Of course, knowledge gives a person more opportunities. This also applies, of course, to laws and benefits. If a person has no idea what benefits he is entitled to, then he will not be able to use them. Housing benefits are a prime example. The list of housing benefits is quite extensive and, of course, it is not easy to navigate through it.

Benefits and categories of persons entitled to receive an apartment from the state for free

This list includes, for example:

  1. housing benefits that provide the beneficiary (that is, provide him) with living space,
  2. benefits for paying the cost of housing and utility bills,
  3. preferential terms for lending for the purchase of housing,
  4. benefits, the rights to which arise only when a participant joins housing construction (abbreviated as housing) cooperatives and
  5. privileges in the process of registration of ownership (i.e. upon receipt) of land plots intended for individual housing construction.

The list of benefits is extensive and is constantly being adjusted and modified. Understanding these changes and knowing them is not an easy task.

Significant and significant for housing benefits is the fact that a whole group of these benefits has its application only in part of residential premises.

Considering and analyzing housing benefits, it can be noted that orphans are entitled to free housing from the state.

  • orphans (left without parents),
  • children left without parental care for various reasons,
  • children in care.

Housing for the categories listed above is provided at the end of the so-called period of stay, for example, in a children's institution, or: with relatives, various trustees, guardians, where they were previously kept (educated), and found themselves in this situation or at the end of training in the relevant educational institution or due to the completion of military service. In the analysis of this type of benefits, the very interpretation and understanding of the concept of housing is important.

In this context, this concept is defined as an isolated residential premises, with the condition that for its use a certain housing contract has been (will be) concluded. Providing this category of beneficiaries with housing in the form of rooms, apartments available in departmental residential buildings. fund is prohibited by law. Allocating a place in a hostel is, in this case, a temporary, forced measure to provide housing for children who have lost their parents (orphans) or are left without their guardianship. This measure does not deprive them, however, of the right to receive from the state, out of turn, an isolated and well-maintained housing facility in accordance with quality standards. This is the next step, the event.

This principle does not work in a situation where the living space that they previously had, that is, where they lived, cannot be returned.

Living space may be issued out of turn, on a free basis, to that category of citizens whose dwelling has suffered from a natural disaster and has become uninhabitable. The provided norm is also established by law.

Federal laws do not exclude the possibility of other cases of providing housing without a queue, all these cases must be defined in detail at the legislative level. A special, extraordinary, or so-called preferential procedure for obtaining housing space is established by law for certain groups of civil servants.

The priority procedure for obtaining living space (for a period of up to one year from the date of appointment) in the form of a house or a separate apartment in an apartment building that meets the standards provided for in the law is provided to officials of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation by local governments. It is possible that the customs authority has its own official housing stock.

Summing up the intermediate result, it can be noted that, in general, the group of citizens of the privileged category who have a statutory housing benefit for receiving housing on a free basis has recently been changing in the direction of reduction and reduction. The legislation in the housing sector defines and strictly regulates the list of beneficiaries who are entitled to a preferential queue. This may include, for example, a group of people whose housing has been declared unfit for habitation. The inability to repair it is a significant condition in this case.

How to get an apartment from the state in the order of priority?

Persons who are not included in the list of categories of beneficiaries indicated above can and have the opportunity to submit legally defined documents that make it possible for such a family to receive the position of the poor.

For example, analyzing this problem on the Moscow example, we can identify the following conditions necessary for this:

  1. residence in the city of Moscow for more than ten years,
  2. also living in such housing conditions, where there is less than 10 m2 per person (family member).
  3. Such a family should also lack every opportunity to change their living conditions at their own expense and somehow change the situation.
  4. At the time of submission of documents, the family should not have property that would be subject to taxation.

If all the above conditions are met, then such a family will receive an apartment within fifteen to twenty years.

Thus, the analysis of benefits in the housing category shows that our housing legislation is not perfect. It can and should be changed and improved. Significant is the compliance of legislation with modern economic and social conditions. This will make possible the absence of social conflicts in society.

After analyzing the housing legislation, it is possible to single out its following shortcoming - the lack of measures in society aimed at combating crime in this matter. And this problem is very relevant and important, especially in Russian practice.

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These measures should be both financial and criminal in nature. They should have the goal of directly combating organizational crime.

Some categories of citizens the law gives benefits to receive free housing. The relevant authorities can provide in the form of residential premises from the state and municipal fund. established that certain categories of citizens have the right to extraordinary and priority .

Emergency housing

Consider first the provision social housing out of turn. The persons entitled to the above rights are:

  1. Children left orphans.
  2. Children who are in care.
  3. Children who were raised in an orphanage.
  4. Children left without the necessary parental care.
  5. Citizens whose housing is uninhabitable as a result of an accident or natural disaster.
  6. Citizens of the elderly, as well as persons with disabilities, identified in a social service institution and who at one time vacated their housing. Such citizens also have the right to out of turn, but in the event of their refusal of the services of a social institution and on the condition that the former housing is not subject to return.
  7. Children with disabilities who are in social service institutions and who are deprived of any care. Upon reaching the age of 18, this category of persons is subject to provision of housing out of turn.
  8. Citizens who have lost due to unlawful conviction, provided that it is impossible to return to them the previously occupied living quarters.
  9. Certain categories of civil servants. For example, a judge is provided with housing benefits at the location of the court. Citizens with radiation sickness, as well as other diseases received in connection with radiation exposure.
  10. Citizens with disabilities due to the Chernobyl disaster. Also, citizens who carried out work related to the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The same category includes citizens employed in various types of work in the exclusion zone. And the citizens subjected to evacuation from the exclusion zone have the same right.

Priority free housing

Next, consider the categories of people who have concessions for obtaining an apartment in the first place. So, citizens who are recognized as needing to improve their living conditions and therefore have the right to social housing in the first place.

  1. Disabled people, as well as participants in such wars as the Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. Families of fallen soldiers also belong to this category.
  2. Social housing is provided to heroes and persons who have been awarded orders of the Soviet Union. The list of these orders is enshrined in the relevant law. Citizens suffering from various forms of chronic diseases. The list of such diseases is fixed by law. Persons who were in the army during the hostilities to defend the USSR, both on the territory of the Soviet Union and on the territory of foreign states.
  3. Military personnel who have received a disability in connection with their position. Families of those persons who died while performing state duties, fulfilling the duty of a citizen of the USSR to save people and protect law and order. Women who were awarded the title of mother-heroine, large families that have three or more children.
  4. Rescuers professionally working in the emergency services.
  5. Rehabilitated citizens, as well as members of their families who need to improve their housing. certain categories, which include veterans of the military and public service.
  6. Employees of organizations of culture and art, various correspondents of the central media, cameramen of documentaries who were sent to the army during the Great Patriotic War.

Specified list is not complete, as the legislation provides benefits for housing and other categories of citizens. These, for example, include employees of the prosecutor's office, customs authorities, police officers and.

According to the provisions of Article 33 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, local governments dispose of the housing resource based on the definition of three categories of citizens who need to be provided with apartments or rooms.

It is compiled by an authorized official responsible for the preferential provision of apartments to citizens of the settlement, on the basis of the nomenclature regulations established for citizens applying for housing in the first place.

Applicants rely on a legislative basis that allows preferential receipt in accordance with the provisions of Article 36 of the RF LC (see). It defines a list of those from among:

  1. Veterans of the Second World War, participants in military operations, including those conducted outside the Russian Federation, both by military personnel and units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, etc.
  2. Families of those killed as a result of hostilities or missing persons, including those in military operations carried out outside the Russian Federation.
  3. Persons presented to the highest government awards for participation in hostilities or for labor achievements.
  4. Families of those who died in the line of professional duty, families of those who died while rescuing people in emergency situations.
  5. Women who have received the title of "Mother Heroine", single mothers and families in which three or more than three children are brought up.
  6. Specialists, workers and employees, as well as teachers and doctors, if the regional leadership and the population of the city need their services (see).
  7. Persons with certain somatic and mental illnesses, including those obtained as a result of performing professional duties or participating in military operations.

These and other citizens included in the list of beneficiaries are allowed to receive apartments as a priority.

This requires a special order of the local administration, indicating the basis for the benefits received.

In other cases - the decision of the general professional meeting, employees of the enterprise (institution), applying for the provision of the indicated benefits, sent to the administration of the locality.

Extraordinaries for housing

It includes persons who need to be provided with a permanent place of residence without delay due to special circumstances.

They include persons from among the following, approved by the relevant list:

  1. Lost shelter as a result of emergencies, natural disasters, fires. In this case, the destruction of the building is required to be drawn up by special acts approved by the cadastral engineer. Queuing is carried out after entering information about the cancellation of the object in the records of the State Real Estate Cadastre (GKN).
  2. Graduates of orphanages who have reached the age of eighteen. Only if, in relation to them, there is no right to claim the area of ​​the parents deprived of parental rights.
  3. Young and other specialists arriving by distribution or by invitation for permanent work.
  4. For non-residents studying in specialized secondary (professional), higher educational institutions or graduate school - rooms or places in hostels, etc. are provided. at the time of study.
  5. Six months after taking office as a judge, an authorized official must receive comfortable housing, if he or she did not own one before taking office. The same law can be applied to employees of the prosecutor's office, the police service.
  6. Citizens who lived in, who lost the right to use it due to a long stay in treatment or in social and medical centers, who returned back. This provision mainly applies to pensioners, the disabled and citizens with severe somatic diseases.

This type of queue is regulated by regional and local acts and regulations, which are based on the trend that has developed in the region or locality, but without violating federal law.

There are no clear regulations and resolutions for imputing responsibility for not providing emergency housing with housing. Each case of alleged persons is considered by the court and is established as such only by a court decision.

This leads to the fact that the out-of-turn people live in dormitories for years, and orphans - graduates of orphanages and boarding schools are provided with premises that are not suitable for living. Of course, different regions treat this problem differently, there are also cases of a conscientious and even humane attitude towards persons claiming to.

General waiting list for housing

This category has no advantages over the rest of the waiting list. However, its setting also requires civil law grounds, since it does not include all applicants from among those wishing to receive a municipal apartment.

In order to carry out registration, the following conditions are required:

  • Permanent residence of citizens in the locality where the registration is made on the queue, within the period established by the local administration. As a rule, a period of 5 years is considered.
  • During this period - the absence of civil law actions that allow the deterioration of the level of well-being of the family. These include the sale of a house, the termination of employment without good reason.
  • The need for housing, which is confirmed by documentation on the living conditions of a citizen or family.
  • The family's need for social support (if any). This category includes persons with disabilities, large families, low-income families.

The eligibility criteria vary from region to region. Citizens who do not have their own living space are predominantly among the needy.

As well as those who need to expand the area, with a categorical violation of sanitary standards established by local and federal authorities on the basis of Article 50 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (clause 1), in the calculation of the ratio of the available footage per family member. Usually in the regions a norm of at least 6 m 2 is provided (see).

Who is eligible to apply for housing

Persons claiming to be staged and meeting the criteria for such are entered into each of the listed queues.

Criteria provide documentary evidence.

The provision of housing is a social action that provides for the transfer of rights on the basis of a social contract of employment.

This suggests that the groups of applicants should be made up of persons belonging to socially unprotected segments of the population.

Regardless of the difference in the criteria framework of the regions and the status of the settlements in which the queue is established, there are some unified formats for determining the waiting list.

The general queue provides for persons who are residents of the Russian Federation and are included in the social strata:

  • in need of housing;
  • poor citizens.

The scope that is set to define these is at the discretion of local law and may expand or narrow the standards offered by federal law.

For example, in Moscow, such limits are narrowed to the limits, and the requirements for applicants for queuing are very strict.

The very promotion on the list is accompanied by constant control over the state of well-being of the family, the requirement for systematic updating of certificates of family income, its housing situation.

In St. Petersburg, on the contrary, such frameworks have been expanded. In particular, registration in this capacity is acceptable not only for the poor and those in need of housing, but also for:

  • large families;
  • veterans and invalids of military operations;
  • persons with the highest awards;
  • rehabilitated native Leningraders.

Such nuances in the conduct of local administrations, which have reliable information about how they compose the lists.

How is the housing list formed?

Municipal authorities of a settlement or cities of federal significance, allocate housing policy departments under city executive committees. Regional centers form similar departments under the executive committee, and in village councils, the board can deal with this issue.

In any case, applicants should approach the local administration with a package of documentation confirming their right to be included in the waiting lists.

Predominantly, for carrying out such registration, certain reception days and hours are allocated, requiring the presence of persons authorized to receive applications from the population.

They check the documentation and control the correctness of filling out accounting forms and drawing up applications. If necessary, consult on this issue.

The collected applications and documents are submitted to the administrative commission, which determines the admissibility of being included in the lists or refuses to do so. This review process can take up to a month. And if there are a large number of applications, the deadline may be extended.

After consideration, the applicants are given extracts from the decision of the commission, which contain a positive or negative decision on the issue. The extract contains references to the legislative provisions that authorized this or that choice.

Complainants who believe that their rights have been violated may file an appeal or file a lawsuit and have the matter litigated.

The receipt of housing by participants in one stage is carried out exclusively from the reserve provided for this, and not from another list (see).

That is, each queue is formed from the funds planned for obtaining housing by citizens of a certain category.

The legislation does not allow the mixing of investments by the administration in favor of one of the queues.

Every year, when planning the regional budget, the need to fill the housing stock in each of the areas based on the needs of the population is taken into account.

Solving the issue of housing for out of turn at the expense of the main (general) group of the needy population is unacceptable. If such cases take place, which will be confirmed during the appropriate verification, the order for the apartment will be recognized as illegally issued, and the social contract of employment - void and not in force.

If an acute situation arises, it is allowed to make changes to the accounts of the waiting list, which is determined by the provisions of Article 34 of the LC RF.

This requires strong arguments, on the basis of which there is a commission discussion with the results of the consideration in the minutes. As well as official documentation.

For administrative structures, cases of corrections are rare. But they can also be used as penalties for unscrupulous tenants.

For example, the head of a large and low-income family, which is waiting for its turn, has repeatedly violated public order, being in a state of intoxication. After repeatedly inviting the patrol services, citizens from among the neighbors wrote a letter to the administration of the settlement with a request to apply measures of responsibility to the citizen.

On the basis of a complaint, the administration has the right to make changes that move the citizen down the list, delaying the expansion approach.

Other local acts provide for the promotion in order of priority of persons who transfer their own immovable objects for use by the municipality, at the expense of acquiring new premises. Such a decision may be taken at the request of the interested person.

For the most part, changes are made in the distribution of departmental housing. Such a procedure is the most legal and is not subject to subsequent challenge in court, since citizens resolve such issues at a general meeting by open voting, putting forward proposals in favor of conscientious employees or punishing violators of labor discipline.

In each of the cases, the main thing is the careful execution of documentation and reliance on the civil law base and the provisions of the LC RF.

For people who simply need to improve their living conditions, but who are unable to get a mortgage, the state can offer certain ways of helping. These include a government-supported lending program. This project allows some citizens to apply for a preferential mortgage for the subsequent purchase of housing with a significant relief. This program helps to easily solve the housing problem.

The possibility of obtaining a mortgage on preferential terms is the improvement of the living conditions of poor citizens through the use of two sources: financial assistance from the state and a loan from a bank. The requirements for obtaining such a profitable solution are strictly regulated. Primarily preferential mortgages are provided to people on the waiting list who need better living conditions and who have been on the waiting list for such an improvement for a long time. Therefore, the procedure may take some time.

How to become a member of a preferential mortgage

Being in this program is a profitable decision for Russians. Therefore, the question of how to get a preferential mortgage worries many citizens. Employees of budgetary organizations, as well as some categories of Russians, can become participants in the program. Applicants must complete certain steps before they can participate in the Subsidized Mortgage Financing Program. He needs to apply to the regional administrative center with an application and a full set of necessary documents confirming this right.

Preferential mortgage conditions

Such a program has its own characteristics. You can find out who is eligible for a preferential mortgage in this material. A mortgage loan is provided to citizens whose age does not exceed the following figures at the time of full repayment of the debt (depending on the gender of the person, the maximum age differs): 60 years for men and 55 years for women. The number of co-borrowers is limited to three people. Their joint income is analyzed, provided that each of them works at the current place of work for at least six months. These are the basic requirements for borrowers who can be participants in the "preferential mortgage" program. The conditions for obtaining it are much wider.

Priority is given to young families who have been married for no more than three years and have children.

Preferential categories of citizens

Some Russians have an extended range of opportunities. Consider specifically those who are eligible for preferential mortgages. The state has assigned a large number of citizens to the category of social priority. What they have in common is a relatively small income at the time of applying for a loan. It doesn't matter if it's temporary or permanent.

  • Young teachers and scientists.
  • Military personnel.
  • Large families.
  • Young families.
  • Persons who received maternity capital.

Mortgages for young families

A loan for this group of citizens under the federal program implies a reduced interest rate or a subsidy that can be used instead of a down payment.

But only families that meet certain requirements and need their own housing can be borrowers. Some of the conditions can be seen below.

The program for young families (where the age of at least one spouse does not exceed 35 years on the date of conclusion of the loan agreement) also includes single-parent young families that consist of one parent and one or more children.

Under the terms of the project, deductions from the interest rate are provided. At the same time, when there is only one child under the age of 18 in the family, the deduction is 0.25%, two or more children - 0.5%. If there are no children at the time of conclusion of the loan agreement, these benefits are applied after their birth. It is also possible to receive payment holidays. The amount of the contribution under this social program is reduced both in relation to the repayment of the principal debt and in relation to interest. For example, by paying 10% of the loan, the borrower can count on a reduction in the payment by half from the moment the child is born.

Preferential mortgage for large families

This category of citizens also has its advantages. Families with three or more children qualify for preferential mortgage terms. They can count on a partial refund of its amount by the state and a reduction in the interest rate.

Mortgages for the military

Usually military personnel receive loans for apartments in the secondary market. This type of mortgage is essentially free. While the military is in the service, the amount is paid for him within the limits of the certificate. Each individual has a limit.

With a loan amount of up to 2.4 million rubles, the loan rate is regulated. This is similar to a subsidy, but the bank does not receive money immediately, but over several years.

Mortgage loan for young scientists and teachers

This category of Russians also has favorable conditions for buying a home. For teachers, there is a special program for obtaining a preferential mortgage loan. A young (up to 35 years old inclusive) specialist who meets the following criteria can join it:

  • have at least three years of teaching experience;
  • working in the specialty at the time of application.

The reduced rate on the loan does not cancel the requirements for the borrower's solvency: monthly payments should not exceed 45% of his income.

Young candidates and doctors of sciences who are researchers at universities or academies of sciences can become participants in the mortgage program for young scientists.

Conditions for borrowers, in addition to the usual ones, will be as follows:

  • an existing academic degree;
  • term of scientific work - from one year;
  • work in a scientific institution (research institute, university, Academy of Sciences, Scientific Center and others).

The auxiliary program for young scientists is popular in cities where there are a large number of universities and other scientific and educational organizations. For the most part, these include metropolitan and large metropolitan areas.

Benefits with maternity capital

This measure of support can be used as part of the purchase of a home. Maternity capital helps to increase the available loan amount and spend money on the direct repayment of mortgage debt.

The most frequent use of the funds of such state support is precisely their use to improve housing conditions.

Acquisition of housing on preferential terms

Citizens can buy an apartment, participating in the program for obtaining a mortgage with simplified requirements, in the locality in which they have permanent registration. It should be borne in mind that the overall level of living space per person should not be higher than the norm, and the average monthly income should not fall below the subsistence level. Subsidies allocated by the state for preferential mortgages enable borrowers to purchase an apartment without investing their own savings as a down payment.

In addition to the requirements imposed by government authorities on an applicant for a social loan, there is also a certain list of conditions from banks, the fulfillment of which is strictly mandatory. These include the length of service of the borrower, registration in the company's service area, mandatory consent to life and health insurance of the client.


Current mortgage interest rates make monthly payments out of reach for most citizens. Help in this situation for employees of government organizations, large families, young parents and some other Russians with low incomes can be a loan on favorable terms. The opportunity to participate in this program greatly facilitates the situation of the inhabitants of our country. Preferential mortgages allow many to solve the sore housing problem and improve general living conditions.