A kind and instructive tale tells about Princess Elena, who has a magical book of knowledge. Many amazing and wonderful adventures are described in the story. The fairy tale also teaches to be completely true to one's word and to the fact that one can find a way out of any situation.

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Fairy tale Elena the Wise read

In ancient times, in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to one soldier standing at a stone tower at the clock; the tower was locked up and sealed with a seal, but it was at night. Exactly at twelve o'clock, a soldier hears someone shouting from this tower:

Hey servant!

Soldier asks:

Who is calling me?

What do you need?

Release me. When you are in need, I myself will be useful to you; just remember me - and at that very moment I will come to your rescue.

The soldier immediately broke the seal, broke the lock and opened the doors - the unclean one flew out of the tower, soared up and disappeared faster than lightning.

"Well," the soldier thinks, "I've done business; all my service has been lost for nothing. Now they'll put me under arrest, put me under military court, and, what's good, they'll make me walk through the line; I'd better run away while there is time."

He threw the gun and knapsack on the ground and went aimlessly.

He walked a day, and another, and a third; dismantled his hunger, but there is nothing to eat and drink; sat down on the road, wept bitter tears, and pondered:

"Well, am I not stupid? I served the king for ten years, every day I received three pounds of bread. So no! I ran away to die of starvation. Oh, hell, you're to blame!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unclean man stood in front of him and asked:

Hello servant! What are you grieving about?

How can I not grieve if I'm starving for the third day.

Don't worry, this is the right thing to do! - said the devil. He rushed back and forth, dragged all sorts of wines and supplies, fed and watered the soldier and calls him with him:

In my house you will have a free life; drink, eat and walk as much as your soul wants, just look after my daughters - I don’t need anything else. The soldier agreed. The devil grabbed him by the arms, lifted him high, high into the air and brought him far away, to the farthest country - to the white-stone chambers.

The devil had three daughters - a beauty. He ordered them to obey that soldier and feed and water him enough, while he himself flew off to do dirty tricks: you know - damn it! He never sits still, but he prowls around the world and confuses people.

There was a soldier with red maidens, and such a life happened to him that he did not even need to die. One thing annoys him: every night the red girls leave the house, but where they go is unknown.

I began to ask them about it, they don’t say that, they lock themselves up.

“All right,” the soldier thinks, “I’ll be on guard all night, and I’ll see where you are dragging yourself.”

In the evening, the soldier lay down on the bed, pretended to be fast asleep, but he himself could not wait - something would happen? That's how the time-time came, he crept up slowly to the girl's bedroom, stood at the door, bent down and looked through the keyhole. The red girls brought a magic carpet, spread it on the floor, hit that carpet and became doves; startled and flew out the window.

"What a marvel! - the soldier thinks. - Let me try."

He jumped into the bedroom, hit the carpet and turned into a robin, flew out the window and followed them. The doves landed on the green meadow, and the robin sat down under the currant bush, hid behind the leaves and looked out from there.

Pigeons visibly flew into that place, they covered the whole meadow; in the middle stood a golden throne. A little later, both heaven and earth shone - a golden chariot flies through the air, in harness six fiery kites; Princess Elena the Wise sits on a chariot - such indescribable beauty that you can’t think of it, or guess it, or tell it in a fairy tale!

She descended from the chariot, sat on a golden throne; she began to call the doves to her in turn and teach them various wisdoms. She finished her studies, jumped on the chariot - and she was like that!

Then every single dove took off from the green meadow and each flew in its own direction. The robin bird fluttered after the three sisters and found herself in the bedroom with them.

The doves hit the carpet - they became red maidens, and the robin hit - turned into a soldier.

Where are you from? the girls ask him.

And I was with you on a green meadow, I saw a beautiful princess on a golden throne and heard how the princess taught you various tricks.

Well, lucky you survived! After all, this princess is Elena the Wise, our mighty sovereign. If she had her magic book with her, she would immediately recognize you - and then you would not have escaped an evil death. Watch out, officer! Do not fly more to the green meadow, do not marvel at Helen the Wise, otherwise you will lay down your wild head.

The soldier does not lose heart, he misses those speeches. Waited for another night, hit the carpet and became a robin bird. A robin flew into a green meadow, hid under a currant bush, looks at Elena the Wise, admires her darling beauty and thinks:

"If I could get such a wife, there would be nothing left to wish in the world! I'll fly after her and find out where she lives."

Here Elena the Wise descended from the golden throne, sat on her chariot and rushed through the air to her wonderful palace; after her, the robin flew. The princess came to the palace; nannies and mothers ran out to meet her, grabbed her by the arms and took her to the painted chambers. And the robin bird fluttered into the garden, chose a beautiful tree that just stood under the window of the queen's bedroom, sat on a branch and began to sing so well and plaintively that the princess did not close her eyes all night - she listened to everything. As soon as the red sun rose, Elena the Wise cried out in a loud voice:

Nannies, mothers, run quickly to the garden; catch me a robin bird!

The nannies and mothers rushed into the garden, began to catch the songbird ... But where are they, old women! The robin flies from bush to bush, does not fly far and is not given in the hands.

The princess could not stand it, ran out into the green garden, wants to catch the robin herself; approaches the bush - the bird does not move from the branch, sits after its wings, as if waiting for it.

The princess was delighted, took the bird in her hands, brought it to the palace, planted it in golden cage and hung it in my bedroom.

The day passed, the sun set, Elena the Wise flew off to the green meadow, returned, began to take off her headdress, undressed and went to bed. As soon as the princess fell asleep, the robin bird turned into a fly, flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and became a good fellow.

A good fellow came up to the queen's bed, looked, looked at the beauty, could not stand it and kissed her on the lips of sugar. He sees - the princess wakes up, quickly turned into a fly, flew into the cage and became a robin bird. Elena the Wise opened her eyes, looked around - there was no one. "It can be seen, - he thinks, - I dreamed about it in a dream!" She turned over and fell asleep again. And the soldier is impatient; I tried it a second and a third time - the princess is fast asleep, after every kiss she wakes up. For the third time she got up from the bed and said:

There is something here for good reason: let me look in a magic book.

She looked into her magic book and immediately found out that it was not a simple robin bird sitting in a golden cage, but a young soldier.

Oh you! Yelena the Wise shouted. - Get out of the cell. For your untruth, you will answer me with your life.

Nothing to do - a robin bird flew out of a golden cage, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.

You have no forgiveness! - said Elena the Wise and shouted to the executioner to cut off the soldier's head. No matter where it came from, a giant stood in front of her with an ax and a chopping block, knocked the soldier to the ground, pressed his violent head to the chopping block and raised the ax. Here the princess will wave her handkerchief, and the valiant head will roll ...

Have mercy, beautiful princess, - said the soldier with tears, - let me sing a song in the end.

Sing, hurry up!

The soldier sang a song, so sad, so plaintive, that Elena the Wise herself burst into tears; she felt sorry good fellow she says to the soldier:

I give you ten hours; if you manage to hide so cunningly at this time that I will not find you, then I will marry you; and if you fail to do this, I will order you to cut off your head.

A soldier came out of the palace, wandered into a dense forest, sat down under a bush, thought, twirled.

Ah, the unclean spirit! I'm lost because of you. At that very moment the devil appeared to him:

What do you want, officer?

Eh, - he says, - my death is coming! Where can I hide from Elena the Wise?

Damn hit on damp earth and turned into a gray-winged eagle:

Sit down, soldier, on my back, I will carry you into the sky.

The soldier sat on the eagle; the eagle soared up and flew over the clouds-black clouds.

Five hours have passed. Elena the Wise took the magic book, looked - and everything seemed to be in the palm of her hand; she exclaimed in a loud voice:

Enough, eagle, to fly in the skies; get down to the bottom - you can’t hide from me.

The eagle landed. The soldier twirled more than ever:

So what's now? Where to hide?

Wait, says the devil, I'll help you. He ran up to the soldier, hit him on the cheek and turned him into a pin, and he himself became a mouse, grabbed the pin in his teeth, crept into the palace, found a magic book and stuck a pin in it.

The last five hours have passed. Elena the Wise opened her magic book, looked, looked - the book shows nothing; the princess became very angry and threw her into the oven.

The pin fell out of the book, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.

Elena the Wise took his hand.

I, - he says, - is cunning, and you are cunning me too!

They did not hesitate for a long time, got married and lived happily ever after.

In ancient times, in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to one soldier standing at a stone tower at the clock; the tower was locked up and sealed with a seal, but it was at night.

Exactly at twelve o'clock, a soldier hears someone shouting from this tower:

Hey servant!

Soldier asks:

Who is calling me?

What do you need?

Release me. When you are in need, I myself will be useful to you; just remember me - and at that very moment I will come to your rescue.

The soldier immediately broke the seal, broke the lock and opened the doors - the devil jumped out of the tower, soared up and disappeared faster than lightning.

“Well,” the soldier thinks, “I've done my deeds; my whole service was gone for nothing. Now they will put me under arrest, hand me over to a military court and, what’s good, make me walk through the line; I'd rather run away while there's still time."

He threw the gun and knapsack on the ground and went aimlessly.

He walked a day, and another, and a third; dismantled his hunger, but there is nothing to eat and drink; sat down on the road, wept bitter tears, and pondered:

"Well, am I stupid? He served the king for ten years, every day he received three pounds of bread. So no! He ran free to die of starvation. Oh, hell, it's all your fault!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unclean man stood in front of him and asked:

Hello servant! What are you grieving about?

How can I not grieve if I'm starving for the third day.

Don't worry, this is the right thing to do! - said the devil.

He rushed back and forth, dragged all sorts of wines and supplies, fed and watered the soldier and calls him with him:

In my house you will have a free life; drink, eat and walk as much as your soul wants, just look after my daughters - I don’t need anything else.

The soldier agreed. The devil grabbed him by the arms, lifted him high, high into the air and brought him far away, to the farthest country - to the white-stone chambers.

The devil had three daughters - a beauty. He ordered them to obey that soldier and feed and water him enough, while he himself flew off to do dirty tricks: you know - damn it! He never sits still, but he prowls around the world and confuses people.

There was a soldier with red maidens, and such a life happened to him that he did not even need to die. One thing annoys him: every night the red girls leave the house, but where they go is unknown. I began to ask them about it, they don’t say that, they lock themselves up.

“All right,” the soldier thinks, “I’ll be on guard all night, and I’ll see where you are dragging yourself.”

In the evening, the soldier lay down on the bed, pretended to be fast asleep, but he himself could not wait - something would happen?

That's how the time-time came, he crept up slowly to the girl's bedroom, stood at the door, bent down and looked through the keyhole. The red girls brought a magic carpet, spread it on the floor, hit that carpet and became doves; startled and flew out the window.

“What a marvel! the soldier thinks. “Let me try.”

He jumped into the bedroom, hit the carpet and turned into a robin, flew out the window and followed them.

The doves landed on the green meadow, and the robin sat down under the currant bush, hid behind the leaves and looked out from there. Pigeons visibly flew into that place, they covered the whole meadow; in the middle stood a golden throne.

A little later, both heaven and earth shone - a golden chariot flies through the air, harnessed with six fiery serpents; Princess Elena the Wise sits on a chariot - such indescribable beauty that you can’t think of it, or guess it, or tell it in a fairy tale!

She descended from the chariot, sat on a golden throne; she began to call the doves to her in turn and teach them various wisdoms. She finished her studies, jumped on the chariot - and she was like that!

Then every single dove took off from the green meadow and each flew in its own direction. The robin bird fluttered after the three sisters and found herself in the bedroom with them.

The doves hit the carpet - they became red maidens, and the robin hit - turned into a soldier.

Where are you from? the girls ask him.

And I was with you on a green meadow, I saw a beautiful princess on a golden throne and heard how the princess taught you various tricks.

Well, lucky you survived! After all, this princess is Elena the Wise, our mighty sovereign. If she had her magic book with her, she would immediately recognize you - and then you would not have escaped an evil death. Watch out, officer! Do not fly more to the green meadow, do not marvel at Helen the Wise, otherwise you will lay down your wild head.

The soldier does not lose heart, he misses those speeches.

Waited for another night, hit the carpet and became a robin bird. A robin flew into a green meadow, hid under a currant bush, looks at Elena the Wise, admires her darling beauty and thinks:

“If you could get such a wife, there would be nothing left to wish in the world! I’ll fly after her and find out where she lives.”

Here Elena the Wise descended from the golden throne, sat on her chariot and rushed through the air to her wonderful palace; after her, the robin flew.

The princess came to the palace; nannies and mothers ran out to meet her, grabbed her by the arms and took her to the painted chambers. And the robin bird fluttered into the garden, chose a beautiful tree that just stood under the window of the queen's bedroom, sat on a branch and began to sing so well and plaintively that the princess did not close her eyes all night - she listened to everything.

As soon as the red sun rose, Elena the Wise cried out in a loud voice:

Nannies, mothers, run quickly to the garden; catch me a robin bird!

The nannies and mothers rushed into the garden, began to catch the songbird ... But where are they, old women! The robin flies from bush to bush, does not fly far and is not given into hands.

The princess could not stand it, ran out into the green garden, wants to catch the robin herself; approaches the bush - the bird does not move from the branch, sits lowering its wings, as if waiting for it.

The princess was delighted, took the bird in her hands, brought it to the palace, put it in a golden cage and hung it in her bedroom. The day passed, the sun set, Elena the Wise flew off to the green meadow, returned, began to take off her headdress, undressed and went to bed. As soon as the princess fell asleep, the robin bird turned into a fly, flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and became a good fellow.

A good fellow came up to the queen's bed, looked, looked at the beauty, could not stand it and kissed her on the lips of sugar. He sees - the princess wakes up, quickly turned into a fly, flew into the cage and became a robin bird.

Elena the Wise opened her eyes, looked around - there was no one. “It can be seen,” he thinks, “I dreamed about it in a dream!” She turned over and fell asleep again.

And the soldier is impatient; I tried it a second and a third time - the princess is fast asleep, after every kiss she wakes up.

For the third time she got up from the bed and said:

There is something here for good reason: let me look in a magic book.

She looked into her magic book and immediately found out that it was not a simple robin bird sitting in a golden cage, but a young soldier.

Oh you! Yelena the Wise shouted. - Get out of the cell. For your untruth, you will answer me with your life!

Nothing to do - a robin bird flew out of a golden cage, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.

There is no forgiving for you! - said Elena the Wise and shouted to the executioner to cut off the soldier's head.

No matter where it came from, a giant stood in front of her with an ax and a chopping block, knocked the soldier to the ground, pressed his violent head to the chopping block and raised the ax. Here the princess will wave her handkerchief, and the brave head will roll ...

Have mercy, beautiful princess, - said the soldier with tears, - let me sing a song in the end.

Sing, hurry up!

The soldier sang a song, so sad, so plaintive, that Elena the Wise herself burst into tears; she felt sorry for the good fellow, she says to the soldier:

I give you ten hours; if you manage to hide so cunningly at this time that I will not find you, then I will marry you; and if you fail to do this, I will order you to cut off your head.

A soldier came out of the palace, wandered into a dense forest, sat down under a bush, thought, spun:

Ah, the unclean spirit! I'm lost because of you.

At that very moment the devil appeared to him:

What do you want, officer?

Eh, - he says, - my death is coming! Where can I hide from Elena the Wise?

The devil hit the damp earth and turned into a gray-winged eagle:

Sit down, soldier, on my back, I will carry you into the sky.

The soldier sat on the eagle; the eagle soared up and flew over the clouds-black clouds.

Five hours have passed. Elena the Wise took the magic book, looked - and everything seemed to be in the palm of her hand; she exclaimed in a loud voice:

Enough, eagle, to fly in the skies; get down to the bottom - you can’t hide from me.

The eagle landed.

The soldier twirled more than ever:

So what's now? Where to hide?

Wait, says the devil, I'll help you.

He ran up to the soldier, hit him on the cheek and turned him into a pin, and he himself became a mouse, grabbed the pin in his teeth, crept into the palace, found a magic book and stuck a pin in it.

The last five hours have passed. Elena the Wise opened her magic book, looked, looked - the book shows nothing; the princess became very angry and threw her into the oven.

The pin fell out of the book, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.

Elena the Wise took his hand.

I, - he says, - is cunning, and you are cunning me too!

They did not hesitate for a long time, got married and lived happily ever after.

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29.03.2011 08:50

Russian folk tale

Elena the Wise (variant of the fairy tale 1)

In ancient times, in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to one soldier standing at a stone tower at the clock; the tower was locked up and sealed with a seal, but it was at night. Exactly at twelve o'clock, a soldier hears that someone is saying from this tower: "Hey, soldier!" The soldier asks: "Who is calling me?" - "It's me - an unclean spirit," a voice responds from behind an iron grate, "I've been sitting here for thirty years without drinking or eating." - "What do you need?" - “Release me; when you are in need, I myself will be useful to you; just remember me - and I will come to your rescue at that very moment. The soldier immediately broke the seal, broke the lock and opened the doors - the unclean one flew out of the tower, soared up and disappeared faster than lightning. “Well,” the soldier thinks, “I've done my deeds; my whole service was gone for nothing. Now they will put me under arrest, give me up to a military court and, what good, they will force me to walk through the system; I'd rather run away while there's still time." He threw the gun and knapsack on the ground and went aimlessly.

He walked a day, and another, and a third; dismantled his hunger, but there is nothing to eat and drink; sat down on the road, wept bitter tears and thought: “Well, am I not stupid? He served the king for ten years, was always full and satisfied, every day he received three pounds of bread; so no! He ran free to die of starvation. Oh, unclean spirit, you are to blame for everything. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unclean man stood in front of him and asked: “Hello, serviceman! What are you grieving about?" - "How can I not grieve if I'm starving for the third day." - “Don’t worry, this is a right thing!” - said the unclean one, rushed back and forth, dragged all sorts of wines and supplies, fed and watered the soldier and calls him with him: “In my house you will have a free life; drink, eat and walk as much as your soul wants, just look after my daughters - I don’t need anything else. The soldier agreed; the unclean one grabbed him by the arms, lifted him high, high into the air and brought him to distant lands, to a distant state - to white-stone chambers.

The unclean one had three daughters - all beautiful. He ordered them to obey that soldier and feed and water him enough, while he himself flew off to do dirty tricks; known - an unclean spirit! He never sits still, but prowls all over the world and confuses people, leads them to sin. There was a soldier with red maidens, and such a life happened to him that he did not even need to die. One thing annoys him: every night the red girls leave the house, but where they go is unknown. I began to ask them about it, they don’t say that, they lock themselves up. “All right,” the soldier thinks, “I’ll be on guard all night, and I’ll see where you are dragging yourself.” In the evening, the soldier lay down on the bed, pretended to be fast asleep, but he himself could not wait - something would happen?

That's how the time-time came, he crept up slowly to the girl's bedroom, stood at the door, bent down and looked through the keyhole. The red girls brought a magic carpet, spread it on the floor, hit that carpet and became doves; startled and flew out the window. “What a marvel! the soldier thinks. “Let me try.” He jumped into the bedroom, hit the carpet and turned into a robin, flew out the window and followed them. The doves landed on the green meadow, and the robin sat down under the currant bush, hid behind the leaves and looked out from there. Pigeons visibly flew into that place, they covered the whole meadow; in the middle stood a golden throne. A little later, both heaven and earth shone - a golden chariot flies through the air, harnessed with six fiery serpents; Princess Elena the Wise sits on a chariot - such indescribable beauty that you can’t think of it, or guess it, or tell it in a fairy tale! She descended from the chariot, sat on a golden throne; she began to call the doves to her in turn and teach them various wisdoms. She finished her studies, jumped on the chariot and was like that!

Then every single dove took off from the green meadow and each flew in its own direction, the robin bird fluttered after the three sisters and ended up in the bedroom with them. The doves hit the carpet - they became red maidens, and the robin hit - turned into a soldier. "Where are you from?" the girls ask him. “And I was with you on a green meadow, I saw a beautiful princess on a golden throne and heard how the princess taught you various tricks.” - “Well, your luck that survived! After all, this princess is Elena the Wise, our mighty sovereign. If she had her magic book with her, she would immediately recognize you - and then you would not have escaped an evil death. Watch out, officer! Do not fly more to the green meadow, do not marvel at Helen the Wise; otherwise you will lay down your wild head. The soldier does not lose heart, he misses those speeches; waited for another night, hit the carpet and became a robin bird. A robin flew into a green meadow, hid under a currant bush, looks at Elena the Wise, admires her beloved beauty and thinks: “If you could get such a wife, there would be nothing left to wish in the world! I’ll fly after her and find out where she lives.”

Here Elena the Wise descended from the golden throne, sat on her chariot and rushed through the air to her wonderful palace; after her, the robin flew. The princess came to the palace; nannies and mothers ran out to meet her, grabbed her by the arms and took her to the painted chambers. And the robin bird fluttered into the garden, chose a beautiful tree that just stood under the window of the queen's bedroom, sat on a branch and began to sing so well and plaintively that the princess did not close her eyes all night - she listened to everything. As soon as the red sun rose, Elena the Wise cried out in a loud voice: “Nannies and mothers, run quickly to the garden; catch me a robin bird!” The nannies and mothers rushed into the garden and began to catch the songbird; where are they, old women! The robin flies from bush to bush, does not fly far and is not given into hands.

The princess could not stand it, ran out into the green garden, wants to catch the robin herself; approaches the bush - the bird does not move from the branch, sits with its wings down - as if waiting for it. The princess was delighted, took the bird in her hands, brought it to the palace, put it in a golden cage and hung it in her bedroom. The day passed, the sun set, Elena the Wise flew off to the green meadow, returned, began to take off her headdress, undressed and went to bed. The robin looks at her white body, at her beloved beauty, and everything trembles as it is. As soon as the princess fell asleep, the robin bird turned into a fly, flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and became a good fellow. A good fellow came up to the queen's bed, looked and looked at the beauty, could not stand it and smacked her sugar lips. He sees - the princess wakes up, quickly turned into a fly, flew into the cage and became a robin bird.

Elena the Wise opened her eyes; I looked around - no one was there. “It can be seen,” he thinks, “I dreamed about it in a dream!” She turned over and fell asleep again. And the soldier is impatient; I tried it a second and a third time - the princess is fast asleep, after every kiss she wakes up. After the third time, she got out of bed and said: "There is something here for good reason: let me look in a magic book." She looked into her magic book and immediately found out that it was not a simple robin bird sitting in a golden cage, but a young soldier. “Oh, you are ignorant! Yelena the Wise shouted. - Get out of the cell. For your untruth, you will answer me with your life.

Nothing to do - a robin bird flew out of a golden cage, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. The soldier fell on his knees before the queen and began to ask for forgiveness. “There is no forgiveness for you, scoundrel,” answered Elena the Wise and shouted to the executioner and the chopping block to chop off the soldier’s head. No matter where it came from, a giant stood in front of her with an ax and a chopping block, knocked the soldier to the ground, pressed his violent head to the chopping block and raised the ax. Here the princess will wave her handkerchief, and the brave head will roll! .. “Have mercy, beautiful princess,” the soldier asks with tears, “let me sing a song in the end.” - “Sing, yes, hurry!” The soldier sang a song so sad, so plaintive, that Elena the Wise herself burst into tears; she felt sorry for the good fellow, she said to the soldier: “I give you ten hours; if you manage to hide so cunningly at this time that I will not find you, then I will marry you; and if you fail to do this, I will order you to cut off your head.”

A soldier came out of the palace, wandered into a dense forest, sat down under a bush, thought, twirled: “Ah, an unclean spirit! I’m lost all because of you,” At that very moment an unclean man appeared to him: “What do you need, soldier?” - “Oh,” he says, “my death is coming! Where can I hide from Elena the Wise? The unclean spirit hit the damp earth and turned into a gray-winged eagle: “Sit down, servant, on my back; I will take you to heaven." The soldier sat on an eagle: the eagle soared up and flew over the black clouds. Five hours passed, Elena the Wise took the magic book, looked - and everything seemed to be in the palm of her hand; she exclaimed in a loud voice: “Complete, eagle, fly in the sky; get down to the bottom - you can’t hide from me. ” The eagle landed.

The soldier squirmed more than ever: “What to do now? Where to hide? “Wait,” says the unclean one, “I will help you.” He ran up to the soldier, hit him on the cheek and turned him into a pin, and he himself became a mouse, grabbed the pin in his teeth, crept into the palace, found a magic book and stuck a pin in it. The last five hours have passed. Elena the Wise opened her magic book, looked and looked - the book does not show anything; the princess became very angry and threw her into the oven. The pin fell out of the book, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow. Elena the Wise took his hand. “I,” he says, “is cunning, and you are cunning me too!” They did not hesitate for a long time, got married and lived happily ever after.

Elena the Wise (variant of fairy tale 2)

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, the king had a golden company; a soldier named Ivan served in this company - a fine fellow. The sovereign fell in love with him and began to favor with ranks: in a short time made him a colonel. Here the senior authorities envied him: “Why did we serve like that until our ranks for thirty years, and he immediately grabbed all the ranks? It is necessary to lime him, otherwise he will overtake us. ” Once the generals and duma boyars decided to take a walk on the sea, dressed up the ship, invited Ivan the Colonel with them; We went out to the open sea and walked until late in the evening. Ivan got tired, lay down on his bunk and fell into a sound sleep; the boyars and generals were only waiting for this; they took him, put him in a boat and let him go to sea, and they themselves returned back. A little later, clouds came up, a storm roared, the waves rose and carried the boat to no one knows where, carried it far, far away and threw it onto the island. Then Ivan woke up, looks - the place is deserted, there is no ship and no traces, and the sea is terribly worried. “It can be seen,” he thinks, “the ship was wrecked by a storm, and all my comrades drowned; thank God that he himself survived! He went to inspect the island; walked and walked - nowhere to be seen a scurrying beast, or a migratory bird, or human habitation.

How long, how short - Ivan came across underground passage. That way, he descended into a deep abyss and ended up in the underworld, where the six-headed serpent lived and reigned. I saw the white-stone chambers, entered there - the first chamber was empty, the other was empty, and the third was sleeping with a heroic dream of a six-headed serpent; there is a table near him, a huge book lies on the table. Ivan unfolded that book, read, read and read until the page where it was said that the king cannot give birth to the king, but the king will be born from the queen; took - scraped these words with a knife and instead of them he wrote that the queen cannot give birth to the king, but the king will always be born from the king.

An hour later, the serpent turned on its other side, like a ..... - so loudly that he woke up himself, and Ivan gasped. “Listen, father,” he says to the snake, “it’s time for you to get up.” The serpent heard a human voice, looked around at the guest and asked: “Where did you come from? How many years have I lived in the world, and until now I have not seen a single person in my kingdom. - “How from where? Why, I'm your son! Now you turned on the other side and how you bang - I jumped out ... "-" Well, - says the snake, - let me look in the book: can the king give birth to the king. He opened his book, read what it said, and was convinced: “Your truth, son!” He took Ivan by the hand, led him through all the pantries, showed him countless riches, and they began to live and live together.

Some time has passed, the six-headed serpent says: “Well, son, here are the keys to all the chambers; go everywhere - wherever you want, just do not dare to look into one chamber, which is locked with two locks, gold and silver. And now I will fly around the world, I will look at people, I will amuse myself. He gave the keys and flew away from the underworld to walk around the white world. Ivan was left alone, alone; he lives for a month, another and a third ... now the year is running out; he became bored, he took it into his head to inspect the chambers, walked and walked and found himself right at the forbidden room. The good fellow could not stand it, took out the keys, unlocked both locks, gold and silver, and opened the oak door.

Two girls are sitting in this room - they are chained: one is Princess Elena the Wise, and the other is her servant. The princess has golden wings, the maid has silver ones. Elena the Wise says: “Hello, good fellow! Do us a small service, give us a glass of spring water to drink. Ivan, looking at her inexpressible beauty, completely forgot about the snake; he felt sorry for the poor recluses, he poured two glasses of spring water and served them to the red maidens. They drank, started up - the iron rings fell apart, heavy chains fell off, the red maidens flapped their wings and flew away into open window. It was only then that Ivan came to his senses, locked the empty room, went out onto the porch and sat down on the step, hung his exuberant head below his mighty shoulders, and became very, very sad: how will he answer?

Suddenly the winds whistled, a strong storm arose - a six-headed serpent flew in: “Hello, son!” Ivan doesn't answer a word. “Why are you silent? Ali, how bad has it become? - "It's bad, father! I did not comply with your prohibition, I looked into that room where two girls were sitting, chained on chains; gave them spring water to drink; they drank, started up, flapped their wings and flew away through the open window. The serpent became terribly angry, began to scold him, vilify him in every possible way; then took iron rod, glowed red hot and gave him three blows on the back. “Well,” he says, “it’s your happiness that you are my son! Otherwise, I would have eaten you alive.” As soon as Ivan's back healed, he began to ask the snake: "Father, let me go around the world - look for Elena the Wise." - “Well, where are you going! I mined it for exactly thirty-three years and barely managed to catch it. - “Let go, father! Let me try my luck." - “And for me, perhaps! Here's a flying carpet for you: wherever you want, you can take it there. I only feel sorry for you, because Elena the Wise is painfully cunning; even if you catch her, she will still go around and deceive you.

Ivan sat on the flying carpet, flew out of the underworld, and before he could blink, he found himself in a beautiful garden. He went to the pond, sat down under a willow bush and began to watch and admire how gold and silver fish walk in the clear water. Less than five minutes later, Elena the Wise flew there with her maid; they immediately took off their wings, laid them near a bush, stripped naked and rushed into the water to bathe. Ivan slowly dragged away the wings, came out from under the willow bush and shouted in a loud voice: “Ah! Now you are in my hands." The red-haired girls jumped out of the pond, threw on their dresses, approached the good fellow and began to beg and beg him to give them wings. “No,” Ivan answers, “I won’t give it away for anything; you fell in love with me, Elena the Wise, more than the clear sun; now I will take you to your father, to your mother, I will marry you, and you will be my wife, and I will be your husband. The princess servant told him: “Listen, good fellow! You want to marry Elena the Wise; and why are you holding me? Better give me my wings: at some time I myself will come in handy for you. Ivan thought and thought and gave her the silver wings; she quickly tied them up, started up and flew away far, far away.

After that, Ivan made a box, put golden wings in it and locked it firmly with a lock; sat on a magic carpet, put Elena the Wise with him and flew to his state. He flies to his father, to his mother, brings his bride-to-be to them and asks them to love her and favor her. There was fun like no one else had seen! The next day, Ivan gives his mother the key to the box. “Take care,” he asks, “for the time being, don’t give the key to anyone; and I will go - I will appear to the king and invite him to the wedding. Just left, Elena the Wise comes running: “Mother! Give me the key to the box; I need to get a dress, dress up for the crown. Mother, knowing nothing, gave her the key without any fear. Elena the Wise rushed to the box, opened the lid, took her wings, tied them up, flapped them once or twice - they only saw her! The groom returned home: “Mother! Where is my bride? It's time to get ready for the wedding." - “Ah, son, she flew away!”

The good fellow took a deep breath, said goodbye to his father and mother, sat on the magic carpet and flew into the underworld to the six-headed serpent. The snake saw him and said: “Well, daring head! After all, it was not for nothing that I said that you can’t get Elena the Wise, but you will get it - so she will lead you. - “Your truth, father! Yes, whatever happens, I'll still try; I'm going to marry her." - “Oh, you restless! After all, she has such a covenant: anyone who asks for her must hide up to three times, and if she finds him, she immediately orders to chop off her head. Many heroes came to her, but every single one laid down their violent heads; and the same is being prepared for you. Listen, here is flint and steel for you; how Elena the Wise will make you hide, you hit the flint with a flint, cut out the light and burn the feather-grass; at that very moment a gray-winged eagle will appear and lift you up beyond third clouds. This business will not succeed, cut down the light again and let it into the blue sea - a huge pike-fish will swim to the shore and take you - it will carry you into the abyss of the sea. If Elena the Wise finds you here, then there is nowhere else to hide from her! Ivan took flint and flint, thanked the six-headed serpent and flew on a magic carpet.

How long, how short, how close, how far, he flew to distant lands, to the thirtieth state, where Elena the Wise lived. Her palace burned like a fire - it was poured out of pure silver and gold; at the gate, eleven heroes' heads stuck out on iron spokes. Ivan, a good fellow, became thoughtful: “Eleven heads are raised on the knitting needles; mine, surely, will be the twelfth!” He sank down into the wide yard, stepped onto the high porch, and went straight into the room. Elena the Wise meets him. “You,” he says, “why did you complain?” - "I want to marry you." - "Well! Try; if you manage to hide from me, I will marry you; but if you fail, you will pay with your head. Ivan went out into an open field, took out a flint and a tinderbox, knocked out a light and burned the feather grass. Suddenly, from where it didn’t come from, a gray-winged eagle flew in and said in a human voice: “Hurry, good fellow, sit on me and hold on tight, otherwise you will fall off.”

Ivan sat on the eagle, wrapped his arms tightly around him; the eagle flapped its wings, rose high up and climbed over the third clouds. It seems that he hid well - no one can find; yes, Elena the Wise has such a mirror: one has only to look into it, so the whole universe will open; at once you will find out where and what is going on in the white world. So she went up to this mirror, looked into it and immediately recognized all the ins and outs. "Come on, sly! Elena called out in a loud voice. “I see that you flew beyond the third clouds, the gray-winged eagle brought you, and now it’s time to descend to the ground.”

Ivan descended to the ground, got off the eagle and went to the seaside, hit the flint with a flint, knocked out a light and let it go to the blue sea. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a huge pike-fish swam to the shore. “Well, good fellow,” says the pike, “get into my mouth, I’ll hide you at the bottom of the sea.” She opened her mouth, swallowed the young man, sank with him into the abyss of the sea and covered herself with sand all around. “Well,” Ivan thinks, “maybe it will be all right!” It wasn't there; Elena the Wise only looked in the mirror and immediately recognized everything: “Enough, sly! I see - you climbed into a huge pike-fish and now you are sitting in the abyss of the sea, under the loose sands. Time to land!" Pike-fish swam to the shore, threw out a good fellow and again went into the sea. Ivan returned to Elena the Wise in a wide courtyard, sat on the porch and became deeply thoughtful and saddened.

At that time, the servant of Elena the Wise was running down the stairs: “What are you upset about, good fellow?” “How can I be funny? If I don’t hide for the third time, then I must say goodbye to the white light. Here I sit and wait for death. - “Do not grieve, do not speak evil on your violent head; there was a time: I promised to be useful to you - I did not say an empty word; Come on, I'll hide you." She took him by the hand, led him into the palace and sat him down behind a mirror. A little later Elena the Wise comes running; already she looked, looked in the mirror - no, not to see the groom; now the time has passed, she got angry and struck the mirror in annoyance; the glass shattered to smithereens - and Ivan appeared before her, a good fellow. There is nothing to do here, I had to submit. Elena the Wise does not cook honey, does not smoke wine; on the same day with an honest feast and for the wedding; they got married and began to live, live, make good.

Elena the Wise // Folk Russian fairy tales by A. N. Afanasyev: In 3 volumes - M .: Nauka, 1984-1985. - (Lit. monuments). T. 2. - 1985. - S. 198-205.

Alternative text:

Elena the Wise - Russian folk tale

AT From now on, I'll tell you a story. As I have heard, I will tell you.

In ancient times in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to one soldier to stand on the clock near a stone tower. The tower was locked and sealed, and it was at night. Exactly at twelve o'clock, a soldier hears someone shouting from this tower:

Hey servant!

The soldier asks: - Who is calling me?

What do you need?

Release me. When you are in need, I will be of service to you. Just remember me - at that very moment I will come to your rescue and come.

The soldier immediately broke the seal, broke the lock and opened the doors - the devil jumped out of the tower, soared up and disappeared faster than lightning.

- “Well,” the soldier thinks, “I have done things. My whole service was gone for nothing. Now they will put me under arrest, give me up to a military court and, what good, make me walk through the line. I'd better run away while there's still time."

He threw his gun and knapsack on the ground and went aimlessly. He walked a day, walked another, and a third. Hunger dismantled him, and there was nothing to drink or eat. The soldier sat down on the road, wept with bitter tears and thought:

"Well, am I stupid? For ten years he served with the king, every day he received three pounds of bread. So no, here it is! He ran away to die of starvation. Oh shit, you're the one to blame!" Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unclean man stood in front of him and asked:

Hello servant! What are you grieving about?

How can I not grieve, if the third day I disappear from hunger.

Do not grieve, soldier, this is fixable! - said the devil. He rushed back and forth, dragged all sorts of wines and supplies, gave the soldier a drink and fed and calls him with him:

In my house, you will have a free life. Drink, eat and walk as much as you like, just look after my daughters - I don’t need anything else.

The soldier agreed. The devil grabbed him by the arms, lifted him high, high into the air and took him to distant lands, to the thirtieth state - to the white-stone chambers.

The devil had three daughters - a beauty. He ordered them to obey this soldier. And plenty of water and feed him. And he himself flew off to do dirty tricks: you know - damn it! He never sits still, but everything prowls around the world and confuses people. There remained a soldier with red maidens, and such a life went to him that he did not even need to die.

One thing worries him: the red girls leave the house every night, but where they go is unknown. The soldier began to ask them about it, they don’t tell like that, they lock themselves up.

“Okay,” the soldier decided, “I’ll be on guard all night, and I’ll see where you are dragging yourself.” In the evening, the soldier lay down on the bed, pretended to be fast asleep, but he himself could not wait - something would happen?

That's how the time approached, he slowly crept up to the girl's bedroom, stood at the door, bent down and looked through the keyhole.

The red girls brought a magic carpet, spread it on the floor, hit that carpet and became doves. Startled and flew out the window. “What a marvel this is! the soldier thinks. “Let me try.” He entered the bedroom, hit the carpet and turned into a robin. He flew out the window and flew after them.

The doves landed on the green meadow, and the robin sat down under the currant bush, hid behind the leaves and looked out from there. Pigeons flew into this place, apparently, invisibly, the whole meadow was covered. In the middle of the meadow stood a golden throne.

A little later, both heaven and earth shone - a golden chariot flies through the air, in a harness there are six fiery serpents. Princess Elena the Wise sits on a chariot - such indescribable beauty that you can’t think of it, or guess it, or describe it with a pen!

Elena the Wise descended from the chariot, sat on a golden throne. She began to call the doves to her in turn and teach them various wisdoms. She finished her studies, jumped on the chariot - and was like that! Then every single dove took off from the green meadow and each flew in its own direction.

The robin bird fluttered after the three sisters and ended up in the bedroom with them. The doves hit the carpet - they became red girls, and the robin hit - turned into a soldier.

Where are you from? - the red girls ask him.

And I was with you on a green meadow, I saw a beautiful princess on a golden throne and heard how the princess taught you various tricks.

Well, you're lucky you survived! After all, this princess is Elena the Wise, our mighty sovereign. If she had her magic book with her, she would immediately recognize you - and then you would not escape an evil death. Watch out, officer! Do not fly to the green meadow anymore, do not marvel at Helen the Wise, otherwise you will lay down your violent head.

The soldier does not lose heart, he misses those speeches. He waited for another night, hit the carpet and became a robin bird. A robin flew into a green meadow, hid under a currant bush, looks at Elena the Wise, admires her beloved beauty and thinks:

- “If I could get a wife like that, there would be nothing left to desire in the world! I’ll fly after her and find out where she lives.”

Here Elena the Wise descended from the golden throne, got into her chariot and rushed through the air to her wonderful palace. A robin followed her.

The princess has arrived at the palace. The nannies and mothers ran out to meet her, grabbed her by the arms and took her to the painted chambers.

And the robin bird fluttered into the garden, chose a beautiful tree that just stood under the window of the princess's bedroom, sat on a branch and began to sing so well and plaintively that the princess did not close her eyes all night - she listened to everything.

As soon as the red sun rose, Elena the Wise cried out in a loud voice:

Mothers, nannies, run to the garden, catch me a robin bird! The mothers and nannies rushed into the garden, began to catch the songbird ... But where are they, old women!

The robin flies from bush to bush, does not fly far, but does not fall into hands either. The princess could not bear it, she ran out into the green garden, she herself wanted to catch a robin bird. It approaches the bush - the bird does not move from the branch, lowering its wings sits, as if waiting for it.

The princess was delighted, took the bird in her hands, brought it to the palace, put it in a golden cage and hung it in her bedroom. The day passed, the sun set, Elena the Wise flew to the green meadow, returned. She took off her clothes, undressed and went to bed.

As soon as the princess fell asleep, the robin bird turned into a fly, flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and became a good fellow. A good fellow came up to the bed of the princess, looked, looked at the beauty, could not stand it and kissed her on the sugary lips. He sees - the princess wakes up, quickly turned into a fly, flew into the cage and again became a robin bird.

The princess opened her eyes, looked around - no one was there. “It can be seen,” he thinks, “it was a dream to me!” She turned over and fell asleep again. And the soldier is very impatient. He tried it a second and a third time - Elena the Wise sleeps lightly, after each kiss she wakes up. For the third time, the princess got up from her bed and said:

There is something here for good reason: let me look into a magic book. Elena the Wise looked into her magic book and immediately found out that not a simple robin bird was sitting in a golden cage, but a young soldier.

Oh you! cried the queen.

Get out of the cell. For your untruth, you will answer me with your life! There is nothing to do - a robin bird flew out of a golden cage, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.

There is no forgiving for you! - said Elena the Wise and called the executioner to chop off the soldier's head.

Out of nowhere - a giant appeared in front of her with a chopping block and an ax, knocked the soldier to the ground, pressed his violent head to the chopping block and raised the ax. Here the princess will wave her handkerchief, and the brave head will roll ...

Have mercy on me, beautiful princess, - said the soldier with tears, - let me sing a song in the end.

Sing, just hurry up!

The soldier sang a song, so sad, so plaintive, that Elena the Wise burst into tears herself. She felt sorry for the good fellow, she said to the soldier:

I give you ten hours, if during this time you manage to hide so cunningly that I cannot find you, then I will marry you, and if you fail to do this, I will order you to cut off your head.

A soldier came out of the palace, wandered into a dense forest, sat down under a bush, thought, twisted:

Ah, the unclean spirit! I'm lost because of you.

At the same moment, the devil appeared to him:

What do you want, officer?

Eh, - he says, - my death is coming! Where can I hide from Elena the Wise?

The devil hit the damp earth and turned into a gray-winged eagle:

Sit on my back, soldier, I'll take you into the skies. The soldier sat on the eagle, the eagle soared up and flew behind the black clouds-clouds. Five hours have passed.

Elena the Wise took the magic book, looked - and saw everything as if in the palm of her hand. She spoke in a loud voice:

It’s enough for you, eagle, to fly in the sky, go down - you won’t hide from me. The eagle landed. More than the former soldier spun:

What to do now? Where to hide?

Wait, - says the devil, - I'll help you. He jumped up to the soldier, hit him on the cheek and turned him with a pin, and he himself became a mouse. He grabbed a pin in his teeth, sneaked into the palace with it, found a magic book and stuck a pin in it. The last five hours are over. Elena the Wise unfolded her magic book. I looked and looked - the book does not show anything. The princess became very angry and threw the book into the oven. The pin fell out of the book, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.

In ancient times, in a certain kingdom, not in our state, it happened to one soldier standing at a stone tower at the clock; the tower was locked up and sealed with a seal, but it was at night.
Exactly at twelve o'clock, a soldier hears someone shouting from this tower:
- Hey, soldier!
Soldier asks:
- Who is calling me?
- It's me - the devil, - a voice responds from behind the iron bars, - I've been sitting here for thirty years without drinking or eating.
-What do you need?
- Let me go free. When you are in need, I myself will be useful to you; just remember me - and at that very moment I will come to your rescue.
The soldier immediately broke the seal, broke the lock and opened the doors - the devil jumped out of the tower, soared up and disappeared faster than lightning.
“Well,” the soldier thinks, “I've done my deeds; my whole service was gone for nothing. Now they will put me under arrest, hand me over to a military court and, what’s good, make me walk through the line; I'd rather run away while there's still time."
He threw the gun and knapsack on the ground and went aimlessly.
He walked a day, and another, and a third; dismantled his hunger, but there is nothing to eat and drink; sat down on the road, wept bitter tears, and pondered:
"Well, am I stupid? He served the king for ten years, every day he received three pounds of bread. So no! He ran free to die of starvation. Oh, hell, it's all your fault!"
Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unclean man stood in front of him and asked:
- Hello, officer! What are you grieving about?
- How can I not grieve if I'm starving for the third day.
- Don't worry, this is the right thing to do! - said the devil.
He rushed back and forth, dragged all sorts of wines and supplies, fed and watered the soldier and calls him with him:
- In my house you will have a free life; drink, eat and walk as much as your soul wants, just look after my daughters - I don’t need anything else.
The soldier agreed. The devil grabbed him by the arms, lifted him high, high into the air and brought him far away, to the farthest country - to the white-stone chambers.
The devil had three daughters - a beauty. He ordered them to obey that soldier and feed and water him enough, while he himself flew off to do dirty tricks: you know - damn it! He never sits still, but he prowls around the world and confuses people.
There was a soldier with red maidens, and such a life happened to him that he did not even need to die. One thing annoys him: every night the red girls leave the house, but where they go is unknown. I began to ask them about it, they don’t say that, they lock themselves up.
“All right,” the soldier thinks, “I’ll be on guard all night, and I’ll see where you are dragging yourself.”
In the evening, the soldier lay down on the bed, pretended to be fast asleep, but he himself could not wait - something would happen?
That's how the time-time came, he crept up slowly to the girl's bedroom, stood at the door, bent down and looked through the keyhole. The red girls brought a magic carpet, spread it on the floor, hit that carpet and became doves; startled and flew out the window.
“What a marvel! the soldier thinks. “Let me try.”
He jumped into the bedroom, hit the carpet and turned into a robin, flew out the window and followed them.
The doves landed on the green meadow, and the robin sat down under the currant bush, hid behind the leaves and looked out from there.
Pigeons visibly flew into that place, they covered the whole meadow; in the middle stood a golden throne.
A little later, both heaven and earth shone - a golden chariot flies through the air, harnessed with six fiery serpents; Princess Elena the Wise sits on a chariot - such indescribable beauty that you can’t think of it, or guess it, or tell it in a fairy tale!

She descended from the chariot, sat on a golden throne; she began to call the doves to her in turn and teach them various wisdoms. She finished her studies, jumped on the chariot - and she was like that!
Then every single dove took off from the green meadow and each flew in its own direction. The robin bird fluttered after the three sisters and found herself in the bedroom with them.
The doves hit the carpet - they became red maidens, and the robin hit - turned into a soldier.
- Where are you from? the girls ask him.
- And I was with you on a green meadow, I saw a beautiful princess on a golden throne and heard how the princess taught you various tricks.
- Well, it's your luck that you survived! After all, this princess is Elena the Wise, our mighty sovereign. If she had her magic book with her, she would immediately recognize you - and then you would not have escaped an evil death. Watch out, officer! Do not fly more to the green meadow, do not marvel at Helen the Wise, otherwise you will lay down your wild head.
The soldier does not lose heart, he misses those speeches.
Waited for another night, hit the carpet and became a robin bird. A robin flew into a green meadow, hid under a currant bush, looks at Elena the Wise, admires her darling beauty and thinks:
“If you could get such a wife, there would be nothing left to wish in the world! I’ll fly after her and find out where she lives.”

Here Elena the Wise descended from the golden throne, sat on her chariot and rushed through the air to her wonderful palace; after her, the robin flew.
The princess came to the palace; nannies and mothers ran out to meet her, grabbed her by the arms and took her to the painted chambers. And the robin bird fluttered into the garden, chose a beautiful tree that just stood under the window of the queen's bedroom, sat on a branch and began to sing so well and plaintively that the princess did not close her eyes all night - she listened to everything.
As soon as the red sun rose, Elena the Wise cried out in a loud voice:
- Nannies, mothers, run to the garden as soon as possible; catch me a robin bird!
The nannies and mothers rushed into the garden, began to catch the songbird ... But where are they, old women! The robin flies from bush to bush, does not fly far and is not given into hands.
The princess could not stand it, ran out into the green garden, wants to catch the robin herself; approaches the bush - the bird does not move from the branch, sits lowering its wings, as if waiting for it.
The princess was delighted, took the bird in her hands, brought it to the palace, put it in a golden cage and hung it in her bedroom.
The day passed, the sun set, Elena the Wise flew off to the green meadow, returned, began to take off her headdress, undressed and went to bed. As soon as the princess fell asleep, the robin bird turned into a fly, flew out of the golden cage, hit the floor and became a good fellow.
A good fellow came up to the queen's bed, looked, looked at the beauty, could not stand it and kissed her on the lips of sugar. He sees - the princess wakes up, quickly turned into a fly, flew into the cage and became a robin bird.
Elena the Wise opened her eyes, looked around - there was no one. “It can be seen,” he thinks, “I dreamed about it in a dream!” She turned over and fell asleep again.
And the soldier is impatient; I tried it a second and a third time - the princess is fast asleep, after every kiss she wakes up.
For the third time she got up from the bed and said:
- There is something here for good reason: let me look in a magic book.
She looked into her magic book and immediately found out that it was not a simple robin bird sitting in a golden cage, but a young soldier.
- Oh you! Yelena the Wise shouted. - Get out of the cell. For your untruth, you will answer me with your life!
Nothing to do - a robin bird flew out of a golden cage, hit the floor and turned into a good fellow.
- There is no forgiving for you! - said Elena the Wise and shouted to the executioner to cut off the soldier's head.
No matter where it came from, a giant stood in front of her with an ax and a chopping block, knocked the soldier to the ground, pressed his violent head to the chopping block and raised the ax. Here the princess will wave her handkerchief, and the valiant head will roll ...
“Have mercy, beautiful princess,” the soldier said with tears, “let me sing a song in the end.
- Sing, hurry up!
The soldier sang a song, so sad, so plaintive, that Elena the Wise herself burst into tears; she felt sorry for the good fellow, she says to the soldier:
- I give you ten hours; if you manage to hide so cunningly at this time that I will not find you, then I will marry you; and if you fail to do this, I will order you to cut off your head.
A soldier came out of the palace, wandered into a dense forest, sat down under a bush, thought, spun:
- Ah, unclean spirit! I'm lost because of you.
At that very moment the devil appeared to him:
- What do you need, serviceman?
- Eh, - he says, - my death is coming! Where can I hide from Elena the Wise?
The devil hit the damp earth and turned into a gray-winged eagle:
- Sit down, serviceman, on my back, I will carry you into the skies.
The soldier sat on the eagle; the eagle soared up and flew over the clouds-black clouds.
Five hours have passed. Elena the Wise took the magic book, looked - and everything seemed to be in the palm of her hand; she exclaimed in a loud voice:
- Enough, eagle, to fly in the skies; get down to the bottom - you can’t hide from me.
The eagle landed.