during the time the music is playing. The “most greedy” one will win, the one who picks up the most balls.

cheerful orange

Among the participants are those who want to pass an orange to their neighbor. An orange is pinched between the chin and neck and passed from one player to another. The one who cannot pass it is out. Hands are not involved in this task. The one who has skill and dexterity will easily cope with the task and win.

Universal ATM

The competition is held with the participation of two people. Bowls are placed on two chairs - ATMs, the contestants move ten steps away from them and try to throw as many coins as possible into the bowl. The winner is the one who puts more money into the ATM, that is, a bowl. In order for the losing participant not to remain offended, he takes the money of his competitor, and that, respectively, the main prize.

Competition based on TV shows

"Fashion sentence"

The competition is very entertaining. To carry it out, you need to prepare two bags of clothes. It is best to invite men to participate in the competition. Each team must dress their ward as beautifully as possible.

The quality of the game depends on the creativity of the selection of clothes in bags.

Picasso Those wishing to take part in the competition must have artistic talent. They will face a difficult task and without the manifestation of these qualities it is not possible to cope with it. On a sheet of drawing paper, guests should depict what they want to give to the birthday man. The main difficulty is that you will have to draw with your teeth. The birthday boy must guess what the artist has guessed.

Pinocchio at a short distance

For a successful marathon, you need to prepare very seriously, that is, purchase or make noses in the form of a cone not an elastic band. Teams compete in running, holding a golden key on their noses, which they pass to each other. The winning team presents the key to the chest with gifts to the hero of the day.

Fun team competitions

Spring water

The main task of the teams is to quickly move all the water from a full glass to an empty one using a straw.

The winner is the team that fills the glass the most.

Love and power

The usual tug-of-war competition can be beaten as a test for sympathy for the birthday man. The team that pulls the rope loves the birthday man more.

Chief rodent

It is proposed to eat a pear or an apple on a string without touching it with your hands. The winner of this competition receives the honorary title of a rodent.

Corn sticks

You have to play in pairs. One person has his hands tied behind him, the second feeds him with chopsticks. The team that likes corn sticks more, that is, eats them faster, wins.

Competitions - relay races and group entertainment

naughty relay

Warmed up with drinks and delicious food, guests will be happy to play fun games.

Two groups are formed. Each group receives a spoon and a tennis ball. The task of each team is to run to the end of the hall, with a spoon in which there is a tennis ball and pass the baton to another member of the team. The winning team receives the title of "Merry Mischievous".

intellectual fun

Those who wish to play are divided into three or four teams, depending on the size of the company. Each team receives a token with the name of a profession. Teams are invited to stage the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" using professional vocabulary. The stories are fun and funny.


This competition will entertain the guests and especially the birthday boy.

To prepare, you need to find a mannequin, or make it out of cardboard. Attach a photo of the hero of the occasion to his face. The mannequin is dressed in what is called the latest fashion. The presenter must ask various questions to the guests and in case of an incorrect answer, an item of clothing is removed from the mannequin - the birthday man to the music.

Journey to childhood

This competition requires advance preparation. Birthday planners need to collect photographs of the guests showing them as young children. Using a screen and a projector, you need to display a photo on it. The task of the rest is to guess who is depicted on it. The game, as a rule, delights the participants of the entertainment.


Young couples are participating. To cheerful music, they must perform a dance on the newspaper. Each time the music is turned off, the newspaper folds up and its area decreases. The main condition is not to step over the edge of the newspaper. Those who fail are out of the game. The most persistent are awarded with a super-prize.

Real artists

For the game, funny situations or scenes from life are selected. Team members are invited to act out the situation, the team whose puzzle is solved by the guests wins.

Statue of love

The facilitator calls the participants, they are invited to depict their own version of the statue of love.

Other people's thoughts

This game perfectly charges the birthday with positive energy. Forfeits are being prepared with ready-made answers to the questions: why did you visit this birthday? Before the guest draws the fan, the host loudly asks a question. The answers must be very ambiguous. Then the game will be successful. For example: I have nowhere to sleep to eat, to borrow more money from someone, etc.

Merry accordion

The instigator of the game passes an accordion leaflet around in a circle, each guest writes his congratulation or characterization of the birthday man, then folds the edge of the sheet so that what he wrote is not visible. When all comers show their literary talents, the sheet unfolds. It turns out a wonderful benevolent pun.


Several people are selected from the invitees. They are invited to take turns picking up a matchbox with two matches. Then, when the participants get the hang of lifting the boxes, it is necessary to complicate the task, that is, ask them to stomp their feet while holding the box, at first lightly, then harder. When the participants get excited, the host turns to the rest of the guests and says the phrase into the microphone: Have fun? And ward number 6 starts a motorcycle.

Birthday Ribbon

The organizer must prepare well for this event.

You need to make a selection of songs that will mention colors and prepare ribbons of the corresponding colors. All guests receive one multi-colored ribbon. If a song is played in the hall that mentions a certain color, everyone who has ribbons of that color starts dancing in a circle. For example, the song "Blue Frost" is turned on, those with blue ribbons begin to dance. The leader determines what color the dance leader is.


In order for humble guests not to think about the invention of toast, this fun game is suitable. Using your own imagination, you need to make small notes with wishes and a set of simple words. Such notes are placed in a ball, several pieces. For fun, guests are invited to burst the balloon and add a congratulation from the words that are inside. The guest wins whose congratulations the audience will like the most. Words can be very different: pineapple, birthday, dog, banana, holiday, etc.

happy cowards

The birthday boy in a beautiful package is presented with family shorts, after he unfolds them, several more pairs of shorts are brought into the hall and the competition begins.

The presenter should focus on the fact that underpants are the best gift, families are simply irreplaceable. And they can be used not only for their intended purpose. Couples consisting of guys and girls get a pair of large shorts. At the command of the host, you need to dress them together. Then there are various funny commands that the participants must follow. Those who complete the commands the fastest win.

bird of happiness

If guests who are very familiar with each other came to the birthday of the birthday boy, this competition will turn out to be a real find. Participants become in a circle. The host invites everyone to imagine that he has a small bird in his hands, the bird is passed on and everyone who sends names the place where he would like to kiss her, after that everyone pulls out a fant with the name of the person and kisses him in the place that was named. Participants should not know the highlights of the game, then it will be fun and provocatively.

small bottle

For the game, you need to prepare a glass bottle in which twisted notes are folded. All participants sit in a circle. One spins the bottle and when its neck stops on someone, he opens it and completes the task. For example: pick up, kiss, bite, compliment, etc. The game cheers everyone up and is quite exciting.

Turnip or bun?

To conduct it, it is necessary to distribute the roles of the fairy tale. It is better to choose a fairy tale in a simpler way, for example, "Gingerbread Man" or "Turnip". When the leader begins to read the tale, all the roles come to life. It is better to perform actions to cheerful music.


The organizer prepares as many leaflets as there will be guests at the birthday party. Immediately you need to make a reservation that the game is suitable for a small number of guests. Everyone writes on a piece of paper a description of their appearance, using theses. The presenter takes out the leaves from the basket one by one, reads the description in order, the rest guess. One participant can name only one option. The one who guessed the most people wins.

sad gull

Guests are arranged in a circle in the sequence of a man-woman. The facilitator makes an action. Those standing in a circle apply it to their neighbors, while no one should laugh. Anyone who fails the test is immediately out of the game. The actions that the host thinks should be funny, for example: take a neighbor by the left ear, scratch his neighbor's knee, etc.

Merry sausage

If a large company has gathered, which consists of adults or children, it can be very interesting to entertain guests. The facilitator asks a question to everyone sitting at the table. There should be only one answer: sausage, or sausageskin, sausage. The game is very simple and fun, does not require special training. You can choose another funny word, it depends on the company.

dressing up

Participants stand in a circle. After the music turns on, the box is passed around in a circle, the person who has the box left after the music stops takes off some thing and puts it in the box. This continues until the guests part with a decent amount of clothing. After that, passing the box to the music, the guests begin to dress, but take things out of the box without looking. By the end of the game, everyone will be dressed up in the latest French fashion.

Favorite place

The driver is seated with his back to the rest of the guests, an inscription with the name of a certain place is hung on the back of the chair. For example: maternity hospital, toilet, sobering-up station, etc. The guests take turns asking questions to the driver, he, not knowing what is written, answers the questions, thinking that he is describing his favorite place. For example: what do you like there? Why do you love being there so much? The game is very fun.

Euro cuisine

Everyone who participates sits in a circle, the host invites all participants to draw out a fant with the name of any kitchen utensil. After the distribution of roles, the host asks questions to the players, while they give an answer only related to the name of his subject. For example: what's on your mind? Answer: Pot, etc. In no case should the player laugh, if the player cannot stand it, then he leaves.

Hold me straw

To hold a competition, you need to prepare plastic straws for drinks. The leader forms two teams. Each team needs to fold a straw that will be longer than the other team. Do it to the music