The diet of American astronauts is a complete table.  Breakfast give to the enemy: recommendations for proper nutrition from Leo Bokeria.  Instant porridge

The diet of American astronauts is a complete table. Breakfast give to the enemy: recommendations for proper nutrition from Leo Bokeria. Instant porridge

Methodology for calculating the diet of astronauts

The diet of American astronauts represents the well-known Kremlin diet. The diet can be characterized as universal. It is used to lose weight, maintain a stable weight, and even to increase a person's weight. The diet of astronauts is based on a peculiar calculation method.

The calculation is based on the conventional carbohydrate units that are contained in a particular product.

Depending on the goal, a person going on a diet should eat dishes with the appropriate y number. e.

  • For weight loss, the amount of e. should not exceed 40
  • To maintain a stable weight, you need from 40 to 60 cu. e. per day
  • To increase weight, you need to consume more than 60 cu. e. during the day

Pros of the astronaut diet

The diet of American astronauts owes its popularity among VIPs and ordinary people primarily to the fact that it is easily tolerated, and any exotic foods are not included in the diet. Even a late dinner is allowed. However, you need to watch the portions. In any case, a losing weight will not experience a painful feeling of hunger. And after a month, the body gets used to such a nutrition system.

For renowned cardiologist Leo Bokeria, the astronaut diet has become a way of life. The doctor eats like this all the time. The weight remains stable, there are no health complaints, and the vitality is high. The basis of the daily menu is meat, vegetables, cheeses - that is, foods high in protein and fiber and low in carbohydrates. Moreover, the consumption of food with a small amount of carbohydrates is not excluded. Due to the low concentration of carbohydrates in the body, intensive processing of fat reserves occurs, and a person loses weight.

Alcoholic drinks are allowed, but in small quantities. The diet of American astronauts includes a wide variety of dishes in the assortment of the daily menu. You just need to follow the calculation of the "points" contained in each product. A specially designed table will help with this.

Fragment of the American astronaut diet points calculation table

Products with zero content. e.

  • Smoked salmon (100g), sardines (3pcs), shrimp (100g), margarine (20g), (500g)

Products containing 1 cu. e

  • Some varieties of fish, butter (20 g), mayonnaise, Chinese radish, cream (2 tablespoons), lobsters, sausages, sausages - 1 c.u. e.

Products containing up to 5 at. e.

  • Crabs, salted herring, tofu cheese, green olives, pumpkin seeds, salted (1 pc.) - 2 c.u. e.
  • boiled fish, sauerkraut, Provence cabbage, eggplant (100 g), cottage cheese (100 g), apricot (1 pc.) - 3 c.u. e.
  • squid, smoked herring, veal liver (100 g), canned tomatoes (1 pc.), Zucchini (100 g) - 4 c.u. e.
  • vegetables stewed in vegetable oil (100 g), (100 g), fresh cucumber (100 g) fresh cabbage (100 g) - 5 c.u. e.

Products with a content of 25 or more. e.

  • Fruit cake - (1 pc.) - 25 c.u. e.
  • Fruit ice cream - 25 c.u. e.
  • Granulated sugar (1 tsp) - 26 c.u. e.
  • Marmalade (100 g) - 30 c.u. e.
  • Mashed potatoes (100 g) - 30 c.u. e.
  • Milk chocolate (100 g) - 54 c.u. e.
  • Walnut (100 g) - 56 c.u. e.
  • Cake with cream (150 g) -62 c.u. e.

The proposed fragment of the table gives a complete picture of the nutrition methodology. The diet at first glance may seem paradoxical: meat broth and a piece of boiled chicken contain 0 c.u. e., and a piece of marmalade - almost a daily norm! However, based on the calculated energy carbohydrate value, it is easy to create a menu for yourself so that the daily diet fits into the daily limit of 30, 40 or 60 c.u. e.

sample menu

Breakfast A cup of coffee without sugar, a piece of cheese (50 g), 1 pancake, - total: 9 c.u. e. Lunch Chicken broth, steak, mushroom stew with vegetables (200 g) - total: 8.5 c.u. e. Snack 1 cracker, a cup of tea without sugar, one boiled egg - 8.5 cu. e. Dinner Boiled chicken (200 g), Provencal cabbage (200 g), a cup of coffee with brandy - total: 8 c.u. e. The total daily energy value of consumed products is 34 c.u. e.

According to those who have lost weight on this program, the diet of American astronauts requires a careful approach. Don't be tempted to include a large portion of meat given the zero y content. e. It is better to observe the principle of moderation. The same applies to alcohol. In alcoholic beverages - a small content of "points", but they increase appetite, and there is a risk of catching up. e. at the expense of snacks. Remember that a teaspoon of sugar contains almost a day's worth! So there is no need to sweeten anything. The diet technique allows you to gradually reduce the amount of "points", guided by the table - so it is easier for the body to adapt.

One of the most popular diets in the world, promoted by stars, politicians, businessmen, and followed by hundreds of thousands of ordinary people, is called the diet of American astronauts. It is also known under the name "Kremlin".

How did the secret diet come about?

The diet of American astronauts became widespread towards the end of the 20th century, when it turned from a narrowly focused method of nutrition into a generally accessible way to quickly and effectively lose weight without driving yourself into the framework of starvation. The legendary diet has two main versions of its origin.

According to the first, it is the brainchild of specialists from the American space department, and was designed to keep the weight of US astronauts normal. Another version suggests that the low-carb system was invented in scientific offices that were in the service of the Russian government.

However, the likelihood of American origin seems more likely, since in the United States the problem of obesity is particularly acute. It is quite natural that America was concerned about the creation of a special diet that could lead to a rapid loss of excess kilograms.

But in our country, Yuri Luzhkov greatly contributed to its popularization, allegedly once declaring that on this diet he got rid of 15 kilos of excess weight in a short time. Inspired by the example of foreign followers of the effective methodology, the former mayor of the capital decided to test it on himself, after which the system went to bureaucratic circles, and then to the people. The diet of American astronauts and the Kremlin diet are one and the same system, only with different names.

The special popularity of the technique was ensured by the absence of strict restrictions on food and alcohol consumption. Few people are ready to give up fried meat, fragrant salty bacon with a glass of alcohol, hearty fish, cheese and other tasty products for the sake of harmony. Here, eat your fill. For the sake of this, you can forget about sweets and potatoes - there is something to not only kill the worm, but also feed it to its full. And the figure at the same time - slimmer.

What is the essence of such a power supply system

Of course, every reasonable person will think: “what is the secret, due to which the mass accumulated over the years is spent?”. There is a detailed and understandable scientific explanation for this.

Almost all foods containing carbohydrates are excluded from the diet. The emphasis is on protein and plant foods. Of course, it is not recommended to completely remove carbohydrates, as this will lead to serious health problems.

In general terms, you can talk about the principle of the diet of American astronauts as follows:

When we consume carbohydrates, glycogen, a starch used by the body for energy, begins to be synthesized. Glycogen also binds water molecules. If the body begins to experience a shortage of carbohydrates, it switches to energy production from the already accumulated glycogen stores. Together with glycogen, water leaves, then the processing of existing fats begins. The result is rapid weight loss. In addition, the ketone bodies that appear during incomplete processing of fat affect the decrease in appetite, so you will not want to eat even the allowed goodies without measure.

If you are planning to go on a low-carb diet, be sure to check your blood sugar levels. When we consume large amounts of carbohydrates, glucose levels rise and the insulin produced helps the carbohydrates to be converted into fats. If you do not have normal sugar levels, then fat will not be used as an energy source.

What is the danger of a diet, and is there something useful in it

Most doctors and nutritionists, seeing pictures of the unreasonable desire of many people to lose weight using the diet of American astronauts, agree that such a system can be extremely dangerous to health.

What are the dangers of such a system? Seeing how rapidly weight is reduced in the first week of the diet, often losing weight try to enhance the effect by removing even the amount of carbohydrates recommended by the authors of the methodology.

The absence of carbohydrates and a huge amount of ketone lead to severe intoxication of the body. Such poisoning can be so serious that in ancient China it was used as a special method of execution - feeding the criminal exclusively with meat, they achieved his painful death caused by the resulting toxins.

In conditions of a lack of vitamins and an excess of toxic substances, the inability of the body to fully process the incoming food leads to constipation, starting the processes of decay. Trying to remove increased amounts of ammonia, the liver and kidneys suffer. Without a balanced diet, you can easily provide yourself with kidney stones and joint pain.

In addition, the body in the absence of carbohydrates begins to actively break down proteins, which often leads to muscle atrophy. Muscle tissues suffer absolutely everything, including the heart, which also has an extremely negative effect on the normal functioning of the body. The dehydration that comes with the loss of glycogen leads to weakness, loss of appetite and general fatigue.

The lack of vitamins and microelements necessary for normal life activity entails a violation of absolutely all processes in the body. Completely exclude carbohydrates, lean on proteins and foods rich in cholesterol - and you are provided with gastritis, cardiovascular diseases, and reduced immunity. In particularly difficult cases, when the pancreas ceases to cope with its work, you can get diabetes mellitus.

But if everything is so scary, why does this diet have so many followers? Undoubtedly, its benefits can also be quite large. It just requires a reasonable approach and compliance with certain rules.

The absence of many fruits, vegetables and nuts can be replaced by the intake of good multivitamin complexes. You can devote yourself to a low-carbohydrate lifestyle only when you are absolutely healthy, and in the process, consult a doctor, take urine and blood tests, and check the condition of the kidneys and liver.

If you can make a balanced menu from allowed products and strictly adhere to it, you will really quickly and much lose weight, then all that remains is to maintain weight by adhering to a similar nutrition system. The body will overcome the habit of accumulating fats and will actively and effectively eliminate them. This diet is indicated for obese people who need to get rid of a lot of excess weight. For those whose goal is to lose only a few kilograms, it is better to turn their attention to more gentle nutrition systems.

It is also strictly forbidden to conduct such experiments with the diet of pregnant and lactating women, people with any chronic diseases, children and adolescents, as well as people with cardiovascular and neurological ailments.

The basic principles of the diet of American astronauts

The diet, in accordance with the stages of weight loss, is divided into three main levels. The first is the activation of the body, the second is the gradual process of losing weight, and the third is the maintenance of the achieved result.

Since the diet is low-carbohydrate, the point of eating on it is to count the carbohydrates consumed. On the Internet and printed publications, you can easily find detailed tables that indicate the amount of carbohydrates (conventional units or points) in 100 grams of a variety of products. It remains only to take into account everything that you eat, trying to get into the framework of the existing stages of the diet.

Only those who have set foot on the path of weight loss are advised to limit carbohydrates quite strongly - no more than 20 conventional units per day. After a couple of weeks, you can move on to the second stage and allow yourself to eat up to 40 c.u. daily. e. This period can be maintained for at least two months. But when the desired weight has already been reached, you can relax more, but do not exceed 60 points.

Flour products, sugar, soy, legumes, starchy vegetables and sweet fruits, carbonated drinks, sugary dairy products are strictly excluded from consumption. The possibility of eating cereals and nuts is very limited.

Do not follow the advice to introduce sweeteners. This is a direct road to diabetes.

It is worth mentioning some products that are harmful to the body, which are still included in the list of permitted. Sausages, sausages and other similar semi-finished products are not suitable for any of the existing diets - they have so many obvious and hidden additives that only a scientific laboratory can reveal that you should not risk your health.

Despite the fact that the use of strong unsweetened alcohol is allowed, one should not forget that alcohol significantly activates the food center, but it slows down the breakdown of fats, which will definitely give negative consequences.

Be sure to select the required daily carbohydrate intake from the tables. Its reduction is fraught with huge problems.

Many advise setting aside one day a week for a regular (but moderate) meal. This will help to cope with a slowdown in metabolism.

To avoid constipation caused by an abundance of protein foods, try to eat more allowed vegetables.

It is very important to control the intake of proteins. According to the tables, meat, fish, shrimp, eggs and other protein products have the number of standard units equal to zero. But this does not mean that you can eat them several kilograms a day. The protein norm is calculated based on the approximate normal (without fat) weight of a person who is losing weight. For example, if you weigh 100 kilograms and fat is about 20% of that weight, your net weight would be about 80 kilograms. For each such kilogram, there should be a maximum of 5 g of protein per day, that is, no more than 400 grams.

What could be the weekly menu

When compiling the menu, you need to remember that meals should be regular, and the diet should be complete, that is, animal and vegetable products should be equally combined (within the program, of course).

In principle, the variety of permitted foods allows you to eat tasty and without strict restrictions. A positive result will be evident.

Here are seven examples of breakfasts, lunches and dinners that you can vary according to your own taste. The approximate number of points (arbitrary units) is indicated in brackets. Drinking - mineral or plain water, black / green tea or coffee without sugar.


  1. Fried eggs from two eggs and a piece of bacon, hard cheese - 100 g (4).
  2. Low-fat cottage cheese without additives - 150 g, salad of two boiled eggs with mushrooms, seasoned with olive oil - 100 g (5).
  3. Two boiled eggs and 100 grams of hard cheese (3).
  4. Three milk sausages and boiled cauliflower - 100 grams (8).
  5. Low-fat cottage cheese with herbs and garlic - 200 g (7).
  6. 6 quail eggs, 100 grams of boiled beef tongue, tomato (5)
  7. Salad of green sweet peppers, cauliflower and boiled chicken fillet (in equal proportions) - 200 grams (6).


  1. Salad of squid and olives, with olive oil - 100 g, bake 150 grams of white fish with mushrooms (9).
  2. Pork soup with broccoli and green onions - 200 grams (5).
  3. Vegetable salad with olive oil (sweet peppers, carrots, cucumbers) - 100 grams, the same amount of boiled or baked lean meat (8).
  4. Pink salmon baked with onion and egg - 150 grams, tomato (6).
  5. Cucumber salad, lettuce, tomato - 100 grams, baked chicken - 100 grams (6).
  6. Chicken soup with peppers, carrots and white cabbage - 200 grams (8)
  7. Boiled liver - 100 grams, squid and browned onion salad - 100 grams (6).

afternoon tea

  1. Medium apple (13).
  2. Pistachios - 30 g (6).
  3. Olives - 10 pieces (4).
  4. Walnuts - 40 grams (4).
  5. Small orange (13).
  6. Grapes - 100 grams (15).
  7. Melon - 100 grams (9.5).


  1. Tomato, boiled chicken - 150 g, unsweetened yogurt - 200 g (12).
  2. Baked cauliflower with chicken fillet and cheese - 250 g (7).
  3. Boiled fish - 200 g, tomato, unsweetened yogurt - 200 g (13).
  4. Low-fat chop - 200 g, lettuce - 150 g (4).
  5. Cucumber, tomato, and hard cheese salad dressed with 200g low-fat yogurt and 100g bacon (17).
  6. Dry wine - 200 g, hard cheese - 100 g, baked fish - 200 g, lettuce - 100 g (6).
  7. Boiled liver - 200 grams, broccoli, pepper and cucumber salad with olive oil - 200 grams (12).

From the proposed menu, we see that the food on this diet can be quite varied and interesting. At the initial stage, a kitchen scale is very useful in order to accurately navigate the amount of food used.

The diet of American astronauts is no different from the Kremlin diet. This is the Russian analogue of the Atkins diet. The essence of the Kremlin diet. What's in the bowl? Sample menu for the week. It is necessary not only to count points, but also to adhere to the daily routine and sleep schedule. Exit from the diet. Who is not recommended kremlevka?

eggplant diet

In eastern countries, eggplant is often referred to as a longevity vegetable. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). Can be useful eggplant and those who want to lose weight. It contains a small amount of calories, it gives a long feeling of satiety, has a beneficial effect on bowel function and improves metabolism. Eggplant diet - mono-diet on vegetables.

beetroot diet

Beet diet for weight loss is the most convenient way to a slim figure. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). The essence and benefits of the beetroot diet. How to choose a good beet? One day beetroot diet. Beetroot diet for 7 days. Beetroot diet for a week. Beetroot diet for 10 days. American Beetroot Diet. Diet of academician Bolotov on beet pulp. Purification and weight loss on beetroot kvass according to the recipe of academician Bolotov. Exit from the diet.

Rosehip Diet

Rosehip is a medicinal rose. Rose hips contain a variety of useful substances. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) of fresh fruits and dried rose hips. When using rose hips, one must be very careful and should consult a doctor. When to take, how to choose and how to store rose hips? Protein diet with rose hips is designed for 10 days. and during this time you can lose up to 10 kilograms. Rosehip decoction will be unchanged every day. Diet menu.

cherry diet

Sweet cherries are the first summer vitamin and bright, elastic, juicy fruits themselves ask to be in our mouths. No wonder it got such a name as the “berry of youth”. Nutrient content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals). Cherry berries are extremely useful. Cherry itself has practically no contraindications. You can eat cherries in kilograms. Rules for choosing delicious cherries. Rigid cherry mono-diet. Cherry diet with kefir 3 days. Enriched Cherry Diet.

The American diet in the traditional sense is not only hamburgers, Coca-Cola and sweets, but new approaches to weight loss, borrowed from astronauts.

The diet of American astronauts is the twin sister of the Kremlin diet

There are many options for building a menu for 13 or 21 days, each of which involves:

  • restriction of sweet and fatty;
  • meals strictly 3 times a day with snacks;
  • adjusting the caloric content of the diet - moderation.

Less carbs, more protein. And nothing else needs to be added. This will automatically lead to fat loss, save muscle. It is believed that the basis for the Kremlin diet is the principle of developing rations for astronauts in the United States. Cardiologist Leo Bokeria brought from the USA variations of a low-carbohydrate protein regimen, which gives a five-kilogram drop in the first week, and really get rid of 21 kg in 10 weeks.

Three postulates of the regime of American astronauts:

  • reduction of carbohydrates;
  • increase in protein, which is absorbed slowly;
  • regular physical activity.

The essence of the regime: when you do not find sweets and fats in the refrigerator at home, you can go to the store, which is impossible for astronauts on the space station. However, at home, all simple carbohydrates remain within a walk to the store, so a table has been developed for the diet of American astronauts, indicating points for each product per 100 g.

Vegetables get from about 2 to 16 points, fruits from 3 to 68 points, lactic acid products from 0.5 points to 28 points, depending on the fat content of the cooking method. Of course, sugar matters. Animal protein foods do not receive carbohydrate points at all.

The diet of astronauts consists of several stages:

  • the initial stage for 1-2 weeks - no more than 20 carbohydrate points;
  • the main stage up to 6 weeks - no more than 40 carbohydrate points;
  • maintenance stage up to 1 week - up to 60 carbohydrate points.

The third stage can be used as a weekend routine, occasionally returning to it to keep fit.

The following are declared enemies:

  • sugar and all confectionery;
  • pastry and bread;
  • carbonated drinks, juices and fruit drinks;
  • sweet fruits;
  • any alcohol and beer;
  • cereals with a high level of carbohydrates (millet, oatmeal, corn);
  • legumes and nuts;
  • vegetables with starch;
  • pasta;
  • dairy products with sugar.

Agree, if you remove all the listed products from the diet, you will lose weight without counting calories.

Russian cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria eats according to the principles of astronauts, using the following diet:

  • Breakfast: cottage cheese with low-fat and unsweetened yogurt;
  • Lunch: low-fat dairy dish (kefir, cottage cheese without fat);
  • Dinner: the main and essential meal of boiled meat, fresh vegetables with the obligatory inclusion of tomatoes, as well as potatoes (but not every day).

American diet on day 13: weight loss cycles

Like a rollercoaster, the calorie content of the diet will rise or fall after three days to force the body to adjust to the energy intake each time and accelerate the metabolism.

Diet slides are built on three calorie cycles:

  • the first three days for 600 kcal;
  • the next three days for 900 kcal;
  • the last three days at 1200 kcal.

Cycles are repeated until the target weight is reached, but it is usually not recommended to repeat the diet for more than 12 days. At each ascent, the slides provide for an increase in calorie content due to the expansion of available products, so an approximate diet plan is as follows.

Day 1-3 High Protein:

  • Breakfast: low-fat cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • Snack: berries or unsweetened fruits - 200 g;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup and two rice cakes;
  • Snack: egg white omelet and greens;
  • Dinner: boiled fish - 200 g.

3-6 day carbohydrates and proteins:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal on the water, a medium-sized apple;
  • Snack: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, buttered coleslaw, slice of whole grain bread;
  • Lunch: vegetable salad and fish (chicken fillet) - 100 g;
  • Snack: 200 ml of kefir and a spoonful of bran;
  • Dinner: shrimp - 100 g.

7-9 day carbohydrates and proteins:

  • Breakfast: porridge on the water - 200 g, a spoonful of vegetable oil;
  • Snack: 200 ml of kefir;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken fillet - 200 g, cucumber and tomato salad, one baked potato;
  • Snack: fruit of your choice: 2 apples or oranges or one banana;
  • Dinner: boiled chicken (fish, cottage cheese) 100 g, salad.

To make it easier to withstand the slides, you need to drink two liters of water a day, sleep 8 hours a night, be sure to walk for an hour. It is better to limit intensive training and strength training, you can go rollerblading or do yoga, since calorie content of 600-1200 kcal is not enough to maintain high physical activity.

The rollercoaster diet can be adapted to the basal metabolic rate, below which calorie reduction can be detrimental to the body.

After calculating the lower calorie threshold, you need to build slides according to the following principle:

  • 1-2 day - lower calorie threshold;
  • 3-6 days - the lower threshold of calories and another 300 kcal;
  • 7-9 days - the lower threshold of calories and another 600 kcal.

Of course, to get rid of 21 kg, you will have to approximately double the duration of the diet, that is, go through the slides all four times. You can speed up the process and add more exercise on days when calories are above your basal metabolic rate.

To achieve a good result in 14 days or 21 days on the American diet, you need to completely remove foods that make up the list of prohibited foods from the diet. Exceptions include cereals and nuts - they must be included in the menu of people who train.

A diet with a balanced composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates with alternating calories allows you to maintain youth.

American diet for 21 days

This dietary option provides for the alternation of protein and carbohydrate days, eating 5-6 times a day, limiting the caloric content of the diet. An approximate menu of protein days is: 200 g of cottage cheese for breakfast and a little honey; boiled fish or chicken with broth, two eggs, greens for lunch; a glass of yogurt, cereal toast with low-fat cheese for dinner.

As two snacks, low-fat milk with honey is used. Carbohydrate days offer the following diet: a spoonful of oatmeal in water with an apple; vegetable soup or salad, boiled chicken meat, cereal bread with low-fat cheese; vegetable salad with cereal bread and a little honey. Snacks from a mixture of sweet and sour fruits, except for bananas and grapes.

A diet built according to all the rules for 21 days should be based on the calculation of nutrients per 1 kg of body weight. On protein days, the amount of protein approaches 3-4 g, and carbohydrates are reduced to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. On carbohydrate days, it is allowed to increase the amount of carbohydrates to 4-5 g per 1 kg of body weight, and proteins can be at the level of 1-2 g per 1 kg of weight.

Eat right, stick to the schedule and extra pounds will leave your body quickly and easily!

The secret of the Kremlin diet (continued)

The most complete table of the "weight" of foods in your diet

These days, Komsomolskaya Pravda receives hundreds of letters, calls with a request to once again publish the so-called diet of American astronauts, which is fashionable among the Russian political beau monde.

We write about her on Saturdays in the daily newspaper.

Before the New Year, we decided to make a gift to our readers: to print the treasured table. By the way, here we have added new products, the "cost" of which we learned in recent days. Lose weight with us!

Nutritional efficiency conditions used in the development of the diet of the US military and astronauts. Weight loss is provided by limiting the diet to 40 cu. e. per day, maintaining weight - at 60 y. e., an increase of more than 60 c.u. e. If you follow a diet up to 40 at. That is, you can lose 5.5 kg in 8 days.

Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Boiled meat 100 g 0
Lamb, pork tenderloin 100 g 0
natural chop 100 g 0
Chicken (var.), goose, duck, turkey, rabbit 100 g 0
Meat fried in breadcrumbs 100 g 5
Meat with flour sauce 100 g 6
Heart 100 g 1
Brain 100 g 12
Calf's liver 100 g 4
beef liver 100 g 6
Steak 100 g 1
sausages 100 g 1
Sausages (all varieties) 100 g 1
Ham 100 g 1
Beef stew 100 g 5
Beef stew 100 g 10
Veal goulash 100 g 2
Pork goulash 100 g 9
Eggs in any form thing 0,5

Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Boiled fish 100 g 3
Fish fried in breadcrumbs 100 g 12
smoked salmon 100 g 0
sardines 3 pcs. 0
Acne 100 g 1
Crabs 100 g 2
Salted herring 100 g 2
Smoked herring 100 g 4
fish in tomato 100 g 6
mussels 100 g 5
oysters 100 g 7
squids 100 g 4
lobsters 100 g 1
Shrimps 100 g 0
Scallops 100 g 2,5

Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Milk 250 g 6
Kefir, sugar-free yogurt 250 g 13
Cheese of different varieties 100 g 0,5 - 2
Cottage cheese 100 g 3
Sour cream 200 g 10
Cream 2 tbsp. spoons 1
Butter 20 g 1
Vegetable oil 20 g 0
Margarine 20 g 0
Mayonnaise 20 g 1
Condensed milk 20 g 10
Soy milk 250 g 1,2
Tofu (soy cheese) 100 g 2

Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Fresh cucumber salad 100 g 6
boiled cauliflower 100 g 6
fresh cabbage 100 g 5
Sauerkraut 100 g 3
Provencal cabbage 100 g 3
Green beans 100 g 8
Vegetables stewed in rast. oil 100 g 5
Carrot 100 g 5
Mushrooms 100 g 6
Pumpkin 100 g 10
eggplant 100 g 3
vegetable marrow 100 g 4
Daikon (Chinese radish) 100 g 1
fresh tomato (medium) thing 6
canned tomato thing 4
Pepper green thing 9
fresh cucumber thing 5
pickled cucumber thing 2
Leek thing 11
Bulb onions thing 8
Green onion (chopped) cup 5
Beet thing 6
Radish 6 items 0,5
Corn cob 15
Lentils 1/2 cup 14
Soya beans 1/2 cup 6
Chickpeas (mutton peas) 1/2 cup 16
boiled potatoes 100 g 23
Fried, baked potatoes 100 g 20
Mashed potatoes 100 g 30
potato chips 10 pieces 10


Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Sugar teaspoon 26
coffee cake 150 g 65
chocolate cake 150 g 70
cream cake 150 g 62
Cake without filling and cream 150 g 31
fruit cake thing 25
pancake thing 8
tea biscuits 100 g 12
Creams different 50 g 15
fruit ice cream 100 g 25
Creamy ice cream 100 g 22
lollipops 100 g 70
milk chocolate 100 g 54
bitter chocolate 100 g 23
Raisin 150 g 18
Marmalade 100 g 30
Candies 100 g 75
Honey 50 g 15
Jam 100 g 12

Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Apple thing 18
Orange thing 17
Apricot thing 3
Avocado thing 5
Banana (small) thing 21
Mandarin thing 6
Peach thing 9
Nectarine thing 13
Lemon thing 6
Kiwi thing 9
Plum thing 8
Figs (fresh) thing 8
Pear thing 25
Pineapple (sliced) cup 17
Watermelon (sliced) cup 11
Melon (sliced) cup 12 - 15
Dried apricots cup 80
Blackberry cup 12
Blueberry cup 16
Cherry cup 16
Cranberry cup 8
Blueberry cup 21
Black currant cup 19
Prunes boiled 1/2 cup 39
Berries are different 200 g 20
Raspberries 200 g 17
Grape 200 g 18
walnut 100 g 56
Peanut 2 tbsp. spoons 1,8
Hazelnut 2 tbsp. spoons 1,2
Pumpkin seeds 2 tbsp. spoons 2,4
sunflower seeds 2 tbsp. spoons 1,5
Pine nuts 2 tbsp. spoons 1,7
Almond 100 g 11

Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Apple juice 250 g 10
Orange juice 250 g 28
grape juice 250 g 10
Tomato juice 250 g 10
lemon juice 250 g 20
grapefruit juice 250 g 20
Mineral water 250 g 0
Tea, coffee without sugar 250 g 0
cocoa with milk 150 g 26
Wine natural (dry) 250 g 1
Beer 250 g 12
Liquor 60 g 18
fruit water 250 g 20
Compote 250 g 30
Whiskey, vodka, cognac, rum, tequila 150 g 1

Products Qty Points (conventional units)
Cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon 0,3
Coconut 2 tbsp. spoons 0,8
ground chili pepper 1 teaspoon 0,5
Vinegar 1 st. spoon 2,3
apple cider vinegar 1 st. spoon 1
white wine vinegar 1 st. spoon 1,5
red wine vinegar 1 st. spoon 0
Mustard 1 st. spoon 0,5
Cranberry Sauce 2 tbsp. spoons 13
capers 1 st. spoon 0,4
Garlic clove 1
Ginger root 1 st. spoon 0,8
Horseradish 1 st. spoon 0,4
Ketchup 1 st. spoon 4
Black olives 5 items 0,7
green olives 5 items 2,5
Soy sauce 1 st. spoon 1
tahini 1 st. spoon 2,5
Barbecue sauce 2 tbsp. spoons 3,6
Sweet and sour sauce 1/4 cup 15
Tomato sauce 1/4 cup 3,5
Tartar sauce 2 tbsp. spoons 1
Hollandaise sauce 2 tbsp. spoons 0,3
Meat gravy (broth based) 1/4 cup 3
Spices 1 st. spoon 0,1

Komsomolskaya Pravda journalist Yevgeny Chernykh has been experiencing a radical weight loss remedy for the second month now. In a pleasant struggle with excess weight, he lost as much as 12 kilograms. And he is not going to stop there.






First of all, you should avoid sweet, flour, potato dishes, bread, rice, fruits, juices, vegetables that contain a lot of carbohydrates. The most important thing is not to sweeten anything.

Sugar, even 1 piece, will absorb YOUR DAILY DIET, and you will not be full of it.

This is the most paradoxical diet in the world. At first glance - idiotic. Well, tell me, can a person in their right mind say that in order to quickly lose weight, you need to eat more ... meat, eggs, fish. Wash it down with dry wine or vodka. The first reaction is to twist your finger at your temple.

But ... Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who tried a bunch of different diets, lost 15 kg on this one. Rumor has it that State Duma Chairman Boris Gryzlov, Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev and many other high-profile Russian officials fell in love with her. Which pass each other five cherished typewritten pages with the basic principles of nutrition and a list of products priced in conventional units.

And this miracle cure is called simply - "the diet of American astronauts."

I myself have tried different weight loss methods. But the lost kilograms each time quickly returned. Even with a vengeance. By the age of fifty, I had gained as much as 99 kilos. With a height of 178 cm.

I started this secret diet on November 6th. For the first week, 4 kg immediately flew away. I couldn't believe my eyes when I stepped on the scales. Then the results became more modest, but the weight continues to evaporate. The total result for 7 weeks is 12 kilograms. I want to lose five more kilograms in a month and a half slowly.

Tips for those who go on this diet

The first temptation: in a serving of meat - zero points. So, you can eat a kilogram at a time. Can. But it is better to know the measure. The same applies to alcohol. There are few points in vodka, but the appetite is played out. You can go overboard with snacks.

Eat plenty, don't starve. You can also have dinner at midnight. The main thing is that the body is comfortable. But here's what I noticed after a month and a half: I no longer feel like eating a lot. The body is used to smaller portions.

The basic principle is to consume as few carbohydrates as possible. The body, not receiving this sweet source of energy, begins to use the accumulated reserves of fat.

How long to sit? Cardiac surgeon Leo Bokeria has been eating like this for a quarter of a century. Looks cheerful, does not complain about health. Bring the weight to the desired condition, then increase the diet to 60 points per day. The choice is large.

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