The famous world symbol of France, the most famous landmark of Paris, shot in hundreds of films, felt in verses, millions of times reproduced in souvenirs and postcards, the object of admiration and ridicule, imprinted in picturesque canvases and caricatures - all this Eiffel Tower. Having initially called many disputes and massive discontent, she became a favorite place of meetings Parisian and an integral part of Paris's appearance. Every year, the tower attended more than 6 million people, in popularity, it ranks first in the world among paid attractions. In total, during its existence, the Eiffel Tower visited over a quarter of a billion people.

History of the Eiffel Tower

"There is nothing more constant than the temporary" - this is a commodity expression with a complete base applies to the Eiffel Tower. In 1889, the World Industrial Exhibition was planned to be held in Paris, on which all the latest achievements of humanity in science and technology were assumed. The year of the exhibition was not chosen by chance - France was preparing to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the take of Bastille.

According to the organizing committee, the symbol of the exhibition was to be a construction that personifies scientific and technological progress and demonstrating the achievements of the country. A competition was announced, to which 107 projects presented. Among them were very peculiar, for example, a huge model of guillotine, a sad attribute of the Great French Revolution. One of the requirements for the project was the ease of dismantling the future structures, because after the exhibition she intended to remove.

The winner of the competition was the French engineer and industrialist Gustav Eifel, which submitted a project of openwork design from a maquetty cast iron with a height of 300 meters. The full partners of the Eiffel were his staff Maurice Köshlen and Emil Nugier, who offered the idea of \u200b\u200bthe frame tower from the metal.

In the initial version, the future design had too "industrial" appearance, and the Paris public actively opposed the emergence of such a structure that destroyed, in her opinion, the aesthetic appearance of Paris. The artistic processing of the project was commissioned to architect Stephana to the Council, who proposed to arrange the lower supporting part of the Tower in the form of the Arch and arrange the entrance to the exhibition under them. The supports themselves were supposed to set the stone slabs, to build glassed halls on some floors and add a number of decorative elements.

The project was patented by the Eiffel and its two co-authors. Later, the Eifel bought the shares of Köhlen and Nugie and became the only copyright owner.

The estimated cost of the work was 6 million francs, but ultimately increased to 7.8 million. The state and the municipality could allocate only 1.5 million francs, and the Eifel assumed the obligation to find the missing funds, provided that he was leased to the tower for 20 years , Before dismantling. After signing the Agreement, the Eifel created a joint stock company with a capital of 5 million francs, half of which the engineer himself was made, half of the Paris Bank.

The publication of the final project and the terms of the contract caused a flurry of protests of the French intelligentsia. A petition was sent to the municipality, which was signed by more three hundred artists, architects, writers and musicians, including Maupassan, Charles Guno, Alexander Duma-Son. The tower was called "lamppost", "Iron Monster", "hated column", calling the authorities to prevent the appearance in Paris the facilities, which 20 years will urge his architectural appearance.

However, the mood has changed quite quickly. The same Maupassan later loved to dine in one of the restaurants of the tower. When he was pointed to the inconsistency of his behavior, he calmly answered that the Eiffel Tower was the only place in Paris, where she is not visible.

The whole design consisted of 18 thousand items that were manufactured at the Machine-building plant of the Eiffel itself in the town of Levallua-Perre, not far from Paris. The weight of each part did not exceed three tons, all the fastening holes and the details were carefully customized to make it easier to facilitate the assembly and avoid alterations. The first tier tiers were collected using tower cranes, then moved to the use of small cranes of the eiffel's own design, which moved along the rails intended for elevators. The elevators themselves were supposed to be driven by hydraulic pumps.

Thanks to the unprecedented accuracy of the drawings (the error was not more than 0.1 mm.) And the filigree fit of parts to each other already at the factory, the pace of work was very high. 300 workers took part in the construction. Work at the height was very risky, and the Eifel paid special attention to the safety technique, so that there was not a single fatal accident at the construction site.

Finally, in 2 years and 2 months after booking, the Eifel invited municipal officials to inspect the tower. The elevators have not worked yet, and the unfortunate employees had to rise on the stairs of 1710 steps.

The three-hundredth tower, which has become the highest construction in the world, had a deafening success. For the first six months, the exhibition on the tower, the rolled "iron lady" for an elegant graceful silhouette, visited about 2 million visitors. Revenues from the sale of tickets, release of postcards, etc. Already by the end of 1889, 75% of construction costs were covered.

By the time of the planned dismantling of the tower in 1910, it became clear that it was better to leave it in his place. It was actively used for radio and telegraph communications, in addition, the tower had to do with the general public and became recognized in the world of Paris. The lease agreement was extended for 70 years, but subsequently the Eiffel refused both the contract and from its copyright in favor of the state.

A number of technical breakthroughs in the field of communication are associated with the Eiffel Tower. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was carried out experiments with wireless telegraph, and in 1906 a permanent radio station was established. It was she who allowed in 1914 during the battle on the margin to produce a German transfer radio personch and organize a counteroffensive. In 1925, the first television signal was broadcast from the tower, and permanent television began 10 years later. Thanks to the installation of television antennas, the tower height has grown to 324 meters.

The case is widely known with the arrival of Hitler in the occupied Paris in 1940. The Führer was going to rise to the tower, but right before his arrival, workers engaged in the service of the elevators, brought them out. Hitler had to confine themselves to walk at the foot of the tower. Subsequently, specialists were sent from Germany, but they did not manage to establish the work of the elevators, and the German flag did not rise at the top of the Paris symbol. Again the elevators earned in 1944, a few hours after the liberation of the city.

The history of the Tower could end in the same 1944, when Hitler ordered her to blow it together with many other attractions, but Paris's commandant Dietrich von Holtitz ordered did not fulfill. There was no unpleasant consequences for him, since he immediately surrendered to the British.

Iron Lady of Paris

Today, the Eiffel Tower is one of the most popular seats of the French capital, both among tourists and among the Parisians themselves. According to statistics, the greatest number of tourists who first come to Paris, goes to the Eiffel Tower. As for the inhabitants of the city, then among young Parisians a tradition is distributed to explain in love or make a proposal of hands and hearts on the Eiffel Tower, as if urging the witnesses all Paris.

The Eiffel himself, by the way, never called his brainchild of the Eiffel Tower - he spoke "three hundred dollar".

The metal design weighs 7,300 tons and is highly durable and stability. Its deviation into a strong wind is 12 cm, at high temperatures - 18 cm. It is interesting that in the work on the structures of fastenings, the Eifel was guided not only by technical calculations, but also the works of the Paleontologist Hermann von Mayer, who studied the structure of man and animal joints, their ability to transfer Large load.

The lower floor form four convergent columns, connected by an arched arch at an altitude of about 57 m. On the platform supported by them also cost four columns carrying a square side of 35 m. It is located at an altitude of 116 m. The top of the tower is a powerful column on which There is a third place (276 m.). The topmost area (1.4 x 1.4 m) is located at an altitude of 300 m. It is possible to climb the tower on the elevator or the stairs in 1792 steps.

Between the third and fourth platforms, television and radio equipment, cellular antennas, lighthouse and meteorological station are established.

Initially, the tower was illuminated by gas lamps, which had 10 thousand. In 1900, electric lighting mounted on the tower. In 2003, the lighting system was modernized, and in 2015, LED lamps began to apply. Light bulbs (their 20 thousand) are easily replaced, which allows you to arrange multi-colored illumination if necessary.

The color of the tower itself has changed repeatedly. Now it has a bronze shade, specially patented precisely for the Eiffel Tower. It is painted every 7 years, spending 57 tons of paint every time. At the same time, inspection of all parts of the tower, which, if necessary, be replaced with new ones.

Souvenir shops are open to the tower of the tower in the columns of the first tier, and in the South Support - more and mail. Here, in a separate room, we can inspect the hydraulic mechanisms that have once raised elevators.

On the first site there is a restaurant "58 Eiffel", a souvenir shop and a cinema center, which demonstrate films about the construction of the Eiffel Tower. It also begins the old screw staircase, according to which it was once possible to rise to the upper tiers and apartments of the Eiffel itself, located on the third platform. On the parapet, you can read the names of 72 famous scientists, engineers and industrialists of France. In winter, for fans of skates on the first floor, a small rink is poured.

The an apartment of Eiffel was his favorite place of time when he came to the capital. It is spacious enough, furnished in the style of the XIX century, there is even a piano. In it, the engineer has repeatedly accepted the came to take a look at the tower of honorable guests, including Edison. Paris's rich was offered a lot of money for apartments or at least for the right to spend the night in them, but he refused every time.

On the second platform there is a favorite restaurant Maupassana "Jules Verne", an observation deck and a constant souvenir shop. Here you can also familiarize yourself with the exposure that tells about the construction of the tower.

The rise on the third floor is carried out with the help of three elevators. Previously, the Observatory and Meteorological Laboratory were located here, now the third platform is a magnificent observation deck with a fantastic view of Paris. In the center of the site there is a bar for those who want to admire the view of the city with a glass of wine in hand.

Now it is impossible to imagine that once the Eiffel Tower was going to demolish. On the contrary, it is the most populated attraction of the world. You know more than 30 copies of the tower of different degrees of accuracy, how many of them, known only to local residents, in fact - no one will say.

Together with television antenna height of the Eiffel Tower - 320 m, weight Eiffel Tower - 7000 tons, and the whole design consists of 15 thousand metal parts. The whole mass relies on a foundation that goes to a depth of 7 m, and on four huge pylons fixed by huge cement blocks.

The weight of the metal structure is 7,300 tons (full weight of 10 100 tons). Today, three towers could be erected from this metal. The foundation is derived from concrete arrays. The oscillations of the tower during the storms do not exceed 15 cm.

The tower is divided into three levels:

  • on the first, at an altitude of 57 m are located a bar and restaurant
  • on the second, at an altitude of 115 m, another bar and restaurant
  • the third is located at an altitude of 274 m
  • the last level is 300 m high, there are television equipment and antennas.

On the elevator or on foot (1652 steps) you can climb to the top, offering a magnificent view of the entire city.

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 12:21

Throughout its history, repeatedly changed the color of their painting - from yellow to red-brown. The past decades of the Eiffel Tower consistently paints in the so-called "brown-eiffel" - officially patented color close to the natural shade of bronze.

The "iron lady" is withstanding the destructive point of time due to 57 tons of paint, which must be updated every 7 years.

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 12:24

Weight - 7,300 tons (full weight of 10 100 tons). Today, three towers could be erected from this metal. The foundation is derived from concrete arrays. The oscillations of the Eiffel tower during storms do not exceed 15 cm.

The lower floor is a pyramid (129.2 m each side at the base) formed by 4 columns connecting at an altitude of 57.63 m arched arch; The first platform is on the arch Eiffel Tower. The platform is a square (65 m in diameter).

On this platform, the second pyramid-tower rises, formed also with 4 columns connecting the arch on which the second platform is located (at an altitude of 115.73 m) (square 30 m in the diameter).

Four columns towering on the second platform, the pyramid approach and, gradually intertwining, form a colossal pyramidal column (190 m), carrying a third platform (at an altitude of 276.13 m), also a square shape (16.5 m in diameter); It snakes a lighthouse with a dome, over which at an altitude of 300 m is a platform (1.4 m in diameter).

On the Eiffel Tower Laders (1792 steps) and elevators.

On the first platform, restaurant halls were erected; On the second platform, tanks with engine oil for a hydraulic lift machine (elevator) and a restaurant in a glass gallery were placed. The third platform housed an astronomical and meteorological observatory and a physical office. The lighthouse light was visible at a distance of 10 km.

The erected tower shocked the bold decision of his form. Eiffel was cruelly criticized for the project and at the same time accused of trying to create something artistic and not artistic.

Together with its engineers - Most specialists, Eifel was engaged in the calculations of the wind strength, realizing that if they build the highest construction in the world, then first of all should be convinced of its resistance to wind loads.

The initial treaty with the Eiffel was about the dismantling of the tower 20 years after the construction. As it is not difficult to guess, he was never implemented, and moreover, the rental extended for another 70 years. The history of the Eiffel Tower continued.

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 12:32

Under the first balcony, the names of 72 outstanding French scientists and engineers are engraved in all four sides of the parapet, as well as those who have made a special contribution to the creation of Gustav Eiffel.

These inscriptions appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and were restored in 1986-1987 by Société Nouvelle D'Exploitation De La Tour Eiffel, a venue for the operation of the Eiffel Tower.

Tower itself today is the property of the city of Paris.

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 12:36

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 12:42

In total, four levels can be distinguished: lower (ground), 1st floor (57 meters), 2nd floor (115 meters) and 3rd floor (276 meters). Each of them is notable in its own way.

At the lower level there are cash registers where you can purchase tickets for Eiffel Tower, Information booth, from where you can grab useful brochures and booklets, as well as 4 souvenir stores - one in each column of the tower. In the southern column, in addition, there is a post office, so you can send a postcard from the foot of the famous structure directly from the foot of the famous facilities. Also before the start of conquest the Eiffel Tower there is an option to have a snack in the same buffet right there. From the bottom level, you can get into the offices where old hydraulic machines are installed, lifted elevators in the top of the tower. They can only be admired in the composition of sightseeing groups.

The 1st floor, which, if desired, can be climbed on foot, will delight tourists with another souvenir shop and restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel. However, in addition, here is the preserved fragment of the screw staircase, which led from the second floor to the third, and at the same time in the Eiffel office. A lot of new things about the tower can be found by going to the center of Cineiffel, where the animation dedicated to the history of the structure is demonstrated. Children will probably be interesting to get acquainted with Hus - drawn Talisman Eiffel Tower and a character of a special children's book-guide. Also on the 1st floor, you can admire posters, photos, all kinds of illustrations of different times dedicated to the "iron lady".

On the 2nd floor, the first thing that attracts attention is the common panorama of Paris, which opens from the 115-meter height. Immediately you can replenish our reserves of souvenirs, it is necessary to find out a lot about the history of the tower on special stands, and at the same time and order a delightful lunch in the restaurant "Jules Verne".

The 3rd floor is the main goal of many tourists, in fact the vertex of the Eiffel Tower, located at an altitude of 276 meters, where the elevators with transparent glasses are leading, so on the path there is a stunning view of the French capital. At the top you can pamper yourself a glass of champagne in Champange Bar. The rise in the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris is the impressions of the rest of your life.

Building Eiffel TowerSubsequently, the symbol of Paris ended in 1889, it was originally conceived as a temporary structure that served as the entrance arch of the Paris World Exhibition of 1889.

The exhibition took place in Paris and was timed to the century of the anniversary of the Great French Revolution. The Paris City Administration appealed to famous French engineers with a proposal to take part in the architectural competition. In such a competition, it was necessary to find a structure, visible demonstrating engineering and technological achievements of the country.

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 13:02

1886 year. Three years later, the World Industrial Exhibition Expo will begin work in Paris. The exhibition organizers announced a contest for a temporary architectural structure, which would have served the entrance to the exhibition and personify the technical revolution of their time, the beginning of the grandiose transformations in human life. The estimated building was supposed to generate income and be easily dismantled.

On May 1, 1886, a competition of architectural and engineering projects opened in France for the future worldwide exhibition, which was attended by 107 applicants. There were various extravagant ideas on consideration, among them, for example, a giant guillotine, which was supposed to remind the French revolution of 1789.

Among the participants of the competition was the engineer and designer Gustave Eiffel, who proposed the project, unprecedented even then in world construction, - 300-meter metal tower, is the highest structure in the world. He very much did the idea of \u200b\u200bthe tower, he learned from the drawings of the employees of his company Maurice Köhlen and Emil Nugye. Gustav Eifel gets a joint patent for the project, and later it turns out and the exclusive right to the future Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel project becomes one of the 4 winners and then the engineer contributes to it final changes, finding a compromise between the initial pure engineering design and decorative option. Thanks to the changes made by the engineer to the decorative design of the tower, the organizers of the competition preferred its "iron lady".

In the end, the Committee stops on the Eiffel Plan, although the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe tower belonged not to him, and his two employees: Mauris Köhlenu and Emil Nugje. To gather for two years such a complex structure, as the tower, it was possible only because the Eifel applied special design methods. This explains the decision of the Exhibition Committee in favor of this project.

In order for the tower more than answered the aesthetic tastes of the demanding Parisian public, the architect Stefan Sovietar suggested that shelter the base of the tower of the Tower with a stone, to link her supports and the ground floor platform with the help of majestic arches, which would be simultaneously the main entrance to the exhibition, place on the floors of the tower, spacious Glazed halls, give the tip of the tower rounded shape and use a variety of decorative elements for its decoration.

In January 1887, Eiffel, the state and the municipality of Paris signed an agreement according to which Eifel was provided to the personal use of the tower operating lease for a period of 25 years, and also provided for the payment of a monetary subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million gold francs, which was 25% of all expenses on Construction of the tower. December 31, 1888 in order to attract missing funds, a joint-stock company is being created with the authorized capital of 5 million francs. Half of this amount - the means made by three banks, the second half - personal means of the Eiffel itself.

The final construction budget amounted to 7.8 million francs.

  • Eiffel Tower - This is the emblem of Paris and the high-altitude antenna.
  • At the same time, 10,000 people can be on the tower.
  • The project was the architect Stefan Soviet, but built a tower engineer Gustave Eifel (1823-1923), a better known public. Other works of Eiffel: Ponte de Don Maria Pia, Viaduct de Garabi, Iron frame for the New York Statue of Freedom.
  • From the moment of the appearance of the tower, it was visited by about 250 million people.
  • The mass of the metal part of the design is 7,300 tons, and the entire tower is 10,100 tons.
  • In 1925, the passing of Viktor Lustigu managed to sell the iron construction on scrap metal, and he was able to turn this trick twice!
  • In good weather, from the top of the Paris Tower and its surroundings, you can view up to 70 kilometers within a radius. It is believed that optimal time to visit the Eiffel Tower, providing the best visibility - an hour before sunset.
  • The tower belongs to the sad record - about 400 people committed suicide, rushing down from its top platform. In 2009, the terrace was protected by protective barriers and now this place is very popular with romantic couples kissing in front of the entire Paris.

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 13:32

One of the most talented freshers of the 20th century was Count Victor Lustig (1890-1947). This man owned five languages, received excellent upbringing. He was a muster and fearless. It is known 45 of its pseudonyms, and only in the USA it was arrested 50 times.

"As far as the fools are in the world, a deception of living to us, it became, with hands."

Smart fraudsters who use for their purposes not too smart fellow citizens - a great set. But that your name entered not only in criminal chronicles, but also in legends - you need to truly possess outstanding abilities. One of these fraudsters is Victor Lustig.

Among his features, both small sacraments and grandiose scams are listed. The young man from a poor Czech family seemed to be broken by the Austrian Count. And so skillfully adhered to this role - that no one had doubts about his title. Free possession of five languages, knowledge of all the thinons of secular and business etiquette, the ability to freely stay in society - here are the qualities, thanks to which he was as in the highest light and in a gangster environment. However, besides the native "graphic" surname, a sinister used several more dozen pseudonyms for his activity. Under them, Victor traveled to various cruises and arranged various draws and lotteries on board vessels, from those today we are familiar with the "scammers".

Fair game, or scam with Al Capone

One of the legends associated with the name of Lustiga was the story of his "cooperation" with Al Capone. Once, in 1926, a high, well-dressed young man visited the famous gangster of that time. The man introduced himself as a graph Victor Lustig. He asked him to give him 50 thousand dollars to double this amount.

Gangster was not at all sorry to invest in a dubious enterprise such a minor amount, and he gave them a count. The term for performing conceived - 2 months. Lustig took money, put them in a bank safe in Chicago, and then went to New York. Lustig did not make an attempt to double the amount left in Chicago.

Two months later he returned, took the money from the bank and went to Gangster. There he apologized, said that the plan did not work and gave money back. Gangster replied to this: "I expected 100 thousand dollars or nothing. But ... Return my money back ... Yes, you are an honest person! If you have difficulty, take at least it. " And gave Count 5 thousand dollars. But these 5 thousand were the goal of the lasty scam!

Scrap metal, or how to sold the Eiffel Tower

But what is "award" of five thousand? Yes, and those sums that Victor left as a result of lotteries, frauds with banks and not too honest poker games, seemed to him meager. The soul demanded a scope. So that the fraud was ambitious. Well, the revenue amount, of course, should also not fall behind.

Lustigs eager formed and the appropriate case did not make himself wait long. In May 1925, Victor Lustig with his friend and companion, Dan Collins arrived in Paris. On the very first day, on arrival, their attention attracted an article in a local newspaper. It described in it that the famous is in a terrible condition and the city authorities consider the option of dismantling it.

The idea of \u200b\u200ba brilliant scam was born instantly. To implement it, a smart room has a lounge room on an expense hotel and made documents claiming that Viktor Lustig is the deputy head of the Ministry of Mail and Telegraph. Then the invitations of the five largest metal traders were sent out. The letters contained an invitation to an important and absolutely classified meeting with the Deputy Director General of the Department of the Krillon Hotel, at that time - the most prestigious hotel of Paris.

Having encountered guests in luxury apartments, Lustig began to lead a lengthy point that the content Eiffel Tower Conducts a state in a penny. That it was built as a temporary construction for the World Exhibition in Paris, and now, after 30 years, heathed so much that it simply represents a threat to Paris and the city authorities are considering the possibility of demolition of the tower. Therefore, among those present, a kind of tender for the purchase of the tower was announced.

A similar offer could not unbeate the interest among invited, but especially by Andre Poisson became interested. He inspired not only the obvious financial benefit from the transaction, but also the opportunity to enter the story. Maybe this particular idea was noticed by Lustig and it was he who was the reason that a confidential meeting was appointed for some time that the Monsieu Poisson was appointed.

During this meeting, Victor Lustig was somewhat restless. He told Poisson that he had every chance to win a tender and for complete victory you only need a little "promote" your candidacy with a small remuneration to Victor personally. Prior to this meeting, MSA Poisson had suspicions: why all the meetings associated with the tender occur in such a secret environment, and not yet in the office of the ministry, but the hotel's room. But such extortion on the part of the official, oddly enough, dispelled the last doubts of Poisson regarding a suspicious transaction. He counted several major bills and persuaded the lounge to take them, then discharged a check on a quarter of a million francs, received documents on the Eiffel Tower and served satisfied. When Monsieu Poisson began to suspect a nonlade, Victor Lustig was already disappeared in Vienna with a suitcase of cash received by the Imp written.

Even despite the fact that Victor Lustig came across the police for more than fifty times - he always managed to leave dry out of the water. The police had to let go of a talented fraudster, because they simply had no fortunded evidence to prove his guilt. Victor Lustig was not only a talented sweat, but also a good psychologist. Most of the victims of the victims did not appeal to the police, not wanting to look fools in the eyes of the public. Even Monsieur Poisson, "bought" the Eiffel Tower for a solid amount was rather ready to part with money than becoming a mad of all Paris and lose his reputation as an insightful businessman.

The story with the Eiffel Tower became the swan song of lounge. Some time after a deal with Poisson, he returned to Paris and decided to sell the tower once again one of the participants in the tender. But the deceived dealers quickly dug a fraudster and told the police. Lustigu managed to escape from the French police to the United States. But there he was caught and devoted to the court. American justice has also accumulated a lot of complaints about a talented sweater. In December 1935, the count arrested. He received 15 years in prison for fake dollars, as well as 5 years old for just a month ago, escape from another prison. He was transferred to the famous Island-Prison Alcataraz near San Francisco, where he died of pneumonia in March 1947.

Sasha Mitrahovich 19.01.2016 14:08

- Metal 300-meter tower, which is located in the center of Paris. The most famous French and global attraction, which only the will of circumstances was not dismantled, as it was conceived during its construction.

The fate of the Eiffel Tower is quite interesting. Its construction was completed in 1889, that year France arranged the World Exhibition, and the tower was the winner at the project competition, which should have identified the appearance of the exhibition complex and decorate it. According to the original plan 20 years after the exhibition, this metal structure should have been disassembled, as it did not fit into the architectural appearance of the capital of France and did not conceive as a permanent building, the most popular attraction in the world was saved to the development of the radio.

Facts about the Eiffel Tower

  • Tower height - 300.65 meters to roof, 324.82 meters to the end of the spire;
  • Weight - 7300 tons tower and 10,000 tons All building;
  • Year of construction - 1889;
  • Construction time - 2 years 2 months and 5 days;
  • Creator - Most-Builder Engineer Gustave Eifel;
  • The number of steps - 1792 to the lighthouse, 1710 to the area of \u200b\u200bthe 3rd level;
  • The number of visitors is more than 6 million per year;

About Eiffel Tower

Height of the Eiffel Tower

The exact height of the tower is 300.65 meters. It was this that I was so conceived by Eifel, who even gave her the simplest name: "Three-meter Tower" or simply "Three pump", "Tour de 300 mètres" in French.

But after construction, the spire antenna was installed on the tower and now its full height from the base to the end of the spire is 324.82 meters.

At the same time, the third and last floor is located at an altitude of 276 meters, this is a maximum available for ordinary visitors.

Eiffel Tower has the appearance of an unusual pyramid. Four columns are based on a concrete foundation, and lifting them intertwined into a single square column.

At an altitude of 57.64 meters, four columns are first connected by the first square platform - a floor with an area of \u200b\u200b4415 square meters, which can accommodate 3,000 people. The platform lies on the arched arch, which largely forms a recognizable appearance of the tower and which served as a kind of gate at the World Exhibition.

Starting from the second floor site, four columns of the towers are wangling into a single design. On it at an altitude of 276.1 meters there is a third and last floor, its area is not so small, as it may seem - 250 sq.m, which allows you to take 400 people at the same time.

But over the third floor of the tower at an altitude of 295 meters is a lighthouse, now it is managed by software. Walks the tower of the spire, which was attached later and was modified several times. It serves as a flagpole and holder for various antennas, radio and television.

Construction of the Eiffel Tower

The main material of the tower is Pudling Steel. The weight of the tower itself is approximately 7,300 tons, and the entire design with the foundation and auxiliary structures weighs 10,000 tons. In total, 18038 separate details were used in construction, which were fastened with 2.5 million rivets. At the same time, each of the details of the tower weighed not more than three tons, which removed most of the problems with their lifting and installation.

During construction, a variety of fairly innovative engineering methods were used, which its creator - Gustave Eifel - learned from his experience of bridge buildings. The tower was able to build only 2 years by three hundred workers, while, due to the high level of safety and designs that simplified the assembly, only one person died on construction.

The high speed of work was achieved, firstly, very detailed drawings, which were created by the engineers of the Bureau of the Eiffel, and, secondly, the fact that all parts of the tower went to the construction site at the ready-to-use form. In various elements, it was not necessary to drill holes, customize them to each other, and 2 \\ 3 rivets were already installed in their places. So workers remained only to collect the tower as a designer using ready-made detailed drawings.

Color of the Eiffel Tower

Interesting and the question of the color of the Eiffel Tower. Now Eiffel Tower paint into the patented color of the "Eiffel Tower Brown", which imitates the color of bronze. But at different times she changed her color and was both orange and burgundy, until the current color was approved in 1968.

On average, the tower is repainted every seven years, the last painting was carried out in 2009-2010, at the 120th anniversary of this attraction. All works were carried out by 25 rap. Old paint is removed by steam, which is fed under high pressure. At the same time, an external inspection of structural elements is carried out, worn out replaced. Then the paint is applied to the tower, which requires approximately 60 tons, including 10 tons of soil and the paint itself, which is applied in two layers. An interesting fact: the tower has different shades below and at the top so that the color is homogeneous for the human eye.

But the main paint function is not decorative, but purely practical. It protects the iron tower from corrosion and the effects of the external environment.

Reliability of the Eiffel Tower

Of course, the wind and other weather phenomena have a great influence on building such a size. During its construction, many people believed that during the design, engineering aspects were not taken into account and the information company was even raised against Hustava Eiffel. But an experienced bridge-builder perfectly understood the possible risks and created a completely stable design with recognizable curved columns.

As a result, the tower is very effectively opposed to the wind, the average deviation from the axis is 6-8 centimeters, even the hurricane wind rejects the spire of the tower no more than 15 centimeters.

But on the metal tower great influence has sunlight. The side of the tower facing the Sun is heated and due to thermal expansion the top can deviate even by 18 centimeters, much more than under the influence of a strong wind.

Lighting tower

Another important element of the Eiffel Tower is its backlight. Already when creating it was clear that such a grand object should be highlighted, because 10,000 gas lamps and spotlights were installed on the tower, which shone into the sky with the flowers of the French tricolor. In 1900, the contours of the tower began to highlight electrical lamps.

In 1925, a huge advertising bought by Andre Citroen appeared on the tower. Initially, on three sides of the tower, a vertically written surname and the name of the Citroen concern was shone, which was seen by 40 kilometers around. Then it was a little upgraded, adding hours and pointers. Dismantled this illumination in 1934.

In 1937, Eiffel Tower began to highlight light rays, and modern light-based lighting lights were installed in 1986. Then the lighting changed several times and changed several times, for example, in 2008 the tower highlighted the stars in the form of the EU flag.

The latest highlighting modernization was carried out in 2015, the lamps were replaced by the LEDs for the sake of electricity saving. In parallel, work was carried out on the installation of heat panels, two wind turbines, a system for collecting and using rainwater.

In addition, the Eiffel Tower is used to launch fireworks during various holidays - for the new year, on the day of taking Bastille, etc.

Interesting Fact: The image of the Eiffel Tower is a popular treasure and can be used freely, but the image and appearance of the backlit tower is protected by the copyright management company and can only be used with their permission.

Floors of the Eiffel Tower

As already mentioned, the Eiffel Tower has three levels, not counting the site with a lighthouse, where only workers and squares can get. Each floor is not just an observation deck, souvenir shops, and restaurants, and other objects are located here, because every level of the Eiffel Tower should be said separately.

As already mentioned, it is located at an altitude of 57 meters from the ground level. Most recently, this level of the tower was reconstructed, during which individual elements were updated on the floor and a transparent floor was built. There is a large number of different objects:

  • Glass balustrades and transparent gender, which give an unforgettable impression from a walk through an emptiness at an altitude of more than 50 meters from the ground. Do not be afraid, the floor is completely safe!
  • Restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel. Not the only one in the tower, but the most famous.
  • Buffet, if you just want to eat or drink.
  • A small cinema in which a film about the Eiffel Tower is broadcast by a variety of projectors immediately for three walls.
  • A small museum with interactive screens telling the history of the tower.
  • The fragment of the old spiral staircase, which led to the Hubstava Eiffel personal office.
  • A recreation area where you can just sit and look at Paris from a bird's eye view.
  • Souvenir shop.

You can get on the first floor as on foot, overcoming 347 steps and on the elevator. At the same time, a ticket for an elevator is 1.5 times more expensive, so walking not only useful, but also profitable. True, in this case you will not be available to the third, the highest platform.

The height of the second floor of the tower is 115 meters. The second and first floor are connected by a staircase and elevator. If you decide to climb the second level of the Eiffel Tower on foot, then get ready to overcome the 674 steps, this is a difficult test, because soberly assess your strength.

By area, this floor is two times less than the first, because there are not so many objects here:

  • Restaurant Jules Verne, where you can pamper yourself an exquisite French cuisine looking at the city from a huge height. Interestingly, this restaurant has a separate direct access from the ground through an elevator in the southern column of the bridge.
  • The historic window is a gallery that tells about the construction of the Eiffel Tower and the work of its elevators of both the first hydraulic and modern.
  • Lookout with large panoramic windows.
  • Buffet.
  • Souvenir kiosk.

The last, third floor of the Eiffel Tower and is the most interesting part of it. Of course, restaurants on the height of a bird's-flight is interesting, but nothing compares with a panorama of Paris from a height of almost 300 square meters.

On the third floor of the tower, visitors can get only rising in a glass elevator, although there is a staircase here, which initially numbered 1665 steps, but was subsequently replaced by a safer 1710 speed.

The last floor of the tower is completely small, its area is only 250 square meters, because there are few objects here:

  • Viewpoint.
  • Bar with champagne.
  • Eiffel Cabinet with original interior and wax figures.
  • Panoramic maps to determine the direction to other cities and attractions.
  • The large-scale floor model in its original form of 1889.

The main thing on this floor, of course, panoramic windows, allowing to see Paris from a huge height. To date, the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower is the second height in Europe after the platform of the Ostankino television in Moscow.

Where is the Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower is located in the center of Paris, on the Marsfield. From the Elysee fields to the tower about two kilometers.

It's impossible to walk in the center on foot to skip the tower, just lift the look up and you will see it, and then just go in the right direction.

Nearest metro station: Bir-Hakeim, the 6th line - from it to the tower you need to go through only 500 meters. But you can also get from Trocadero stations (crossing 6 and 9 lines), Ecole Militaire (8th line).

Nearest Rer Station: Champ de Mars Tour Eiffel.

Bus routes: 42, 69, 72, 82, 87, CHAMP DE MARS stops or "Tour Eiffel"

In addition, a berth is located near the Eiffel Tower, where boats and pleasure boats stop. Also near the tower equipped parking for cars and bicycles.

Eiffel Tower on the map

Information for those who want to visit the Eiffel Tower

Schedule of the Eiffel Tower:

From mid-June to late September:

  • Elevator - from 9:00 to 0:45 (entrance to 0:00 on the 1st and 2nd floor and until 23:00 per 3rd floor)
  • Staircase - from 9:00 to 0:45 (input to 0:00)

The remaining of the year:

  • Elevator - from 9:30 to 23:45 (entrance until 23:00 on the 1st and 2nd floor and until 22:30 on the 3rd floor)
  • Staircase - from 9:30 to 18:30 (input until 18:00)

No weekend, Eiffel Tower works all days a year, and on holidays (Easter and spring holidays) has an extended work schedule.

The cost of tickets for the Eiffel Tower:

  • Elevator with access to the 1st and 2nd floor - 11 €;
  • Staircase with access to the 1st and 2nd floor - 7 €;
  • Elevator on the 3rd viewing area - 17 €;

The cost of tickets is indicated for adults. Group excursions, as well as tickets for children (4-11 years old), youth (12-24 years old) and people with disabilities are cheaper.

Important : The schedule and ticket costs may change, we recommend that you check the information on the official website of the Toureiffel.Paris tower

A few days before Hitler had to visit the occupied Paris, the elevator in the Eiffel Tower broke. The breakdown was so serious that it was not possible to repair the lift in the conditions of war. To visit the most of the most structures of France, Fuhrera failed. Earned the elevator only when Paris was freed from the Nazi invaders - literally in a few hours. Therefore, the French say that although Hitler managed to conquer France, he still could not seize the Eiffel Tower.

If you carefully look at the map of Paris, the capital of France, in order to find out where the Eiffel Tower is located, it can be seen that it is located in the western part of the city, on a Marsa field, on the left bank of the Seine, near the Jena bridge, which connects the Branley embankment with the opposite shore. To find out where the Eiffel Tower is located on the geographical map of the world, you can by the following coordinates: 48 ° 51 '29 "s. Sh., 2 ° 17 '40 "in. d.

It is now the Silhouette of the Eiffel Tower is a symbol of Paris, and once, from the first days of its existence, she caused an ambiguous reaction from both the French and guests and guests. While tourists admired her weight, size and unusual design, many Parisians were categorically against her presence in the capital and repeatedly demanded that the authorities disassemble this grand construction.

From the planned demolition (the weight of the Iron construction was attracted not one firm in the field of metallurgy) Eiffel Tower was saved only because the era of radio frequency waves came - and it was this construction that was suitable for the installation of radio antennic.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a tower

The history of the Eiffel Tower began when the French decided to organize the World Exhibition dedicated to the century of the French Revolution, which took place in 1789. To this end, the competition has been announced throughout the country, the purpose of which was to take the best engineering and architectural projects that can be submitted at the planned event and which will be able to demonstrate the technical achievements of France over the past decade.

Among the competitive works, most of the proposals were similar to each other and were a kind of Eiffel Tower, on which the judges decided to stop their choice. An interesting fact: although the author of the project is considered to consider Gustava Eifel, in reality his staff - Emil Nugje and Maurice Köhlen filed the idea. Their option had to be somewhat modified, because the Parisians, which preferred a more refined architecture, it seemed unnecessary "dry".

It was decided the lower part of the design to lay a stone, and on the first floor to tie the supports and the center of the Tower with Arches, which would also serve the entrance to the exhibition. He filed an idea on all three tiers of facilities to equip the glazed halls, and the top of the design give a rounded shape and decorate it with different decorative elements.


An interesting fact: Half money for the construction of the Eiffel Tower, Gustave Eifel himself was allocated (the remaining part of the amount was made by three French banks). For this, a contract was signed with him, according to which the future structure was transferred to the engineer for rent for a quarter of a century, and the compensation was provided for, which should have covered 25% of its costs.

The tower took off before the exhibition closer (for six months of her work, more than 2 million people came to the unprecedented construction for those times), so its further exploitation brought a lot of money to Eiffel.

The creation of the Eiffel Tower took very little time: two years, two months and five days. Interesting fact: only three hundred workers were involved in construction, and not a single death case was recorded, which at the time was a kind of achievement.

Such rapid pace of construction is primarily due to high-quality drawings, in which absolutely accurate dimensions of all metal parts were indicated (and their number exceeded 18 thousand). When collecting the towers, completely finished parts were applied with holes, two thirds of which had pre-installed ripples.

An important role was played by the fact that the weight of the details did not exceed three tons - it greatly facilitated their rise to the top.

In construction, lifting cranes were involved, which after the tower significantly exceeded their height, raised the items to the maximum level for them, from where they got into mobile cranes, which moved to the rails that were laid for elevators.

Two years after the start of construction work, Eiffel Tower also built her chief engineer on March 31, 1989. Waterproof over the design of the France flag - and the opening of the Eiffel Tower took place. In the same evening, she shone with multi-colored lights: on top of the structure, a lighthouse was installed, which fled the flowers of the French flag, two spotlights and about 10 thousand gas lanterns (they were subsequently replaced by 125 thousand electrical light bulbs).

In our time, the Eiffel Tower at night is "dressed" in a golden robe, which sometimes changes its color depending on the events.

What does a symbol of France look like

The dimensions of the Eiffel Tower were struck by Parisians before the end of construction work - no one had seen such a structure in the world yet. What a grand design appeared in front of them, they say at least such facts that it was much higher than all existing structures at that time: Heopps's pyramid had a height of 146 meters, Cologne and Ulm Cathedrals - 156 and 161 meters, respectively (construction of higher sizes It was erected only in 1930 - it was the New York Chrysler Building height in 319 m).

Immediately after the end of construction, the height of the Eiffel Tower was about three hundred meters (in our time, thanks to the antenna installed on its vertex, the height of the Eiffel Tower in the spire - 324 m). You can climb to the tower to the second floor it is possible in steps - all of them are 1792 pieces or on the elevator. From the second to the third - only on the lift. The one who decides to rise so high will unambiguously regret: the view from the Eiffel Tower is chic - the whole Paris is like a palm.

Eiffel Tower in Paris shocked contemporaries to their unusual forms for the capital, and therefore the project was more than more than nothing criticism.

The designer claimed that this configuration was the best option to successfully resist the strength of the wind (as the time has shown, it was right: even the strongest hurricane, which swept the capital at a speed of 180 km / h, rejected the top of the tower only 12 cm). There is no doubt that the externally Eiffel Tower is somewhat reminiscent of the elongated pyramid, the weight of which is quite a few tons.

Below, at the same distance from each other, four square columns are located, the length of each side of such a column is 129.3 meters and all of them go up at a small angle with tilt to each other. These columns at the level of 57 m connect decorated with arches the arch on which the first tier was installed in size 65 to 65 m (there were placed restaurant). Interestingly, under this floor, from all sides, the names of the seventy two most famous French scientists designers are knocked out, as well as all who accepted a significant participation in the construction of the tower.

From the first platform under a small angle upwards, another four columns rose to each other, which converge together at an altitude of 115 m, and the size of the second floor is two times less than - 35 35 meters (there is a restaurant, and the tanks with intended for lift with machine oil). Four columns on the second tier also go up at an angle, approaching until the height of 190 m is not converged in one column, on which, at the level of 276 m, the third floor is 16.5 by 16.5 meters (there were astronomic and meteorological observatory and physical office).

The lighthouse was installed over the third floor, the light from which can be seen at a distance of 10 km, because of what the Eiffel Tower looks closely beautiful, because shines blue, white and red light - the colors of the national flag of France. In three hundred meters from the ground over the lighthouse, a very small platform was installed - 1.4 per 1.4 meters, on which the twenty-meter spire is now.

As for the mass of the structure, its weight is 7.3 thousand tons (the weight of the total mass of the structure is 10.1 thousand tons). Interesting fact: For all the years of its existence, the Eiffel Tower was sold by particularly lucky entrepreneurs about two tens of times (metal weight of the world-famous construction is not a single buyer attracted). For example, in 1925, the Eiffel Tower was twice sold on scrap metal with Victor lounted.

In the thirty-five years old, the Englishman David Sams, an interesting fact, is that he managed to document the solid Dutch firm that the Paris authorities instructed him to dismantle. As a result, he was arrested, put in prison, but the money was not returned to the firm.