Legal documents regulating the activities of the teacher in the organization of the educational process in the subject "Physical Education"

Federal documents:

1. Federal Law -FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (as amended by Federal Laws -FZ, -FZ);

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 000) “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education” (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 01, 2011 No. 000) ;

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2014 No. 000) “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education” (Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 7, 2012 No. 000) ;

4. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On Approval of the Federal Component of the State Educational Standard for Primary General, Basic General and Secondary (Complete) General Education”;

5. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 03-1263 "On exemplary programs in subjects of the federal basic curriculum";

6. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education" (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, dated 01.01 .2001 No. 38);

7. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation n (as amended on 01.01.2001) “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 6, 2013 No. 000);

8. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (as amended on 01/01/2001) "On approval of the list of organizations engaged in the publication of textbooks that are allowed for use in the educational process in state-accredited educational institutions implementing educational programs of general education" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 15, 2010 No. 000);

9. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "On Amending the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2010 No. 000" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 02.02.2016 No. 000)

10. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2016 No. 38 “On Amendments to the Federal List of Textbooks Recommended for Use in the Implementation of State-Accredited Educational Programs for Primary General, Basic General, Secondary General Education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2014
No. 000"

11. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation (as amended on 01.01.2001) “On the approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 03.03.2011 No. 000 ), (as amended by Changes No. 1, approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, Changes
No. 2, approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation, Amendments No. 3, approved. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation);

12. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training and education in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted basic general education programs for students with disabilities” (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 14, 2015 No. 000);

13. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.01.2001
No. 000 “On Approval of the Regulations on the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (TRP)”;

14. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. MD-583/19 “On methodological recommendations “Medical and pedagogical control over the organization of physical education classes for students with health problems”.

15. Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. IK-1494/19 “On the introduction of the third hour of physical culture”

16. Methodological recommendations on the mechanisms for recording the results of the implementation of the standards of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) in the implementation of ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification of students in the subject "Physical Education" (Letter from the Department of State Policy in the field of general education of the Ministry education and science of the Russian Federation -1447)

17. Guidelines for the prevention of injuries in physical education and sports in educational institutions of the Russian Federation (Letter from the Department of State Policy in the field of general education -2228)

Regional level documents:

1. Law of the Republic of Crimea -LRK/2015 "On Education in the Republic of Crimea".

2. Order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea "On Approval of the List of Mandatory Business Documentation of Educational Institutions".

3. Order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea "On Approval of Methodological Recommendations for the Formation of Curricula of General Educational Organizations of the Republic of Crimea for the 2015/2016 Academic Year".

4. Letter of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea dated 01.01.2001 No. 01-14/2013 “On the direction of methodological recommendations for maintaining class registers for students in grades 1-11 (12) of general educational organizations”.

5. Letter of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea dated 01/01/2001 No. 01-14 / 2014 "On the organization of extracurricular activities".

6. Letter of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea dated 01.01.2001 No. 01-14/1839 “On the curricula of educational institutions of the Republic of Crimea for the 2017/2018 academic year”.

Educational and methodological support of the subject "Physical culture"

In the 2017/2018 academic year, the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General and Secondary General Education (hereinafter referred to as FSES OO) continues, along with the introduction of FSES IEO and FSES, the implementation of programs of the federal component of the state educational standard (hereinafter - FC SES).

This academic year, the federal list of textbooks is in effect, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 000 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state-accredited educational programs for primary general, basic general, secondary general education” subject to change.

Physical Culture. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks grades 5–9 of the Federal State Educational Standard: a guide for teachers of educational institutions /. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

Lessons of physical culture 5–7, 8–9 grades: guidelines /. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

Textbooks "Physical culture". Grade 5, Grade 6.7, Grades 8–9: /. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

8 - 9 grade

Physical Culture. Work programs. Subject line of textbooks grades 5–9 of the Federal State Educational Standard: a guide for teachers of educational institutions /. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014

Lessons of physical culture 5–7, 8–9 grades: guidelines /. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014

Textbooks "Physical culture". Grade 5, Grade 6.7, Grades 8–9: /. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014.

Physical culture: a textbook for students in grades 10-11 of educational institutions /. - M .: Education, 2011. - (Physical education). Physical Culture. Grades 10–11: work programs / . - M .: Education, 2015. - (Physical education).

More detailed information about modern teaching materials in physical culture (with annotations and reference material) is available on the websites:

http://www. (official website of the Ministry of Education of Russia);

Http://fsu. edu. ru (official website of the Federal Council for Textbooks);

http://www. prosv. ru (publishing house "Enlightenment").

In order to introduce modern systems of physical education in educational organizations, expand the range of educational services for students in the field of physical culture and sports, improve the teaching of the subject "Physical Education", the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation recommended the use of the following educational and methodological materials approved at a meeting of the Expert Council (Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation -01774 "On the direction of educational and methodological materials"):

1. Modular program on physical culture for educational organizations based on figure skating.

2. Methodological manual "New forms of work with children (7-12 years old) in athletics".

3. The program "Integrative course of physical education for students of basic general education based on football."

4. Educational program based on gymnastics "Fundamentals of physical education in preschool childhood."

The electronic version of these educational and methodological materials is posted on the website of the Federal Center for Organizational and Methodological Support of Physical Education (FTSOMOFV. RF) in the "Center Activities" section.

The content of the education of children with disabilities, including disabled children, within the framework of the implementation of the federal state educational standard of basic general education is reflected in the work programs of educational subjects and courses. Accordingly, when determining the structure and content of the work programs of educational subjects, courses, the developers use the following provisions:

1) clause 18.2.2 of the federal state educational standard for basic general education;

2) an exemplary basic educational program of the basic general education of an educational organization;

3) exemplary programs for academic subjects, courses, as well as author's programs for academic subjects, courses;

4) local regulatory documents of an educational organization that regulate the procedure for developing work programs for educational subjects, courses, as well as the procedure for making changes and adjusting them.

Features of the content of the work programs of a subject, a course for students with disabilities in the implementation of the federal state educational standard of basic general education are reflected in the structure:

Planned results Content of the subject, course Thematic planning indicating the number of hours allocated for the development of each topic

The developers of the programs of the subject, the course must use the provisions of the federal state educational standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities), as well as methodological materials:

Exemplary adapted basic general educational program for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) // http://fgosreestr. ru/.

Assessment system for the subject "Physical Education"

The system of control and evaluation in the subject "Physical Education" is aimed at identifying the level of mastering the knowledge of students, the formation of skills and abilities in the subject.

When carrying out control and evaluation activities in the parallel of grades 5-7, one should be guided by the planned results of mastering the subject area “Physical culture and life safety”, recorded in the Federal State Educational Standard, LLC, clause 11.8.

When carrying out control and evaluation activities in grades 8-11, one should be guided by the requirements for the level of preparation of a graduate, fixed in the Federal component of the state standard of general education.

Based on the Government Decree of June 11, 2014 No. 000, the program and regulatory basis of the physical education system is the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. By orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2014, additional requirements were fixed for the planned results in physical culture, related to the preparation for the implementation of the standards of the VFSK TRP. In the context of these innovations, it is advisable to use test tests of the age-appropriate levels of the TRP complex as control methods.

When studying the sections "Athletics", "Gymnastics with elements of acrobatics", "Swimming", use the test tests of the corresponding stage of the TRP Complex.

The need to take into account the results of students of general educational organizations based on the results of passing the tests (tests) of the Complex during the intermediate certification is stated in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. »:

    the mark "excellent" is set if 5 tests (tests) are passed and the standards are met by 90-100%; the mark "good" is set if 5 tests (tests) are passed and the standards are met by 70-89%; the grade "satisfactory" is set if 3-4 tests (tests) are passed and the standards are met by 55-69%.

The expediency of using the test results (tests) of the RLD Complex when taking into account the extracurricular achievements of students at the end of each level of education, as well as the inclusion of test results in the list of individual achievements of graduates, is stated in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation -888 "On the certification of students of general educational organizations for educational subject "Physical culture".

Evaluation of students who are assigned to the preparatory medical group for health reasons is carried out on a general basis, with the exception of those types of motor actions that are contraindicated for them for health reasons, and they do not perform them.

Evaluation of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons is carried out on the basis of the methodological recommendations "Medical and pedagogical control over the organization of physical education classes for students with a deviation in health status" (letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 No. MD-583 /19).

In the practice of a physical education teacher, the following types of control can be distinguished that are acceptable for students assigned to the main health group: starting diagnostics, current control, thematic control, intermediate control, final control.

To carry out current and thematic control, the teacher chooses the most informative methods (oral, test, practical), acceptable for certain categories of students. It is possible that in one class for children assigned to the main group for health reasons, practical tasks in the form of exercises and motor actions will be used as a control, and students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons will also perform test tasks of a theoretical nature. .

The main functions of the current control are teaching and stimulating. During the current control of the results of mastering the program of the subject, the dynamics of changes in the level of physical fitness of students is monitored. Compliance with the test standards (tests) of the TRP Complex for gold, silver and bronze signs of the TRP Complex is a qualitative indicator of the solution of the task assigned to the student in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and may correspond to the “excellent” rating.

In the process of current control, a teacher of physical culture should pay attention to the formation of universal educational actions of students.

Current and thematic control should be based on substantive criteria. Evaluation criteria are developed jointly with the students, or communicated by the teacher. Students are necessarily included in the process of self-control and self-evaluation of performance based on criteria.

At the stages of starting diagnostics, incoming, current, thematic control, the teacher of physical culture uses the tests of the VFSK RLD as control methods.

Based on the Methodological recommendations (on the mechanism for taking into account the results of the implementation of the standards of the VFSK RLD in the implementation of ongoing monitoring and intermediate certification of students in the academic subject "Physical Education") of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation -1447, the requirement for mandatory passing of test standards (tests) of the RLD Complex by all students by law in the field of education is not established. In this regard, failure to comply with the standards of the TRP Complex cannot be the basis for an unsatisfied mark during the current, intermediate and final attestation of students in the subject "Physical Education".

Organization of physical culture classes for students with health problems.

In order to improve the physical education of students of general educational organizations with health problems, their involvement in regular physical education classes, taking into account the physiological characteristics of their development, it is recommended to implement a differentiated approach to recording the achievements of students in physical education lessons (letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2003 No. 13-51-263 / 123 "On the assessment and certification of students assigned to a special medical group for physical education for health reasons").

When conducting physical education classes, a teacher of physical culture must use the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. MD-583/19 dated 01.01.2001 "Medical and pedagogical control over the organization of physical education classes for students with health problems." For physical education, students are divided into medical groups: basic, preparatory, special "A" (improving), and special "B" (rehabilitation). The staffing of medical groups for physical education must be completed no later than September 1 . Lists of students assigned to different medical groups are approved by a local act of a general educational organization. The medical group for physical education of each student is entered in the "Health Sheet", which is filled in by the class teacher together with the medical worker. The second copy of the "Health Sheet" indicating the nature of the disease must be handed over to the physical education teacher. When conducting physical education classes, the teacher should pay attention and exercise increased caution when using physical exercises that are potentially dangerous and harmful to the health of students. In the presence of a disease, physical activity should be strictly dosed and physical exercises that are contraindicated for their implementation for health reasons should be excluded. Physical education classes for students of the preparatory medical group are carried out in accordance with the program of physical education, subject to the gradual mastering of a complex of motor skills, especially those associated with the presentation of increased requirements to the body. In the absence of contraindications, with the permission of a doctor, preparation and delivery of physical fitness standards, visits to sports sections with a significant decrease in the intensity and volume of physical activity can be carried out.

The progress of students assigned to the preparatory medical group for health reasons is determined on a general basis, however, those types of movements that are contraindicated for them are excluded. Assessment of physical fitness of students of the special medical group "A" is carried out on the basis of the requirements of educational programs in physical culture for this category of students. When evaluating the physical culture of students assigned to the special medical group "A", it is recommended to focus on the resistance of motivation for physical exercises and the dynamics of their physical capabilities. A positive mark in physical culture can be given both in the presence of the most insignificant positive changes in physical abilities, and in the presence of the fact of regular attendance of physical education classes, diligence shown when performing exercises. The final assessment in physical culture for students in the special medical group "A" is given taking into account theoretical and practical knowledge (motor skills and abilities, the ability to carry out sports and recreational activities), the dynamics of the functional state and physical fitness, as well as diligence. Students of the special medical group "B" on the basis of the submitted certificate of the established form, issued by the medical institution on the completion of the exercise therapy course, are evaluated in the educational institution in the following sections: "Basics of theoretical knowledge" in the form of an oral survey or writing essays, "Practical skills" in the form demonstration of exercise therapy complexes, mastered according to their disease in medical institutions, with subsequent final certification in the subject "Physical Education".

A pediatrician has the right to exempt from physical education from 2 weeks to 1 month, and more than 1 month, the exemption is issued through the KEC (control and expert commission). The lists of students are approved by the local act of the educational organization.

Physical education classes for students with health problems are carried out according to the following programs:

1. The program for physical culture of students of grades I-XI, classified for health reasons to a special medical group / authors - compilers, . M.: Bustard, 2006.76 p.

2. The program for physical culture of students of grades I-IV of general educational institutions, assigned to a special medical group for health reasons / author-compiler. M.: "Radio-Soft", 2011. 148 p.

3. The program for physical culture of students in grades V-IX of general educational institutions, assigned to a special medical group for health reasons / author-compiler. M.: "Radio-Soft", 2012.

4. Program on physical culture of students of X-XI grades of general educational institutions, assigned to a special medical group for health reasons / author-compiler. M.:, 2012.

At the lessons, students should master the basic skills and abilities included in the physical education program for schoolchildren involved in the SHG, as well as learn how to use self-control data to determine their health status. These tasks must be solved taking into account age, health status and level of physical fitness. The educational material of the program is recommended to be divided into years of study by physical exercises (the first and second years of study are strictly taking into account the characteristics of each age group). Classes with SMG are conditionally divided into two periods: preparatory and main. The preparatory period usually occupies the first quarter. Its tasks are: gradual preparation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of systems and the whole organism for physical activity; education of the need for systematic physical exercises; mastering the quick skill of counting heart rate; learning the basic rules of self-control.

The lesson of physical culture differs from others by high motor activity involved in using various sports equipment and inventory, so schoolchildren are at risk for injuries: in terms of severity and proportion of bone fractures, they are in second place after road traffic injuries.

The safety rules for physical culture classes are mandatory when organizing and conducting educational, out-of-class and out-of-school events in physical culture and sports in educational organizations.

The administrative, pedagogical, medical personnel of general education schools must be guided by the rules or instructions, know and comply with them in the practical activities of the physical education of students.

The administration is responsible for the serviceability of sports equipment and equipment in accordance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements for the venue. On a medical worker - for carrying out medical and preventive measures that contribute to the preservation of the health of students.

Permission to conduct physical education classes is issued by the commission of the educational organization when the school is accepted for the new academic year and is formalized by an act.

Conducting physical education classes with the use of equipment or sports equipment without special sportswear is not allowed.

The physical education teacher is directly responsible for protecting the life and health of students and is obliged to: Before starting classes:

Conduct a thorough inspection of the place of the lesson, make sure that the sports equipment is in good condition, the reliability of the installation and fixing of the equipment, in accordance with the sanitary and hygienic requirements presented to the place of the lesson, instruct students about the order, sequence and safety measures when performing physical exercises;

Teach schoolchildren safe methods of performing physical exercises and monitor compliance with safety measures, while strictly adhering to the principles of accessibility and sequence of training;

Based on the results of medical examinations, know the physical fitness and functionality of each student, and, if necessary, provide insurance;

If a student shows signs of fatigue or complains of malaise and feeling unwell, immediately refer him to a doctor;

After the end of the classes, carefully inspect the place where the classes are held, make sure that there is no voltage in the mains and eliminate the detected shortcomings.

Before the first lesson in the new academic year, the teacher of physical culture is obliged to conduct an initial safety briefing with students, as well as a second briefing at the first lesson of the second semester.

When working with gifted children in the framework of teaching physical culture, it is necessary to pay attention to the following: most gifted children have special features that distinguish them from their peers, there is a high activity of in-depth mastering of one or several sports (including national sports), the ability concentrate attention and perseverance in achieving results in the chosen sport. Another group of children is characterized by high curiosity and research activity in the field that interests them. The teacher's task is to direct the child's abilities in the right direction in a timely manner: to send for in-depth study and achievement of high sportsmanship in sports sections and circles of additional education (Youth Sports School, RDYuSSh, sports clubs, etc.); form associations of students of interest in the preparation of research and creative projects for participation in conferences, festivals, competitions. When preparing for the Olympiads in physical culture, it is necessary to use the materials of the Olympiads of past years, both all-Russian and regional, and municipal.

When working with gifted children, attention should be paid to:

Implementation of cooperation between teachers of general education schools with coaches-teachers of sports schools in order to identify and further support children who show abilities in physical culture and sports.

Identification and selection of children from among students to participate in the district sports day, in the All-Russian competitions "Presidential sports games", "Presidential competitions".

Extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, LLC are educational activities carried out in forms other than the lesson form and aimed at achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs of basic general education.

Extracurricular activities are a mandatory component of the content of the main educational program of basic general and secondary (complete) general education, implemented in the following areas of personality development: spiritual and moral, physical culture, sports and health, social, general intellectual, general cultural (link to paragraph 14 of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO)

According to the order "On amendments to the federal state standard for primary and general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation":

clause 19.5. The structure of the work program for extracurricular activities includes the following sections:

The results of mastering the course of extracurricular activities. The content of the course of extracurricular activities with the provision of forms of organization and activities. Thematic planning.

It should be emphasized that the forms of extracurricular activities are different at the level of primary and basic general education. So, for students in grades 1-4, the recommended forms are school sports clubs and sections, conferences, olympiads, military-patriotic associations, excursions, competitions and other forms. For students in grades 5-9, such forms can be school sports clubs and sections, youth organizations, scientific and practical conferences, school scientific societies, olympiads, presidential competitions, intra-school competitions in various sports, holding competitions in general physical education and other forms other than lesson .

Directions and forms of extracurricular activities are carried out on a voluntary basis in accordance with the choice of participants in educational relations in order to ensure their individual needs.

SanPiN, as amended on 01/01/2001, allows for the possibility of redistributing hours of extracurricular activities by years of study within the same level of general education, as well as their summation during the academic year.

The procedure for developing work programs for courses of extracurricular activities, making changes and adjusting them are determined by the local regulatory act of the educational organization.

When designing extracurricular activities, the teacher should pay attention to the following benefits:

Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren in different age groups / . – M.: Enlightenment, 2014. – 177 p. Modeling extracurricular activities of students. Guidelines: a manual for teachers of general education organizations / authors - comp.:, et al. - M.: Education, 2013. - 96 p. Volleyball: a guide for teachers and methodologists /,. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 77 p. Approximate plan for extracurricular activities in the main school: a guide for teachers of educational organizations /,. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014. – 127 p. Education and extracurricular activities in the standard of primary general education / . - M .: Center Ped. search, 2011. - 96 p. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological constructor: a guide for the teacher /,. – M.: Enlightenment, 2014. – 224 p. Extracurricular activities of students. Volleyball: a guide for teachers and methodologists /,. - M. : Education, 2012. - 77 p. Extracurricular activities of students. Football: a guide for teachers and methodologists /,. - M. : Education, 2014. - 95 p. Extracurricular activities of students. Athletics: a guide for teachers and methodologists /,. – M.: Enlightenment, 2013. – 93 p. Extracurricular activities of students. Cross training., A guide for teachers and methodologists /, - M .: Education, 2014. - 80 p. Extracurricular activities of students. Gymnastics, a guide for teachers and methodologists /, - M .: Education, 2014. - 80 p. Extracurricular activities of students. Improving the types of motor actions in physical culture, a guide for teachers and methodologists / , - M .: Education, 2014. - 80 p. Extracurricular activities of students. Basketball, a guide for teachers and methodologists / , - M .: Education, 2014. - 80 p. Extracurricular activities. Building a Culture of Health Grades 5–6. / , - M .: Education, 2013. - 67 p. Extracurricular activities. Building a Culture of Health Grades 7–8. / , - M .: Education, 2013. - 64 p. 17. Extracurricular activities. Formation of a culture of health. / - M .: Education, 2013. - 64 p. Programs of extracurricular activities. Tourist and local history activities. Sports and health-improving activities /,. – M.: Enlightenment, 2011. – 80 p. Programs of extracurricular activities. Tourist and local history activities. Sports and health-improving activities /,. - M. : Education, 2011. - 80 p.

  • title page

Technological map of the lesson (template) specifies the activities of the teacher, student

In the field of physical culture, teachers develop all the working documentation for planning, based on the starting, official documents of the curriculum, local acts of the educational institution and the physical education program.

Must be able to plan the following basic documents in the subject of physical culture:

  1. The content and structure of the program for the GEF NOO and LLC
  • title page

Explanatory note, which specifies the general goals of the corresponding level of general education, taking into account the specifics of the subject, course;

General characteristics of the subject, course;

Description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum;

Description of the value orientations of the content of the subject;

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a particular academic subject, course;

Thematic / calendar-thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;

Description of the educational-methodical and material-technical support of the educational process.

  1. Cstructure and content of the program of basic general and secondary general education

· title page;

· explanatory note;

the main content of the subject;

requirements for the level of preparation of students for this program;

list of references (main and additional)

· calendar - thematic planning;

· control - measuring materials.

  1. Working program classes additional education contains the following structural elements:

Title page;

Explanatory note;

Educational and thematic plan;

Methodological support of additional educational program;


  1. Legal basis of work
  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
  2. Constitution of the Republic of Belarus
  3. Law on Education of the Russian Federation
  4. Law on Education of the Republic of Belarus
  5. Education development concept
  6. The concept of federal targeted programs for physical culture on
  7. Convention on the Rights of the Child
  8. State standard of general education
  9. Regional component of educational standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education in physical culture
  10. Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports"
  11. methodical letters. Orders and directives
  12. Regulations on SMO. Job Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer. Order on the appointment of the leaders of the ShMO
  13. The fundamental core of the content of general education
  14. Decrees, regulations on the TRP complex
  1. Safety

The problem of observance of safety precautions at physical culture lessons is undoubtedly given one of the important places in the system of organizing the educational process of a schoolchild. Physical education lessons are always associated with an increased risk of injury. This imposes high requirements for the implementation of safety precautions on physical education teachers. The teacher, as well as each student, must strictly adhere to the established rules. The management of the educational institution is obliged to ensure that the sports hall, the open sports ground, as well as sports equipment and any additional equipment used in the lessons comply with safety standards.

Order of approval of the list of students of the special medical group

Lists of students of special and preparatory medical groups

Job responsibilities for labor protection of a teacher of FC

Instruction on labor protection of a teacher of FC

Act-permission for the commissioning of equipment in the gym

The act of testing gymnastic apparatus and equipment

The act of acceptance of sports facilities for readiness

Act-permission for the commissioning of sports facilities on the sports ground

General safety rules for students

Introductory briefing on safety in the subject of FC

Instructions on labor protection by sports:

a) athletics (AND OT -018-98)

b) gymnastics (AND OT -017-98)

c) ski training (AND OT -019-98)

d) swimming (AND OT -020-98)

e) sports and outdoor games (AND OT -021-98)

12. Instructions for sports competitions (I Ot-022-98)

13. Safety rules for FC and sports in educational institutions:

a) general provisions

b) safety and sanitation requirements for the venues of the training

processes and sports equipment

c) providing first aid

d) additional safety requirements during classes (by sections of the program)

14.First aid kit for gyms

VI. Passport of the gym (sports grounds)

  1. Timetable
  2. Schedule of sports clubs, sections
  3. Occupancy of the gym for the academic year
  4. Perspective plan for the development of the cabinet
  5. Didactic material
  6. Educational-methodical and reference literature. Teaching aids
  7. Inventory of the property and documentation of the sports hall
  8. Evaluation of the cabinet's activities
  9. Assessment of the state of the office
  10. Diagnostic card of the study room
  11. Minutes of the decision of the methodological council on the readiness of the study room
  12. Evacuation scheme
  13. Gym First Aid Kit

VII. Methodical folder ShMO

  1. Activity report for the last year
  2. Goals, forms of work of the ShMO
  3. SHMO tasks for the current year
  4. The theme of methodological work and its priority areas
  5. SHMO work plan
  6. Plan - work grid for each month
  7. Information about teachers
  8. Information about self-education topics
  9. teacher certification schedule
  10. Professional development schedule
  11. Schedule of open lessons and extracurricular activities
  12. Plan for the decade
  13. Requirements for calendar - thematic planning
  14. Information about study programs and their educational and methodological support
  15. Control results (references)
  16. Minutes of SHMO meetings
  17. Achievements of teachers and students

VIII.Sport Club

  1. Club name, emblem
  2. Club Council
  3. Order to establish a school club
  4. Regulations on the sports club
  5. Purpose, tasks of the club
  6. Club work plan
  7. Sports plan
  8. Results of participation in competitions, competitions


  1. Order, regulation on holding the school and municipal stages of the Spartakiad of schoolchildren
  2. Reports, protocols, statements, applications
  3. Results, certificates


1. Order, position, applications

2. Reports, protocols, statements

3. Questions, tests, assignments

XI.Methodical piggy bank

  1. Abstracts of open lessons
  2. Methodological developments
  3. Scenarios of sports holidays
  4. Task cards

XI.Creative work

  1. Abstracts
  2. Reports
  3. Performances at NPC, competitions
  4. Presentations
  5. Cards

XII.Orders. Incoming, outgoing documentation? ?

In order to increase the effectiveness of training and education, the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in physical education, to streamline the system of work of teachers in this subject, the Ministry of Defense recommends the introduction of a unified documentation in educational institutions in the educational field "Physical Education".

List of documentation on the organization of educational and extracurricular activities of teachers of physical culture of educational institutions.

    Learning programs:

For extracurricular activities, developed by a teacher (teacher, teacher of additional education, trainer-teacher), approved by the director of the educational institution;

For extracurricular activities within the framework of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, developed by the teacher, approved by the director of the educational institution;

For classes with students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons (if there is such a category of children).

    Planning of educational material (annual schedule, thematic planning, lesson notes) (Appendix No. 1).

    Plan of sports and methodological work (work of the Ministry of Defense, calendar plan of sports events) of the school with an analysis of educational and extracurricular work in physical culture for the academic year.

    Passport of gyms, act of acceptance of gyms, act of testing gymnastic apparatus and equipment, (Appendix No. 2)

    Documentation for the organization and holding of mass sports events (regulations on competitions, protocols, reports, applications, tables, sports results register, extracts from the competition protocols, certified by the main panel of judges of the host organization (Appendix No. 3).

    Lists of students involved in the sports sections of the educational institution, DYUSSH. Accounting book for arresters (Appendix No. 4)

    Lists of teams - schools by sports, for participation in the "Presidential Sports Games".

    Schedule of sectional classes, approved by the director of the educational institution (Appendix No. 5).

    Journal of sectional studies.

    Documentation on the final certification in the 4th, 9th, 10th grades, test protocols for the "Presidential all-around" program

    Documentation on the organization and holding of the school stage of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical culture

    Journal of activities with children assigned to a special medical group (class schedule, annual schedule, monthly work schedule, lesson notes).

    Safety documentation with students (introductory, current briefing, safety instructions certified by the director of the educational institution).

Application No. 1.


academic and extracurricular activities

educational institution

    Tasks set for the academic year.

    Information about teachers of physical culture (full name of the teacher, category, education, teaching experience).

    Implementation of the curriculum in physical culture.

    The quality of mastering the curriculum in physical culture (in %)

    Analysis of the results of exams in physical education (number of students who passed the exams and received "4" and "5")

The results of the level of physical fitness of students (tests) in%.

    Conducting scientific and practical conferences and workshops.

    Participation of physical education teachers in competitions.

    Passing advanced training courses for educators.

    Results of attestation of teachers of physical culture.

    The number of students admitted to physical education classes (in percent).

    The number of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons (percentage).

    The number of students assigned to a special medical group for health reasons, covered by physical education classes (in percent).

    The number of students involved in sports sections, SDUSHOR, DYUSSH, DYUKFP (in percent).

    Conducting intra-school sports events (for which sports)

    Inclusion of children in physical culture and sports activities: “Presidential competitions”, “Presidential sports games”, etc.

    Information on the state of the material and technical base of the educational institution (what was acquired).

    The state of the sanitary and hygienic regime, ensuring safety, protecting the health of students in educational institutions.

    Concrete proposals for improving the work of physical education in educational institutions.


methodical association of teachers of physical culture ____________________________

(general educational institution)

Tasks for ____________ account. year



    Organizational work

    Educational and methodical work

    Events with students

    Providing methodological assistance to educational institutions.

Calendar plan of sports events.




Completion mark

Application number 2.

    Gym size.

    Sports equipment (act of testing gymnastic apparatus and equipment).

    Technical means.

    List of visual aids.

testing of gymnastic apparatus and equipment in ________________

dated "_____" __________ 200__

We, the commission consisting of the director of the school No. ______ __________, the deputy director ________________, the chairman of the trade union committee ________________, the teacher of physical culture __________________ drew up this act in, which

1. In the sports hall of the school for conducting training sessions on the subject "Physical Education" there are: bars of different heights, a crossbar, a balance beam, a rope, a gymnastic wall.

All of the above projectiles and equipment were subject to testing:

      Bars under the action of a load weighing 135 kg, applied to the middle of the poles, installed at a height of 1400 mm (50 mm deflection of the poles).

      Crossbar under a load of 220 kg, applied to the middle of the neck at a height of 2500 mm (neck deflection - 70 mm).

      A log under the action of a load of 135 kg, installed to the middle of the log at a height of 1200 mm (log deflection - 3 mm).

      A rope for climbing by applying a load of 300 kg to it.

      each bar of the gymnastic wall under a load of 120 kg, applied at an angle of 60 degrees.

    Deflections of gymnastic apparatus comply with the established Rules for the Safety of Physical Culture and Sports (1979), the regulatory requirements provided for in passports for apparatus. After removing the load, no damage and displacement of the rope in the cheeks were found.

    Classes on sports equipment and equipment are allowed.

Commission Chairman:

Commission members:

Note: The test report is carried out for all equipment available in the gym, including basketball hoops, volleyball racks, exercise equipment, etc.

Application No. 3

Journal of sports results.


Team results

Year born


Occupied space

Physics teacher

Application No. 4



dated ___________ No. ____________

On the basis of the unified All-Russian classification and protocols of competitions in ____________ (indicate the sport), assign categories to the following students:

1 youth category ___________________

2 youth category ___________________, etc.

Physical education teacher__________________

Head teacher_______________________

Application No. 5

Schedule of section lessons.

Sport sections


Time spending

FULL NAME. physical education teacher, trainer

The methodology for testing students in grades 1-11 of educational institutions in the subject "Physical Education".

The most effective form of control over the physical fitness of students is testing. The teacher of physical culture conducts control on each motor quality and analyzes the test results. The results of the control allow to eliminate the identified shortcomings. Students take tests in a certain sequence:

    For speed and coordination;

    On speed-strength qualities and flexibility;

  • For endurance.

Testing can be done:

Twice during the academic year (in September and May) on a single test with the participation of all students in the class admitted to physical education classes;

By sections of the program (at the beginning of the section under study and at the end.

Testing data are recorded in the protocols (Appendix No. 6)

To assess the development of motor qualities, there are standards that reflect the level of physical fitness in five (high, above average, medium, below average, low) gradations (Appendix No. 8). To obtain a more reliable result during testing, you must follow the rules:

    Motor-coordination abilities.

Shuttle run 4 x 9 m.

It is held in the gym using the markings of the volleyball court. Behind the middle line of the site, two cubes measuring 5 x 5 x 10 mm are placed along it. The subject takes the position of "High start". At the command “Attention”, “March”, the student runs to the cubes, picks up one of them, runs to the start, puts the block behind the line, runs back, takes the second cube and returns to the starting line. Throwing a dice is prohibited. The stopwatch stops when the second cube hits the floor. The result is recorded with an accuracy of 0.1 sec.


Tilt forward.

A. from a sitting position (7-10 years).

Two perpendicular intersecting lines are drawn on the floor. One of them (to the right and left of the intersection point) is marked in centimeters. The student's heels should be close to, but not touching, the crossing line. Feet upright. Hands forward inward, palms down. The partner fixes the knees of the participant with his hand, preventing him from bending his legs during the bends. Three slow preliminary tilts are performed (the palms slide along the marked line), the fourth tilt - test - is performed by fixing the position for three seconds. The result is determined by touching the marked line with the fingertips.

B. From a standing position (11-15 years old, 16-17 years old).

A rail with divisions is nailed to the bench. Down from the upper plane of the bench, markings are applied in cm from + 1 to + 25 cm, up from -1 to -10 cm. A student without shoes stands on a bench. Feet 25-30 cm wide. Three slow preliminary tilts are performed, palms slide along the rail. The 4th slope is performed smoothly, not jerkily, it is credited. The result is counted at the fingertips. The result can be both negative and positive with an accuracy of 0.5 cm.

  1. Physical culture and health protection, Ph.D.


    ... "Soviet Sport" 2005. Multimedia aids in help teacher physical culture 1. CD-ROM: electronic library - "... recommendations for the third lesson physical culture in the conditions of the Stavropol Territory The third lesson physical culture ...

  2. Baklykov V. A. teacher of physical culture


    ... teacher physical culture MOU Avgustovskaya secondary school "OTs" m.r. Bolshechernigovskiy Individual approach to the lessons physical culture... examinations, and I give recommendations when performing special ... teachers enough time left for help less...

  3. Works of my teachers of physical culture and obzh for the 2013-2014 academic year


    Development teachers physical culture. Purpose: to determine the directions for the development of professional competence teachers physical culture and OBZh ... b) "Self-analysis of the lesson." Purpose: a) to provide help teachers in the development and implementation of state ...

Pedagogical control over the organization and conduct of the educational process and the fulfillment of the requirements of the existing physical education curricula is carried out by the administration of the educational institution with the involvement of medical workers, organizers and inspectors of education departments, heads of methodological associations of physical education teachers.

Each teacher plans for the academic year the content of the educational process, taking into account the optimal solution to the problems of physical education of students, their age-sex, mental and physiological characteristics, as well as the conditions for conducting classes, the availability and condition of the sports base, equipment, inventory, school traditions and interests students, their state of health and level of physical fitness, their own specialization in sports.

At everyone teachers physical education should be planning documents:

    annual schedule for the distribution of educational material(clock grid);

    quarterly or annual lesson plans for the distribution of educational material;

    plans or lesson plans.

The listed plans can be used for a number of years, making only necessary changes or additions to them. The annual schedule and lesson plans are annually approved by the administration of the educational institution before the start of the academic year. All of the listed planning documents must be kept by the teacher in the educational institution (physical education room) throughout the school year.

Primary school teachers conducting physical education lessons should have quarterly or annual lesson plans for the distribution of educational material (approved by the administration of the educational institution), as well as lesson plans (plans-notebooks).

Annual schedule for the distribution of educational material (clock grid).

When distributing study time to different sections of the program material, the following features should be taken into account:

    Depending on the conditions and objective need, the teacher can change the amount of study time for various sections of the program material, using the means of choice or the hours allotted for swimming.

    Swimming training for students is planned in schools that have the necessary conditions for this or the opportunity to use nearby pools.

    In grades V-IX(X), if there are no conditions for learning to swim, it is recommended to conduct tourism lessons in the same amount of hours.

Quarterly (annual) lesson planning.

Quarterly or annual lesson plans for the distribution of educational material are developed taking into account:

    inclusion in them of all the requirements of the current curricula in physical culture;

    availability and opportunities for optimal use of the existing material and technical base and sports equipment and inventory;

    observing the traditions of the educational institution and the region where it is located.

Lesson plans can be executed in various forms, for example, in the form of a table, in the form of a text presentation, etc. It is important to note that in the republic no specific requirements for lesson plans . The teacher can use any form that, in his opinion, is most convenient for work.

However, there are requirements for the content of lesson plans:

    the presence of all sections of the current curricula, namely: a) knowledge requirements, b) requirements for motor skills and abilities, c) development of physical qualities, d) homework, e) testing (determining the level of physical fitness of students);

    at least 8 hours per academic year are planned for the “Knowledge Requirements” section (at least 2 hours in each quarter);

    for lesson planning of the section "Requirements for motor skills and abilities" (planning in the form of a table), an abbreviation is used that indicates the stages of the formation of skills and abilities: ABOUT- familiarization; R- learning; W- fastening; WITH- improvement; TO- control; P- repetition.

The number of lessons allotted for each stage of education is determined by the teacher himself, taking into account the age and gender characteristics of students, their level of preparedness and physical development, the availability of equipment and inventory, the location of the classes, etc. It is undesirable to use for these purposes figures indicating the amount of time allotted for studying a particular exercise, since this makes it difficult to determine the stage of training, as well as the formulation of specific tasks for the lesson;

    series of lessons of the section "Requirements for motor skills and abilities" should end with the control stage " TO”, on which the teacher evaluates the degree of formation of the technique with marks, i.e. the quality of a particular exercise;

    lesson content of the section "Development of physical qualities" can be stated both by numbers indicating the required amount of time for the development of a particular quality, and by other signs;

    the content of the "Homework" section can be three types of tasks: a) theoretical information, b) individual exercises or sets of exercises from the section "Requirements for motor skills and abilities", c) exercises aimed at developing one or more physical qualities. The first two types can be set for a short period of time, for example, from 2-3 days to 1-2 weeks. The third type of homework is assigned for at least 5-6 weeks, i.e. such an assignment can be offered once for the entire academic quarter;

Kuzmyuk Irina Viktorovna
Job title: physical culture teacher
Educational institution: MBOU School No. 157
Locality: Samara
Material name: Article
Subject:"Documentation of the teacher of physical culture"
Publication date: 18.09.2017
Chapter: elementary education

Kuzmyuk Irina Viktorovna,

physical education teacher,

MBOU School No. 157, Samara

Documentation of the teacher of physical culture.

Physical education lesson is an integral part of the educational process. Physical





today's increase in the number of chronic diseases, physical inactivity. To

to form mechanisms in a young person that should contribute to













the duties of a physical education teacher include conducting lessons, but special

a place in the activities of the teacher is given to the preparation of correct documentation.

Indeed, when organizing and conducting a physical education lesson, it is especially important to ensure

his safety, prevent injury, teach self-control when performing

physical exercise. All this is impossible if the student has not mastered the rules

behavior in the classroom and safety precautions in various sections of the curriculum

programs. But even with proper planning and knowledge of these rules, to

Unfortunately, injuries do happen. Teaching the subject of physics

culture in educational institutions is carried out in accordance with

the following regulatory documents:

2012 No. 273-FZ;

Federal educational standard for basic general education (FGOS

LLC) - approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 “On






secondary (complete) general education”;

approval of the Federal Basic Plan and model curricula for

educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing programs

general education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2004 No. 1089 “On












Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 20, 2008 No. 241 “On Amendments to




educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs”,

approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 No. 1312

"On approval of the federal basic curriculum and exemplary

programs for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing programs of general


Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 4, 2010 No. 986 “On

approval of federal requirements for educational organizations in terms of







Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 2011 No. 03-296 “On






state educational standard of general education”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 “On











general education”;

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 08.10.2010 No. IK-1494/19 “On the introduction of a third







load of students of educational institutions of the Russian Federation").

Educational documentation of a physical education teacher.

Physical education program (adapted to the conditions of the school and

material and technical base, the contingent of students).






(elementary school, basic school, secondary (full) school).

Curriculum, annual schedule, calendar and thematic planning

by quarters, technological map of the lesson;

Requirements, lesson analysis.

Educational testing. Schedule and standards of testing.






school, as well as graduates of the basic and secondary (complete) schools.

Rules for the prevention of injuries in the lesson of physical culture and

when doing homework.

Homework samples.

Methodological literature, handouts, didactic material

(visual aids, cards).






universal learning activities.

Physical fitness testing protocols.

Information and visual stands.

Occupational health and safety documentation.






additional education.

2. Safety instructions for conducting classes at sports




carrying out

mass sports


4. Passport of sports facilities.

5.Act-permission to conduct classes at sports facilities.

6.Act-testing of sports equipment and inventory. Registration log

test results of sports equipment and inventory.

7. Act of acceptance of sports facilities for readiness for the new academic year.

8. Journal of safety briefing for students in grades 1-11.

9. Register of injuries.

10.Instruction on safety and labor protection during classes

by sections of the curriculum:

Gymnastics - IOT-017;

Athletics - IOT-018;

Ski training - IOT - 019;

Swimming IOT - 020;

Sports games IOT - 021;

Competitions IOT - 022;

In the gym IOT - 03;

Hiking trips - IOT - 025;

Rules for IOT students - 049.

11. Quality certificate for sports equipment and equipment indicating

their expiration date.

12. Rules for the provision of first aid along with a first aid kit.

13. Lists of physical culture groups and health groups.


Evseev Yu.I. Physical education. - Phoenix, 2010. - 384 p.

Pogadaev G.I. Sports facilities, educational equipment and inventory

educational institutions. Toolkit. - M .: Bustard, 2005.-






culture” in the 2014-2015 academic year: guidelines. - Kazan.: IRO