Pedagogical ethics

Pedagogical ethics faces a number of urgent tasks (which can be divided into theoretical and applied), including

  • study of methodological problems, essence, categories and specifics of pedagogical morality,
  • development of moral aspects of pedagogical work as a special type of pedagogical activity,
  • identifying the requirements for the moral character of the teacher,
  • the study of the essence and characteristics of the individual moral consciousness of the teacher,
  • study of the nature of the moral relationship of the teacher with students
  • development of questions of moral education and self-education of the teacher.

  • professional pedagogical duty,
  • pedagogical justice,
  • pedagogical honor
  • pedagogical authority.

  • The authority of suppression
  • The authority of pedantry
  • Reasoning authority
  • The authority of imaginary kindness

Pedagogical tact

  • this is a sense of proportion in the behavior and actions of the teacher, which includes high humanity, respect for the dignity of the student, justice, endurance and self-control in relations with children, parents, work colleagues.
  • Pedagogical tact is one of the forms of implementation of pedagogical ethics.

The main elements of the pedagogical tact are:

  • - exactingness and respect for the pupil;
  • - the ability to see and hear the student, to empathize with him;
  • - business tone of communication;
  • - attentiveness, sensitivity of the teacher.

Teacher and teaching staff

  • Moments of business communication:
  • in morality there is no absolute truth and no supreme judge among people,
  • when it comes to the ethical errors of others, one should not make “moral flies” into “moral elephants”. When it comes to your mistakes, you should do the opposite:
  • in morality, one should praise others, and make claims against oneself,
  • the moral attitude of others towards us depends, ultimately, only on ourselves,
  • when it comes to the practical approval of moral norms, the basic principle of behavior is “start with yourself”.

Ethics of business communication "from top to bottom" (head - subordinate)

  • strive to turn your organization into a cohesive team with high moral principles of communication,
  • the remark to the employee must comply with ethical standards,
  • strengthen the subordinate's self-esteem,
  • trust employees and admit your own mistakes,
  • the privileges you give yourself must extend to
  • other members of the team.

Ethics of business communication "from the bottom up" (subordinate - leader)

  • do not try to impose your point of view on the leader or command him. Express your suggestions or comments tactfully and politely,
  • do not talk to the boss in a categorical tone, do not always say only “yes” or “no”. An employee who always agrees is annoying, and the one who always says “no” serves as a constant irritant.
  • be loyal and dependable, but don't be a sycophant. Have your character and principles,
  • you should not seek advice, with a proposal, etc. "over your head", immediately to the head of your leader. Your immediate supervisor in this case loses authority and dignity.

Ethics of business communication "horizontally" (between managers of the same rank or ordinary members of the team)

  • do not demand any special treatment or special privileges from another,
  • try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in the performance of common work,
  • don't make promises you can't keep
  • view your colleague as a person to be respected in and of itself, not as a means to your own ends,
  • don't get into a person's mind. At work, it is not customary to ask about personal matters, and even more so about problems,
  • do not try to seem better, smarter, more interesting than you really are.


  • Only if the teacher will feel responsible to those whom he teaches and educates, will strive for self-development and self-education, will be creative in his work, only then those whom we teach will be interested in the classroom, only then they will remember, appreciate and respect their teachers.

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The presentation on the topic "Pedagogical ethics" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Subject of the project: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 22 slide(s).

Presentation slides" alt=" Pedagogical ethics. “Happiness is when you are understood”" title="Pedagogical ethics. "Happiness is when you are understood"">!}

slide 2

Pedagogical ethics

"Happiness is when you are understood"

slide 3

Pedagogical ethics is part of pedagogical skill. Requirements of pedagogical ethics. Pedagogical tact. Pedagogical conflict resolution Commandments of pedagogical communication

slide 4

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Some qualities of a teacher

Honesty Goodwill Deep interest in the success of their pets, respect for their personality A sense of responsibility for the results of work Compliance with discipline

slide 6

Pedagogical ethics is part of pedagogical excellence

An important basis for the professional culture of a teacher is pedagogical ethics or deontology (from the Greek deon - duty and logos - teaching), ethics (from the Greek ethos - temper, custom) - the science of the norms and rules of behavior, relationships between people. Pedagogical ethics, on the basis of general ethical norms, determines the normative moral positions that a teacher must be guided by in the process of communicating with students, their parents, and colleagues.

Slide 7

Ethical code of relations between a teacher and colleagues at work

Do not rush to criticize the traditions and forms of work that have been established in this institution over the years and offer certain innovations on the go. When discussing an open lesson or teacher's session, start by describing the positives; this will give him moral support. If in the class where you taught your subject, the students did not cope with the task or behaved badly in the lesson, it is incorrect to blame the children, the class teacher, parents for this. We must look for the causes of failures in our own methodological miscalculations. If you do not agree with the opinion of a senior, respected colleague or administration, you should not take a conciliatory position, but you should not aggravate relations either. Remember: your benevolence, contact, desire for business cooperation, readiness to take into account the best experience, support a new undertaking are the main prerequisites for a favorable atmosphere for successful work and good creative well-being in the work team.

Slide 8

Requirements of pedagogical ethics:

An attitude that strengthens faith in success; Establishing the right relationship between teacher and student. teacher and student; Friendly attitude towards every student; Favorable verbal communication with students. Students from the very first meeting; The appearance of the teacher himself, the appearance, the very situation in the classroom.

Slide 9

Pedagogical tact

Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave in a decent, appropriate way (dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov) Pedagogical tact is the principle of measure, which the teacher must observe in the process of communicating with children; is determined by the pedagogical skill, experience, level of culture and personal qualities of the teacher; expressed in the ability to find the best measures of educational influence in any situation (including conflict situations), without humiliating the dignity of the child and without causing him resistance to education (pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary edited by B.M. Bim-Bad) Pedagogical tact involves taking into account personal characteristics of the subjects of communication, observance of the moral and ethical professional attitudes of the teacher. Pedagogical tact is the professional quality of a teacher, part of his skill.

Slide 10

The main features of the pedagogical tact:

Naturalness, ease of handling without familiarity; Sincerity of tone, devoid of any falseness; Trust in the student without connivance; Request without solicitation; Tips and tricks without being obtrusive; Demands and suggestions without suppressing the independence of the pupil; Seriousness of tone without tension in the relationship; Irony and humor without derogatory mockery; Demanding without petty pickiness; Efficiency in relationships without irritability, coldness and dryness; Firmness and consistency in the implementation of educational influences without unreasonable cancellation of the requirement; Development of independence without petty guardianship; Speed ​​and timeliness of educational influence without haste and rash decisions; Attentiveness to the student without emphasizing his control; calm concentration and balance in communication, excluding indifference and excessive excitability; Conducting conversations with students without didacticism and moralizing. The main sign of pedagogical tact is finding a measure in the relationship between the teacher and students in the process of communication.

slide 11

Pedagogical conflict resolution

Types of conflicts: Internal and external; Interpersonal and intergroup; Social; Interethnic and interstate; Potential and actual; Direct and indirect; Constructive (stabilizing, productive) and destructive (non-constructive); Vertical and horizontal; subject and personal; role-playing; Motivational; Communication (based on misunderstanding).

slide 12

Conflict resolution rules:

First of all, one should try to master the conflict situation, which means to defuse mutual emotional tension. How? Start with yourself: remove “extra” tension, stiffness, aimless movements. Facial expressions, gestures. Posture, as we know, not only expresses the internal state, but also influence it. So, external calmness and endurance!

slide 13

Try to understand the motives of the interlocutor's behavior. The inclusion of mental analysis reduces emotional arousal. It is better to express my understanding of the predicament: “I don’t understand your condition”, to convey my condition: “It upsets me.” So, do not try to immediately evaluate the act, first try to express your attitude to the current situation.

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Commandments of pedagogical communication

The pedagogical process is based on the relationship of the teacher with the children, giving a unique personal meaning, coloring the educational process with a range of feelings, without which one can never reach the secrets of the child's soul. When organizing pedagogical communication, one cannot proceed only from pedagogical goals and objectives. When organizing pedagogical communication, it is important to accurately and adequately focus speech on a particular child or on the entire group of students. Communication in the pedagogical process cannot be limited to only one function - information. When interacting with children, do not organize communication with them “vertically”, from top to bottom. Relationships should be built in such a way that the position of the leader naturally follows from the entire logic of the pedagogical process.

Slide 18

It is important to feel the psychological atmosphere in the classroom - without this, a productive educational process is impossible. Learn to see yourself as if from the outside, through the eyes of children. Analyze your own activities. We must learn to listen to children. When organizing communication with children, it is necessary to constantly strive to understand their mood, to catch the slightest changes in the microclimate of the class; it is necessary to develop pedagogical observation in oneself. It must be remembered that the conflict can be: a consequence of pedagogical illiteracy; the result of a conflict of requirements. Attitudes, value orientations, habits and skills; you need to analyze the causes of the conflict.

Slide 19

Smile more often for children. A smile when the teacher enters the classroom indicates that you are pleased to meet the students. Let approval, praise, encouragement sound more often from your lips. Communicative memory should be developed - this will help to quickly restore the previous situation of communication with the class, reproduce the emotional atmosphere of communication. Set the right accents. Do not forget about communicative preparation for the lesson. Be able to analyze the communication process. Watch your own speech! Remember that it is a reflection of your personality.

  • Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.
    1. The predominance of the forms of demand preferred (consciously or unconsciously) by the teacher largely affects the nature of the emerging relationships and their development. The wider and richer the palette of indirect requirements, the higher their percentage in the total number, the brighter and more expressive the teacher's skill, the closer and dearer he is to the children and they to him.

      All requirements can be divided into positive ones, i.e. stimulating some actions of students necessary for the teacher, and negative ones, designed to slow down, stop certain undesirable actions. Where the number of prohibitions on the part of the teacher increases, it is difficult to expect a good attitude of students towards him. A. S. Makarenko believed that to find a sense of proportion between activity and inhibitions means to solve the problem of education.

      Models of communication between the teacher and students

      The teacher is removed from the students, reduces his functions to the communication of information. The consequence is lack of initiative, passivity of trainees.

      Model "non-contact" ("Chinese wall")- the teacher establishes a distance between himself and the students:

    • emphasizing the teacher of his superiority over students;
    • the desire to communicate information, not to educate;
    • approval of the "statement" of schoolchildren;
    • condescending and patronizing attitude towards students.

    The consequence is the lack of interpersonal interaction between the teacher and students, poor feedback in the educational process, etc.

    The teacher builds relationships with children selectively, focuses on a group of students (strong or weak), ignoring the rest. The consequence is the absence of a coherent and continuous system of communication; fragmentation and situational interaction.

    The teacher purposefully and consistently acts on the basis of the planned program, not paying attention to the circumstances that require a change in communication. The consequence is that planned types and forms of work that are not brought into line with real pedagogical tasks remain unfulfilled, give a low pedagogical effect, even if they are actually implemented in the classroom.

    The teacher makes himself the main, the only initiator of the pedagogical process. Consequence - the personal initiative of students is eliminated; schoolchildren wait for requirements and instructions and as a result are not prepared for creative behavior.

    The teacher is subject to constant doubts: whether they will understand him correctly, be offended or not, etc. The consequence is that the content side of communication is replaced by emotional moments in the teacher-student relationship.

    The teacher in the process of interacting with students hears only himself (when explaining new material, interviewing students, during individual conversations with children). The consequence is that feedback is lost, a psychological vacuum is created around the teacher, he is not able to take into account the likely perception of the lesson material by students, and therefore, quickly feel and interpret the socio-psychological atmosphere in the course of teacher-student interaction both in the lesson and outside of class time.

    The teacher is constantly in dialogue with the students, keeps them in a positive mood, encourages initiative, grasps changes in the psychological climate of the team and responds to them. The consequence is the predominance of the style of friendly interaction while maintaining the role distance of the teacher, the joint solution of emerging problems.

    View document content
    "Presentation to the pedagogical council on the topic: "Pedagogical ethics in working with students.""

    Pedagogical tact - observance of the pedagogical principle of measure in communicating with children in a wide variety of fields of activity, as the ability to choose the right approach to students, based on their personal characteristics and relationships with them

    • expressing a positive attitude - request, approval, trust
    • expressing a negative attitude - distrust, condemnation, threat
    • advice, playful demand, hint, conditional demand

    Negative Models communication between teachers and students

    • emphasizing the teacher's superiority over the students
    • the desire to inform, not to educate
    • approval of the "statement" of schoolchildren
    • condescending and patronizing attitude towards students

    Thank you for your attention!

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    Slides captions:

    State Budgetary Educational Institution of Primary Vocational Education Vocational School No. 79, Verbilki, Moscow Region Presentation "Pedagogical Ethics"

    Pedagogical ethics "Happiness is when you are understood"

    Plan Pedagogical ethics is part of pedagogical excellence. Requirements of pedagogical ethics. Pedagogical tact. Pedagogical conflict resolution Commandments of pedagogical communication

    Pedagogical ethics Pedagogical ethics is the science of pedagogical morality. Pedagogical ethics is a science that studies the norms of a teacher's behavior.

    Some qualities of a teacher Honesty Goodwill Deep interest in the success of their pupils, respect for their personality A sense of responsibility for the results of work Compliance with discipline

    Pedagogical ethics is a part of pedagogical skill An important basis for the professional culture of a teacher is pedagogical ethics or deontology (from the Greek deon - duty and l ogos - teaching), ethics (from the Greek ethos - temper, custom) - the science of the norms and rules of behavior, relationships between people. Pedagogical ethics, on the basis of general ethical norms, determines the normative moral positions that a teacher must be guided by in the process of communicating with students, their parents, and colleagues.

    Ethical code of relations between a teacher and work colleagues Do not rush to criticize the traditions and forms of work that have been established in this institution over the years and offer certain innovations on the go. When discussing an open lesson or teacher's session, start by describing the positives; this will give him moral support. If in the class where you taught your subject, the students did not cope with the task or behaved badly in the lesson, it is incorrect to blame the children, the class teacher, parents for this. We must look for the causes of failures in our own methodological miscalculations. If you do not agree with the opinion of a senior, respected colleague or administration, you should not take a conciliatory position, but you should not aggravate relations either. Remember: your benevolence, contact, desire for business cooperation, readiness to take into account the best experience, support a new undertaking are the main prerequisites for a favorable atmosphere for successful work and good creative well-being in the work team.

    Requirements of pedagogical ethics: An attitude that strengthens faith in success; Establishing the right relationship between teacher and student. teacher and student; Friendly attitude towards every student; Favorable verbal communication with students. Students from the very first meeting; The appearance of the teacher himself, the appearance, the very situation in the classroom.

    Pedagogical tact Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave in a decent, appropriate way (dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov) Pedagogical tact is the principle of measure, which the teacher must observe in the process of communicating with children; is determined by the pedagogical skill, experience, level of culture and personal qualities of the teacher; expressed in the ability to find the best measures of educational influence in any situation (including conflict situations), without humiliating the dignity of the child and without causing him resistance to education (pedagogical encyclopedic dictionary edited by B.M. Bim-Bad) Pedagogical tact involves taking into account personal characteristics of the subjects of communication, observance of the moral and ethical professional attitudes of the teacher. Pedagogical tact is the professional quality of a teacher, part of his skill.

    The main features of pedagogical tact: Naturalness, ease of handling without familiarity; Sincerity of tone, devoid of any falseness; Trust in the student without connivance; Request without solicitation; Tips and tricks without being obtrusive; Demands and suggestions without suppressing the independence of the pupil; Seriousness of tone without tension in the relationship; Irony and humor without derogatory mockery; Demanding without petty pickiness; Efficiency in relationships without irritability, coldness and dryness; Firmness and consistency in the implementation of educational influences without unreasonable cancellation of the requirement; Development of independence without petty guardianship; Speed ​​and timeliness of educational influence without haste and rash decisions; Attentiveness to the student without emphasizing his control; calm concentration and balance in communication, excluding indifference and excessive excitability; Conducting conversations with students without didacticism and moralizing. The main sign of pedagogical tact is finding a measure in the relationship between the teacher and students in the process of communication.

    Pedagogical conflict resolution Types of conflicts: Internal and external; Interpersonal and intergroup; Social; Interethnic and interstate; Potential and actual; Direct and indirect; Constructive (stabilizing, productive) and destructive (non-constructive); Vertical and horizontal; subject and personal; role-playing; Motivational; Communication (based on misunderstanding).

    Rules for resolving conflicts: First of all, you should try to master the conflict situation, which means to defuse mutual emotional tension. How? Start with yourself: remove “extra” tension, stiffness, aimless movements. Facial expressions, gestures. Posture, as we know, not only expresses the internal state, but also influence it. So, external calmness and endurance!

    Rules for resolving conflicts: Try to understand the motives of the interlocutor's behavior. The inclusion of mental analysis reduces emotional arousal. It is better to express my understanding of the predicament: “I don’t understand your condition”, to convey my condition: “It upsets me.” So, do not try to immediately evaluate the act, first try to express your attitude to the current situation.

    Rules for resolving conflicts: Agree on a goal. It is necessary to realize as early as possible what unites you with the student, to see the “common starting point” of interaction, to demonstrate it, moving to the position of “we”

    Rules for resolving conflicts: Secure your position with confidence in the possibility of a productive solution. And finally, after resolving the conflict, mentally return to it, analyze its causes and ways to prevent it. It is always easier to avoid an acute collision than to extinguish it.

    Conflict resolution rules: Influence your partner (student, colleague) with your behavior. Silent consideration of the face of a participant in the conflict helps to relieve tension, which will enable the teacher to concentrate and study his condition.

    The commandments of pedagogical communication The pedagogical process is based on the relationship of the teacher with the children, giving a unique personal meaning, coloring the educational process with a range of feelings, without which one can never reach the secrets of the child's soul. When organizing pedagogical communication, one cannot proceed only from pedagogical goals and objectives. When organizing pedagogical communication, it is important to accurately and adequately focus speech on a particular child or on the entire group of students. Communication in the pedagogical process cannot be limited to only one function - information. When interacting with children, do not organize communication with them “vertically”, from top to bottom. Relationships should be built in such a way that the position of the leader naturally follows from the entire logic of the pedagogical process.

    Commandments of Pedagogical Communication It is important to feel the psychological atmosphere in the classroom - without this, a productive educational process is impossible. Learn to see yourself as if from the outside, through the eyes of children. Analyze your own activities. We must learn to listen to children. When organizing communication with children, it is necessary to constantly strive to understand their mood, to catch the slightest changes in the microclimate of the class; it is necessary to develop pedagogical observation in oneself. It must be remembered that the conflict can be: a consequence of pedagogical illiteracy; the result of a conflict of requirements. Attitudes, value orientations, habits and skills; you need to analyze the causes of the conflict.

    Commandments of pedagogical communication Smile more often to children. A smile when the teacher enters the classroom indicates that you are pleased to meet the students. Let approval, praise, encouragement sound more often from your lips. Communicative memory should be developed - this will help to quickly restore the previous situation of communication with the class, reproduce the emotional atmosphere of communication. Set the right accents. Do not forget about communicative preparation for the lesson. Be able to analyze the communication process. Watch your own speech! Remember that it is a reflection of your personality.

    Conclusion “Understand the student” is a professional commandment of a teacher. To understand means to penetrate into the inner state of mind, to understand the motives of actions, deeds, experiences. Communication between the teacher and the student sometimes becomes crucial. The ability, while listening, to hear your interlocutor is the skill of a teacher and, of course, the art of communication.

    Thank you for your attention!

    References: V. Pisarenko, I. Pisarenko. Pedagogical ethics. Minsk, 1986 I. Chernokozov. Professional ethics of the teacher. Kyiv, 1988 Yu. Azarov. The art of educating. M, 1978 /10/blog-post_7275.html

    Sh. Amonashvili I

    Love and Devotion, Faith and Patience.
    Joy and Compassion, Suffering and Compassion.
    Truth and Heart, Conscience and Nobility.
    Seeking and Giving, Poor and Rich.
    Teacher and Student, Educator and Pupil.
    Pathfinder and Life Artist.
    Refuge of Childhood and the Cradle of Humankind.
    Smile of the Future and the Torch of the Existing.
    Teacher from God and Co-worker of God.

    Pedagogical ethics

    "Happiness is when you

    Pedagogical ethics

    ethics is the science of
    studying norms

    Pedagogical ethics is part of pedagogical excellence

    An important basis for professional
    teacher's culture is
    pedagogical ethics or deontology (from
    Greek deon-duty and logos-teaching), ethics (from
    Greek ethos - temper, custom) - the science of norms and
    rules of conduct, relationships
    between people.
    Pedagogical ethics based
    general ethical norms determines
    normative moral positions,
    to be followed
    teacher in the process of communicating with students,
    their parents and colleagues.

    Some qualities of a teacher

    interest in
    the success of your pets,
    respect for their personality
    responsibility for
    labor results

    Ethical code of relations between a teacher and colleagues at work

    Do not rush to criticize the established over the years in this
    the establishment of traditions, forms of work and "on the move" to offer those
    or other innovations.
    When discussing an open lesson or teacher session, start
    with the characteristics of the positive moments; this will give you
    him moral support.
    If in the class where you taught your subject, students do not
    coped with the task or behaved badly at the lesson,
    it is incorrect to blame the children, the class teacher,
    parents. We must look for the causes of failures in our own
    methodological flaws.
    If you do not agree with the opinion of a senior, respected colleague
    or administration, should not be conciliatory
    position, but do not aggravate relations.
    Remember: your benevolence, contact, desire
    for business cooperation, readiness to take into account the best experience,
    to support a new undertaking - the main prerequisites
    favorable atmosphere for successful activity and good
    creative well-being in the work team.

    Requirements of pedagogical ethics:

    1. Installation, reinforcing faith in success;
    2. Establishing the right relationship
    between teacher and student.
    teacher and student;
    3. Friendly attitude towards everyone
    4. Favorable verbal communication with
    students. students from the very first
    5. The appearance of the teacher himself, appearance,
    the atmosphere in the auditorium.

    Pedagogical tact

    Tact is a sense of proportion that creates the ability to behave
    in a decent, proper way (dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov)
    Pedagogical tact is the principle of measure, which the teacher
    must observe in the process of communicating with children;
    determined by pedagogical skills, experience,
    the level of culture and personal qualities of the teacher;
    expressed in the ability to find optimal measures
    educational impact in any situation (including
    including in conflict situations), without degrading the dignity of the child and
    without causing him resistance to education (pedagogical
    encyclopedic dictionary, ed. B.M. Bim-Bada)
    Pedagogical tact involves taking into account personal
    features of the subjects of communication, compliance
    moral and ethical professional attitudes
    Pedagogical tact - professional quality
    teacher, part of his skill.

    The main features of the pedagogical tact:

    Naturalness, ease of handling without familiarity;
    Sincerity of tone, devoid of any falseness;
    Trust in the student without connivance;
    Request without solicitation;
    Tips and tricks without being obtrusive;
    Demands and suggestions without suppressing the independence of the pupil;
    Seriousness of tone without tension in the relationship;
    Irony and humor without derogatory mockery;
    Demanding without petty pickiness;
    Efficiency in relationships without irritability, coldness and dryness;
    Firmness and consistency in the implementation of educational influences
    without unreasonable cancellation of the claim;
    Development of independence without petty guardianship;
    Speed ​​and timeliness of educational impact without haste
    reckless decisions;
    Attentiveness to the student without emphasizing his control; calm
    concentration and balance in communication, excluding indifference and
    excessive excitability;
    Conducting conversations with students without didacticism and moralizing.
    The main sign of pedagogical tact is finding a measure in relationships
    teacher and students in the process of communication.

    commandments of pedagogical
    The teaching process is based on
    the relationship of the teacher with the children, giving
    unique personal meaning, coloring
    educational process with a range of feelings, without which you will never
    do not reach the secrets of the child's soul.
    When organizing pedagogical communication, it is impossible
    proceed only from pedagogical goals and objectives.
    When organizing pedagogical communication, it is important to accurately and
    appropriately orient speech to a specific
    child or for the whole group of students.
    Communication in the pedagogical process is impossible
    limited to only one function -
    When coming into contact with children, do not organize with them
    communication “vertically”, from top to bottom. Should
    build relationships so that the position
    leading naturally flowed from all logic
    pedagogical process.

    Commandments of pedagogical communication

    It is important to feel the psychological atmosphere in
    classroom - without this, a productive educational process is impossible.
    Learn to see yourself as if from the outside, through the eyes
    children. Analyze your own activities.
    We must learn to listen to children.
    Organizing communication with children, it is necessary
    constantly strive to understand their mood,
    catch the slightest changes in the microclimate
    class; needs to be developed
    pedagogical observation.
    It must be remembered that the conflict can be:
    a consequence of pedagogical illiteracy;
    the result of a conflict of requirements. installations,
    value orientations, habits and skills;
    you need to analyze the causes of the conflict.

    Commandments of pedagogical communication

    Smile more often for children. Smile when the teacher enters
    the class says that meeting with students is pleasant
    to you.
    Let approval, praise sound more often from your lips,
    Communicative memory should be developed
    help to quickly restore the previous situation
    communication with the class, reproduce the emotional
    atmosphere of communication. Set the right accents.
    Do not forget about communicative preparation for the lesson.
    Be able to analyze the communication process.
    Watch your own speech! Remember that it is a reflection of your personality.


    "Understand the student" - professional
    teacher command.
    To understand is to penetrate into
    inner state of mind
    motives for actions
    experiences. communication between the teacher and
    student sometimes becomes
    fateful. Ability to listen
    your interlocutor is a skill
    teacher and, of course, art

    List of used literature:

    V. Pisarenko, I. Pisarenko. Pedagogical ethics. Minsk, 1986
    I. Chernokozov. Professional ethics of the teacher. Kyiv, 1988
    Y. Azarov. The art of educating. M, 1978