I APPROVE Head "______" ______________ / _____________ "____" _____________ _____


environmental engineer (ecologist)

(example form)


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of an environmental engineer (ecologist) "______________" (hereinafter referred to as the "organization").

1.2. An environmental protection engineer (environmentalist) is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

1.3. The environmental engineer reports directly to ______________ organization.

1.4. A person who has:

Environmental protection engineer (ecologist) Category I: higher professional education and work experience as an environmental engineer (ecologist) Category II for at least 3 years;

Environmental engineer (ecologist) II category: higher professional education and work experience as an environmental engineer (ecologist) for at least 3 years;

Environmental engineer (environmentalist): higher professional education without requirements for work experience.

1.5. An environmental engineer (environmentalist) must know:

environmental legislation;

Regulatory and methodological materials on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

Systems of environmental standards and regulations;

Production and organizational structure of the organization and prospects for its development;

Technological processes and modes of production of the organization's products;

The procedure for conducting an environmental review of pre-planned, pre-project and design materials;

Methods of ecological monitoring;

Means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of the equipment of the organization with the requirements of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, current environmental standards and regulations;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

The procedure for accounting and reporting on environmental protection;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Means of computer technology, communications and communications;

Rules and norms of labor protection.


Note. The functional responsibilities of an environmental engineer (ecologist) are determined on the basis and to the extent of the qualification characteristics for the position of an environmental engineer and can be supplemented, clarified when preparing a job description based on specific circumstances.

2.1. Environmental engineer (environmentalist):

2.1.1. It monitors compliance with the current environmental legislation, instructions, standards and regulations for environmental protection in the organization's divisions, helps to reduce the harmful effects of production factors on the life and health of employees.

2.1.2. Develops draft long-term and current plans for environmental protection, controls their implementation.

2.1.3. Participates in the environmental review of feasibility studies of projects for the expansion and reconstruction of existing industries, as well as new technologies and equipment being created, and the development of measures for the introduction of new technology.

2.1.4. Takes part in research and experimental work on industrial wastewater treatment, prevention of environmental pollution, emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, reduction or complete elimination of technological waste, rational use of land and water resources.

2.1.5. It monitors compliance with the technological regimes of environmental facilities, analyzes their work, monitors compliance with environmental standards and regulations, and the state of the environment in the area where the organization is located.

2.1.6. Draws up technological regulations, analytical control schedules, passports, instructions and other technical documentation.

2.1.7. Participates in checking the compliance of the technical condition of the equipment with the requirements of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

2.1.8. Draws up the established reporting on the implementation of environmental protection measures, takes part in the work of commissions for the environmental review of the organization's activities.


3.1. An environmental engineer (ecologist) has the right to:

3.1.1. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.1.2. Improve your skills.

3.1.3. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

3.1.4. Submit proposals on the issues of their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. Receive from employees of the organization the information necessary for the implementation of their activities.


4.1. An environmental engineer (ecologist) is responsible for:

4.1.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties stipulated by this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

4.1.4. For violation of the Internal Labor Regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization.


5.1. The mode of work of an environmental protection engineer (environmentalist) is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. In connection with the production need, an environmental protection engineer (environmentalist) may be sent on business trips (including local ones).

This job description has been developed in accordance with _________ __________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document)

AGREED: Legal Counsel ____________ ___________________ (signature) (full name)

"___"__________ ___ G.

Acquainted with the instruction: _____________ ___________________ (signature) (full name)

- this is an internal document of the organization that defines the main provisions of the labor activity of this specialist at a particular enterprise. How to draw up a job description for an ecologist and what points to take into account in it will be discussed in our article.

What are the duties of an ecologist?

The position of an ecologist is in demand at various environmental enterprises, in construction organizations, in the field of healthcare and in large industries. A representative of this profession in everyday communication is usually called an ecologist, although enterprises often use the full name for the name of the specialty received at the university - “environmental engineer”. Both names are correct and can be considered equivalent.

The ecologist is engaged in the identification, study and minimization of various factors, including human, that have a negative impact on the environment. Without ecological expertise and its positive conclusion, not a single construction begins.

Summarizing and enlarging the main job responsibilities of an ecologist, we can make the following list from them. The duties of an ecologist include:

  • development of the environmental policy of the organization and control over its observance;
  • registration of environmental documents accompanying the activities of the enterprise;
  • interaction with environmental structures, including inspection procedures;
  • communication with organizations issuing permits and coordinating project documents;
  • organization within its competence of the functioning of the company in the conditions of accidents and other emergency situations;
  • advising company employees on environmental issues.

An environmental engineer can familiarize himself with a personal list of his job responsibilities in the job description. Each organization develops a document independently.

Job description of an environmental engineer: main sections

A single form of job description is not established by law, however, most employers try to proceed from the same structure of this internal document, since this design allows you to take into account all the basic conditions for the work of an environmentalist at an enterprise.

A standard job description for an environmental engineer may consist of the following sections:

  • general provisions;
  • duties and rights of the employee;
  • responsibility.

Let's consider each of the sections in more detail.

Don't know your rights?

General provisions of the instruction

General provisions environmentalist job description contain the fundamental conditions for the work of a specialist in the workplace. Among them:

  • education;
  • professional skills;
  • experience.

To work as an environmental engineer, a higher education in the specialty is required, which can be obtained on the basis of technical faculties or faculties of natural sciences. Additional professional skills that may be mentioned in the job description include:

  • ability to work with a computer and skills to work in certain programs;
  • knowledge of foreign language;
  • familiarization with the procedure for conducting an environmental review.

Requirements for the required work experience depend on the personal preferences of the employer and the category of specialist whose position is vacant.

In addition, this part of the document defines:

  • a list of documents with which the employee must be familiarized;
  • the procedure for hiring, dismissal and replacement of an employee;
  • the place of the staff unit in the general organizational and staffing of the enterprise;
  • immediate supervisor.

Standard duties and rights of an ecologist

The part of the job description describing the duties and rights of the environmentalist is the main one in the document, since labor legislation gives employees the right not to fulfill any other instructions of the management, except for those established in the employment contract and job description. That is why the section under consideration requires a particularly careful and balanced approach in the development of the document.

The personal terms of reference of an environmental engineer, established in the job description, depend on the direction of the organization where the specialist works, and the segment of work that he performs. However, it is possible to single out the general job responsibilities inherent in this employee. These include:

  1. Monitoring compliance with legislation, instructions, standards and regulations in the field of ecology by employees of the enterprise.
  2. Assistance in reducing the negative impact of production on the health of workers.
  3. Preparation of short-term and long-term action plans for environmental protection.
  4. Participation in the environmental review.
  5. Participation in scientific research and experiments on industrial wastewater treatment, environmental pollution prevention, rational use of natural resources.
  6. Monitoring compliance with the technology of work of environmental facilities, analysis of their activities.
  7. Preparation of technical regulations, analytical control schedules, passports, instructions and other technical documentation.
  8. Participation in checking the technical condition of equipment for its compliance with environmental requirements.
  9. Participation in the work of commissions for the verification of the enterprise.

The official rights of an ecologist, as a rule, are of the same type and differ little from the labor rights of other specialists. This:

  • the right to get acquainted with the decisions of the management regarding labor activity;
  • the right to make proposals to the management within its competence to improve the activities of the enterprise;
  • the right to involve employees of the enterprise to solve the tasks facing it.

Ecologist's responsibility

The section of the job description on the responsibility of an environmentalist aims to specify the provisions of the legislation on labor violations of an employee. For example, an environmental engineer may be responsible for:

  • improper performance of their duties;
  • violation of the deadlines and procedures for the preparation of documentation;
  • untimely reporting of identified violations of the requirements of environmental legislation at the enterprise;
  • causing material damage to the employer.

When working on this part of the job description, one should not forget about the requirement of the law on the impossibility of establishing in the internal documents of organizations more stringent standards of employee liability than those provided for by the provisions of the law.

How to write a job description

Working on the look environmentalist job description, it must be remembered that a properly executed document must contain information about the approval. This data is placed at the beginning and includes:

  • date of approval;
  • data of the manager who approved the instruction;
  • leader's signature.

The fact of familiarization of the employee with the job description is also certified by the signature. An employee can sign the job description directly or leave a signature in a special journal.

Thus, a balanced approach to the development of a job description for an ecologist involves working not only on the content of the document, but also on its form.


Director of LLP__________ »


"__" _______________ 20__






1.1. The main task of the lead environmental engineer is to organize, within the limits of his competence and this job description, environmental activities at the enterprise on the basis of the current legislation on environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regulatory documents regulating the environmental activities of enterprises.

1.2. Leading environmental engineer carries out his work in accordance with the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, other regulatory documents, company standards, regulations on the department and these instructions.

1.3. The Lead Environmental Engineer, in the performance of his duties, is guided by the subordination scheme given in the Regulations on the Department.

1.4. The Lead Environmental Engineer is appointed to the position and dismissed from his position by order of LLP "____________"" on the proposal of the Head of the Ecology Department, agreed with the Chief Technical Manager for Labor and Industrial Safety.

1.5. The Lead Environmental Engineer reports directly to the Head of the Ecology Department and performs the duties assigned to him.

1.6. In order to solve the tasks set for environmental protection at the mine, the leading environmental engineer interacts with the head of the environmental department, coordinates with him the issues of his production activities and maintains functional relations with departments, services and other divisions of the enterprise.

1.7. A person with a higher professional education in ecology and work experience of at least 1 year is appointed to the position of a leading environmental engineer.

1.8. The leading environmental engineer in his activities is guided by: the current environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; by orders of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan; current state standards, enterprise standards, regulations, rules, methods and other regulatory documents regulating the environmental activities of enterprises; instructions, instructions of state regulatory authorities on environmental protection; current established norms and limits regulating the level of impact of the enterprise on the environment; orders and instructions of the administration of the enterprise; projects and this job description.

1.9. The lead environmental engineer must know:

1.9.1. Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.9.2. Regulatory and methodological materials on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

1.9.3. Systems of environmental standards and regulations.

1.9.4. The production and organizational structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development.

1.9.5. Technological processes and modes of production of the enterprise;

1.9.6. The procedure for conducting an environmental review of preplanned, predesign and design materials.

1.9.7. Methods of ecological monitoring.

1.9.8. Means for monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of the enterprise's equipment with the requirements of environmental protection and rational nature management.

1.9.9. Current environmental standards and regulations;

1.9.10. Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

1.9.11. The procedure for accounting and reporting on environmental protection.

1.9.12. Means of computer technology, communications and communications.

1.9.13. Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.9.14. Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan

..... other legal acts and documents at the discretion of the Employer


2.1. The Lead Environmental Engineer is responsible for:

2.1.1. To exercise control over the implementation at the enterprise of the current regulations, rules, instructions and documents on environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as EP).

2.1.2. Ensure the maintenance of the necessary documentation for the preparation of reports in accordance with the established forms of state statistical reporting and reporting approved by the relevant orders.

2.1.3. Conduct an internal audit of the environmental management system.

2.1.4. Issue acts-prescriptions based on the results of inspections of the state of environmental protection in the units.

2.1.5. To ensure the conduct of inspections of compliance with the instructions of the state supervision bodies on environmental protection and the adoption of measures for their implementation by the heads of departments, keeps records of the implementation of the instructions.

2.1.6. Provide control over: compliance with environmental protection legislation at sites, services, workshops of the enterprise and in contractors working on the territory of the enterprise; fulfillment by sections, services, workshops of the enterprise and contractors of the requirements of company standards in the field of environmental protection; disbursement of funds allocated for environmental protection activities; review by the heads of sites, workshops, services of the section of environmental aspects and environmental protection measures; revision by the heads of sections, workshops, services of the section of the list of legislative and regulatory documents on environmental protection;

2.1.7. To exercise control over environmental monitoring, according to the program of industrial environmental control.

2.1.8. Compile and submit reports to regulatory authorities in a timely manner.

2.1.9. To carry out, within the limits of his competence, individual instructions of the head of the ecology department.

2.1.10. Perform one-time assignments and other tasks of the enterprise management.


To perform functions and exercise rights, the leading environmental engineer of the environmental department, in accordance with the current legislation, job description, employment contract and full liability agreement, as well as in accordance with the distribution of duties, interacts with the structural divisions of the enterprise according to the following scheme:



Documents and information


Provides (directs)

ABC section

Furniture, office supplies, office repairs, other services.

Applications for the purchase of furniture, the provision of carpentry services, etc.

Legal Department

Explanation of the current labor, environmental, water legislation, as well as timely informing of changes in the above legislation and the introduction of new regulatory legal acts in the field of environmental protection, water regime.

Acts of the employer, orders, regulations, contracts necessary for approval / endorsement.

Human Resources Department

Copies of orders for personnel;

Applications of employees;

approved vacation schedule;

Draft vacation schedules of the department;

Copies of orders to encourage employees, to assign duties, to impose disciplinary sanctions;

Orders for sighting;

Information about the admission, dismissal and movement of employees of the department.

Employee Liability Agreement. Employment contracts, certificates of incapacity for work, certificates of changing the names of employees.


Salary certificates, pay slips of employees.

Information on the costs of environmental protection measures;

On request.

Copies of forms for accounting for the equipment used for environmental protection measures.

Tax payments for environmental pollution.

planning department

Information about the actual volumes of production and overburden.

Information about the planned consumption of fuel and lubricants.

Department of chief technologist

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Annual report on the implementation of the environmental action plan and information on the completed research and design work.

Department of the chief mine surveyor

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Inquiries about warehousing and accounting of the soil-fertile layer.

Annual standards for the placement of overburden on the external and internal dumps.

Department of chief geologist

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Data on the state of groundwater.

Mining site

References for drawing up a report on the implementation of environmental measures.

Overburden area

References for drawing up a report on the implementation of environmental measures.

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Drilling and blasting area

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Plot of drainage and localization of endogenous fires

References for drawing up a report on the implementation of environmental measures.

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

References for accounting of drainage water.

Plot crushing and screening complex

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Tractor and bulldozer section

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Service area

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Cargo-passenger section

Certificates on the actual removal of domestic wastewater

Mining transport section

References for drawing up a report on the implementation of environmental measures.

Rolling stock depot area

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Plot way

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Plot contact network

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Department of Chief Power Engineer

Certificates on accounting for imported water from well No. 14

Plot of power supply and substations

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Heat supply area

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Site of installation-dismantling and repair of equipment

Help for calculating tax payments for pollution.

Logistics Department

Copies of contracts and acts for the sale of used materials, spare parts, equipment, used fuels and lubricants, etc.

Journal of waste mercury-containing lamps.

All sections, departments and structural subdivisions of the enterprise

Waste report for the year.

Report on the implementation of environmental protection regulations.

Initial data for the development of projects and regulatory documents for environmental protection

Based on a memo.


4.1. The Lead Environmental Engineer has the right to:

4.1.1. Perform at any time in all structural divisions of the enterprise checks on compliance with laws and regulations governing environmental protection activities at the enterprise and other environmental issues within its competence.

4.1.2. Receive from departments, services and other structural divisions of the enterprise the necessary information for making calculations, preparing certificates, reports and other documents within its competence.

4.1.3. Issue to the heads of sections and services binding orders to eliminate the identified violations of legal and regulatory documents on environmental protection.

4.1.4. Make proposals for improving the environmental situation at the mine in the prescribed manner.

4.1.5. In agreement with the head of the ecology department, make proposals to the management of the enterprise on bringing persons guilty of violations of environmental requirements and regulatory documents regulating environmental activities at the mine to disciplinary and financial liability in accordance with applicable law.


Responsible for:

5.1.1. Failure to fulfill their functional duties.

5.1.2. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities, in accordance with the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

5.1.3. Causing material damage in accordance with applicable law, job description, employment contract and full liability agreement.

5.1.4. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the General Director and direct supervisors and persons replacing them.

5.1.5. Failure to comply with current instructions, orders, instructions, including those on the preservation of trade secrets and confidential information.

5.1.6. Failure to use and / or improper use of the rights provided for in this job description.

5.1.7. For violation of the internal labor regulations, labor discipline, industrial safety rules, labor protection, business ethics of the enterprise.

5.1.8. Not using specialized clothing and personal protective equipment in cases stipulated by the Rules of labor protection and industrial safety.

"HR officer. Personnel office work", 2010, N 9

Functions of an ecologist of a manufacturing enterprise: features of drafting a job description

The article reveals the features of compiling the job description of an ecologist. For each of the blocks of functional responsibilities identified in the article, examples and explanations are given in order to make clear the scope of the ecologist's activity for representatives of the personnel service. Issues that should be discussed and resolved before proceeding with the preparation of instructions are indicated.

Introductory conditions

Federal Law No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002 "On Environmental Protection" (as amended on December 27, 2009) requires the appointment of a responsible person for environmental protection at each enterprise whose activities are associated with environmental impact. Theoretically, this could be a person holding a position, for example, a technical director. However, the tightening of environmental legislation in the last 10 years has led to the fact that even a small manufacturing enterprise has to introduce a special position related to environmental protection, and sometimes an entire department.

When writing a job description for an ecologist, special care should be taken, taking into account the following circumstances:

1. Basic education. Employees with different basic training become environmentalists in production. Domestic universities train ecologists within the framework of the following programs: "Ecology and nature management" (020800), "Geoecology" (020804), "Engineering environmental protection" (280202), "Environmental management" (061105), "Natural resources management" (061172 ), "Ecological safety" (013107) and many others. In this diversity, it can be difficult to determine whether a young specialist is able to cope with the tasks of the environmental service at the enterprise. If the basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of an ecologist are correctly formulated, it will be easier for the personnel service to select a person for this position.

2. The field of activity of an ecologist will largely depend on the attitude of management towards environmental problems at the enterprise. Indeed, it is possible to manage only by ensuring that the activities of the enterprise comply with the requirements of legislation and regulations in order to avoid criminal and administrative liability. And you can make the environment a factor in the competitiveness of the enterprise. In the second case, the environmentalist will consider a wider range of issues, such as energy efficiency, improving the environmental performance of products, taking into account environmental criteria in making decisions on the choice of raw materials, materials and equipment, which should be reflected in the instructions.

3. Independent execution of functions by the enterprise or outsourcing. The solution of this issue depends entirely on the economic justification for the expediency of carrying out certain works by the specialists of the enterprise. Most often, enterprises outsource laboratory control, the development of environmental impact standards, the approval of documents in environmental authorities, and sometimes the calculation of payments for negative environmental impact. Indeed, it makes no sense, for example, to purchase a software package for calculating maximum allowable emissions into the atmosphere for the development of a project once every 5 years. However, the ecologist must understand the structure of this document and be able to use it. Therefore, before writing instructions, it is also necessary to determine the scope of work performed by the employees of the enterprise.

4. Centralization or decentralization. Obviously, environmental issues permeate the entire structure of the organization. With effective environmental protection, there is no "gap" between production and environmental objectives. Other departments should not perceive environmental issues as a "concern" exclusively for the environmental department, and therefore some functions can be performed by both an environmentalist and a representative of another department. For example, at some enterprises, the production department is engaged in the organization of waste disposal, and at others - the environmentalist. Therefore, before drawing up instructions, it is necessary to consider the issue of division of powers and responsibilities between the environmental department (environmentalist) and other departments.

Functional responsibilities

The main blocks of functional duties performed by an ecologist are as follows:

1. Bringing the activities of enterprises in line with legislation and regulations, which consists of 2 parts.

A. Documentary compliance, i.e., the availability of the necessary environmental (permitting and other) documentation at the enterprise. Unfortunately, legislative initiatives are most often aimed at strengthening control, and therefore increase the document flow. We strongly recommend that key documents, for the preparation and reliability of which the ecologist is responsible, be written in his job description, since this greatly facilitates the entry of a new person into the position. Thus, in order to ensure compliance with the law, the ecologist must himself or with the involvement of other organizations develop and maintain up to date such documents as: draft standards for waste generation (PNOOLR), emissions (MAE), discharges (VAT), instructions for waste management, regulation on industrial environmental control, logs fixing the impact on water, air and waste management, and others noted in the instructions attached below.

B. Real compliance, i.e. achieving compliance of the enterprise's activities with environmental standards. This is ensured in the process of methodological support and control of the activities of units that have an impact on the environment. Part of this work is to interact with the management of the enterprise, for example, regarding changes in production processes in order to adapt them to the requirements of the legislation, and to carry out environmental protection measures. The other part is working with regular staff. Of course, it is the environmentalist who must explain to employees what danger the materials used carry, what fine the organization faces in case of certain inconsistencies. At our enterprise, for example, employees were informed about the fine the organization would pay in the event of a spill of 1 ton of oil into the water area, which, of course, increased their responsibility. In addition, instructions for handling hazardous waste are also developed so that all employees know what is dangerous, for example, fluorescent lamps. The job description should also take into account the need to control the sources of release of harmful substances into the environment (technological devices, individual processes, production and the territory as a whole).

2. Interaction with environmental structures, which includes participation in inspections (scheduled, based on the results of instructions, unscheduled) and regular reporting. Thus, the ecologist presents and defends (substantiates) reports, calculations and other documentation before the controlling structures. Of course, in order to perform this function, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the legislation, be able to correctly interpret legislative norms, protect the interests of the enterprise and its legal rights, which is reflected in the "Knowledge and Skills" section.

3. Work under contracts with other organizations (for example, contractors). Some of the contracts are directly managed by the ecologist, for example: waste disposal, instrumental control of air pollution, water and noise levels, development of MPE, VAT, PNOOLR standards. Some of the contracts are not "directly environmental", but they significantly affect the efficiency of environmental management at the enterprise. A good example is a contract for the supply of fuel, which can be with different sulfur content, which determines the emissions of the enterprise. For a number of contracts, it is necessary that the environmentalist be notified of this action in order to make changes to environmental documentation (for example, car or site lease agreements). In this case, it is advisable that the type of contracts be determined, which the ecologist endorses with the label "Familiarized".

4. Ensuring the effectiveness of environmental protection at the enterprise. Compliance with legal requirements is desirable to achieve in the most effective way. Preventing impacts is better than dealing with them. Thus, the ecologist analyzes the environmental activities at the enterprise, identifies the most costly processes, for example, based on the calculated amount of payments for the negative impact on the environment. On this basis, he draws up an action plan to improve environmental protection, participates in the justification of environmental investments and provides support for the implementation of the developed measures. Responsible for planning and budgeting in his area of ​​responsibility.

5. Actions in case of an accident. The job description should contain a separate paragraph on the functions of an ecologist in emergency situations. This can be both an assessment of the environmental situation, and participation in the headquarters of the emergency response operations (SRO) and other functions, depending on the organizational structure of the enterprise itself.

Rights and responsibilities

Of course, in order to implement the entire set of functional duties listed above, an ecologist must have the right to access the necessary information, take part in meetings, control production processes, make proposals for their improvement, sign and endorse documents within their authority, and, finally, raise the question of considering the possibility of improving their competence.

An ecologist, as a person officially responsible for protecting the environment at an enterprise, may be held liable as an official and an individual (within the limits specified by the current civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation) for failure to perform official duties and offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities.

Sample Sample

I approve



(Business name)

Job description of an ecologist

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of an ecologist.

1.2. The appointment and dismissal of an environmentalist, as well as the promotion and imposition of penalties are made on the basis of the relevant order of the General Director of the Company.

1.3. The ecologist reports directly to ___________________.

1.4. During the period of temporary absence of an ecologist, his duties are assigned

On ____________________________________.

1.5. Competency requirements (qualification requirements):

Higher professional education in the field of ecology and environmental protection;

At least 1 (one) year experience as an environmentalist;

Ability to work on a PC in a Windows environment, in MS Word and MS Excel programs, with special environmental programs.

1.6. Ecologist should know:

The current environmental and environmental legislation of the Russian Federation;

Regulatory and methodological materials on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, be able to use them in practice;

Systems of environmental standards and regulations;

The production and organizational structure of the enterprise and the prospects for its development;

Technological processes and modes of production of the enterprise;

The procedure for conducting an environmental review of pre-planned, pre-project and design materials;

Methods of ecological monitoring;

Means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of the enterprise's equipment with the requirements of environmental protection and rational nature management;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

The procedure for accounting and execution of relevant reporting in relation to the requirements of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

Fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

Means of computer technology, communications and communications;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The main functions of an environmentalist are to directly perform work to ensure that the Company's activities comply with the requirements of the current environmental legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as international standards.

2.1. Ensures compliance with legislation in the field of environmental protection, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, as well as industrial safety in terms of the occurrence of environmental risks from the main activities of the enterprise.

2.2. Creates and maintains an effective system of environmental information, namely: primary accounting data, annual and statistical reports on environmental management processes at the enterprise.

2.3. Makes an inventory of sources of pollution of the natural environment, maintains primary data records according to standard forms, in accordance with the rules established by current legislation. The forms are filled out using the pollutant (waste) classification and coding system. The primary accounting of waste records generated, used, neutralized, transferred to other organizations, as well as disposed of waste. Based on the primary information, the form "Scheme of the operational movement of waste" is filled out, as well as the "Waste mass balance for the reporting period", which is then submitted annually to the Territorial body of Rostekhnadzor ( or other authorized body). In the form of primary accounting of stationary sources of atmospheric air pollution, the characteristics of the sources for each structural unit are reflected. Entries in the journal are made based on the results of measurements and analysis of samples taken, a list of controlled indicators for each of the emission sources, standards, frequency and methods of their control (direct measurement, calculation) are indicated.

2.4. Supervises the development of the necessary environmental documentation: standards for maximum permissible emissions (MAE standards), standards for permissible pollutant discharges (VAT), waste disposal limits (PNOOLR), certification of waste, confirmation of hazardous waste classification to a specific hazard class. At the same time, the quality of performance and design, completeness and reliability of the initial data, sufficiency and feasibility of the recommended measures to reduce the impact of hazardous waste on the environment are controlled.

2.5. Responsible for obtaining (renewal) permits for the implementation of nature management. To extend the period of validity of permits, no later than 45 days before its expiration, submit the necessary completed materials and documents to the Territorial body of Rostechnadzor (another authorized body). The list of required documentation is specified in the relevant organization.

2.6. Forms and submits to the executive authorities the state statistical reporting in the field of environmental protection, justification of the amount of payments for the negative impact on the environment, monitoring data and other required documentation. When checking the reliability of filling in statistical reporting in the form N 2, the TP compares the approved standards with the actual results obtained from the analysis of the material balance and instrumental control.

2.7. Organizes obtaining a license to carry out activities for the collection, use, neutralization, transportation, disposal of hazardous waste and controls license conditions. If violations are identified, measures are taken to eliminate them.

2.8. Determines, together with the authorized authorities, the nomenclature, volume and frequency of laboratory studies and tests, taking into account the sanitary and epidemiological characteristics of production, the presence of harmful production factors. Supervises the work on assessing the state of the components of the natural environment in the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise.

2.9. Provides familiarization of employees of the enterprise with the requirements of environmental legislation, methodological guidance for the activities of other structural units on environmental protection issues. Participates in the development of a schedule for environmental training of the company's personnel, in particular, in compliance with the requirements of the legislation on the professional training of persons admitted to handling hazardous waste. Responsible for the admission of workers to work with hazardous waste.

2.10. He is the responsible person for the operation of waste storage (accumulation) sites on the territory of the enterprise, monthly checks their compliance with that PNOOLR and, if a discrepancy is found, gives instructions to eliminate the observed violations, indicating the deadlines for its implementation. The places of storage (accumulation) of waste on the territory of the facility, their boundaries (area, volumes), arrangement, the maximum amount of temporary accumulation of waste in accordance with the issued permits, the terms and methods of their accumulation are subject to control. Supervises the timely removal of waste from the territory of the enterprise.

2.11. Searches and selects organizations that have permits for the transportation and disposal of hazardous waste, participates in the conclusion of contracts for the transfer of waste to third parties. Waste transfer control documents are acts of waste delivery, receipts and control coupons for receiving waste for disposal.

2.12. Endorses with the stamp "Familiarized" contracts for the supply of raw materials, materials and equipment, lease agreements.

2.13. Develops environmental standards and regulations of the enterprise, draws up technological regulations, an industrial environmental control plan, instructions and other technical documentation. Analyzes the results of environmental activities, monitors the efficiency of environmental treatment equipment and facilities, the technical condition of equipment for the localization and elimination of the consequences of man-made accidents, develops environmental and corrective programs, taking into account the economic efficiency of measures.

2.14. Helps to reduce the harmful effects of production factors on the life and health of workers.

2.15. Participates in the development of measures to ensure the environmental friendliness of products; certification of products in order to reduce the risk of product impact on the environment.

2.16. Participates in inspections of the enterprise, arranged by the authorized bodies, develops and ensures the implementation of measures to eliminate the remarks of the state environmental control.

2.17. Takes part in solving issues of expansion and reconstruction of the enterprise, changes in technology, production processes and equipment; participates in the examination by the authorized state bodies of the project documentation of the enterprise (in terms of the section "Measures for environmental protection").

2.18. Responsible for carrying out measures to reduce emissions into the atmosphere under adverse meteorological conditions, with the determination of the procedure for notification of the application of these measures.

2.19. Participates in the assessment of the environmental situation that arose during or after the liquidation of an emergency (emergency) situation at the facility, functions in cooperation with the forces and means of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations. Participates in the investigation of the causes and consequences of emergencies, ensures the preparation of measures to prevent them. Carries out, within the period specified in the current legislation, the transfer of information on the detection of high levels of pollution, as well as the identification of signs of an emergency (by visual and organoleptic signs).

Ecologist has the right:

3.1. Submit for consideration to the head of the environmental department proposals for improving the processes associated with the provision of services, in terms of environmental impact.

3.2. Participate in production meetings.

3.3. Use all means of communication and carry out correspondence with national and international organizations in order to perform their duties.

3.4. Sign and endorse documents within their authority.

3.5. Raise the issue of considering the possibility of improving their competence (qualification).

3.6. Monitor compliance with the technological regimes of environmental facilities, environmental standards and regulations.

3.7. Monitor the state of the environment in the area where the enterprise is located.

3.8. Participate in checking the condition of technical equipment to meet the requirements of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

4. Responsibility

The ecologist is responsible for:

4.1. Compliance with deadlines and correct execution of relevant documents.

4.2. Document flow associated with the work performed.

4.3. Identification and timely reporting of non-compliance with established requirements.

4.4. Compliance with confidentiality requirements.

4.5. Accurate and timely fulfillment of official duties provided for by this instruction, as well as the requirements of internal documentation.

4.6. Compliance with the rules and norms of safety, fire safety, labor protection, industrial and labor discipline, as well as internal labor regulations.

4.7. Exceeding one's authority, resulting in damage to the interests of the enterprise within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.8. Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities within the limits determined by the current civil and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

Familiarized with the instruction: _____________________ _____________________

(signature) (full name)

"__" ____________ 20__


1. Kononenko M. R. Environmental management at the enterprise // Sustainable development and environmental management: Textbook. allowance. St. Petersburg: VVM; St. Petersburg State University, 2008.

2. Usmanova N. R. Job descriptions of managers, specialists, technical performers of the main staff. M.: Prior, 2000.

3. Sorokin N. D. Handbook of legal acts on environmental protection and environmental safety. St. Petersburg: Integral, 2005.

M. Kononenko

Russian State

Hydrometeorological University,

Head of Ecology Department

LLC "EnergoPromInvest"

Signed for print

  • HR records management


1 -1

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I. General provisions

A person with a higher

Ecologist-designer should know:

environmental legislation;

Methods for designing and conducting technical and economic calculations;

Principles of operation, manufacturing and installation technologies for equipment and structures, types and properties of materials;

Decrees, orders, orders of higher and other bodies, methodological and regulatory materials for the design, construction and operation of facilities;

Standards, specifications and other guidance materials for the development and execution of design and estimate documentation;

Technical design tools;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in environmental design;

Technical, economic, environmental and social requirements for the designed facilities;

Regulatory and methodological materials on environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

Systems of environmental standards and regulations;

The procedure for conducting an environmental review of pre-planned, pre-project and design materials;

Means of monitoring the compliance of the technical condition of the enterprise's equipment with the requirements of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, current environmental standards and regulations;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

The procedure for accounting and reporting on environmental protection;

Means of computer technology, communications and communications;

Organization of labor and production;

Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation;

Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection;

Internal labor regulations;

During the absence of the ecologist-designer (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

The duties of an environmental designer include:

Participates in the preparation of assignments for the development of design solutions.

Participates in the collection of initial data for design, in solving technical issues for assigned facilities throughout the entire period of design, commissioning of the facility and development of design capacities.

Links the adopted design decisions with design decisions for other sections (parts) of the project.

Conducts patent research to ensure the patent purity of new design solutions and patentability.

Ensures the compliance of developed projects and technical documentation with standards, specifications and other regulatory documents for design, as well as the task for their development.

Participates in the preparation of applications for inventions, the preparation of opinions and reviews on rationalization proposals and inventions, draft standards, specifications and other regulatory documents, in the work of seminars and conferences.

Participates in the environmental review of feasibility studies, projects for the expansion and reconstruction of existing industries, as well as new technologies and equipment being created, and the development of measures for the introduction of new technology.

Carries out control over compliance with the technological regimes of environmental facilities, analyzes their work, monitors compliance with the rules of nature protection, the state of the environment in the area where the enterprise is located.

Participates in checking the compliance of the technical condition of the equipment with the requirements of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

Draws up the established reporting on the implementation of environmental protection measures, takes part in the work of commissions to verify the activities of the organization.

IV. Responsibility

The environmental designer is responsible for:

For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

For offenses committed in the course of their activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

For causing material damage to the enterprise within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description was developed in accordance with

(name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)

Head of Human Resources


(surname, initials)

Acquainted with the instruction:


(surname, initials)